xt7m3775vp7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775vp7c/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1987 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 62, No. 4, Spring 1987 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 62, No. 4, Spring 1987 1987 1987 2014 true xt7m3775vp7c section xt7m3775vp7c 5
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Volume 62 Number4 Sprung 1987 § ‘ Q 2
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US ISSN ()()l6·21l6 "
The FNS Courier/ Volunteer Program
Tradition. . .Service. . .Adventure — by Elizabeth Wilcox Q_
and Heidi Sulis (first of two parts) 1
A Friend Remembered 9
New Novel Features Life of Betty Lester 13 ~,
An Update on the HUD Housing Project 14 ly
Pediatrician Paul Diamond Shares Thailand Experience 16 l
A Visitor from Ecuador 17  
Erica Goodman Addresses FNS Gathering 18 l
DCW Gift Provides Neonatal Care Unit 21
Kate Ireland Named Chairman of Berea College Board 22
Student Intern Assists in Developing PR Program 23
Beyond the Mountains — by Ron Hallman 24
Courier News 25
In Memoriam 26
Memorial Gifts 27
School Notes - by Ruth Beeman 29
FNS Receives National Award 30
Field Notes — by Elizabeth Wilcox 32
In Memoriam: Dr. Tim Lee Carter 33
Urgent Needs Inside Back Cover
Staff Opportunities Inside Back Cover
Cover: Today, as always, a special part of a courier’s experience is greeting and serving as
guide to visitors from around the world. Pictured is courier Brenda johnson with a
nursing educator from Indonesia.
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. . . The rivers they forded were sometimes high and swift.
h The couriers were required to be at least nineteen years of age.
The importance of maturity, reliability and willingness to be
, flexible could not have been stressed enough.
  Reliable and flexible they were. When a man came for a nurse
. to aid his wife who was in labor, a courier, if necessary, would
arise with the nurse at any hour ofthe night to help prepare for the
  journey. She would saddle the horse, and help with any other
i necessary preparations, and sometimes accompanied the nurse to

the delivery. Once at the laboring woman’s house, the courier
would tend to the fire, boil water, hold the light for the nurse, tend A
to the existing children and do whatever else the nurse needed to
make things run more smoothly.  
Couriers’ duties were varied and always important, as they V.
still are. The couriers were and remain a very vital part of the ·
organization, in that they have always played the role of support V
staff. No task was unimportant to the couriers; they delivered ~
medicine to families in need; they carried sick children on the T
pommels of their saddles to be cared for at the Hyden Hospital or i`
at the district clinics; they aided the nurses in the very important
project of researching and treating children for worms, (a very S
serious affliction among mountain children at one time) by .
gathering specimens to be tested in order to check the effectiveness
of hexylresorcinol. Couriers accompanied Mrs. Breckinridge on _
rounds to the districts through all weather conditions. This was .
exemplified in a story told by Marvin Breckinridge Patterson, ‘»
who said that once, while on rounds in the middle of the winter  
with her cousin Mary, they had to cross the rivers on horseback.
When they returned to the hospital and removed their rain
slickers, the slickers, frozen stiff, stood erect in the middle of the `
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A Courier on rounds in the dead of winter. i

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A very important part of the couriers’ duties was to tend to the horses.
· A very important and basic part of a courier’s duties was to
L! tend to the horses. After the nurses returned from their duties, the
2,  couriers were required to unsaddle, brush, feed and water their
horses. Ifthe horses became ill, it was the courier’s duty to tend to
{ the stricken horse until it was well again.
I Once, when an epidemic of distemper broke out among the
g FNS horses, the couriers slept on hay in the stalls of the sick
 C horses in order to keep up treatments during the night. The
; couriers handled the epidemic so well that only one of the 12
I stricken horses died.
I The following is an excerpt from courier Kathleen Wilson’s
` journal which was published in the Autumn 1935 Quarterly
L Bulletin describing a day of caring for horses’ ailments:
 .l Friday
"Woody" and "Flint" were both sent to Wendover from Hyden this
j morning to be tended by the couriers. We diagnosed distemper and
 _ isolated them in the horse hospital barn. Agnes has given us a pink and
blue flowered smock to wear when we go to their stalls. With blue jeans
` protruding below, the effect is wonderful! The water hydrant is 100 yards
  from the hospital barn and it’s simply amazing how much sick horses
, can drink! "Woody" and "Flint" have had five bucketsfull each today.
{ The cook said she could tell I wasn’t used to "toting" water. I don’t believe
Q she’ll be able to say that by the time "Woody" and "Flint" have
it  recovered!

