xt7m0c4sn21p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sn21p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-10-13 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 6, October 13, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 6, October 13, 1910 1910 1910-10-13 2015 true xt7m0c4sn21p section xt7m0c4sn21p  
q IS ()F ma anrroa nw
  ""“"‘°""°" University of Kentucky
I Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER I3, 1910 No. 6 {
1-1;-—-  ___ ,__  __ .j_.j._. .. _`_—; 
I • ollna.'s ball on 25—yard line. They
B t punted, Shanklln returning ba$l 10  
            yards. Shanklin made three yards ___
around en}- Threlkeld ga‘“€d O"'? Unless We Awaken Ourselves to the
  yard, Shanklin kicked outside, our present condmont
t _"`”"`—l”w`"' " man recovering ball. Galser now punt-
"j ed for State. Galser kicked 25 yards. Since the Opening Of the athletic
T ° I1 f State held- Held again- GUS"` mak' season an appalling decrease in mem-
AIIOthCI" rtump or State me ¤ beautiful ¤‘¤¤¤*¤¤ tackle- T*"**l· b€·rs'hip of or- athletic moctnton has
l keld having no interference was been very forcibly brought before us.
|   _.____...; thrown for a loss. Threlkeld held. _Why is this decrease? is in because
ay • g“ai“"` yung? F“"°““*:i"€g““ll“g bgll the present management has changed
  yar s. a e pena ze s yar s. _. .
1             State held·. N. Carolina penalized 20 gmbeizlggeogg ?;];m;:1S;};;P tggkigst L:
• yards. Thev kicked, and tliltner run- whom have not given ’theEr hearty
In Years lling *h’°“gh a S°*‘“"’°d nfld- ""ls support toward the most tmpoptant
55 yards before being thrown. Shank- form Of college activities., IS it b€_
lin for the third time tried place kick cause the Old men have failed to m_
` _~1”_—_—_— :):2 mi§S°d·i I? Cargligadball Og form the new men of the necessity
t er s-yar: ne. n ot secon - _ .
T Am,. Sixty minutes or real football. Johnson where he caught the ball. quarter. The playing m<>¤tly in N- ?;nat,;);;r0tc;)tt?·p;m20; 8.;?t€,,[th€» mam.
Such as was never seen before OH Sum N- Carolina Pllllffd. Shanklin pulled Carolinafs territory, they fighting hard An imereét in aglletkgs tif; back
Field, State triumphed 0V•‘¢¤` N0l`th OU 5 Yards 8r0l1¤d L. E. Threlkeld to stave oft the inevitable—our touch- bone of every institution `0f`I€ammg
Cam“na_ Both or State’s touch downs 88i¤€‘d YOOUHS thmugh W6 ll¤€· d0W¤· in this eonqtpy and more Qspeciallty Og
were made by Bryan Shaukiltr UIG Shtmkliu punted, Watkins tackling Third Quartet the Univ€_rsm_ of Kentucky Should be
first by means ef a' forward paSs’ his man on the SDCL Spencer made North Carolina kicked oft to Giltner m8·I1if€St€d by each and every student.
while the scmnd was the result of 10 yards tkmugh the une' Then our who again by the fastest kind of run- Athletics is the most attractive part
3 "S1¤i¤ tackle), play- . i wud cats held those husky giants ning, good interference and good head of College life, in which men are
During the first quarter thmgs look- three times and the ball went over, work, for the Second time that day, trained both mmtauy and physically
ed Very dubmus mr State' especially Thmlkeld again could gain ¤·¤th*¤g running through a widely scattered by this form of student activity,
when North Carolina made Stronger through the une' Watkins was tack` mass. gained 55 yards on the return. The new men are the ones tc whom
gains for S€·,gn[_y·§ve yaI‘dS, CHIY to led behind the line anti thrown for Shanklin gaibed 2 yards around R_ we appeal and also [0 any Of the
bg stopped by BH i¤l€¥‘€€Pt€d tetwefd 2* nV€'ya"d {ess S¤¤¤k1¤¤ _l’“m°d_ 25 }g_ Shankun thrown for tt loss, We faculty and upper classmen who have
Pass- Net much gam could be made ya'rdS’ Camlmas ball on 4°`ym`d Ima attempted forward pass, hit ground, not shown any signs of vigor and vim
¤g¤i¤S* the "T°* H°""S" ‘“ “‘° "'St Th°" ‘“““° me yards ""°“gh Babu penalized, N. cmttnas bail. The-y in this matte-.
