xt7m639k4532 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k4532/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967-03-mar17. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-03-mar17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-03-mar17. 1967 1967-03-mar17. 2011 true xt7m639k4532 section xt7m639k4532 

      Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Friday, March 17, 1967

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special session
in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University
of Kentucky at 10:00 a.m. , Eastern Standard Time, Friday, March 17, 1967. The
following members were present: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman, Dr.
Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Dr. H. B. Murray, Secretary, Mr. William R.
Black, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Robert Hillenrneyer, Mrs.
Rexford Blazer, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Mr. Hudson Milner,
and non-voting faculty members, Professor Paul Oberst and Professor Stephen
Diachun. Absent were: Dr. Harry Sparks, Mr. Richard Cooper, and Mr. Wendell
Butler. Dr. A. D. Albright, Executive Vice President represented President John
W. Oswald who was absent because of illness. Vice Presidents Robert F. Kerley,
Glenwood L. Creech, and Robert L. Johnson represented the administration, and
members of the news media were in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered to Mr. Robert
Hillenmeyer and Mr. Hudson Milner

       The meeting opened at 10. 00 a. m. with a silent prayer in memory of Mr.
Wiliiam Forrest Foster, a member of the Board of Trustees who died February 28,

       Governor Breathitt administered the oath of office to Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer,
reappointed as an alumni member for a term expiring December 31, 1970, and to
Mr. B. Hudson Milner, appointed to a four-year term expiring on December 31,

       Dr. Murray, following call of the roll, reported a quorum present and the
Chairman declared the meeting open for the official conduct of business at 10:07a.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, duly seconded and passed, the reading of the
Minutes for the January 20, 1967, Recessed Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as publish-
e d.

       C. Committees Appointed

       Because of certain changes in the membership of the Board of Trustees
which in turn affected the membership of the special committees of the Board, Gover-
nor Breathitt made "he following committee appointments:



                                                       Committee on Codification
  Finance Committee          Hospital Committee        of Governing Regulations

Dr. Harry Denham, Chm.    Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chm.  Professor Paul Oberst, Chm.
Mr. Sam Ezelle            Dr. H. B. Murray            Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer
Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer    Dr. R. W. Bushart           Dr. Stephen Diachun
Mr. William R. Black      Mrs. Rexford Blazer
Mr. Richard Cooper
Mr. B. Hudson Milner

         The Governor indicated that the Real Estate Committee and the Committee on
  Faculty Relations were being lapsed. The Finance Committee is being enlarged to
  six members and will be responsible not only for the financial but the real estate af-
  fairs of the University.

         D. Resolutions Passed on Mr. Floyd H. Wright and Mr. Clifford E. Smith

         Dr. Angelucci read the Resolutions, copies of which appear at the end of the
  Minutes, which had been drawn up by a committee appointed by Governor Breathitt
  at the January meeting, on Mr. Floyd H. Wright and Mr. Clifford E. Smith. The
  Resolution on Mr. Smith closed with the following quotation from an Irish blessing:
  "May the road rise with him and the wind be always at his back. " Mr. Ezelle sug-
  gested that the Resolution should contain the complete blessing as follows:

                       May the road rise to meet you,
                       May the wind be always at your back,
                       May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                       May the rain fall soft upon your fields,
                       And, until we meet again,
                       May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

         On motion made, seconded and carried, the Resolution on Mr. Floyd H.
   Wright was passed as presented and ordered spread upon the Minutes and a copy sent
   to Mr. Wright.

         Mr. Ezelle made a motion that the Resolution on Mr. Clifford E. Smith be
   amended by the addition of the full quotation of the Irish blessing as previously sug-
   gested. His motion was seconded and passed. A motion was then made that the
   Resolution, as amended, be adopted, that it be spread upon the Minutes of the meeting
   and copies sent to Mr. Smith. The motion was seconded and passed.

          E. Resolution on the Death of Mr. William Forrest Foster

          Governor Breathitt read the Resolution on the death of William Forrest Foster,
   a copy of which is included at the end of the Minutes. On motion by Mr. Broadbent,



seconded by Dr. Angelucci, the Resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the
Minutes of the meeting and a copy sent to Mr. Foster's family.

