xt7m3775xb2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775xb2z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1992 Vol.63 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1992 Vol.63 No.7 1992 1992 2019 true xt7m3775xb2z section xt7m3775xb2z _ - 254W , 7
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' Off1c1a1 publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce — Vol. 63, No. 7 — July 1992 g.
R " pets in Inez, Springfield, Lebanon, Shelbyville, Winchester, Henderson, Covington TWO more l -
, ‘ :2:::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:45:22:22:as;:;::::::::;:g;,::g;g:g:g:;:;;g:;:g;g:g:g:g:g;g;g;g;g:5:32;zg:5:;2525;535:335:35;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:szzzzzzzzszgsgzgzgsga553355;255252;;55255532525535gzgzssgsgsgzgsgsgsssg533353553535;5g35535522532;333:23522355525s253255;Eaésésigiaisiziaézéz35323;:zizizézézgsigaiaésisiaiziséaisizézézézésisésésézisisés§2§s§5§532:5;i2§2§£§s§s§sizéséeésisizisésés:§s§s§3§s§§s§5§s§z§5§£§3§2§5§§2§§3§s§s;55%;;252§3§s§5§3§3§5§2iz§3§s§3§2§2§3§3§2§2§2§£§2§3§s§s§2 i
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. . heyre-‘ltlinetterNewsaercntest become one
r ' SisS233E3225EEEE§3§EEEEEEEEE£3Q.3.-:33i5§E§3£3335§EiEsiii;EgEgE52sE35:5gEgE;EsEg33353253535E;EsE5EgE2525553Eg53333=333:32E=E§E§E3EsEsEssaE5E3E=E$555sE55;EzE2535:;E2Es:3:§:=:s:=:2:s2:2:5:=:z:2:=:_::r:5:=2=:=:=:I:3:::W=:3:1:=23:}:1:2:3fz233:;:5:£23:3:2:3;:I:I:5:5:2:3:3:5:5:5:5:3:3:5:z:3:5:3:-:4:-:-:;:;:-:-:;2;:I:;:;:::;:;.;.;.;.-:;:;:_-:;:.:-:3:;:~:-:-:3.-.-.-.3:-:45;:a:as-:;:;:4;:-:-:-:-:-:3:43:53:;z;z-:3:3:43:.;.:3:i:.:.:.:.;.:-:3;.;.;.;.;.:54;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;,;.;.;4.3.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.3. Mark one Kentucky paper 0 f f the g
Winners in the 1992 Better News— ' 0nd and one third place certificate. Inc., took General Excellence honors list of 100-year—old newspapers. ,
5r Contest—- some surprises, some In the larger daily category, The - among Weekly Class 2 newspapers, The Green River Republican, serv- l
Petimml :ted -- were recognized on Sat— Kentucky Post in Covington captured coming in first in seven categories, ing Butler County since 1885, was :-
RWLM of KPA’s summer convention, the General Excellence title in Daily second in three categories and third in merged on July 1 With The Butler ‘ l
W: [3033 W ‘.8-20 in PlkEVllle. Class 3, largely through a ConSlStent three. County Banner. Both papers have been .
’ Gimuifil’ttW .' relative newcomer, The Moun— showing in nearly all of the 17 com— Also in the Landmark stable, The published in Morgantownin Western t
‘ "if” tain Citizen, seWed up the General petition areas. The Scripps Howard Lebanon Enterprise was the tOp winner Kentucky. > ‘
' ‘- Excellenceaward amongWeeklyClass publication chalked up five awards in the Weekly Class 3 circulation cat— Banner publishers Roger and .t
1 newspapers. The Inez paper, pub- for firstplace, six for second and three egory. Six first place awards went to Deborah Givens purchased the Re- i
lished by Lisa Stayton, earned five for third. the paper published by John Bramel, publican from the Andy Anderson . 2,
first place plaques, as well as one sec— The Springfield Sun, published by along with two second place certifi- Corporation. They started the Banner .1
L ' Ninie GlaSSCOCk and owned by Cates and one third. in 1982' r g
3 ' ' the Banner office onu9 Main St- t
- ‘ ' EXCEHBHCGB , , . ' e, a ‘ "7 3 3 , Both papers had been inaIfiP and r
.- . 3. _ :EE:5:5:§:§:§:§:§:E:3;;zg;;:;:;:;:g:;:5;g:g:g:g:5:3:3:g:3W5:3:}:5:3:a:5:3:5:3:5:335:2:3:5:::3:§:3:3:§:23:3:3:3:3:2:5:5:5:;:2:Eifi:§:E:E:E:E:E:i:E:E=E: W W," .55” = W tuck struggle for local public notice l
, . . 't' . ” ' 7‘ sh,» at «a . ‘5“:1992 DirectoryshoWsthe Bannérwrth~i<
Mountain Cl lzen 49"”p». ., . ~ » a paid' circulation"of"3,508 and‘th’e .-
; . Fulton Leader WWWfWgWW , KPA past president LarryCraig is f
' MM ”‘ ”’5? aw” a former editor of the Republican. 3
s pnng re un - ' , " .2: " ‘ . 7 *
. Clay City limes 5:6; f: 5? 3 y/ll a gefllftgfié What S yourpleasure. ’
‘I Troublesome Creek Times ' " " ‘ , ‘ , ” . ‘3 " tef/ I" 3:5 P991913 ”(We Stuart Simpson 0f .
