xt7m3775tx7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m3775tx7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-09-jun17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-09-jun17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-09-jun17-ec. 1969 1969-09-jun17-ec. 2011 true xt7m3775tx7q section xt7m3775tx7q 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees, University of Kentucky; Tuesday, June 17, 1969

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met on call of the
Chairman on Tuesday: June 17. 1969, in the Board Room of the Administration
Building on the University campus at 1:30 p m. , Eastern Daylight Time, with
the following members present. Mr. Albert Clay, Chairman, Mr. Richard
Cooper, and Dr. Harry Denham. Absent were Mrs. Rexford Blazer and Mr.
Robert Hillenmeyer. Professor Paul Obe-rst, non-voting faculty member of the
Board, also-attended. In addition to the Board members, Dr. A. D. Kirwan,
President, and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, Robert F. Kerley, Lewis W.
Cochran, Glenwood L. Creech and G. J. Ruschell were present as were repre-
sentatives of the various news media.

       A. Pre-Session Dtscuss'-on

       The members of the Board and the Vice Presid:nts were present in the
Board Room at 1:20 p. m. but the representatives of the news media had not
arrived at that time. It was, therefore, decided to have Dr. Kirwan make his
president's report on activities prior to the: offIci.al opening of the meeting which
had been called for 1:30 P. m.

       Dr. Kirwan discusksed the admission applications which have been
received for the fall semester, po:ntlng out that applications from out-of-state
students showed a decrease of 2. 7 percent from 1968 but that applications from
Kentucky students wxis,1hing to enter the freshman class showed an increase of
33. 5 percent. He reported that the Unwversity had just received a grant from the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the amount of $54, 500 to assist
in establishing a regional Soclal Welfare Research Institute at the University of
Kentucky. In conclusion, he mentioned that the University had suffered a tragic
loss through an automobile accident In Thailand .which took the life of Professor
Richard-Amick, his wife and twco sons. A third son survived the accident and
will be brought back to the Unsted States by representatives of the University of
Kentucky and the Agency for International Development who are being sent there
to take care of Professor Amicks affairs. Professor Amick was an Associate
Professor of Agricultural Economics on assignment with the University of
Kentucky's team in Thailand.

       B. Meeting Opened

       The hour of 1:30 p. m. having arrived, Mr. Clay called the meeting to
order and gave the invocation. Mr. Co.opkr was naimed Acting Secretar.y and
reported a quorum present. Mr. Cla.v then declared the meeting officially open
for the conduct of business at I 32 p. m.



       C. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Cooper and so ordered, the
reading of the Minutes of the May 27, 1969 special called meeting of the Board
of Trustees and the June 16, 1969 special called meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees wvas dispensed with and the Minutes were
approved as published.

      D. Letters from Mrs. Donovan and Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation

      Mr. Clay s-aid he had received two letters which should be made a matter
of record. The letters which he read follow:

                         Mrs. H. L. Donovan
                         425 Fayette Park
                      Lexington, Kentucky 40508

                                                           May 31, 1969

      To: The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky

          I am more than pleased by your action making Dr. Albert Kirwan
      the seventh president of the University of Kentucky. He is in every
      respect worthy of this honor.

          He has maintained the Institution's confidence. Peace reigns in
      the faculty, in the student body and among all employees of the campus.

          The University will always be dear to me. "Ab and Betty" I have
      known for many years. Never in any way have I been critical of either
      of them.

          Again, may I say you have bestowed recognition where it is due,
      and it gives me the sincerest pleasure. Thank you.


Nell Stuart Donovan



       Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation


                           May 28, 1969

 Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Acting President
 University of Kentucky
 Lexington, Kentucky 40506

 Dear President Kirwan:

 The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation,
 in regular meeting on Thursday, May 15, discussed student unrest
 and present conditions and disorders on many of our university
 campuses throughout the nation. After much discussion and con-
 sideration, the Board voted unanimously that:

    "President Kirwan, the Board of Regents and the Governor
    be commended for their action in the recent student
    unrest at the University of Kentucky."

Please convey this action to the Board of Regents at an appro-
priate time.

