xt7m0c4sn42c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sn42c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1960 Vol.26 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, July 1960 Vol.26 No.10 1960 1960 2019 true xt7m0c4sn42c section xt7m0c4sn42c : C C C ' ’ a a.» u» .
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 llb1 JULY’ 1960
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w ‘ ' ' if the prcss .~)~1 )cr can protest mill .
.. 1""11111111 1 e + - 11‘Vi(111211110“51‘1 -fi
. . .. 11 I A We 6 ThC 111C . I 1 1t 0an 21 Strong, [1111 6111111 r in
‘ 1 1.1 1'. S by C(morlfl In fight' for the publicwella O
1: ‘ ‘ ,.--‘\1c§’ .
1 1 1 11. ~ 1| k Press Your KPA Works can UCECCtlto prohibit ziclvcrtislng, 305111 fb t int
1. I. 1.1 I en uc How It1JJ}5 mom smiccbult Abne .
.11 1.111 , 1 . e Press . . I )rcss AssoCh . I 1t!
1 1 111111111 1 1 1 bEI’ 10 For The State COmmchC reports C(florddo 1th‘tt the Journal Of the (301011 ofCorbln andsen
11111 11111 1 1 Volume 26' Num The U S. C11211111)cr8%f0 ittion'l1 trade as— It rcp(I)11:\ o‘Ci11tion tells of a surveyh 139141was PICits
1 1 '31 i 1 - ' 1 . 1 1 H ‘ . ..1 111m 35 ‘, 1 o$l§0forfl 'buI!e
1' 111.1 official I’ublicaqunn InC- Hut 11191-6 arc 111)“ I7 II Stat“ as compartt Dc . f1cs ranging from $101 I . the TIr1 Irin’re
I_I. 11,1 . .I ky PreSS Associguo Iiic ‘, {ions in the Unit“ . ld bC ,1 safe bct shows a . fscrvicc \Vcst Virginiansfomi herewlth r136; P
1 .111 11.11 . 1 KenlllC . service, ' 50011 ‘ - .10 It “'0“ 1 -' 1 ~- 0 “PC 0 -' ‘ t N 1111911 ‘ 35 16
1 1111‘ 111 11 ‘ tud‘y Picss - ' 100 m 19 ' 1 of 0116 LIIK 5.1m ' f Sltuatlofl O scnes .
1 11:1 :21' 1. 1 KC“ Editor with 1, ~ ,1 groups _, 1C sort 0 . II 111m . 1'st0f163 1
1‘ 1. 1.11. 1: 1 ; Ponmann: I 11nd rcglOUJ I; . S'llUC pro- thC SJ“ 111 out pI'lCL {erllS-l ' 1131‘ 11 .
1 1’ . ~ ' . . . ' . - ; < ‘ lc . - 1 LC . 51m
111111 1:1. 11 1 Vlcwrfliley Assocmte Editor that stIIIKI h'lVC mercascd in Hit the statc l)0<1i:l Iflrs Let’s start Our (1111 div and county 1
1 ‘ 11. 11' 1 1 1 I. 5 ’ 1- 1.1110 IQ ‘ .. ndCl' 3 ’C ’ . - . | ‘
J 1 11‘ 1:1 1 12 Perry - r (1 . . . -. . {13ch for Hm [I I, , 'crflslng Shimm- ted:
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11.51311 11‘ 11 1 11 cham er mion 1‘11ch '1er ‘ ' - ICIHbCrS’ 3‘ ‘ “ t 1* * 1 4 W116
11111.1 1‘ 1 11 1(entucky .1 ers ‘L‘ssOCl . . II ] hCh) 11's 1] . iCr at in 189 .
11‘ . 1 1 1 , er NIan‘g I ,. “I 101] (,Jl I '. 1C “101‘K gan 1
11 1 1 1 1‘ ‘ Newspdl’ ' ' Member- ' ”50011 ~ ~ that thcrc 15 hft S such Should Invest 1‘5th The C011)