' , M; , v . E; W '2. ., . .. Pulaski Week in Somerset arearare
_ , . e breed. t
: Lebanon Enterprise . -» “ 5 f ,efitfiggfi‘ 0“ ms 9“." the KPA board
, Oldham Era ' , ' . raft memberand destgnerpar excellence ’
; . 3 Georgetown News&limes (tie) . ,~ WW gr: - gimiup Wilth gve nelw desrgns for .,
5 Pu'asmweekme’ . ~ . * ,, if???“ ”g9 ' e Wentuc y Wress agW. t
, W . . x. . We {3 ”W; W’fii‘g, = ‘ Since each is refreshing and ex- ‘
M Iti-w kl ' . ,1,, . , . .. ~ ._ g": " C citing,wecan'tdecide.Sowe'reask- ‘
. Sentinel-News ?; .W ; , . _ . , , L. ,. ,WWWWW mg those of you who read the Press . _
Central Kentuck N ews_ J ourn a] s g: . j W,” , 3 W . , ,' . .z', «are? .3; each month to castyour vote forthe ,
‘ P' Y” 1 t ,T 3, 1 “’" 1%” :"fi 5., 33.4,yasfiW design that will grace the top of this ’
7 - a. g: 1 , . 4‘ You'll find the five renderings "
:. . h l S W ~ W r W W aw, on page 15 of this edition and a ,
WWlnC es er, un ' “it ‘ ' i ' w 4”“ -, ballot onpagel4.Letusknowwhich ,
V M'ddleSboro Dally News ' V, W n”*’ 7% ’ . I r: ’ you prefer. ' 3.-
.W _ . Hanan Dally Enterprise :stf:%§:¢éfi§;i>33a/ 71%;“ WW .' » , ., . . W W v... W . . . . ,;
' l I i l t ) fig? l 17:” "4.2,.“ ”W l V 52515525135132232325:Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiziiiitiiii1551315133151525253iiiIL45I:2iIEIE=:1S1EI5’:3:3i1iIEE15=5'r.’i:1EI55323222222253.112331535132 ""1
, Gleaner ._ ,. .. ,, . . , ,. 5%, Aves» New” ,rn”serf,sfx,l «W
‘ News-Enterprise , . . ', . .. .3 * 11.11451; Ti! , - , . . 5. .
W AdvocatWMessenger _ _ 3, , are 3 All the winners Insert ,3;
. Convention coverage, - .. .
_ Hold on to yourWhat pages 3. 8, 9, 10, 12 ' ~’_
: W This photo by Richard RoBards is one reason New England Judges believe Names page 4 _ .
i Kentucky Post the Central Kentucky News-Journal In Campbellsville has the best sports A new 12k) . , . - “31.,
. _ 9. you vote. . A
Messenger-lnqurrer pictures among multl—weeklies. Other prize winners are featured inside In 0 es 14 15 .
