xt7m3775xg8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775xg8p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 2001 2001 2001-12-06 2020 true xt7m3775xg8p section xt7m3775xg8p Wish list


With the holidays in

sight. I thought
l'd write my
wish list with an
abridged Steve
monologue from
"Saturday Night
Live." Enjoy.

It I had one wish

that I could wish
for this holiday
season, it would
be for the
children of the
world to join
hands and srng
in the spirit of
harmony and

If I had two wishes

that I could wish
for this holiday
season, the first
would be for the
children of the
world to join
hands and sing,
and the second
would be for
$30 million
every month.

It I had three

wishes that i
could wish for
this holiday
season. the first
would be for all
the children to
sing. The second
would be for the
$30 million
every month,
and the third
would be for all
power over the
entire universe.

It I had four wishes

that I could wish
for this holiday
season, the first
would be the
crap about the
kids. The second
would be for the
$30 million. The
third would be
for all the
power. and the
fourth would be
to set aside one
month each
year for an
extended 3l-day

Maybe that sex

December 76 .2001

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First party plan vote tonight

56, businesses partner
to fight proposed law

More money: $15,000 available for opposition



Student Government voted to
allocate $5,000 to its campaign that
is targeting the Lexington Area
Party Plan in a full senate meeting
Wednesday night.

86 had already allocated
$5,000 to buy posters, stickers and
buttons to fight the plan. All of the
$10,000 came from the UK Student
Government Reserves, what SG
calls its “rainy day fund.”

A coalition of area businesses
raised $5,000 to support SG‘s cam-
paign. bringing the total to $15,000.

The coalition’s donations and
the money voted on Wednesday
will pay for producing and airing
a 3Dsecond commercial, which op
poses the plan.

“What we’ve started is a tradi~
tional grassroots effort, or what I
call a ground efi‘ort. but it's now
time to go to the air," 80 Presi-
dent Tim Robinson said.

The commercial will begin
airing on numerous TV news sta—
tions Friday morning if the plan
passes in the Urban County Coun-
cil meeting tonight. Robinson esti—
mates that the commercial will be
viewed between eight and 12 times
by Lexington residents over the

course of the next week. The coun~
cil will vote again Dec. 13.

"You will not be able to turn
on the TV without seeing this
thing." Robinson said. If the plan
does not pass tonight, plans to air
the commercial will be canceled.

While the additional funding
proposal passed in the Senate
meeting. there was some opposi-
tion to granting the extra funds —
the Senate voted 154-1.

Senator-at-iarge David
Hutchinson and Graduate School
Senator Laura Schmidt voted
against the proposal. Schmidt said
too much money is being spent on
the campaign and the funds could
be used for other programs.

“I am against the party plan
as it’s unconstitutional," Hutchin-
son said. “But this is saturation,
not exposure. Saturation is not go
ing to affect council votes."

Senate Coordinator Lesli Prof-
fitt said she found some of the re
marks made by Senate Chairman
Edwin Orange and Robinson to
dissenting senators to be “arro-
gant, rude and uncalled for.”

“I'm happy the proposal to
fight the plan passed but my heart
will remain heavy because of the
way senators were treated," Prof-
fitt said.



The Lexington
Area Party


Opposes the plan and has organized
buses to leave at 6 p or Thursday
from the Boone Farullv Club and

Student Center to transport
students to the meeting

7 Mi. Wit
Council Chamber
Government Center
200 E Main St

um Cone.-
“ DUO“
initially proposed the plan as the
Campus Area 93W Plan but the
name was changed to include all city
leSidents the proposal is based on a
plan used lI'I San Diego Call!

for cap to

”St"! I!!!


The Lexington Area Par-
ty Plan has dominated recent
discussions, and Wednesday’s
Town & Gown Commission
meeting was no different.

The commission, which
includes representatives from
UK, Transylvania University
and Lexington communities.
discussed concerns about the

At issue was an unclear
statement published in
Wednesday‘s Kernel.

A statement regarding
the caps that can be placed on
Lexington properties was con-

A cap can only be placed
on a property after com-
plaints lead to two incidents
that require police action.

“(A property could re
ceive) 25 complaints, and it
wouldn‘t mean a thing," said
Dr. David Stevens. an Urban
County Council member-at-
large, who was present at the

“It takes two police ac-

Police actions would in-



Police action required

be placed

Councilman: Students can fight citations

clude citations or arrests,
Stevens said.

