xt7m639k4w95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k4w95/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1958 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 1, Summer 1958 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 1, Summer 1958 1958 1958 2014 true xt7m639k4w95 section xt7m639k4w95 ERONTIER NURSING SERVICE
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Entrance to Patients Waiting Room and Clinic ‘
Kentucky Pull Gate .
, I
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky. "’
Subscription Price $1.00 A Year ‘
Edit0r’s Office: Wendover, Kentucky V-M
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky.,  
under Act of March 3, 1879." SIN
Copyright, 1958, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ,‘»_
. I

} A Winter’s Tale Alice Herman 23
  A VVorking on Wolf Creek (Illus.l Betty Lester 39
  Annual Report 2
  Ave Atque Vale Olive Bunce 21
W   Beyond the Mountains 43
  Editor`s Own Page 32
K  Field Notes 47
;  In Honor of Dr. Beasley Contributed 17
  Old Courier News 25
 ` Old Staff News 33
j The Barger Ford A Photograph Inside back cover
f A Letter of Liking Bella Vmogliczu 38
 ` Children of Dr. and Mrs.
; Rogers Beasley A Photoymplii 31
  Friendship Buddifs 24
 n From a Patient 22
 t Just Jokes 41
I,  Mrs. Margaret Adams A Plzotograiplz 20
  Our Mail Bag 42
  Summer Complaint John Bunyan 30
  I Thanksgiving Day Reunion in England 20
  · · VVanted 22
VVhite Elephant 46
Why? (Verse) Maude Tucker Smith 3]
` VVishes They Wouldn’t 19

 1 2
VV. A. Hifncr, Jr., C.PiA. _
Rex B. Potter. C.P.A. E
Telephone 2-1975 i'
To the Officers and Trustees  
Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated p i
Lexington, Kentucky T
Ladies and Gentlemen:  1;
p We have made a detailed examination of your records and  .
accounts for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1958, with the results  E
as disclosed by the annexed Exhibits and supporting schedules.  
Your books have been closed under our direction and are in  
accord with this report.  
Respectfully Submitted,  f
Certified Public Accountants L l
• .
. Lexington, Kentucky A
May Twenty-third
Nin··t<·»·n Fifty-eight

 QUARTERLY Bunrmwm 3
of the
5 for the Fiscal Year
E May 1, 1957 to April 30, 1958
i As has been our custom since we were one year old, we pre-
 . sent our annual report of the fiscal affairs and of the field of
A operations of the Frontier Nursing Service, to its trustees, mem-
  bers, and subscribers.
 { We have, as in previous years, divided our report into two
 { sections. One section is about money, and one section about
 . work.
 T ` 1.
  Our annual audit is so detailed, and therefore so voluminous,
  that we do not print it in full. The figures that follow are taken
 V from the Exhibits and Schedules of the last audit. We have
 ’ divided these figures into four categories, each covering one
 I page, to make easier reading. The auditors’ own Summary is
  the first category. The second is their list of Endowments and
V Reserves. The third category covers all Revenue Receipts. The
 Q fourth category we have put into two columns—to the left the
`   . expenditures of the last fiscal year taken from the audit, and to
?_  the right the Budget accepted by our trustees for the current
, _ fiscal year, based on last year’s expenditures.
’ Under a fifth category, called Inventory, We account for all
our properties. All five categories are given in sequence on the
following pages.
·_ Under the heading of Conclusion, we tell something of what
T the year has meant to us.

