xt7m3775vp8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775vp8z/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2008 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 83, No. 3, Spring/March 2008 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 83, No. 3, Spring/March 2008 2008 2008 2014 true xt7m3775vp8z section xt7m3775vp8z     FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE
Volume 83 Number 3 Spring/March 2008
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New Proposed F aciliqv at Frontier School of Midwyery
· 3

The new building (or more appropriately described three _
connected buildings), will sit just down the mountain from the
old Hyden Hospital, or as some of you may know it, the Morton-
Gill Building, which currently serves as the administrative offices
for the School. It will house forty-five new dormitory rooms, _.
faculty housing, dining facilities, classrooms, and mock exam
and birthing rooms for students in their clinical phase. It will be
built to meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental ·
Design) guidelines as promulgated by the U.S. Green Building
Association. In a nod to our history, Aunt Hattie’s Bam, Mardi
Cottage, Haggin Dormitory, and Morton—Gill will all be renovated
to update their interiors to 2 l st century standards, while ensuring
their exteriors maintain their historic appeal. Indeed, the original
porches will be rebuilt onto the old Hyden Hospital and its
inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places will be `
This growth is not without cost. Indeed, to construct the new
facility and renovate the existing structures will cost just under
$10,000,000 At first glance, the price might seem significant.
It is not as large, however, as the cost of failing to respond to
the growth of the School and the needs of our students, so they
can, in tum, respond to the healthcare needs of the United States
and the world. We are committed to this investment, and we will
ultimately ask you to join us in our cornrnitment. Like so much i
of the success of our now eighty—three year history, attainment of
this terrific goal will only come with your support.
Our journey continues into another new year. We are humbled »
that you continue to make that joumey with us.

. Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing Update
by D1: Susan Stone, President & CEO
The primary statement to characterize 2007 would have to be “‘a
~· year of change". The change from an open—ended schedule of
classes to a system of ll-l2 week terms consumed much of our
time and energy. Recreating schedules, establishing policies, re-
‘ constructing the courses to fit the terms system seemed an almost
overwhelming task at times. We have now successfully completed
five terms and we are starting to see the fruits of our labor. Students
are interacting more in their courses as the cohorts are formed
for each course. Faculty have implemented teaching strategies
p that capitalize on the use of technology to reach students with a
variety of different learning styles. For example, faculty can make
` a video of themselves discussing a given topic on any day and
have it delivered into their course within a very short period of
time. Students are using forums and on—line chat sessions to have
i active discussions of health care management strategies.
The schedule was not the only change; we also adopted the
ANGEL Learning Management System (LMS). For many years
we had used our own in-house system to deliver our courses on
-line. In 2007, we chose ANGEL as our new LMS system. Using
i ANGEL allows faculty to lead moderated on-line discussions,
( use on—line drop-boxes for collecting assignments, create self-as-
sessing quizzes and tests, track participation and student progress,
maintain an electronic grade book and a course calendar, and post
course content. Students benefit from the ANGEL system both by
· way of their instructors’ course enhancements and also by taking
advantage of the private drop-box that the system provides each
user. A huge benefit is that ANGEL allows students to take secure
` electronic exams from their own homes. We piloted ANGEL very
successfully in nine courses during Fall Term 2007 and all courses
  were moved to ANGEL in January 2008.

The most exciting news of all is the planning for our new buildings. 4
Some of you might wonder why we need the new construction.
The numbers of students we serve has increased quite dramatically
in the last five years. .
The total number of students served by Frontier School in 2003
was 289 (includes 2003 graduates, new admissions and ongoing
students) compared to 726 students served in 2007. Of those 726 ‘
students they came from all 50 of the United States and seven
foreign countries. Thankfully, due to our distance education model,
we have been able to limit the number of students on campus
to 56 at any given time. Even with this number, it is becoming
more challenging to accommodate given our limit of three small
classrooms (the largest seats 70 people when filled to absolute
capacity). Also our current kitchen and dining facilities are very
limited. In fact, during Frontier Bound, we move all the fiirniture
out of the living room in Haggin and turn it in to a second din-
ing room. Wendover has graciously provided needed housing for
faculty at the Garden House but even this is difficult with faculty
driving back and forth at night after evening classes.
The new facilities will give us the much needed classroom space,
kitchen and dining space as well as a state of the art simulation
lab. The added living facilities will allow us to have more than
one function on campus at the same time. We could conceivably l
hold a Frontier Bound as well as a Crossing the Bridge session
concurrently. This is important as it is getting more and more
difficult to schedule all the activities that we need given the large
number of students served.
Another important factor is the fact that more students require
more faculty and more staff to provide needed student services. ‘
Adding the new buildings will allow us to renovate some of the ,
space to be used for offices, currently used as living space in the ?
Morton Gill Building. This is sorely needed as we added eleven  
new student services staff in 2007 and office space is becoming Q
6 E

