xt7m0c4sn543 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sn543/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1971 1971 1971-10-14 2020 true xt7m0c4sn543 section xt7m0c4sn543 . . ’1 , .- *1, xx ' g , \. . , I , '
Decrswn may come today " ' ' ‘ i, " I“
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Student votingr right case appealed i. - ‘ . a" . . v
“t s. " . I:
The continuing bid by fch UK ordered special hearings to books. which would give 3‘. ‘ fly“? ‘I " i i
SlUdt‘nlS i0 reopen VOth consider the UK case and two Students power to vote in X i at“ ' "
registration books in Fayette other student voting cases from upcoming city elections. is in . ' s: f i "
County was to meet 8 critical Ohio. Guido was to appeal violation of the 14th and Zoth fi W '
“’5‘ in Cincinnati IOdU)’ Wht‘h U Swint‘ord’s rejection of the amendments to the LS. *~~- \ {7" i)’ ' -'
three-judge appeals panel hears a injunction at 2 pm. today. Constitution. “‘ ,f‘ V
trio “f voting rights CSISCS- The e m panelingy of :1 Those amendments guarantee \ r" .7. -
Th“ hearing is lhk‘ 1211651 SIL‘P three-judge appeals board on one that all persons shall be \‘Uhls'cl a“: 1;, .
in a series of appeals by College day's notice is considered to identical voter registration ,., .( ma 2; ‘
Of Law faculty member K9” extremely unusual and UiUid be requirements. Guido claimed. l . . :3 .'
Guido which could ultimately a sign of the court's concern lt' his appeal of Swinford‘s {3/
lead to a decision in the with the student voting rights decision is turned down today. . ' 1‘
Supreme Court. Guido \vas issue, Guido said Wednesday the next step for the plaintiffs is _, g 1.1.
turned down Tuesday by night. the Supreme Court. Guido said i ‘i 2‘ W '. .-
District Court Judge Max Judge Swinford had rejected preparations have already been as“ ,
Swintord in his attempt to $06k the motion for an injunction as made to submit an appeal 1o “ 4 ' 'j
an injunction to force the “entirely unreasonable.“ saying Supreme (‘ourt Justice l’otter {i ’ i g, ,5 'i.
county ‘0 WEN” SlUdCIit “if ever there was a case that was Stewart. ' . -_
voters. hurried at all. this is it." The UK use would be 1m» 3:
Wednesday in Cincinnati. a Guido contended that the first of its kind to be considered .' , y , . i 1 f',
U.S. Sixth District Court judge refusal to reopen registration by the high court. - ». if, y, _ ' " "
APath heeklers da m en . * ~ .
y, p , _  .. ‘. _
i‘f';:‘>vim~m*;. 3. H £15»: urine" '_ V' ' tl' . i' ,5
wet . . ’ 4 - ~
BY KATIE MCCARTHY three war films presented in the The soap-suds filled fountain at?) i ‘ , (first . ‘e' ' ‘ , - '
Kernel Staff Writer Student Center Theater at 10 in front of the Patterson ()ffice 3,1» : ‘W V7" ‘, i ; . ’ «
Moratorium participants were am. and 12:30 made a total of Tower was the setting for a in!" “x;,'..«:~:nw l 1") a. . "', i
difficult to find on campus two dollars in contributions. not Guerrilla Theater. However, . a '
Wednesday. 0Ct- 13 was helping much in defraying the before things really got «a» , ‘ y 3 -’ __ ° .
nationally set aside for a $50-plus spent, estimated by a underway, a group of shouting 1% “a ' 4”,” V M - . " ’ g, ' x
moratorium on regular activities SMC member. hecklers tore down the Viet 5, gvfiigfwfi ‘ -. ~' . w, ° ,_ ,“c ,,
and a day of reflection 0“ the Nearly 500 professors and Cong flag, erected as a gjérfmzri» a, . . . . . ‘ L f '.
