xt7m3775v030 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775v030/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1958 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 29, 1958 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 29, 1958 1958 1958 2012 true xt7m3775v030 section xt7m3775v030 V I I
,096 Lewis.  V _ A'`` V .   Vr·· V V I I-   I,  
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    TZ 'he Kentuclgf Al Gm
1   ll In Il US  
li (jioimd
I The Kentucky Alumnus izing me
  Published quarterly by the University of UnII.€I-Siu
  Kentucky on the campus of the University, ’
( at Lexington. Subscriptions to non-members, C t in rentel \V€
$5.00. Membership (Type A) in the Alumni
  Association includes subscription to the On en S (timber N
Alumnus. ·
I; _ Ih€ Ul
_‘V Member or National Editorial Association. YEBRUARI 10511 mg just H
;¥ Kentucky Press Association. American ` V I
- · Alumni co1inoi11 _ mon), < lf
" Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post UNlVERSIT\’ A,\FFAlI{S Medical (
Omcg at Lexington, Ky., May I. 1952, under 4.,............ 1 ....._.........i. 1 ......................`........,_,__,_ g1 IIOIC II
» the act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited oy the Alum- .
ni Association. —ll1C l:Xp€T
1 1 1 ~ . , 110110
I new Bowen Wiggs _________________ Ednn ALu1x11s1 1xss0c.1AT101~1 Nrws .._,............. 1 ._...........,...............____,___ 1 1“'“_1 __
XI; Helen G. King ........... Managing Editor ;m“1mC§5
  Marguerite McLaughlin ..,. Associate Editor During
V ·   Ken Kuhn ..........,......... Sports Edifvf ABOUT THE ALUMNI ..,.,................,.....................,..,..,....., , __,, 8 [)i1·l;cv re
4 1   1 thc treme
  l   1957-*58 EXEcUT1vE COMMITTEE €meI.nIIs
Q V QI Robert H. Hillenmeyer, President, Hillen- UNIVERSITY STAFF NEYVS ...>....,.................... 1 .,>. 11 H) . I
I 1   meyer Nurseries, Lexington ` ` ’ ``'``'````'``"‘` " ° ‘ 1111111 ll)
1   Richard E. Cooper, Vice President, Somer- IIIMAIIIC
V 111 set, Ky. Af I
1 *_ Helen G. King, Director of Alumni fairs, . .. Qx1tCs$C(
I I I I   522 Sayre Ave, Lexington SPORTS NE\Vh ................,...,....... 1 .,........................,...,............ 1 ....,.. 1111 1 12 IIIIIIIC II
, · V · I 1 AS1 B. A. Shively, Treasurer, Department of Ath- 4 ·
1 1 l gi letics, University of Kentucky I111;j1{1111 [
. A Q   Herndon J. Evans, Lexington Herald, Lexing— HMM IC
_ git ton (Term expires 1960) ` T 1 . .   · (
I III T. H. Hardwick, Kemuckian Hotel, L€xmg_ S UDENT l\OTES ...............................................................,......._,,.._ 1 111 I I
· l §»| ton (Term expires 1960) gm]? [lc
· “ 5 J. Carlisle Myers, Jr., 1211 Richmond Road, l]l€[I](`{ll 1-;
' ?g Lexington (Term expires 1960) V _
V 1I M1-s, Hampton c, Adams, 01d Keen Place, IVEDDINGS, BIRTHS. DEATHS ........ 1 ....,.............._..   ,_,____   1_ V 111 .\l>0 at
· i ‘ · 195 A -
 ' V Y`1   cgiiammgggiiigsnidgt Owensboro, Rl*`ll¤*¥‘¢l l
“ _ ;1 K¥.éT¢gm expires $359) C b 1 d A . ·
* »_· Pau . lazer, Jr., "I 7 um er an ve., _ 1 · _ I ‘
{ { II Ashland, Ky_ (Term expires 1959) .\LUMl\l HONOR ROLL SUPPLEl\lEl\T ,.,.............., 1 ..........,_ 11 lll
‘ § ' QI William H. Townsend, First National Bank * 1
I I   Bldg., Lexington (Term expires 1958) r'
‘ 1 ·; R. R. Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky. (Term expires  
· 1   msn) _ _ 1 . ;
I I   Blijgz; II,egg;_¤g;p§;>g51I¤g5§;g“1¤> Rm- Lex- Aisouir THE (LOVER: 1>i·. williinn R. wiilani turns il s11o1»o1 111 (lin 1  
I 1 4 ~ , gy Dr. Ralph Angelucci, 109 Esplanade, Lexing· at the UK Medical center groundbreaking ceremonv on Dec. l0. Looking igziiiii
- l -· ton (Board of Trustees) _ I f . I . _ . · _ tg;]
I I 1 _L S_ Wgtkjng 251 E_ High SI__ Lenjngten on aic (e t to rigit) UK Vice Piesident Frank D. Peterson, (v()\'Cl`ll0l 1 ‘·-===i‘·
i ;_ (Board of Trustees) 1 _ _ I . . . . ., , 1 _ , _. _ V {
I I 1 Louis Cox, Franldom Ky. IBOBM of Tw? .\' B (ll2lll(II€l,.L[. Go`. I-lain) Lec Wateifield. and Uk I’resulemF1n11l  _
I » Ee tees) _ _ I _ Dickey. Dr. \V1lla1·d is vice president ol the new medical (renter, 1 I3:
· j   W. E. Covington, 2655 Virginia Ave., Ash- .