. lexlngton Herald-Leader - a special tabloid on KPA's 1992 Better Newspaper Contest. Awards were p g ' ' . ._ ,- - '
’ presented during the summer conVentIon In Pikeville. . fig
‘, ,. . ,Ii
' V s
3 > . ._ 1 .: 3 f . ___________3____-sniffieflfeegfi;ceasefireeegW—e—e.7.—_._._W-'.-.-,W___~W_f_'W"_“W_g

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- " n a Kentucky Preslefly 1992 tre Otters Press L
* ' Pageza'n‘e ., ’ ttraC 1-age;$233331;2:22;;:.i.§;:»:§:255;3:33»5;;gfz=§;5‘:i4: ii-::§2 ' ' it; 5
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, , M/Rsem LaschultzscottMa“ 1992 offlct‘r"s ,-
nal L12Hansen'eHensley preside"t I
‘ eereglohsemmarswel’e ' "SabatoandBobDawd SchufZ 1,
24222442224444 1' .. -:s'=4.3%i;iefé:si31i1s='ii2;figsfigiéézériimia'f‘étténdfidfit.:49f44'444s‘gii'ifi'éa'imakerri-ivTswedonEddleAmOldw % Mary-fl Advocate-Messenger -3-
. 1 fueS 0In L0n n. , ..a DanVl 9 L L
. esnOShortage oq 4-'4*"'ent":124:4;:zj:;s4.::~;-LX1“ “f riBrISIm‘IT?“.y1.-sp_—Bla1r10hnNels° yn - nt-Elect . ier
. Ther. ,. . . eC. . ,. 1 18... . ., .Alen....,.1 . 1 I de - ur ,
""‘hGe'neraIAssembly'STtNmieGIasscockJenn]dTomSmlth: ..1Bak61311.1.1..1-,..fiasymfind;:Shol'..t,.;.Teruy PreSIL I 8 Benton Tribune 00 4 .
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toKentu OCOImO’Rse Ian-“€33. e, -. LndaBreed,g Past PreSIde" z- .
revwlons - rds LaWS. 1..:z3:-::::;:z.z.;:;..:»--:».:11;»';.:.;:-- : 'n;:1Ierlen€.._. 0' .~.:r~'-- :- 'Li;~'~:-Spea.I'.S,.._,1,1.1._...;.-1-“3431.429 =H0Ckenberry1 ald .15- 4
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' andaandonLexlngton1:3AlsolnLeXlngonhanErlcRUthTa walesHunterlMar DIStrI Mtche” Fulton Leader ‘ I L
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wnmeetl 8" lleToddBeVI’ trsonLAmy "FrankBOYettr District 2 1‘ -
Ellzabethto ,: :--;: *§;:‘ =Mad150nV1 'v;-§.§:§:-,1i:;:,;:;:i:'.3:.;:;.§:j;f3.‘ -3-'-‘-‘hen,:g:§:tz;1?ee .,5;}5.;:-:-:»‘:4:;:;'-':i:-:-’-<4 '-j:§Chandlerp ,:,:».-.,,..:1,1.»‘.‘,;,:;,;.‘»,1 4: 4 “Liter“: _ _ 4...
:35?:‘i,:§:1.53-..5§313.'i:1-‘""‘-"""""35”"" duledm 555,321.;3:3,;211::.1..33.. .211: Stepis;1,331.1.;:;1;1:555.,. rewgriilgié'it-:11:-13:35?"5.5-3.‘""i§i .3521” dTeresa __;:,;.,...1;-:..;;::. film ham . , I ;
onglnang’escgficenedbecauseofthengfiff’ordRickBakeTrBYES’agFraastJimnghIandslan " Edi/'20 n gpfl-ngs Progress ;
C’esl .
:hadt9ascourtresponsm‘htlesitemBobstottzBe‘ZkYBam'"" DiSWCta , n McLean County News
attomeg’hshersedltorsal‘ldrepo ' . Teresa Rev 9 ' 1 5 » 4»
' Pu 1 44444444344344? 9'5"!” 4 arm Frank/I" Favor” ? _. '
. §§éfi$§gi$§fifi§m§:w . Charlle portm 1 , i »
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- 11 ' , 1 -. ' ' 3‘44 " 4&4 ‘54 1- abet LOW 4'
1 1 445% 117‘ i ‘ . 424444 «'54.»; 444 35,044 Aberna‘hY’ Old/7am i - .- .
' - 44444. ,1 » 1. ‘4‘” 4244* - - t7 News 3. 4
.. ”’44 -1 1 4 44944 44.4...4 4414‘s DIStrlc . t'n County » ' ..
..: ”’4; 1. .:' 1.1' ' ' .144 - “*4 418 ~44, ” 4 Kelley WarnICk: Gal/a! » I 4’
‘ ”1 1, 4 I '- 1 4 WW”? tz Bat ..