      F. President's Report on Activities

      Dr. Albright prefaced his report on the University's activities since the
February meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees by indicating
that President Oswald was making a completely satisfactory recovery from surgery
which he underwent on March 6 but was unable to be out.

      He commented briefly on items in the report and closed by indicating that, as
usual, copies would be distributed to faculty and key alumni of the University.

       The Chairman, on behalf of the Board, ordered the report received and filed.

       G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       In presenting PR 2, Recommendations of the President, which the Board
members had received in advance of the meeting, Dr. Albright mentioned that under
section IV, Quarterly Report on Gifts and/or Grants, a total of $4, 390 had been re-
ceived from sixty-two individuals who had sent donations to the University of
Kentucky in memory of Mr. Jesse Tapp. He commented that appointments and other
staff changes were routine in nature but did call attention to the naming of James R.
Rooney as Chairman of the Department of Veterinary Science, effective September 1,

       Mr. Kerley said he would be glad to answer any questions relative to the
Financial Report. He explained that the unrealized income of $1, 262, 746. 53 from
gifts and grants on page 7 was due to the fact that these monies had not been trans-
ferred to the General Fund account from organizational accounts within the
University and would not be until later because they were currently invested on a
short-term basis. On page 11 he mentioned that Current Funds Expenditures Ap-
propriations was under Estimated Current Funds Income by only $50, 000, a rather
close margin, but no difficulty is anticipated. The most significant project in the
Plant Funds area is the dormitory complex which is nearing completion and will be
available for residential purposes in the fall semester.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Angelucci, and passed
without objection, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a
whole and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the March 17, 1967 meeting of the
Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

Governor Breathitt suggested that inasmuch as the Board members were not



familiar with the iterms in PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President,
it would be advisable to act upon each item individually.

       Dr. Albright repeated his earlier statement relative to Dr. Oswald's steady
improvement following surgery and said that the recommendation for a leave of
absence was made at the request of his medical advisors to permit him to have a
period of complete rest and recuperation before returning to his official duties.

       On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Dr. Angelucci, and passed unani-
mously, the recommendation that Dr. John W. Oswald be granted leave of absence
for the period from March 6, 1967 through April 15, 1967, and that Dr. A. D.
Albright, Executive Vice President, assume the responsibilities of his office during
the period of his leave was approved.

       Mr. Kerley commented that the background statement relative to the re-
moval of restriction placed on Student Center Building Funds of the Community
Colleges was self-explanatory, but he would be glad to answer questions. There
being no questions, Mr. Black made a motion that the Board of Trustees make
available for current student activity purposes at the Community Colleges monies
accumulated in Student Center Building Funds of the Community Colleges. His
motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazerandpassed without dissent.

       On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Ezelle, and passed, the recom-
mendation relative to staff changes, Item III, was approved as presented in PR 3.

       Dr. Albright explained that recently the Board of Directors of.The University
of Kentucky Research Foundation had received a request from the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Spindletop Research, Incorporated, to consider an investment
in a first mortgage lien on the real property of that group. The UKRF Board of
Directors considered this request and empowered the Treasurer to purchase from
the bank syndicate currently holding the first mortgage on the realty of Spindletop
Research, Incorporated, an interest in the said mortgage to the extent of
$250, 000. 00.

       Mr. Ezelle stated that he felt it was in the best interest of the Commonwealth
and made a motion that the Board of Trustees adopt the Resolution presented as
Item IV of PR 3 which ratifies the action of the Board of Directors of. The University
of Kentucky Research Foundation to purchase one-third interest ($250, 000. 00) in the
first mortgage lien on the realty of Spindletop Research, Incorporated, at the rate
of 6 per cent, principal and interest payable on or prior to December 1, 1967.