. Q I land, Ky. (Immediate Past President) Q
4 I   Marguerite McLaughlin, 226 E; Maxwell St., . _·`V
 ‘ . I I` Lexington (Lge member. honorary) ;_
· -» H. D. Palmore, rankiort, Ky. (Life member, ° 1
- _ honorary)
i V I Dr. George Wilson, 200 N. Upper St., Lex-
1 ` 1 ington (Life member, honorary)   P • V
· 1 I — age upp ement Will Appear In May Issue
l . . 1 . 1 1 1 . . - .. 1
= _ 1   gfcfxfgrli iggifgrBI<-;§u§;iII;;'1fé;Yr:?;;if.C§>‘-gm A special snppleinent 0n U.S. higher {l()ll lll its variety of 11l>_1c<111‘¢*»ll* _  
‘ $,4Second, Lotjisviiie " ccc11I11‘lI¤l*“ ·  
» A. KY· .7 lll ini ll a azinc er 't0r1 1 l l . I · · ‘ ; ' ‘   1·1n lllc  
I Mrs. Elmer T. Gm), Paris Pike, Lexington I- il   g. 1 s lll( pu J n .1 group ol lllIIllIll e1l1t01~.\ Iv I  
1 1 David B. Graham. Jr.,_ Clinton, Ky, lisheis tlnoiighont thc country have been at work on it lor 1111110 llill g
  Neg; I¥;?l· Cny E“g‘“€“S Om"- H°“d°r· joined in this first cooperative ell`0rt year. One 0[ the COllllll`Iv* Wh"? 1
1   B3¤'kl€Y ·l· SWFEW1 Pl'€$l»0¤$b\l¥`E» KY- U) tell lllC SLUTV Ul A 1 eric. ll I ' ‘l 1 i l ( ··;   ]j ·' · Hzltllllillll 0
s 3 visgii 0. Watson, 1726 Beverly B1vd1, Asn- __ 1 1 · U1 1 ugm Pm "gl ‘l’l‘°‘“· mh 1_   II  (hound
I I1 land, Ky, ~ €Il lll it (ll`2llll2ll.lC and pan- Magiium, has taken the l)l(llllU· - b VI _
l   Executive committee meets second Monday Ol`21llll(Z way. In 32 pages of pictures Slll)l)1Qll]€]]I will }\.I)I)(fl{I` i11 11wl‘€|'_h“  hgndxgl
1 I -I night oi each monthnseptember through and text. the supplement will present l5() illllllllll inagazines wl1ose1111111111( I
I V May, 6:30 p.m., Colonial Room, Lafayette I _ · _ A I. vw   _ . . _ . . 1 ‘ J S€rv1pc‘
I I H0tel_ Lexingmn tit nnmtnse ( 1\LlSlty 0l higher educa- (`ll`(`llIil[l()ll is l,500,000.
¤ li
1 E if · +_
*" ` S YH
1 1- 2 THE xsurucxv ALUMW 'K
3   .

