xt7m0c4sk55n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sk55n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1947-08-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  1, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  1, 1947 1947 1947-08-01 2013 true xt7m0c4sk55n section xt7m0c4sk55n The Kentucky Kernel

Cast Your Vote
At The Polls




Enrollment Record
Is Broken Again

The number of persons enrolling
late was higher than expected after
announcement last spring that persons registering late would be penalized. The new penalty system provides a fine of 3 for the first dpy,
S4 for the second day, and $5 for the
thirc and additional days.
Short Courses Offered
Short term courses will last two
and a half weeks. The courses are
designed primarily for teachers and
consist cf workshops and conferences
in edition to classes.
Short courses now in progress that
end August 13 include Problems cf
the School Curriculum, Education of
Handicapped Cnildren, and Future
Hcmemakers which is offered with
of the home econothe
mics department.

courses beginning Aug.
14 include Guidance in Today's
School, Techniques in Counseling,
and Evaluation in Home Economics




in Principles of Traaa
Teaching, and the Organization and
Operation of Part Time and Evening
classes wil be offered from August

4 to August 16.

Courses in home economics education are under the directiDn of Miss
Ethel Parker.

Summer Enrollment
In Library Science
Is Among Highest
The department of library science
announced today that the enrollment
for this summer term is one of the
highest in its history with 58 students as compared with the all-tihigh of 65.
A new member has been added to
the department staff for the summer

measure boostper cent the subsistence
allotments for veterans attending
school, failed to get through Congress before it closed its session.
The next session will start January 2, of next year.
Republican House Leader Charles
Halleck of Indiana told representatives that a main reason for failure
to push the subsistence allowance
boost was prospect of a veto. Democrats denied President Harry Truman had indicated any such intention. The measure woulld have increased allowances from $65 to $75
a month for single men, $90 to $105
a month for married men, and $90
to $120 a month for veterans with

ing by




" ''



"'';'' &



first term.

U.K. Trustees Discuss

Griffenhagen Report ;
Release Staff Changes

Republicans Claim
Presidential Veto
Was Expected

Registration lor second lei in
summer school stood at 3,317 at
noon Thursday, ihc last day ol
ihe registration x.'riod, according to Miss Maple Moorcs, assistant registrar.
Miss Moores said the 'evious high



1, 1947

House Shelves
Bill For Vets'
Pay Increase

High Of 2,965
Hit Last Year

enrollment for a second S'unmer
term was 2,965 established last year.
Before the war, enrollment for the
second term averaged about 2,500,
she said.
Enrollment figures announced
yesterday will be boosted later when
number of teachers are expected
terms offered
to enroll for
In the College of Education.
Estimates on the enrollment of
veterans range from 2000 to 2300
which indicates they make up from
65 to 81 per cent of the student body,
a higher percentage than during the










Dr. Henry
To Leave



House Survey Shows
Need For Increase '

majority of the nearly 5,000
student veterans attending the University have indicated they would
have pursued an education after
discharge regardless of the existence of the GI Sill of Rights, but,
favor a raise in subsistence payments to cover
Adviser penditure of $35 an $44 per exto
cost of living. This conclusion was
reported by UK officials In the re
Army lease of statistics on a survey of
student veteran needs conducted
Dr. Lyle K. Henry, associate pro- last April by Rep. W. Howes Meade
fessor of psychology and assistant
as a representative of the
personnel director, state? this week House veterans subcommittee.
that ne C.tnned to complete l:s
Live On Allowance
duties at the University as of Aug. 1
Less than 10 per cent, of veterans
the Army. Dr. in all schools reporting are living enin order to
Henry stated that he hoped to con- tirely on the current subsistence
(Continued on Page Three)
tinue his duties as a psychologist in
the regular army.
Before the war, he was a psychologist at Iowa State College. As
a reserve officer, he was ordered
to duty in 1942. While in service,
he set up mental and literacy tests
for the army. After being separated
from service at Camp Fannin, Texas,
A $1,000 gift to be used as twenty
he joined the staff at the Univer- $50 scholarships has recently been
sity in January 1946
made to the library science departDr. Henry will
the army ment by the General Education
with the rank of major.
Board of New York. The scholarships
are intended to increase interest in
high school librarianship.
Dr. Melzer Appointed The "dEparrmeni has just printed
its own bulletin of information which




