xt7m3775xd8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775xd8k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1982 1982 1982-01-27 2020 true xt7m3775xd8k section xt7m3775xd8k W
Wednesday . / 5
KEN' I 'UCKY ...........
Get out your kites, that‘s exactly what
the weather calls lor. Today it's gorng to W... .,_ 5_ _ 55 ’.
be breezy and warmer. The highs will be fit fi‘ . a Special Dellvery
in the mid to upper 405 Tonight, and ,
tomorrow, the clouds will return. The AMB CE: , Patients at the UK Neonatal Care Center .
lows tonight will bearound 40 The highs rip—g 5 5 5. otten arrive by hGIlCOP'N’ "0'" 90"“5
tomorrow will be tn the upper 405. Late *5 5 5‘ 21:; throughout eastern Kentucky. "19 59"“(e '.
tomorrow, the temperature will start to ‘ ts one at the most solDll'ShChmd ”‘ "‘9
tall. region Photo story paged I‘
VOLLXXXIV, No.93 Wednesday, January 77 I902 University at Kentucky Lexington Kentucky An lfld'p."d."' student newspaper unto NH
5 5 may go back to states
. .. I3 I, a e 5. I. ..
a "=’ I 'e‘f': V . —__—__— ' ‘ ‘ y l
5- . 25M omscmsmwo incremental: 35:55:. WW by -;»
‘ , 'I "" . i‘ ilk“ ' 5i 3'5 AssociatedPresserter the federal government also should it was the first time Democrats
‘ f _555 5‘ , ‘ 5 ' ________—.——— turn overtherevenuetopay for them. have responded to Reagan, a master
' ' ' t. - . _ n .5 . 5 = That would be done by yielding the of the electronic medium, with a

" "’ K 3%“ ,. ‘ . WASHINGTON — President receipts — and eventually collection media production. In the past, the :~'

“ i 5 . ~ , 535.3. '. 7 ‘ 38888“ asked Congress last night to responsibility—of theexcise taxes on party has been content to have ' '

"- " ” ‘) “chi, ~ ""“*~ . join him in “a Single, b0“ stroke" gasoline, tobacco. alcohol and Democratic leaders responding to ‘

,, 3. e 53‘ . __ " «chat? 5 ' . i k that WOUJd transfer 347 billion worth telephones, as well as the socalled questions or makinga short rejoinder $' 5“

" 3' £2 .N 335;” i 5 0f lzldfm’ food-stagllp and £331!" windfall profits tax on oil, to the points raised by the president
‘ ‘ ~:’,’ 3.. "“e . * i" c . ‘ ' ., 5 " ‘ 5°C. programs — 0'18 Wl 9 Meanwhile, he said, Washi ton . .'-.
"I, .. 5, l - ' Q 53.5” 5". ’ taxes to pay for them — to state and should completely take over mengcnr- 5"“ three commerCial networksucgr- ‘.
"who! «5 ' g .15 5 ‘ local governments. rently shared financing of the nedthe Democraticuprogram M d “t
t " ,. ' ~ ‘ l ’ , ‘ t Reagan, in his flI'St State Of the Medicaid prey-am of health care for charge as part 0’ e all-"$5 oc- ’5'
3 " , a. 5 . ‘5 I . 5 Uniorl address, proposed that the the needy. Itrine, which gives bothI Sides on an
' . 35‘" =‘5 ': - - ~ ~ . 5 . . chanceto ual air time. . -
. . , R II 755% . Winter sweeping shift begin in October 1133 Reagan said his plan is deSIgned issluea ’th “tilde l 5 -
"To; ~ - - Q II s Wait , and be completed within eight years. “to make goverrunent again accoun- Joins 3V1 h?" t r 53; ”in“ 1an
v g ' = ‘3‘ ' "- ¥ . . ., ~ fl " "' Over that period. the administration table to the people, to make our sun.” h?) a: ng msjcpfpézcg ".1?
> ‘ Q " .-‘ " “‘ " ‘ ‘ l"? ‘5 Summit“? more thandOprograms system of federalism work again." tending hwlfaed Oh tla lm y. ’
l . M : - r .9“ ' ' h "5 Two LexTran customers will cost $400 billion, or roughly $50 As the president spoke from the :1. . erI “.5 .n ‘ on re remen ' are
. 5 . .- ., .- . . . . . inding it difficult to make ends meet .
5 55,,- . ‘ 5 5 . 5 _ . . got caught in an after- billionperyear. well of the House, his Wife, Nancy, “while the oil com tiles and the big I. .
,3“ In . a, 5 5 ~ - 3 ~ noon snowstorm while The chief executive, whose watched from the gallery, accom- c0 rations et allpt‘he tax breaks .. f
5 ‘ 1 ‘ s5, .5 . ”gs-5 waiting for their bus on remarks toajointsossionofCongrt-ss panied by Lenny Skutnick, the rpo g ' 5 ‘
‘5 . 5'35 Southland Drive.The were befldCfiSt nathllWldei Virginia man who dove into the freez- “When people are standing in lines 5 -.
55; T 't 55-5 5- , . ' f5 snow showers are gone acknowledged that the country is Sllf' ing Potomac River Jail. 13 to save a for cheese and freezing in the cold,
-3 I \ , 5, 5 , a} ‘ for now with warmer fering hard economic times. Bl“ he woman after the crash of an Air they are reading in the paper about
t; ‘ ‘V ‘ ~ g; it? ~ ‘ F temperatures on the said “things could be far worse" Florida jet. Reagan saluted him by the party thrown last night that cost
' .5 9' : l ’93? l " WOY- withouthistax- and budgetcutting, a name and said: “We saw the at least $30,000, where the attomey 5 5‘ -
“ .r 5 " ., ' - I " s-‘ ' course hevowed tocontinue. heroism." general's wife came with earrings on . ~
:. h, b ’ iii-trili-{gv . "-‘ 1.0.VAm “Yes, we have our problems;I 3’95, Democrats responded to Reagan‘s that would cost as much as a house 515' ‘~
* 4L: it“ ’ ' l " Kurt-'5'!“ we are in a time Of "30°55'01"." message with a televised cross- People are finding that hard to take."
p,» . ~ 5 t 5 Q; " M88“ said. "Md it‘s true, there is section of Americans telling of their the unidentified woman said. ”I g
it. ,. ‘ . ‘ x " ‘ , hoqllld‘ fixtoinstantly endthetragic troubles. The woman is followed by a man ‘ ?