US. policy in Vietnam and instructors were contacted by “reminder of what is going on $22“ .Iri’a‘lcg'f“ *‘i‘ i g ' 'm .. v. ‘ 7
those who have died for it- letter urging them to 0311 Off over there," according to Rayner dfitfiihfim“ .. r ‘ ‘ (ii i . ' - .. i ' '
It was to be a day Of strike on classes or relate their class to the Scott. . “fifagfi ' ”it *" ' i; y
campuses across the nation, but Moratorium. David Brown 0f the . - Autumn does funn thin s to co le. The voun man above a ))ears 7 '. ‘-
Jill Raymond, coordinator. 0f SMC, said they were “pleased" The flag floating in the soap to have decided evzrythifg is Ep-sihe-dowri. So gwhat else canial guy
SMC, said “UK is not striking. with the five percent response suds .put d damper on th‘ do" (Staff photo by Ken Weaver) . j
because UK will never strike.” from the teachers. Guerrilla Theater players. Scott ' : L
The lack 0f enthusiasm was Mikell Grafton said her said. the hecklcrs were “badly ‘ 'i‘
evident everywhere. The sociology professor mentioned mismformed and 5‘19“" the °
BCtiVitJCS planned by the Student the Moratorium in class but “no absurdity Of WM}. S gomg on 1" ray A lllancp la’ls 4" , 7
Mobilization Committee were one was aware it was ”“5 free country. '/ 3
ignored or poorly attended. The Moratorium day.“ Continued on Page 2, Col. 1 , . . 4 .'
to submit application
o o , - ‘ i .l
for recogmtwn
. By GEORGE GIBSON printed their il(i\t’fli\t‘73‘;‘”l\ " . .. '-
1 e and ()ti»t‘iiitipiis rosters yzil‘flz. yarn: ’ i’. I-
RALPH C. LONG (lay Uiiaiioe iiievt,‘ 1" ' be ' 5-,,
Kernel Staff Writers torr wit \' "i -1 ' ' 1“ ii i .-
Ii‘w.‘ II\ fl :f. ’* .ii't‘ i‘.i\ I‘;’ All?" 1" " ‘ .~' ,' . ‘ . 1' ‘ ,
Nimble flt‘lllll" at togc'i' i H‘MOK' \i" » ’ i, .
.ictnidiiig to .i (i.:‘. ;\ii W»? i' " '- . ' » V '1’“ fifth.
spokesman, W.’§I.1ili.’.il.i? . :qaz' . , "
Iiil\’\i‘ ,vn El
. -'. " _———_— e e . ‘ ‘ " ’ 5' ‘~.. + /. 41,1 ,_, n
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— I , , u -_ ~- , I, . _, , I -. 4r ~21, ,3 y, , sweets». , a a Le]
I- - . I , . The Kentucky Herncl , , , ,, II_ l h {5.3; , l y . it. as In
. ‘ . ' . The Kentucky Kernel. UnlYCiSle ‘3 5‘; “x 111;? ' / " y/ L/. \ i l., 'L-i‘ ‘. [If 3 es- I.-'-" ’ ”:2; I; . < ‘ :52?! g
- : ’ . ‘ sm i .U .. s L" of K'i iu-ky. -x— ‘ s S 33 ’ - l c y 2“. N y ' '39 - ,- .2» -.' 9' egg-3:.
' i - ' .. ”1:111:12 Kgll’r‘ljzkh"4'15”}.t;(‘('L0nd (12$ 1"; 4. :1 15%,; -.- ' ’ ’ I”? '3- ,f ‘ V' \J‘. X (”V r.-/ l. ‘ ‘\ I "/ :I ’Q‘I 'I " r £5‘“ I gar-iii N
. i‘ ' . ' postage paid at l,_ l, , Lj’?’ ,éé/JIIVV f; f ' I€§\;‘t 1%] ’ f 52"“ '7 V1 1% .-“f;“5§”.$ ww-fi‘ .‘f,’ 0'. It. , ‘Qtrzt ' o
i " ‘_ - :‘xdvertising published herein is m— 1) 5N :\I V. ,t'.‘ w" VV, 2.7” ”kw ; “(,4 .K§;§§\ 1/9 ‘ ~ .izafl;‘a« $933 I'"? i;"i,v'j-"':"/ ’I. - "ally, 'f‘, £ 3
' ‘ tended to help the reader buy, Any 0\ 3 '1 /I " ‘2‘ ' is" II'iIQ: .‘ E 2i? fii“:{:‘:“§fl A ' I? ' x; {\ng'wQ hi" {1’43”I9fdk‘ )/'.-“" -\
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.W ' -' ' I” 5 "m" . JUST A SHORT DRIVE SOUTH C 'l k
- I . V .' . 7 (1t
4 , - 6‘0 7““ ON LIMESTONE—U5. 27 OunCl on “70111871 as 3 19618011
_ .. . .‘ . “ \V‘ .I,‘/"’/ til
i ii ' .7 > . °‘// N'(“I?cli‘lr\VI Adm. $1.50 Cartoon at Dusk
' . I . . o o o
.. ~ - . _. swoms— use mun comm salary information wrt e
' " NOW snow G
V . , VV . V. V. Continued from Page 1 “When,Vand not if. lVlEW sends m a chin c r y m 0 vi n g. "
' . . ' . Is THIS BEST-SELLER OBSGENE probably feels the information down Its investigators,” Wendelsdorf said. “The longer
_. . ~:' V' »'~. ' would be incriminating, she said. Wendelsdorf said. “the HEW delays in sending its
; ,- / W “W She said the University could UniverSity WI“ 113% to give HEW investigators here. the longer it
I. V' ~. V f . " «I? I. .\ -=-:~.2 . . - I... make token gestures to improve the information on salaries.“ will take for the University to -
VI .iV . .V . - V . ”My“ \N’Weg : ( a" , '3 3V tllt‘ status of UK women before If HEW flndS discrimination. put into action concrete steps to
. V . "MAMA” ’“ -,,. .I 4‘ ~.. the HEW investigatory team is ”1? business {“11“ deOP an stop discrimination.