 4  .
As at April 30, 1958  
Cash on Hand—Petty Funds .................._....................................... $ 615.00  
Cash on Hand—Undep0sited .........>.........,...,......................`........... 350.00  `
Cash in Banks:  
Security Trust Company—General Account ....>....>............ 19,361.75 T
Security Trust Company—Alpha Omicron Pi Account .... 7,430.38 <
Security Trust Company—Social Service Special V
Savings Account ............>..................................,......,....... 3,947.38
Peoples Bank, Hazard—Organization Account ...,.............. 511.66  
Total Cash ....>..................................,...............................,...........,................ $ 32,216.17  
Temporary Loans Account ..........................................,...........l................................. 1,407.50  
V Realty, Equipment and Livestock ,...,.......................,........,...................................... 379,498.03 `
Endowment, Memorial and Reserve Fund Investments at `
Original Costs, in hands of:  
Security Trust Company, Lexington, Kentucky ........ 620,451.58  
Libe1·ty National Bank & Trust Co., Louisville, Ky... 85,250.83  ’
Guaranty Trust Company, New York .......................... 185,000.00  _
A Bankers Trust Company, New York ............................ 86,500.00  V
Total Investments—Original Costs .................................................. 977,202.41  —
g Accounts Receivable ...........................................i...................................................... 1,088.97  
‘ Total Assets .................................................................................................. $1,391,415},08  z
· Accrued Payroll Taxes Withheld .................................................. 1,264.85  
Money Borrowed .............................................................................. 17,000.00  ,`
Endowment, Memorial and Reserve Funds .........................,...... 977,202.41 ,
’ Total Liabilities ...............,.,.,.................,..................,............._.___..._,____,.,___ 995,467,26
Free Surplus .............................l.....,.,.,.......................,.............,.................................. 395,945.82  ,
Represented by-    
Contributions and Income from Organization to  
‘ April 30, 1958 ..,.......................................................,......... 4,854,830.00 _
Less: 3 I `
Expenses Paid from Organization to April 30, 1958 ......i... 4,458,884.18 ~ _ `
Net Income—Organization to April 30, 1958 ....................................,_,,_.,_____   ____ 395,94532  ti A
e .i. 4 4 A 5;;% ·
Total Revenue Receipts ...i......,.....................____..............,..,,.....__.._, 4,854,830,00 f
Total Endowment Receipts ...........................................,..,._,_...,.,___ 977,202,41 .
Total Monies Collected ..............,....................i,..,,..,,_____._ 5,832,0;:32,41 L