q“a"t€l`· but during the rest Of the Gained the mm? around R' End` punted, Giltner returning 7 yards, We have brought this que¤k Sh0W M PENNANT8, POSTERS [
RESIGNED. Ch cago. '
' ——— ——‘ STATIONERY . ‘
521 S0 th L· _ Mr. D. C. Frazee, who has been Elmendorf, which is connected with {
u mw · ne ent ot the Universit for the College aifords excellent opportu- PRINTING ,
Busi es Ag Y .
  u uumbgr gf yggrg, tendered his [QS- llitiés to S[',l1d€I1tS f0I` live stock work. t
EVER %0R THE ignation to the Board of Trustees to Dr. Soovell, Director of the Experi-     & C0. _ _ ‘
' take effect October 1st. Mr. Frazee ment Station and College of Agricul- ,  
Developing and Printing- expoglctg to go to farming ln Mason ture, who is recognized eV€l‘Y’Wh€l‘€ Iuccorpomted { [
· county. Mr. Frazee is succeeded by as an expert Jersey judge. is in charge N0_ 152 west Main Street `
  Fhgto Csitpgiy 00* Judge W. T. Latterty who will attend ol the breedllng, experimental feeding, I
er H YS en cu we to the Business Agen•t’s duties to- etc., ot the cows in that dairy. He LGXIDKKOH. KY-  
  I . `     J
` gethler with his former position as has, this last weeki beenthac Igg la; New Phone 621X Old Phone 6174;
Anlnn N  r. comptroller of the University of judge of dairy catte at c- no E H &   g
Kentucky. State Fair. W LS ,
UNIVERSITY ICE CREAM] ______________ A 5(,ook—judging team composed of PRINTING 1
PARLOR Mld LUNCH STAND "JUNIOR-8ENIOR" GAME. J. du P. Oosthinzen, G. C. Routt and Rush Work g Specialty ,
-... . i bel h- ~
ami. nm., and wr...l..w amt. l E- F W°'“"‘?.**°“ “ “°" ““i°°“§ "°·‘“ °°“*" L"“°•*°"° l
An interesting classy game of toot- ed by Prof. hooper in preparat on or Lgxingtgu, Kentucky, \
ball will be pulled oft betlween the two the judging contests at the National ·
J. J. FITZGERALD upper classmon Wednesday. October Dairy Show at Chicago, on the 21slt of   l
· h at 3 o’clock on Stoll Field. October.
. PLUMBING *9* · · l
_ Hart and Cleveland have not yet an- The judging will consist of two
Steam and water Heatmg nounced the officials for Friday’s rings of each of tour classes of dairy
269 W. Short. — - Lexington. Ky, game. The pig-skin will be dispatch- cattle, namely, Jerseys, Ayrshires. _ .
  gd according to the new rules and Guernsneys and Holstein Fl‘i€¤i¤¤¤·     S
many freak students and trick plays A trophy is offered for the best work g Y
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY are expected. Both teams have about on each class and also one for the best ‘
OFFICE and YARD— even chances to win as they are ot average on all the olasses. Also a   N Limestone L
Ng_ 157 N_ Br0adwa_y_ about the same avoirdupois. $400 scholarship ls offered for best in- `
e . t. All ._...
RA [l·*           .   ‘“‘.f“.‘"i ””“§i." $2;.5 'QZZ .‘£“1?.““§..;;;1‘.‘;i..;’.‘;$..;‘“.‘i,ii‘.... ..
