xt7m0c4sn568 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sn568/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-07-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 24, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 24, 1973 1973 1973-07-24 2020 true xt7m0c4sn568 section xt7m0c4sn568 The Kentucky Kernel

July 24, 1973
Vol. LXV No. 12

an dudependent student


University of Kentucky
Lexington. A 1‘ 10906





Associated Press Writer


WASHINGTON —President Nixon
flatly rejected two official requests for
Watergate-related presidential materials
Monday and was slapped with subpoenas
from the Senate Watergate committee and
the office of the special Watergate

Two subpoenas from the committee
sought tape recorded presidential con-
versations and other White House

The subpoena from the special
prosecutor apparently sought only the

The subpoenas were served almost
simultaneously, shortly after 6 pm. EDT,
to two White House lawyers who accepted
them on Nixon's behalf. All the documents
named the President.


The text of President Nixon’s letter
to the Senate Watergate Committee is
on page 3.


EARLIER IN the day Nixon had flatly
refused to turn over to the committee and
the prosecutor’s office any of the tape
recordings. As his reason, he cited the
doctrine of separation of powers.

Both the committee and the prosecutor

JeerrPIerre Lettont/Syeme


rejected that reasoning and announced
that subpoenas would be issued. Several
weeks ago the President said he would not
turn over White House papers.

The impasse in what the committee and
the special prosecutor want and what the
President is willing to give brought the
government to the brink of an historic
constitutional confrontation.

THE COMMITTEE subpoenas were
presented by deputy chief counsel Rufus
Edmisten. Asked what he thought the
chances were of getting the presidential
material, Edmisten replied, “Hope
springs eternal."

“It’s been accepted, legally,” Edmisten
told newsmen after presenting the sub-
poenas to acting presidential counsel
Leonard Garment. “What they do about it
now, I don’t know. The committee will be

The special prosecutor’s subpoena went
to special White House Counsel J. Fred
Buzhardt. The substance of that subpoena
will not be available until is it filed
Tuesday morning in US. District court.
The committee did not release the texts of
its subpoenas.

“THE WHITE HOUSE counsel will
examine the subpoenas,” said Deputy
White House Press Secretary Gerald L.
Warren. “Whatever is done will be in the
context of the letters issued today.”

Continued on Page 3, Col. 4


loses $100;
past refund


Kernel Staff Writer

A PROSPECTIVE coed who requested a .

refund of her $100 housing deposit after she
decided not to attend UK this fall was
turned down because the request was
made too late, according to Larry. W. Ivy,
manager of University Housing.

In a letter to the editor, the girl’s father,

R.J.Forsting, complained that his
daughter had lost her $100 housing depoSit

although she had decided not to attend UK,

Forsting said his daughter applied for
admission to the College of Nursing and
was turned down. She later applied to and
was enrolled in the College of Arts and
Sciences, but decided to work for a year
before coming to UK.

AT THAT POINT his daughter
requested her housing deposit be refunded,
Forsting said.

Forsting said he had written several
letters to Ben Black of the college of Arts
and Sciences and to Ivy whom he referred
to as ”Poison” Ivy. He asked whether his

money was being used for “a down
payment on a new TV. set for the rec room
or some new athletic equipment.”

Ivy said money would go into the general
housing fund. He said the money was not
returned to Forsting because the request
came 16 days after the deadline date of
June 1.

HAD MS. FORSTING cancelled her
application before June 1, her money
would have been automatically refunded,
Ivy said. But, she had not cancelled with
the admissions office.

“We are not trying to get $100 out of
somebody,” Ivy said, “but we have to have
a deadline so we can know who is coming
and how to prepare for them."

Ivy offered to hold the money in the
girl’s name until she decides to come to
UK, he said.

HE SAID A refund would be unwise
since he would have to do the same for
every other student who applied for

refunds after the deadline. This would
result in chaos, he said.

ivy said the notice “No refund of deposit
after June 1 for Fall Semester” appeared
on all the housing application and rental
agreement forms.

M moon no "4! man" an AS mum
. ~..—.— 5 v.
. n...............~..~.-...~--

hum. has man-mutant»

M (1"an Icons "Haw! W
m IV “1 mm A m



News in brief

from The Associated Press

0 Hilackers off again

0 Rickenbacker dies
0 Search continues

0 Peru drops France

0 Tight money forecast
0 Driver admits guilt
0 Falsification imperfect

0 Today's weather...

9 DUBAI-A hijacked jumbo jet under
terrorist command for the fourth day took
off for an undisclosed destination early
Tuesday after 70 hours on the ground here.
The four gunmen commanding the
Japan Air Lines plane released an elderly
couple just before the big jet took off with
141 persons aboard, seven minutes after
Monday midnight 4:07 pm. EDT.