  April 30, 1957 and 1958
· Totals Additions Totals
` April 30 During April 30
1957 Year 1958
5 Designated Funds--Income Restricted:
r Joan Glancy Memorial Baby's Crib ........,........... $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
  Mary Ballard Morton Memorial .......................... 85,250.83 85,250.83
  Jessie Preston Draper Memorial (1) .................. 15,000.00 15,000.00
* Jessie Preston Draper Memorial (2) .................. 185,000.00 185,000.00
 ` Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial .............,.,.......... 16,000.00 16,000.00
* Isabella George Jeffcott Memorial ...................... 2,500.00 2,500.00
Bettie Starks Rhodes Memorial Baby's Crib .... 5,000.00 5,000.00
Z John Price Starks Memorial Baby's Crib .......... 5,000.00 5,000.00
Nora Oliver Shoemaker Memorial Baby's Crib 5,000.00 5,000.00
` Eliza Thackara Memorial ...................................... 1,880.18 $ 178.28 2,058.46*
_ Children’s Christmas Fund in memory of
  Barbara Brown .............................................. 1,000.00 1,000,00
_ Donald R. McLennan Memorial Bed .................. 12,750.00 12,750,00
  Louie A. Hall Legacy in memory of Sophronia
. Brooks for a Center and its endowment .... 54,028.96 2,259.08 56,288.04*
  Margaret A. Pettet Legacy .................................. 1,953.70 1,953,70
‘ Hattie M. Strong Memorial .................................. 10,000.00 10,000,00
Jane Short Atwood Legacy .................................. 7,500.00 7,500,00
  Sub-totals ........................................................ $412,863.67 3 2,437.36 $415,301,03
'_ Designated Funds—Income Unrestricted:
 j Marion E. Taylor Memorial .................................. $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000,00
 ~ Fanny Norris Fund ................................................ 10,000.00 10,000,00
  Marie L. Willard Legacy ....................................., 3,127.36 3,127,36
 ‘ Wm. Nelson Fant, Jr. Memorial .......................... 78,349.52 78,349,52
  Mrs. Charles H. Moorman Fund ............... . ............ 1,100.00 1,100,00
 · Lillian F. Eisaman Legacy .................................... 5,000.00 5,000,00
 " Lt. John M. Atherton Memorial .......................... 1,000.00 1,000,00
{ Mrs, Morris B. Belknap Fund .............................. 26,375.00 26,375,00
··  Elisabeth Ireland Fund .......................................... 17,257.50 17,257,50
Q Elizabeth Agnes Alexander Legacy .................... 5,000.00 5,000,00
 ., Richard D, McMahon Legacy .............................. 943.23 943,23
 i Anonymous—General Endowment .................... 102,400.00 (15,900.00) 86,500,00
_ Mrs. W. Rodes Shackelford in memory of
, her two children .............................................. 10,000.00 10,000,00
 . Beulah Bruce Brennan Memorial ........................ 2,000.00 2,000,00
; Anna Rosina Gooch Memorial. .........,... . ............... 16,625.00 16,625,00
· Jeannie B, Trull Legacy ........................................ 33,253.33 33,253,33
¤ Elizabeth B. Perkins Legacy ................................ 152,970.44 152,970,44
Frances Kendall Ross Legacy ............................,. 17,100.00 17,100,00
  Elizabeth Sherman Lindsay Memorial ................ 5,000.00 5,000,00
 ·· Helen N. and Beatrice A. Wilson Fund .............. 2,000.00 3,000.00 5,000,00
, Sophia Cogswell Stiger Memorial ........................ 3,000.00 3,000,00
_ Mrs, John W, Price, Jr. Fund .....,...,..............,.,... 10,800.00 10,300,00
`  Charles N. Kavanaugh, M.D. Memorial .............. 1,000.00 1,000,00
‘ A Margaret C. Breckinridge Legacy ...................... 3,000.00 3,000,00
. ~ Sub-totals ........................................................ $930,165.05 (10,462.64) $919,702,41
` j Reserve Account:
 T , Mrs, Louise D, Crane ..,.......................,............,...... $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000,00
·. Mrs. Frederick Mosley Sackett ............................ 10,000.00 10,000,00
~ Mrs, Eliza A. Brovsme ....................,....................... 16,000.00 15,000,00
 ` Winfield Baird Fund ......,......................................... 20,000.00 20,000,00
Lillie McGinness Legacy ........................................ 2,500,00 2,500,00
, Harriet H. Grier Legacy ........................................ 5,000,00 5,000,00
 · Totals ................................................................ $980,165.05 (2,962,64) $977,202,41
* Income added to principal.

 l 1
Statement of Donations and Subscriptions Paid
May 1, 1957 to April 30, 1958
SUMMARY? Contributions gggggig gg; Totals `
Alpha Omicron Pi .............................................................. $ 4,179.17 $ 4,179.17
Baltimore Committee ........................................................ 2,118.09 2,118.09 .
Boston Committee .............................................................. 6,127.29 6,127.29
Chicago Committee ............................................................ 5,763.43 5,763.43 j
Cincinnati Committee ....................................................... 9,057.35 9,057.35 '
Cleveland Committee ......................................................... 7,529.14 7,529.14 j
Daughters of Colonial Wars ............... - ........................... . 3,098.35 . _ 3,098.35
Detroit Committee ............................................................. 14,850.00 14,850.00 (
Hartford Committee .......................................................... 1,179.50 1,179.50 yr
Kentucky:* sl
Blue Grass Committee .............................................. 9,934.00 9,934.00 (
Louisville Committee ................................................. 7,037.50 7,037.50
Miscellaneous Kentucky ........................................... 1,815.34 1,815.34
Citizens Hyden Hospital Fund ................................ 3,306.10 3,306.10
Minneapolis Committee ..................................................... 1,609.50 1,609.50  `
New York Committee ....................................................... . 19,815.04 $ 4,171.00 23,986.04 V
Philadelphia Committee ................................................... 4,729.46 1,329.00 6,058.46  -`
Pittsburgh Committee ...................................................... . 13,317.77 13,317.77 i 
Princeton Committee ........................................................ 1,714.00 1,714.00  ‘
Providence Committee ...................................................... 1,950.80 1,950.80  i
Riverdale Committee ......................................................... 1,354.00 1,354.00  _
Rochester Committee ........................................................ 2,824.48 2,824.48
Washington 2* *  .
Washington, D. C. Committee ................................. 7,071.15 7,071,15 _
Washington Benefit:  ‘
Contributions through Beneiit ........................ 1,549.45 l
Proceeds of Benefit ............................................ 1,100.13 2,649.58  i
Miscellaneous ...................................................................... 10,215.64 10,215.64 V
Totals ........................................................................... $140,597.10 $ 8,149.58 $148,746.68  .
* Total for Kentucky $22,092.94 I
** Total for Washington $9,720.73
Fees for Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery ........ 7,586.17 ,
Payments from Patients:
Income from Nursing Centers ................................. 13,560.61 `
Medical and’Surgical Fees ....................................... 11,569.44 , "
Hyden Hospital Fees ................................................. 17,276.52  xx
Hyden Hospital Clinic Supplies ............................... 13,422.95 55,829.52 *  »
Wendover Post Office ........................................................ 3,717.60
Investment Income ................. Q .......................................... 50,778.34
Miscellaneous ...................................................................... 366.38 113,273_01
TOTA.L—ALL REVENUE RECEIPTS ....... $267,02459