t * . 5- 5 ' “ 5 ‘ pain 0f unemployment. Bl“ we Will The 30-minute production, which who tells of seeing people pick food ,
a 5 , - ’73s ' I , . it " ‘ tr; end it - the l’l‘OCtlfiS has already cost $65,000, interspersed people in out of garbage cans and saying “I've
‘ £7 5 c ' ' '3 7 ‘ begun and we'll see its effect as this unemployment lines a nd been through a Depression. I‘ve never - 5 5

. 5 ' ‘ yeargoeson." homebuilders short of capital with seen anything like this.'l‘his is getting ._ '
5 WM, ‘” ‘“ While shifting the burden for big speeches from politicians and results worse than the Depression." . "
5— . 5 Structure 0 anges continue on campus
"\ ,, r" h, t": g .. ‘ ( l
5% " W— gle Panhellenic and Interfraternity elevator, a service entrance through
we, Senior StaffWriter ounclls. . . . . the west wall and a new main en- . .-
5 .5 335.45 5 _ t Dining faculties Will be moved trance on the east Side. '
. , " 5 ———-~———————————» downstairs and the gameroom will be The interior of the building will be -i'
* T , moved upstairs. completely stripped, said Jim Wash, '
51k a . 1‘ ‘ Constnlctlon 0‘ the Student Center Renovation of the Mining Engineer— a University staff architect. The ex- 51' '
.5 ‘ 5555* 5,5 2 5 5 * 2 * addition and ”90"th oftheMimng ing Building. under a $849,400 con- terior walls, the trusses (supports) f '
- 5 e ’3 ‘52 iii: » * 5,5 ’ “ WM Bmldlhg head the hSt 0‘ tract with Gregory Building Com- and the roof will remain. 5.
I . 55 .I 5: III 5 , . h . _ ‘a current programs under contract at pany, Inc. of Lexington, is scheduled Wash said the first floor of the ..
to If. I: - .5 . i We "-5 ,é‘ ‘.‘.”,;f"-Is UK- for completion by the beginning of the building will house laboratories, a -'
5 “i :3 j?;_*5"”‘fii'§ r 3 5,"? -.-5 5:5: f 5. - ,5 in?“ 5" . The $4.2 million Student Center ad- 1982 fall semester, receiving and storage area and a new 'I
. I dition, scheduled toopen by midduly, The renovation will include an ex- machanical room, Lab space and of~ .’ _ I‘
Thll'd world conference is being built where the Student pansion of the building, a complete fices for teaching assistants are plan—
Center faculty parking lot was restructuring of the interior and an ned for the second floor. The third
e l g - previomly located. addition of athird floor. floor will house the offices for the
Ethnlclty dimensmn of concern m 555.. We, 0, t... 5..., enema .2
business affairs, said the building will Blanton said funds for the renova- department and a conference room. 5.
be financed through the sale of tion will come from money set aside Another University project is the I."
_ of concern to the United States. W888 “radical expectancy" for Class revenue bonds. Student activity fees by the University during the 1979-80 $490,000 fire safety project, authonz~ '
By NANCY BRQWN Ethnicity is defined by Bacdayan as differences between various ethnic will also increase by $10, to be paid fiscal year from leftover fund edby the State Finance Department. . r5 .
Semor StaffWriter “the distinctual cultural traits that amps ‘0 disappear since they were each semester for the next 29 years, balances, prior to Gov. John Y. Blanton said Blanding and Kirwan ':.,-.‘
__.._____— sets one group apart from another.” being exposed to the same influence. win. the money going toward the Stu- Brown’s first capital construction Towers will have the highest priority j
He attributes the “0‘" nationwide butthisformulationhasnot occurred. dent Center. freeze. for installation of smoke detectors. :5; .