; 1.1 1 1 11 1 1 ‘ SustalngfiaI Assoclatlon “-cll as 1211ng in members. Grouliu1 1 it PreSS | Manpower Today 1 1 €le newSPa
1‘13: ‘~ 1. - 1E10 .' crease 1.~(0\VH n ..a\ve
2 .2 . . 2 Nationa ber . . thC lmgc 111 . . frequent} . More .. 1.1111. . becO]
1 ‘ 1 1111 1 ‘ 1 ‘ [e 1‘16"] lauon . 210115 Cd” . . c1— . . fI‘CC P11531 ' tned tO .
1 , . . Assocxa -0n Assoc , 1..1sgoc1al = 110,13] .1850 “.5 Strong. . desl , _
1 ’11 1‘ ‘ 1 Promo[1 ‘JS tTcKL ‘ ‘ t do, 1\1(1 . 1 '1‘] C com] I. . ,. . )Cr 111(1111 - DallV Trl
~ ~ . . 1 . . 1 )3 )er , . .~ . "(111110 , 3 1n 1 1. ~ 11c“ spdl bin .
, 1. 1 Nalllom‘l 1\eWSI I Kernel Press __ tllC 111d“ Idllcl] (- I )H 211 511(th 11110S . I 1r “111C155 thIL _ I 10111 COT 1 COPY
1 ‘1 1 1 ‘ Printed by The h 1 ml 0110” 1cm“ ( ' tiom 131d" up in dmgt t' more in men 11$th 111 The 0113’ .
.1. :1 I 1 . . (mixes! 9 athll 1“ ‘ .1 c assoCll1 ‘ . ,. ~im‘CS 111% . arc fonn ‘ 1 16 Time
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1 1.1 ' 1 . 1 11’" "1”11'~"’"°"e§.-ioriaz “PM“??? of every in- down to the PICS fl product at only a U1 1\.[=]11‘chr and kcyhotctilc “€ch to 1131.611 along the way it
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‘ w.‘ ;..~1 3 11 _ ,, of Free!" . medium f0I I ,_)1—()fif—1]l(1rb I .. . cat down ‘ 11c (LC . . , V-baslcnlfl . ubhsh
1 ~11 12 1111:» “WWII/“mspalm‘ “5 “ mm]. 1 camnmnzty de 101.1 1 f nrmin thrcsts t0 b 1 1r means. mth~ .11 ivcn 21““11'50111411‘ ’ ] int" 111156’1116 p t 1
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111 1. 1 1 , Mic, « ’ . 011 ‘ ‘ 1 m” 111 S ‘ 1 ~ 211 - .1 -
1 11 ‘11 1‘ 1 Irythl/(jllilent and Pragress' profits thrd (g)f 5()—C€lllC(1 “hthlchndcr thC ilgcmcut ggllticd more productlomI (1011 prevalent that; 8th
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‘11‘ .1; n 1 1 1 . I ‘dent . (1p . the den 18 ’. I I h- “.1111 our 1 .7. ratCs “1 1 Be ore
1'1 1» 1 6PM“ - - Be“?a . 1 taLUS _ ~ thc arc \\ (IgC nth - r
1111‘ . . 111 1 1 I W Foster Adams, V15 Berea szen, thg undcr I ts, the OptometrIISfS, .. tiqing fac’IOFE' 1(.\ cl. 11) betWCC“ 1)er1 IIII. become faith SeCI
111‘ ~ 1 1111:; ‘ _ .Manflger 1 wiccountd“ 1 . 1 md aclVU - . . but 1119 g‘1 . tterqhgnmh. f 1. Commun
1:1 1.1 11 .1. smataT)’ '11 ton 1“ ‘ . ~ 0)poSC( 1‘ . . ~ dowfl— nto bC . ~ 0 1113
.111» . 1; 1.1: ;-.1 victor R. Portmann: ‘ty of KentuCky, Lexl g itccts and othgrsI ‘11 thc" C1111 Chisel gratlsI. I Is cm bC brought: 11V to 1)ul1(1111111 “ere to be born z
E11 .21 . 1 1 ' rs: - . . c1 . ‘ ~ 1 ( cVCJ ‘ . 11>era . 1 ~ ' .