       There being no further items in PR 3, the Secretary was ordered to include
PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, as a part of the Minutes of
the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )



       I. Approval of Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 4)

       Dr. Albright said it was always a happy occasion when an institution can
award its highest institutional recognition to outstanding people. It, therefore, gave
him much pleasure to pass on to the Board of Trustees, the recommendations of the
Graduate Faculty and the University Senate that the honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws be awarded to Mr. William B. Arthur, Mr. Donald C. Cook, Mr. Allan
MitchellTrout, and Mr. Robert Whitney, and that the honorary degree of Doctor of
Science be awarded to Dr. Francis M. Massie and Dr. Morris Scherago at the com-
mencement exercises on May 8, 1967. Dr. Albright reminded the Board members
that for the past two years honorary degrees have been awarded to outstanding
persons who have retired from the University of Kentucky. One such person is in-
cluded in the recommended list for 1967 -- Dr. Morris Scherago.

       Several members of the Board expressed gratification at the outstanding list
of persons presented and, since each member had already had an opportunity to re-
view the biographical sketches of each recipient, the motion was made, seconded,
and carried, that approval be granted to award the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
to Mr. William B. Arthur, Mr. Donald C. Cook, Mr. Allan Mitchell Trout, and Mr.
Robert Whitney, and the honorary degree of Doctor of Science to Dr. Francis M.
Massie and Dr. Morris Scherago at the commencement exercises on May 8, 1967,
and that the President be authorized to notify these persons that they had been se-
lected to receive the honorary degree approved for each. (See PR 4 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       J. Policy Relative to On-Campus Solicitation of Funds Adopted (PR 5)

       Dr. Albright commented only briefly on the recommendation relative to on-
campus solicitation of funds, since copies of PR. 5 had been mailed to members prior
to the meeting. He said that the recommendation contained in PR 5 represented the
administration's thinking of the most orderly and equitable means of handling solici-

       Mr. Ezelle moved adoption of the policy as set forth in PR 5. His motion
was seconded and without further discussion was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       K. Approval "In Principle" of the "Prestonsburg Community College
Preliminary Development Plan" (PR 6a)

       Mr. Kerley had copies of the "Preliminary Development Plan for the
Prestonsburg Community College" distributed to those present. Copies had also
been mailed in advance of the meeting.

He said that the projected enrollment for Prestonsburg was 3, 000 students



by 1986 with 1, 500 expected by 1972. The first addition is planned to take care of
the 1972 load and planning will continue for further additions to accommodate the
total enrollment of 3, 000 in 1986.

      After a brief discussion of the plans as presented, Dr. Denham made the
motion that the "Prestonsburg Community College Preliminary Development Plan"
be approved "in principle" with the understanding that the plan will be periodically
revised as the program requirements of the College become more fully expressed.
Dr. Angelucci seconded the motion and it passed without dissent. (See PR 6a at the
end of the Minutes. )

       L. Approval "In Principle" of the "Southeast Community College
Preliminary Development Plan" (PR 6b)

       Mr. Kerley stated that the "Preliminary Development Plan for the Southeast
Community College" was basically the same document as that presented for the
Prestonsburg Community College, adjusted for the particular requirements of the
area. Projected enrollment at the Southeast Community College is 1, 500 full time
students by 1985-86 with plans being made to care for 650 students by 1972-73. He
added that the site seems to be adequate for the needs of the College up to 1985-86.

       In answer to a question relative to gross area per student, Mr. Kerley indi-
cated that 110 gross square feet per student per academic day was being allowed at
all community colleges. Seventy-five to eighty gross square feet per student is usual.
The additional footage being allowed is to take care of unexpected growth.

       On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed unanimously,
the "Southeast Community College Preliminary Development Plan" was approved
"in principle" with the understanding that the plan will be periodically revised as the
program requirements of the College become more fully expressed. (See PR 6b at
the end of the Minutes. )

       M. Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 7)

       Dr. Albright commented that the proposed amendment to the Governing
Regulations would serve to make the Governing Regulations relative to leaves of
absence in accord with the promotion, appointment, and tenure regulations already
approved. The amendment was given in full in PR 7 which the Board members had
received for consideration prior to the meeting.

