xt7m639k6b8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6b8s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1964-02-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1964 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1964 1964 1964-02-26 2015 true xt7m639k6b8s section xt7m639k6b8s Kastle, Pence Halls
Renovation Work
In Planning S tages

Kernel Staff Writer
University is in the progress of reviewing plans for

the renovation rf Kastle and Pence Halls.
E. B. Farris, cheief engineer for

matntanence and operation said,
"We are reviewing the architects'
final plans and specifications. The
review Is expected to take about


.fter reviewing of the plans,
.ey will go to the Division of
Finance and then to Frankfort.
March 1 Is the target date for
completion of review and further
Also expected by March 1 are
bids on the new law and engiPlans
specifications on these structures
will have been completed.
Farris said, "Although we have
eet March 1 as the target date,
it is no guarantee that we will be
able to start then."

He explained that in a project
of this sort, changes may come up
unexpectedly. Changes in laboratory facilities and other structural designs may not meet with
the approval of the University
ana tne departments concerned.
If the submitted bids are too
high revisions of the plans and
specifications will be necessary.
Mr. Farris said this could result
in a delay.
Mr. Farris said he did not expect the renovation projects to
be completed for the fall semester, although work would begin
as quickly as possible. He said,
"You never know what mny develop or happen to cause delay."
Completion and occupancy of
Kastle and Pence Halls will prob.ably be in January, 1965Kastle Hall will mainly be occupied by the Psychology Department. This department will ocbasement,
cupy the
and the first floor. The second
floor of Kastle Hall will house
the Political Science Department.
of Political
The Department
Science - currently
occupies the
antiquated Social Science Building. The main offices of the Department of Psychology are in
the Funkhouser Building.
Also on the second floor will be
offices for psychology and six
rooms. These will be
lecture rooms and classrooms.
Pence Hall will house four de

partments. The Graduate School
which formerly held offices In the
building will be moved back. At
present the graduate school offices are located on the third floor
of the Chemlstry-Phy3ic- s
Dr. A. B. Kirwln, dean of the
Graduate School, said he anticipated no difficulty in moving
back to Pence Hall. He said.
"They moved us over and they
can move us back." His department will be located on the first
In the basement of Pence Hall
will be the Department of Sociology. Also on the first floor with
the graduate school will be the
School of Diplomacy and additional sociology facilities.
On the second floor of Pence
Hall will be the Department of
Anthropology and additional diplomacy facilities. This floor will
also house one large lecture room
and three classrooms for Joint

University of Kentucky

Vol. LV, No. 79


26, 190


Eight Page


Dr. Kodman Cites Discipline
As Village's Major Problem
Kernel Staff Writer

The main problem at Kentucky Village is a difference
in philosophy concerning the
subject of discipline, according to Dr. Frank Kodman, as-- k
iate professor of psychology
and a member of the advisory
committee which reported to
the governor last week.
Chosen for the committee by
the Kentucky Psychological Association, Dr. Kodman stated that
two opposing camps exist at the
"The first group mostly employees who have been at the

Kernel's David Hawpe
Wins Editorial Award
David V. Hawpe, Kernel
managing editor, has won an
award in editorial writing
from the William Randolph
Hearst Foundation journalism awards program.
Hawpe, a Junior Journalism
major, received a $100 Hearst
scholarship for his editorial. "A
Mature Look at Athletics" which
appeared in the January 29 edition of the Kernel.
Hawpe's editorial called for a
of sports at the
University, and it cited Georgia
Conference as a
move in this direction.
The Hearst scholarships
awarded monthly from October
to entrees from
through April
accredited schools of journalism.
Hawpe's award was for an entree
in the January contest.
Last year Hawpe won a $400
scholarship in the January con- -




test for his editorial, "A Question Unanswered." It dealt with
the necessity for the University
Board of Trustees to clarify their
on the
handbill case.


village for many years think the
only way to discipline the children is to 'let them know who's
boss,' " Dr. Kodman said.
He said the committee found
these are the people who were In
favor of "knocking
the kids
down," complained the lines of
were not clear, and
were concerned about their job
"The other group insists that
the children are disturbed in a
special way and are there for
treatment rather than punishment," he said.
He explained that society as
a whole is moving further away
from an authoritarian outlook
Background on the Kentucky
Village Investigation appears on
Page eight.