But a citation isn‘t final.

Police actions can be
challenged under normal pro-
cedures in district court if
residents choose to contest
them, Stevens said.

The Lexington Area Par-
ty Plan is to be heard for the
first time before the full Ur-
ban County Council at
tonight‘s meeting.

If the proposal is passed
after its first reading. it must
then be voted on again by the
council after a second reading
before it can become a city or-

But while most people
would believe the second
reading requires another
meeting. Stevens said that is
not so.

The second reading could
be done tonight, but it re
quires that a motion be made
to suspend the rules and pro-
ceed with the reading.

The motion would need
10 votes, but Stevens said he
doesn’t think that intent ex-

“I wouldn‘t vote for it,"
Stevens said.

San Diego, other cities find ways to curtail college parties

Capped: San Diego State University students
understand life under no-party ordinance

which the Urban County Coun-


Twenty-six properties are
capped now in San Diego —- all
rented by SDS students, said
Bill Taitano, a police ofl'icer in

the San Diego State campus

area. About 100 houses have

months ago, the property was
already capped. The designa-
tion ended in December, and by
June, the house was capped

“We had two birthday par-

you don’t see us moving," he

Most of his friends have
had their properties capped,

“Enough neighbors will

thing should be
the first wish. It
could all go
boom tomorrow.
and then what
have you got?
The kids singing

cil will hear today and could
vote on next Thursday.

“We’re quieter — even afraid
to slam our door," he said. “The
plan does cut down on parties.
but it can be abused by neigh-

As in San Diego, the Lexing-
ton plan would allow police to
put a yearlong “cap" on proper-
ties that receive repeated noise
complaints. After the cap, stu-
dents living in the property

complain if you are rowdy." he
said. “If you moved into one
that isn‘t capped, then it is
capped within a couple months
and the number of parties they
throw dies down."

Other cities have found
ways to deal with college
partiers. in Tucson. Ariz., police
can “tag" properties with a
bright orange notice of public
nuisance that hangs in the prop-
erty‘s window after a neighbor

been capped since the pro
gram’s inception in 1996, he es-

“There are a lot of family
homes in this neighborhood.”
he said. “They’re concerned
about the drunk drivers and
trash, urination and defecation
in their yards. In one year we
had 1,000 noise complaints."

Taitano said the plan has
curtailed repeat offenders.

When Castle and his room-

ties — probably about 50 people
at each —- and then we received
the cap notice in the mail with-
out a warning,” said Kevin De-
laney, Castle’s roommate.

UK‘s Student Government.
which has allotted $15,000 for
signs, TV ads and other materi-
al to fight the plan, fears the
program will run students out
of campus neighborhoods. But
that hasn't been the case at San
Diego State. Castle said.


Dave Castle and his room-
mates are careful not to slam
their front door.

The San Diego State Univer-
sity students live in a “capped“
would be great, house — a situation where UK
that would be students may find themselves,
nice. Who am I too.
kidding? I mean,
they‘re not
going be able to

San Diego police enacted
the College Area Party Plan in
1996. The plan is similar to the

get all those
kids together, I
mean the
logistics of the
thing is
impossible, so,
we must
reorganize and
make the sex
first and the
money second.

-Steve Martin

Jonathan Ray

THE 411


‘ e
5.7 3.7

Back to the sunny
weather, Jack Frost
won‘t show himself dur-
ing the day, at least. ls~
n't it odd that cold peo-
ple like Jack are always
bad. Who's hot that is
bad - beside Satan?


VOL 88108 ISSUE ltTl


Naive, “pi-5’

Call 257-1915 or e-mail


Lexington Area Party Plan,

could be arrested and face fines.

mates moved into their house 18

“We are being quieter, but

calls in the complaint.