0 ZURICH, Switzerland—Capt. Eddie
Rickenbacker, America’s flying “Ace of
Aces“ of World War I, died Monday. He
was 82.

O PAPEETE. Tahiti-Rescue boats with
floodlights searched the sea off Tahiti
Monday night for victims of the crash of a
Los Angeles~bound Pan American jetliner.

There was only one known survivor
among the 79 persons on board, authorities


0 LIMA, Peru-Peru’s military govern-
ment severed diplomatic relations with
France on Monday and said ties will not be
reestablished unttil France “halts once
and for all its nuclear testing."

0 WASHINGTON—A member of the
Federal Reserve Board, Arthur F.
Brimmer, Monday said the board plans to
keep its tight money policy as a tool to
combat continuing inflation.

. BAXLEY. Ga.-Accused hit-and-run
driver Raymond A. McMahon said
Monday that he was driving the vehicle
which struck and killed two young sisters
July 14. But he claimed it was an ac-ident.

McMahon is charged with two counts of
first-degree murder in the deaths of Rabyn
Caton, 5, and her sister, Roxanne, 13. He
surrendered to Appling County, Ga.
authorities late Sunday.

0 WASHINGTON-Secretary of Defense
James R. Schlesinger Jr. said today he
believed the Pentagon’s falsification of
reports to hide Cambodia bombing raids in
1969 and 1970 “was a little less than per-

The Pentagon confirmed last week that
“responsible officials" in Washington
authorized falsification of reports on the
Cambodia bombing raids at a time when
officials denied any US. military activity
was occurring in Cambodia. The falsified
reports indicated the bombing was being
conducted in South Vietnam.

...it's a droop-dry day

No change is expected in today’s
weather. It will continue to be hot and
humid with a high near 90and a low of only
70 degrees. Chances of rain are 40 per cent
today dropping to 20 per cent tonight.




Established 104

Steve Swift. we: In Chief
like Clark. mum Editor
Kaye Coyte. Copy Editor

Torn Moore. Copy Editor
Jay Rhodemyre. Arte Edna

Editorials represent the winter: of the calm. not the Unlverelty.


It's time Nixon levels with America

President Nixon’s refusal to
voluntarily release Watergate-related
tapes and papers to the Senate Select
Committee and Archibald Cox,
special Watergate prosecutor, caused
both groups, to no one’s surprise, to
issue subpoenas for the materials.

Nixon contends his documents are
confidential and protected by the
doctrine of separation of powers and
executive privilege. But Ervin and
Cox have been doing their homework.
They think the President is stretching
his protective powers byond the legal

Watergate-related material resulted
in a Presidential campaign,
something not required of a public
official, therefore not an official
action covered by executive privilege.
The North Carolina senator also says
any material which can be linked to
criminal activity becomes evidence
admissable in court or in in-
vestigations similar to the one being

Ervin also claims, because of the
criminal activity of persons involved
in the Watergate mess, not even
separation of powers between the
Congress and White House can shield
the presidential records from the

Cox finds similar faults. Since he is
working in the executive branch, he
reasons, the separation of powers
shield cannot be used to keep him
from getting the presidential records.

Nixon’s refusal to the Senate
committee is as predictable as the sun
rising in the morning. Since taking
office, the President constantly has
been at battle with Congress over the
extent of his powers.

But to deny access to Cox is a slap in
the prosecutor’s face. Nixon promised
in the spring Cox would be able to
conduct his investigation without the
fear of interference from anyone. If
he meant everyone but himself, he
should have said so.

AS IT STANDS now, Cox’s role is
reduced to little more than a


presidential puppet subject to the
chief executive’s orders like anyone
else in the executive branch.

Yesterday Nixon, in his letter to
Ervin, stated that the tapes support
his previous statements. If this is
true, he should be willing to release
them. Logically, one could assume
there is nothing to hide. By admitting
some may interpret the taped con-
versations differently, Nixon gives
Americans another opportunity to
question his veracity.

Does the strike effect Gen Tel's

In case you haven’t heard, over 1,100
employees, mostly operators, are on strike
agains General Telephone.