 1 12 1
` 1 111 1
. it
1 1*] l
V  1 1
O 1   1
1` 1
us Ground ls Broken For UK Medical Center   1
Stale Medical 1-\ssotiatiol1, Nlrs. Eli- be constructed will he a six-storv. plus 1,1- l
BOARD NAMES CENTER uttre Hainniontl ircsident ol the lien- |· · - l' -·l   - /‘ ‘ 11
II Aw . [   I x . msement. nict ica science building l
ll] To HONOR GQV_ CHANDLER Itl(`l*<1<1€<1 lam- 1 W
LIHIIIMIII Of Kentucky new IIIMIIIHI spolce `lor thc nietllcal center stall in l>(Jl)[Zlll\'(I planst call lor enrollment {  
(mm were hem Im Campus Im D0 Itpplftlatlon ol the support the stall ol the first medical and nursing stu- l
tas lad. dents iu the lall ol 1959
ccmber 10. —~ · I
· , · ·. . ,V · .\ dinner sponsored br the lieu- *
The Uh Board ol ltustecs. ui meet- _· · _· I , _ ~ I I
WS mgjlm 3 I-CW hours bcforc Ihc CNG lucky Xledual loundation. lollowed $2 OOO GRANT GIVEN UK l Il
-9 ` V . , ~ - »· -' . , V 1 2
mom, (hose ..Ih€ Albeu B_ (lhandlcl. thc ;.;lottl1¢ll1rc.l1\ing tcrcnioni. ’ I - I
IICIHIVIII Center" 35 lls olflqial mlmC_ .\(l(ll`(’ShlllQI` the dinner audience were MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY  
V 3 Muyq rlnni 5011 persons gathered on B1"_\°1`l1"'1 1l· L1l’l"1“1# ‘1“{'1l *11 Yalc .-\ Unirersity-Natioinil Park service 1 1
me Experiment Station farm, near the HEUM11 __§U1(’1’l_ Ol M“l1°111_°_ “111" tontract for $2,001) recentlv negotiated 1 1
-IIm[[i()I] Of R()$C (»{ll(l1,l|]l(j§[()[](j S|_]`QClS_ hlI)()I(* i)Ill I lhlc l\?l[|Ql1Hl §lgIl1l'l(,2lll(`(j   I)I.()\_i(ling [Or [IIC Cxploration O[ I
il III IIVIIIICSS rlw gvent_ YL1I1‘ I11il*1”11} M“11(j11 (fmcl i Dri luture llood control areas in Kentuckv.  
_ . . ns er . arms, executive z   ·;t· . . V V '
|)rrr—rrig the ceremonv Uh Presuleltt . · { . lb.wUl,C U lhe Uk Museum ol i\nthrop01ogv ‘
. . · . the (,o1ninonwealtl1 l·und, New Stork. · . ·
I [)ir·l;9rre\‘1C\\'C(l brtelly the hlstorv ol `IIIU I I` UTI U I. I (_ ’ ts exploring the areas to be flooded ¤
- A ‘ .‘>o*e on ie , · ·; i· —~ . V
111C licmcli and Spoke Ul 1"`“““1“"" and thle Ul1l\'€l`$ll\`ll` ·tntlLll;>l‘ Cllcllull by lomlmulml Ul the B‘“1‘1€‘" and l
lm;-ririis Herman 1.. l)U|lO\`2|ll as the ICI WINE I(I(IrC;§’; I CII `I ‘_1_€Yl" Rouglt River danis in Southwest Ken.
. V   t   vzs let 1· 7 . ,
lll mririwlio brought tt to the poult where \I _ I. _, I (. _ _ _ , ,, L tttcky to determine whether rnivtlnng
I I __.II G I (_I_ II__ . una .cntet and the Stale. V ._   _' _. ·
l[l)(‘(rll11Cl)Obhl) e. oternor .1ant cl ol historic xalue will be lost.
i,   r¤~— ~* ***5 W *··< *¤   **·<· ¤»e··¤»*~ *’*‘· “ ***2 ·*‘< * r*‘~*¤··¤e·<*     rwttt. ir. san l·;.   ,,.l.   ll.,, dl. I
1. rrr rlw suite who- "platced me tu a I_’1*"l11*` 1** 1)** 101**1 V _(·1******1’('_1`*· rettor. is directing the project. ,-\ 1
Irrrtiliori to help lsCll[ll(`li}'.l1 lll. (V}t>\‘. 1"r111°1` 11C11‘1 "l111€ Ul\_111*"11f`*11 $(’1"'1f" gl`il(lllZIl(` student. lltcoina Sloan. as- ‘
I Hir-rt Lee Waterfleld called the pro- 1*11** *`*`11*`*"1 *`€€C**11}`· 1**1 1*1* 1****1 *1* sists hini.