_ v_ __ _ ·ea»msresue na- . e - -·
put' h' Bmadwub and Lhmty Ms' admission fee will be charged and the country will send teams and con- N E _
-—-i.---—-—- ,1 large crowd is expected to witness sequently the contest will be s close CW ql1lpI`[lCIlt
» ’ me game, one. Our boys have been doing some
    ___,_.._;____...____. vgpy hard “'0]'k lu prgpgrgtign gud
SCHANGIYS CANDY KITCHEN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. should stand a good chance of winning
119 South   St ........ u. trophy. Later On 8. team Will be at A      
Lexington _ Kugwcky For years the Agricultural has been the International Live Shock Show.
’ - - the infantant department of the Uni- —-———
versity. but that day has nos passed 'Ilhe Agriculturatl Society met last ‘
J M     and the Agriculutral College is grow- Friday night for the hrst time this 4
' ° g lng so rapidly that in a few years it year. Oillcers elected for this term W   d I th U . . ·‘
_ c are rlen s 0 c mverslty Q
will me the largest in the University. were: G. C. Rloutt. President, E. F. _ _ d K
. There are sixty-eight students en- Worthington, Vice—pre·sldent; W. W. Lets Get Acqualhlt  
  rolled in the course this year compared Fitzpatrick, Secretary and Treasurer; it
to forty-two last year. These students A. C. Bally Corresponding Secretary, V p
205 Merrick Lodge Building. represent the best class ln school. No and J. du P. Ooslthinzen, Sergeant-ab

 { I
sl T H E l DE A 3
:-—-—————-;———-——————- Arms. The program for the evening allker. And then what a time we hm], I
· was short but interesting. Prof. Lt ls impossible to express m words  
· r. Mathews made an excellent talk on the joy and pleasure that were ours. 222 west Main
I ‘ the ¤0ci•ty and its outlook and that of Only those who knew that dear bunch KQDAK FINISHING
r .   ent". the College ln general. The next of girls at Patt Hall can imagine the AND pH0TO8_
i ` meeting will be Friday night, October charmrlng evening we spent. Long Bring your Kodtk umu, to mm
· A · Bear in mind that the LBP 21. Lust year this society dld excel- life and supreme happiness to every  
• . . . ,
I y mmou Drug C0. is the most lent work and now its prospects are member of the Louisville Club, espe   &  
Q ‘ · I f much brighter than ever before. chllly its honor member.
· (30IlV8I1l€'I1t p GCG 0I' y0\1,
· g · wed f • Aside from havting Idea correspond- ___________;____ If YOU want 8 DGW DU? of B·h0€¤ 80
' md ·· htm · amount 0 mp ants it has one that contributes each to thé SMG d€¤l€l‘· It Y0¤ *¤¤t YOU?
4 t formation wall be granted k ` I ’, THE PA‘rTEns0N s0c•~£‘rv. Shoes re med 0 to Homker the shoe
*· j you. And that it is the place Kg: Lfallbutgezig the F"m°" EAL --- maker D 8
. to buy your ° ’ As was predicted at the beginning ° 113 S0 th will
¥ · ll l .
. ; 4 of the term, the Patterson Soclety is H , , ,,
I t som WAHI, , ·r•-tz a¤ucA·n0NAt. ¤sPAn·rMam· en, mg the most pm, 8 year in >tUI·F SAID.
, its history.
ETABLITI, The department ot mmuon or The new members are dev] mg SARRIS & CO.
* PENCIL! and ;;°i:;'”_8&`;$“;c::‘;°n“;;f sign °°;“ rapidly m me an or expression and g¤Mg.MApg gnrpy
. ° me old members are working with
* · t . .
t 5 8T*“°“*Y·   if" i;'iuf*t‘;‘;;'·8l*;;‘;mSfb“;;)l;l‘;;   extraordinary zeal and enthustm. Farsn EVERY DAY
. . n .