$1000 Given
To Library

Philosophy Assistant

Dr. John Henry Melzer has ap
pointed assistant professor of philosophy, and will take up his duties
with the opening of the fall quarter,
it has been announced by Prof. John
Kuiper, head of the philosophy de-


is available to anyone.
The department also announced
that its study has just been fully
equipped with fluorescent lights.

Book Conveyors

Installed In Library

Dr. Melzer comes to UK from the
University of Missouri, where he is
now an instructor of philosophy.
Originally from Illinois, he was
graduated from Concordia college.
Fort Wayne, Indiana, with an A.B.
degree. He received his M.A. from
Vanderbilt University in 1934, and
his Ph.D. from the same institution
in 1937.' He has also done graduate
work at Yale University.

Several Changes

In All Departments
Are Announced
The executive committee of
the University board of trustees,
meeting in the office of President
H. L. Donovan July 18 approved
ajoiiitmcnts, reappointments,


Dr. Donovan Terms
Report Constructive
President Hopes
For Needed Funds

Today Deadline
For Applications

"The Griffenhagen report on the
is a constructive report,"
President H. L. Donovan stated this

week as University officials continued to pour over its 183 points for
practical changes or commendations
in the administra'ion of Kentucky's
state institution of higher education.
"I hope that the people through
their representatvles in the General j
aaaeiuuij' will .fjiuviuc mc 1U11U.1
necessary to carry out the conscruc-tiv- e
recommendations," he declared.
The president said that all points
were not direct criticisms of the University. In fact, he stated that many
sections were devoted to commendation of certain procedures all already in effect.
Each topic is being considered individually and is passed for adoption
or rejected because of triviality,
or limitations of state
Two Points Stressed
Two points of the report he stressed particularly, adding that he hoped
the report would Impress upon the
people the gravity of the situation.
They were the shortage in educators
and the need of an even more extensive building program. Both problems
could be solved by larger state appropriations, he asserted.
"We will require ten million dollars
for buildings and an increase in the
annual appropriation of approximately a million and ohe half per
year," the president announced.
The report read in part: "At first
it was thought that the essential
buildings could be constructed for
$8,000,000. This would be sufficient
to construct a number of the most
essential buildings, but it would not
be adequate at present costs of
materials and labor, to supply all of
the desirable additional facilities
and replacement of several old build
ings that are too dangerous for
further use."
Concerning' the shortage of teach- -,
(Continued on Poge Three)


Today, August 1, is the last day
on which seniors and graduate
students expecting to complete
their requirements for graduation in August may make application for such degrees. No student will be considered for graduation who has not filed an
application, U was announced
this week by Dean of the University Maurice F. Seay.
These applications should be
made in Room 16 of the Administration building by all students
who have NOT filed one previously.
Candidates for the bachelor's
degree will be charged a graduation fee of $9.00. This will cover
the rental of cap and gown,
diploma fee, the Kentuckian and
senior dues. Candidates for advanced degrees will be charged a
fee of $15.00, which will cover
the above with the exception of
the Kentuckian and in addition,
the cost of the hood to be presented the candidate. Graduation fees are payable not later
than Monday, August 25.

promotions, leaves of absences,
and other staff
changes. A partial list follows:
College cf Arts and Sciences Appointments: Paul Whitaker, acting
head of the department of German
for the first term of the summer
quarter and Anna Odor, acting head
of the department for the second
term during the absence of Professor Bigge who will not teach this
John Melzer, assistant