The sore on "Rex’s" back is a huge hole now. We put vaseline on it this 7
morning and stood him in the sun for two hours. Then we applied hot I
Epsom salt compresses till the scab finally lifted enough to be cut off. .
Poor Bucket has practically had to give up her job as midwifery
supervisor to be chief consultant for the couriers about sick horses! We’re .
washing every horses’s back in the stable with alum once a day now to .·
harden them and prevent backs starting in this hot weather. I!
~ . T `l
As in the French program, (The American Committee for Dev- ¥
astated France), the couriers worked under the direction of a chief   l
from their own ranks. This person was called the Resident 1
Courier. Jean Hollins from New York served as the Resident  g
Courier for many years. After she served as both a junior and `
senior courier, Jean volunteered to take a course in animal  
husbandry at the University of Kentucky. These skills were put to  
use often when one of the horses or cows became ill. .
The couriers were also responsible for the grocery shopping.  
The cook at Wendover would give the couriers a list of needed Q
items and the couriers would make the trip into town to pick them '
up. Sometimes the courier would have to meet the bus at the head ‘
of Hurricane to pick up an order of fresh meat which had been sent  `
in from Hazard. Marion Shouse’s description of such a trip has  ;
been excerpted from the Autumn 1936 Bulletin: E
Topsy had started out with the new nurse who is relieving for  .
Margaret, and Fannie went up river about twelve to get some worm tins. '
By that time the rain had ceased, but the sky was still overcast. I started .
for the head of Hurricane about twelve fifteen to meet the meat which I
was coming in on the noon bus. On the way up I met Fannie returning E
with the worms, and we chatted for a minute. The woods were dripping —
and vividly green, and filled with that heavenly freshness that always ‘
follows a shower. As I passed the Bollings’ house I looked in, but there _~
was a group of strangers sitting on the porch so I didn’t go in. `
Hitched "Flint" and went up to the rock by the state highway that I  
suppose a million couriers have sat on while waiting for the bus. It
started to sprinkle again, and as I had pooh poohed the idea ofa raincoat . l
I tried to get under the saddle bags, but it didn’t work very well.  
The bus came along in a little while and the driver handed me a ·'
sizable bundle. If someone at Wendover telephones Hazard before the  ·
bus leaves there in the morning, then the groceryman stops the bus I
driver and gives him the meat for the F.N.S. In hot weather the meat  .
spoils so quickly when taken offthe ice that unless this system were used `I 
we wouldn’t have any meat for weeks at a time. , 
The bundle, as I said, was sizeable; it wouldn’t go into the saddle bags, ` 
so I decided to carry it. On a dry day that would have worked very well,
but the saddle was damp, I was damp, and there was a lot of moisture in `.