which favors strict punishment
to a more democratic attitude
which promotes understanding of
the causes of deviant behavior.
"Our institutions are Just now
starting to catch up with this
trend," Dr. Kodman said. "This
can be seen in the advances being made in our penal institutions. The issue there has become whether a man should be
punished by being locked up for
a prescribed length of time or
whether he should be rehabilitated and permitted to return to
"I have sympathy for the older
employees who have to accept
this new philosophy," Dr. Kodman said. "Sufficient
groundwork wasn't laid to prepare them
for the change."
He explained that discipline
is an important word to these
people. When the committee held
its hearings at the village, the
first question Dr. Kodman asked
was "What is your theory of discipline?"
Most of these people said there

was only one way and that was
strict punishment, he explained.
The psychologist explained that
the reason for so much open resentment among the staff is the

plan of milieu therapy in effect
at the village, rather than group
In this form of therapy, the
treatment pervades the child's
entire environment, rather than
Just the limited atmosphere of
small group discussions.
"This means that all the staff
members have to participate and.
cooperate in the program, even,
the housemothers, waitresses, an4
guards," Dr. Kodman said.
This means that instead of
having a guard strike a child if
he disobeys while In the laundry,
the child's offense will be re- -,
ported to the therapist who will
attempt to find the cause of his
Dr. Kodman explained that
this accounts for the employees'
complaints that Harry Vorrath,
director of the therapy program,
was "running Kentucky Village."
Before taking his position at
the village, Mr. Vorrath had initiated a therapy program at the
Barkley Boys' Camp where Juvenile offenders are screened before being assigned to a more
permanent institution.
The program there proved very
successful, Dr. Kodman explained,
attributing its success partly to
the small staff and comparatively
controlled conditions.
Dr. Kodman said the committee found general over crowed
conditions at the village, but explained that this extends to the
state's other institutions for the
care of Juveniles.
on the grand
jury's report condemning Kentucky Village, Dr. Kodman said,
"They only heard one side, the
Continued on Page 8

Student Center Board
Committee Posts Filled
By GAY GISII, Kernel Staff Writer


The chairmen of the Junior Student Center Board were




elected in a cainpuswide ballot Friday. These people who
have filled the vacant positions on the Junior Board will now
enter a one month's training period anil then will assume their
Elected to the Personnel Chairmanship Is Molly MciCormick,




Senior Student Center Hoard
Members of the Senior Student Center Board are,
the left, front row, Liuda Perkins, Carolyn

Cramer, and Peggy Parsons; back row, John
ler, Ken Brandeuburg, and Rusty Carpenter.


will be Susan Pillans,
sophomore Journalism major. Her
a sophomore history major.
David Phillips will be in charge of the Forum. Phillips, a soph
oniore political science major and is active in the Guignol Theatre,
will be served by Elaine Baumgarten, a sophThe
omore in Arts and Sciences.
The chairman of the Fine Arts Committee is Vickl Curlin, a
sophomore in Education. Miss Curlin worked on the Social Committee this year and was ticket chairman for the Golddiggers' Dance,
of this committee.
Kathy Ware will be the
Clyde Richardson will be the chairman of the Recreation Commember of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
mittee. He is a Junior in pre-laof Wildcat Manor. The
fraternity, and secretary-treasurman is Jack Milne.
Heading the Publication Committee Is Bill Baxter, a junior la
will be Elaine Evans, an Arts and
Sciences sophomore.
was elected to the Publicity Chairmanship.
Cheryl Benedict
Miss Benedict, a Junior art major, is a member of the Art Club,
Delta Delta Delta sorority, and Breckinridge Dorm Council. The
will be held by Gloria Cardinale, sophomore elementary education major.
Centenniul Committee. He was also selected Outstanding Oreek Mail
will be Carol Ann Marshall, a
engineering major. The
sophomore commerce major.
Ken Brandenburgh, senior In engineering, has been appointed
to the Senior Board. Brandenburgh has been treasurer, vice president, and president of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, treasurer of the
Gree Week Steering Committee, chairman of the Little Kentucky
Derby, head guide of Freshman Orientation, and Is on the Student
Centenniul Committee. He was ulso selected outstanding Greek Mail
for tins year.