1.11:1 1‘ II 1 Unit/6 . C mmlttee _ I . 1' of that \\ 11 .. t'l‘filtlon .111 . 'c gpcnt “.ehau b11051
3111111 1 . luve 0 _ s m fam - - ns unduc .. .- “\Vc 11.11 1 . a0 years. .1 sands of pm
11:11 1' 1.1 ~ 1 Distl‘lCt Exea p rk City New ’ 1 t'ing rcstflCtlo ’ . incrt‘asmg . . nr thc P215t ’ ' 1101111111 - - "c v
.1111 : j 1“ ., . Gaines, Ia . . m T. Adxer lb . I s as well <15 I .. . gcihthS OH. I . , of mom} 1 111113 formal“ «
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1 “'11 1 1 111111 Bowling Green my Herald’ Eddywl 3211 City‘ 1(1'0'1Cth11t “DO“ pr 1 rcqtcr “CCCSSIU mus “if Thc theme 0 1'11631111611111 1 L own th'lt 1
‘1 . u ,’ 11‘ ‘ . x1 1.1 l . ' 1‘- 1 1 - 1 ' ‘
1 1 1‘11 11’ 1'11 Dam" Lyon C(iwessenger‘A’g’fs’ Germ] Louis- C .md unified PMS g “1111p“ Methods and MH‘?‘ to intestni 11 n 1026.] ti
1- 1. ‘ 11 111 Larry stone, ‘sar Com-zer-JOU ’ ocrat, strong ‘ l‘ \1' I is 11\/[cn, l . I‘IVC fallCd matelya C
11 .1 1 1 ‘1 111 Till-NI Basil Caurfimé 13:6“ Trimble D877: Lc- fI‘OU] day to (<1, - I {(ICCHHV ‘(l ne‘vspflpcll‘ flilcd bCC'duSC We 1‘ T110 Pathfindcl
1 .1.‘ 1 1 1 1 I J - 4 - ’ , ' 7'15 I . ,, 1121 ‘ - I. I . 'c 1 [1311'
.~ 1 1 ~ .~ 11 ,- . Fz til, rran cter, Emmi) ~ (31111531‘41 .. Halal“ . n . em 1 1 bell
11.11.. 1 1 1., . . \1116» .fsixth, George TrO _ her, Jr” Mercury, Up in P 111 a law had bcul II ~..1 our mm- 71 1-. 113 ANPA gcnI 1c11i. Dortch CampI
1 1’1 ‘ 1 1' ‘ 136df°rd‘ I warren R' F”. Common' .. . informed 114 Ind adwftlS“ . 15mm “111‘” ’ ‘lies “’111 1 ‘ established “1111]
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. 1. ‘1‘l .1 . - . ' , ‘ . 1 .~ 30 z ‘ - rv1 ‘~ . ~1c 1 ‘ . . J Lin: . met. 1
. . . . 1 1., C .115ch Ezgl . I Iames T , K. bchlHS . _ .,r10us SC . ,1 LT, 5:1 I ,. arc 1
, .1 1.1. m . N171“). 1ce . . ts \J , b. n .g . , , )apcrb can
. . . . t. Maur .. for 1 , 111d CL , f11c\\Sl . , 1an 1 oldj
. s a ; 1,111 1 1 .1.» 11h, Somerse . Tenth: 6’ he )rlCQS I a law < . . step 1 _ ‘ _. 1 “011 pus of 1:16
1 . 1 1‘ 1 ; 1 11 11 Eliggpcndml; 7Ashlalifilt’ldlesboro; State-fiffiifiy. fwwglpqper. Sure enough; illcg'fl for bathers 11LI-‘<1CIIt Subsjdlcsv hc SJIIICIvCh is 0116 01111.1 hood of the St. IC
.1. . 1 . 1 § , . 1‘ c I .' ( . I _ . . _. r . i
1 1 1 1111111 Henry’ Dallihlhfécham county 1197:3311: Journal) )11S§C(110ngagonkfltlng1151-1)]C from 0ut51dc $011 to thc frcc perS “Mr Wilhal115 131.1 Apparently 3130
. 1 ‘ 1 ' ‘ ’ ( ~ . i I u . . _
11111 1 11111111 Fred "112111126 5‘ C" Van (fuggiz‘dent, Thomas 10 displaV a Prlcc hSt 101 Hill "1 customcr U'lfiirs of our natioflf the 11CWSD3Pcrhe111 finder was estab