.‘ . . “.- ,. . I . , , -V e?§?'_a%;3,.:.:=«t . $ . .i- Q .. sent to the campus. affirmative action program with W (1 I‘d f . V k‘ d .
. . .‘1 . . V . .- V A x i :;;;.;.::3g;IV..: 4;”? , . . , After a complaint is filed. the goals and timetables for specific ”I1 .L S O; .15 dSI mg stu ems
-' " ' ’ . = .‘ .J" * :35 W‘s '_ usual procedure is for the HEW flCthIl to remedy the to “m“ Itlur senators an .
. _ . w -I 'I. 1 . :2 ‘y ' it“ I"; - n , ~ . . d' . - - , , , . ' representatives and urge them to
.V _- _ H . ~ :9 v, _y Compliance Agency tomtchiew lSUlmmdtOTy Prdttltm. k HEW ff‘ .
‘ . . .' “i: V 3., MI , .. _V employcs at the business in Will take time 95 . O lcldls to. send
_ a .- .- . ‘ \‘V‘ 7‘; 5,1»: g a? .:=:‘z'-‘ ‘ '_ 3’3: question. “But it takes a while to get imestigators to UK lmm(dldt°ly‘
‘V '. -, '1. _ I. . M“\ ‘3\ g . 3' ”t The complaint charging UK
. V . . , . ‘ I '_::V_-,' w .- m: ‘V V I - - y . . .
y - . . _ ‘ ., I.,.yanI..I;uIIg,I : ,s» .w With sex discrimination was filed
. I. V . .I 12" 3 ‘ . .
~ "- ‘13‘ I. ,5 If BEN SNYDER DEP T STORES by the WOanS quuty Action
-I . _. cl =- :24. * League The char e w b d
.- 2‘ For 0 r om let ' ‘ g as 386 0"
' ~. , y . ~ ‘ ' . Y 0 C P e One 5’09 Shopping 21 report on the status of UK
-. " ' -._ " In The Ben Al' women, re ared i
~ ' -: u 4 MILLION HEADERS DECIDED run mmsavrs... 1—HOUR FREE PARKING . ' °°'°9° WM 20.." “we “ ‘a-S‘
. . _ . . , . With 53 Purchase ‘ ‘. men m
-' ‘, '3 : -. NOW YOU CAN DO THE SAME! Contemporary Somety.”
‘ A A A O. O 0.0 to '00. .: if. . ... .g, .
no - -' - «A's-n"; ’~ :~'- ' '1’". --'.r '-;-'- 3"”. ~ “to
.- . '-l I. . Mum". . . .. . . ‘ .." ' . ‘ N“ “ fl . ..*.
; .. - ~ . “":'.:.’.:':*:::::'“~r~ 0 '93 o '. gr 1.0 ‘v "' - s o .t ‘3 5 ‘°' 0.‘
y . . ,, _- . OLORBYDELOXEO ®~m ,..o..-. 3-, :0,- : Atg‘ . -. ,. .o‘ . 0;
"‘ i' ..' -—- PLUS SECOND ACTION HIT — O \.. . .00: ‘. 0" .\o O‘_ “‘04 go... f} ‘70). z... I
. , .‘ - x O . O
.',', ‘.' .' :- -‘ . -— * . . c.’ ‘. ‘ ' “ g “ ‘\‘ e U \ .. O .