Very truly yours,

John W. Koon    L
Executive Secretary


50th Anniversary, Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation * 25th AnnIversary, Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual insurance Company



       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Dr. Kirwan called attention to the appointments to the Graduate Faculty
and the recommended appointments and other staff changes in PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President. Without discussion, Mr. Cooper made the motion
that PR ?-be approved as a whole.an&d.nade an official part of the Minutes of the
June 17, 1969 meeting of the Executive Committee. His motion was seconded
by Dr. Denham and it was so ordered by Mr. Clay. (See PR 2 at the end of the

       F. Mr. NM. L. Archer Named Acting Director of Lexington
Technical Institute

       Dr. Kirwan said he would like to present a recommendation received too
late for inclusion in PR 2 that Mr. M. L. Archer, a member of the adminis-
trative staff of the Community College System, be named Acting Director of the
Lexington Technical Institute, effective July 1, 1969, to replace Dr. G. Robert
Boyd who has been serving as Acting Director for the past two years.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, Mr. M. L. Archer was
named Acting Director of the Lexington Technical Institute, effective Tu1y 1, 1969.

       G. Department of Endodontics Established in the College
of Dentistry (PR 4)

       Dr. Kirwan called attention to the background statement in PR 4 which
explained in detail. the need for the establishrment of a Department of Endodontics
in the College of Dentistry and recommended approval of the immediate establish-
ment of the department and the naming of Dr. Thomas P. Mullaney, Assistant
Professor in the Department of Periodontics, as chair'man of the Department of
Endodontics. There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by
Dr. Denham, it was so ordered. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

      H. Appointment of Director o1 Alumni Affairs Approved (PR 5a)

      Dr. Kirwan called on Dr. C-eech for the next presentation since it related
to an area under his-supervision.

      Dr. Creech commended Mr. E. Jay Brumfield for the excellent job he has
done as Acting Director of Alumni Affairs during Miss Helen King's leave of
absence and recommended that he be named Director when Miss King's retirement
becomes effective.August 1, 1969. Dr. Denham and Mr. Cooper both concurred
in Dr. Creech's evaluation of Mr. Brumfield's qualifications for the position and,
on motion duly made, seconded, and approved, Mr. E. Jay Brumfield was named
Director of Alumni Affairs, effective August 1, 1969. (&ee PR 5a at the end of the
Minutes. )



       I. Appointment of Dean of School of Social Professions (PR 5b)

       At the request of Dr. Kirwaia, Dr. Cochran called attention to the back-
ground material on Dr. Ernest F. Witte in PR 5b and said that the University
was very fortunate in securing the services of a man of Dr. Witte's stature to
assume the leadership of the School of Social Professions during the period of
its beginning. He added that Dr. Witte had served as a consultant at the time
the University was studying the feasibility of establishing such a school and is,
therefore, familiar with the situation.

       Dr. Kirwan recommended approval of Dr. Witte's appointment as Pro-
fessor of Social Work and Dean of the School of Social Professions, effective
July 1, 1969. It was so moved by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Dr. Denham, and
passed without dissent. (See PR 5b at the end of the Minutes.)

       J. Appointment of Director of Jefferson Community College
Approved (PR 5c)

       Dr. Kirwan commented that it was most unusual to receive such com-
plete unanimity from all individuals concerned on an appointment as was the
case with the recommendation that Dr. John T. Smith be appointed to the
directorship of the Jefferson Community College, effective July 1, 1969. He
recommended approval of the appointment and, on motion duly made, seconded
and carried, he was so named. (See PR 5c at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Appointment of Director of the Madisonville Community College (PR, 5d)

       Dr. Kirwan called attention to PR Sd and recommended that approval be
given to the appointment of Dr. G. Harold Massey to the directorship of the
Madisonville Community College, effective July 1, 1969, or as soon thereafter
as possible. Mr. Cooper so moved. His motion was seconded by Dr. Denham
and all present voted aye. (See PR 5d at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Organizational Changes Approved for the College of Agriculture
(PR's 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d)

       Although each individual was treated in separate PR's, the four adminis-
trative appointments and/or changes recommended were being made by Dr.
Barnhart as part of a reorganization of the administrative structure and personnel
of-the College of Agriculture. Dr. Kirwan said that he. Dr. Albright and Dr.
Cochran had discussed these changes with Dr. Barnhart and concurred in his
recommendations, On motion, seconded, and carried, the following appointments
were approved:



