xt7m0c4sk26k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sk26k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1938  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 2, September 1938 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 2, September 1938 1938 1938 2012 true xt7m0c4sk26k section xt7m0c4sk26k @4,;
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'l`lii·l ltl,`l,l,l~l'l`lN Preliminary plans have ade
This is the second issue of the Ken-     {’?lU{m(11}?gy P€pan d V
tucky l·`rnit Notes, The· tlrst issue int th '*i,([(_lln ,E Yay 0.f tree .
catne out about August 10. \\'e have I FU Y _("d f I ({;€Ii“ln‘§m{mg Cod $
had several comments on this tirst in all ‘{H_€"“' Us "uyht 6 r emergen V
effort and will welcome the reactions Ll im 5mHu”‘u { 15 Ioped that fl “°l_l
of other readers, We are trying to wu lu? ’ S;"f’0dl Pqerdgni Spray S‘?r"
present material that will he useful to I 21   )(‘ me (me or gmuers _
growers in the various lines of fruit K ( "
work. V" ‘
'I`i1is bulletin will contain sonic arti- CROWN BORER WORK
cies that are only of present interest. Collections of adults of the Straw- A
Some of the material will be of last- berry Crown Borer for overwintering ¤
im: interest however and will be of as studies have been made in coopera-
much value in a year or more as they tion with the Entomology Department.
are at present. Such articles are the This material will enable predictions V
"('rown Itorer (‘ontrol of S&rawbcr— to be made next spring as to the time
ries" in the last issue and "Some In- of egg laying; ot this harmful insect. '_
teresting l·`at·ts ('ont·ernin;; San Jose ____  
icale'; amlhtlte report lon ‘ttspa·t·iii;; of S}_:P,I,EMHER FERTILIZING FOR
. toma Stiawheiiy llants in this S,I.R\“.BI__RRI}__S ·
issue, lt is strongly su;;;.:cstcd that a ‘ ‘ "  
place he provitled to tilt- these bulletins \\`_ W. M.u;it.t.. Field Agent in  
away for future t·et`ei·ence after they 11o;·m·u11u;·e  
z` ‘·: . Sl lt`.tl·.‘t:‘t·l ‘ , . . -’
HF 1} lu A1·i·,·* uu" N ·`_`l (_( uu" I`he application of one hundred
man; can have .t tomplcte set, atlthnu . .
, _   . _ . _ _ pounds per acre ot nitrate of soda or .
eath issue as it tomcs out. {UNMC [,1 mom, d 11,1), hl A Qt _
Soon atter the tirst issue was sent lr {hp Fr; ur H   SlO)1t_*`H‘ shuglgg {
out a number of thcm were retnrnetl to (fm] O ,1 Lt`, udj;M0_€p il ERI Zfvi flsand ·"
us by the post otlice tlepartinent because 1__ l_ti;_€‘. dl fl     {illlle; if (DQQQG  
the party addressed had moved from };u‘*l(m] _;_uQ\‘;f;\:_·m;f;\_})'l_(;d(\;Ci "f‘;‘u{I~€f  
his old address. The mailing.: list is ‘ (. }° ` ‘ . · I . _m` Z " ij
— . .. . . . . . . This tieatment is especially desirable ¤
bein; woilved oxet. and those who ie- _ _. ;¤
_ _ . _ , - and pt otitahle where the previous treat- 5
quested to be added to it ate being _ . . _ Y ;
.... ment of the soil in advance of straw-  
added. A numbei of iequests tot the . . .  
_   _ 4 _ . berries has not included the turning ·»
hist issue have also come in. _ ._ .¢
_ _ _ _ _   _ ttnder ot a gieen legume crop like _ 
An) gtowei who wishes to have benmq mag or ICQ eden  
his name on the mailing list should ‘ " I _` _ `D ' `j
write the Experiment Station, I,exinr.:- Tlt€‘_t*¤‘1¤¤1i>¤i `bifck ef Suche treati  
mn Kmml`.k)·_ m mm Ofywt Oy mt mu ment is astollows. The man? runner  
and return the request blank in the luuuiu uma uu*€`u__1OOt uurmg Jul} {
hack of this issue or turn their names uuu Attsust em} “ul d°‘ gum °rO“uS ~_ 
in to their Comm}. ;\g(,m_ for Ithe production of berries the fol-  .
lowing season. Detail experiments car- rl
\\'. I). Ataxisinoxo, Editor. rietl on by Shumaker at the Ohio Ex- V 
Horticulturist. ]\’<‘Ilfll(`}t']/ periment Station bring out the fact ` L
}.`.rpcrintcnt Station that during late August. September is
and October the strawberry crowns  .