‘ . N tl h ld l t S t d A '
when thex are g0od_ Crymgin The Educational Defartment last mu to Ovemowmg I Muse of Om, —THE-—
r and we will certainly do the year, though containing only a few splendid grmimn victory of that umm
best We can for you, Seniors, they were among the best
? · Respectfully, students or the University. The class "°;;ri0mm has always been a pmmi_
2 · of ’10 chose for their President R. A.
nent charactenlstlc of the Society.
"         Ei:mN?’D8' Iijtatricillate of me Edu` Therefore upon Saturday night, the
V , · g g , cw one epa men . Lit ti I { t_
V The Senior Educational class this Bmw program was eu {why gg? A1 h
Corner Main & mm , ten and when the notes o t e ug e, ways the Best S 0W.
I 45, year being larger than last year s, also tmmlblrmg with gladness mm, out up_ A1 th Pri
I Phoenix Howl Building. contains the foremost students in the on the quiet air, eéery °m€m_bm_ ways ° 6 ce-
»- Undversflty. The class of *11 chose for buckled on his mlmem of ghostly A]W8·Y$ mein- A1W`9·Y8 G00d·
R   President O. E. Baird; for Class Rep- whim and Semed forth to join the Often Out-Talked-—
' ep ' erercises of the night. 3 SIIOWS D3»1]y—3Z00, 7230, 9200.
The Department, like that of Agri- Th Socpt h m I t
a   culture is steadily growing and 6 h y   a` VGWTZ nc en "'_['R,Y T0 GE m’_"
· t ‘ · 'I ‘ I ’ body of officers s year. ey are
{ I · . through the Lersonal Work of DQ" S3): as follows: H. A. Babb, President; G.  
· throughout me Smt9’ urging t 6 g C. Routt, Vice—President; Slocum S.
’ 114-116 North Upper St. schools to high-er and a common ideal • .
Prlsse, Secretary.
¢ has no doubt. done a great work ln be-     C  
? LEXINGTON KY half of Education. `
E ` State University offers the best and THE HIPPODROME.
F h     only teachers course, in a teacher"; .1-. _
or t Q C0 egg oy college Orrered in the state and to While there ts nothing on the Hum
{ students Qtspecially who desire to bill this week so imposing as Naeatas  ‘
teach, of the opportunity to take this "NY’Y¤DhS of the Sea OY Peter the
  Blallkéts teacher-S cOm·S€_ Great, there are four acts which ar;
bright and strappy from start to ilnis •
C f rts, “‘— .
l Om 0 LOUISVILLE CLUB Rgcgpg-|g»q_ and which make up a. rmghty good      
Q Sheet; ....... hour’s show.
. Who said "Clas·s?" Everybody that Thé 0D€‘¤i¤g act BiSS<>¤<·tti and of Lexan ton
‘ Pluow cues attended the reception at Part »t·:.on Newman. has ¤°V€V been €‘Xc"1_l€‘d g
        Hall, Saturday €V€n1iHg.   LUlllS' locally   any exponents of athlPtlcS`  
H d T _1 d S _t B tt ville Club is certainly some classy Thé two b0Y·%' HPSY 3i>l>€‘HY`3¤€0 i1°‘&UY
N1 80mO MUN lu 8» u on bunch and heygs looking at 1-m_ attired in well tltting uniforms gains
Gloves, and Sllythillg 8180 8116 W8Ilf·S 815 Evgryr feuow in School join; iq px. the 3ud·ience`s respect, before they do   B.  
· special prices tending to them the glad hand for a thing. Their work is quick and for Vocalist
their abundant hoswpitality and ClTl'll'lll· the ¤1¢>St l>¢11‘t· 911tl¤‘9lY 0¤`1l¤¤¤l·
· ing entertaining p0w€yS_ Ang that Alice Marie, a petite little lady has
J I-   honor member of thelr’s, whose otllcial 801116 excellent i111*l>€‘!‘S0¤¥Ul0¤S in hi"`
• • cognomen is -·D€an_··g Gee; Shes repertoire, most notable among tie
great! The whow school is .;e_·g and number being the Indian Maiden and    
she is ours.-—more than an honor the Bathing Gill
· mambmy Shg is one Or ng We John Coghlan. an electrical wonder.    