, increasingly difficult to provide. Additionally, we added 2l new
faculty members in 2007. Although most of these faculty work off
campus the majority of the time, when they are on campus they
. need a place to work when not in class. The new building will
·» offer four visiting faculty offices. Needless to say, we are thrilled
to be able to look towards a future when we can accommodate
students, faculty and staff in facilities that will have the look of
' the older buildings.
Overall, the Frontier School is happy to say, we are accomplishing
our mission. With more than 250 graduates in 2007, we know that
we are contributing to excellence in health care in this country
and all over the world.
Two other publications, including the 2007 President’s Report and
the Spring 2008 Alumni Magazine, are available on our website
at FrontierSchool.edu and will provide more details on our prog-
ress for those of you who are interested. As always we send our
sincere appreciation for the support of our friends and alumni, as
we know we could never accomplish all that we do without you.
Please feel free to write to me at sstone@frontierschool.edu any
time with any questions or suggestions.
Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce
half results, it produces no results. Work, continuous work and
hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.
—Hamilt0n Holt

Field Notes _
Former FNS Nurse Anne Cundle Promotes FNS
Former FNS Nurse Anne Cundle recently spoke of the old days
at FNS to the nursing class at Thomas University in Thomasville, ,i
A New Frontier: School-Located Healthcare “
by Angie Mitchell & Anna Carey
On February 20, 2007, a collaboration between FNS and
C.O.L.L.Y (County of Leslie Lifting Youth) came to fruition
with the opening of a school—located healthcare center at Stinnett
Elementary. Stinnett Elementary is less than five miles from the
Beech Fork Healthcare Clinic in Leslie County. As Mary Breckin-
ridge intended with the opening ofthe first Nursing Center in 1926
(Beech Fork Nursing Center), this school-located center, referred
to as the Beech Fork Clinic at Stinnett, is bringing healthcare
services directly to the children. The healthcare needs of many
children here often go unmet for a variety of reasons; introduc-
ing consistent, quality healthcare to the children at school was a
logical response to this problem. Barriers to children receiving
healthcare include lack of transportation, limited clinic hours,
parents’ work schedules, unfarniliarity with healthcare services
and limited financial resources to name a few. Through grants
obtained by C.O.L.L.Y, in—kind donations from FNS and other
generous community support, healthcare is being offered on a
daily basis to all students at the School.
A Licensed Practical Nurse and an Administrative Assistant, both ·
of whom are residents of the community and mothers of students
at Stinnett Elementary, are at the clinic daily to deal with the com-
mon health issues that arise. This daily service is supplemented ‘
two momings a week by care from Family Nurse Practitioners.
They provide full scope primary care to students through well-
child screenings, acute care and initiation of follow up care. These .
school—located services reduce the obstacles faced by children I

and their families in accessing and properly utilizing healthcare
l services. Children’s healthcare needs are much less likely to go
unmet in this environment.
,, Additionally, the clinic staff participates in health education
throughout the school year. A Family Nurse Practitioner teaches
lessons on topics such as first aid, body systems and healthy living
» to 4th and 5th graders as part of a Walking Wellness Program. The
Licensed Practical Nurse and Administrative Assistant participate
in dental education with lst through 3rd graders. Not only is the
Beech Fork Clinic at Stinnett directly addressing healthcare needs,
it is an essential part of creating a culture within a school that sup-
ports healthy living and familiarity with healthcare providers.
Recently, a celebration dinner was held at Wendover to recognize
the accomplishments of the first year of operation. School atten-
dance and practical living test scores have increased at Stinnett
Elementary over the last year. The number of well child screenings
completed continues to rise. Community acceptance is increasing
as well, with over 75% of students participating in this program.
And while the focus is on the children, the Beech Fork Clinic at
Stinnett has also been able to meet the needs of staff, teachers, and
other individuals in the immediate community, thus illustrating
that a school-located clinic can be a community-wide resource.
At the end of this Bulletin in Urgent Needs, you will see a request
for items necessary to expand healthcare services into other el-
ementary schools in Leslie County.
W W Hall Center For Women and Children - 100th Baby
Maternity services at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital W.W. Hall
· Center for Women and Children resumed during February 2007.
The 100th “new" baby was recently delivered!

