xt7m3775x818 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775x818/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-04-02 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 27, April 2, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 27, April 2, 1914 1914 1914-04-02 2015 true xt7m3775x818 section xt7m3775x818  
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Life without labor l• guilt. I FORECAST"
*— Tomorrow: Fall- enough
’ ` 'J°h" num"' to do your duty.
Y ""_”'; T
• •
I University of Kentucky
Z i · NEXT SA"`UR"AY THE UNIVERSITY HIS tJOMl·ANY Address Before Congressronal
State Plays Her Annual Content With w°" "“°"°°i°tY c°"t°" Again" Entertalns With Canvas and Crayon, C °tt   C t° n
the Team From Univ. of Michigan P°“°"°°" R°p"°°°"t°“V° Melting Board and Clay, A|•0 Omm,   On u a  
on Stoll Field. Y°“°'d'Y‘ Mu•ic.—In Chapel. ' .....——·..j;-
l unit Ann SISLER num., "· '· °- A- ”’”'*- ‘°- lsnunonv mon-r,a;oo o·ctoc•< Delivered Before the House Committee, Which Had
soloiooy WKQ. the winooo MM w*¤¤*¤¤ sm ¤** ¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤l The Lyceum QIKEQQ presents sooo. Under C0¤Sid¢¤¤¢i0¤ 8 Bill to Establish
l will mix lt with the Wolverines on in the v°'ri°uS jitgrary B°°i°u°s' Mr` day night in its regular course, Ross a National Univ€rSity_
Stoll Field. The Michigan game has ‘I°h“ H°w‘"d lame was Selected t° Crane, the cartoonist, musician, etc.,
been for years States big card in the l·*¤t·=¤<>¤t State in um Kentucky In` and his company. Within a few mln- ""'-_""'_";
earucl. pan of the Season. and mls tercolleglate Oratorltral Contest, wlllch mes he pmduceg with ms hand ln clay
trip, the Blue and White aggregation will be held in °“" Chapel °" Apm m" portraits of the nation‘s great men, as
• has the best chance in many moons Mn Payne is tm Ommr °t m' well as many types which bring forth ._ · '
to trim the Mlchlglmdalx nowned victories and will ably rep- laughter.
With "Turkey" Park in the rifle pit, resent °“" msmuuon in the uml °°°` Mr. Crane is a man with great and l. _   ,»
and with soothing warm weather per- t°“t‘ H9 is president 0f m° K' L O' varied powers, being an excellent en- ‘ _   l
colatlng through the Blue's togs, a fast A" havmg b°°° elected °° that pl°°° tertalner of audiences wherever he Z·•{ P     i     Q
l scrap wm result. with the margin ln last fall f0r the CUIIIUIS €0"€8lBl·€ perform;   f  
L favor of Kentucky. Michigan will send wm" Painter, sculptor, humorlst, phlloso- ‘ l ` _ _ Y  
f Sisler, their• star twirler, on the, His Speech was one which is °t pher and always master of assemblies. ` ‘ yr  
I mound. The stocky hurler is well vim. mmrest t° the Amaricun p°°pl°' Rarely have all the elements of agroat
. known here, and he will give Turk a °“tm°d· Hup E"°S· D°wn Ma"',. entertainer been so completely unltied `
  run for hill honors. The game is Mn R· A· F°“t‘°" was the P“tt°"°° ln one personallyt. No wonder he is
i called at 3 o‘clock. r°l’mS°m°m'°· having w°n their °°u` called "ltoss Crane, the incompar-
l _ • l test last week and he is to be com- amen.
l       pllmented for his able production and H8 captures every audience and
  I     ab;my of d8;;v€rin$ll?a:l€' U l lt °v°ry °l°m°°t in cvery ““di°“°°· AB Following is the address ulade a few ing colleges for instruction in those
i     twgvgonnec on ew nt lid ilhgmf C; Ralph Parlette says: uu any °°° can weeks ago by Dr. James K. Patterson, sciences relating to Agriculture and
l .T...-—- young m D 8 e a please Ml um p°°pl° it is R°" C"‘°°· before the Committee on Education of the Mellcanic Arts, and later still, en-
wn s°°Id°d ' w°°k AW But N°t to represent Suite and from this num- because M his m°·“y'“id°d“°“ and b° the House of Representatives, at larged the revenues accruing from the
l E"*°°°‘°“ *° "°°°'“° b°” M" P“’“° ”°°“““_ °°° ”"“”° cme Ml ws W¤¤¤ ¤¤v¤¤ i s¤¤¤<>¤¤¤¤ Washington, olhoi. had oooh- consid. style of lands grained under uio Act of
* 8°rI°u°' as me Survival of the Mwst. when h° Comes m°r° than hun way t° eration the blll to establish a great 1862 by supplementary grants of
————— T--•-•————-— meet it." National whoa,-,,hy_ l|\()ll(*y under the Hatch Act, the
|’     KY.   A'   l  ‘ Doctor Patterson lvus asked to :\dLl.lllS Act, {IIB 1`[O[`I`l.ll Act of  
l SSIXIUBI L. Gruell, of Falmouth, Ky.,         speak Ou behalf of President James, and the Nelson Act of 1906. A1‘0¤l1d
8. Junior in the College of Law, passed           Ol the State L,nll_€l_Slly of llllnolsl who these institutions as a nucleus, have
g mm me realms of ma beyond last SM- With Subject,—iEeTd:klng of Men,"     was unable to be present. Doctor Pat- grown up {he (Ima? Land Gram (301-
_ urdgy night about 3 0·cl0ck_ He was a Marlon Man Mun Umm ln l _____ lemon Suldl leges and Llll\'€l`SlI.l€S of today: Lor-
Q ' Scalded   Shaving,   accidentally _ lwa· Seen in Upeaccful va||°y"   l Il("ll, P€HIlSylV3,Di3 StBl.€, the UD‘V9rBl'
. a Fmal T"y°ut' (ielltlelllvll ol' tllt· (`Ullll|l\l.[€€ 011 , - · ·
l overturning a pan of hot water on his and Receive, Shun uw Ol Ul“°· “lSc°“Sl“· Mm“"“°m· n'
‘ neck one week prior to his dB8.[ll.IM. R, MCCAULEY szcown PLACEI Nm". Ed:*f“'·i;’"; l l ll R uml be lillois, Missouri, Nebrasltlzl and Clau-
mh fl-lend h 8 ,__.* " le 'UUl\