RK   tthtink lt, we feel lt, we know it! does various astonishing stunts wit 1 Th I r H t `ll H `h .n 1 cxi [
E.   What 8. Cllllliix. that was to the http- electricity which nxiikei tsledtitgdignf; Yai:°;0i“p;;1U*ll:?s$i)e2£1l&y. nil on
Inpom,. and pmt., in l>¢“¤i¤S¤ 0* the Ktwtfst dat “'*°"**"‘*’ Sit “*’ ·""’ "f‘S;’· “ “ wd alone B_ FO'I`$QH_ lnupraetor
spent in our lives. V\.hat a welrt.mt·— S markable ter ormtance . _ V  4_
CHINA CUT GLASS. SILVER BRASS alnlggt divmgknv-is-ion that greeted should crowd the house at every show. —·-—······*·—··—·—;"‘
‘ _ our gyeg when we approached (fear The Full? Sh2iml1l0llS Slgll Z1 UU]?. For     and
AND PLATED WARE' old Putt Hall,-—at'ter that glorituts dance a litt‘e and talk a little. There Pure Ice cream
· I LAMPS ELECTROUERS FANCY tramp all over town ——st2l clad in the is a clever little fellow; ;vhl;o(ilsi;·£—tc;':r;‘ H0 tu thc
° homely costume that ma e tie parat e young w no as mos o · -
DISHES NOVELTYS &c' at once so unique and pictmesque, diana beaten. His work is bright and BLUE GRASS OQNDY cou
tl ‘ _ but received by our hosteswrs and he has a better stage appear&ll0¢’ thai! 351 west Minn St-
117 W MAIN New Phone 980 hos-ts as gladly as though we www a good m·n1y performers who have Léxlugtou, Ky,
YOUR TRADE SOLICITED the regulation evening spade tail and been in the business all their life.

 ··   I
4 T H E I D E A ‘ I
    'Coleman, I,. O.   ’ E E
• "Cham•bers, A. I,.   L
I‘nl1l|sl1<—1l •·ve1·y Tilllfitifly by the student body of State |'nlv1~rs|ty of K1-ntucky, °°CT‘0It. P H.
for th· 111 eflt of the stud mts. tl fi I _~ 1 I _
1 e 1 t InSt;alH1(;11 tx and tlumnae of tiat Freamrm. Tee I ’
—t—· —~·-··———-;·———————————  *Garvln, J. /.-L
Tm·:1t11·1A1. lll ffl*ll - r 1-     1 ll 1.. 11 *kl* ,.1; .
.1...1.... .1... ...11....1 .»li..éT 3.2 .'}.‘lZl“‘Z.‘l.'}E.’§.°..'.2.‘..1‘.·IJ2f.I.`i$.¥11...€.T".....2.. .‘§?"{}....¥`..‘Q...$. ·oree¤~. R. 1.. - , . g, —
In addition {il(‘l`t’i0 it gives items of Interest t·on<—erlng other universities and Handley H D · '
colleges in the l'nlted States and Canada. ’ ' ' —( 111
 ————— "Je1wett, J. G.   1
Enterred at Lexington Post Uffleeas second elass mall matter. ·M Y`? `R ,  , 12  N .. 4
  "Y“· ·· · ·=J ’  J1 ..§=1;e.§;ls.£§  t
I \ TINSI I Y 11. 1·:. nA1·RD, Editor-tn-caller l Pearre, L. T.     B
1, v_ .1 ,c ..................................... . .......... A. .t t Edit     . il,=PE5§§i§¤E?5'£§" -*.*-3-*  ’
F. 1.. MARX .......... . ....... , .............. . ......... . ....... Aihieiiile Edltii; Smith. E· H-        
lc. 1.. m·:<*1<1~:R ........ . ..................... . ........ .·\>SiSUlHt Atnletle Edlotr *Sch,uar[z, (;_ H_   11gg1s.1111.s:==·   _1:§1__  
BUSINESS s·rArr-· Vest,}. W.     °       ‘
S. c. EBBERT, B sl .. M1 l I    =g;35gQ§‘ .?g3 __, · ‘1=·f :1, of
F. I,. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. Gl? l;].("i:ANL;i§?l§§r Asst. Adv. Mgr. ·Wise’ Fdward ·¤:i§?{j!'=‘  ,;j;§§;§  55521 . ,_    31%::1 1 I
·rm·:0. sLAm·:, Advertising Manager. W. H. LVRTY, Asst. sun. Mgr. 'Walker, E. B. ;¤.11£.·l .   =.1;;;;;j ~  » .;,31%;.; , .