ll gllllll the most })l`()l`IllllCIl{ lor lwller 1l(`1})|i1§ ll1<‘ L1|ll\`€I`$lly olitltin the inccl- (.   . . _ _
_ _ { _ _   ._{I __ _ _ _ I _ _ I _' ,oopct.itnig in the ptoiect are the
mcrllrrrl (mc fm l\C;lru(l.`\_ l(tI t§**l§§ [hi < 1 0 1*- *1 “U< sion ol .\rclnteology. I\enluckv De.
Rit·li;irtI (._ lellloll of thc l\(‘Illll(`l<} l·u‘~t unit ol llic IlI<’(ll(2ll <<·nt<·r to parlinent ol (Zonscrration.
19 -
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tr more 111-***1   3 1   ‘   V.. ;i VV...V   ‘`’   ’‘‘   ·==**·’'»V’*‘   =-V-l .§i:E;§§ji§.§;§§;-gf}"i*%¥2¥§·"¤~¥.   -Vl.   ;-$e.:?1¥_`ifF‘?f§?§i?§;¥%¥i;?§i§?§E§E%fY?§%¤‘??§‘¥E%[¥E€§% *1’   ‘‘;    ‘
1. . 1
llllllllhlllll •
C I,Irrlrr·r~.l11  bu31I;1“1“j*S broken Det. 10 lor the University ol }xentucky’s proposed new (.olleges ol Medicine and l)entistry I 1
I. in IIIUrrll11¤ hu lugs lll Lexington. First unit to be constructed will be a medical sciences building. followed br hospital (right 1 1
II.IIIN.rl,rri|11ll  will Pifillle), dental building (far lelt), mnbulant patient building (lelt foreground). a power plant. and a small   | 1
I ltc building. Under tentative plans, Hrst medical and nursing students will enroll in fall of 1959. 1
5 l
S TH: [ 1 1
1 .. . V.._·

 l   Trustee-Fuculty ?;·‘g[IFA§I*r:§§;"l;`* IE·_eHLel-ARS"'? UK Receives Grant
- `   Committee Numed To Publish Books , l:OUl
li In recognition of Dr. Static Erikson`s
  personnel was announced recently 32 wars Or Service {O Uh. thc Sciwoi UK misrecs have accepted ii as
  For it lomt tr“$teejt*‘emtY eommluce ill ol? lHomc Economics in cooperation 800 gfiml from Lilly Endowment. lm`? l908 WILI
—   UK to Smell dlslmms In Huldellllc with the professional fraternity Phi to Complete editorial work and puli1i,|l _
lll treedom· Upsilon Omicron is sponsoring thc it lo`Vomme roueetlon of PPlpe1·s;tlld I The Col
i   Trustee members are Robert P. l-l0b- Srarie lgrihsrrh Seholarshrrr correspondence of Henry Clay head i0“rt'
_ “f am Md HMPBY o¤“°“» L°“i$"‘“°· rua aiaiiattiiip wiu he ait·an;1et1 Dr .l¤¤¤€S F H<>pki¤S» profttna .“"d ‘° ll
A g and _], stephen Watkins, Lexington- mmualh, to a UK home Cmnomics hismry, is rhe erlimr and Dis Mlm amuuertc;
  rlaemtY members ars Dr- Howard student: Selection will be based on “l- H*'rgreH"e$ of Lexington isattri IIIIII26f thI
l Qi B€€1`S, head of the S0etotog)' Depart' scholastic achievement, potentialities elilte editor- The editors expttt the llmsllledhl
  ment; Dr. Ralph \Veaver, Bacteriology l—Or leadership arid rlevririeri re ideals hrst two volumes, each qomlliiiiiig MESH
‘   Department, and Prof. Patil Oberse embodied in home economics. imour eee Pogee to be Y€¤i¤¤¤€¤t5 me {Of One >'e*“` dents and friends of Dr. Erikson may "°l“‘““ d‘“`“‘g the t°“°"'m€ the iifhf hl
