xt7m0c4sn95w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sn95w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 2007 2007 2007-04-26 2020 true xt7m0c4sn95w section xt7m0c4sn95w Amos Lee's brings a musical mix of ‘this and that' to
free concert on campus tonight KERNEL POP, PAGE3


APRIL 26, 2007




UK’S new
Green plan

to take off
this summer

3.19"}. L95!”

itasteerykernel com

l'K‘s campus will become a little
greener beginning next month.

In May. T'K President Lee Todd
will appoint a permanent Sustainabili-
t_\' Committee. said Bob Wiseman.
L'K‘s vice president of facilities man-
agement. during 'l‘uesda) ‘s Board of
Trustees meeting. A sustainability co-
ordinator will be chosen this summer.

The new positions are a result of
recommendations b} the Sustainabili-
t} Task Force. which also recom-
mended this spriiig that [K adopt a
Statement of Sustainability Policy
The polic) would list goals for the
2007-08 school _\ear. including.

I Increasing student campUs
e\ents to raise eit\ironmcntal aware-

I Performing energ) and llIlllt}
audits iii l0 campus buddings.

I (‘reating internship opportune
ties related to sualdmtlbllll).

I Increasing campus purchases of
locall} ~gro\s ti food.

”l think the universit) has been
Very acme in \llNl‘dllhlblll!) issues
since the “)0s. but I think this )ear we
put new attention to this." said Wise
man. ss ho is also a member of the
uni\ersit) 's Sustainability Task Force.

The recent increase in T'K's focUs
on sustainabilit} is due in large part to
greater student awareness. Wiseman

"I think studetit e\citement and
facult} interest are moti\ating this."
Wiseman said. "l tliitik that interest
will onl_\ increase."

(ireen Thumb co-coordinator
Niles Barnes agreed,

“I think the students reall) put a
lot of heat on the administration say
ing. 'We‘ic got to do something
about this.‘ and it ttiriied out good."
Barnes said

“Voo l feel like we ha\c the car
of the adiiiini‘stration he said.

(ircen Thumb. l'K‘s largest CHVT
ronnicntal club. is one of the groups
that has been adsocating for more
sustainabilit) efforts by L'ls'. Barnes
said he “as pleased b) l'K's new ini-

"I think it‘s long o\ei‘diie." said
Barnes. a political science senior. "list
PC‘Cl‘leV in our goal of top]! stattis
this is one thing l'ls' is reall} behind

(iieeti Thumb sent Todd a letter
Tuesday asking him to sign the PTCH'
dent's (‘liniate (‘oiiiinitniei‘it The
commitment is an agreement signed
b} uni\ersit_\ presidents to work to
ward ensironmental goals like corn-
pleting an emissions iii\entor_\ and
taking immediate steps to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions

The presidents of l”? uiii\ersitics
ha\c signed the pledge so far. accord»
mg to the President’s ( liinate ('om~
mitnicnt Vieb site.

“This is something we‘d t'eall}
like to scc President Todd sign onto."
Barnes said. "It‘s inst a commitment
the president makes to the unisersit}.
and it brings resources to the unoersi-

\Miile the slll‘lt.‘lll siist.iinabilit_\
initiati\es will help T'K become more
ecorlriendli. students and the Ui'll\t‘l‘*
\ll} will ha\c to do more to preserie
the emironment. he said.

"It reall) is a challenge our generr
atioii is going to ha\c to deal with."
Barnes said “We all want our chils
dren to grow up in a world with clean
air and clean water "





While other colleges have begun allowing
co-ed roommates in dorms, UK hasn't
been faced with the issue —— yet

By Emily Hunkler

"eissfllrvketnet rotr

('o ed dorms are nothing new on college
campuses. but co-ed roommates the an etiiergine
trend in unoersit} housing

Sewral colleges across the countr) has e tin
plemented a gender neutral housing. option loi
dorms. including the l lil\cr\'tl_\ of Pciiiis}l\aiiia.
l'noci'sit} oi ('alitornia Rixerside. l ni\ersits oi
Southein .\l.iine and llar\ard ('ollege l)ait
mouth \\lll offer genderrncutral housing starting
in the tall.

But l K doesn't seem to be ioming the list
an}tiine soon

lilll\L'f\ll—\ Housing Director lu‘renda Stan:
per said {K has not looked into the possibiliit
because students ha\en‘t e\pressed a need or de
sire for such housing.