� 2


Teh. 2C, lOfil

President Oswald Delivers Centennial Challenge
to base plans for its second century of service to the State and
My concern now is that we not
yield to the temptation during
our Centennial Year and spend
most of our time recalling the
achievements of the Century now
though some
being conculded
Let me begin by expressing my reflection on our record of the
past is in order and will reveal
appreciation to all of you faculty, alumni, students, and trusmany significant accomplishtees who have come today to ments. But let the major emplan for the observance of what
phasis be, and let us underscore
Is by all odds the most Impohere today, the fact that at this
rtant anniversary In the history
particular Juncture In our hisof the University the 100th antory, the University of Kentucky
Is characterized
niversary of Its founding. Especiby rapid growth
and significant change and that
ally would I recognize the presence here of 12 students and our Centennial Observance should
four faculty advisers from the
be a time for us to emphasize the
vital role of scholarship In toCommunity Colleges at Ashland,
Henderson, Covington, and Cumday's world, and revitalize and
rededicate the University as a
whole to the problems which lie
Frankly, I a sited you to have
lunch with Mrs. Oswald and me ahead dedicated to the idea that
here today on the 99th annia strong and growing University
is vital to a strong and growing
versary of the University's foundso that we may coordinate
our thinking on Just what it Is
Today, then, I would like to
we are celebrating, when one year
with you about the chalfrom today, we officially open a speak
lenge the Centennial Observance
observance of the Cenyear-lon- g
to us, and hopefully, as I
tennial. All of us recognize, I poses this
challenge, I can inthink, that it Is customary and
dicate to some extent, how the
appropriate that institutions of Centennial celebration Itself can
learning observe their
help us face up to our problems
Centennial Year with programs
through adequate
past achievements only those of an planning naimmediate
while at the same time looking
ture but also those in the future.
to opportunities In the future.
First, I should like to discuss
And I don't need to tell you
the significance of the Centenpeople of the lateness of the hour
nial, as I see it, in the context
at which we began revising and of the
problems we face.
implementing the plans submitMilton
ted to us early In 1961 by the
noted: "If the Land-GraCommittee of Fifteen for the
had not been conceived, if a
observance of this hisproper
handful of men with vision and
toric event.
spirits had not recognized
Many of you have been hard daring
the crucial needs of the 1 SCO's
at work now for several months
and worked incessantly to meet
planning a series of programs
those needs I venture to say
including the securing of Centhat this nation might well have
tennial Professors, the planning
been overtaken and engulfed by
of Centennial Conferences, the
a tide of history."
writing and designing of CenMilton Eisenhower was refertennial
and the
cereof appropriate
ring to the great impact which
Act of 1862 had
the Land-Gramonial occasions to celebrate our
on American education as we
centennial. I am aware of your
moved from a concept of educaefforts and deeply appreciate the
tion for the few, and of a classenergies and talents which are
going into the planning of this ical nature, to the concept of
education for all and an educasignificant program.
tion which meets the needs of
Recognizes Patterson, Miller
society. Involved in this is the
At this point I would like to idea that a university must be
both a leader and servant of
recognize the work done by the
Coordinator, Dr. J. society. It is even fair to say, I
W. Patterson, and the Assistant
think, that the truly American
character of the university came
Coordinator, Jerry Miller. They
have been of tremendous help
with the advent of the land-graand we would not nearly be so
college. Now, over a hunwithout these two dred years later, we face anew
far along
the challenge of the land-grapeople.
I am confident that In spite
idea. This is the time for higher
of the rather late beginning we
education to assert its leaderwill emerge with a series of proship more vigorously, to bring Its
resources to bear more forcibly
grams which will permit the
University to coll attention to a on current problems in order
of fulfilled hope on which
that society might truly benefit.

we make our CentennlalYenr
the greatest planning period in
our history.
Let us begin to plnn now, and
In 1CW5. for the enrollments of
1975; let us plan to both teach
and house the Incoming students.
Let us plan now to provide the
kind of leadership demanded and
expected of a state university
through expanded programs of
research and services; let us plan
how to extend the original concollege,
cept of the land-grathat of service to modern socthe problems to be solved
are endless traffic control, urbanization, slums, use of leisure
time, only to name a few.
To be sure, our planning is
already underway at the Inlver-sit- y
of Kentucky. I think the
trustees took
significant step
in January with the establishdistinctive community
ment of
college system within our University. This system in fact was
proposed on the assumption that
It would become a valuable instrument In helping to preserve
the most sacred tenet of Ameri-ra- n
educational philosophy that
each individual should be provided the maximum opportunity
to educate himself to the limit of
his capacity. It is my belief that
this system will help us move
toward the Southern Regional
Education Board's twin goals of
1. 'Full Opportunity" with t. 'excellence.'
In addition, v.e have recently
and proadopted appointment
motion procedures which, hopewill help to promote the
kind of academic environment
which will lead to the retention
and recruitment of the highest
quality faculty. Our new policy
is a standardized
and promotion procedure on a
basis. This process brings the faculty into an active role in considerations of appointments and
promotion, stresses quality in
teaching and research, and involves procedures which bring together related disciplines from
various parts of the University.