’ 5 ;~ 4. v -. » 1 1. . 4 fix" * ‘ *» ' 1 4 ' On Me ’ -
”j- ”44. 1 ,12,.1.'1:,..: , ’,”~f§:§3&:§§“4 , ’ 1 ' .‘ Sigma 10-11 » ’ ' , 4,“ »/' ' -»
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"’42; 411: 4-,; ‘ . 4 ' . WWW“ a/aCh’an Ne ' WM
. 1 . , 1 1 » 4:5 4:4, ’* ”454%; 3:114:12 1 L
”414, 4 »1A’%&3444%§é4§ Louisé Ha‘make' mil/e Enterprise '
M4 1 » 2 - 4% ,”‘ Jackson T’mBS/Bea
4. Distric, ,3 hesterEnYG’P’ise , _
I 22?; ,1 4, . Glenn Gray, ManC
‘ " DIStrlcu kl Week '

.. . . District 15A . n Herald-Leader- .

' .4 ' ' Jim Green, Lexmgto ; .
"‘ 51$? . '

- 1 - - ‘4 -. z», j 444,454 ' 332m Rose. Clay CW “”79 31...; .
1 “4”“: » 4 State-“'La'fif Courier-Journal ,1
. » 1 4t, . coldlron Camilla Box, Un/ N wspapers 1:2";
1 .3; ,. “£844: \ W411; 4, , 4; MGdlYnn 1- JOUmOI' clabeS. Recorder 9 §
' » .- » 4 . nd DOVId "‘0 . John 9 1 d endenf 1‘ 4

». . . ‘H -414» . " PA eXeCU‘ Ash an - - - n »i

1 1 »» 4» 4. - 1 4%» , 1 1... K Associates DIVIS|° .,s_
1: 41 .z 4 4 4 Ken . - Division »-
4,443 . .. 1. 1> I . ' 1 Advertls'"?1 . ,L

»' 4-4444; ' . .1 w ' Chegyxentucky Newsdouma’ 1 .

4&3» “4” fi" . __ ' . ‘ 3:35_Editorial DIVIS'°" .

' 44W . ‘ 4 1 -- - Powell ‘

. fugwg; ," , ~ _ 1. RUSS ' I de p endent 1.
:“Wfi’ww “‘44." i é‘ x 1 ». .1. .. - Ashland Dal/y n tive - . '

' I: ‘23“ . ‘2’: $4534?» .,......-.».».;.:—:»z45;::3:1:123:5135555535533321; ‘ ' O ' J
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" ‘ 5531::"4-i'ii':.:*.'5"»'?';;~” ,1 '12:? howfl.u a . ' rd Busmess . t. Sue ; 1 -
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»~ . “ 4 .1 1. - rep - Director: Re a 'i'he Kentucky . '

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 . 3V ‘
E2159 . . July 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 3 ‘ ’ E
I Panellsts to press. Cover democracy C
I? By Pam Shingler editor and "hope they fill u our officials. * 1:5
Press Editor paper.” p y He also urged editors to ”be will- cvefe E f:
- E PIKEVILLE __"If1 were an editor ”Ifyourestrict (the letters section) ing to follow long, controversial'is- j ,
3:“ with an unlimited budget, I would set to the top three of the week, then you sues” and to do more ”pro and con” ’E E
E my two bestreporters to do articles on have a writing contest,” said Szak05, features. ° ' ‘3
E ' democracy in Kentucky,” Robin who also advocated helping readers P a tton Slips Info .5
Epstein told participants in a Friday who want to write letters but areun- UK’s Hustedde tied the survival ' ’ 'r
' morning session at KPA’s summer comfortablewith theirwriting ability. 0f newspapers totheirabilityto”form” t0 Conventioners E: E
i, convention in Pikeville. . He added that f’papers seem to the public, as well as inform it. By Allen G. Breed I
:3 ' The Kentucky Local Governance editoutopinionsofgrassrootspeople.” ' Epstein, a former rcporter, also Associated Press 5 E
' Project official said she would assign Rather, he said, print reporters tend to encouraged more ”long, in-depth NEVILLE-Lt GOV-P3111 Patton I ’E
E one reporter to describe the status of favor quotes by ”so-called experts,” stories. It is not accurate that readers said he took his position as acting E ’
. democracy in the state and another to such as lawyers, doctors and public want only short, recap stories.” governor a bit too far yesterday (lune -'. E
i‘ ”find people who are working to —W 19)whenheannouncedthata”Fortune 'E/
change” the present system. 0 ’ 350” company was establishing its Ef
#5 _ Epstein was one of four panelists Trl-We Ekly exe C S S hare headquarters in Kentucky. E I
whodescribedhowtheirorganizations ' _ ”It’s been agreed upon, but it E:
_; = are involved in local governments 0 0 o hasn’t been announced,” said Patton, - E
. across the state. C arrl er d e11v ery a dVl C e ' who referred vaguely to the company E
E For the session on ”At .the ‘ ' - at a meeting of theKentucky Press
' grassroots: How democracy is work- By Pam Shingler Association. ”I think they were wait- I {E
. ing in Kentucky," she was joined by Press Editor who want to supplement their in- mg for the governor to come back.” 'E
Ron Hustedde, public policy special— PIKEVILLE —The Appalachian come.” w” a, M I
E E ' ist with the University of Kentucky News-Express hassaved almost$40,000 130th speakers said routes ShOUId fey” ”New 335%? 'E
E : ' ' ‘ Appalachian Center; Joseph Szakos, by converting to carrier deliveryrather bemapped and begun one atatime.A gigs? ./ Ea??? if
, . . - coordinator of Kentuckians for the than mail. . detailed audio tape of each route is fit,” “ E“, :I’.