   Dr. G. W. Stokes as Associate Dean for the College o
     Agriculture (PR 6a)

   Dr. C. Oran Little as Associate Dean for Research of the College
     of Agriculture and Associate Director of the University of
     Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (PR 6b)

   Dr. John L. Ragiland as Associate Dean for Extension, College
     of Agriculture and Associate Director of the Cooperative
     Extension Service (PR 6c)

   Dr. John C. Robertson's title changed from Director of Instruction to
     Associate Dean for Instruction, College of Agriculture (PR 6d)

       M. 1968-69 Budget Revisions (PR 7)

       Without discussion, on motion made, seconded, and carried, the budget
revisions in PR 7 were authorized and approved as presented. (See PR 7 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       N. Dissolution of the Thomas Poe Cooper Agricultural Foundation
Approved (PR 8)

       Dr. _Kirwan explained that for the past several years the Thomas Poe
Cooper Agricultural Foundation has shown little growth in assets and its Board
of Directors had deemed it desirable to dissolve the Foundation and turn its
assets over to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation to be adminis-
tered in accordance with the wishes of the donors.

       Upon being assured that there are no legal conflicts involved, on motion
by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the action of the Board
of Directors of the Thomas Poe Cooper Agricultural Foundation to dissolve the
corporation and to turn all assets over to the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation to be administered in accordance with the stipulations of the original
donors of the Foundation was approved. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.

      0. Financial Report Approved (FCR 1)

      Dr. Kirwan called on Mr. Ruschell to present the financial report for the
ten months' period ending April 30, 1969. Mr. Ruschell said that income and
expenditures were as expected. On motion by Dr. Denharn, seconded, and
carried, the financial report for the period ending April 30, 1969 was accepted
and ordered filed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )



       P. Acceptance of Title to Real Property from Lake Cumberland
4-H Center, Inc. (FCR 2)

       Dr. Kirwan asked Mr. Kexley to explain the acceptance of title from the
Lake Cumberland 4-H Center, Inc. Mr. Kerley said that FCR 2 explained in
detail the action requested relative to the acceptance of title to 320. 5 acres near
Lake Cumberland in Wayne County and added that this was a very generous and
worthwhile gift to the University of Kentucky from the Lake Cumberland 4-H
Center, Inc.

       On motion made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation in FCR 2
was approved. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Q. Gas Line Easement to Kentucky Gas Transmission
Corporation (FCR 3)

       At the request of Dr. Kirwan, Mr. Kerley explained that FCR 3 would
authorize the Vice President-Business Affairs to execute a right of way agree-
ment with the Kentucky Gas Transmission Corporation for the replacement of
an existing 20-inch gas pipeline with a new 10-inch pipeline across the Maysville
Community College property in Mason County. Dr. Kirwan recommended that
approval be given.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation in
FCR 3 was approved. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

      R. Appropriation from Parking Account (FCR 4)

      Dr. Kirwan recommended approval of the appropriation of $460, 000 from
the parking account for construction of parking lots and the extension of bus
service through 1969-70. The members of the Executive Committee being
familiar with the need for such services, on motion duly made, seconded, and
carried approved the appropriation of $460, 000 from the parking account as
recommended in FCR 4, (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.

      S. Acquisition of Properties (FCR 5)

      With discussion, on motion made, seconded, and carried, FCR 5 was
approved as presented. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

      T. Meeting Dates Established

Mr. Cly- suggested that the next meeting of the Executive Committee be



held on Tuesday, July 22, 1969 and that either a meeting of the full Board or the
Executive Committee be tentatively set for August 12. On motion, and second,
the dates were approved.

       U. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded, and
carried, the meeting adjourned at 1:55 p. m.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   Richard E. Cooper, Acting Secretary
                                   Executive Committee, Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, and 8 and FCRs 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the June 17, 1969 meeting of
the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. )


                                                    Office of the President
                                                    June 17, 1969

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I. Graduate Faculty Appointments

   Recommendation: that approval be given to the following persons for member-
   ship in the Graduate Faculty.