. I an r U o t} o c o 3 o
' 1%,. are» a: '- -‘i“-°'.-.~‘m
U ' ' . . ~ " a I O '0 f .. . '
. . ~ \ ,c nelgo o. t‘fif
w You never hadatnn like this before. . "w"- - . -- . . . -. .'°’?-".”~o.v. .«
V, y. y , /, 1 \\ Future looking dim?
. 'I‘, , 'I. ’ V ' .‘ 5;: _ 5§5 _
'- ; '- '- ' 7;, ’ ' 25' .5 S“ x
, 7’49} / 3 / F E, \ i = t \
' . ' ' i ' ‘ ’/ ”/// / [774 '2 é! ; E $“\‘ ‘\ \ \\\'.LK \
; . 5' “ x , , " ’ “(at 2’ :5 : S§1SS _ There is no need to worr b
.. . , . . .. . , Q /, /; /%¢é'; ; \\0§\\\\§V s y 0 out your future
‘ ' l / k/é w§§i§§. 3 after reduction Victor B ' '
. fl”? nggg‘ésS\ gt: \. 9 - ogoert Jewelers hos full—time
. . . . . i/é / / / \ Sm . m -. -
. .. , ‘ . @V/ //////%%, \ \\\ \ and part time posmons for undergraduates or grad-
- . 1 . V. ' . .~ ' l m/ I, VV ’/' \mV \\\\‘ - I‘\\‘\\ U
.' . ' I '. ,1I:.f,,,,’/,/ // 2O \m‘ymy \ otes as managers salesman, engroversl and STOCk
. . - 4 ' . I. I ,' l/ly / Vl/ Iv /( (lawn to. \\\\““‘ \\ I . I "m . .
. , . I ,. y .. . . .. c n r H r .
. VV . . . I V V Ni . . “ml; 0 t o e s For further information contact Harry
/ . y 4 I 1 ' .. I ‘ ‘ i..,.. I a
-' ' ' i W l'liit. ' ‘ V G ‘ Cohen of V' ’ -
‘ . . - . ll Hm I: l' t lCt r
5 " ' .' . . \ ' ‘ "mm“ Weill..." . O 80909"{ 5, l27 West Mom Street,
I H i he“ 'i V .
. . m . . m“ IouItIIVimtm
'I I" ‘I -. ' . ' ..k\ \N. “\y \\\\ WWW ‘I loo-Vim- l LeXIngton'
. . . , . . . \ \“ l/y, , ’1, um fl“ ,
- . . w my. ~ w y ”/ w -
we“ {7.7/2 7/// III-minare- r
. . y . _ .I .s A \~ /;’¢;, £ ., III on: Itull Pt
' . . - ‘“ a s /7//// ""9"- ‘Hido “99.3.“.
V V V :44 [.1 . a , nun! a.)
(cut-m 1"!an m
' I . $11? 3:: «2.3mm new»: umnmumm lnnwmt‘lm cum-mime) 127 w Main
‘ “lg ' 252-6230

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.111“-,+,,,11—17T:;72: .11, ff; 1 , ,, , 1 ‘ , 4‘
McALPIN’S, Turfland Mall ,
2195 Harrodsburg Rood 3..
"i .,
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z” " McALPIN’S, Lexington Mall :
2301 Richmond Road ' -' g
1 ' ' ° M u o T d
MCA pm 5, Lexmgton a , pens o ay,
Thursday, October I 4 _

 F e i the r ' ‘ ‘—
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U: ,- » 1972: H arblngers of another bleak year for unwersmes _ Th
— , ' ., , in a
f ' - _ i _ 3 . in Nc
" 7 ‘ Underneath 'all the student Signs of panic are beginning to another in an increasing string of to the community college the
‘ ' . . . . . . _ _ . . . . Volu
. . _ critiCISms of administrative appear iniournals across the nation. years in which the quality of campuses. . . of th
I - I . ' . “bungling". behind all the The Sept. 27 issue of The Chronicle education is sacrificed for an That 5 only one Slgh 0f the dirty and .