“ll it is as presented to Residence l.ife. hid
dent :\li'.lll'\ or housing. it would be addressed to
see how “e moi e in that direction or hots \se

\sotild all together manage this issiic ” Stainpti

But some s'iidciits .iii ca‘é‘iii: l‘l .
tieiitial housing at l'ls'. ticspttc lllc a l. o‘

“We tlelinitcls need something like 'lits or
l K’s canipiis.” said \tisaii \latsiibaia. strident
tltrc‘ciitt' Hi l l'\ ()l lsitlttcc a sc‘\|talii} l't'\t'llltt_‘

(ienderrnctitral housing \HHlltl l‘eiicti' ttaiis
gender students on campus \\lio i:i.:\ not be
comfortable ll\ mg in traditional dorm situations

she said

Hut tnaii} sttidetits might not tcel toiiilot‘t
able asking for lllls t_\pc of housing. \latsubaia
said. \kliitli toiild be a reason to: the lack ot dis
cussion on the issue

The tliinate on caiiipiis doesn't alloss toi
tiansgciider students to go to faculty because
the} cannot be stire ll those members of tactilu
“ill be then allies.’ said \iatsubara. a gender

iirit‘ (Io-ed




Phelps sworn in as new SG president

By Blair Thomas

ticcrs. assign senators to committees and \\ ho \\ ill be working on protects through


By Faith Huflord

'iawslksie"'e‘ :oti‘

l‘as‘tlll} and statt interested in
learning about tinancial in\csting
can attend a workshop on the top»
ic tod-a) at noon.

"lnsestmg for Retirement: As-
set .-\llocation and [)i\er.sifica
tioii." the final of tour brownrbag
workshops. “ill be iii Room 309
ot the Main Btiilding

T‘dl'l} last sear. almost halt ot
l'ls' i.t\.‘llli_\ and staff participated
in the tii‘st unisersitywide sur\e_\
of work lite issues. known as
lib; '1 \Kork

"1 rom the some} \\e learned
that faciilt) felt
there are not
inan\ plat es :1
on carnpiis toi
them to ieatii .i
about then ic TO NEW? dii Of
tireineiii op VOW moviey n
tions' said ' . it
lllltld Rdlss‘N one pace

\UPPHI'! ‘i\\tV


ciatc hit the BADENHOP
President's - .~
on \\oineii

The tom
llitswitli ls
sponsoring the \\i\th\l‘ii‘1‘ iii \o’
lalioiatioii \sith l aiita lsoppes tlit
directoi ot ‘s\otk~l iYc at i is

lhe \soi'kshop should help tat
tilts and staff plan toi then tettic
inent gr'siiic them iiii'lic: daet
tioi‘. and iiis'iiiction toi hen :t

tiieintiit \cais to come. Kaine-

fNH/atine lladeiit: i'.‘

it . s on so; i ll“. sit
"l' .
l‘i the» \tl ,'

:Iatfiiat. of (if

\tate i ll1\;‘l\ll\ xsho !' cm s.:

grammar; 'lii“t ( oinv 1‘. ‘ t‘ -'

is iiftc't.‘ “ 'E

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t l

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; .ic.."is: mtg... .. ii
( omit: l\"c‘tl\l“". flttue

s Woiksbo.‘ lit-5‘3.

~ tniiii'

‘s'tt‘_' ‘i
take: .iz. ; ’lic

".i. ‘c»ll\>

l he ‘iojhgi tlii

i'l'»k‘\lili;' ltsx or“ . ,
tlkctt iiits into TR \s lit 'bci ti
tLretiieii! piogia ' '

tiiinoiit at the \\i‘li\\'l“l‘

’l' is oniwrtairt imesf
ii‘ient litetii'c to Hioo ohcic \oii'
::i~iic\ .s emit: . two to use

it " lladciihop

hthomas@kvketne| com

to apprmc a summer operating budget, the summer." Phelps said "What the}
”We wanted to meet before the be are working on can be found on the Stu
Nick Phelps promised to be faithful ginning of the summer so the new sena- dent (imeinment Web site all summer"
and true to (K. to support the T'.S.. Ken— tors would get the chance to see how Montell and (‘runirine will work I“
tucky and Student (ios‘cmrnent constitu» meetings will be run and because it is an hours a week for SR an hour. Phelps said
tions and swore he had nchr engaged in portant that we get started early on the The Senate president and chief of staff
a dual with deadly weapons as he was things we want to accomplish." Phelps were paid Slit an hour last summer under
swom in as the 2007»th 56 President said. President Jonah Brown.
last night Esery senator \s as present to unani— Phelps allotted $10,200 to purchase a
“This is an interesting oath of office." motist approve the 315.000 summer golf cart. make necessary upgrades to
said 50 Supreme (‘ourt (‘hief Justice budget to cover the salaries of Tslcr meet unnersit} \ehiclc regulations and
Core) Fannin of the oath. which is based Montcll. the elected Senate president. to pa} for insurance and training for
on the same one used for state officials. and Chris Crumrine. who was appointed those people who will operate it.
as he swore in Phelps. Vice President as chief of staff by Phelps. as well as the “This is a golf can that Student (iosu
Brittany Langdon and the 35 senators. cost of a golf cart for use by SC and the emmcnt will own and “'1“ use to help
Phelps held his first full Senate meet- SafeCats program. expand the Safe(‘ats program. among
ing as Student Govemmem president at “I‘ve allotted $2,400 for the salaries
Blazer Dining Hall to elect executive of- of chief of staff and Senate president.


was om ! sun
New 88 preStdeo? Nick Phetos renter arc ‘. re Provide": Brittany tangdcn are

swot't DV law student and Chef .m' re Fwev Vamp yesterday evem'to at the Stu-
spe Pholps an sage 5 dect Government meeting at We Blazer i. " "o '07.”