5 the air and a good many drops from the trees. as a result the cardboard
1 became softer and softer. I kept shifting the box, which rested on the head
. of the saddle, from side to side, and every time I shifted it, it became
pulpier and more shapeless. I visualized myself riding into Wendover
_ carrying beefsteaks in my bare hands, for the box certainly didn’t act as
[_ though it could hold till we got home. To make matters more complicated,
l. "Flint" decided that she was in absolutely no hurry whatever. Ap-
L, parently she was enjoying her outing, and didn’t want to get back to her
E stall at all. However, the box held together and the steak arrived safely.
, By that time it was pretty nearly two o’clock and I was starved, so went
¥   over to the Big House where luncheon had been saved.
 l Serving as a courier at FNS became somewhat of a tradition
 , among families of former couriers. If a former courier gave birth to
  a baby girl, the child would be enrolled for the Courier Service
·? starting 19 years after her birth. Below is an example of such a
Q request:
: Enrolled for the Courier Service of 1955, by special request, Miss
. Margaret Avery Schreiner, born May 10, 1936, weight 7 pounds 3 1/2
' ounces, the daughter of our splendid former Chicago courier, Mary
4 MacCaughey.
 i The couriers have always been a vital part of the Frontier
 Q Nursing Service, and many couriers have continued to remain
5 . . . · . .
; active within the organization. Several former couriers currently
· serve on the Board of Governors and on the Board of Trustees.
‘ They are:
 _` Miss Fredericka Holdship, Sewickley, Pa. Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence, Westwood,Mass.
Miss Jane Leigh Powell, Glen Cove, N.Y. Mrs. E. Townsend Moore, Darling, Pa.
 ‘ Mr. Joseph Carter, Tompkinsville, Ky. Mrs. Robert F. Muhlhauser, Glendale, Ohio
, Mrs. James Kenan, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Samuel E. Neel, McLean, Va.
" Dr. Patience White, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Arthur Perry, Jr., Concord, Mass.
_` Mrs. Charles Cheston,Jr.,Topsfield, Mass. Mrs. Charles S. Potter, Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. John J. Dete, West Liberty, Ohio Mrs. James N. Rawleigh, Jr.,
, ~` Mrs. Peter R. Ehrlich, Bedford, N.Y. Harrods Creek, Ky.
» Mrs. Paul Church Harper, Lake Forest, Ill. Mrs. William M. Schreiber, Louisville, Ky.
_ Mrs. Gilbert W. Humphrey, Miccosukee, Mrs. Robert N. Steck, Washington, D. C.
Fla. Miss Margaret Watkins,
· K Mrs. E. Donald Jones, Bellefontaine, Ohio Grosse Point Farms, Mi.
  Miss Deborah M. King, Dedham, Mass. Mrs. George A. Parker, Great Falls, Va.
·' Mrs. Frank O’Brien, Boston, Mass. Mrs. Edward Arpee, Lake Forest, Ill.
 . Mr. Brooke Alexander, New York, N.Y. Mrs. Marion E.S. Lewis, Matamoras, Pa.
_i  In addition, Mrs. Jefferson Patterson serves as Honorary
V National Chairman, former Senior Courier Kate Ireland is the
  current National Chairman and Heidi Sulis, a former volunteer, is
now working as an administrative assistant to FNS President
, David M. Hatfield.

Betty Horsburg, a former courier sums up how many of the  
couriers feel when the time has come to leave the Kentucky ;
mountains in a letter which she wrote in 1935:  
"Since my arrival home I have been smitten with an extremely
infectious disease, namely Kentucky Mountainitus. Etiologists would
say it was contracted by a two month stay with the Frontier Nursing
Service at Wendover. The symptoms are easily recognized. The prognosis '
is poor unless immediate treatment is undertaken. The medical profession
realizes that the patient should return as soon as possible to the F.N.S.
Unless such treatment is given the patient becomes delirious, neighing
like a horse, mooing like a cow, squealing like a pig and jabbers on about
getting tea." i
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...Time to milk the cow —- A Couriers’ duties were varied and no task was ly
End of Part One:  
In the next issue ofthe Quarterly Bulletin we will complete  
our article on the FNS Courier/ Volunteer Service with a ~
look at the present day program. Q