   Background: The persons whose names appear below have been approved by the
   Board of Trustees and are now eligible for membership in the Graduate Faculty.

         Gordon P. Liddle - Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
                          and Counseling, College of Education,
                          effective July 1, 1969
         Michael C. McCord - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
                            effective September 1, 1969
         Jerry D. Brandenberger - Associate Professor, Department of
        Eugene C. Crawford, Jr. - Associate Professor, Department of
         John N. Edwards - Associate Professor, Department of
        Frederic J. Fleron, Jr. - Assistant Professor, Department of
                                 Political Science
        Donald r. Frazier - Associate Professor, Department of
                           Physiology and Biophysics
        Michael D. Hall - Associate Professor, Department of
        Mary Wilma Hargreaves - Associate Professor, Department of
        Yang H. Huang - Associate Professor, Department of
                        Civil Engineering
        Dean Jaros - Associate Professor, Department of
                    Political Science
        Humbert S. Nelli - Associate Professor, Department of
        Thomas M. Olshewsky - Associate Professor, Department of
        Alan R. Perreiah - Associate Professor, Department of



          Rudolph Schrils - Associate Professor, Department of
          David J. Shippy - Associate Professor, Department of
                           Engineering Mechanics
         Sheldon W. Simon - Associate Professor, Department of
                             Political Science
         John B. Stephenson - Associate Professor, Department of
         John Thrailkill - Associate Professor, Department of
         Joseph W. Wilson - Associate Professor, Department of

II. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendation: that approval be given to the appointments and/or other
    changes which require Board action and that the report relative to appoint-
    ments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

    Background: Approval of the Board of Trustees is required for all appoint-
    ments to the positions with the rank of Associate Professor and above, for
    promotions, for the granting of tenure, and for salary changes above $12, 000
    for non-academic personnel and $15, 000 for academic personnel. All other
    appointments and/or changes may be made by the President and reported to
    the Board.

                              BOARD ACTION

   New Appointments

   James R. Barclay, Professor (with tenure), Department of Psychology and
      Counseling, College of Education, retroactive to June 15, 1969
   Abram S. Benenson, Professor (with tenure), Department of Community
      Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive to June 1, 1969
   Doane Fisher, Professor (with tenure), Department of Pediatrics, College
      of Medicine, effective July 1, 1969
   James S. Pierce, Professor (with tenure), Department of Art, College of
      Arts and Sciences, effective August 15, 1969
   A. H. Peter Skelland, Professor (with tenure), Department of Chemical
      Engineering, College of Engineering, effective August 15, 1969
   Ronald Clifford Dillehay, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of
      Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, 1969
   Joseph Finney, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Educational
      Psychology and Counseling, College of Education, effective July 1, 1969
   Greta I. Fraser, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Instruction,
       ,ollege of Nursing, retroactive to April 15, 1969



Willem Meijer, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, College of
   Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, 1969
Edward D. Moorhead, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of
   Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, effective July 1, 1969
John L. Simmons, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, College
   of Medicine, retroactive to May 1, 1969
Vivian M. Littlefield, Senior Instructor and Chairman, Associate Degree
   Nursing Program, Hopkinsville Community College and Madisonville
   Community College, effective July 1, 1969
Robert Paul Belin, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College
   of Medicine, retroactive to June 1, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)
William S. Bost, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College of
   Medicine, retroactive to June 1, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)
Gordon Brocklehurst, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College
   of Medicine, retroactive to June 1, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)
William J. Carey, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
   College of Medicine, effective August 15, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)
Daniel D. Harrington, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary
  Science, retroactive to June 15, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)
Daniel C. Mac Dougall, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
   College of Medicine, effective July 1, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)
John E. Plumlee, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
   College of Medicine, effective July 1, 1969 (salary over $15, 000)