Culture, conflict and nationhood in interest ill ethnicity to the explosive Bacdayan said there was originally Plans to renovate the 74-year-old sprinklers and door closers. ‘55? ‘
the context of ethnicity was address- rise in the number of prominent na- a need for globalization of all people The two-floor expansion will be building began as a result of the Lex- Renovation is set to begin the day 5. 't
ed by Albert 8- Bacdayan. clulnnan tions after World War II. Fifty-one na- by the larger society. Because of a joined to the old budding by a bridge ington me Department's decision to we, students move out of me towers 53 a
0f the department 0‘ “WOW. tions were members oftheUnited Na- fear of being swallowed by a mass and will house a larger bookstore, partlauy condemn the structure in this May, Work is to be completed by ‘ , '
before 8 CTWd 0‘ 89?“me 70 tions in 1945as compared to 154 today. society and thus losing their cultural nine meeting rooms, three lounges, a 19775 August. in time for students to return 5' t .
M19 at a third world development Bacdayan saidthereare at least 3,000 distinctions, people had chosen to television area and a new, larger The blueprints for the project show nextfall ', I‘
seminar in the College 0‘ NW culturesintheworld and thatall nae stay, at leastinpart, intheirrespec- cinema. that the evergreen trees on the The Greg Page Apartments, nor- .t‘f,
Buildinll lastnisht. tionsaremultiethnic. tive ethnic groups Space vacated by thebookstore will building’s south side will be removed mally closed in the summer, will be is,

Bacdayan said the word ethnicity, Asecond reason Bacdayan gave for Another problem cited by Bac- become office space for the Student to make space for an addition to the open this summer to accomodate 5'5'.‘
Wthh “’35 00‘ in coma: existence increased concern in ethnicity is the dayan was the emergence of the Association, Student Center Board, mechanical room. students who would otherwise be
until “Hamid-’60:. is a new dimension failure or integration. He said there See THIRD. pages dorm councih. minority affairs and Also included in the plans are an housed in the towers. _'- 't
Marijuana most commonly used 7.5

St den ts say drugs are rea dil a vailable on campus '
_ mm Iexmston be the w e“ ‘ ’ 513:1
man in ' tosiaoin Onednigthatseemsto on ' ' .. \ , 1e

”ycmmwm‘c": it’lltferpartsofthecountry. declineisLsnoiiesophomoncalled I ’ , . ’.' . _ c .I' 5 A c - ‘ I.
Reporter David Robertson, assistantpro— the once-heavy use of the - ‘ Q ‘5 ' T It :5 ' . 1
_.__._____ fessor ofemergency medicine at the hallucinogen “mom or less a fail" I o . A . . ti \ 3: 355
UKMedical Culta,saidhedeals She also said a different drug, / . . a I 54'I . "e. '. / 5 ’1,

Oceanic. marijuana. speed—these with a “fair amount of drug over- Psilocybin. known popularly as , . I; -‘ {- ‘ -" ' ,5 . . 5
and other drllgs are readily available m” in the hospital's gnu-gale}! “magic mushrooms" is taking LSD': , . .1 ‘5 ( .8 . r .' 41,55
totheUKcampm,saysomestudelits. room. place. 1 -. , .x - . - ’ ’ ' fit" .-