  and m€mb€f$ could be rertamerr contribute to the scholarship fund. lI€alS' _ ) _ t Drug; ijrhi
  mililhrec ll; lress will publish the ll]. mious cial
  UK MEDICAL CENTER l ll Il lhtrcunm
A is Aovisonr euoup NAMED _ _ _ »*·_l2=3°
Q _ Two major appointments m the . turuiug alt
. I   DIR William R- Willard, Viee Presb field of agriculture at UK have been Community Leaders Music Roo
  l   dent for the UK_Medleal Cemeryhei approved by the Board of Trustees,. Attend School lnu House,
2 éi *‘““°““‘c€d ‘*PP°‘“‘“‘°““ °€ 18 lim ni. winiaia A. Seay, administrative Frullr tk
l I   t“ekY Phlmemns to   Uk Mclllclll assistant to Dr. Frank   Welch, dean About 200 community leaders [mu where ll ll'
I   Center ?‘d“$orY eommlttea of the College of Agriculture and throughout the state attended the t““l`F°“`lS
I 1   R¤t>r€Sl>ki¤$"ill°i of- 5***** fr general S¤1><=rviSi<>¤ over research and ing place an- exchanging iiiraiiinu l’?°“ ‘°‘“l’
 A   (')ll€rSll€€I` llmllslllllel Dr. Jesse 1. will eoordirmte exPerimer]tal work of arid to learn about the wars ol cruu- lIIIh$hI and
5   lIllllll` B""`i‘“g .Gr€;FI'_   the Exlwrrmem Station Stair munity betterment. according to llr. li edllu
’. 1     Baughman, bran ott, 1. .ar . _ Willis A. Sutton.   executive director mm ml
. i i l‘umPC` PON Mltcllell >i< =a =i= ol` the U li (lommunity Service Bureau, lmmlinei
Ii     Dr. Harry C. Dlenham,LNlaysville; l)ehai.rmem of Sociology. liiylihhzyllo
. 1 `   Dr, Coleman C. Jo nston, €X1Hgt0H§ · — _ 2 —   1 · I _ r
l i   1)r. joe M. Bush, Mount Sterling; Dr. COI'l`l`I'GCll AI'lI`lOUnC€d mllgc Eg;}Ilh)?Ri;]ljliifilililg;'°m;;: reurhpucrla
V I r ~· \\’endell V. Lvon, Ashland; Dr. Louise __ , · _ _   it eu ·
—-     Qi; candiii, iyrtnéiieati, ni. Patil is. Han, For Comero Tester i “‘·°‘* "” *°""“· ran 2:2
    I I il pilllllSvlll€;,Dl' Charles B' Stacie. Plllcl A svstem for testing aerial cameras,  lllldem a
    .   *·"·¤ Dr there D- C=·w¤¤<‘i Mews- a,aa,,a.i at U1; and aaai ta   by        ·¤¤ tem
  l :. bowl DL Russell Teagllc`. llolllslllllci the Air Force, will be perfected under  Illplioll H
_ i A l       lihigehhtiéa s1e€cr>~1¤s¤>¤*» and terms of a $46,895 contract recently Tlle Kemuelri, Researcll lpoumhlia  ixnginialgl
· I l   i ( l i ilunouneee has received a $10,000 grant f0r t  lr
.. _ l l * * ac The project is one of ten research purchase of books and pe1·i0die¤lSl0l [lis $5:;;
~ ~ ! projects currently being conducted by the technical faculty of the UIll‘l'€I$lll ecsmml
Q ~ the \/Venner-Gren Aeronautical Re- of Indonesia, it was 11l1ll0¤¤€€dbllDl‘ Classes h
_ l During the past five years members search Laboratory at UK. The other Leo M. Chamberlain, Foundation Pitt E:l908 ll
{ » of the faculty of the Chemistry depart- projects. un tl e r contracts totaling ident. Providing the grant is rbi  Uzutd’él.