Department Chairmen Named

Staley F. Adams, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, named
  Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering for a two-year term,
  effective immediately
Ben Gossick, Professor, Department of Physics, named Chairman of the
  Department of Physics, effective July 1, 1969
James B. Kincheloe, Acting Chairman, Department of Administration and
  Supervision, named Chairman of the Department of Administration and
  Supervision, effective July 1, 1969
Stephen J. Manning, Professor, Department of English, named Chairman
  of the Department of English, effective July 1, 1969
James Pierce, Professor, Department of Art, named Chairman of the
  Department of Art, effective August 15, 1969
John R. Mink, Chairman, Department of Pedodontics, reappointed Chairman
  of the Department of Pedodontics for an additional six-year term,
  effective July 1, 1969
Samuel F. Conti, Professor, Department of Microbiology, named Acting
  Chairman of the Department of Botany for the academic year 1969-70



Promotions (Effective July 1, 1969)

Robert F. Bell, Department of German and Classical Languages and
   Literatures, from Instructor to Assistant Professor
Carl Best Boyd, Jr. , Henderson Community College, from Instructor to
   Senior Instructor (with tenure)
Ellis Broughton, Jr. , Ashland Community College, from Instructor to
   Senior Instructor (with tenure)
Lewis W. Dittert, Department of Pharmacy, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Joseph H. Gardner, Department of English, from Instructor to
  Assistant Professor
C. Philip Holland. Department of Pediatrics, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Elizabeth B. Howard, Library-Acquisitions, from Librarian IV to
   Librarian III
Florence C. Jones, Medical Center Library, from Librarian III to
   Librarian II (with tenure)
Sara H. Leech, Library - Cataloging, from Librarian III to
   Librarian II (with tenure)
Claire McCann, Library - Specia]. Collections, from Librarian III to
   Librarian II (with tenure)
Agnes McDowell, Library - Acquisitions, from Librarian ILI to
   Librarian II (with tenure)
Ellen P. Nash, Library - Chemistry/ Physics, from Librarian III to
  Librarian II (with tenure)
Richard P. O'Neill, Department of Medicine, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Sarah Patricia Pyles, Ashland Community College, from Instructor to
  Senior Instructor (with tenure)
Lloyd F. Redick, Department of Anesthesiology, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
T. Richard Robe, Department of Engineering Mechanics, from Assistant
  Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Ralph Shabetai, Department of Medicine, from Associate Professor to
  Professor (with tenure)
Robert H. Stroup, Department of Economics, from Associate Professor to
  Professor (with tenure)
John C. Taggart, Library - Agriculture, from Librarian IV to Librarian III
Anne K. Wade, Library - Cataloging, from Librarian IV to Librarian III
William H. Waugh, Department of Medicine, from Associate Professor to
  Professor (with tenure)
Jonathan D. Wirtschafter, Department of Surgery, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)



Tenure Granted

Gertrude A. Dale, Librarian II, Southeast Community College, effective
   July 1, 1969

Joint Appointment

Samuel F. Conti, Professor (with tenure), Department of Botany and
   Department of Microbiology, College of Arts and Sciences, and
   Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, effective July 1, 1969

Leaves of Absence

Charles F. Haywood, Dean, College of Business and Economics, leave without
   pay for the academic year 1969-70
Carl R. Boyd, Senior Instructor, Henderson Community College, leave without
   pay for the period July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970
W. C. DeMarcus, Professor, Department of Physics, sabbatical leave for the
   Fall Semester, 1969
James M. Elliott. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
   Engineering, leave without pay for the periodJuly 1, 1969 through
   June 30, 1970
Sara Holroyd, Assistant Professor, Department of Music, sabbatical leave
   for the Fall Semester, 1969
Elaine Kiviniemi. Teaching Associate, College of Nursing, leave without pay
   for the period May 1, 1969 through June 30, 1969
Jane F. Pfingston, Instructor, Henderson Community College, leave without
  pay for the period July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970
Donald Phillips, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College, leave without
  pay for the period July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970
Lawrence X Tarpey, Professor, Department of Business Administration,
  leave without pay for the 1969-70 academic year
Sidney Ulmer, Professor, Department of Political Science, sabbatical leave
  for the 1969-70 academic year, at half salary
James E. West, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, leave
  without pay for the 1969-70 academic year
Marigrace Cottrell, Instructor, Prestonsburg Community College, cancellation
  of leave without pay for the period July 1, 1.969 through June 30, 1970


Andrew J. Grimes, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration,
  College of Business and Economics, July 1, 1969 to July 1, 1970



