xt7m3775vw5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775vw5h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1954 journals 017 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.17 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.17 1954 1954 2014 true xt7m3775vw5h section xt7m3775vw5h - Progress Report 17 January 1954
·* R. E. Anderson and J. F. Shane
_ The tests were designed primarily for the evaluation of experimental
hybrids developed by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. in its breeding
q program. There are also included experimental and commercially available hybrids
.-, developed by other state and federal agencies, several privately controlled hybrids,
hybrids currently recommended for certification in Kentucky, and three open-polli-
nated varieties.
This planting arrangenient provides a basis for adequate comparison be-
5 tween experimental and commercial hybrids. as well as for comparison within each
classification. The nine test areas were chosen to sampl.e the varying soil types,
' clirnates, and other conditions under which corn is grown in Kentucky. The locations
of the various performance trials are indicated in Figure l.
Yield data for 44 hybrids that were entered in tests at eight locations are
given in Table Z. Also included in Table Z. are yield datafor nine hybrids and three
open-pollinated varieties which were included in individual locations.
Data on moisture. standing ability, dead stalks, and eax height are given
in Table 3 for the 44 hybrids entered at eight locations.
. _ A test consisting of five experimental hybrids and twelve commercially
available hybrids was completed in Kenton County. Performance data for the hybrids
in this test are given in Table 5.
' Cultural practices commonly followed in each location determined the
spacing of hills and the inumber of plants per hill. Such data along with fertilizer
4 treatment and date of planting and harvesting are given in Table 1. The conditions
within each trial area were maintained as uniiormly as possible.
` The entries in each test were compared on their performance in Z x 10
hill plots. The test in Kenton County was arranged in a randomized cornplete block
_ design with five replicatiors. At Princeton. the test was arranged in a quadruple
lattice design. All other tests were arranged in a 7 x 7 balanced lattice square
V design with four replications. Seed on privately controlled commercial hybrids was
· purchased on the open market, while seed of state or federally controlled hybrids
was obtained from the respective experiment stat;¥ox.·.s or from growers of certified
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

 - g .. ‘
1. Yields are recorded as bushels per acre of shelled corn with 15. 5 per-
cent moisture. Correction was made for missing hills, but not for minor variations
in stand, in all tests except the one in Madison County, which is reported on an actual
yield basis. *
2. Moisture at harvest. The percentage of moisture in the corn at harvest
was obtained bjrszirnnp-ing 15 to 20 ears from each of two or more replications. The
average of the moisture determinations for each hybrid was used in calculating its i
yield. , —·
3. Broken stalks. The percentages of broken stalks were determined by _
making a counntmofthgmggbroken below the ear-bearing node. Stalks broken S
because of corn borer damage were determined by examining the stalk at the
point of the break for corn borer punctures or the presence of frass. Actual plant 9 ~
counts of plants erect at harvest were made in the test at Quicksand while in other C
locations.'they` e_dj:;s»—the difference between 100 percent and the sun'; of
the root—·1odged and/or broken. Root-lodging was slight in all tests except those at ·
Lexington and Jeffersontown. Tl·E’data in Table 3 are averages of only those two
tests. Thus the sum of plants lodged, broken and erect will not necessarily equal _
100 percent.
4. Dead stalks were determined by examining the base of the stalk just `
above the cro%. Structural weakness in the internodes just above the crown is
indicative of premature killing of plant tissues due to the action of stalk rotting
5. Ear height was measured, as it is found to be important in relation to
stalk breakage. Lower-eared hybrids are generally less susceptible to breakage,
and more desirable for mechanical harvesting. · V
Interpretation of Data
The difference necessary to reasonably insure that inherent yield potential
exists between varieties has been calculated and is given at the foot of each table
as the L. S. D. (least significant difference). Unless the yields of the two hybrids
being compared differ by as much as or morie than this L. S. D., little confidence
can be placed in the superiority of one hybrid over the other under the conditions
of the particular test.
Data on agronomic characteristics other than yield have not been subjected
to statistical analysis; however, small differences between any two hybrids are likely
of little importance and should not be considered strongly indicative of a true
1953 Results. Yield data for the individual locations and the average for
all locatiogare given in Table 2.. Moisture, root—1odged plants, broken stalks,
erect plants, dead stalks, and ear height are given in Table 3 as an average of the
locations in which the data were obtained. Data for the Kenton County tests are
given in Table 5.

 = - 3 — l
Hybrids with a high average yield for all tests tended to be among the high-
n yielding group in any one test. However, several hybrids were found to perform R
. exceptionally well in one particular test or in tests within a certain region of the
Q state, while their performance in other tests was not outstanding. Thirty—one
experimental hybrids from the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station were
entered for more advanced testing. They are not available commercially, but
` may be released if they continue to perform well.
_ Period of Years Results . Evaluation of hybrids for yield and standing
_ ’ ability ove e valuable than the results from a single year.
` Hybrids may be outstanding one year and undesirable another year. Results over
· a period of years tend to average these fluctuations. The recommendation of an
experimental hybrid for certification and commercial production is dependent
upon its continued excellence in several tests and seasons.
Data on hybrids which have been tested in all locations for two or more
years are presented in Table 4. US 523W continued to out-perform the older
recommended hybrids.

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