Newsroom: 2574915; Alarming: 257-2872

s ’


 PAGE 21 Thursday April Zti [Ull/



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Aries (March 21-April 19) 12;, -


laurus (April 20 May 20) V

..$‘ '

‘Hu 1 i i

Gemini (May 2i June 21) ‘ ”:-


”this dow

i all)

Cancer (June 22 July 2) halo, is
it? Atari 'liw remiss s no \t'
he ttrw

will. ‘ . ' 3h

'lil stll'lt‘ tili‘l‘. fl’ll till

i. .. ..,

leo (July 23 Aug.22) 7. ,1 a. s i' '
.1' no .i . -

H ,;

"it w I. .47.. ll ’


VirgollAug. 23 Sept. 22) ' 1


libra lSept. 23 Oct. 22) ‘ IVE.

St-zorpio'lOct. 23-Nov. 21)




stiiiit tiuaiity tiiiie till
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) To
.11; at" El i'tiu'm tittivtflnit)
i' wearer: .iii'l l.“"..'l' .at'iitist
I“ 0 .
"1". ‘otiuaizsy :o'i {tuitiilaii
*. t“is l‘ru ~ ..~i.i:ci

‘ttlllt' lllti

‘li ‘ u,
v_. . ..w

it tl
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) Turn
. : ' L :i‘ cdiuit‘ you met
va iii v
tli st-ii tititi'ti. yii .1

'r‘Wth wyj“



.. . .s.‘ struttiat
Aquarius (Jan 20 Feb. 18) Vial \



Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) ‘1 try
,' ‘ " t ' >'.i.l.’llill:j

"1' 1: 5' shill?

' i.‘i ‘ 2' ' " l” lllt‘

‘. lltl.) 1'1“:



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‘I'I'Ie Vigil


Two and a Hall Men's Jon
(‘rycif-IZ. Wlll wed TV ioumal—
ist l.isa Joyner. 40. in Mexico in

Baby News!

Boston Legal's Julie Bowen.

3%. and her husband. real estate
intestor Scott Phillips. we|~
coined their first child. ()liyer.
April III in LA. . . . Hairstylist
Jonathan Anttn. 3‘). of Bravos

Blots ()tit. and his stile. Sescic.

32. are expecting their second

Kiss Off

Angry crovids in India
hurried et‘ligies of Richard (ierc.
57. April to alter he repeatedly
kissed a Bollywood actress on
the check at an AIDS-awareness
t'l-Clll in New Delhi. Kissing iii
public is technically illegal in
the country His rep had no

llcathei Locklcat. J5. and
lie: hushaiid or II years. Richie
\dmlh‘ld. i‘. tiiiali/ed their tllr
xoitc \piil ll. 'l‘he_\ \Hll share
ua«tody or their daughter. .\\a.


‘\ rep tor .lcnniter l.ope/.
Va dchunked an ()ls" niaga/me
story that claims the singer has
split \Hllt her htisliaud ol nearly
three years. Marc Anthony. W.
It is ”a disgusting stor_\ lull ot
hci rep tells l s. "We're
toiisulting |a\\yers " l'he
touple also are seeking a si\
iigtu‘e settlement lt'tilll the Na-
tional laiqtiirer lot claiming that


they were "caught tip in a heroin
scandal." A rep {or the tabloid
had no comment. . . . Anthony
has agreed to pay $2.5 iiiillioti
in hack taxes and penalties atter
failing to tile returns tor lite

Name Change

'l‘allulah Willis. l3. daughter
o) Bruce Willis. ‘73. and Demi
Moore. 44. is legally changing
her name to Lula because she
neyer liked the moniker her pair
ents ga\e her. Bruce told l)a\id
Letterman. (it). on April I Z.


The longtime Henderson
ville. Tennessee. home ol the
late Johnny (“ash and June
Carter (“ash burned down April
It). Former Bee (ice Barry
Gibb. (it). who bought the house
in 2006. said he plans to build a
new home near the old one.