In a normal American community, this
would bode ill for citizens accustomed to
calling anywhere in the U.S. without a
bother. Here in Lexington, though,
telephone communications are a whole

’nuther game.

AFTER SPENDING a day of futile
dialing, cursing, waiting and listening to
recordings, I came to the conclusion
General Telephone service was every bit

as bad before the strike as it is during it. .

I'll give you an example:
Having to make a long distance call to
Indianapolis, I whirled “0” on the dial.


AL l5 — /<>\


09 A96





First time, I got a recording...“l’m sorry,
the number you have dialed is not in

DIAL "0" AGAIN...the operator hops on
the line. “May I help you?”

“Yes, I’d like to make a long distance
call to Indianapolis...” and I continue with
my spiel. And she dials.

Busy signal.

“I’ll try again, sir.”

Busy again.

“That signal didn’t sound right, sir. I’ll
try again.”




A RECORDING. “I’m sorry, your call
did not go through. Please hang up and try

The operator apologizes. “I’ll try again,

Busy signal.

“That busy didn’t sound right, sir. I’ll
try again."

A recording...
not go...”

“I’ll try directory assistance, sir.”

Another operator joins in. “What city,

“I’m sorry, your call did

“Indianapolis,” I answer, when I realize
my operator isn’t going to do it for me.

another operator joins in, and dials the

Indianapolis number.
Voila! It ringeth!

AM? 605 60




% :6;

OH?! 148 W

New York Times

Senator Howard Baker, Ervin’s co-
chairman, expressed the committee’s
sincerity. “I have no criticism of any
person,” Baker said. “I will not sit in
judgment of any person, or the con-
duct of any person, until all of the
evidence is taken.”

AS HARD AS it may be, we, too, will
not pass judgment of any person
connected with the Watergate affair
until all the evidence is in. We are
even ready to wait three months for
the Supreme Court to decide if all of
the evidence can be seen.

service ?

In a cheery voice (what right has she got
to be happy after what I‘ve been through?)
the receptionist in Indianapolis answers.

“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. You just missed
him, and he won’t be back until tomorrow
morning. May I take your name and
number and have him call you

BY NOW I'M FIT to be tied, and I’d
better be tied before I throw a fit.

Now, can you tell me if this phone call
was placed before or after the strike was

If you’ve been a patient user of the
General Tel system, you’ll probably have
to spend some time deciding, and even
then you’ll never know for sure.

Which makes one wonder: the em-
ployees have a lot of gall to ask for raises
when their absence has no apparent effect
on the Operation of the outfit.

Mike Clark is a senior
journalism major and the
Managing Editor of The

Kentucky Kernel.



letter to

WASHINGTON (AP) —- Here is
the text of the letter President
Nixon sent Monday to Sen. Sam
J. Ervin Jr., rejecting use of
presidential tapes in the Senate
Watergate investigation:

Dear Mr. Chairman:

I have considered your request
that I permit the committee to
have access to tapes of my
private conversations with a
number of my closest aides. I
have concluded that the prin-
ciples stated in my letter to you of
July 6 preclude me from com-
plying with that request, and I
shall not do so. Indeed, the
special nature of tape recordings
of private conversations is such
that these principles apply with
even greater force to tapes of
private presidential con-
versations than to presidential

If release of the tapes would
settle the central questions at
issue in the Watergate inquiries,
then their disclosure might serve
a substantial public interest that
would have to be weighed very
carefully against the negatives of

Fire claims
dairy barn

Fire destroyed a dairy barn on
UK’s Coldstream Farm Ex-
perimental Research Station
Saturday. The building was hit by
lightning during an evening
storm, according to George
Pendergrass of management

The barn was one of the
original farm buildings and was
being used as a maternity barn
for cattle. Hay, grain , and farm
equipment were stored there.

A Coldstream spokesman said
only one of the 43 animals housed
in the barn was lost.

“We lost a lost of research
equipment and a lot of grain, ” the
spokesman added. Some of the
larger equipment items were
saved however, he said. A
tractor, a wagon and a jeep were
salvaged. He said the animals,
however, were of primary con-

You should

know more




Text of Nixon's


The fact is that the tapes would
not finally settle the central
issues before your committee.
Before their existence became
publicly known, I personally
listened to a number of them. The
tapes are entirely consistent with
what I know to be the truth and
what I have stated to be the truth.