‘ I. FIELD EXPENSES: 1957-1958 1958-1959
(Hyden Hospital, Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery,
_ Wendover, and Six Nursing Centers)
, 1. Salaries and Wages .........,...............................,.............,............ $ 77,629.51 $ 80,500.00
* 2. Medical Director ........................................................................ 8,675.01 8,500.00
3. Dispensary Supplies (See Note 1) .......................................... 37,552.35 37,000.00
· 4. Running Costs: Food—minus board of residents; cows,
Q fuel, electricity, laundry, freight and hauling, et cetera .... 41,094.58 42,000.00
  5. Feed and care of 19 horses and mules (See Note 2) .......... 4,527.03. 4,500.00
L 6. Jeeps (18), Truck, Station Wagon Ambulance .................... 8,167.23 8,500.00
2 7. Maintenance of Properties ...................................................... 15,364.43 20,000.00
·l Total Field Expense .......................................................... $193,010.14 $201,000.00
i‘ 1. Salaries, Accounting and Auditing, Oiiice Supplies, Post-
; age, Telephone and Telegraph, Printing, etc ....................... $ 36,603.45 $ 37,000,00
 " III. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX ........................................................... 2,795,89 2,800,00
A IV. SOCIAL SERVICE ......................................................................... 8,008.65 8,000,00
 '_ 1. Insurance (Fire—$301,000.00 coverage) Employer’s Lia-
, bility, full coverage on truck, 18 jeeps, and station
; wagon) .......................................................................................... 6,048.92 6,000,00
‘ Q 2. Quarterly Bulletins (covered by subscriptions) .................. 4,179.78 4,300,00
 ’ 3. Statistics ....................................................................................... 914.32 2,700,00
Q = 4. Miscellaneous Projects such as: Doctors and Nurses for
.  · study and observation, professional books and magazines 743.93 700.00
Q 5. Miscellaneous Promotional Expenses beyond the moun-
, tains ............................................................................................ 1,232.68 1,200.00
  $ 13,119.63 $ 14,900.00
` SUB-TOTAL* ................................................................................ . .......... $253,537.76 $263,700.00
Q  EQUIPMENT, AND LIVESTOCK: ...................................... 13,749.00 6,300,00
 ·· » TOTAL EXPENSE ............................................................ $267,286.76 $270.000.00
* The Audit Report shows this total for Expenses, and the item of NEW LAND AND BUILDINGS,
, etc. is shown separately in EXHIBIT B.
Q _‘ Note 1: Approximately 1/3 of supplies relayed to Districts.
I Note 2: Five animals belong to FNS employees, who must ride to work.