       On motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by Mr. Milner, and adopted without
dissent, the proposed amendment to the Governing Regulations as set forth in PR 7
was approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. )



       N. Appointment of Mr. Richard E. Cooper to Board of Directors of

       The expiration of Mr. Clifford Smith's term on the Board of Trustees
created a vacancy on the Board of Directors of The University of Kentucky Re-
search Foundation.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed without
dissent, Mr. Richard E. Cooper was appointed as a Trustee member on the Board of
Directors of The University of Kentucky Research Foundation to complete the term
of Mr. Clifford E. Smith, which expires May 12. 1967, and was reappointed to a
3-year term expiring on May 12, 1970. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Resolution Approving and Accepting a Loan Agreement Tendered by the
United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare for the Financing, in
Part, of the New Classroom, Faculty and Administration Office Building (PR 9)

       Mr. Kerley called attention to the Resolution included in the material before
the Board members, indicating that the Resolution authorized the acceptance and ap-
proval of the loan agreement tendered by the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, and authorized proper officers of the Board to sign said loan agreement
which has been previously authorized. The loan agreement is in the principal
amount of $4, 393, 000 at an interest rate of 3 per cent per annum for a term-not to
exceed thirty years.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Milner, and passed, the
Resolution approving and accepting a loan agreement tendered by the United States
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, providing for the financing, in part,
of the new classroom, faculty and administration building previously authorized by
the Board was adopted. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.

       P. Selection of External Auditor for 1966-67 (PR 10)

       Mr. Kerley indicated that the firm of Haskins & Sells has performed the
examination of the accounts of the University and its affiliated corporations for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1966. The audit performed met with the satisfaction of
the administration and the approval of the Finance Committee of the Board of
Trustees. It is, therefore, recommended that Haskins & Sells be engaged to per-
form the examination of the accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967.

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Black, and without dissent, the
recommendation contained in PR 10 was approved. (See PR 10 at the end of the
Minutes. )



       Q. Selection of Consultant to Study Fiscal Relationship Between the
University of Kentucky and the Commonwealth of Kentucky (PR 11)

       In order to further improve the working relationship between the Common-
wealth's Department of Finance and the University with respect to the disbursement
of appropriated funds both for operations and capital outlay, the Vice President -
Business Affairs and Treasurer of the University of Kentucky and the Commissioner
of Finance recommend that the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company be
employed as a consultant for the study of the fiscal relationships between the Uni-
versity of Kentucky and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

       Mr. Sam Ezelle questioned the necessity of employing an outside consultant
when both the University and the Commonwealth have their own auditing personnel
who should be qualified to conduct such a study. Governor Breathitt agreed that
careful study should always be given to the expenditure of funds for studies. He felt,
however, that this particular study would be most helpful to the next Governor and
the next Commissioner of Finance as they undertook the preparation of the budget.
The fact that the study would be performed by an outside agency would make it of
greater value in such a situation.

       There being no further discussion, Mr. Milner moved that the Vice President -
Business Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to enter into a contract with the firm of
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company, Certified Public Accountants, for a study of the
fiscal relationship between the University of Kentucky and the Commonwealth of
Kentucky, and render a report for a fee of not more than $35, 000, including expenses,
and that Restricted Fund Balances be used to finance the study. The motion was
seconded and passed unanimously.  (See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes. )

       R. Selection of Firm for Management Advisory Services in Connection with
Implementation of Hospital Information and Control System (PR 12)

       Phase I of the Hospital Audit by Haskins & Sells has been completed and a
report of recommended changes in fiscal policies and procedures has been rendered.
The implementation of the proposed changes requires an outside advisor to co-
ordinate the various steps involved because the University does not have the staff
needed to implement and define the new systems and cannot get such a staff fast

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed, the
Vice President - Business Affairs and Treasurer was authorized to enter into a
special contract with the firm of Haskins & Seils, Certified Public Accountants, for
management advisory services to be rendered in connection with the implementation
of the Hospital Information and Control System set forth in the report dated
December 27, 1966 and that fees, including expenses, in an amount not to exceed
$60, 000 be appropriated from reserve funds in the General Funds budget established
for the University Hospital.