New Digs

. Orlando Bloom. .lll. bought
a three—bedroom home in the
llollyytood Hills tor 83.5 mil,


Slaughterhouse line author
Kurt Vonnegut died .\pril II at
ter stittering head trauma hour a
recent tall at his .\'e\\ York (‘tty
home. He \\ as 84. . .llauaitan
singing legend Don Ho. 76. died
ol heart tailure in Honolulu
April [4

Game Off

l‘enms pro Stetti (irat. 47.
got three stitches in her lip alter
her litisliand. Andre Agassi. Vi.
accidentally struck her oith a

tennis racket at art April 15
fundraiser in Hotrston.


Prison Hrcak's Lane (iul‘llr
son. lo. plans to plead gurlty to
\ehictilar riianslattghtei in con-
nection to a 2006 car crash that
killed a teen. his attorney aii
trounced .-\pri| ll. l'he hearing
is set tor May 2) (iarrison
laces more than si\ years her
hind liars 'l'hc l.os Angeles
('tty Attorney s ()ltiee declared
that James Blunt. 33. “I” not he
charged VHIlI hit and-run for al
legedly dt‘iytng oicr a photogra
pher's toot at a piev()sear party
iii l-ehruary


Kimberley locke. 3‘). and
Bucky (‘oyingtoiL 1‘). are
among the American Idol Ltlllm'
ni who wrll teach singing class
es at Idol ("amp starting on Jul}
7 iii Northtteld. Massachusetts.

Rosie's Done Bush-Bashing

Rosie O‘Donnell is ready to
make nice \\ith l’resident Btlsli
"he \'ie\\ star. 45. has noted
on her lilog to "talk about other
things." rather than attack the
commander iii chiet ls she
cracking under pressure’ ()n
Stopiosiceom. more than
75”)“ people agreed to boycott
the shim m er her political
\ie\\s and disgraced err-House
iiiaiotity leader 'l'oiii l)eLa_\
called for her stispension. But
Mediaoeek s Marc Herman tells
Ifs ratings aren‘t a concern
‘ l‘hk‘ lltttlt‘ c‘tiltlltn L‘Is}. Illt‘ |Dt‘l-




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The Friday Evening Contra Dancing of Lexington will be hosting the Hands Four Spring
Dance Festival at the Russell Acton Folk Center this weekend in Berea. The event kicks off
on Friday at 8 pm. and lasts until 11:30 pm. Registration begins at 7 pm. The cost is $12
per person

0n Saturdayl. om 10 a. m. to 11 :45 p. m. dance workshops Will be available during the
day and contra dancing in the evening Workshops are $5 each or $18 for the entire day
Sunday's events begin at 10 30 a. m. with brunch and open dancmg followed by contra
dancing. Events run until 2.30 p. m. Weekend package prices range from $38 to $48 The
caller for the weekend will be Jim Morrison and music will be prowded by Clearbranch
For more information call 1- 800- 598- 5263.


F 01111er teachc 1‘ b1 111gs 101 e of mus sic to UK

April 26.





91.102211.” 99911

mcain@kykernel com

Amos Lee fell in love ll) sears ago. but
his affection vsas not for a person - it was
for his music.

"It was just like falling in lox e with a
girl." Lee said. "You want to be around it
all the time. It keeps you coming. like a
well. You can't get away."

Lee will be sharing his lose nith Llls'
tonight at .s in the Student ('enter (irand
Ballroom as part of Wildcat Wild Nights.

Lee. a Philadelphia name. started his
career as an English literature maior at
L'S(' and as an elementar} school teacher
back in Philadelphia.

While 11] college. Lee \\ as introduced to
the acoustic gurtar and song“ riting. but it
wasn't until he began teaching that he real-
i/ed he could not suppress his desire to
pursue a musical career an) longer

His first CD. which vsas self—released.
circulated around Philadelphia and soon
became a fa\orite of Norah Jones. 111 ZlKH.
she asked him to be her opening act for her
[:uropean tour

After the tour. he released his debut al-
bum. "Amos Lee." in lellS. Recognition
immediatel} followed \\ hen Lee vsas
named one of Rolling Stone's “Top lll
Artists to Watch."

But Lee isn't interested iii seeking
fame. he said. He “ould rather la} out his
feelings for his audience and hope the) en-
J0} it.

"I don't see an} point in pursuing fame
for fame." Lee said. “It is not fulfilling. It
is perfect if _\ou vsork at a craft. and people
recogni/e it for that. That's a good thing."

Lee describes his craft as "different
styles (of) this and that." His music is a
gran}; soulful mix of drums and guitar. p11»: . ..

“It is just music that comes from differ- .1 .1 . ‘ ‘
ent places in my life." he said.