(From Exhibit C of the Audit) `
Our auditors set a value of $379,498.03 on these holdings, · 
after adjustments. Among the major holdings are the following: .
» Hyden ·
A stone Hospital, one wing of which is the Mary Ballard ,
Morton Memorial, one wing the Mary Parker Gill Memorial, and j
the frame Annex, a Memorial to "Jackie" Rousmaniere; Joy  
House, home of the Medical Director, a gift of Mrs. Henry B. 1*
‘ Joy; Aunt Hattie’s Oak Barn, gift of Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong;
Mardi Cottage, the Quarters for the Frontier Graduate School of  
Midwifery; The Margaret Voorhies Haggin Quarters for Nurses; =
two water tanks; two employees’ cottages; and outbuildings  -
such as garages, work shop, pighouses, forge, pump house, two i 
fire hose houses and the Wee Stone House.
_ Wendover  5
Three log houses, as follows: the Big House ("in memory of  I
Beckie and Polly"), the Old Cabin and the Ruth Draper Cabin;  
; the Garden House; the Upper and Lower Shelf; the Couriers‘ L
- Log Barn and Aunt Jane’s Barn; numerous smaller buildings  
t such as the cow barn, cow hospital barn, mule barn, tool house,  ‘
chicken houses, forge, apple house, pump house, jeep shed, two I
- fire hose houses, two water tanks, and the Pebble Work Shop. V.
Georgia Wright Clearing  p
_ A caretaker’s cottage and barn, extensive pasture land for  `
horses and cows; a bull’s barn and stockade; two wells. A
Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Nursing Center
(Beech Fork; Post Office, Asher, Leslie County) `
Frame building and oak barn; deep well, pump house and  
Water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens. I _
Frances Bolton Nursing Center
(Possum Bend; Post Oflice, Confluence, Leslie County)
Frame building and oak barn; deep well, pump house and »
water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens. ,

  Clara Ford Nursing Center
_ (Red Bird River; Post Office, Peabody, Clay County)
I Log building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in spring;
deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage for pas-
»* ture and gardens.
Z Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial Nursing Center
‘ (Flat Creek; Post Oiiice, Creekville, Clay County)
Q 4 Frame building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in
V spring; deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage
2) for pasture and gardens.
Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial Nursing Center
(Bullskin Creek; Post Oiiice, Brutus, Clay County)
V Frame building and oak barn; jeep shed; fire hose house;
; walled-in spring; water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and
  gardens. A
‘ Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial Nursing Center
(Post Oifice, Bowlingtown, Perry County)
. Frame building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in
‘ spring; deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage
‘ for pasture and gardens.
` Subsidiary Clinics
` .Six small clinic buildings on the following streams: Bull
‘ Creek, Stinnet (Mary B. Willeford Memorial), Grassy Branch,
, Hell-for-Certain Creek, the Nancy O’Driscoll Memorial on Cut-
5 shin Creek, and Sizerock on Upper Bullskin.
. Livestock
Thirteen horses; one mule; one registered Brown Swiss bull;
twelve cows; two heifers; registered Hampshire brood sow, and
( eight pigs; over two hundred chickens.
V: Equipment V
` l Equipment includes: eighteen jeeps; one Ford station
wagon-ambulance; one three-quarter ton truck; tanks; engines;
pumps; farm implements; plumbers’ tools; sixty—two pairs of
i saddlebags; saddles; bridles; halters; hospital equipment and
furnishings; dispensary supplies; and household furnishings and

