xt7m3775xj8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775xj8s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1933-03-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 13, 1933 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 13, 1933 1933 1933-03-13 2020 true xt7m3775xj8s section xt7m3775xj8s 519 ,

March 13, 1933

The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall, Monday, Uni
March 13, With President McVey presiding.
The minutes of February 13 were approved as read»

The Rules Committee presented the follOWing recommendation:

”Repeal action 2: November 3&3 1931, which reads 2E follows:


1 'The faculty also voted to recommend the following as a

' substitute for the present practice of giving Military

Science credit for Band work; Band work shall carry

Music credit and not Military Science credit} Credit in 119
Band shall excuse from a corresponding part of the required

Military Science.m


Rif‘ Substitute the following:

Students required to enroll in the Basic Course, Military i
Science la, b, and 6a. b, who so elect may he transferred to

the Band for part of their work. However, they will be enm

rolled in Military Science instead of in the Music course and

will be required to take the following subjects in the first

year Basic Course in addition to the Band Work:





7 Military Courtesy and Discipline 4.hours
_1‘ Military Hygiene and First Aid 6 "
3.; Rifle Marksmanship 15 ”

‘ Total 25 ”

The Registrar's record should indiCate the fact whenever
Band work is substituted for the regular Military work.”

In presenting the recommendation, Dean Boyd stated that if the members
of the Band were enrolled in Military Science the Government would allow
them the cost of their uniforms; that under the present arrangement the
University suffered an expense of approximately $1100 for uniformSe


After some discussion the recommendation was adopted.




520 .i'lv iii}. ,

Minutes of the University Senate a March 13, 1933

Dr. Ross, Chairman of the special committee appointed to make a study of
University course offerings made the following report, which was adopted:



The problem assigned the committee is twofold. Firstt what is the
present status of courses offered in relation to, (l) the size of
the staff, (2) enrollment, and (3) income of the University?
Second, to What extent do overlapping and duplication of courses
exist at the Unive-sity of Kentucky?


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A. In order to determine the relation of the present program of
studies to the instructional staff, student enrollment, and
income, the committee assembled the following data:


1. From the business office the income figures; from the 3‘3 ‘
records in the registrar's office the student enrollment ‘
and size of instructional staff by college and department g
for every other school year since lQZlaZZ, and for the 5" .51
present year; from.the published schedule books, the 1 I 3
courses offered the first semester of the same yearSo

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2. From the registrar's office the load of each instructor ifohl
showing the courses offered and enrollment for each WVS'f“.
semester for the past five years, together with the *;?'EqJ
student creditahours for both semesters of the present ’-Ei"
ye are

3. Tables showing the total enrollment and the number of
sections in each course offered during the past five years.

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4o Comparative data regarding size of staff and number of
cou‘ses offered during the present year have been
compiled for three other institutions similar in type
to the University of Kentucky; namely, the University of
Missouri, University of Arkansas, and University of Tennessee.

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Be In order to determine the extent of overlapping and duplication - ' /
of courses, descriptions of courses in the last University '
catalog have been studied.













Minutes of the University Senate — March 13, 1953




The data show clearly that the decade from 1921~1931 was one
of rapid expansion at the University of Kentucky. This expane
sion took place in the instructional staff and courses offered
at a rate approaching that of the University‘s enrollment and
income. The growth in number of courses and increase in size
of staff has been more marked in some colleges than in others,
and in some departments than others in the same college. For
example, in only three departments of the Ccfllege of Arts and
Sciences has there been no increase in staff or courses since
1921, while in others the increase has been as great as

There has been a sharp decline both in income and enrollment, ‘
however, during the year 1932~33, While at the same time the

staff has dropped off slightly and the number of courses has

actually increased. In the opinion of the committee the

expansion, particularly in courses offered; is out of pro«

portion to the present enrollment and income of the University

and has resulted in the following conditions:

A0 The offering of many small and therefore expensive coursese
While these courses, in the main, have been on the senior T1
college and graduate levels, they nevertheless appear to C‘
be excessive« Several departments have offered twenty or
more advanced courses where the enrollment has averaged
fewer than ten students each.

B. ‘The overspecialization of courses within departments» if
C The attempt of instructors to offer too many different Pk
‘ COH‘SeSa Within a fivenyear period, some instructors have

offered twenty or more different courses, while the offering SE

of eight or ten courses has been Very common” Th

D» The overlapping and dunlication of courses within departments f0

and between departmentSa It appears that the duplication
within departments is as preValent as it is between departments
in the same or in different collegesu


The committee regards itself as primarily a factwfinding bodye
It does, however, make the following general recommendations:



Minutes of the University Senate v March 13, 1933

A. That the data assembled by the committee be placed at the
diSPOSal of the president of the University.

B. That the Senate Committee on DupliCation of Courses be
instructed to make a thorough investigation of courses

already authorized,

as well as of proposed new courses for

the purpose of determining the amount of dupliCation and
of suggesting Ways for its re uction or elimination.