Similarly. he hopes the l)rics in his mlb





' kt: 17"“ .3 if? $31G ”l' S ""2 ("WT”l 1’ "Li " l‘1' t 1 ' ' ’ "‘1‘ *s is.“ 1' 73" tr l‘t‘ "-111‘113‘? " Q ' '«i'l if. "11 3. It ' (I I 1 ' ' . " 3:. 7' .;' .1‘ 1‘: ' " "

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sic don't speak m“ one message. he said. tions. Lee has difficult} deciding \shich an) era/s times like thrown}: stiiti .1111 the .
He “my“ to capture \shat he i\ feeling at hues and music to puisiic and \shieh ones unidim and siitii. but t .eisdajt has its
different moments. ‘ to let go. he said \seii‘d moments \oii ieall) lia\e to go out

"I am still learning about life. and l ‘l base to kce p it at 1 place on the road on _\i1tiro\\1i 1o iindeistaiiti'
want to e\press that." 1:“. said. _ \sheic e\er}thing l \\ rite \\itl1c\ei‘} stop. lee and his band pic

Whether he is m the shoner. haung . doxsn and pursue is pate toi' thci pci'toi'inante l1) planning illll Amos Lee
a comersation with friends or en- ‘ ”1% quality" Lee said the set list and ntentall) psschiiig tl1eiit
Joying the peacefulness of nature. \kith hts second seb es up 1.11 the pciloi'itiante . ..
Lee looks for inspiration in men. album. “Suppo and "()iii' pit-paiin}.~ is plating a 1.1' l ee
thing. ' Demand. on the said "\ke dontk lo an} ehanttii: oi :.1_\sti

""Not one particular Ith, in- market since ()cto ial things lhcl 1est tntii. \ ls iill the s
spires me." he said. "I look to ber. Lee thinks his tee absos gets a lllllL nei\oiis \1111'
the heart of the matter and him iniisic has progressed peitorinaiites but ‘s thankti.l he r'a1 --1i‘.:s
different lhlnL's make me feel. m” “l“ “M l“ ”W" ll" l““" l“ Pl“)

‘ 'c'c‘l'tct‘ “i‘vli‘sl ill llii‘ little, ll is gtc‘aI lt1 :1c' 1.1113

“Once I started making on stage.“ he slid "l! :eels tlw. best 11 her:

Then I tr)‘ to express ~ g . » a]
that." "l N
g a


Because he it. in} lotus lost its beginning the ci'ond :s .11 :1 with 1.111. 11.11 1.1.
1' "~ ‘ -' be'itit\ " he \‘lhl "\'o\\ it his be iiis' don't tonnet' "
aWs ) so “a... “« ‘ —' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘
dr in m "a. ""’ come moie -1t 1 ‘ritt th in lk'll‘l" klthotiel‘ lee t'llli" ~"il tl 1111 'e toiiiitt
many inspira- 1%“ .Hc . . g . g. . c c.. .g i . cg WM.“ ”mu"
purel) inspired tion \\ itli his audient L.ll‘\'.11\\.i_\‘1 kiio\\ s he Supply and Demand
'l'hetotirne} on this nnisi. can connett \sith ilic i‘llli‘litstl\ ilc imes


cal road led him to the actual being .iiouv .l the otean 1.11 l 1‘.atiiie l‘t‘tttllsc
road to promote "\tippl} of their stark dilteicntes 1111111 the .tlllliis
and Demand" “Nil .1 pherc of bong a l‘t‘tl1tlltlcl. l ee sa‘d

national tour Lee spends a lot 111 time iiidovis .illil 1111
-’ "l-.\er_\tl.i} biises \11.\‘»ltcn he tan get a\1a\ 111111.. .1 i.
is interest he does
111g." Lee “lt balances ~\oii out a iittiefl ht s.i..1

Bridging musical barriers the key to lVlat Kearney s music

said "We ”;\il nature consists 11.‘ the .s and
ha\en't the same things It is the plat.- i tam.
li a d trom "



3! J‘Lhniflfi!’ not \sliit I do he sa\sdiiiing111l1ontinitixaa' 111 t »-1111, .-i 1h. s ats [”1 1.1 .< 11. . ..... ._ _ _ 1,. .~ 1. 111.1:1:
VCC NCW- “81v totir \shtn he is opening for Win \l. i_\ei 111.1: 11.311 ; 411.1 pt. I '. k. :1 \- l " 111k 1 -‘-"l\TS l :11
"l \sas an linglish inaior iii tollege. so l tcall} .iket'. spoken supposed .11 .1 \sllc‘tt‘ (ml s 1.11.‘ :1, .s : Ila :1 . i :‘ewpie

Singer Mat Keame} crosses a lot of barriers with his lllllslc. but uord and poclr}. it u as uh it l lid betiire l a 1111c 11mm 1 1.1 .1\ "1.11 .11 .13: ‘11 :ta' ;1 1b _ .1 .: .1 - 1 ‘ 1 ' .' ash:
he prefers to be known for bridging them. not breaking them ialsoi listening to old-schoolt iipl 1op llllhlx saw that had s11r1.ie 1.11.11 is 1111111 .11 .1 1.1.3 'lie\ 11.1: 1 .11 .zf.