professor of philosophy;
McCubbin, reappointed instructor
and director of intramural athletics,
department of physical education;
George Faust, associate professor in
department of English: Don Sea-toprofessor and head of the department of physical education;
Richard Hanau, associate professor
of department of physics.
College of Agriculture and Home
Link, assistant in agronomy; Reba
Smith, assistant home demonstration agent, Grayson county; Lynne
Wood, spectrographer and research
chemist; Richard Porter, assistant
countv agent. Hart county: John
Watson (negro) assistant county
Warren-Barre- n
Lucille Warren, home demonstration agent, Clark county; Katherine
Roszell, seed analyst; O. J. Herman.
assistant bacteriologist, depprtment
of animal pathology; Julia Walker,
assistant home demonstration agent,
McCracken county; Ruth Harrison,
home demonstration agent, Hopkms
ccunty; O. M. Davenport, assistant
professor of forestry; and Margaret
Cluh work.
Gulley, field agent in
College of Engineering
ments: David K. Blythe, Instructor
in civil engineering; John J. Willis,

Agronomy Field Day
Will Be August 7

Pneumatic tubes, similar to those
The annual agonomy field day pro
used by department stores, have been
gram of the college of agriculture and
installed on the call desk level in
home economics will be held next
the library so that call slips may be
Thursday, Aug. 7.
whisked by confessed air to the
Those attending will see the
level where the book or the periodical
experiment farm area devoted
may be found. A worker on the level
to experimental work on soils and
will locate the desired material and
crops, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep,
place it in the basket of the electric
hogs, chickens and fruit growing.
book conveyer, which will deposit it
on the call desk level.
The tubes wil extend one level beAnther of Three Books low the call desk and four levels
Dr. Melzer is the author of three above. This kind of equipment is not
Twenty-tw- o
University ROTC ca- books, "An Examination of Critical unusual in many of the larger libradets in summer training at the Mcnism", "A Guide to Philosophical ries.
army signal corps school, Fort Mon Terminology", and "A Brief for the
Miss Margaret I. King, the libramouth, N. J, recently visited army, Small College".
rian, said that the new equipment
He and his family expect to move will not be put in use until the fall
navy, and civilian signal installaMore than 500 student veteran and'''
tions in the New York City area, to Lexington on September first quarter.
faculty families residing in the UniCol. G. T. MacKenzie, head of the
two housing
military science department anCooperstown
and Shawneetown
nounced Thursday.
next fall will have their own
UK cadets with cadets from 17
community grocery store if plans now
other colleges and universities visitbeing completed are carried out suced the New York army signal cencessfully.
ter, third naval district signal cenMiss Margaret Storey, former head
Robert J. Geeslin, Cutbert, Ga.,
ter, federal building switchboard.
student mayor of Cooperstown. dis resident of Patterson hall and head
American Telephone and Telegraph by Dr. and UK Students,R. Schwende- Mrs. Joseph
closed yesterday that the "city" counr resident of Jewell for the past year,
company plant an a the army's film man,
tour directors, left last Friday
cil of the project had authorized the has been appointed director of resilibrary and photographic laboratory by four-ccaravan for a three week
issuing of shares in the proposed new
on Governor's Island.
tour of Mexico. The trip, open to all
grocery. Although each family is dence halls for wemen according to
university students, is sponsored by
limited to one share at $12.50 and Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
the department of geography, headed
selling has. been underway less than women. Miss Storey succeeds Miss
by Dr. Schwendeman.
a month. Mayor Geeslin reports that
Plans for contacting Lexingtonians $1,200 already has been collected and Irma Poole, whose resignation becost of the tour is $270, and
four quarter hours
to it is expected others will purchase came effective June 15.
The Music department of the students making the are offeredneed both by phone and with house
trip who
Miss Poole has accepted a fellowhouse canvass were made at the shares after August 1.
University presented Margaret Berry, such credit.
Ihe community store is planned to ship at the University of Michigan to
soprano, in graduation recital on
mass meeting of University student
be located in a surplus army quonset work on her Ph.D. in psychology.
The primary objective of the trip is
Monday. July 21. in Memorial hall.
veterans and other interested workMiss Berry, who will graduate as educational; regional study in geo- ers Monday night in an effort to hut erected in Cooperstown by the When she finishes her work at