Respectfully submitted,


Frank H. Randall
HO Bo Price

Claiborne C. Latimer

John Kuiper
Ellery L. Hall
Lucian He Carter
Lo S. O'Bannon
E. N. Fergus

C. C. Ross. Chairman

The Committee on DupliCation of Courses presented the following new
courses and changes in courses. which were approved:

College 23 Arts and Sciences

(At the request of the Department of Hygiene)

Bacteriology 203a,|2.


Public fiealth Bacteriology.


term (Offered in summer session only). Prerequisites:
physicians and health officers or those wihh equiValent training.

Changes in Courses

Three credits per

Open only to

The Department of Physical Education asks permission to make the
following changes in courses:

Change Physical Education 20a and 20b "Calisthenics and
Single Line Marching” to Physical Education 20 ”Calisthena

ice and Gymnastic Stunts”-

hours laboratory.

Three hours recitation,
Four creditso


Change Physical EduCation 30 "Basketball Fundamentals" and
Physical EduCation 40 "Football Fundamentals” to Physical
Education 36, ”Football and Basketball Fundamentals”o Three

hours recitation,


five hours laboratory.


Four hours credit.















Minutes of the University Senate ~ March 13, 1933
Change Physical Education 50 ”Track and Field Athletics" two hours i M
recitation. six hours laboratory to Physical Education 50. ”Track '

and Field Athletics”, four hours recitation and lecture, four hours R
laboratory. Four creditSa E
College E; Commerce St
7 s<
Changes in Courses w

Commerce 12° Principles 2; EconOmics is to be Changed

to Commerce A, Principles 3: Economics
1h, Principles 3i Economics is to he changed



‘to Commerce lg, Economic Problems. 3 creditSo


Commerce 139, Advanced Time Series and Index Numbers
should be changed to

Commerce 14¢, Index Numbers« 2 credits. Prerequisite, 4
Course 1. V

Commerce 108, Insurance, is to be dropped and in its
place the following two courses are to be given:



L«ommerce 143, Life Insurance. 3 credits« Prerequisite, Course 1.







Commerce 144, Property and Casualty Insurance. Pubhic control; Th
3 credits« Prerequisite, Course 1. AP
/ ! '
‘ Th
President McVey made the following announcements:
The next convocation March 20 at the third hours The speaker to be Th
the Military Attache of the French Embassy, under the auspices of the Ch
Alliance Francaise.
The meeting of the Research Club Thursday, March 16 at 7:00 p.me. ‘
The speaker to be Doctor Richard Se Uhrbrock, Head of the Statistical '
And Research Department in the Industrial Relations Division of the at
Proctor and Gamble Company~ His subject to be ”The Measurement of th
Attitudes of Employees."
The dinner in honor of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of me
Doctor Pattersono Lafayette Hotells March 250 wi
The K. Ea Ac, April 19 to 21. A reception is to take the place of
the usual alumni banquet, Thursday evening, April 20 at 10:00 o'clock«
Professor Bannells announced that two graduates of the University who to
had majored in Art would exhibit their paintings for ten days beginning re
March 15. He urged the attendance of faculty members. to
- ev:






 “4» _.._..e.._

Minutes of the University Senate a March 13, 1933

Professor Clark announced that a famous painting of Henry Clay by
Hoffey, , which had been in the family of the artist

since its painting in 1845, would be sold at auction by the Anderson
Studios in New York City March 16. He proposed that a sum be sub»
scribed to bid on the painting, each member of the faculty contribu-
ting $1.00, collection to be made only in the event that the Univer»
sity succeeded in obtaining the portrait.

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April 17, 1933

The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall, Monday,
April 17, with President McVey presidinge

The minutes of March 13 were read and approved.

The following report from the Athletic Committee, Prfifessor Grehen as

Chairman, was received and filed:
"To the Senate of the University of Kentucky:

I have been asked by the secretary to present a brief renort on

athletics at the University with special emphasis upon the entrance of

this institution recently into the new Southeastern Conference.

I take it that it is well known that on the occasion of the December
meeting of the Southern Conference in 1932, 13 colleges and universities
withdrew from the old conference of 23 members, and formed an organization

to which it gave the name of the Southeastern Conference.

Tt has been felt for some time that it would be desirable to reduce
the number of members of the Southern Conference so as to minimize the
topheaviness of that organization, and so also as to being int; closer

relationship those institutions that were geographically best located

to compete with one another. The divorce took place without any outward

6Vidence of bad temper, without unkind criticism, but withal. with a





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