       Dr. Angelucci indicated his disappointment with Phase I of the study and
Mr. Ezelle requested that the Hospital Committee give consideration to the low
wages of Hospital employees. He pointed out that room and board rates were high
but the hourly rate of pay for hospital employees was probably in the neighborhood
of $2. 19 an hour. Dr. Angelucci replied that a recent study of local hospitals
showed that 73  of every dollar went for salaries with the other 27' going for food.
supplies, etc. (See PR 12 at the end of the Minutes. )

       S. Amendment to Room and Board Rates (PR 13)

       Mr. Kerley stated that the proposed amendment to the room and board rates
would not change the rate of $850. 00 approved on December 13, 1966 but would
permit a certain flexibility by giving an optional plan for room and board consisting
of breakfast and dinner only.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, and approved, the
Board action of December 13, 1966 adjusting the room and board rates for under-
graduate housing to $850. 00 per year was amended to add an optional room and
board plan consisting of breakfast and dinner only for students living in University
residence halls at a rate of $735. 00 per year. (See PR 13 at the end of the Minutes.

       T. Energy Sources for Lexington Campus (PR 14)

       Mr. Kerley indicated that the University has recently been engaged in an ex-
haustive fuel energy systems study to determine the best and most economical means
of providing heating capacity sufficient to serve the institution's expanding physical
facilities. At this time, there is insufficient information available upon which to
properly evaluate all alternate systems for long range use. At the January 20, 1967,
meeting of the Board of Trustees, a Resolution relating to construction financing was
adopted. As a part of that Resolution, Item 6 of Schedule I provided for a high
temperature water plant. Becausie of the inability to obtain the information necessary
to properly evaluate alternate energy systems and reach a final decision with respect
to the University's long-range heating requirements, it is recommended that this
section of the Resolution be deleted and that an additional project be added to
Schedule II of the Resolution which would provide for the addition of auxiliary equip-
ment to the existing heating plant and reconstruction of the existing distribution
system to improve the efficiency of the existing plants and increase their capacity.
Mr. Kerley continued that it was proposed to use electrical energy in the classroom-
office building which would reduce the load on the present heating facilities and at the
same time provide information on the cost of the use of electrical energy for heating

       Mr. Milner commented that in his opinion electrical energy would prove more
costly than other fuel energy systems but felt it was a worthwhile experiment and
made the motion that the recommendation set forth in PR 14 be approved. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer and approved. (See PR 14 at the end of the Minutes.)



       U. Authorization to Participate in Incorporation of Ohio Valley Regional
Medical Program (PR 15)

      At the October 21, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees, approval was given to the appointment of Dr. William McBeath as
Special Assistant to the Vice President-Medical Center for Regional Programs, ef-
fective October 1, 1966. At that time, it was pointed out that he would serve as the
director of the proposed Ohio Valley Regional Medical Program and as such would
be responsible to the Deans of the Medical Schools of the University of Cincinnati
and the University of Louisville, and to the Vice President-Medical Center, Uni-
versity of Kentucky. The Resolution proposed for adoption approves the Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws of the Ohio Valley Regional Medical Program and
designates Dr. William R. Willard as the University's member of the Executive
Board and authorizes the President of the University to execute the documents
necessary to incorporate the Regional Medical Program.

       On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and without dis-
cussion, the Resolution as set forth in PR 15 was adopted as presented. (See PR 15
at the end of the Minutes.

       V. Contract for the Operation of the Governor's Lincoln School (PR 16)

       Dr. Albright indicated that it was necessary for the President to be author-
ized to enter into a contract with the Board of Trustees of the Governor's Lincoln
School by which an academic residential school may be operated for gifted children
of the Commonwealth. Such a contract is necessary in order to carry out legis-
lation passed by the General Assembly in the 1966 session which directed that the
Board shall contract with the University of Kentucky for the operation of the school.

       Dr. William Tisdall, who has been named interim director of the new
school, presently known as the Governor's Lincoln School, was present at the
meeting and indicated his willingness to answer questions. He said that the se-
lection of students will be based on federal and state guidelines with high potential
for superior achievement in school one of the major criteria and also cultural and
economic deprivation. Local school superintendents will be asked to make recom-
mendations of potential students and individual contacts with both parents and the
children will be made for the purpose of examination and final approval. Dr.
Tisdall added that the school will prepare the student for admission to the most
selective institutions in the country. This school is the only academic year resi-
dential school in the country for gifted children and, as such, unique. It has
already attracted nation-wide interest and the experimental nature of the school
should enable it to attract, on an annual basis, outstanding faculty members. Al-
ready, four or five persons with doctoral degrees have indicated an interest in
teaching next year.