For example. h“ debut d‘W “Nothing Left [0 liks‘.” “hich hit thing to sa} .\nd so I \\ as bridging the 1:. ip [it like. l-aii‘kiiei .ii.d It s all: t. '1.:. 'l..!.;s 11..” 11‘ ..1‘1c.'.s 1 -: .s l Z .1
No. 2 on Billboard's Heat-seekers chan last )ear. is mostl) mellou llanners ()'('onner and .-\ l'ribe ( .illcd Quest " l 91:.s1iai1 “2:111: .11...» livhin‘i'. ( .511 ,1 ( 1.1 s' 111 .. 1. s '11'1" l
singer-songwriter material. But in some songs. words spill forth iii Although Kearne}. IN. is a( human “ill: started 11111 M lrtens 1.11:1 1 knim 111.1 1e ;1ictt\ 151111 .111111.‘ '3‘. 1 t 1 .
rap cadence But Keame)‘ calls it “spoken word." and sais it's ae ing his first retort!111(‘hristian label lnpop before \l;.'llllli as 11h ('11 Kt‘.ilt‘.t‘\ ..11 ..i:..111a:1.»11 apparentix l‘d‘ Isozkeil H» l . 1.11:
tuall)‘ a bridge between history and hipshop. lin‘nbia .1\\\are. he feels more toi11fonablc on a set iilai' label. thank tratk \\.1s .1 1‘111...: i.\lC hit andse1c'al11'iiei s- '12s :1. 111:1111111tcler

“I mean. rap W to use that uord seems like it brings tip d ton \oii \ision snow. s 1111 s \1:.11=1111} "(111. line H1 ' l1 .f.1\ \1gb'
notation of something like Eminem or soiiiethii1g.\shicl1 is totall) "l 111:1 er named to be on an C\clllst\cl} ('hiistian taber' tte I 1ehis‘fliiittt1btis



Ream #6: 7M mé'éiafir a; $1 Beer!

Thursday, April 26 vs. West Virginia, 7:05pm
Kentucky Lottery "IIISTY THURSDAY - 8| In! and Mel
HIGH SCHOOL WEEK continues and one lucky lady will WIN A ME WITH SI'I'II
Friday. April 27 vs. West Virginia, 7:05pm
mm mace WM NIGHT
Don't miss a great perform from MON m1
”my. April 2. VI. West Virginia. 7:05pm
‘ HM!


I \ I'














 PAGE 4 l Thursday, Aprll 26, 2007



I. Bungalows at the Library

Bungalows ot the Bluegrass 1s a photographIe 1:th-
bItIon ayallahle tor \Ienyng at the (‘entral LIhrary
Theater In 111111111111er Lexmgton. ()11 Sunday. the
pubhsher tor the Amenean Hungalos I11aga/Ine.
John Brinkman, nylI gtye .1 leeture at 5111) p.111. I‘or

more Inlon11atIon.eall 8502315559

2. Animal Communication

An annual 1‘11111111u111eator \yorkshop nyIl 1.1I1e plaee
Saturday and Sunday 1111111 9 11.111. to 4 p.111. at 111211
Manchester St. The event 1s hosted by 1-111 the 1.111 e


01111111 House: W/ Wes Meek
8p In Me [7.11110 hunts 1‘11s‘135


thltIdyt’et w/
tent Pettu‘udt
911111 We“ [7.111111 ltt‘wtseustSB

At 01111111113 111.1111: 11

,1 [1 .111

.117111111‘11.1'111b'.’at t"1‘=.tu11r

01 Dogs Bakery. and regIstratIon Is requIred. 15111

more Intommtlon eall $592.1.‘13t1—II.

3. An Odd Combination

Startmg tonIorroyy and 11111111111111; through May 13

511‘". MW 1111 the C11'1111111'1yyealttt 1/1'

A1111, 1311:1213 117.1 111.1111 Sutyak
8110,11 1"

at the [)1111 1111111 11 Art Center. the Aetors‘ (1111111 111

I.e\111gton \yIII present ”Anton 111 5111111 Busmess."
.1 eonueal look at eontenIporary :\I1Ier1ean theater

131.1 " W'ntn I'-

th.1t 1‘11111h111es .1 sellleentered teley'IsIon .Ietress

nyIII a laded Neyy Yorker and .111 enthusIasIIe 111-
genue. 'I'hIs odd e11111h1natIon. play e11 by .111 aIlvl'e-
male east. eomes together for .1 produetIon ol An~

1'11 111 H1111 1171111 71111151115155

11111 (Thekoy 's ”'I‘hree SIsters." but there‘s .1‘c.111~11:

the shoyy I». staged 111 a small town 111 Texas. “A11
11111 111 Shoyy Busmess" starts at X p.111. on Friday's
.11111 Saturdays and at 3 pm. 1111 Sundays [or more

Intormat Ion eall 850- 32541371).