UK student named prestigious Marshall scholar

By Samieh Shalash


Jennifer Kastcn found out
Wednesday she was one of eight
chosen l‘l'f'lplt‘lllS to rr-r'r-iyc thc
Bl‘lllSlt Marshall Scholarship

“I was elated." said Knstcn , a
French and biology senior

The $30,000 :iwrird IS given an
nunlly to Midwr-stcrn American
students. more than 100 poop];-
from 11'. stair-s applied

Recipients of the Sf'lllllltl‘SITIp
:irr- chosen from in League .inrl
other nationally l'illlkl'II sr hoolx
based on a variety of criteria

The scholarship gives Amer;
can students the opportunity to
l‘llllilllllf‘ Ihf‘ll‘ Sillfllf‘S for two


\‘PEii‘S at am British university

K{l\l“ll. also a Singlctni‘y
Scholar. will use the award to
study thr- control of infectious iIiS
Wises :it thr- l.ondon School of Hy
Lilt'lif' and Tropir :il Medicine

The London School really is
lllt' best place in thi- entire world
for that kind of rr'sr-Iii‘l‘h ”

A National Merit finalist and
yrilr-dictorian of her high school
lIilSS. Kirsten has taken advantage
of a plethora of horizon broaden
mg experiences She has traveled
to both Hillll rind Nepal where she
rIi'I;y'cicrl babies. (Ilélulllixwl (ITS
Hivw \ur h as malaria. typhoid
t‘r-yr-r .‘lllfl l)Jll‘ilSlll(‘{lI worms

”Delivering babies was amazr
ing." KllSit‘ll \ftlrl “I was doing all

kinds of crazy things that under
graduates usually aren't allowed
to do '

Kasten. a member of the Ker
nel editorial board. 1S interested
in prevention education and poll
ry making. and hopes to study in
South Asra

Locally. she IS involved with
AIDS action groups such as the
Kentucky HIV AIDS adyisory
council. the AIDS advocacy in ac
tion group. and Movable Feed. in
which she delivers hot food as
part of the AIDS patient care pro

"I don; want to be the one
who makes the discoveries." she
said of science. "but the one who
applies them "

Take a study break with free late-night brunch

Dy Laniln Swann

Finals many Silllll‘nls
flinch ill the word as the fall so
master comes to a close.

To relieve stress from finals
next week. UK Student Affairs
will provide a midnight stress
buster with the Finals (‘runch
Brunch after the first day of ti

Beginning at 10pm Monday

in Mcmorial (‘oliseum hot rind
colrI Iil“*7ikfll\t foods and bey'erv
.iur-x will br- \f‘l'Vf‘fl to students by
faculty and ndmlmstmtom

"Wr- wanted to give students
a strosefi‘r‘o break from finals
studying." said Becky Jordan. as-
socxate dean of students.

Lasting until I am . students
can also shoot pool with [K Prost-
deni Leo Todd and challenge
Dean of Students Victor Hazard
in a game of basketball

"This event Will provide stu
dents With a free hot breakfast
while they interact With some of
their professors and UK adminis-
trators,” Jordan said. "With re
newed energy. they can return to
studying for their exams "

Political Science freshman
Bryen Pinkard thinks the event is
a great idea

“it Will relieve stress."
Pinkard said “it incorporates fun
into studying ”




um I "KNOW






 .2, I. THUWY- DEM“? 6- milmm


The Low-down


Open Studio event to be held Friday

l'K‘s Department of Art will host its 10th an—
nual Open Studio event from 610 p in Friday.
Dec 7. in the Reynolds Building. There will be
live music. theater performances. a iuried art
show and art denionstrations. About 2.000 people
attend the event each year. The Reynolds Build-
mg is located on 072 South Broadway Enter by
way of Scott Street. behind Dickey Hall Admis
siou is free. but a $1. donation is suggested.

O Lord.
my little
jokes on
And I'll
Thy great
big one
on me.

Volunteers needed for gift-giving

The Good Foods Co-op on Southland Drive is
sponsoring gift giving for the Spouse Abuse Cen-
ter this holiday season There is a Christmas tree
hanging in the ("o-op with tags on it. which lists
the gifts needed. All gifts must be unwrapped and
brought to the Co op by Dec. 17. Cash donations
are also being accepted. Direct questions to Lind
sey (‘louse at llclousc i: hotmailcom

UK groups sponsor toy campaign

The Marine Corps Reserve unit. Military Po»
lice Company A. has teamed up with the UK Ath-
letics .\ssociaiion for the 54th annual Toys for
Tots Campaign The campaign will take place at
T p in Wednesday. Dec. 10. when the Kentucky
women‘s basketball team hosts rival Louisville
in Memorial Coliseum. One new unwrapped toy
gains two free admissions All toys collected will
help children throughout the Commonwealth
The game also marks llK Employee Appreciation
Night. All UK employees with a valid identifica
tion card will be admitted free All other adults
are $3 Admission for children. ages 18 and un
der. and senior citizens. 02 and over. will be $2.