WWmmmfiflm ltobertsonuldtnenumberoiover- Shesaldthereuonfa'thisswltch . ‘ . .5 _5 exop'ff‘hd‘. - .5 5 “1'" .
theymabletobuywhatevatypeof mullighermweekendsthanm canbeattiibutedtothen-morthe ~ . 1. x a, . ,5 5 Q 5 _.
dng they want, at almost any time. weekdays. an arm. LSD is a man-made \ .. I; . ,5, - .5” ‘v 3 .
Accordlmtothesestudentsmneof MWMdfidnothaveany chanicalsubatance,whilePsilocybin , . '_~ ......‘ “.53 , -
the most-med m on campus ‘3 specific numbers, he said the most hasamhn'almmgtmbuc. I“ ' ‘ ‘5‘ 5 Q .
marijuana. abmeddngseaiintheemagency OnefreshmansaidISDisonthe ‘; . . , 'I

Marljtnnamuallycostsaboutfls Mbdcdnlflhesecondandtldrd mmmd‘mbedfffgludi: ' V . . . . . ._ w k I 5.
mm.SpeclellzedltreinIolthe most frequent are Tricyclic and hasonsomeuers. 'l‘heyre .. i 5 5 5 5 «A I ,5, l ., A“ , r .
mt, m, m. up to m mm. vwm,mmtimnu. mpmc‘nymm‘m' ~ p v 5 ‘ . >5 '& ‘ r I-" , '

Mlm.lmhu5lllflnlllland The tie of ”mot-106W“ m. y . . .. I - 5. ., \.‘ l
Acapulco Gold, are pretend by Umllythevictlnuofoverdoea howevel',hunotgme . . ~- "555: . . .' \/ g . .. .
m shidante became they are rartgefrornlatoaoyeenold,Robert- Maxie Maultlby, of the "Whit“? " . - 5 , 5 5- 5 .
"mildutheycetyouhlahermd muld- depnrnmntdmlordtbehghml A. '- ' '5 5..
mulch“...,mm’m Headdedthatnnnyoftheova- neinvlornnlninsprmmto land! A r». j v ‘ . .
whhedtomainammou. does by UK students are suicidal peopletodeelwlthunotiorfinamnl- ,' . . A. a 5 .
seem, “to get Ittmtiai," and not ly,witlmtnleoholorm- , . . - . , \ 555

Butwhilemnrljmmramimthe actinlsuicideattanpts. mmhmthetomolen .55 . .7 .
mmmmmeWflwMg gzdmtl cllnicattheMedicel 5- . 5 hi . .

M, many are switching to co- OIG IW ' l m - 5 _ r
”.mmmdtlusdn‘u foramphetaminuandstlnuuenu).A Dnmnknawmdlrectorotsg _ t . . .
My gym an]. m MUIWUMMWIMYIM (immune-1th. “duh" . - ‘ ,9¢ \
‘W'ummmmmu Manual-5mm.wblcbh “Mmmflm” ‘ .‘ .3 \ A . '
m, rdativelyeuytoflndmatllom problem. He said till my D. ‘ ~.
Cocaine. harm. can con- for a “tit” or one pill. Denies at haul-0"Nlmwmhv """"""""""""°”

may m then mull-“l wt m' m mutate diet “M I" help. M m” Many students find pleasure from the use of il|09°| drugs such as mariiuana as pictured above. Some 5
mm“ a, “rich MI. “5" “lb and w (m tabla) fa- ntll‘ ‘tmt Wm. 11:! m ,mdgnts say it is the most commonly used drug 0" COMP”-
mmmmmmm anneal-lam. Memory.