v_ 1,. powN1NG. subscrlptlon Mgr. 1 .—·_ 1   :..15s:;&I; :55!;;E;¢i;=. '   .l%§%:?·  . ·
  Ed“°*"°”· `.   ;1s¤5=:;:;; :·:€==a;i;:2%i   :3-%%
Address all man mater to THE IDEA. 136 East Maxwell Street. Lexington. Ky. *Acker, Anabell `·_   »'4·'   _,     l
  _"     ‘%:;%§‘•= _ •   li 1
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be Adams" game ‘ -·._   §§5}§1§g11i:?1g*‘   ¥·   1; .
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of Bak"' ('m°° 1 . ""211 _ §111§i¥"i*"‘· °   
·r1.... 1.1..1.. sm:. The Idea starr: B"°‘”“· Mfm'1     g
S. W, Jackson. W. B. Hager. Ca'8m'dy’ hom a'   ZEEi£.i%§iE ·
*·Ch·ilds Elizabeth *:*1% ‘ vs: ¤==‘=¥ .
Robt. B. Shablnsky. J. F. Brunei. ' W "= ·= :1;1;,_¥.=  ·J
Wm. Collins W. H. Townsend Dunn"' '   1 I  "
H- A-   W. C.         1 I ' 11 " *1 _1
Miss Mattie Cary. Miss Addie Dean. L““h“‘"‘· S“’“"‘ ‘ ‘  
Le June, Lorene   1*
—-—·—— ; —‘— Marking, Lorine, C. { ·°f·“¤‘*
Mamhews, Sue D. \lI[ V _
"_'—`Wl—_—*—__?*—~ FRESHMAN ROM" ’Schwauberg, Biry-l L. I '
'i' "Whlte, Jennie M. . , 1
From time to time there will be a Mechamcal Eng1n”,.._ THE COLLEGE MAN S STORE 1
list of names published In ’l`l1e Idea. •Au.d,_ J_ G_ If you want 1
The purpose of this is to offer a Barber (L E_ `nr 1
roll by class and the departments, also Barber, E. C_ _   S   1
to ascertain the number that belong to ..Bm.k1€y, I_ R_ Th" " the Ph" t° nt 't· U Y°° 'nnt _l
the Athletic Association. The * desig- ..B€nn€tt_ A_ R_ ¢g:•.:§3·°g::•:=,¤:t. :*1l:}    
1 IIBIQS UIOSG that have })l1I‘CiI&S€d •Bl1ak€r, E_ T_ Qlhgqg, come to ,  
1 season tickets. whether paying cash ..BOsmn, M_ l
1 or Oth€rwiS€_ L THE MODEL 1_
Bra'dSnaw‘ J' ° Chu L Straus `98 - - - Ms¤s|•r 1
1 There are some who haves igned ..COm.G11, R_ B_ ' ' ` .1
· over their deposits and have not yet across W_ C_   ’
    1 received their tickets, but can do so ..D9B0W, H_ A_
1 by calling for them at the gate of the Downing, C_ G_ ·     & C0.
d f 1 athletic field. ..Dumap_ T_
. Reserve or 1 M,,,,,,g_ __Fm N_ ____ 1
1 Atkins, J. W. *Gaither D. M. .
  1 *Ja·kobe, H. J. *Gayle, G. W. LEXINGTONS
• Martin, F. E. *Gud.e, A. J.