ment have received 780 requests for $316,483 are: the oil tests, the cannon Asia Foundation, an 0rgani1¤¤°¤  iiiiiieimj
‘ reprints of their scientific papers which design, disreefing of parachutes, invest- which supports a number of program  The hm
` ( were published in the leading chem- igation of thc effects of buffeting on involving Asian organizations. Tllf ioiiiralet
i   ical journals. Two hundred and seven aircraft personnel, a chicken-house Research Foundation is l)I'€S€Illll`id` Omlsy im
  of the requests came from 17 foreign heating design study, parachute ground ministering contracts with the hir"' hm lhe i
E   countries. In addition, 400 copies of release, a contourometer for measuring national Cooperation Adniiuistrauw  llrhe Pr
l   a book co·authored by a member of body characteristics, a compartmen— involving the use of UK fatUli}'l“m’ wirllimi W
l _ the department were sold abroad last talized fuel tank and a design study at the University of Indonesia Hill  llliechissi
. _ year. for an automatic parachute opener. at Bogor. ll you pi
. yl
, l . _

 ll l 1  
T I I 1 1
I il  
1 l`; I
1  l
Fourteen Classes Will Hold Reunions May 24 wl  
l 1  
ml II $57. 1908 W||_|_ RETURN FOR SOTH week-end, please lill Otlt the reunion Over 6,000 UK students, facultv, lI_  
\Illl€l1l.lnt,` blank which is published below and staff members and their families fe-      
*III*Il>11l1li»h The Golden Iubilcp (lass, lQ{)8’ will mail it to the Uli Alllllllll Ofhtte, ceived Asian flu inoculations this fall   I 1 l
l)II1’“I`* tlllll head fourteen élassss Whish are SC11cd_ Rootn 124 Student Union. at the UK infirmary. l l
CMI sled to return to UK for reunion;   l
l’I°I““"“° 11 Ommemement weekend, May 24, 25   l
1 I"`·.I'=11 gud 26. May 24 is Alumni Day, and   q  
II2lpiLIiii 1*05*_"IdII‘@§$§f'§l,{€§§f§" “‘I‘I”I‘I“ (PLEASE mn our BLANK AND RETURN AT ONCE) I 1  
t~ot1tnn,, II"S°II€ II M I 24 ,.11 I VU (T0 ALUMNI OFFICE, Rooor 124, STUDENT UNION) 1
’ "*"I* III   rmii 10 a.1li.'1.1.iEIf$'é1II1211I Im ALUMNI REUNION RESEIWATIONS    
LWETIE   mgthe Music. Room of the Stnelem j A
0111011 II IIIIIICU I'III€ _II€l)I€s€maIIII°S Make ( ) Reservations for the picnic Saturday, May 24, 12:30 p.m. V
¤li5l1111c111 I ¥I“’ ‘*l";L‘§‘,;?iii °t$$"f,‘§’£,i11"i,,°Q,E§ $1-50 pe ¤¤1<·=· 1
·‘ trtottsta. ‘ - ’
lliereuners and to serve refreshments. Make ( ) Reservations for the Alumni Banquet, May 24, 6:00 p.m.  
ll 12;3O p.m. 011 Saturday the re- $2.50 per ticket II
ll-S ml;IgRl;l;:m(;{II;il; Eiciglclégn  {[i*’III9;1*€€<¤¤‘1ati0n for ( ) to Coldstream Farm to attend Picnic,  
lnn House, the ll3IldSOII1e new Alumni- A dy " '
Fattulty l‘l0¤$€ OU the NUWIOWII PIIIU (All times quoted above are (lentral Daylight)
,. ,. where tt picnic lunch will be served. I
lIIl(liIIlIIIlIII ]_;1styearIS TellI`1i0I1 classes held a gen-
fm? ei III ml Picnic at Carnahan House, but at   wwe s ""——  _
.lI€ IIIIIIII that time the house was not furnished It JSS) (name) E
III IIIIIII II nd only out-door facilities were avail- l
able Since that time the house has MMM  
III_IIIIIIIIIIIlII` been completely and elaborately fur- (address) 4
1 IIII°IIIIII'II`III ttislted and it will be an opportunity _ s