' “ . o‘ 4 b 3' fl 7

* ' Kérnel”""
Del. 0. Morton
‘ - Editorial Editor
um S'ol‘on x... ml». Mouy m Am and. Klrbv Stool-on- M. ma- lolln
(duo: in Chief Day Editor Noncy I. Davis 590,“ Editor Arts Editor Graph-u Editor Photo Edna:
. . Juno. Idwln North
“a3'on "at” “““o' “"“'"° '°""“"'“ ‘“'““"“°‘”" ”""°“‘ '°“°""
Managing Editor (op, who, Alsislum Managing Edilols Aumnm spam Edhlov Ass-slam Arts Editor layout Editor Chm l‘holog'apl-u
. . W
'I l .
‘ 03 ”g t8 88ie®
. i I . - . . . .. . , . .. .. - - . t'
. . . Mlners shwld be guaranteed fife wmlng cmdmm \\\I§‘\\\\\\\I‘\\\\\V:\\\I\\\\\Q§<:§n‘_§i$$:i:ifi:lfififififi-figop2.5.34.9:417/,v.7, 4,3,. , .. ..c. ..III.I:,::3,;_;.;,.,I..,;,I,._,7,”,3,I,I,I,yI,I,I,.I,:,;.;,;.;.;.,-.:.
. . . . O o .
~ .. 9 ~ Whether or not Ronald Reagan‘s budget cut- number of inspectors is not increased in the 0+! h" [’6‘ CH1 1 H d
3 . ting program as a whole has gone too far is a near future, it is unlikely that this gruesome . 0 cl 5 a C l 10 ON, W1 '6 Show an Ice I
. . i1. . question still open to debate. but the damage trend Will be reversed. The only way this can (I J. . + . 4‘ .I be. ‘
.. , . . ‘. he has wrought on a few individual federal be done is for Reagan to restore the slashed an war 3 as “1 6 NI 1 C. asses
I '. . agencies is welldocumented. funds and reinstate the laid-off inspectors. “'—
3- . ‘ . 1 In particular, he has devastated the Mine Mines found to have Violations, particularly 1—0 (la 3" 0d 0|, u 4‘ K
. ‘- t. ‘, Safety and Health Administration, ter- serious ones, should receive more than a fine 1 30 - . .
. - ‘ minating hundreds of mine safety inspectors, and a slap on the wrist, as in the past. The cIlos-
‘ ‘. ' l and the consequences have been very real' ing 0‘ culpable mlnes ls a Step In the fight 1131::1:3:?:1:1:' :I:1231i21:?:1:it::3I-:-:-Z~:'1§I§3§1§ZEZSIEZI......a-.-.--'~--~-:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:-:~:~:-:~:-:-.r.-.-.-x-:~:~:-:l:1:it-:-:-:r:1:t;-:-:-‘ r :-.-:-
' 1 .. . ' During the past seven weeks, 22 Kentucky direction, but it cannot stop thata-
' ‘ x coal miners have died in accidentsi and United It is “0t emugh that the Spot inspection 0‘
‘ z ‘ Mine Workers President Sam Church who mihao wiii oohtihoo for another 22 days, as
. ' .1 1 recently visited the site of two Eastern Ken- Willard Stanley, state mines and minerals o
i 4 . tooty coal mines whore acvch minors were commissioner, says they will A that " --- O O
' " " hiiioti ih explosions this month has laid the crackdown gives ho assurances tor the totth‘o- o' 0 i o
.. ‘r blame squarely on the gutting of the MSHA’S Stanley admitted many miners were being .. ‘ o o O l 0
‘ ._ - t. - ranks. especially careful while inspections were be- . o .
‘ " ' ins conducted. but violations will no doubt oon- .223? iii;ziat::::;:;;:;;.;.;.;~.;~.-eff-.-f.;.;;;;.;.;;;;;...iigifzt
' . ' - Pointing out that there were 5,000 tower tinue once the examiners have departed To =
. -- . federal mine inspections in 1981 than in 1980, discontinue this practice. inspections must be g
' ' . Church charged that the regulations (which he conducted regularly and strenuously o, .
‘ , I t; termed ”great"l are not being enforced Safety in the mines is a right — ll°t a
- . .: Even though mine safety officials breezed priviledge — of the workers, and mine safety
-i 71 into Easttth Kohttithy Monday anti closed it cannot he left to Private industry to ontotao- iii-iii;
, " , 1' oi 7o inspected ooai mihaot it is still an issue of inspections are one of the very legitimate soi- . If?
‘ “too little. too late.“ It’s easy to be a Monday vices of government that cannot be provided as..- ‘53
i -:r . morning quarterback. by any other agency. The funds aren’t there, , lit-*5 it lv\
' 1- -. ' * it is no accident that tho decrease to tho the manpower isn’t there and tho rasothlhlh- avzrw "-- I9
‘ number of mine inspectors is coincident with ty isn't there. This is one case in which Reagan .. , ,o
' . . i ' ', the increase ln the number of accidents If the has indeed gone tOO far. '::-.:.::.;.;—:-:-:-:-:-:-:::::::::::: ...._-’..--;-.-:-;-:o:-.-._.-.;.;.;.;.-,.;.;... ._.5-.v,,.;.-..;—;.;e
‘ Kentucky can at llo underfunding of U K's hospital
" 3» I I' In light of recent reports of possible at the University of Louisville whichI at UK by Dr. Douglas Cunningham terns and residents, cutbacks in ser- simply increasing state allocatiom, the country and its closure will cer-
.II. ' cutbacks in patientcare services at suspect has its own problems with several years ago was a major vices will mean cutbacks in the the funding of both health care tainly showtherestofthenation that ,
. _' _ . - University Hospital. particularly the space and overcensus already. breakthrough. The idea of reversing number of patients available to them. facilities and personal health benefits Kentucky may not really be as
.» .I_ -» ., considered closing of the new 50 bed _-————-— such important accomplishments is The implications of the proposals are should take a higher priority among serious about health care as it would
’ .I I Neonatal Complex, I feel compelled Staff sheer ignorance of the grave condi- probably more far-reaching than the the law-making bodies and funding haveappeared.
.~ ; . _ to raise some serious questions about I. _ tion of these infants. administrators may realize. The ac- agencies.
. i - - 1 these absurd proposals. 0 The new Neonatal Complex is not tual reduction of services will not be I am not suggesting going I0 far as I offer no solutions to the economic
: , '1 , _ Do the administrators honestly p'nlon the only area of the hospital that the much help for the hospital’s image in to socialize medicine in this country problems that the hospital has found