The text of the Centennial
Challenge delivered by President John IT. Oswald nt a
luncheon for the major Centennial committers nt Spindle-to- p
Hall, lib. 2'1-- the
founder's Day:


In fact this

Is not Just a desirable goal but an essential fact.

Not Just For Elite
We have come to accept the
idea that education is not Just
for the privileged the elite that
it should be available to all in
the development of their talents.
But at the same time, we must
hold steadfastly to the concept
of academic excellence. We must
search for quality in education as
we open the door to quantity.
The challenge posed by these two
ideals is enormous; it presents,
perhaps, even a stormier tide of
history than this country faced
in 1862.
We know that by 1970 more
6 million
persons will be
qualified for and seeking admittance to our colleges and universities. There are now over four
million. College enrollments
1970 will be nearly 100 percent
higher than in 1955. Seymour
Harris, a Harvard
estimates thai the total cost of
American higher edufinancing
cation will double between 1963
and 1970. Our problems at the
University of Kentucky roughly
parallel those of the national
scene. By 1975, for example, our
enrollment may well reach 18,000
and there will be 8.5 million in
colleges. With this dramatic increase in numbers of students, of
course, will come a corresponding increase in faculty members.
As I have said many times in
the past few months, I came from
a state keenly aware of the need
for planning; for the state of
with the great number of persons moving into the
state as well as the tremendous
increase in population through
higher birth rates we often say
that if one Is not 15 years
ahead in his planning, he is five
years behind. My plea today is







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Calls For
At the same time we are in the
It is
process of
my hope that by early summer
we can submit the blueprint of
cademic plan that
will take a close look at our entire range of activities teaching,
research, and public service and
provide us with wise guidance as


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Challenges Student Body
And to the students, I challenge you to make a major contribution to the total intellectual
climate on our campus in 1965.
I challenge you to maximize the
which will come
your way through your contacts
with distirsuished visiting professors and other eminent personalities who will be visiting our
campus; but at the same time, I
challenge you to come forth with
programs of your own that will
make our students keenly aware
that a University is a community
of scholars programs which will
excite our appetites In asking
questions and in communicating
with other scholars.


major battle aganist what Richard Ilofstadter has called
In American life.
Through stepped-u- p
with the people of the state, let
us seek to wipe out all resentment and suspicion of the life
of the mind. The result, hopefully, will be a citzienry better
informed on the roles of the
I'niversity in this rapidly changing Commonwealth, and a faculty
equipped to render
services to the people we serve.
If we accept these challenges,
the future we seek for higher
education will be much more predictable. We'll meet quantity education with quality; well expand
our research facilities and opportunities; we'll expand our services
to this state and nation; In short,
we'll maximize our dual role of
servant and leader in this state.
Why? Clark Kerr, President of
the University of California, has
suggested the answer: "Torn by
change, a university has the stability of freedom. Though it has
not a single soul to call its own.
Its members pay their devotions
to truth."
I would conclude with a restatement of the Centennial
in the
coupled with favor for the traditions of the past and so "Thia
Is The Pathway To The Stars."





To our alumni, I challenge
of your
you to a
thinking in regard to the role
that the alumni should play In
University affairs. I challenge you
to accept, during 1965, the reality
that the margin necessary to
provide the excellence to go along
with growth in numbers, will
have to come from alumni and
Iriends. The year 1965 is the
moment for our alumni to grasp
this challenge, meet it, and give
the University the boost it needs
at this Juncture in its history.