IIIIl_lI* III IIIIIII lor the 0ut—0f—t0wn alumni to see it. MI
Idlllg III IIII Immediately following the picnic the
mlw ‘IIIITI°I tnttttal meeting of the Alumni Associa- `
I"I"I“IIIII“II’ tion init be herd, and ,111 sttmmt, _ s,.._   1
` _ whether or not they are members ol     ·1;y· Z    
$U_II_IIIIIIII IIIIII reunion classes, are invited and urged I1      ``iii ‘-,.     C
IIIIII‘”` 1‘I11I* tttttmtt. * e‘‘`     I ~,     If ‘
From 3:30 to 5:30 that afternoon         _ IIIYII  "~ — 
Pttsitlettt and Mrs. Dickey will enter-   _‘`,       ‘-»   { ,
l@llIll€lllfI`1iIlg alumni at their annual   '‘`"' II iiiiiiliii   »,·i Q   I$_$ V 1  `
 ttption at Maxwell Place and the     t~ I M   _   1 -·  I I I  
_  ttttual alumni banquet will follow at   ‘```i I   _.,» I I »,t ,   I _ Q     I
III Foundallon ll llrlll. that evening in the ballroom ···'` I — .III     ~  _ 1
s1`=¤_¤1¤_I°’I’°  ltheStudent union,       \$$ ‘i`,, g Q 1..,  Q; E  1·‘ j   1
QUIIIOIIIQIIISIIII All times quoted for these events         -.,51    II  
the U¤*"“III ¢Ccntral Daylight.   _   · I -   ·' I 1
OIIIICINI IIIIDII Cli1SS€s holding reunions this vear     »I  ·   I  l lI
““‘I""‘%“"‘°”  ¤=19111191¤1’111*121191811¤2=1.“2e11        "   t · , 1
stem I? III  °=1¤<1 '31; 19212. eetetsmttng in sttva     . ,   '
°’g“""“II°I ·‘"I1‘¤¤11t1¤ 1947* #8. *49 mu 6111     , .,..., .     - ,,,— *   11  I-  ‘ ’ 1 , I
UI of PI°gIx _IIIll€ 1908 Class will receive recogni-       I~  I  IW 1     ITT I   Q _ ,
II*III°“S' d 01* 111 the commencement exercises on II     .  “*“ `  I I.         l I
lII€S°IIIIl EI  0II(lillI lll0I`I1i1]g, l\/[gy   at ll) ;t_u]_ ;   II  I  · IIIII  { l l l    
IIIII FII? IIIIII II°II the President of the Univeysny I `  “    "   "     1 _ , ,
*IIII“IIISmIIIIIII   IIN Pf€Sident of the _#\lumni As- Alumni Association President Robert Hillenmever, I43, and Mrs. Hampton I l I
I IIICIIIUZIIBIIIJ II IIIIIOU will confer (iii engl; member Adams (Catherine Carey ’28) register alumni at the UK Union On Home- jl I I
[IKIOIIESIII II  IIIl€€l11SSaGoldgn sltilyjlgc (-€I—tiljq;ttc_ coming weekend. Several thousand alun111i returtietl to (`um]>llS lI0f the   I I
II1‘<111p1a¤ to come back for that festivities. l I
.-j I ` l

 Tom E. Coons, `2(i, was elected pres- `57, secretary-treasurer. A, E. \Valker, ALUMN| ASSOC|AT|ON HONORS   C
ident of the Montgomery (.o‘unty -7, rs retiring presidcnr. · CATS AT ANNUAL BANQUET '
Alumni Club at a dinner meeting on Uk President Frank G. Dickey out-   FQ
Oct, 8. lined some future needs of the Ulli- Stantling ovations were git-en (-(mh
versity to the club members. Bernie Blanton (lollier and Alluv .- lllc Ch
Other officers elected were: Mrs. . · ‘ - · . 'm*fl*i*ll ,,..m(1
slnvelv, athletic director, showed a tackle Lou Michaels lv some ¢ 1·*““¤‘
‘. ` 1 L. 1 .. , , . ' "' — l ~ » · ~. A > JMU   L "` I  
(aswe P. aue (Sam Lccgan). 44. mm ol the 1957 kentucky-(-eorgia sons attending the Alumni ,\,,,,m_ *'* we
vice iresident, and Kenneth Shrader, 'Tech football 211110. tiou's football bantnet Nm-U ..1,. (i1*l"‘**ll“"
l 1 llll)tl __,_ .1. r
V The banquet is gl\’€ll :t11n11;1llt- U, llllllllllll?
_ . • honor the graduating fotwtlxtll st·1ij.,l—, *° lh? ii
W   ‘ my tmsiiy- a