E Commonwealth, and Laura Voss, ex- With 18routescovering7005quare also essential, they agreed, so that a 5 he?“ E . W El. ‘
I ecutive director of Kentucky Center miles, the tri-weekly newspaper anda substitute carrier can fill in at a 1% Es _' a 'E
E. for Public Issues. shopperaredeliveredbyindependent moment’ 5 notice. g an? E; a? 1;}.
E . Epstein urged the media to ”put carriers, saidTodd Rainwater, general The two showed that there is no E M W it??? E i: if? E],
E , ,~ pressure on and report violations” of manager of the Pikeville paper. single approach to carrier delivery. 1... E gfi 4E $3,, EE’
3 theOpenMeetings and OpenRecords Rainwater and Steve Lowery, RainWater, for instance, pays carriers Z; @2735 ’EI‘
E , laws and to continue to supportcitizen publisherof The Kentucky Standard, also strictly per piece delivered and not for ' E ' .
m, efforts to make governments more a three-times-a-week paper, shared mileage, while Lowery pays a lower ,. ‘
E responsive. _ their experiences with participants in . piece rate but includes mileage. ‘ ' .
444..-, ., . AVowing that ”democracyis hard a Saturday morning session at the Also! the Ptkthhe paper Pt1t up an 7 {3393155? ' I.
, work,” long-time activist Szakos said summer convention. tubes in front of each house on its '_“ , . = w ::
, that manylocalofficials simplydo not Critical to the success of such a routes.A"hot doV’onatubeindicates ' e 2 ‘ . E, :-
know how to include the public in conversion, Rainwater said, is assign- the household subscribes to the .Cj, fiztfiht ; 35' _. £1“ if
their deliberations. ing one person to coordinate it. He newspaper, as well as gets the free PM” “7°me {.
. ”How many judge—executives tailritgalcillyézed settingrealistic goalsand Sho%p:;enfl th B d . _ U. Gov. Paul Patton t.