, - . believe that they can just shut dovm .,,-~__—_.._ proposed cutbacks will effect. Other the public’s view. And I believe that became this is an extremist concept itself in because of allocation cut-
- , , . ‘. .. this badly needed unit of the hospital? Forcing rural hospitals to take on areas include pediatrics, obstetrics the AB. Chandler Medical Center has that would never be accepted by the backs and free services dealed out to
.' . . .' ,, 3 They Surely can‘t believe that remov- the care of these infants is not feasible and certain elements of the been the pace-setter for hospital care medical profession. But I can .
:I . . ing 30 plus Intensive Care beds for either. Most of the babies transported emergencycare program. But, the in central and eastern Kentucky for definitely see where the those unable to pay m the past. I am
. _ , .' ' premature and Otherwise seriously ill to UK have serious respiratory pro- reduction of services in these areas some time now. At least that is howl Medicare/Medicaid plans could be sure thereIisnoinmple ”1“?” butto
. f , infants Will be any where near worth blems caused by the fact that their will not be as detrimental to prospec- conceive the public’s image of the improved on. me, reducrng “meal servrces to the
.' . ‘/ balancing their budget. I mean, what lungs were not ready to breathe when tive patients as it will be in the hospital. I think that it is sad that the ad- sick which cannot be replaced is not
. .' price life'.’ This question is valid they were born. I seriously question Neonatal Complex because the slack I don’t profess to be an economist ministrators had to resort to ideas of theanswer.
I' . I‘ because there is no way that the area the ability of regional hospitals to can be picked up by other area nor do I have any legislative aspira~ closing down units such as the new
. 3‘ can take up the slack of closing NICU maintain the intense care needed to hospitals. tions, but it seems to me that the Neonatal Complex, which incidental- J, D. VanHoose is a Kernel
- . , '. down. The only other care unit in the keep these infants alive. They are just Since University Hospital is a government should take a more ac- ly cost the taxpayers over $1.2 photographer and biology senior who
-. ~. ‘I, state that has the specialization of not equipped properly. The institution teaching hospital for hundreds of tivepartinthefundingofhealth care. million. This new unit has been com- plans to enter medical school in the
a . , .: I, UK‘s unit IS the Similar-care facility of respirators in the care of neonates students and a large number of in- Whether it be on a national level or pared with the best neonatal units in fall of1983.
: Ii '1 . filllets
ji, ' Fact or fiction editorial staff of the Lexington Not only do I anticipate these data the School of Journalism at UKis sur- achievements reveal more about the Within this article three students
3 .' , I:; i: '. Herald~Leader has prudently culled with great eagerness, but I am rounded by glass walls before you value of an education at the UK than espoused their opinionsonthesubject
- 3 ,.'.,--' The editorial in the Jan. 20 edition in order that the readership may have curious to see if journalism can incor- throw stones. Your furor should at the results of questionnairfi sent to a of registration, and the writer refer-
.- I of the Lexington Herald-Leader greater opportunity to be informed of porate the accepted foundations upon least bring in a new spate of anti-New small number of administrators and red to an elusive survey on who
',I'I:'. - ., , ,-.‘ , distingmshtss effectively between con- bankruptcies divorces, local society, which analysis and interpretation are York and anti-yankee letters for students. should be exempt from the draft.
I clusions which are drawn by data col- life in the Bluegrass, regional recipes based. awhile (as usual), enough to make It is my impression that southern Certainly if the Guide made an er-
. .lI lection and analysis (as in scientific and of course, sports and spring train- anytruewildcat fan proud. schools are underrated, not only by ror using a sample of 25 for 23,000,
. , ”583m“ ' and those COHClUSlOliS ing, Edward J - Pavlik Let’s face factsv folks: UK is not eX- peOple from the east and west coasts, The Kernel made a more grievous er-
:I - . which are based upon limited, subjec- If this mass of scientific propagan- Directorof Research actly Harvard South; it's not even but by the southemers themselves. I rorin using three while hypocritically
' ,1 t it two or anecdotal observations (as in da is concurrent with the allocation in Gynecologic Oncology LSU North! The poll, misleading or am a native of New York and receiv- berating the Guide.
I..I-I.I ..i journalism). The content of this period for the NIH budget, then the Departmentof Obstetrics not, does at least force many of us to ed my education at a prestigious Who is this N.A. Brown? Why is
-, editorial stated that “the (scientific) editorial hypotheses will stand. Can and Gynecology and Biochemistry take a closer second look at how the university inNew England. s/hea senior staff writer? The Kernel
.. I-. i,’ '1. breakthrough is announced just the Herald-Leader document its UKCollege of Medicine outside world (those outside Lex- When 1 moved to lgxington in 1963, must either print a retraction of its
-I'-3.II,..‘I before the tNIH) budget comes up for assertion in the same way that the w ington) perceives 15. And these I discovered that a high quality editorial or apologize to its reading
I ‘1‘) review" and that "we are flooded scientific community must document What's in observations should not really sur- education could be obtained at UK public.