. . '{ maneuvering for power in the press of Higher Education reports that increase in the quantity of students backstage gomgston, and every ethel
_ .I I. . and at closed meetings. a fact of life over 100 private colleges and in the classroom. action is doubly significant in light imp:
’. 7* . BbOUt universities seems to stand universities “have exhausted their Locally, the reaction to UK‘s 0f the upcoming gubernatorial some
' ‘ I out. liquid assets and are hovering on dilemma is varied. The state’s four election and the 1972 meeting 0f Gosse
’ _ I . f_ O u r c o l l e g e a n d the brink of financial disaster,” regional colleges. smelling a cash the KehtthY IGeneral Assembly. $03:
'7' universities~from UK to Yale—~are The same issue reports that state bonus for themselves, are trying Sadly. the hfe Of a college “EL
. . .. , in financial trouble. Some say deep university tuition fees have jumped desperately to wrest control of the administrator seems to be one of a
V ._ y , ' financial trouble. lt is 8 concern an average of eight percent community college system—a perennial battle for C35h~
if ._ ', that should transcend all political nationally, while enrollment has powerful budget team—from the The General Assembly, which is
» j I . .- ' = and ideological boundaries. risen by seven percent. Lexington administration. said to be cool to budget increases
. . I Despite the idealism of a “free Things are even worse at UK, Meanwhile, UK, in the dark for the universities, ShOUld
* I' s university“ and the cries of wasted which bore a 10 percent enrollment depths of its biennial budget remember that it is money—and by
. .' .' ,. expenditures. it is a grim fact that jump this year and has only a dim preparation, is launching its own implication, the failure to provide
2‘ our schools need money. and lots chance of winning any budget counterattack to retain control by an adequate educational
l'” ggi-‘T, If -, ‘ h of it. to survive. increase. Thus the University faces moving Board of Trustees’ meetings atmosphere—which has led to both
I‘. , ' — ' student discontent with college life
'. . and the callous political plays by
I . »_ . - a ron ouse our state universities.
I ‘I I * ,' ' ' No school, including our own,
'. . 'I I, » . _ New drug center offers hope f0)” users should be forced by a balance sheet
. . to compromise its educational
} ‘1 - T; Within two weeks a badly needed But the important aspect of the felt like there is no place that they integrity. Reasonable funding of
. , . drug center will Open on this new drug center is that apparently can go to get help and still avoid everyone can insure that that
' . 7. _ .- campus. Ever since the Zoo Closed it will be free of police harassment. prosecution. This has resulted in doesn’t happen again.
‘ 7 t; last year. students suffering adverse Ms. Rayner Scott. chairwoman of many drug users simply failing to ,
. ,J reactions to drugs or StUdehtS the SG Drug Clinic Committee, says do anything about their problems.
’I 5 simply seeking drug information that Lexington’s chief narc. Frank There have been numerous reports ,
' have h0t had a safe place t0 go. Fryman, has agreed not to send about drug users with hepatitis and r;
‘ '- Hopefully that will be changed agents to the house. other diseases resulting from drug 2::
. . = V '_ now. The Student Government- Probably the most important use refusing to seek help because of $13, If
. -. ' ' ’ ' operated Saffron House Will have aspect of a successful drug clinic is a fear of prosecution. ' m (35” f"
- ,I 9., -. '. I! doctors on call 24 hours a day and that the person suffering from Hopefully that time has ended. I“ .933 r l‘f’l .'. \X
' . - ' .I“ trained volunteers. adverse effects feels absolutely safe Drug users now have another "' ‘6‘? Til-Tic if): .
‘. ’ l , . from prosecution. This is the key alternative to keeping their problem '1'... km)?
' . :gwwymflwwmhw that the new drug clinic seems to a secret and endangering their ~. I; .«.’I s
_. . 'I . . f gt Kernel Forum: offer. health or turning themselves over to I II ”33“?
I, ‘. . ’95. -~: ‘ o.‘ .
' . ’ . ‘ " ° For tar too lon dru users have Frank Fryman. . ,I
~I . .. -_ », a the readers write f g g l‘ ‘9 , t";
- ' . t.‘ .3.“ ‘ I . .‘l
f f .~ , . 7 Paving to park 0A 3 i
‘. l. , .- ' i I wish that you would please explain " ' 1/ ‘ '
' . . ‘ ' .‘ something that is really burning me and I h H ' H I -_ 1.x”: , t I
V 1 'I ', _I some of my friends up. The ”(" parking c en U‘ 9 cfne V "‘v‘ . fa” ' ‘4) t.“ 2,.
1" ’V. ' ‘ lot across from the (‘hemistry & Physics . i ’1"‘:Lm.,. T we "
' .I . '- Building near sorority row charges $1.00 l'sivrzksn'y (it Krsrr'rxy ' Pieroni in the New York Post
I . ' . .I i'.‘ parking for UK. football games. The liHNBlJSHED W” LEXINGTON KY-
" , ' . People who have “'"t stickers have paid "TM—WI-IifnTr—If/SIS}KIWWZTIEZZT ”T :71} lirll'lor\,—;ITiI oft/1r r'n .. 7. 'T— «c 9 .