equipment at Hyden, Wendover, and the six outpost centers, i
variously located in a seven-hundred-square mile area.
11.  i
The data in this section are supplied by the statistical  
department of the Frontier Nursing Service; by records kept on A
guests and volunteer workers; and by the social service secretary l
maintained by the Alpha Omicron Pi Fund.  
- We have been so fortunate during the whole of this past
iiscal year to have Dr. W. B. Rogers Beasley continue on as our
medical director. His ability is equalled only by his kindness. So
attached to him are his thousands of patients and all of his col-
leagues in the Service that it will be a wrench indeed to give him P
up in September, when he goes to England on a Fulbright Schol— §
arship to study at the London School of Tropical Medicine. -
Our thanks go out again to the Children’s Hospital in Cin- ‘
cinnati. Not only have they continued to take without charge the
A children referred to them by Dr. Beasley for expert pediatric .
care but they have twice sent in several of their residents for
pediatric clinics in our territory. We are, as always, grateful _
to Dr. Francis Massie for coming to Hyden Hospital from Lex- A
ington last fall for one of his free surgical clinics. We welcomed -
with him Dr. J. B. Holloway, Dr. P. V. Tanedo, Miss Louise V
Griggs, and Miss Christine Reynolds.
‘ Our gratitude is given anew to these physicians and sur- C
geons in Lexington, Louisville, Cincinnati, and Hazard who have K
given courtesy care to many of our patients, or have reduced •*
their fees for patients able to pay only small sums. Dr. H. G.
Reineke of Cincinnati has continued to read the Frontier Nursing , ,
Service x-ray pictures we mail to him. V `
We extend our warm thanks to the Kentucky Crippled Chil-
dren’s Commission and the Kentucky Cancer Clinic for the free .
care given the patients we referred to them. .
  Our very special thanks go to the Kentucky State Depart- ’

i ment of Health for the kindness and coiiperation of its Commis-
sioner, Dr. Russell E. Teague, and the directors of its divisions.
  Dr. Helen B. Fraser, Director of the Bureau of Maternal and
 T Child Health, has been especially helpful to us.
 4 Our gratitude goes out in fullest measure to the Kentucky
 t Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Registration and its
 L Executive Secretary, Mrs. Marjorie C. Tyler, for the considera-
I tion they have shown our Frontier Nurses.
. 7
K'] 2.
. Hyden Hospital—with 27 beds and 12 bassinets, 2 incu-
bators—was occupied 7,562 days last year by 1,389 patients
with a daily average of 20.7 patients at a cost per patient day of
$10.75. Of the 1,389 patients cared for at the Hospital during
the fiscal year, 254 were sick adults, 577 were obstetrical
A patients, 211 were children, and 347 were new born. There were
4 17 deaths in the Hospital, of which 8 were new born. There was
if no maternal death. There were 105 operations performed. The
‘ out-patient department, with the Medical Director’s clinics,
1 received a total of 10,144 visits.
I 3.
3 In the 12 districts operated by the Service from the Hos-
. pital, Wendover, and six outpost centers, we attended 10,722
V people in 2,365 families. Of these, 5,133 were children, including
2,413 babies and toddlers. The district nurses paid 21,032 visits
S and received 24,914 visits at their nursing centers and at their
1 special clinics. Bedside nursing care was given in their homes
1 to 2,134 sick people of whom 29 died. At the request of the
State Board of Health, the Frontier Nursing Service gave 6,140
I ' inoculations and vaccines against typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox,
` whooping cough, polio, et cetera, and sent 2,659 specimens for
. This part of our report has reference to general district
. nursing only and does not include midwifery carried day and
’ night by the nurse-midwives along with their district nursing.

 iz Fizoiwrmn NURSING simvxcrz
The figures for midwifery are covered under the following  
section. »
4. ·
Registered Cases T
The nurse-midwives and the midwifery students of the -
Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery (under the supervision 1
of their instructors) attended 456 women in childbirth and gave l
them full prenatal and postpartum care. Of these 456 women, 10  
were delivered by the Medical Director. There were 458 live Qi
births and 3 stillbirths; 5 deliveries of twins; 314 new cases p p
admitted; 458 closed after postpartum care; no miscarriages.
There was no maternal death.
Emergency Cases—Unregistered V
In addition to these regular registered maternity cases, the ,
Medical Director and the nurse-midwives were called in for 53
emergency deliveries, where the mother had not been registered
( or given prenatal care, which resulted in 21 live births, 1 still-
birth; and 31 emergency miscarriages (26 early, 5 late). Post-
partum care was given to 9 other unregistered mothers. There
was no maternal death.
` Outside-Area Cases
There were 196 women from outside our area who were
, carried for prenatal care. Of these, 38 were closed before deliv-
ery. Most of our outside-area patients move into one of our O
districts or our Hospital for delivery. In that case they are
transferred to our regular midwifery service. However, the =
nurse-midwives did go outside our area to deliver 23 such I
patients of 23 live babies, in their homes, with no maternal death. r
5. .  
The Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery has two classes Vi
annually, each of six months’ duration, which start on October `
15th and April 15th. During the past year 14 registered nurses
were graduated from the School. The thirty-sixth class since the `