However, as in any verbatim
recording of informal con-
versations, they contain com-
ments that persons with different
perspectives and motivations

would inevitably interpret in
different ways. Furthermore,
there are inseparably in-

terspersed in them a great many
very frank and very private
comments, on a wide range of
issues and individuals, wholly
extraneous to the committee’s

Even more important, the
tapes fluid be accurately un-
derstood or interpreted only by
reference to an enormous
number of other documents and
tapes, so that to open them all
would begin an endless process of
disclosure and explanation of
private presidential records
totally unrelated to Watergate,
and highly confidential in nature.

They are the clearest possible
example of why presidential
documents must be kept con-

Accordingly, the tapes, which
have been under my sole per-
sonal control, will remain so.
None has been transcribed or
made public and none will be.

On May 22 I described my
knowledge of the Watergate
matter and its aftermath in
categorical and unambiguous
terms that I know to be true. In
my letter of July 6, I informed
you that at an appropriate time
during the hearings I intend to
address publicly the subjects you
are considering. I still intend to
do so and in a way that preserves
the constitutional principle of
separations of powers, and thus
serves the interest not just of the
Congress or of the President, but
of the people.

Richard Nixon



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Not a flea
In sight


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. May. July 24. 1073—3

A display of pocket knives seems to have drawn the attention of one
curious shopper at a flea market last Saturday on the Georgetown
Pike outside of Georgetown. Flea markets have become popular in
rural America and have even spread to the cities in the form of
garage and backyard sales. (Kernel photo by Kathi Millimet.)

President denies requests;

tapes, papers under subpoena

Continued from Page 1

Warren did not elaborate but
apparently referred to letters
delivered Monday to the
Watergate committee and the
special prosecutor in which
Nixon formally refused access to
the tape recordings.

Nixon also apparently can-
celled a promised meeting with
the chairman of the Senate
Watergate committee, Sen. Sam
J. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.) The
President said such a meeting at
this time would be useless. The
White House said later, however,
the matter was still open.

IN ADVISING the committee
of his decision, Mixon said that to
turn over the tapes would be a
violation of the doctrine of
separation of powers. He added
that he had listened to a number
vf the tapes and they would not
help answer the central questions
surrounding the Watergate af-
fair, including the extent of his

imili. £3

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“The tapes, which have been
under my sole personal control,
will remain so,” Nixon said in a
letter to Ervin. He also said he
thought the content of the tapes
was subject to misinterpretation.

The rejection to the special
Watergate prosecutor, Archibald
Cox, came in a letter from a
consulting White House counsel,
Charles Alan Wright. “I am in-
structed by the President to in-
form you that it will not be
possible to make avaible to you
the recordings that you have
requested,” the letter said.

that any presidential claim to
privilege in withholding the tapes
“is without legal foundation,”
and said his effort at obtain the
tapes and other documentary
evidence is proper.

“They may tend to show that
there was criminal activity-or
that there was none,” Cox said.
“They may tend to show the guilt
of particular individuals-or their

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mnocence. The one clear point is
that the tapes are evidence
bearing directly upon whether
there were criminal conspiracy,
including a conspiracy to ob-
struct justice, among high
government officials.”

In opening the afternoon
session of the Watergate
hearings, Ervin announced that
he was issuing two subpoenas,
one to direct Nixon to issue the
tapes and the other requiring
Nixon to make available other
White Hosse papers.

Before disclosing the sub-
poenas, Ervin read a letter from
Nixon which said, in part, “I
know of no useful purpose that
would be served by our having a
meeting at this time.” To which
Ervin replied: “At long last I
have something I agree with the
President with on this matter. If
the President doesn’t think there
is any useful purpose in our
meeting together, I will not
dissent from that view.”



Correspondence L



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 i—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. July 24. 1973


A deposit now will hold it fir fall! Exha-
large 1 bedroan turnkhsd apartment with
carpeting. 4 closets. cenb-al air. disposal.
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ROOMS CL“! to UK. Girls (Ill). “7
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Corps or VISTA volunteer presently a
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medicalcoverage. and stipend included. Fir
more information see recruiters at the
Student Center July 24th through 27th. From
& 00am to 4: so pm. Seniors graduating in the
spring of me may apply now. runs.

STUDENT FEMALE to live with family in
town as canpaflon to 9 h 10 year old boys .