I A Friend Remembered
 f The previous edition of the Quarterly Bulletin was dedicated to the
_ memory of our former director, Miss Helen E. Browne, C.B.E., who died
` on January 20, 1987.
4 On April 10th, Frontier Nursing Service held a memorial service for
*‘ Brownie at our historic headquarters, Wendover.
-l The following passages are taken from the remarks of the two
  principal speakers, Miss Jane Leigh Powell, Corresponding Secretary of
5 § the FNS Board of Governors, and Miss Mable (Skip) Spell, a family nurse
  practitioner and administrative assistant at the Mary Breckinridge
¤ Hospital.
Preceding these excerpts, is the text of a telegram received by our
National Chairman, Miss Kate Ireland, from Eunice K. Ernst, Director
of the National Association of Childbearing Centers and a former
member of the FNS Board of Governors.
>I< =|= * =I= >I=
I Miss Kate Ireland
General Delivery
Wendover, KY 41775
— Dear Kate,
` Wish I could be with you to celebrate the life of Brownie. She
touched us all in many ways. To me she was the ultimate midwife
— sound, sure and sensitive. The FNS has been a proving ground
for many leaders and Brownie was a strong, quiet, reserved
presence in their development. My heart and spirit are with you
all as you hold her in remembrance.
I * * * * *
. Excerpts From Remarks Made by Miss Jane Leigh Powell:
, When you came to Kentucky in 1938, World War II was only a year
l _ off and in 1939, many of the British nurse-midwives went home to
E, England. But you stayed on as Mary Breckinridge needed you to
l help her keep the Service running. Giving care to families in their
_ ; homes and at the hospital, times were difficult with gas rationing,
 J travel mainly by horseback, medical help many miles away, an
·  erratic telephone system — all of which taught you to cope with
 { situations in the best way possible. Nurses were not completely
  trusted by the men of the mountains and sometimes you helped
V mothers in labor at the barrel end of a shotgun.
 A When you became Associate Director and then Director after
 ” Mary Breckinridge’s death in 1965, it took you away from

contacts with your patients and put you in a job of administrative
responsibility, which you did with great ability. You had to ,
communicate with government officials, foreigners, politicians,
deans of universities, medical and nursing professionals, donors,
trustees and families of staff and couriers. I remember with such
admiration the hours you spent with visitors from foreign lands, I
many of whom couldn’t speak English very well and some who `l
had to speak through interpreters — trying to help them under- ,g
stand the work of the Service so that they could take some of the il
ideas and adapt them to their own countries. N
Your patience was unendinglll If staff members wanted to talk
to you, you would stop whatever you were doing to devote time and
full attention to their problems; but you never solved them.
Instead you were a great listener and would wait until the problem
was presented, ask some pointed questions which, when the
answers were given, made the person realize they had solved their
own problem. You always had time to listen and your guidance
was cherished by many including the couriers who depended on
you for help when an animal was sick. Patients in your care were
not only humans, but also horses, cows and dogs. ·
Over the years, many of the staff who went on to other jobs, _
often in foreign countries, corresponded with you and shared
ideas and troubles and you never failed to reply and keep in touch ?
with them. Q
Caring — a word you used so frequently. Many times at
graduation ceremonies for the students of the Frontier School of .r
Midwifery and Family Nursing, your commencement address  
would include a few words about caring; if you cared about people V
and for people, everything would be fine. "Nurses care, doctors  
You boasted no academic degrees but you could certainly hold I
your own with anyone on any topic in the health field. During gi
your years as Director, you saw the advent of Medicare and L
Medicaid —nightmares for both providers and consumers at the  
beginning. You had to integrate the two systems of government  
reimbursement with a private, non-profit health care system and  
the confusion and paper-work were monumental. If that wasn’t .
enough, Hyden Hospital, built in 1928, was deemed unsafe by the  