SATURDAY, April 28

1111;112d11t111d 111;a1lstrI-1g Brothers,

911m, The Dame 7111195 11151 $10



{C11 ' 1". (WW


By Chris Vaughn

“.1. {j at: "y Newspaw’.

(1R.\\'Il\'ll \\ Illsi1IL‘ the only
111111.1111111- 111 1111111 1s .1 1111211 1.1se 11111 ol
1‘11111. roasts Hank sl1‘.1ks.\e‘.\ Yotk sIrIps

1111? 1111.11 they'11 selhue 111 the
:1is111 Iiutgundy Ilotahette 1s .1 ~.Ittl\

It's .111 1111! story. .11111.111y.11111 .11111111.1
Ie\.1s1.1111111111'ta111111 1l1.111.us1-s 1.:ttle on




uses p1‘s11111les,1111111111111's111 111.111.. and sells
1111111‘ 1111.11 to people they 11111111 on .1 111st
11.11111- 11.1s1s

11111.1111‘.\\1‘111fy I.1gy..1’t'e§11111est

”I: s not 111-1\."\\1-1111\ 1.15:1:311'1 s.1111 “It s
1111 may 1.1111111111‘ \.\.1s 1111;1e\e.11~ .11111”

\ teyy ye..1s 21.11I.. 1111“. 111:11111'11111111111
.111.1;_'1111111111.1l 1111111. 91111111111; ’IIat people
'1y1111111 p.1\ 1.'\Ir.. 2111 1111211111 I‘ll) per1e111
1111111 1111'11

1“ 1111Ies south 111

I‘m-1 11111113111 111111111
st111e 111 (11.11111111‘1'1.
I‘ort \\orth

I 111-\ s11‘11.k

L'I.ls\ I1'1I


at .1 111111' when 111.111} \111.1
11.111s \\1'te 2111111111; 1111111' lllletesIL'II .11 .111
u.11111.1i ;1111111111s.1111l 111111-1111111'1111-11 111111

111.11 .1111'11‘11ke1ps 131111111; .1:1111111t ‘11s!
11‘. the esp1'1'11l 111.11.» su1 I1 .1~ \1'11 11131.11111
.111111 .1111ot'111.1 Ihe 1111' \\111111 .111.1
1s1.1111s11'11-1e111111:se1111111 s!111t‘1L'1sI 111.11ket .11
I1'\.1s 1111 e11\1111111111't1t.1lly 1111'11111\ 111111Is

But there s 11111' prohien‘.

'II1e1e 1s 1111111' 111-111.11111 than s11ppl\.'
s.u11 111.11! \tuttleheam. pres1111-111 ol the
I1'\.1s()1’yJ.IIIi1 I'.11‘111e1's .11111('1ar1I1-11e1s \sso
11.1111111 "'Iesas 1s 111'1.11I1‘sI1ehIn1lthIs111oye
1111-111 '

The grass le1l heel 11111\e111e111 \\hI1l1
means the 1111M are 11111 lattened 11p 111 teed
1111s \xItI1_1_'raII1or1orn Is 111 Its ItIlaney

'I‘IIe .\11‘.e111an ('11‘.1ssle1l \ss1111.1111111 Is
111111 11 years 11111. .11111 ten people h.1\ e p.11
111111.11‘1y I‘eIIahle s1.1tIstI1s .11111111 It

But 111 .1 state as 1'.IIIIL‘ 11111 as Ie\.1s.
there are le\\e1 than 211 ~erass ted pI111lu1e1s
that 1.111 he 111111111 1111 the Internet. most 111
them st‘IItIIy: “hole 11rlmll 1.111 asses. 11111 111

NatIonyy Ide. It Is estu11ate111hat less than
i per11-nt ot the heel supply 1111111‘s tr11111
erassted 111\\s. .111 men smaller amount
trom 11r1'.11111 grass ted operatIons lIke the

“It's a 1111111'.11I1h1‘ market." s.1I1l -\ngel.1
.I1I1kson. presIdent-ol the ()rgann (11‘11ssle1l
Beet (11.111111111 In South Dakota "It’s been
grouun: ‘11 pertent a year the last three
years. but the number 111 prodneers 11111111111
on Is not as last as the growth In demand
We don't eyer see hem}: able to eaILh 11p "

Bu1 lung the ‘11 year :Ing1ulturaI truth
111m 111 ‘Iluays grown): hlgger to sIIrylye
the Iaggarts elected to 1:11 smaller by ereat
In;1 Burgundy I’astnre Heel

And lar lrom Itlsl stll'\l\ln)1. they are



III1‘1 .111’
1:11111'1.1111111'1s.1111.1 te’une 1111 saltl‘ st111y

iIlL‘y .Il1‘

1‘11’\l‘1‘1"t1e 1.1! I» 1.11 1111111 1111'.