Dr. Albright complimented Dr. Diachun as well as Dr. Tisdall for the



excellent job they had done in developing plans and policies for the operation of the
school and expressed particular appreciation for the contribution which Dr. Whitney
Young has made to the program.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the President was authorized
to enter into a contract with the Board of Trustees of the Governor's Lincoln School
by which an academic residential school may be operated for gifted children of the
Commonwealth. (See PR 16 at the end of the Minutes. )

       W. Report on Construction Bids on Classroom-Office Building

       Mr. Kerley reported that bids for the construction element of the classroom-
office building had been opened and that Foster & Creighton had submitted the low
bid of $9, 732, 000. 00. This bid was $168, 000. 00 under the estimate approved by the
architects and the Commissioner of Finance's staff. There were seven bidders with
the bids ranging from $11,654, 000. 00 to the low bid submitted by Foster & Creighton.
The second lowest bid was $39, 000. 00 higher than the Foster & Creighton bid. At
3:30 o'clock on the afternoon of March 17, the contract with Foster & Creighton will
be signed and the project should be completed within 720 days from the date the con-
tract is signed.

       X. Report and Recommendation on Student Discipline and Procedures

       Vice President Johnson called attention to the report and recommendations
of the Committee on Student Affairs which was included in the materials before the
members of the Board. He said the report was the result of approximately 18 months
of intensive study on the part of the Senate Committee on Senate Affairs. The com-
mittee had two primary objectives in mind: (1) to create in the whole student affairs
area, an educational look which would allow the students to benefit in an educational
way from their lives outside the classroom in order to achieve personal maturity and
become responsible citizens; and (2) to develop procedures in matters of student
discipline which would essentially conform to recent court decisions on civil rights.
When the report was completed it was presented to the University Senate and, in three
sessions of that body, ewas fully discussed and debated. The recommendations con-
tained in the report have full Senate approval and concurrence. Mr. Johnson expres-
sed the hope that the members of the Board would read the report in its entirety and
consider it in the light of the two objectives he had mentioned earlier.

       Dr. Angelucci thanked Mr. Johnson for his presentation and Mr. Ezelle
moved that the report be accepted for study and that discussion and action be defer-
red until the April 4 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Ezelle's motion was
seconded by Mrs. Blazer and was passed without dissent. (See Report at the end of
the Minutes. )



       Y. Board Sends Best Wishes to President Oswald

       Dr. Angelucci requested that the Secretary send a letter to Dr. Oswald ex-
pressing regret .at his illness and extending best wishes for a speedy recovery.

       Z. Future Meetings of the Board

       Dr. Albright reminded the members of the Board that this meeting was a
special meeting called by the Chairman and that the next statutory meeting would be
held on Tuesday, April 4 at which time the Internal Budget would be presented for
action. Copies of the Budget will be mailed ten days in advance so that members may
have an opportunity to study it in detail.

       The May 2 meeting of the Board is also a statutory meeting. The Executive
Committee will meet during the summer months. Beginning in September it is the
plan to have the full Board meet monthly.

       A-1 Announcements

       Mr. Kerley said he wished to make two announcements: (1) the model of the
classroomn-office building was on display in the hallway of the Administration Build-
ing should members wish to refresh their memories oi the project; and (2) a
temporary parking lot will be built on the front lawn to replace the parking space
lost during the construction period of the classroom-office building. He emphasized
that the parking lot was temporary and would be resodded when construction was

       B-1 Meeting Adjourned

       Dr. Angelucci, having determined there was no further business to come be-
fore the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being made,
seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 12:05 p. m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                H. B. Murray, M.D.
                                                Secretary, Board of Trustees

The Resolutions on Mr. Floyd Wright, Mr. Clifford Smith, and Mr. William Forrest
Foster, PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 and the
Report on Student Discipline and Procedures which follow