; 11 1‘.1~ 'I Statefl ‘ ’ - Pas ' 2 NH 11 ‘ . » )1 2 1 s 111 [5111' .
1 11111- 1.1 , .11 1“ ankaYU Immedlawd 1‘ Lexington. the 51101) It 1]]1t .if TC 116 gOCS Into Ithc i rthCr that progl'tg c labor lcgdfi I was brought Into
1 111111 1 1 11 11 Lr Adams Herald-L815?“ )uld like to know bc 01 clipped twlce’ “1 ’1g rctqrdcd by 501“ d1 Times-Tribune CC
1 11111 , 1 ‘ .1. - ’ - -,Presz , w< . ~ )c . )cn ‘ - 1. , la
11111". 1 1 1 1 1 ”mes M. Wlll'l: Press Service’ InC- b 1g shop if 110 18 gm“? tri’s molhcr dog fight 1:)rcc “feathcrhccldlfltlgcing r0q11110d1d11h1'1 newsPHDer dated
11111.11- 1'3. ‘ . U‘ . 1 '~ 1c" ‘ ._ . )‘ , e . . ~.
I. . 1 I I1 I Kenn": Y Alessengc” Branden D WI] 111 1110r1d‘l t , C1 for the [111(chr “NIOTC mCD (11'6 II I tun“? ucC , LllIlC IV, 1ndlcat1
.1 .I 11.1 . . president 0 1'th the stfltC bOJr . I 0111 111 I t‘ than 1(er JC 0 (161991111 I I 189
, 111.11,. 11 11 M wilson, FIT-5‘ Il/(lichewS Hardinsburg going 011 m t Lstrict ’ldVCl‘tlSlllg- l 1 rt some contutc SI told the 150 “$911111 Islence smce d f
1‘11. 1, ~ '- - 1 .' )r‘~ ‘ -. 1021‘ - - 1’ 1C 1116‘. '1 :
11.. _ . ( eolge Hera ‘d "t ,1.ch mmg ‘ 4 :‘lclst5 V1 1 IC 10b7 I that .1 I .1, 3130 publls 1e
.11 1- 1. . . 166 Pre51 e 1 1‘1 : - ~ 11c 131mm“ - <10 11 . - tenCC 11103111.
1'1 1 1 1 1 Benllet Roach, Second Vgthelb)’ News, Shelbyv“ c C‘llifomlfl It? tthics" 11tthcmonlent‘ Tm “There 15 the 111:1: not (10va 1111 b1: 11' 10111115 Academy-
11.“ = 1 1 ‘ r 1 . - 1re ‘ .1 ~‘ \rm . .. a 1. I .( . 1 ~ -
111 : ,1 1 I mnzum. Sen-ElwynImImgeIIexI"gm“ 11)uildlflg thdII boar d there 15 c01151<1c IIIIzIIS: 1)le for “oilx th 1-1uSC dcmflndc dcn1111111 eIditor. T1113 IIIC
11' 1 1 1 111m)" R. 10 (7'11“51'5111101 Kentuuyv 3131C pharmflg '~ Erection but greatl} “c foitherhcddmg C1 .c make—work. 55” .1 Sh-column, few
11 1 1 '1 1rd Of Directors er ncW ruk‘S 111 HHS} the fZICC 0f Strong 01)— mm' unions. 1.10 healthy buslflc 1111113: 1902; had
1; i 11 BO‘ - Advocate‘Messeng ’ . .1 1mm now 1". . T~ mapcr Pub— 1 ‘ ' ntinuC 1“ ‘1
p 1 . Enos Swain, I Anderson News, ch( ( 1 I c.111for111c1 1\CW11 I K] C3111101 C0
.11 C'1"""“"”’ E. Garrison’ 1 News; )sition by 11‘. ‘ things 02‘“ ‘1‘
.1 . ille' Rumsey - Henryv ”“31 pt '1 non. TIN“ '
1. . 1 Danv - , MaurlCe . _ in progress, 131]ng AssOClJ
1: ‘ ' .1 Lawrenceburg1 Niles O. Dlllmgha 1 15
11. 1 111 1 MiddleSbsorfi;ngS' officers Ex‘officw'
’I,‘ 1‘1 1. Dawson P
11 .11 -‘ 1‘ -
* ‘1 1
.1 11 1
. 11 1 1 1 11 1I
1 1 7, '
' 11. ‘I 1.1.