4" know how to run a meeting?” the ' . . y’ e ar stown pat?” G B - - 'E
KFTC leader asked. ”We have to fig- . Lowery echoed the need to be re- 15 delivered to the porch of subscrlb- . 0“ rereton Jones 15 on vacation '2
ure out how to train public officials to alistic, admitting that the swrtch to ers. Plans are, however, to use hooks “nth, June 24' leavmg Patton as the ,1,
invite participation.” carrier dellyery has taken longer than to put the paperon existing yard poles. state 5 chief officer. Patton 10ked that ‘ ’Ei
~ Voss contended the media havea' he had ant1c1pated. The Kentucky Standard is also put in 1“ several short Shhts as acting gov- '1
f - , , Unlike the News-Express, the plasticbagsonwhichadvertising space emor, calling 0‘“ the Kentucky Na- 1’
. largerroleinmakingdemocracy work . . tional Guard durin Thurs da ,5 1,
han the have assumed ”Journalists Standard 18 not trylng to reach 100 canbe sold. I _ .g y ’j
tweartheybadge of cyniciszm proudly ” percent of its county, but rather has Moderator Max Heath of Land- storms was I the hrsttime l’veactually y
she said. ”There’s not much encoulr- focused on three Nelson County mark Community Newspapers Inc. done something. . E
l agement by the press of citizen par- pOpulation areas. . added that carrier delivery is the most Patton said the company, Whteh Q
:_ ticipation." , . Lowery offered adv1ce on select- econorrucalandefficientwaytodeliver he refused. to .name, was a new '
i ' ‘ Szakos advised editors to start the mg carriers. The best bets,” he said, shoppers and regularly second-class manufacturing firm. But Patton, who /
. "are retired people and those with jobs papers ”if the paper is really big.” ‘5- 3150 secretary 0f the state Economic It
, 5 layout 0f the paper thh letters to the —___.______._—_—_____,—____— Development Cabinet, would not di- 4
' :- » ‘ vulge whatproductsit would makeor Z
, - . , .. _ -; ,_ .. ,. where in the state it wouldbelocated. I
E ' 1- . . . , ”I got into a subject there that I j
. E g ’3 :;_, 535:; ~ . shouldn’t have,” he said after his I
1 ‘ ' E33215??? :- ‘é . » G_r°55t°_°ts speech. Fred Troutman, the cabinet’ 5 t
er ‘ . $5 ' Speoklng 0f about the subject, although he said he }
' * nxfi}: egg; . ., .. democracy was making calls yesterday toseveral I‘
. “Eye ’E , 7 ,. i . at the summer . other ros ts. ' 1
' 9.:7’ * " , E’ », 1% E " convention. p pec - ' .
. '2 . , . ‘ » ‘ ,3: _ ‘ .3 Yék ’ from left: The cabinet, which is in the pro- ‘
, ' 1: ;- -, ,~ »- x Dig § .» ,d ’ Szakos, cess of 'reorganizing,has alsohired the 3
- 123‘s ' ' I '.= E" l > at? ‘o ‘1 / ~ ‘* ,- : 3% er “ .....,v ' '
» . ...« a. ,. » . ~ _ t » ~ «a We ., was» “mledde' WSW” “mm“ “WWW 0t
\ p I, “ . ' ' rgtggg: Epsjeln, sidered a neglected area of the state. 3
f," '3 E film , ‘1 ’3 g; ‘ 033' Patton said he expects the state to be— t
3'5 ‘ . g . ‘3 5 I} k“ E gin hiring field agents for thatoffice I
., s . g,“ m. .
- »:. .. I.‘ -M-W-_~WW next month. . j. ,

 Page 4. The Kentucky Press, July 1992 A .
{OE BEN OLLER, former Also at Richmond, SANDY L. COLEMAN LOVE, former The News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne. ,
publlsher of the JacksonVllle .(Texas) BELLI has been named advertising advertising manager at The News- She joined the Herald—Leader staff in
Dally Progress, became publlsher of manager. The Fairmont (W.Va.) Enterprise in Elizabethtown, has 1988 and the Knight-Kidder corpo-
* the Harlan Dally Enterprise on June State College graduate formerly was accepted the post of commercial rate staff in 1985.
’ 1, succeeding CELIA MCDONALD advertising representative at the sales representative for parent . , ‘
A 23—year veteran 0f the newspaper Bluefield (W.Va.) Daily Telegraph. company Landmark Community Western Kentucky Unlversny
business, Oller formerly served as _ - _ _. Newspapers Inc. A KPA board gfiaduate JEFF PENPLETON has
advertising director of the . , ‘ member, he is working out of both )omed the staff of InSlde The Turret,
Sweetwater (Texas) Reporter and 'L’ . ; Elizabethtown and LCN I headquar- a KPA Assoclate 1“ Ellzabethtown,
has been involved in management, ters in Shelbyville. He was with The as advertlsmg sales representatlve.
operations and production of thre: , ' , ' ' News—Enterprise for 18 years. fie vxlias prestldent of the Ad Club at
.1 .. . , s a ma ma er.
gfifilgnflllfiapm’ 8 Shower an a 7" i . DWAH.“ MCINTOSH' Who _ Two members of The News-
Also at Harlan WANDA f A “3‘39“th we“ as dlrector 0f Enterprise staff have received state
COTI'RELL has been promoted ‘ “mvers‘ty mformanon “games and awards. LAURIE OGLE won the
from circulation supervisor to f a " aSSiStant professor Of journalism at 1991 American Cancer SOCieW ‘
. circulation manager. She has been Weé , Murray State Univer51ty, has been Media Award for her Lifestyles
with the Paper for seven years. e . 7 ; named assistant general manager Of article on breast cancer. DAN
Former mailroom employee SUSAN / 3 the Murray Ledger ‘9 Times. A trlple BRANDENBURG was recognized
' KING and new employee VIR- ’ graduate Of MSU' he joined the as Media Advocate of the Year at the '
GINLA LEWIS have both been ”a ' university staff in 1968 after a stint 46th annual meeting of the Kentucky .