»"*‘ develop and determine through nature  ‘ 
. . . V t . the number of bloom stalks. for pro-  
ITSLCTARX ‘*S"—CT‘O“ ducing a heavy yield of berries. This  
During the last month the insec- fruit bud development might be com- M
taries at Louisville. Henderson and paretl to that which takes place on  
Paducah have been visited and in- the apple tree during May and early  
speeted. June at which time the fruit bud is  

 ·   .
    developing the crop of fruit for the The study was to compare the yields of Ml
T ¤ following year. rows that were allowed to grow and
A numhor of domonstrntions indi, mat up naturally with the yields of ,i
. cats that any soil which is dcncicnt rows that had some spacing work done ers
_ in nitrogen will glve increased yields Oh the "°“' ¥"h“th· Th° mhuhd "°“'h wo
or strawhcrrios tho ysar rohowing tho were cultlvatefl the usual way anld al- [rm
application of nitrogen. On one cmp lewcd to deve OD 88 many new p ants uct
_ in Marshnii County in thc iggg hni.vcst_ as they would. The spaced rows were pm
· ing scason, tho growcr had two good not given the usual cnltlvatlons near me
° · pickings of berris on the nitrogen mw the rows that tend to brush the run- um
. nttsr tha rost or tha natoh was nhnn_ ners close into the row. Instead, the m
` doned. Similar results were obtained "“"“°"“ “T°"° "H°w°d t° Smead and {nr
V in two othcr countics_ In no casa fan out normally. This gaveagreater tm
` under observation has the yleld been hllrchd h°t“`€‘*“ Um “°“' plhmh hh crt
‘ _ . docrcascd and a carctui check up ot they were formed. `A small amount of r
i i thc demonstrations conductod shows spacing the runner plants was done fn
that the shipping quality of the berry dllmlg the early hhhihgs- thi
. — . is not injured by this fall application After the rows had fllled with large. va
T ‘ of nitrogen. early formed plants and were as wide n
Z A The nitrato ot soda or thc suitntc as desired a cutting device was placrd ni
· ; of ammonia is hroadcast on thc niattcd on the cultivator to cut off, in cultlx a- tn_
T.   = T TDW Wh€I`1 the plants are dry and the QOH. BUY Il€W I`l1Iln€¥;S· that tried to rrr
- . additional precaution is taken of brush- mot ih the middlhh l""‘“l’· " hm 'Thhh
r Q ing the plants to keep the small par- 0* Spike _m°th h"h"°f‘- _°“‘·’ ‘“` _h";"
__ tlcles of this fertilizer from lodging mkihgs “"° given ·‘c"’Sh the "°“h rh
. V in tho crowns ot the niants; for burn, $eptemher and October. These ra`;
_ _ ing would ho expected it cithcr ot ings tore out the late formed nes Sl
‘ <   these fertilizers remains on the plant. Plhmh by cht°hi“g_ in "“"“°r“ Bud C
t » This brushing may ho donc with an dragging them towards rthe mlddles
_. . r Old broom, ri hunch or groan brush or where they w ere cnt off with a rolling H1
1 r · _ tau weeds on if a large patch ot bei-. cutter orrotherwise remoxed from the or
    ries is trsntod_ a satistactory hrush row. This removal of the small late nt
T   _ may be made by fastening about three Dlnnis gave more space for the earlier-_ Ur
— is , thickness of burial) bags to a 1"x—l"x12' ]i“`g€*` l’h‘“‘“ U) d°“`h‘l’ h"““°r nt
. I- ._·__l gate slat and dragging this device over C*`*§:"‘?_·IT_ The bmwicq in me qpaved rc
T .   ‘ the patch with a mule. *‘ · *·“ ‘ ‘ or
  ¢ .   .·",lz‘r‘zlfltt
  »e·f g  I §’<>¤ldf 1¤k·=> ;¤_ ¤¤¤t~»¤¤ ¤>_t;¤¤e_.*=¤e L2lLT»_"`“¥i.§S$"§-‘.2.-J`f;EI.·.§"{€;L»€§°pi? yg
  .;. Z i n,um sr ° gm“°lS O. stm`} mugs; m plant on the spaced rows than on the he
.     r i kentucky to at least give this fertilizer Hyman mw Drums In vistas one te