 , i i Ex" .f'l ...
elyopposejhE : ‘ E ,
an protefistmit I o . i E ,
mad. ' l [N H t B l 7894 l l
E Enlist Corbin s C o orfu ewspaper is ory egan n E
18mg, so 53181 , . . .
30mm hulle‘ Abrief but interesting iOLlriialistic history COhUTlTL four page tHbIOid- and became its president. ' ' ’

Of the Cohrill fCorbin and its newspapers, beginning in In this same year, 1902, The Good News. That spring the printing plant was moved ‘ E
f a survey ll-‘l $394 was presented in the Iune 2 issue of paper was started entitled, The Good News. from the Mike Sherman building next door 3 E
)1t.° $1.50wa the ’l‘ribune, its “convention” issue, and is It bore the subtitle, “God Is Love.” C. L. to the Kentucky Theater (and now a part E El
\ ”811119118 hull herewith reprinted as a unit in the historical Andrews was editor, and this newspaper had of the Mullins Department Store) to the E

to be thCall cries as The Press endeavors to present the unique system of using a boilerplate Eaton building at 308 S. Main Street. A W .
price fl(l\"€l’ll§ii. similar histories of all newspapers in every front page. Although it was an eight page, Goss Comet newspaper web perfecting V

.Stm our [ll :itv and county in the state. The Tribune six column newspaper, it had only two pages press was installed, another Linotype was

”Hg 3mm“! stated: 4 of home print, and they were in the middle purchased, and the newspaper was on its E

_. The history of journalism in Corbin be— of the publication. Somewhere in the early way toward development into a daily. E1 3'

[ gan in 1894 when W. T. Chestnut estab— 1900’s, G. I. Humfleet published The In 1930 Iames 0. Crawford joined the . E
iday E lished The Corbin Enterprise. In that year Laborer. staff and also bought an interest in the cor- l
.. .. E. aweekly newspaper was born which was The late T. L. Metealf should be given poration. Evans, who retained an interest E 3. E
is .1)rlhs~“l"[ destined to become the forerunner of The credit for bringing a semblance of order out in the business, sold the remainder of his . lilft
iiliiiEtLCI-ujlljlm Corbin Daily Tribune and Sunday Times. of the chaos of early journalism in. Corbin. stock toEthe Crawford brothers in 1937. El ll
5 are fonndl The only copy of this newspaper now on He took over the Corbin Times inE1905. Q\vnersh1PEl1as remained static Since that . 1 EEE E E
ecn rei=cniieizl file in the Times—Tribune office was pub— Inst how this title had come into existence time. Robinson and the Crawford brothers 5 lEE
from kevs ,l-E; lished Thursday, Ian. 17, 1895. It was Vol— is not known. It had been entered in the are the only stockholders 1n the corporation. r: E
E1 COIlfCiCHiClELl umeII, Number 14, and listed D. T. Chest- postofhee in 1904 and was likely .3 successor The Times—Tribune was expanded into a 3 . 5 E;