_ ‘. with imminent cures for cancer — scientific observation in order for a name priseusl and that many people here and
-. 3_ miraculous or otherwise —— or news of speculative hypothesis to be declared Sour grapes, I say. But, perhaps the Does anyone out there know, for in- elsewhere were unaware of this for. Vic Chaney
1 i', a recently isolated virus that resear- "fact"? (A simple dated listing of all Kernel doth protest too much. Sure, stance, that: (I) “UK"also stands for tunate state “affairs 1 hope you will Psychology senior
, "i I .‘I. cners believe could hold the key to a the scientific publicity releases is all go ahead and attack the survey United Kingdom (as in Great Bri- print this letter in order to help cor-
3‘. ' - i". broader understanding that may lead that is required). methods and the lack of profes- tain)? (2) That “wildcats”also refers rect the erroneous impression of UK Fourfars
' ,' .1 to a deeper knowledge." It is not even necessary to print this sionalism shown by the New York to risky oil wells and strikes conveyed by the Times college guide.
. . 1-, , 'I I have been unaware of the torrent documentation; if I am simply sent a Times Selective Guide to Colleges, unauthorized by labor unions, as well I read in The Kernel Monday that
,‘I 'I. .1, I‘ v If. of announcements. Perhaps there has copy of the releases, the prerequisite 1982-1983. Do you know what “selec- as to actual wildlife indigenom to Henry R. Hirsch most students atUKsupport registra-
,~.If been a genuine deluge which the of documentation will besatisfied. tive“ means? Better check to see if Asia and Europe now nearly extinct? Physiological biophysicist tion for the draft. You can imagine
~t .5, (3) That basketball is a game in- UKMedjcal Center my surprise to learn that four people
," , _.' BLmM com by Berke Bream vented by a Canadian while living in out of 22,975 students make up a ma-
dj "TI-V (LL YKYOU MT I Massachusetts? (4) That there are DOUble standard jority on important political and
.‘ .' TOW” W W (M two more historically famous towns moral issues. I always thought
. .. w. oueorvoukwmn moan mmm 1%qu . . . ..
I '. . .. '. BLOOM snaps my mum. I MM WCKO 100mm SLY. named chmgton in Virginia and What a wonderful campus “most” meant at least half. Perhaps
.' _ W. W, ' '~ m, W77- fiw- midst / / Massachusetts than the one we live newspaper we would have if only the the school of journalism has adopted
“I. ‘ FUL "0 WCIO. I WMY I ' W5 A ‘ - in? Kernel would follow the guidelines it the same statistical methods used to
f. , '. ' i CHW 7/ , . ralcx/é ...... ' ‘n, ...” Three Bronx (as in New York) so fervently sets forth. Onthesecond define a group called the Moral Ma-
, . "n“ a} is Ml ‘ W: U Ml cheers for our typical chauvinistic page of the Jan. 18 issue we were jority_
" ". . . .c 1 U ga ' , 7“ f 1"”. SEE .{mfi}? "EL—5?: regionalism. It‘s loyal certainly, but bombarded with an editorial criticiz-
.' ,' m; j: g "A 3‘ § 5%“? a [U 0 A '0’ , w u I‘ .3 it’s alsoboring. Bore, bore, boring! ing The New York Times Selective John Belanger
. . ‘. , , t “" 1. .I LA I ‘ g , o. \ l .. k 3 B d . ' 4‘ d * Guide to Colleges 1982-83 for “ir- Aponomysenior
' , vI- ,I -. ._._ b -& 3‘ . n {5 5‘3,“ ,4, \- [Lia ~.. ‘7;an Arthur R. IBeebe responsible joumalism at its best.” It
’ I f ’t -’ l‘ z "\‘i .. E , \Egg’ :“1/, . ML -2“? “ii": I ll ..‘J’X ?T\ ‘ 113nm seems the Guide med only a sample Editor's note: Our reader's astute
" ‘, i ‘ ' " 4;; \fi ; \‘ k “I .' .r‘ 2-. $.15 IV‘ Q; a; 4'3 "ta" of253tudentsonwhichtobaseits opi- criticism in well-taken. indeed, the
J, . and- ._ u::::.‘ “X if ...nu... '- ...f lulu/sit : ~ P.s. Do you have the guts to print nionofstudentlifeat UK. amp "gunman gtory ghould have
. . 'I -. . .. this? I have the guts to sign my name. On the front page of the same issue drawn from more courcu in order to
i a .1’ II ' 1'8“th ' appeared an article by N-A~ Brown, be truly representative. Thankfully,
I . . I ,. 310m“ C00" 1 l. o 'I 'I H by Berke n Pnzed graduates senior staff writer entitled “Students however, wedldn't bind ltupand chip
j. t. ' . ‘ m, grungy gym,“ I5" * / , L" The h Sol l 3% the P2813“? 9°:er :50“ it out nationwide as the final word on
. ,5 ' I'M EXCITED. W m I WC? WIRE . I New Yor Times ect ve tin regis rn ion or t." ”IO 1M¢nto "lion ofrgwrafion.
' , .‘ HEIRTOTHfi mmsucnoww V WWW” ~ I DUTCH.’ mo. Guide to Colleges, 1982-83 is highly P
.' . wivaemmisouue. . NAMESRWW ‘mwr’...’ -- '
, is... m“ ‘WILUAM ., I \ critical of the acadermc quality of
, .I «_.\ “ "Wick ., ”a UK. I would like to point out that two Per-tun submitting letter: and dmlflcatlm or connectlu with
, - . ., \ vilkqggfi 9 -A of our undergraduates have won opinion columns to the Kernel UK. Lettu- Illould be limited to
’ . .' . A? \ ‘3’ If , g Nobel MI Thomas Hunt Morgan shark! address their comments 80m.llllwull subun-
.. ,, II. ( . , 6‘ Jan y’i washonoredforhisrelonrchin typedand mple-epacedtouie tlngeomnenulnpa'uleholld
. _ , . rfi ’ .' -. no" I .1?) In [I] v genetics and, more recently, William editorial editor at m Journalhm bringUKlD-ordrlver’n Mom.
.‘ Q ' i, l . \ ’ 3"":- W; ... Lipscomb received the chemistry Wl-WM- The Kernel reserves be rig! to
' ‘ it it " ‘ - in) (l 4 prize for his work with bounce. How Writes “'3‘ We the“ edit for murmur, clarity and
‘I Hog; -, V m \ \Im 6r. . , “2% manyotherunlvenitlel amongthooe unmet. addressee. telephone length and to armhole libelo-
‘3 ‘\ ' ‘ '9“ ‘ \i\w3‘ it? " ' ’ Iistedintheguidecannnkesimilnr III-born all their union. mate-1a.
, , i ‘ l: I‘: ~\ ‘ ‘ r in. - , Isn‘t ‘ ' ' - -
“m i m..- claims? I believe that these
r v ‘ . b . ’ ~ 0