- Robert Frost.
American poet.
"A Boy's Will,"
and "in the

Legislature recommends pay raises

FRANKFURT. Ky The state would boost
teacher pay by about $100 million a year under
recommcndations presented by a legislative sub-
committee on Wednesday Besides higher base
salaries. the list includes additional pay raises
for teachers after 20 years and a longer school
calendar In addition. teachers would get the
same annual cost of living raise as state govern

ment employees .1 percent in most years.

There was little discussion and no actual vote on

Kentucky farmers to receive funds
PADITCAH. Ky Some western Kentucky

farmers will receive funds from the state's Tobac-

co Settlement Trust to begin projects aimed at


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Halftime at this
season's Super
Bowl will find one
group of players
30 football
minutes closer to
becoming NFL
champions and
another on display
before more eyes
than ever before.
Ireland's favorite
sons, 02, will
perform at Super
Bowl XXXVI in
front of an
estimated 80
million US.
viewers and 800
million more
around the world.
according to an
NFL spokesperson.
The big game
takes place Feb. 3
at the

Superdome in New
Orleans and will
be televised on
Fox. 02 completed
their eight‘month-
long Elevation
Tour in support of
their latest album.
All That You Can't
Leave Behind.
Sunday in Miami.
The band's lOth
studio album has
sold more than 3
million copies to
date. according to
SoundScan. Super
Bowl XXXV,
included a star-
studded halftime
show that
featured perform-
ances by Britney
Spears. 'NSYNC.
Aerosmith, Mary J.
Blige and Nelly.
The extravaganza
culminated in a
group jam of
classic "Walk This


2% coarser!

lessening dependence on tobacco production. The
money from the state's portion of the tobacco set-
tlement is earmarked at 65 percent for regional
and statewide projects and 35 percent for projects
in individual counties based on their tobacco de»
pendence. said Penny Cline. spokeswoman for
the agricultural policy office. One of the largest
awards in the state. around $940,000 in grants and
a $3.8 million low-interest loan. will go to Ballard.
(‘alloway. Graves and Hickman counties to start
the Kentucky West Nursery Coop, which will
grow ornamental trees for the nursery market.


Convict suspected of anthrax hoaxes

SPRINGDALE. ()hio An escaped convict
suspected of mailing hundreds of anthrax hoax
letters to abortion clinics was captured Wednes
day at a copy shop outside Cincinnati after enr
ployees recognized him from his wanted poster.
Clayton Lee Waagner who once testified that
God told him to kill abortion doctors was one
of the FBI's 10 most-wanted fugitives. He has
been on the run since February. when he escaped
from a jail in Clinton. Ill. Attorney General John
Ashcroft called Waagner the primary suspect he;
hind anthrax hoaxes committed against 280 clin-
ics last month. The clinics received envelopes
containing white powder and letters signed by
the “Army of God.” The powder was not anthrax.

NASA space shuttle blasts off

CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. After nearly a
week of delays. space shuttle Endeavour blasted
off under heavy protection Wednesday on a flight
to deliver a new crew to the international space
station. The shuttle left a beautiful golden and
peach contrail as it rose from its seaside pad
shortly before sunset. carrying seven astronauts
and a load of station supplies. It was NASA's first
mission since the Sept, 11 attacks and security

was tight. Endeavour had been poised for liftoff

since last Thursday. A jammed docking mecha
nism at the space station and bad weather forced

Technology stocks propel Dow Jones
NEW YORK Surging technology stocks
propelled the Dow .Iones industrials more than
220 points higher Wednesday. allowing the blue
chip index to close above 10.000 for the first time
since before the Sept. 11 terror attacks. The ad
vance also lifted the Nasdaq composite index past
2.000 for the first time since early August. In
vestors were betting that the battered tech sector
would trigger a new bull market. and they don't
want to miss out on the market's next upturn.