University. Much of thee equipment
an A. B. with a major in music in graphy lecturedirected Si daily obserand discussion. Stops obtain housing space for University necessary to outfit the store already Michigan she plans to spend a year
August, made her debut on the con- vation,
cert stage on June 16, in Savannah, will be made for observation in small students, Darrell Hancock, president has been purchased or time, be avail- abroad in study and travel.
Miss Storey received her bachelor's
Ga. She is the daughter of the Rev. native villages and farms, tropical of the Student Veterans Club, an- able before opening
plantations, and savanna and alpine
end Mrs. Harry J. Berry, of Savan- areas.
degree from Randolph Macon and
Prices To Be Reasonable
nounced yesterday.
Grocery stocks will be purchased her master's from New York UniverLast year's drive netted ov;r 800
The group planned to arrive at the
Included in Miss Berry's program
from Lexington wholesalers and sold sity. She is a native of Talhadega,
was a group of songs based on child- Mexican border today, after stops in rooms All these people will be called through the commissary at "reason- Ala., was adviser of girls and director
Hancock stated to
ren's poems, the compositions of Bowling Green, Memphis, Texark-an- a, again this year many
are availab.l able" prices. Original plans to organ- of physical education in the BirmingDallas, San Antonio, and determine how
Parker LaBach who recently received
ize the store on a
basis have ham high schools before joining the
his Master's degree in music educa Laredo. Mexican cities to be visited again. So far as a house toa house been dropped because of complaints staff at the University.
are Monterrey, Valles, Mexico City, Canvass goes, it will be on
tion from the University
grocers and the new
of Lexington
Taxco, Puebla, and settle because of lack oi people to do policy will offer the groceries for sale
Miss Berry was assisted at the Cuernavaca,
piano by Miss Martha Jane Stone, of Toluca. Highlights of the tour include it. Tentative plans to use boy scouts at regular or only slightly-lowLexington, a former graduate student visits to Chapultepec palace, home in making the canvass are under prices, it was explained.
of tho University and the president cf the president and former empcr-o- f wav.
"Every effort will be made to insure
Phi Beta, professional music ors, Xochimilco and the floating "Operation Lexington" Proclaimed lowest prices
and at the
'gardens, a bull fight in the national
"Operation Ixingi.lin," as the same time allow shareholders a fair
fraternity for women.
arena, the shrine of Guadalupe, drive will be called, will take place return on their investment," Geeslin Award, Alpha Tau Omega Memorial
founded in commemoration
Pyramid of the sun at San Juan Aug.
Lexington Mayor R. Mack said. Those owning shares and non- - of
those members of Mil Iota chapter
jTemihuacan . and view, of Popocate- - Oldham last Tuesday proclaimed share holders alike will be allowed to who lost their lives in World War II.
petl and Ixtaccihuatl. most famed next week officially "Operation trade at the convenient store providhas been presented to James Hod- ing they are residents of the two skin, of Owensboro. Ky, according to
William Huffman, Lexnigton, has of New World volcanic mountains. Lexington" week.
On the return trip the group will
Because of advance publicity, 12 housing projects.
been elected president of the sixth
Claude Sprowls ATO president. The
manager and a book- award is made to the graduating sennational YMCA Young Adult as- cross the border on August 13 and to 15 phone calls on the drive have
arrive in Lexington on August 17.
been received, Hancock keeper will be hired by the council ior who is adjudged, by vote of the
Dr. and Mrs. Schwendeman have stated. He said that help is needed to run the store, according to present active chapter, to have done mast for
Two other University students.
16 years experience conducting
and that it is "still not too late to plans.
the advancement ot the chapter durTom Givhan and Don Robinson. had
Establishment of the commissary ing his enrollment at the University.
joth of Lexington, were representa- lours in North America and in pitch in and help us out. Anv stutives to the conference at Lake Europe. They have made seven tours dent, male, female, or otherwise can will culminate nearly a year of The first presentation was made by
(Continued on Page Three)
of Mexico.
ihelp us."
Sprowls, who originated the award.
Geneva, Wis.

only. She is Mrs. Gordie Young of
Frankfort, Ky. who is teaching cataloging.
Dr. Robert H. Deilly, head of the
department, also announced that
courses previousy offered only to
fifth year students will be offered to
juniors and seniors in the fall.