To all of us, I issue this challengethat we make the Centennial Year the period to wage



we embark on the University's
second century.
And so, my challenege to you
on this 99th observance of our
founding, is to make the year of
1965 the revolutionary year in our
To the faculty, I challenge you
to a complete
our academic program and your
role in it. I call upon you to
your objectives
underscore your faith in the great
of liberal education
I ask you to
and scholarship;
reaffirm your interest 'in and increase your contributions to the
world's knowledge.
To the trustees, I challenge
you to help us maximize our
dual role as both servant and
leader of society. As we Immerse
ourselves In every facet of society, we must at the same time
play the role of the critic, the
observer, the evaluator of society.
I call upon the trustees to help
us remain free while we serve.
We shall also call upon you to
help us, of course, find the necessary support to pay for the Increased costs of an expanded enrollment, an expanded faculty,
expanded facilities, expanded research, and greatly expanded
services. We ask for your
support and understanding as we come to you with new
programs and new demands on
our resources.




Tvh. 2fi,



Faculty, Students, Trustees, Alumni Respond

Following is the text of the
response to the President's
Centennial Challenge by Dr.
Thomas Clark, chairman of
the faculty Centennial Com-- n
it Ire:
It is indeed a privilege for

members of the present faculty
to have the honor of closing the
first century of this University's
history. It is an even greater
privilege to help launch it into
the second century. For almost 15
years a group of faculty members have labored industriously
to bring the University of Kena high standard of
tucky up-texcellence which would make it
worthy of a major celebration.
In these years an extensive
amount of
has taken place.
We have sought to establish new
guides, new objectives, and new
to the century-ol- d
challenges which have confronted
this and all other state universities.
We can take deep satisfaction
that in our self appraisals we are
able to list these assets: A library that is well into Its second
million volumes, a faculty that
is produrtive and restive to be at
the essential tasks of a modern
university; of teaching and research, of research facilities of
various and expanding sorts.
A University
Press that is
capable of giving scholarly works
In this day
wide distributions
cf high productive potential. But
most precious of all the University launches itself into its second century with a student body
that is eager,
and deeply challenged by the
pressures of the age itself. This
to the
Is the heart challenge
faculty. When a professor stops
to give thought to the enormous
possibilities of his work in the
classroom at this great moment
in an world civilization he is
at once dazzled and awed by the
limitless demands upon his talents.
We enter our second century
with a Kentucky society
to accept the challenges of higher education. The
central ideals and concepts of a
people's ' state university
been hardened in the furnace of
We no longer
rugged experience.
have to sell the basic ideal, but
only by constant vigilance, eternal testing, a willingness to accept fresh ideas, and with courage enough to dream collectively
can a university and its people
grow In maturity. It is fortunate
that we close an old century
and open a new one in a high
state of fermentation. As a faculty we accept the high challenge to excellence in all our endeavors in setting a high standard of accomplishment In these
Important transitional years. The
responsibility of challenge, however; rests with the faculty.
Thus we ask administration and
student body to Join us in buildfouning up from a century-ol- d
dation a university that makes
its most endowing accomplishments in the areas of exploration, discovery, and liberal education fitted to the needs of an
complete society.
Most of all this faculty challenges its own membership, the
and the student
body to open the new century
with tolerant minds that will
encourage free investigation, to
encourage worthy and free mib- lication of valid results
fie ex
search, and to pursue
ploration of ideas no nuftter how
mifJn be. For
unpopular they
the faculty and the University,
indeed look
Mr. President,
to the stars.


The response to the Presi
dent's Centennial Challenge
by Robert llillemneyer, speaking for the Hoard of Trustees:
It is with the deepest sense of