“I like



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Why rent a refrigerator? When you
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The KcnilJCKy Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel. in Journalism
Building, 4 University at Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky K1506. Mailed five
times weekly during the school year except
during holidays and exam periods. and twice
weekly during the summer session.
Published by The Kernel Press. inc. 1272
Priscilla Lane, Lexington, Kentucky.
Begun as the Cadet in ms and published
continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since
1915. The Kernel Press, lnc. founded 1771.
Secondclass postage paid at Lexington,
Advertising published herein is intended to
help the reader buy. Any falseor misleading
advertising should be reportedto the editors.

Editor, Editorial Editor 257-1755
Managing Editor, News Desk 257-170
Advertising, Business. Circulation...
............... 250-46“

Sports. Newsroom

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tor Reservations, Phone 255-8541 or 144-2802


Blue Notes

by Jay Rhodemyre


Santana, McLaughlin 'collide'


Mahavishnu John McLaughlin.

collide on their new joint album,

Love. Devotion,
However it is not a collision
resulting in any kind of a
catastrophe. The result is a
cohesive album, naturally
featuring Carlos and John
wrenching amazing music from
their respective guitars.

The album avoids all of the
mistakes usually accompanying
these joint ventures within the
recording business. First of all
they kept it down to a single
album of exemplary merit rather
than two albums of dull stuff.
Secondly the two main players do
not play over one another, but
they take turns burning up
their strings, complementing
each other beautifully.

Surrender. '

Santana and McLaughlin

material written by John
Coltrane as well as by
McLaughlin. The songs were
obviously chosen for their
adaptability for guitar and they
were chosen wisely. Overall it is
a fine piece of work, as just about
everything McLaughlin does
these days.

Album and movie trends

that the top selling album for the
week was Passion Play by Jethro
Tull. Desparado by the Eagles
was next followed by Cat Stevens’
new release, Foreigner Roun-
ding out their top five Were Dark
Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
and Mannassas (No. 1) by
Stephen Stills.

Sound 2000 also had Passion
Play as No. 1 this week.
Foreigner was second followed
by Whatever Turns You On by
West, Bruce and Laing. One Live
Badger by a group called Badger,
featuring former Yes keyboard
man Tony Kaye, was fourth. A
general run on all Pink Floyd
albums was also noted.

included Living In a Material
World by George Harrison; Now
and Then by the Carpenters;
Dark Side of the Moon by Pink
Floyd; There Goes Rhymin’
Simon by Paul Simon and Red
Rose Speedway by Paul Mc-
Cartney and Wings.

The tope five movies according
to Variety are Live And Let Die;
Scarecrow; The Man Who Loved
Cat Dancing; Shaft In Africa and
40 Carats.

HERE IS A correction for you.
We reported to you that 2001 will
be shown this fall as part of the
fall Student Center Board Film
Series. It will not be shown at any
time this fall.

Andrews signs pact
with Indiana Pacers-

Jim Andrews, UK’s two-time
All—Southeastern Conference
center, has signed a contract with
the American Basketball.
Association champion Indiana

Andrews, a 6-11, 235-pounder
from Charleston, W. Va., led the
Cats to SEC titles in 1972 and 1973,
after serving in a reserve
capacity in 1971.

part of a four-player package
revealed Saturday by the Pacers.
Also signing were Tennessee's
Mike Edwards, John Ritter of
Indiana and Joe Wallace of

The four signees will report to
the Pacers’ rookie camp Sept. 5.
Survivors will be invited to the
team's training camp, which will
open Sept. 10.

A Pacer spokesman said the
four will likely be the only rookies
at the camp. Free agents and
veterans reporting early will fill
out the squads used to evaluate
the rookies.

IF ANY OF the rookies survive
the camp, they will find it more

difficult to land a place on the
Indiana roster. Only 11 Pacers
will answer the season’s opening
bell in mid-October; it is unlikely
more than one rookie will be able
to crack that select group.

UK basketball coach Joe Hall
feels Andrews “has tremedous
ability. I don’t think it would be a
gamble for them to keep Jim.”

Andrews averaged 20.1 points
and 12.4 rebounds per game in
1972-73, while leading UK to a 20—8
record and a berth in the National
Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) Mideast Regional.

1N 1971-72. Andrews averaged
21.5 points and 11.3 rebounds
while connecting on a school-
record 57.7 per cent of his field
goal attempts.

Andrews completed his UK
career with 1,320 points, 12th best
in Wildcat annals. All players
above him on the scoring list
were three-year starters at UK.

Big Jim set a career field goal
percentage record, hitting 56.3
per cent. Andrews broke Dan
lssel’s old record of 51.8 by 4.5 per