named p art-tim e district managers , Wlth the old Paducah Sun-Democrat Chamber of Commerce for his
in the Circulation department. ”r . ,Z' and mm state government. coverage of small business. Both are . ‘
. . “1% §COTT MCGEHEE' “C9 staff writers at the Elizabethtown ‘ '
Advertismg mnager NANCY we?" prendeni/ general manager of the daily. -
FARMER has been promoted to on- lg~gajfa Lexington Herald—Leader Co., has .
site manager at the Grayson County «r/e . been named publisher/chief execu- 3525:2422;gig;gzgé;£22325;ii;3:;sasigggfiéa‘22'3é ~.::.;;;_;§;;,:;; :1; i=3: :
News-Gazette in Leitchfield. Retain— . " tive officer of Fort Wayne (1nd.) PressWomen tiff: “if
. ing her advertising duties, she now i.» ; * Newspapers Inc. and publisher of announce awards?
also oversees the paper’s day-tO-day IV V V I V. 1557:5333223i :Iiti'iEIJIEiEI‘jj‘_:§:;;‘;:;:;:-7;:- '99::353333- .
operations. Also at the News-Gazette, Chris P O Orgdflmr ph°1° MSCI‘ 13 11 AW” CathleShafferofTheDaily Indra-"253
JIM BROOKS has lOined the KPA a ers t A’ s pendentmAshlandandBemtaHeath
editorial staff as a news reporter- CHRIS POORE' a May 5mm." . P P ge . afreelancerfwmAshlandtiedfor
The 1992 Western Kentucky Univer- :3::%::e§§2$§:¥hgfile:ersgty' m SChOOl repor t11’lg sweepstakeshonorsiinjithefil9Q21§Keri¥ff
Si alumus was on the Staff of the I en . Ezgl'i‘ifzixiz"*':3'1;,:;:3"“:“321:§F'§:3.j:155“""W":.:E:'IA:':-:i'§.:-:3:31v:E.?‘3:»:f.;:§‘-:i:-:f.1'111'1:113:1:"3:§:'.":-:':'1:1't1:';5."3454x5223 77 .
Cglege Heights Herald. National Writing Championship for SIX KPA member papers have tgikyslt’ress Womencommunlcalons '
The new advertising manager college students, sponsored by the won 1992 School Bell Awards from Shffr': f 1; ‘1; ,3 _ . ; cl"; r.
. . - the Kentucky EducationAssociation ,;aesxrstpaceawarswere
for The Iessamine Journal in Hear“ Foundatlon- Poore W0“ . . 5izéfiffiédEs'zi‘ifizésitfiéé‘iiéété”fie "fr'csf .;“"'éfie'fa[;zs
. . . - - - - - - for their coverage of publlc educa— 55°53
Nf‘glasv‘118‘STWRom‘ERr ' ffiflflfii‘fiflgijfgg’fgfiligi tion columnseduona1
w o ormerl held a similar Sifion _ ‘ . . , #33:".3:11:23‘1‘12E21235‘3‘3'31 5;';:;:;;- :,‘~;.;: 1311‘ :’ I:533;;';‘;:;:_:;:i:;:;:-: -.
at the L0 a Lead d N p0 an additional $2,500 in competition Prlnt Winners are Mason lifestylespagesedltedbyentrant,arts,
g n er an ews - . - Branham Jr The Greenu News- Sue andhealth/medlcme. $5.35.» 2232-3 ‘:
Democrat in Russell ille her h w1th Winners from other categories. -, P r z
. v w e s e; l H' . 1 b ht $2 000 h k Templeton, The Messenger, Shewonsecondplacefor news
had worked since 1981.5he attended 15W“ 5°. mug . a , C 8C Madimvmflon Bfid mm The (dailyundersooooandtiurdpiace
Western Kentucky University. to the WKU Pumahsm department- . ’ . g ’. f,“3115511853sasaizéizezsi:;::<:5i-i:i;i:izé=i:'i‘?
‘ MARK A. GEHRISCH f Poore started work June 1 as a Jessamine [WWII], NlCholaSVIHei 0505:2322. ,-391ii5.iziggiir535§§5»EvE5-i:§;sii5:i‘i?;; 351 .