  of   222222$‘é§.§`a‘§°§3i°§$L2?.2§‘L2252.28 S21; vgfte S¤.<>-·€¤ =·r;¤i=*;; ¤€g;§=·¤€ dgehto E'}
i_   I   ‘ V. T _ t e spacings. ie o mer ree pa c es
    — i   tw€myTHve.cmt°s per acre `Hth the m gave an increase of two, forty-five and "]
rz.;   i ? crease in yield On Some hhlhs running seventy crates of berries per acre due "`
=   ?   hh high hh S""’°h""h"‘* °"h"’S heh hm tothe spacing practice. The and tem Yi
TT T ’TzTi_,   w.h€m ther;. is a nathrat; Shortslgiiof gave an average yield of 132 crates per fi
  ’     m}r{)g€n‘i Sir a Sm; EEIQIQS ra (gil; acre for the matted rows against an °
.       tlrlahiapg) {.1. reetan Om} a hpmé? 5 average yield of 157 crates per acre r'
t. _’_I     Stags img; 1 mer O one mw a hh E for the spaced rows. p
    T This is only one year's results in n
TT     Indiana. This practice deserves more u
.:     — · . , t . r [ t i
 22 SPACING BE?€§Y Aimgie STRAW- §2$..‘3.X§‘ Ji ‘1i2‘.§’3.i‘i §.$§"Z§nJ§`§’S§5 ;g
      P A TS conditions. h
T;   Research Work   the United States —-C0)l('C)l8Cll ]T7`OHl (I ]l(l]If`l‘ Il]! JIOHVOF t
  Department of AgI`1Cl1ltl1!‘€ and V8.1‘l011S t‘[CC0ll`It. Purriur ('nirrrsiI1/. nppcaring h
  states have shown considerable gain nl "°"”'”" H”""""""""· 5
  in strawberry yields as a result of Norm.-—It would be of interest for a t
  spacing the new DlnntS in the YOW number of our Kentucky growers to t-
  ‘r._ it during the growing season. This is try some of this spacing this fall as I-
    I the mst Y€D0Tt dealing with the far as the raking and harrowing work {
g»`_.`;'*G?·]T·;§}{t   Aroma V¤¥`i€iY Since the previous work goes. These rows should be compared
  was done with other varieties. with untreated rows as to yield, size
 is METHODS.··IH 1937 four demonstra- and color of berry and earliness.
    tions were lined up in four patches. Emroiz i

 5 McCRACKEN COUNTY GROWERS twenty years of age and is composed '
[ ASSOCIATION largely of Red Delicious intenplanted
, This association of strawberry grow- Wltll Golden Dellelons» StnY1nsn and 8
Q ers is very much interested in the VerletY celled Mlsslng l-¤lnl¢·Tl1€ `•Vl10l€
_ work to be carried on under the hor- orclierd ls enrrYlng n tlill eroll of '
E tlcultural appropriation. Through this trnlt Wlllen wss nnnsl1nllY tree from
, act lt makes it possible for the Ex- s<=sl>infeclc<1snd worrny sllflles and is
Q perlmcnt Station to enlarge their Ill`ollnlllY tlle lleiwlest €r0D of Red
_ facilities for carrying out laboratory Uellelons illlnles ln tlle state- This
,, and field experiments which should ol'ellill"l· lloWoVel'· llss llsil s l‘eY Mr- Bray and H0rtl·
t creasing yremB_ cultural workers to be the result of
E We appreciate ore value ot quality the srnnle nollen provided by the va-
frult, and our observation has been rletY referred to os Mlsslng Llnk. Tllls
i that the best quulity has been har- VsrletY ls an €Xtr€nl€lY l1€sVY annual
L; vested from thrifty high yielding llloonler tllst produces an abundance of
I fields. High yields not only prove Pollen- Tllls [net together Wlth an V
more profitable ter the grower but at abundance of wild bees in the s¤r·
·‘ the same time keep him ri satisfied roundlns woodland combines to fur-
D fruit grower. nlsh adequate pollination for these
E ]g_ g_ y3Y\uu,;u' ,q,,,.,-em,-y_ Delicious trees which absolutely re- _ e
]»udu,.,,;,_ Ke,m,,.kp qutre abundant cross pollination in or- _
l _i _ _ der to set a heavy crop of fruit. This
-‘ orchard is also located on a high ridge
l' SUMMER FRUIT MlQl·)'I‘ING OF that affords excellent air drainage.