i nut as editor and publisher. The Enterprise to the numerous other publications which semi—weekly in 1929, as a step toward. a E E l
more and 1nd was a four—page, seven column weekly with had been started in the years-Since 1894. daily, and carrier delivery serViee was in— g < ll ll
reduction n El patented insides and home printed front Editor Metcalf kept the Times until 1912 stalled. In 1934, in the midstEof the de— . g E lli EE
Herald éEEEEj and back pages. when he sold it to W. A, and I. I. Price. pression, the five—day Corbin Daily Tribune I EEEE .
:r. “Tliereiiiil There is not printed record of the length Metealf published it in a little frame build— was established. The title was split, With E l 3,
red to hand of life of the Enterprise, but somewhere ing which stood near the present City muni— the Corbin Times being established as a ; : EEE .
)le to par moi along the way it succumbed or was merged cipal power plant. The Price brothers kept Saturday paper, and delivered as part of a E :5 ll
fact that new with other journalistic productions. the newspaper until 1918 and then sold it six—day package to subscribers, or sold sep— EE E: ,
nanvbasicniii Beginning with the advent of the Enter— to Fred Nevels for $1,650.. arately as a weekly. The Saturday paperEdid ‘ .EEEE; til
E soilittle inii‘ prise, the publishing business went through Somewhere along the line the late Con— not go too well, and it was converted in a . El i .
'0ducti0n," “It many turbulent years. Reverses were more gressman I. M. RobSion was 21 Silent partner few months to the Sunday dateline and a E 1' l E E
er wars oldoraE prevalent than successes, but somehow the in the newspaper here. I. C. LayE was. also colored comic section was added. _ E! ii .l'
rstand and do. Enterprise and its numerous successors have a part owner of the Paper at one time in its In the meantime, E two additional news- EEE g EEE f
E mutuallr 510;] emerged into what is now known as The history; and Harold A. Browning, owner of papers and a shoppers news-had been tried . E EEEEEEE
Will not most Corbin Daily Tribune and Sunday Times. the Whitley Republican at Williamsburg, in Corbin. Paul Coins published the Eshop— , ; El EEEE E
CC“ procliiclitil Before the Tribune and Times were to operated it at one pomt in its career. . pers throw—away, printing it from his job . EE E lz'l E
etter aligniiicnfl become fairly securely anchored in the life About 1920 the lateEIudge Richard Wil— 5110p. It eventually went out of business. E till? I
. to build plii'E 0i this community, several other journals liams bought the Corbin Times. Iohn Lair, W. D. Grote started The Republican _ -E : E l; i E
'ears. Wchaixj were to be born and to go the way of thou— who now owns the Renfro Valley enter— Record in the early 30 s hoping to make it E 11 . E EE 3
noncy on piEEE‘ hads of publications throughout America prises, was Iudge VVilhams firstleditor. He a political journal for the dominantEpalrty in . l ‘z‘Ei l‘il -.
this confetti?» lIlElts formative years. There is no accurate was succeeded by Col. C. B. Clift, who in Southeastern-Kentucky. But politica sup- E_ E 1 ll '5
iines.' Wellal printed record of these newspapers, but it turn gave up the management to Morris C. port was lacking, and the newspaper folded. E - E EEEEE
ed to jnVESllll 151910th that the liSt iHChlded ZIPPFOXi‘ FlOI'Cl‘. Florer now runs a suburban weekly Ray \EVatkins bought the Goms—West— . E . EE-EEE :

mately .1 dozen titles. in Ohio. There may have been other own— brook-Clift )Ol) shop and started The Tri— . EE-E ;