' om“ M Branham The Times-Tribune PamelaToddaisoofTheDmly
district sales wager for file central Kentucky reporter for the ary. ’ I Idendttkf’tlhf
- ' Corbin-Ron Dal Troublesome Creek nepen,001rs paceonors or
Florence (SC) Mormn Ne s h Lexington Herald—Leader, where he _ , E5Y1 , ; ;, , :5
3 w ’ as - - Times Hindman‘ and The Franklin newsmherpapersarculatloncat
oineRwhmondReglster- TheCleve “mm” at “Walt P0“ Receiving Honorable Mention wonthirdplaceforfeaturestory
. land, Ohio, native replaces ROBERT and Recorder Newspapers in . . LeslleScanlonot'TheCourier
- Northern Kentuck and at news a- deSIgnatlon were 101‘“ Roberts 0f givi='I2553125222332332:2?2its:225232;:5223252533532:-iii22:;:gzéséési:*1‘292:2:iféi‘iiiisesi
WBRWEGAR- . C, 1 dys m d p The Pioneer News in Shepherdsville Journalearnedflueefirstplaceawards . : ;
‘Welcome, Assoc1ates oano e. Democrat 50.000>,andpersonalliyprofile
. . . Another WKU student, MARC ' . .. Ashlandstaffergmandastelnre
T h - 9.4-: :-'.v..-:-. :- .-.'-:-:-: . ' : . ,-
' e a ress ‘5 ' 0y I ' an 0W ing reen’s
St., Louisville 40203; telephone 502/ The new editor of The News— WKYU—FM and WKYU-TV earned Giheiawardswenmfreelamers
585-2201; fax 502/561—4115. Herald in Owenton is DANA C. Honorable Mention. andorgamzahonalcommumcators
Major officers of Lexington Weekly STEWART, a recent graduate of the Each of the winners was nomi- Theworksofstaternnersad+
are Jerry O. Kuykendall, publisher; University of Kentucky, where she mted by the local education asso- vancedtonatxonalcompetltlonspon-
‘ Barbara Sutton,editor, and Jeff Kuerzl, contributed to the Kentucky Kernel, ciation. soredbytheNafiOnaiFederationof
advertising manager. The address is began a sorority chapter newsletter Awards were presented at PressWomen,atwhlchShafferwon
« 9‘” N- Broadway, Lexington 40505; and edited the SOYOTitY'S alumni KEA’s annual leadership conference HonorabIEMenfionforfamily]
tielePhOI'I-t60t’i/255-8860- “W519“- - in Richmond, June 16- hfes‘ylewage‘s’ad‘tedbyemm"

 l 3, ~ . ' l,-
" I _ July 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 5 ‘ 3;:
~ % 3*
. . ,,.........,,..,...............,...A...“.-.-.e.-.r.-.rzo:r:-:.z-:.:.:-;.:.:.mosseer.;.z:;:;z5:22:55;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:z25:22::;2:5;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;z;:;:;:-,:;:;:$55.52:52252:3555:5$52553533-53;;5355.;3333355533335;33553353355555; I K
I The Appalachian News-Express Lexington Herald—Leader editorial CRAIG FRITZ of Western The summer intern at the Mt. i
. has experienced several staff cartoonist JOEL PETT was a mem- _ Kentucky University won first place Sterling Advocate is KEITH 3
. changes. Former staff writer TERRY ber of a panel on ”political correct— for newspaper pictorial in the 49th PIERSAWL, a senior at Wilberforce }
. ' . . MAY has moved to the sales staff as ness” during the Association of Picture of the Year competition, University in Ohio. [5'
. an advertising representative. The American Editorial Cartoonists sponsored by National Press Pho- At The Daily Independent in 3:
:1 I Morehead State University alumnus convention in Colorado Springs in tographers Association. Ashland, KATHY WHITE is a new 3:
J, ‘ joined the Pikeville paper’s staff two June. He is quoted in the June 20 Eastern Kentucky University classified inside sales representative. _ J‘
' ; years ago after working with the edition of Editor 8: Publisher as senior SUSAN REED is interning She is a graduate of Ashland State ' 3
i Greenup News. The new staff writer saying, ”A great number of people with Landmark newspapers in Vocational Technical School. 3
-. .1 is LEIGH ANN BLACKBURN- feel the media has a very conserva- Springfield, Leban