Employee Wellness Program
Total employee weight loss is 2,244.8 lbs through the Hospital `
Weight Watcher’s Program.
Hospital Medical Surgical Renovations  
Thanks to a grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission
(ARC) and funding from a private foundation, the Mary Breck-
inridge Medical Surgical floor was renovated. i
Electronic Medical Record
Mary Breckinridge Hospital is progressing well toward the Elec-
tronic Medical Record with installation of Clinical Information
System with Dairyland Healthcare Solutions. Scanning of records
is being phased in with staff scanning medical records as they are
generated into the Clinical Information System.
Admitting Department Manager Recruited
Brenda Morgan, Leslie County native and former employee of
TDS Telecom, was recruited as Admitting Manager at Mary
Breckinridge Hospital.
Physical Therapy Department Update
Recruitment is underway for a Physical Therapist at Mary Breck-
inridge Hospital. Plans are to bring Physical Therapy services
back to include inpatient, outpatient and home health. An exercise
program for employees and community members will be also be
Du Madeline Tan, Pediatrician Resigns _
Dr. Madeline Tan, Pediatrician at Mary Breckinridge Hospital
recently resigned to spend more time with her family abroad
and to accept a new position in New Jersey. During January, .
staff welcomed Dr. Nargis Husainy from Georgia as FNS’s new

  Telemedicine Funding
Y On November 26, 2007, representatives from the United States De-
‘ partment of Agriculture (USDA) presented FNS with a check for
  $72,450 to implement telemedicine services at Mary Breckinridge
Q, Hospital and the FNS Rural Healthcare Clinics. Less than 80 grant
recipients were chosen out of over 200 applications to the USDA
p Distance Leaming and Teleinedicne Program. FNS is thrilled to
i be able to receive the funding needed to purchase telemedicine
equipment. This equipment will not only connect our patients in
southeastem Kentucky with specialists in Lexington, Kentucky,
but will also allow the Hospital and Clinics to consult with each
other via the technology. This is just a hrst step in developing the
telemedicine capabilities of FNS to increase access to qualilty
specialty care to the residents ofthe area.
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p Representative pictured: James Wilson, Holb> Hopkins, Donna
McClure, Denise Barrett (FNS), Kenneth, Nathan Lee (FNS),
q Pat Wooten and Lonnie Hendrix

Beyond the Mountains
Former Member of Board of Governors Honored
Wade Mountz, who served on the FNS Board of Governors from
1976 through 1987 and currently serves as a Trustee, was one of P
three people inducted into the Modern Healthcare Hall of Fame ,
on March 9th. Mr. Mountz is a pioneer in Kentucky healthcare ¥
and the induction was a result of his dedication to improving the ,,
health of Kentuckians. Modern Healthcare is a weekly magazine
that addresses financial, regulatory, and patient care challenges.
It is one of the most respected national publications in this area
and for Mr. l\/Iountz to be selected by its panel as a Hall of Fame
inductee is a wonderful honor. FNS is fortunate to have had Mr.
Mountz’s guidance and support for many years.
HillRom Plant Visit
November 30th, Mary Breckinridge Hospital staff Mallie Noble,
Kevin Cook, Nina Hensley, Connie Hubbard, Norman Hoskins and
Mike Feltner, visited the HillRom factory in Batesville, Indiana
for a hands—on demonstration of their newest equipment.
Stef A ttended Conferences
November Sth & 9th, Mallie Noble, Administrator of Mary Breck-
inridge Hospital and Tammy Melton, Director of Social Services,
attended the Kentucky Society for Healthcare Consumer Advocacy
in Lexington, Kentucky,
November 15th, Mallie Noble attended the Kentucky Hospital
Association (KHA) Healthcare Leadership Conference in Lex- 1
During December, Tammy Melton attended "Motivational In- ~.
teryiewing" training in Lexington in preparation for Centering
Pregnancy Groups.