ROTC Cadets Visit

Fair And Mild
High Of 80

575-ac- re

Cooperstown To Have
Own Grocery In Fall

Signal Installations

20 University Students Tour
Mexico On Geography Trip


Storey Is New Head
Of Residence Halls;
Irma Poole Resigns

Veterans Club Makes
Plans To Obtain
Housing For Students


Miss Berry Appears
In Graduation Recital






YM Elects Huffman


Hodkins Receives
Memorial Award

UK Eligible
To Compete

For Trophy

4-- H



One Of Four Gifts
Accepted By Board

The University of Kent inky
board of trustees executive committee, meeting July IS in the
offices of President Herman L.
Donovan, accepted four loans
Rifle Score
and gifts, discussed the rcxi t on
the University by Griffenhagen
Associates, and conducted
To Receive Award
other business.
The University of Kentucky is
Only gift of money accepted
one of the institutions eligible to
compete for the Warrior of the Pa- by the committee ias a SlKMl
cific trophy to be presented, for
the first time since 1941, by the Uni- grant Irom the facihe Goast
versity of Hawaii to the Senior In- IVorax Gompany to the Kentucky
fantry ROTC college or university agricultural experiment station
unit receiving the highest average
score in rifle marksmanship during to be used in conducting field studies
the summer ROTC training course on the need of boron in crops, par
being held at Fort George G. Meade, ticularly alfalfa.



$600 Borax


laboratory, part-tim- e.
College of Law
G. Stanley Joslin, associate professor of law for the summer quarter
and Hubert E. Nelson, reappointed
professor of law.
AppointCollege of Education
ments: Nancy Trolinger,
teacher in speech and dramatics;
Dickey, instructor. College of
Education; Herbert Sorenson, pro
fessor of education; and Maurice
Clay, critic teacher in physical edu
College cf Commerce
ments: David McMurtry, part-tim- e
instructor for first term of summer
inquarter: Fred Dial, part-tim- e
structor for the summer quarter;
Harry Howell, part-tim- e
for the first term of summer quarinter; Dora McCowan, part-tim- e
structor for the summer quarter;
instrucand Martha Hill, part-tim- e
tor for the second term of summer

Department of University Exten

Resignation: Mary Rees Land,
assistant in University Extension.
Residence Halls for Women Appointments:- Mrs. Carrie Masengill
(Continued on Page Four)


In University Units

The Warrior of the Pacific trophy
is offered at all ROTC camps where
"Course A" with the M- -l army rifle
is fired as a regular part of the
scheduled instruction of Infantry
Eligibility Rules
To be eligible for participation.
each college represented at camp.
must have at least 20 students who
are bona fide members of that in
stitution's Senior Infantry ROTC
unit. The team consists of all stU'
dents from each university repre
sented at camp. The team captain
will be the senior cadet of each unit.
The competition will be judged by
representatives of army ground
force headquarters and the insti
tution which is awarded the trophy
must agree to safeguard it. and. upon
instruction of the war department
adjutant general, forward it to the
institution designated as the new
winner in a subsequent competition.
Trophy Held At Least One Year
Upon acceptance of these condi
tions the ROTC team making the
highest average score will be awarded
the war trophy to be held for one
year or until again competed for.

The University library was named

the recipient of the three other loans
and gifts. Twelve volumes dealing
with scientific subjects from a popular point of view were officially
accepted as a gift of P. A. B. Widen-e- r.
prominent sportsman. Miss Margaret I. King. University librarian,
said she could not accurately estimate the value of the "Smithsonian Series," as the collection is