U.S. soldiers identified, more wounded

WASHINGTON The Pentagon late
Wednesday identified the three soldiers killed in
a “friendly fire” accident in Afghanistan. as

B) it comes with full ve
Excel, Outlook? and P0

in a...


if the Who, Elton
John and Abba
can be glorified
on the theater
stage. Gene
Simmons sees no
reason why he
and Kiss can't get
a piece of those
Broadway bucks.
He plans to work
with some of the
top names in
musical theater
to put together a
musical about
Kiss. Next week,
the Kiss bassist
will meet with
Beauty and the
Beast director
Rob Roth and
Hedwig and the
Angry Inch co-
writer Stephen
Trask about
creating a story
for the musical.
At this point
Simmons is
unsure whether
Kiss will pen new
songs for the
project. whether
someone else will
write show
tunes, or whether
the musical

will include actual
Kiss songs. One
thing he does
know is that
neither himself
nor vocalist and
rhythm guitarist
Paul Stanley (who
has musical
experience) will
be in the
production. And
don't count on
seeing Dr. Jekyll
& Mr. Hyde and
Rocky Horror
Picture Show vet
Sebastian Bach

communications specialist Daniel Petithory. 32;
Master Sgt. Jefferson Donald Davis. 39. of Watau»
ga. Tenn: and Staff Sgt. Brian Cody Prosser. 28.
of California. They were members of the Army’s
3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group. sta-
tioned at Fort Campbell. Ky. Nineteen other US.
soldiers were wounded after a US. bomb missed
its Taliban target north of Kandahar. Five
Afghan fighters also were killed in Wednesday‘s
accident and an undetermined number were

Bin Laden suspected to be ‘holed up'

TORA BORA. Afghanistan Anti-Taliban
forces battled guerrillas loyal to ()sama bin
Laden with tanks and mortars Wednesday. fight-
ing their way through remote mountains toward
a cave complex where they believe the terror sus-
pect is holed up. Up to 1.500 tribal fighters pushed
down a valley in the White Mountains toward
Tora Bora camp as American B-SZs pounded the
area with 250- and 500-pound bombs. setting off
orange flashes and plumes of smoke in the forest-
ed mountains. AntiTaliban commanders said
their troops advanced to within a mile of the
anthill-like cave complex in eastern Afghanistan.
sending the Arab. Chechen and Pakistani fight-
ers of bin Laden's al~Qaida network scurrying to
higher ground. At the Pentagon. spokesman Rear
Adm. John Stufflebeem said US. special forces
were in the area. He said Afghan fighters had al-
ready entered sortie caves in the area searching
for al Qaida members.

Arafat urged to restrain militants

JERUSALEM US envoys urged Yasser
Arafat to take harsh measures against Islatnic
militants in meetings and a phone call hours be-
fore a suicide bomber detonated explosives
Wednesday outside a Jerusalem hotel. further
rattling terror-weary Israelis nerves. In Arafat‘s
boldest move yet against militants. Palestinian
police put llamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed
Yassin under house arrest late Wednesday.
llamas has claimed responsibi 'ty for dozens of
attacks. including deadly weeks (1 suicide bomb
ings in Israel.

Compiled from wire reports


An article in Wednesday‘s Kernel incorrectly
stated the number of people infected with
HIV AIDS living in Africa. There are 35 million
people infected.
cull The

To report on Kentucky

Kernel (it 257 1.9/5.


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kcnrucm 7

Past president still at UK,
money for campus




Former till
President Charles
lethington sits at
his desli in his
oiiice on the iiith
floor oi the NIIIiam
T. Young Library.
Wethinqton serves
as a fund-raising
assistant to new Ull
President Lee Todd,
who replaced him
July l. lethinqton
is the chairman oi
two committees
that deal with the

$60“ $10”! I
new Sim

One semester later: Former UK president is fund-raising assistant,
chairs 2 NCAA committees, makes more than $250,000 annually

By Rene’ Lassourreille
1’ {tNlPIBlIliNG Wants

With his new office some
where in the midst of shelves
and books on the fifth floor of
the William T Young Library.
former I’K President (fharles
Wethington has dropped out ot‘

But after his presidency.
which lasted more than a
decade. he still plays an active

We’ll leave all the Iightson for you!

role at [K

“My role now is that of
providing assistance to the
new president." Wethington
said "I assist with the private
fund raising etl‘ort I am very
happy in my new position "

Wethiiigton's eti‘orts in
clude contacting donors with
whom he has had relations
with during the past

"President Todd is the
(lilé‘f fundraiser My Job is to

help him." Wethington said

Wethington is: also the
chairman of two committees
that deal with the NCAA and
its regulations on certain is

The first of the two com-
mittees addresses the govern»
ing structure of the NCAA.
“We see if any changes need to
he made there." he said.