. U   *i\i0)'l'l8il~3ll, G. B. Hackney, J. R. _
1 nl 1 *Shoemal·:er, C. A. I-{arp_ C, C. COLLEGE COLORS 1
1 Simmons. B. C. Hawkins, R. D. IN 1
1 1 *Smith. D. VV. Hilliard. I?.
1 Straub, C. E. Howard T. D. °b
1 1 *Auxur, .l. F. *Ire1land, 'l`. H.    
Agriculture. *.I0hns011. E. E.
1 . Ba1,b1.t_;e, v. A. *Ke1ly. G. E. FcltS9
1 , ·1BI.0wn_ p_ D_ *I,9,n1.berts0n, VV. d
1 Bruecken, A. I,. *i,UIlgSW(ll`lh, R.    
*BllSil, v. 1~:. *M¤rSl1. H~ N- •
1 1 Capers, E. H. *Mans, \\'. 1).   A
1 1 Chrismain, A. 1,. Meek, S. '1`.
-——-————·—··*—"‘j"""‘—”"'°—“` " " `—` ·1+(]ay](.’ H_ K_ *N[()0I‘l'll8ll. A. . · _ • l
Gum E J. _,M_n_gau’ D. .1..   aii kmtis iurnlsilcti ior spccla
  1Ham,,._ _1_ A_ *iWI()I`l'iS, W. R. orders
*He11ricl1, I,. .1. *Nash. U
*l,igo11, J. M. NOGL H· L- ‘
.   .M........., M M. —·..M... M. 1.. Kaufman, Straus k C0.
*Pettus, R. P. *Robinson. '1`.B _____________
  *Ri<:l1a1·dso11, G. C, Shelton. H- ·
IN B ***°“"· S· "· . IS‘“‘“" $1 2 FAYEITE BARBER Sll0P
`*S(filU€llillg, H. \\. Smith, . .
  trshapjnbky,     *SpinkS.     Undef Fayette National Bank —
*8 rd, 1. .
.§§;§§“‘“{· ,;'· “’· .S{’,“.§i*,g_".._ coosw su. e svaou
Call for the Gclluille Clvll. Suas. W. W. · _ Finest Hair Cutting aaai Shaving
Almstedt. Wm. *'l‘horuton, R. Parlor in t c ity `
Atlas, .1. S. *’I‘ow¤1send. R. P. * _,

 T H E l D E A 5
°'l`urner, W. K. general prediction being. "that we
I awumm R_ J. would be mcky it we held thpm to 8  
·r~i·- *Ware, E. R. tie" and some actually predicted de-  
S Gl ·W0rkl“g• R- •I·   Then came the game ODP    :
1 __·; Sub. Frcehmen, Mechanical. will long be rema·m1b€;·€d_ ln {hp an- ma- .. .. ..-.. . ..,-_.___________
. , »{.‘°·£¤ , "Brown. W. R. l of Sta. foot tl
. Q /.*1;*-f§§;H. ·C W B nas re bal, for the game.
xg  }’,',w.»q~...&, [Loan, . . in every sense of the word, that it V
*, ‘ . III .  .. Q01 , velaoe, H. G. was.
l _ Zyl:   { ’McDanlel. B. C. The game our boys put up and the _
V II» ii Qi _*" *Parrlsh, R. M. result, lifted everyone out of them-
\\ ii!. Ira .r%,
Q . Nt —, I .,2:;: *Rolllnger, C. S. selves. set that little organ ln one’s · .
    _  .;,7 Arte and Science. body, that one calls spirit, beating a
  . ’.° .:.1,;] i.m;Z Alvers, Mary R. tatoo against your ribs, and lifted
, .   !!‘l1=’_y Barker, R. H. you high among the clouds. Then a  
} { H lll Ag`, ..,1 Blanchct. L. P. that never-to-be-forgotten night street
rtg tz   P- rtl »
V 1 lj I i$i%r;" Oassadv, E. parade.