Footprints - Excerpts from "Wide Neighborhoods"
I by Mary Breckinridge, Founder
Chapter 33
,, The Second World War determined the fiiture course of the Fron-
I tier Nursing Service two years before the United States entered it,
I when - on September 3, 1939, "the blind Fury with th’abhorred
»‘~ shears" slit the thin spun life of peace. To Great Britain we owed
not only the system of nurse-midwifery, which we were the first to
import to the American Continent - just as the Nightingale system
of nursing had been imported decades before — but on Great Britain
we had depended for the postgraduate training in midwifery ofthe
Frontier Nurses. Our long—deferred plan for the Frontier Graduate
School of Midwifery had to be reshaped and put into operation
at once. It was my fault that it had been so long deferred. Despite
my liking for small beginnings, I wanted the school to start on an
established basis, in Lexington, affiliated with the University of
Kentucky. Dr. McVey, President of the University then, endorsed
this idea as Dr. Donovan, his successor, would now. The physicians
on our Medical Advisory Committee wanted it so much that they
were willing to work for the indispensable hospital connections.
Our plan called for the graduate nurse students to get most of their
field work with the Frontier Nursing Service in the mountains.
A University school in Lexington did not come about because I
failed, after several attempts, to get it financed.
When we started the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery we
had everything we needed to make a beginning, except money. To
1 our j oy, but not to our surprise, because we always expect the best
to happen and often it does, six of our trustees in Detroit, Pitts-
burgh, Louisville, and Cincinnati gave us money for equipment,
* including a life-size manikin, and scholarships to take care of the
students in the first three classes. In order to enlarge the classes,
we needed a house. The money for this was given through the ef-
forts of` one of our New England Couriers, and Mardi Cottage held
its housewamring on the day we learned of Pearl Harbor. Before

Nora Kelly returned to England in the fall of 1940 - the eleventh
British nurse-midwife to go back during that year - I had asked V
Eva Gilbert if she would take the post of instructor in the School.
She consented at once, although it meant a wrench for her to leave
the Margaret Durbin Harper Center which she had carried with
devotion for five years. Eva, like Bucket, was a college graduate
with a Master’s degree. Like Bucket, and like Texas (who won
her doctorate in 1932), Eva had gone at her own expense to Great ··
Britain to take postgraduate training in midwifery. Like Texas
and Bucket, she was given the experience, for which there is no
substitute, of using her skills as a district nurse—midwife.
Dorothy Farrar Buck was Dean of our School from its inception
until her death in 1949, when Eva Gilbert succeeded her as Dean.
When Eva left us for family reasons, she was succeeded as Dean
by a graduate of the School, Helen Marie Fedde (Hem), who had
taken a Master’s degree at the University of Kentucky in prepa-
ration for this post. In setting up the curriculum of the Frontier
Graduate School of Midwifery, we based it on the six—months
course for graduate nurses given by the British schools at that time.
The course includes medical lectures, classroom instruction, visits
to expectant and postpartum mothers on the districts, attendance
at large prenatal clinics, and a minimum of twenty normal mater-
nity cases delivered by each student under the supervision of her
instructors. Of these cases, five must be in the hospital and five
on the districts, as was required by the British Central Midwives
Boards. Our students assist the medical director on his abnormal
deliveries. We have been able, since Mrs. Belknap gave us our
fine x-ray machine, to take x-rays of the expectant mothers. Any _
that puzzle our Medical Director are read for him, as a courtesy,
by Dr. Harold G. Reineke of Cincinnati, a great roentgenologist.
This is not the place for going further into the course, which meets
its purpose of training nurses in midwifery.

_ Old Staff and Courier News
Celeste Lindahl, Herdon, Indiana, (Courier 2004) is now a PA
(Physician Assistant) student. She came to Hyden during the fall
and shadowed Dr. Anita Cornett.
Jean Kerfoot Fee, McKee, Kentucky, (ex-staffand 1959 F SMFN
° graduate) participated in the Inaugural Parade in Frankfort, Ken-
tucky, during December. The Kentucky Horse Park had a large
contingient in the Parade, representing a number of historical
figures and several of the Horse Park’s various breeds of horses.
Mrs. Fee was asked to ride in an FNS uniform on a Welch Pony.
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A FSMFN Alumni Jean Fee — Kentucky Horse Park
Laura Cari; Burke, Virginia, (Courier 2006) is a first year medical
student at the University of Virginia. She brought a small group
of medical students to visit Wendover during February.
Kate Layman, Temple Terrace, Florida, (Courier 1995) is now a
nurse-midwife and feels "so fortunate to have had the FNS foun-
daton and historic context to draw from."