The second deals with foot
hall issues at various schools,

“These keep me pretty
busy." he said.

Wethington said he is as
busy now as he was during his
tenure as president.

“My schedule is still really
full. It‘s different now in the
number of issues and problems
that I have to deal with. but I'm
still very busy." he said. "I like
being busy. though."

He said he does enjoy his
extra free time. though.

“I‘ve got two grandchil-
dren who live near Atlanta."
Wethington said. “I really en-
joy the additional time that I
get to spend with them now."

Wethington will stay in his
position for two years. After
which, he said he doesn't have
any plans

”I‘ve not thought much be-
yond the two years." he said
“I'm really focused on the job
at hand."

This dedication extends to
all parts of his life.

“i don‘t really have any
hobbies or anything. My cori-
centration is really on my new
job. I‘m sure that in the future
I will pick up some outside ac-
tivities." he said,


line: Charles 1. Viethinqton Jr.

Ami sdl'y: 5252.957

Italian: President meritus

Job descrbtion: Find-rm
assistant to tilt President
Lee todd



Hamas spiritual leader
under house arrest


JERUSALEM l' S t’liVitys
urged Yasser Arafat to take
harsh measures against Islamic
militants in meetings and a
phone call hours before a sui‘
cide bomber detonated explo
sives Wednesday outside a
.lerusalem hotel

In Arafat's boldest move
yet against militants. Palestin
ian police put llamas spiritual
leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
under house arrest late
Wednesday Hamas has claimed
responsibility the deadly Week
end suicide bombings in Israel

Palestinian security offi-
cials said Yassin. a quadripleg
ic. was told he would be allowed
no visitors except for relatives.
and his telephone lines would
be cut

More than 600 llamas sup
porters gathered near Yassin's
home on Wednesday night. de
manding his release The Pales
tinian leader. meanwhile. ap-
pealed to President Bush. in a
letter handrdelivered Wednes
day. for more time to prove he
really is trying to stop terrorist

A Palestinian
hey cycles past
an israeii army
tank. which is
securing a
area in the
West Bank
town oi
Beltunia, near
Rainallah Tues-

“80f term ”958%

violence against Israelis

Norwegian Prime Minister
Kiell Magne Iiondevik brought
Iiush a ‘t'resh messages" from
the Middle East Arafat‘s letter
plus word from Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon that Is
rael had ended its retaliatory
strikes on Palestinian targets

In a telephone conversa
tion. "Sharon said he had no in
tention of attacking Palestini in
targets more. and for the last ‘36
hours, there has been no it
tack.” Iiondevik said

Arafat's letter read "‘(iive
me a chance."' RondeVik said

Israeli Foreign Minister
Shimon Peres said he urged the
Palestinian le'ider to arrest iii;
suspected terrorist leaders.
while other Israeli officials dis
missed Arafat's .irrests of 1.3!
people in recent days as a show,

Arafat said that he was de
termined to break the terror
networks. but Israeli military
strikes and sieges were making
the job impossible

“They have to cool down to
Hive me the chance.” he told
ABI‘ News

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Video games mold milit

Training on your Xbox: Popular video games
like ‘Doom il’ used to train US. Marines, Navy

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ilttill\.ll'tl‘» el
,mlun H. .i...
Killer; «'i.‘v

‘,t‘ siltll'I l_'t ii‘

\i.- it
”til iiiieit
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sti‘ia-toil-eiisiii: iii'lieiitii
.ew' \\~ iiiiiiiix
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Niall“: thesr ;iui»s
:\.ii: to 'ii.ui\ iii. iiiini‘s
'li-‘IZ! Hi i' li‘.‘~.i‘lii‘il Ilii‘si
;ll“.i*« tin i 's 'tlilli.tl".
\tiiiliei‘s li.i\~ in i'i‘i iiiixiiizi
t'l‘ll‘~llll'll _‘.irii~-s let i
lnit" liiii i iiiiei pi'i \l‘ll iii
i‘l l\'l\.l= lli'ti li li\t'. ltlt‘\'t'liriii'i

'Lilzl 1]}:ll'll'\ saute.



iiiisilltitl Ili
‘ e .E tunes
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slim-i! mutt iitez' the
-,\ i. were! it\ tlii- ,Iiiiti'
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‘5 l‘i'l‘ii iii s at