Wiley H. Henson, Jr. , Associate Professor (Adjunct), Department of
   Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, July 1, 1969 to
   July 1, 1970
Arthur Lieber, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Diagnostic
   Radiology, College of Medicine, effective July 1, 1969
Raymond Gilbert Lockard, Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture,
   College of Agriculture, July 1, 1969 to July 1, 1970
Tra Joseph Ross, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
   College of Agriculture, July 1, 1969 to July 1, 1970
Joseph A. Sayeg, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Therapeutic
   Radiology, and Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine,
   effective July 1, 1969

Waiver of Nepotism Rule and Reappointment

Elizabeth B. Howard, Librarian III, Department of Acauisitions, July 1, 1969
   to July 1, 1970

Retire ments

Jacob R. Meadow, Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and
  Sciences, after over 24 years of service, effective July 1, 1969
J. Reid Sterrett, Associate Professor, Department of Speech, College of
  Arts and Sciences, after almost 24 years of service, effective July 1, 1969
Mary Dunne, Administrative Assistant, College of Law, after over 44 years
  of service, effective July 1, 1969
Horace B. Ingalls, Fiscal Analyst, Controller's Division, after almost
  16 years of service, effective July 1, 1969.
Jasper Medley, Laborer, Robinson Substation, College of Agriculture, after
  over 18 years of service, effective July 1, 1969

                       ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

WilliamBramble, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  and Counseling, College of Education
John Barnes Chance, Assistant Professor, Department of Music, College of
  Arts and Sciences
Paul M. Eakin, Jr. Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
  of Arts and Sciences



T. Walter Herbert, Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of English,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Thomas T-S Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College
   of Arts and Sciences
David L. Larimore, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational
   Psychology and Counseling, College of Education
William Thomas Lipscomb, Instructor, Department of Materia Medica,
   College of Pharmacy
Dennis Owen Liptrap, Assistant Extension Professor (Special Title Series),
   Department of Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture
Frederick W. Martin, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and
   Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences
Weymouth H. Martin, Jr. , Instructor, Maysville Community College
Judith McCall, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education
   and Recreation, College of Education
C. Michae.1 Nelson, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
   College of Education
Edward Thorne Ordman, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Dennis W. Pepe, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
  of Arts and Sciences
Paul Edward Presler, Instructor, Madisonville Community College
Bill K. Richardson, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  and Counseling, College of Education
Edith Sanders Schweikle, Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Hygiene,
  School of Allied Health Professions
Matthew C. Shaw, Assistant Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of
  Anesthesiology, College of Medicine
Jonald A. Shear, Instructor, Dental Laboratory Technology, Lexington
  Technical Institute
Gerald P. Sherman, Assistant Professor, Department of Materia Medica,
  College of Pharmacy
Barbara Tea, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and
  Instruction, College of Education
Connie Sue Thatcher, Instructor, Northern Community College
Donald D. Vogt, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy,
  College of Pharmacy
John R. Wasson, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of
  Arts and Sciences
Anne Wright, Assistant to Dean for Student Services, College of Nursing
Nenad N. Kondic, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical
  Engineering, College of Engineering

Change in Title

George D. Pendergrass, Director, Agricultural Services, College of
  Agriculture, named Director of Management Operations


-8 -

Reappointments - Lex-sngton Campus
July 1, 1.969 to July 1, 1970 (unless otherwise specified)

College of Agriculture

Roger A. Andersen, Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Department of Agronomy
Darrel Arvin Apps, Assistant Extension Professor (Special Title Series),
   Department of Horticulture
Billy J. Barfield, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering
John F. Benner, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Barry Wright Bobst, Assistant Professor. Department Agricultural Economics
Arthur Franklin Bordeaux: Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of
   Agricultural Economi cs
William M. Brown. Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology
Robert C. Buckner, Professor (Adjunct., Department of Agronomy
Paul B. Burrus, 11, Research Specialist (Adjunct), Department of Agronomy
Harold Burton, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
G. L. Monty Chappell Assistant Extension Professor (Special Title Series),
   Department of Animal Sciences
Glenn B. Collhns, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Gary L. Cronmwell. Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
Daniel L. Davis. Assistant Professor; Department of Agronomy
Max E. Fogleman, Assistant Professo