Approval also was given by the
executive committee to a proposed
agreement for the loan to the library
of the files of the Jessamine Journal
and the loan by Edwin G. Bedford
II of his father's diaries. The Bedford diaries, now being catalogued
by the library archives department,
cover a 50 year period of Kentuckv
history from 1859 to 1902 and deal
with the successful career of a Bourbon county cattlemen. An excellent insight into the period ard
times is provided within the 39 volumes of diaries, some letters and old
In other action, the board of tniv-teexecutive committee heard Dr.
Donovan give a summarized report
of the findings of Griffenhagen &
Associates. Chicago consultant firm.
(Continued on Page Three)
Institutions represented at Fort
Meade that are eligible to compete
for the Warrier trophy besides UK
are Niagara University, the University of Akron, Lehigh University,
Rhode Island State College, the
University of West Virginia, the University of Maine, Pennsylvania State
College, Syracuse University, Valley
Forge Military Academy, Howard
University and Wilberforce University.
Course A with the M- -l rifle con- Carolyn Spicer. newly appointed
sists of slow fire at 200. 300 and 500 YWCA secretary, will assume her
yards in the standing, sitting, kneel- - duties September 1. The appoint
ing and prone positions and rapid ment is ort a ten months basis. Miss
fire at 200 and 300 yards in the kneel Spicer succeeds Mrs. William Davis
ing and prone positions.
(Dot Collins), of Clarksville. Tenn.
Miss Spicer was graduated from
the University in 1944. While a student here, she was a YWCA presiMortar
5 dent, tookmember inof numerous Board,
After her
The proficiency examinations in campus activities. a member graduaof the
French, Spanish. German, Latin, tion, shestaff at Younestown. Ohio.
Italian, and Greek will be held Aug- YWCAhere in school Miss Spicer was
ust 5 at 2 p. m. in room 109
Hall, it was announced by Dr. sent to the YWCA president's school
training under
M. M. White, chairman of the pro- and had additional
the National YWCA board
ficiency examination committee.
The YWCA off'ce is closed for the
All students planning on taking
but joint meetings
the exam should register in Dr. summer, are being held underwith. the
the'di-rectiWhite's office, room 128 McVey Hall. YMCA
of Bart Peak. YM secretary.

Spicer Named



Language Exams
To Be Held August




Graduate Entrants

225 Maintenance Employees
Keep University Running
By Sam Brents

"men behind the men" at the University are
the 225 employees of the division of
maintenance and operations who
put in around 50,000 hours a month
just to keep the school running.
This man-hototal does not include the time spent on major construction jobs on the campus since
they are let out by contract to private firms. It's the routine housekeeping duties such as janitor service, grass mowing, policing the
grounds, and repair of buildi.'"is n;v1
equipment that require most of the
time and effort spent by this departed


Pencil Sharpeners To Field House
Head of the division is E. B. Far-ri- s.
chief engineer of the University,
who may be found ordering pencil
sharpeners or taking bids on a
$3,000,000 field house. If not this,
he may be out on the campus inspecting one of several buildings being constructed under his supervision, or visiting one of the shops
which his department maintains and
which, since the service building fire
last year, are scattered over the
Following the fire, the administrative and clerical personnel sought
refuge in the geology museum on
the second floor of the Administration building; the carpenter shop
found temporary quarters on the experiment station farm; the plumbing

Must Register

All students in the University or
the Lexington area who plan to at- tpnrl anv graduate school reauirins
shop moved to Rose street; the elec- - a graduate record entrance examin- uo.w, aiu oivogc
ation may take the examination Irom
it piaue ill nit; EHuiLgi(ai oiieiH-cthe University personnel office, Dr.
32 vehicles of the Lysle Croft announced.
building; while the
school had to be content with the
Examinations will be given in two
sky for a canopy.
sections: Monday, August 4. from I
of to 5 p. m.. and Tuesday, August 5.
These various
maintenance and operations are from 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p.m. Canpromised a buiding of their own didates must register with the testsoon, although it will be only a tem- ing center before noon Thursday,
porary affair. An airplane hangar July 17.
from the war assets administration
The tests are part of a nation-wid- e
is being delivered this week to be
set up on the farm south of the An- independent student testing
imal Pathology building, where it conducted by collegescountry univerunder
will serve as a shop until a perman- sities throughout the
of the Graduate
ent building can be erected on the the supervision New York City.
site of the original structure on Record Office.
3rnth T.impsfonf street.