(1111 husutess :11.11'.1s.-1'.

11 ll I< 111 All 1‘. 1(1

the s111.1II1-=t :11
Il.111> \\1ll1I\

.1l11t 1113;:1-1 111.11k111111t

.1111: 111.11 11.1s

111‘as1‘ \\1"‘.1' .'\.1 I.1L‘:!.111

s.u.l ’11111111.111et1's
1111' \.1111111.111 .11111‘1111'1‘1s Heel
111111 111 Iten‘ .1
1311111111 .1111111:.

e\11.~1ts '11 see 1 1'11111111'1‘.
s11 111311

.1 spokesman '1'1 the

'1.ul\ s11=1.‘ 51.1.1.

[1111 1111

111111’s .111
111‘1111111‘Iy '111'1"1 111'111111111

111.1111l1‘11..11'1‘1'.1sth1 11111111111111.1111“1111.311:

s.111l 11 1»


'\\1"I1'.111 111 1.12111 1111.11111 l‘l1I1I1111‘l\
1111:11111y111e ..1111 1.1p1t.111/111_1; on 111.11 k1111i ol
111.11ket oppottunuy. "It's .1
111.1111111111s11111111111111111 1111 .1 sel1-1t 111111111.‘1
ol pIo11111e1s. 11111 111 not hkely tohe .11111p
1111111111111 1111 .1 11113.11. 111111111111 It‘s unltkely to
ereate .111y 111.11111 slults 1111.1ttIe pI‘111III1tI1111
111 the 1111'1'seeahle 11111111: '

12111111 111 Ill [1111 1 .111 asses usually halt}; 111
Ion IaeeaIts 1l1\ .1111- heeer I‘,\e11 “hen
they 'I‘e stopped 111 any 111e11111y111y111.11.11‘11‘1
Isttes. Iaeyuut sIlII l.11o\\s \1I11111 1‘.1r1.1ss

IIIst 111111 Iaegart
ran-.11. .I 1.171 .1111' spread ot \\ heat 11e|1ls
turned 11.111\ e grass pasture

I’ure \nens 1.II\1's .111111'1111l1e Iaegart
1.111111 .11 .11111111 13 months 1111111 operatIons
111.11 11se11111\ L'tass IIIey stay theIe 1111 .111
other I.‘ 111 1* months. 12111111: 11111\
Ion Logan 1le111les “111111 1s ready 1111
s|.111eht1'r‘.l111s1‘11 on l1o\1 1.1111 they look

Ihey 1:11 111 \I.llll_'IIIt'l 111-.11 IIIIlsl1oro.
Ie\.ts 'Ihe 1.11’111ss1‘s 1111111‘ 111 the I111111IIet‘Ie

or I11111her shop 1111' .71 days ol .111111;

I‘hey're pr111esse1l .1111! p.11k.1g1‘1l lrom
employ ees on site I‘hen the meat 1s sold

'I‘hIs Is what people mean u hen they say
1111.11 loud ..

l)re.11111 Is no longer the htI/Iuord 1111
the lood s.1\\\

That market kept 11p douhle 1111111 erouth
11\er the past ten years. to the pomt that
large .1erIeuItute 111mpaIIIes .Ire 111111 111 the

\111111'11' 1111111

1111I1's .1\\.1\ Is the


eva 111111111121 and Pettt

1'11: 81111111111 Sea
s11-1 Huntsman the llutset..‘1'11181111111111

1‘11: A1111 Hatter ht‘kt’ts‘ 11151310111

7‘11) Snuthttire House hekets
rust 5'.‘ 1/' 11.11.1111 .1'111 3151 .11 1111117001

1’111'11 Hogans T111015 11131574 50

11111Parlu111811ys1 I11, 111111111198 and Very

W111 Hnge w/ 13111190 Star, Matt Mays 81 El

For the week of
APRIL 26 — MAY 2

H p m, The Mad Hatter 77611015 r05155

U Love 81 Sneeml Saute
9;)111 [loud/ts 11111915 11151330

SUNDAY, April 29

It 111:3 111.1ay w 1111; 11111111111 Ahstrart
111111111111 and 5111113111

7/11." 1‘10 Mutt/utter FeketSt‘os‘tSIO

MONDAY, April 30

As Utes Bllt't vw Cool Hand 111111: and
711 1'1:

1111111111111, 11.xy811azat11' 311118111111 he At

The Man Hatter Ire/1171’s 11111311)

T ’11? Mac / latter 71111111