. — I,. :r ii, We ’*Chestn•1t, D. L. Of course there were a. t‘ew, "I
1 hL1.:§i,qg_     *Chrlsti.1n, Lorena C. told you sos." and the like, but the 0
,l ·   *Cox. W majority of the school. unbibed that ·
’1 ·  _, ,v _ .,   :Creekmore, Maude old, "lBott.led in Bond," Kentucky (successors
· ‘ *‘ '°‘-•‘ Dalbney, R. T. spirit. Indennable, yet being all that's to T B Dewhurst)
'Danforrh. E. good and true. Did ever any scenes `
i Dobrowtky, H. B. inspire heroes on to a noble efforts HEADQUARTERS
’Dunn, G. P. than our rallies did? Even the girls
1 Eble-n, Viola M. caught the contaigion and gave their FOR ALL
  Elliott, Maria P. yells. such as, "We Run this place,
. Erang. Martha H. we do." Never have the girls done   t'
Fairchild, S. R. this before. All the speeches in 6  
W G0l‘d’0¤. A. M. Chapel were in accordance with this •
` *Grasty, Allen W. spirit, even udge Latferty bein·g    
t . 0 c c *Hank. Cauline moved to give us a short enjoyable  
l °J8·Ck¤0ll. S- talk. So keep it up.
' *J0hns0¤. A. H. Prof. Wilson Prot White and F c
1 · · or ollegeMe11.
Rimbrough, N. L. everyone v.ho is in a position to
1 V Langston. B. O. know say that never have they wit-
1   "Lauer, C. E. nessed such enthusiasm at State Uni-
" *Logan, Katherine M. versity. Just this kind of spirit urges FQQT BALL GOODS
  Waddv, Anne E. the team on and makes them strive ,
i       Wlalkllw- C6l`0ll¤9 T- all the harder to win such victories GYMN'ASIUM SUITS,
Z *Weaver. D- T- as North Carolina. Illinois, Central.
l- Wescelt. Lydlil and St. Louis and Tulame (to be.) S 0
. • • * !
· Sausiaction, accommada- . Williams. D. H. ___.___.____
tion and Good Clothes, :&’r*“’;‘“”» Allmeg M- STATE ·ro PLAY K. w. c. Saturday. BASKET BALL
come here. We are spec- CQ s""‘ ‘ ‘ —-—
· • · *VV dsl tl, VV. T. ·
13l1StS lll Good Clothes ,. 00 .° G°"‘° ai W"‘°*‘°°*°"- SUPPLESA
for Youu   Marxmiller. H. C. __
OWS. ·
l g » *M&tti· Clara E' _ Next Saturday morning o.1r "Wild- BASE BALL GOODS,
I $aS“Y;' lwlarguerlte C' cats" will oiurney to Winchester to
ay, .e en . r . _ _, . _ and
You Fdlowy   * J f play the \\ esleyan College ot Ken
ng *MCCh9S“€)’ Ruth tucky. And ust because they haven't COLLEGE
Young FCHOWS,   My€rS' J' G' C' played North Carolina. d·on`t think for PENNANTS
· *Norris, R. A. . ._   ,_ . _, ·- °
Q , \ one minute that its .1 cinch.
'   Fellows Shoes Peck' "my M‘ Wesleyan played Maryville, the
t ;nS9’ `: 1; " team we played 12-ti and the only
* ense J. . . . . .
l . ‘ team to score this year, a tie ti-ti and P ERS
' Dress and Tuxedo SLIIIS ;Pinket‘f(lIl.`l»· a gtubbgrn struggle is [)l`t’tllCl€’ll·     ’
R€¤f€d Reasonably *;u`th;’ _h¥£b;[_ Coach Sweetland wants all men who POSTERS’ E']_'c_
* mc OL °' ' can afford to go. to go along and cheer
A . . Rectdmm Fhiem C' the team on to victory. They will
————— *S¤¤·llll· t