Carolyn Coolidge Godfrey, Williamsburg, Virginia, (FSMFN _
1968 Graduate) wrote that during December 2007 she hosted a
reunion ofthe May 1968 Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery
Class. Attendees were: Victoria Strobl Mackey, Virginia; Ella Mae
Mitchell Satrom, North Dakota; Wilena Blair Hamilton, Indiana
and Joyce Weichmann, Alabama. Absent were: Pat Sarge, Alabama
and Edith Anderson, Texas. Mrs. Godfrey wrote that she knew Mrs.
Breckinridge and was said to be the last nurse Mrs. Breckinridge
hired in January 1965.
Lucas McDonald, Okinawa, Japan, (Courier 2000) is now a
Flight Surgeon stationed in Okinawa, Japan, providing medical
care for flight crews and ground crews of a Marine C-130 refuel-
ing/transport squadron. His flight doctor duties have taken him
for extended stays in Thailand, Australia and the Philippines plus
two quick trips to Iwo Jima (including climbing Mt. Suribachi)
and Bangladesh for a disaster relief mission.
JoEllen Reynolds, Fort Washington, Maryland, (FSMFN 1983
Graduate) wrote during December that she is a van driver, teacher,
cook, genealogy researcher, shopper, housekeeper, and referee
with a litany of other titles too numerous to list. The family plans
to move from Maryland in 2009.
Rhonda M. Johnson, Anchorage, Alaska, (FSMFN 1990 Gradu-
ate and current FSMFN Faculty). Rhonda’s family recently sent
a contribution to the Betty Lou Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Fund in memory of their mother who was trained as a diploma
RN and supported the family as a nurse in the early years. She ·
then returned to school after raising four children, receiving her
bachelor’s degree at the age of 50.
Margary Benedict - (FSMFN 1954 Graduate). Ms. Benedict
passed away September l, 2007 in Lynden, Washington. Ms.
Benedict participated in the Frontier School of Midwifery &
Family Nursing’s (F SMFN) Pioneer Project where Alumni give

a recount of their memories at the FSMFN. Below are excerpts
` from her interview performed by student Shannon Hines:
. . . After her arrival at the mission near Sibut, she quickly discov-
ered that she would be responsible for creating and maintaining
a healthcare system for this town .... She continued to practice
over the next three years as a healthcare provider and during
this time she realized there was one part of her care that she was
unable to provide - care for the pregnant woman and delivery of
the newbom . . . Ms. Benedict retumed early from her four year
commitment, with the support of her church, to attend midwifery
school at the FSMFN. She spent the next six months of her life
on campus in Hyden, Kentucky, living in the Haggin Dormitory.
She describes this as one of the most relaxing times of her life
as she did not feel responsible for caring for other people . . .
Ms. Benedict returned to Sibut and was glad to add the prenatal,
intrapartum and postpartum care to the services of the medical
clinic. She believed that her training at the FSMFN prepared
her well for the type of care that she was giving to the African
women and children, the holistic care was the dream of Mary
Breckinridge. Leaming these skills in a rural setting helped her
develop skills needed to practice in the clinic. During this time
she cared for several hundred women in childbirth.
LouAnne Roberts, New York, (Courier 2001) graduated from the
BS/MS Nursing Program at Columbia University, New York City
during 2006. LouAnne still lives in New York City and works as a
Family Nurse Practitioner for The Floating Hospital; a non-profit
A organization started by The New York Times in the late l800’s,
which long ago sailed around Manhattan giving child laborers
a day of rest while assessing their healthcare needs. Today the
boat is long gone, but there are eight satellite clinics which help
maintain the health and well being of homeless families residing
in shelters throughout the five boroughs of New York City.

by Mary Ethel W00t0n, FNS Board Member V
Covy Feltner began working for the Frontier Nursing Service
(FNS) fifty years ago, on January 14, 1958. At a reception in his ,
honor, Mallie Noble, Administrator ofthe Hospital, presented him
with an engraved pocket watch and a plaque in recognition of his
service. At that reception, he reflected upon those fifty years and =
recalled the many jobs he had done for FNS.
"I was twenty—one years old when I started. I did different jobs —
whatever needed to be done. The pay rate was $4.00 a day. One
of my mainjobs was to keep a fire going in the basement. That’s
how we heated the water for the Hospital. In 1960, I was put in
charge of milking the cows and feeding the cows and horses.
Then I worked seven days a week for $5.00 a day. I worked with
Joe Roberts. We hauled coal from Manchester to all the nursing
centers, the hospital, and the Haggin Quarters where the nurses
lived. We went to Hazard twice a week, on Monday and on Thurs-
day, to drop off and pick up laundry. Sometimes on those trips,
Joe and 1 went to Perry Farm Center to get chicken feed for Mrs.
Breckinridge to feed her chickens at Wendover.
"Over the years, I have done many different jobs. At the old Hyden
Hospital, I helped carry patients on stretchers up to their rooms.
The inside stairs were too narrow, so we had to carry them outside
and go up those steps. Sometimes I helped carry patients upstairs
in chairs. I helped take care ofthe patients and shaved some of
the men patients. I helped carry the food trays upstairs by hand. I r.
took out and bur