and enthusiasm
that I accept this challenge on
behalf of the trustees. May we
have the vision and understanding to meet this charge.
As our University approaches
the second century of her existence, may we realize more
clearly than ever before the importance of her role, and the
magnitude of her responsibility
as both servant and leader in
our society.
May we have the wisdom to
provide an atmosphere where the
intellects of men may flourish
in freedom an atmosphere permeated with a desire for excellence.
May we not be discouraged by
any limitations of the past, but
rather encouraged by our successes. Let us dedicate ourselves
to furthering the public understanding of the mission of our
University, for when we have
fully Interpreted her role, we shall
most certainly gain adequate support for the expansion of enrollment, faculty, research and
May we, as trustees, realize
the privilege that is ours to be
a part of one cf life's great ventures a free, growing and dynamic University. May we fully
and enthusiastically
accept the opportunity to Join
you. Mr. President, your administration, faculty, staff and students, in this beginning of a new
Let us hereby rededicate ourselves to accomplish this revolution and with God's help, know
that we shall provide the example
and leadership to meet . these,
Response to the President's
Centennial Challenge by (iil-bcKingsbury, speaking for
University alumni:
I feel an awesome responsibility in speaking for the alumni
of the University of Kentucky.
In that group are about five
of our most recent governors, a
Pulitzer Prize Winner, several
atomic scientists and about 15
presidents of colleges and about
15 presidents of colleges and universities.
On top of that, we have industrialists by the score, bankers
by the dozens, and enough lawyers to confuse any issue.
I say I'm awed but actually
I rite those farts and vague figures only to prove that we who
have been fortunate enough to
have attended the University of
have taken away from
its classroom and campus much
more than we ran ever repay.
Perhaps some of us have not
attained the fame of others. But
we all have taken a proiit from
our all too short stay.
And Dr. Oswald is correct. We
must change our approach. We
must meet the challenge.
For too long we have been
chanting the mournful tones of
this, or
lamenting that.
now time that we recIt is
ognize our heritage and our debt.
It is now time that we don the
robes of Joshua, that we bring
out the trumpets of praise and
tend tumbling down' the walls
of provincialism
and isolation
that have enclosed us.
Our nostalgia should be converted to a burning emotion. We
should stoke the fires of that
emotion with facts and figures.
And we should go forth burn




110 N. UPPER ST.
Phone 254-126- 6


Response to the President's

Cent e n n i a I Challenge
James Svara,
the Student Centennial



Oswald has made a
challenge to the stuto make a major contridents:
bution to the total intellectual
climate on our campus, to formulate programs to make the
students aware that a university is a community of scholars,
and to increase the communication between students and professors. Not only do we accept
the challenge, but also we are
grateful that such a challenge
has been made.
In a way, participation In the
Centennial Observance is more
important to the members of the
Centennial Class than it could
be for the other committees. Although trustees, faculty, alumni
and students alike share in the
hopes for the University, the
Class of 1965 from which the
was chosen has only one more full
year at the University, and we
would have been disappointed to
have missed the Centennial. It
gives us the opportunity to formulate plans w hich will be thorough rather than piecemeal,
broad in scope, rather than limited, permanent rather than stopgap.
To those of us who entered
the I'niversity in 1961 who were
concerned about improving the
I'niversity, it seemed as if our
four years would rnd like a poorly
constructed play in which changes
are not rarried to the desired
end and themes are not fully
developed. One that would rnd
on a note of Incompletion and

frustration rather than




students participate In the free
exchange of knowledge and ideas.
We discovered that we could
not merely add to the student
Intellectual life, but would have
to do much in creating it. Our
however, were not
united, our resources limited, and
our goal only vaguely defined.
Then during the third act of
our undergraduate
drama, the
situation changrd. Suddenly, defrom the sky with the
keys to the president's office in
one hand and a calendar in the
other, a virtual "deus ex
appeared. Probably . . ,
Aristotle would have criticized
such a development in a literary
work, but in this real-lif- e
leadership and inspiration from
an unexpected source are to be
appreciated, not criticized.
And so, the challenge implicit
In the 100th anniversary having
been articulated
and incorporated into an overall plan for the
expansion of the I'niversity, art
three will end with the student-rharartrworking and planning,
and the final act will unfold in
a selling of celebration and purposeful change. The work will
end for us not in discouragement,
but In a spirit of optimism.
Thus, to the members of the
and the
members of the Centennial Class
this observance offers the desired
chance to make both substantial
and irreversible changes primarily to strive for the Creation of a
viable intellectual
life among
before we graduate.
President Oswald, we accept the
challenge to contribute to the
realization of the goals we share
for the University of Kentucky
during what is the school's 100th
and our final year.

Response to the President's
Challenge by
Sandy lirotk,
the Student Centennial Committee:


The observance of the Centennial Year of the University
Kentucky is to be not only a
time of recognition of past acit is to be a
time of evaluation; it is to be a
time of initiation of sustaining
programs for the future a futuie
which is always a challenge because it is ever before us.
IVr, as students, consider it an
honor to be a minute part of
Is my privilege, at this timr, to
present the mrmhrrs of the Student (rntrnnial Committees.