Fire Marshal and we knew it was time to build a larger and more
W modern facility. During this period, the Appalachian Regional
Commission came to the area from Washington and you spent
hours going to meetings and talking to government officials
trying to convince them that the FNS deserved, wanted and
l needed some of their millions of dollars to help build a new
'l hospital. (These officials always called you Helen!) You were not
, { only successful in convincing them to the amount of $1 1/4
tj million, but also succeeded in raising $3 million from private
{4 foundations and donors in the first capital fund drive ever
attempted by the FNS.
In 1970, the FNS took the bold step of combining Family Nurse
Practitioner training with the already existing Nurse Midwifery
training. Critics said it couldn’t and shouldn’t be done, but you
and your staff persisted and created the first school of its kind in
the country. You were also very instrumental in merging the
American Association of Midwives here in Hyden with the
American College of Nurse Midwifery, which currently numbers
2400 members.
· You received the Distinguished Service Award from Berea
l College, an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Nursing from Eastern
` Kentucky University and you were named a Kentucky Colonel.
E But I know the most meaningful honors bestowed upon you were
. by your Queen, Elizabeth II —- The Order of the British Empire in
V 1964 and Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British
,1 Empire in 1976. While going through your papers in Milford, I
Q found dozens of congratulatory letters you had received at the
I times of your awards and your replies were always the same. This
_ one, written to the Executive Secretary of the International
`L Confederation of Midwives in London, said: “It is my ardent wish
that the good publicity which the O.B.E. brings to the Frontier
  Nursing Service will also bring us some more staff members."
l Your unselfishness at such a time of personal recognition was
  another example of never thinking of yourself, but always of the
  FNS. By the way, your sisters want your awards and medals to be
1: here at Wendover so we’ll put them in the "Brownie Room" in the
‘i Big House.
$ In closing, let me say that there is no ending and, though you
  will no longer be among us, let us each remember and learn from

your examples — patience, being a good listener, lending
guidance, persistence, practicality, honesty, unselfishness, faith
and dedication — for you dedicated your life to the FNS and all Y
that it stands for and may you rest in peace knowing you have
given so much to so many and never asked for anything in return.
Thanks, Brownie, with love . . .
* * * >l< * if
A Poem Shared by Skip Spell:
Near a shady wall a Rose once grew,
Budded and blossomed in God’s free light I
Watered and fed by morning dew, A 
Shedding its sweetness day and night. A
As it grew and blossomed fair and tall,  
Slowly rising to loftier height, L
It came to a crevice in the wall,  
Through it there shone a beam of light.  ’
Onward it crept with added strength,  
With never a thought of fear or pride. ’
It followed the light through the crevice’s length  
And unfolded itself on the other side.
Shall claim of death cause us to grieve  
And make our courage faint and fall?  
Nay! Let us faith and hope receive. i
The Rose still grows beyond the wall.  .
Gifts made to the Service in memory of Brownie are being used E 
to restore her beloved FNS home, Wendover. We have also *
received a very special contribution from our New York Com- _‘ 
mittee allowing us to renovate the labor and delivery area of the I, 
Mary Breckinridge Hospital in her honor.  

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1 Betty Lester, CNM, autographs the recently published book based on her life
_» with Frontier Nursing Service.
A New Novel Features the Life of Betty Lester
Babies In Her Saddle Bags — Adventures of a Kentucky Midwife is the
title author Joyce Hopp chose for her recently published book which
j focuses on the life of our own Miss betty Lester.
  For those readers who may not know of Miss Lester. Betty, a young
  British nurse-midwife, came to Kentucky to work with Mary Breckin-
  ridge and the Frontier Nursing Service in July, 1928. The young
organization had not yet completed its first year. Fourty-three years later
l (1971) Miss Lester "retired" from active service and now resides here in
‘° the eastern Kentucky mountains she loves and considers home.
 _, It is almost impossible to contemplate the vast numbers of people who
have sipped tea in Betty’s living room and listened withfascination and
 i·' delight as Betty reeled off yarn after yarn. Those of us here at FNS
 Q —staff, couriers, students —- are frequent guests. For countless visiting
  individuals and groups, a Betty Lester story-telling session is the
 »i highlight of their FNS visit.
  It is a great satisfaction to know that Betty Lester’s remarkable
  memories will be preserved and available to such a broad audience.
 ‘ Perhaps even more gratifying is the knowledge that her admirable life of
Y  service, dedication, courage and joy will inspire others as it has her FNS
  family and fellow Kentuckians.
  Anyone interested in purchasing the book may order through The
U  Book Shelf, Hyden, KY 41749 or directly from the publisher, Pacific Press
 A Publishing Association, Boise, Idaho.

An Update on the HUD Housing Project
While reviewi