\\ it Hit
I‘l‘n ii'sitl'i ‘~,\ l\
ilin’ti’iiie .i sit ite
.i: s i:-.. ll it -iiiii~.. i'

"."I it'\ iiilli‘:ji‘\ Ytiil.i\

It'it ‘ivlos’i 7"- iii1liii:‘\ Ire
‘i Hi :'i ‘tmi ii: stein-input:
'. ili‘i' 1'.i"it‘« \I‘l‘”
‘lii' ‘Tlll‘l.ii\ ll'l‘xi
. t‘anl. ll'it
.- I, w!‘ IIII“‘Ii"II‘1'tll‘iII'\ III'I’ \ril
it iii‘iua: .\l:ii'iiii-s have

it‘l'ii‘u'l‘t with iiioditied i'ei'sioiis
.ii tizz _.'.li'.ii‘s ‘Iloont II” and
'i.liz.il~.- ‘i-ith l‘I \llti'l‘i .ii‘e
Ill i'ii‘il ii'i‘ltl ll‘e ill'st twi'stiti iti'i‘
siiectixe «it .t itiiIitai"; conrmaii
tie \ihosc \I'lV

.\ il'

up unit

tr‘lssiiii‘. is to

The New} ,\c.iiii~iii\

trained illitISllllillli “till the
Sillllllailitnrs' Fleelt eiiuiiaiid "
\iid timer LZIVI‘» ill esampie
til .i \lar'iiie (‘tlililltlliii‘i' who mi
pi‘i‘ssi-rl Ii\' the realise: tit IIli' colt
stillti‘l‘ war game "t ii‘ltllltliitl .\
l oiiiiuer." sent a mere-i eriioiii
l 11m: soldiers to plzn e. -'.:iine
"the idea was ihu ll \\.ls
lii‘ili‘l‘ than nothing." i llitl i s.litl

Militar e innin s
v b q q

Irlw the Internet uni irii
iiieroiis other It‘r‘lltli Iltniit's. \. idem
names one their e\isteiice. iii
ii.ll'I. iii the lililil.‘il'\

Iii tiny. the l’eiiiagnn .ip
preached .i military contractor to
lilillll a computer siiiiiriator that
would hone its commanders iI'
News and strategic \l\lll\

'i‘he pioiecl's lead eiijcuiieei-~
lx‘alpli liter, succeeded iii iii.ll\
iiti: what liei am.» the iirst \ ideo
mine console. hut it tailed Ill on
press llli i’eiitaitoii Still. liar-i
thought the new techiielogi
\IIIIIII hi used .is .i iii'iititilile
t‘ol‘tri ot eiitei taiiiiiii-iit

lie thought etirieeili. sills
oi \ ideo L'Jtiiies gziiriiiiii console».
liltl ~.2rlltiitt:11'i‘l:lteil pitfipii. l'll i
lia rioii total $11 Iiillieu .iuiiiiaily
itcoidiua to .i return In Ni ii:
Ti‘lli;f"lli‘i‘. .i market it st .lli‘ll
ind .~oiisiiltiit:: tiriii With the
release oi \‘iiiti‘iido's tianiccuiic
.itid Microsott‘s Xiio\ gamers.
consoles. those sziles lt'l‘ protect
ed to iiii ease to st? hi‘iieii iii
i’tilla .in undeniahle testament
‘.ii the itiiiiiilit'lH ol video 5: illit‘\

Se iihiie the l‘t‘lilrl‘tltii‘i iiiai
l‘.l\i' pissed on litres priniitix'e
\ItIt‘ti games certaiiih'
have its 'lill‘lililtll |1(I\\


(mum to military
Iiiit military gtiiiies are
pi‘ohahh nothing Iiiie you‘d piax~
at home That‘s liecaiise niiii
tau and iousunicr game dei'eI

epci‘s‘ hai'c diti'ereiit ge'ils in


War games such as ”Command 8 Conquer" and “Operation Fiashpoint" have appealed to casual gamers and
military buiis alike: each is a popular brand of war game known as simulations or “sims,” that allow gamers to
control everything from vast armies to an elite strike force using authentic tactics and weaponry.

:(riiii i‘t'eatioi‘ hi the case ot‘

tiiiiiiiii It iii ilr‘\.elii;it‘l'\ ilrt‘ III\I

c iiisaliii til \\'.ll' Lilllt‘s is usual

iv 't'llll\

Iiitii H‘T'U‘.