 ouAR·i·ERnv BULLETIN is
.. School opened in 1939 is now in attendance. When its work is
completed on October 15th, the School will have sent 187 nurses,
_’ qualified as midwives and in our frontier technique, to render
_ service all over the world. Graduates of the School are in a
 Y number of our states, and Alaska, the Philippines, India, Thai-
_ land, South Korea, Canada, France, the Middle East, and in parts
Z1 of Africa and South America.
`Q 6.
at (Alpha Omicron Pi Fund and Other Grants)
_ During the past fiscal year the Social Service Department
of the Frontier Nursing Service has given financial aid to 140
families or individuals as follows:
Provided monthly allowance to 2 persons, one a Berea Col-
lege student.
Provided monthly pension to one person.
Gave grocery orders to 30 families—a total of 86 orders.
Provided garden seeds to 22 families.
A Aided one burned out family.
Paid school fees for children of 9 families, tuition, books, hot
lunches, a total of 20 children.
. Made loans to 11 families—mainly for hospitalization or spe-
cial medical care.
Purchased glasses for 13 children (New Eyes for the Needy
Paid dental bills for 4 patients.
Paid Lexington hospital bills for 4 patients.
, Provided bus tickets to 8 patients to obtain medical atten-
tion in other parts of the state.
, Bought coal for one family.
( Paid ambulance bills for 3 patients.
Paid physicians’ fees for 12 patients.
_° z Paid for blood transfusions for one patient.
 I Purchased wheel chair for one patient. (Later reimbursed
by family.)
A Purchased back brace for one patient.
Purchased artificial eye for one patient.
Paid for medications for one patient.

 14 Faonrrma Nuasmc smavica `
Supervised construction of orthopedic play table for a child  
with cerebral palsy.  
Bought occupational therapy materials for one paraplegic
patient. .
Paid clinic fees for large number of patients (later reim-
bursed by those able to pay).  1
Many patients have been transported to and from the Fron- p,
tier Nursing Service Hyden Hospital and outpost centers. In ‘
addition there were: }
6 trips to Harlan with 23 patients for eye examinations. 1
9 trips to London with 20 patients to the Tuberculosis _  
Sanatorium Clinic.
34 trips to Lexington with 24 children to the Kentucky j
Crippled Children’s Commission, 3 patients to a Lexing-
ton hospital, 1 child to Shriners’ Hospital, 4 adults—2 to
Lexington Clinic, one each to the Cancer Clinic and a (
Lexington optical company. ·
~ 11 trips to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital with 24 patients. .
1 trip to Manchester with 14 patients to the annual clinic
of the Kentucky Crippled Children’s Commission.
1 trip to Houston to register two students at the Houston
School. .
3 trips to Berea, to admit 1 student, introduce 7 to the V
dean. `
1 trip to Danville with 2 patients to the Mental Health A
Clinic. ,
1 trip to Frankfort to admit 2 children to the Kentucky ·
Training Home.
4 trips to Hazard—2 patients to Mount Mary Hospital, 2
patients to the regional heart clinic, one patient to the
Hazard Clinic, one patient to the orthodontist. ,
General services and aid have been given to other families S 
and individuals as follows: L f
Distributed clothing, shoes, books, etc. to many families H
and local schools. l
Aided the Christmas Secretary in arranging the annual T
Christmas programs.  .

 i Servic