.. . . , $20 to park there and I feel it is unfair ~__‘--__~__1_th_&_“ Don t you recognlze
. , ' . , ' . .‘ i 'c int-s, .(1 or-m-J 10
that tth have to pay. m .‘m area Whth Jane Brown. .‘Immflinu Editor Jerry Lt‘Wh‘K .1\sso(‘iate Editor a democracy When yOII
. they have already paid tor. Please do I) -'l .. , . , ,
. . , , ant A. king. Busmr'ss Manager John Cray. Editorial Page Editor . ,9
‘ . somethmg abou‘ this“ [aniu‘ Framis. (irr‘g Harnnann. Rarhcl Kamuf, Lincoln R. Lewis [r.. see 0118-),
MS- Parker Dale Matthews. and Wendy Wright. Assistant Managing Editors ‘
. Education Senior M the Tierney, Sports Editor Don Rosa, Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor .

 W THE KENTI'CKY KERNEI.. Thumlm. ()u. H. l07l —- 3 ' 4 .
O ' .
V news of war reflect com: TO: , .
‘body count mentality’ C‘ O L L E C; E L I F E " ' ‘
By NEILL MORGAN Vietnamese just as figures. He l'i' ’
Kernel Staff Writer said to want to end the war to '-
Many American views of the keep 015 from getting killed or of the l .
war in Vietnam reflect a “body for economic reasons at home i t ,
count mentality” a small group are good reasons but “the best =9 .
of people were told atameeting reason is that the war is just ‘
of the Student Mobilization immoral”. KAPPA DELTA H OUSE '-
Committee (SMC) Wednesday Harrod said the recent -
2 night. presidential election in South . " ‘ ‘
The speaker was Bill Harrod Vietnam was a farce. He added 1'0 find out about 0 new and exciting movement for Christ -
who has spent four out of the that Thieu probably would have ‘ ' .i
last six years working with the won a free election because “the .,. ' 1'.
Vietnam Christian Service people have lived in chaos too _ o ' -' ' V
(VCS). The VCS is similar to the long to want a different FRIDAY, OCTOBER ‘5' ‘97] 8'm p‘m' gV‘ V I, '-
Peace Corps in operation but the government and the turmoil it ' V
workers are from different would bring_” w : . i .
countries. . Because of this and the fact no SPONSORED BY CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST r: V: .
Harrod, who amved home government could exrst Without -- '. .'
from Vietnam last night, said American support, he said Thieu —'—_—_————' ,. ~V
Americans look at the was in no danger of overthrow. '
However, he. 8314 ““16 Thieu For information on the fall conference October 29-31 V .
government is strictly military 'é
Stam S and does not have any real featuring Josh McDowell — Call 277-8235
support of the masses of . ' .
h people.” _ “
or center A week, you hit the books. .;
The North End Community . . . _ ..
Center in Lexington is asking for ~ . V ' ‘ i
o. Is wee en 1 e roa -
stamps which will fund activities , . ‘_ 3 ‘ g
for neighborhood children. ' , , ‘ V. :5
The stamps will be first prize . . _ ‘ 1V-
in a raffle to be held sometime Rent a standard Ford sedan or similar _.
in November_ The proceeds from car from Hertz thlS weekend m Lexmgton -‘ . . V‘
35 the raffle will go to the _ for just $7.47 a day plus mileage. Two ”2ft! -..M_. , -
. 1.
Volunteer Recreation Program days minimum, and you only pay for gas i It . , .
ty of the Center to finance an arts you use ® . i ”Q2 _: , ' '

d ft 1 ., f--ld t . d ' . [IN/ow J ‘. - . 1V 2‘.
ry Zilherctctisvifigssqwh‘i‘ch wréfiidage We DO rent to students under 2] With . M .«W ”gm/fl , ; '
ht impossible without this help. parental consent. _ a q ~- -. _, M- ,. ‘1. ' _

‘31 Anyone wishing to contribute Call 254-3496 for information and - ' M “3'“th "" .
' f some stamps can call either Dan reservations. ”b. V .. __ g" . t V -‘ 3. "
0 Gossett at 2540791 or John . em _. ..
y. Rotter at 233-1883 before Nov. This coupon good for $1 discount on your rental. Reserve your '- , . , _ " ; '. .
ge 1’ and the Stamps will be Pleked car now for Homecoming weekend! i ‘ ' ‘ ‘-
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395 5. Lime 277-5733 _ . , . ~ .
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