‘A general iiiiiE’ The Pathfinder was founded in 1899 by erships and ramifications in those days from County News, which he operated as a .E E EEE E:
dies will be it, Dorteli Campbell. In 1900 the Campus was 1894 until 1926, but no written record has weekly for several years. He sold it to go . E . E
unablC to hr] §Slabli3hed with W'. B. Huddeson as pub— been left of them. . . into the wholesale hardware field.E The new . EE . E
would meant lislier. This paper was issued from the cam- In 1926 the widow of Iudge Williams owners tried publishing from their plant at > i .léj i
i is one ollhl pus 0f the Old Academy in the neighbor— sold the newspaper, then known as the Cor— Mt. Vernon for a short time, and then . K" E E ~
\VilliamS iiiiE hood of the St. Iohn’s Episcopal church. bin Times—Tribune, to Herndon I. Evans dropped it. . . . 1 . i E .35 E E

newspapcrfitli Apparently about the same time the Path— (the present editor of the Lexmgton Her- TIICECOI‘bln ETirmes—Tribune, Inc., boug 1t _ .‘ it E E
bor leaders will finder was established, the Corbin News ald) and Dr. Tilman Ramsey of PineVIlle. a half interest. in The Enterprise Publishing . _ :2 EEE 7.

E “twbrought iDtO being, for the files Of the They hired Arthur Morris to operate the Co., Harlan, in 1927. Robinson, premdent ' IEE
required, 1111th TlmeS-Tribune contain several issues of that newspaper. Morris lasted a year. Dr. Ram- of the corporation, boughtEthe other halfh of , , EEEE E
uallv iiecdedl‘l newsPaPeI dated in 1902 and bearing Vol— sey sold his interest in the plant to Mrs. the Enterprise stock. This ownership as EEEE ll ,
1500 delegate time 1V, indicating that it had been in ex— Marie Pfeffer in 1927, and she came to GOP 21130 remained Stfltlc- . l l E E{ .
at a newspflP‘ll lStenCe Since 1899. The Corbin News was bin to run the paper. In September, 1928, In 1947 the local newspapers went into E . . E E E
116, tlie illogiti’ also EPllhlished from the campus of St. Iohn L. Crawford bought intoEthe plant and the radio broadcasting busmess, establishing i E E E _
nanded by St lolins Academy. George E. Hancock was succeeded Mrs. Pfeffer as editor andEpub— Radio Station VVCTT. The new radio :ta- E E E E E
-work cleiiiaflfll eEdltor. This newspaper was originally a liSher. In April, 1929, I. Springer Robinson tion had a power .Of 250 watts. Soon a ter . E i E E
v 1m.siriC$5-H " 51*“)le f0u1‘ page publication, but by of Harlan acquired an interest in the com— it went on the air, the owners realized it 1 E ~
' lune, 1902, had been cut down to a four— pany, which had been incorporated in 1926, was not adequateh’ servmg “115 area. Many j ‘ E '