 ’. l . KY KEINEL Wednesdc Junuu 21. 1902-3
naiaance bombers have paieuated the US. air said he told Gromyko the Umted StatesI is or“ II
defense identification zone, which reaches some prepared to begin negotiatiomI on the reduction Ag I? . ..
state 200 miles out to sea. It owld not be determined of strategic nuclear weapons ‘when conditions g”
immediatelyitnmileswu tbeclosest approach permit." 3...? I:

CRAYNOR - A team 0f investigators, led by Sovietplaneshave made. But he made clear that the Reagan ad- 1%.” ,
stateMlmOunnus-ionerwmardsmley.besan Itisstandard practice for US. jetstointercept ministration believes suchI negotiations cannot 415*?” , I
probingafamilyownedmineyelterdayJonkins Soviet planes detected in the zone and escort take place in an international atmosphere he I _ I 1/", .. , I
for cluestotheexplo-ion that killed seven men. themout. saidispoisoned by eventsmPoland.I '. f s, ,

Stanley said it was too early to pinpoint any Haig told reporters that Poland will Inothe the as: 1:. , ~n,.,' . I , , I
cause for undilute- w Id only factor in deciding when the time is right to .-" k I . asap-ta .

He also reported ninebmore hum? "rush: OI' begin thetallts. III as; Na .. .IyIII I .
wen med yesterday y impec 01' es .. . . . . . , »