'Geologists RetUm
From Field Trip

Materials Shortage Still Problem
...... ...... i
me .... ., . .
which Mr. Farris is faced at present
is the continued shortage of materials. There is a greater scarcity of
some material now. he said, than
there was at any time during the
war years. In spite of this, those
lights for the librirv
are now in sight and installation
should be completed by the first of
November. The story back of the
present inadequate lighting system
is that it was installed as a tempor
ary measure when the library was
built back in 1931.
Another difficulty with which the
division has had to contend is
stretching the facilities of the school
(Continued on Page Three)




Dr. A. C. McFarlan. head of the
geology department, and associate
professor of geology Dr. V. E. Nelson,
and 18 students of the geology department have returned from a 38
day field trio which covered four"
southern states.
Rock formations and mineral deposits were studied in Alabama.
Georgia, and North Carolina. A
month was spent in exploring and
urapper mountain hi
WytheviU?. Virginia,
A. C. McFarlan and Mrs. V.
E. Nelson served as chaperons on the

� Tape Two


Entries Due
By 5 Today








Featuring Today







jxisl war



nili in teams have never ljcen vety strong and have ron-isiitK lost i i lu- liats. However, with the large group of
)l.iiis iLt have to draw from they amid produce more


viiiniiig learns.
I he liais aie limited
(to a field of approximately fiO men Trout
which to hMise. while the
have several hundred
prisM is It'im u hii li 10 draw. 1 his could Ite a decided advantage
lui tin itideeiili ins. hut ihey lack the one big factor that the
frais have, and ili.it is ORGANIZATION.
While-- Ik- indc k iidenis have xtentially a tremendous field from
v hiih to s hit their teams, thai is never the rase. It is always a
maun cil the jm ismii who is living to organize the team having
a lack oi
10 s i :i
aiound to find enough men to fill the roster
oiL'aniaiioii and the necessary spirit that it takes to make a team,



anil make a team click once it is organized.
I i an i nit ic s
aie siiongly oiganied, and thus their fiO men, in
realiiv, lepieseni a In ner In Id of choice than the indeendenis'
I hen
M t i.d hundied.
loo. thev have a fraternity spirit, and there
is a constant, keen imiaft.it c)iuHlition,
which provides an
esc in i.d t am li i e.
It is haid to get a group of unorganized men together at a
certain lime lor a it ac I ice session. And though it is a minor point,
we think it woiih mentioning. When an indeendent team docs
lot in then someone has to worry almut collecting 25 or 30 cents
apiece lor the players to pay the entrance fee, a factor that is
taken eaic ol hy the dat treasury.
The I ipplers ate a good example of what the independents
could accomplish with vnnc organization. They undoubtedly
ptoduced one of the Inst softball teams that has atlic ipated in
lecc nl Inliamuials at L'K.
1 lie-- were- a
outfit in both batting and fielding.
Lvciy man was a dangerous threat with the bat, which works, a
haidsliij) on anv pitcher. And in the field they had par excellent
team woik lo back up rficir pitcher Gene Stokley, who ranks
among! the IhsI plavingon the Uk lot.
"I)k Wall." as the loys around the dorms commonly tall hitn,
has done a lot for the indeendent cause in Intramurals. His
tin less clients lo organize teams and develop a group spirit among
the fellows who live in the halls are slowly bearing fruit. He had
one of the In ne r teams in the basketball tourney last Winter until
they hit a very cold night and some red hut comiK'titioti in the

elimination loiiinev.

Director Bill McCubbin. McCubbin
also stated that the usual elimina.
tion tournament in softball might
in favor of a round-robi- n
be eliminated
McCubbin said he was toying with
the idea of not holding an elimination tourney this time In soft ball,
but instead have extended round-robi- n
play determine the winner.
The brief time period remaining for
play in this quarter may necessitate
the withdrawing of the elimination
Intiamural tennis will not be offered this session because of ihe
Bluegrass tennis fourney, starting