l i

 1: «.11111r-1F11"": ..
1 1‘1 11“ 1
i1 11 1 I
11111111 '1 "1"" PAGE
:1 1111111l 1 _ 1 TWO THE KENTUCKY mass 1
1111 11111 1 11 ULY1i9so JULY, 1960
1 1'1“ ‘ P '
1111 . 1 AODI [figugations Do Not Eastern Court Holds That Scholarshi A d d 1
1 111111 1 1 1 :py o ome Premiums Unknowns Can Be Libeled D 11 1': War e 1‘ Corresponden
1111111 1 f, . . . OHaC l , .
1 11! 1111 1 subscrigt‘iitriismdrillgbiShel-1' EOEtemplating 1:11 Reinstatement of a dismissed libel action COunty l-Iiglilgcsnciiodlees a Bricklmidgt1 celebrates 1c
:11111 s : n W 10 icyc es won 1 1‘ - - . . enior, .
l ‘11 11 1i 1 ’1: be awarded to youngsters two turned in a clgirltlivshihsf) 1231;131:132? (PM Inq‘mer “=- “amed Wlnner of the Breckinridgeascolim' ourblrfl‘dWS, at
1 11111:“ 1111 1 1 1 certain number of new subscriptions, asked occasion t . ) gave the court an Herald—Meade County Messenger '0 m1 Along by hfes v
1‘ 1:: 11 11 1 L if such an arrangement comes under the arises oft O f30niment on a question that 13m SChOhrShip to the University 111111211211 They mark outt
1 .111 1111 ‘1 u ,, I 1 6T1 In a newsm er offi -; tiCk . en- ’ a 56 b
1 1‘1 1 1 i 150 percent rule of the post office. That can you libel a man witlihut CC“ V1/hen lTh' ' ' Sou; P:— y
11 11 1. is, the requirement that any premium or The I111 16 . f _11€1ming iim? lrteen high school seniors from 111 a)
11 1 1111 1 1 1 discount cannot exceed one-half of the lisher r:l ty ' ISSue 0 Editor and PUb— two Counties COmpeted for the 4-year c And 10 0k back 0]
11 11 1 1 1 1 regularly advertised subscription price How— :1 a es, in January, 1958, the Inquirer tion and books award. The grou t1” 1 This verse beg
11 1 1 1 h - reporte that the District Attorne hal b - 6n Clier'l ' 1 pwas glv- inn 0f Mrs- M
11 11 1 1 eter, t e rule does not apply to arrange‘ gun investigt‘ltin “a e t 1 y c e k g a interest test by the [11111161811101 u Sh 1
1 1 ,1 1 , , - ' . , . ‘ I' c c 7' ' ' ' ’ 1
111 111 11 1 1 incnts between the publisher and his solic1— slice of the cancilled Uporertglt; $909300 1C11tueky TCsnug SerVICC m an effort 101 i0t fit]; 7:131“:
1 1 11 "11 r 1 tors, or agents. The postal department COH— tor deal was earma k dplf) ar y incmera— cetermme the persons With the best apli. 1 more an it he‘
11 1 1 1 firmed 11m understanding. Roy Sheridan, 8 numbercof t crle or division among tilde for a 10urnalistic career. 1 birthday, Miss

1 111 1 1 1 chief of the mail Classification branch, others 1’ owns iip commissmners and 7The scholarship is for QPPIOXirnatelr B11111“ County S
11111 1 1 “1111631 1rY011r understanding is correct in One of the commi 1 $-00 each year or an amount which wi111 R1V€FTi§er1 111'
11 111 1 ‘ 1 that while under the provision of Section brought suit for libelssrrcliiers, named Farrell, cover tuition and books for the student ~ cor;1t1mi:e ftot 111m
11 1 1 1321221 no reduction would be made to the on the defense 11111 .therec nempaper relied Publishers George Wilson and James ltost 0th 61
11 111 1 1 1 1 1 subscriber of more than 50 percent of the action since no 1111111311qu was no1cause of Willis have also made arrangements f011 Yeas o1t 1: 1
11 111 1 1 1 regular achfiertised subscription Price, there been indicated ( I COminissmner had g1V1ngthc winning student work during 1151 Ciimmunlldy’bUt
11 1 1. is no provrsron governing the amount a ub- - - ' 1 _ summer. Their overall r - te WOT a 0‘11
1! 1111 1 , li] . 1 P This is what the court said in th p ogram 15 to 6"" ““016 0“ 1315’ 8

1 11 1 1 1 1 Sicr must receive from agents soliciting spect re 1 1 fit re— courage a local yOuth who would b .1 1 . -’

1 11111 1 1 subscnptms on commission" , versmg a lower courts ruling in ested in workin f0 :11 em" craticConventro
11 11,111 111 1 1 ________‘___ faV0r 0f the publisher; pletion of his g 15 C1: 111“ 15‘9“ “P0“ m1 to win, and by 1
11131:; 1 “ . “ , . . WOT" a ie ' '
1‘ 11131 11 1 11 people in the tri-county area were bein _ 1 Where a defamatory PUthHtIOD OI ut— ___—_:1:fl_1 well as mentally.
| 1-11 111 1 1:. prived of b d _ 1 g d6 terance is directed toward a class or r0u ' - - - 1 and ways, regarc
11 1 1 i night Efforrtza Castb servrce>h1618 Peeially at whose membership is so numerous tlflt 111(7)j ilabldlti, for hbd depend “Po“ the form 0f1 And ag