2 CLNTRAL I~.l·.!sTI.Cl{\ GROWERS The well constructed {arm apple  
E gu August lp u ygry yutereuliug storage attracted. much attention along
0 Horticultural field day was held at the Wltll tlle grsdlng sod slung ma'
C orchards of Mr. Joe Bray and Sons elllnerY· After the tour of the orcllmd  
. near Bedford in Trimble County. This wss n¤s<1e· generous Portlons of grape é
{ orchard ls some thirty·eight miles iuice. cookies and watermelon _l¤eli>e· ··*< * = ···· l"‘
* _ · proximately 100 cars of peaches. 'l`he 0*
        :11:; ;_1\*;:i1 ldlberta aleason opened in the Southern *;*1**
» · * · * _ *   iart of t ie state July 1S. Most of the 11*
Tne*`e ele- 1***“'e"e1`- **$111111Y me *11* l`ruit was off in the Northern part by \'0*
_ plays ol pears, peaches, grapes i***¢* Allgllst 1;:_ Most of the shipments Pvt
*1 nms 11 S1} _ _ _ in 1938 went out by truck. *****
` _Tne 111111 e1`11*1_ nemg 111:111 _1111S Ye111` 'l‘he season this year came on in such *~*'€
w1ll 1116811 thatiit is more difficult to ll way llml elle lleuelles le the Slmlll ]
_ make nn eX1111111- A 111`et *11`1ze 111111 of Kentucky were largely gone und the *1**
 ` 111een n1e1`e On Sncn 11 Year 1111 11 11`111 ones to the north, in llllnols and ln- **g*
net 11111*1 Snow 11111*- 111_e g*`9"`€*` 111111 11 diana, had not started moving when 1***
10**111011 111111 11°1`e 11`1111 1111*1 ye111` 11111 the Kentucky fruit rlpened, and a very ****
1 , W111 Snow 111111 he enren 1-111 11 wen ***311 tlne market was enjoyed. Practically
en1`e11111Y *11`e*1n1`en _1* 1111 121111111* all the No. 1 fruit brought from $1.65 St]
r S;§`”§§§uiZ"t§§§l"5E2i?c°§l.L‘£$ ?.§§3‘i3 *0 1§1‘1g1‘l"S *2**0 rr *···*Q;·** M ;*··*
_ _ ‘ pac ng iouse. The i ctjracwn ,
1f‘they have not received one of the County Pellell Gl.ewel.e Asseelullull  
fn11`Y*11en11n111_11S1S· used the services of a government in- 1’°‘
ne are n1`g1ng 1110Se who 111111*1 _*1`“1* speetor and were so pleased with the 111
this season to make an exhibit at Servlees lle eel.lm.me(l uml llley have lin
1ne 12111 ne fee as *1°sS1111e 11111 111111, requested like inspection for 1939. ‘111
*0 make 1ne 111111 ne*1n1`1·111e111 1111111111 _111` This money was most welcome to the 111'
= tractive but to make the competition gl.e“.el,S_ eslleellllly Sluee there le ll ra
keener. after lthe Judging has been llelll allele (,].01) geuemllee Tllle e(m_  
none 1nen11ne1111°n 1agS 111111 11e 111}1°€11 dition coupled with past experience 1*1
on the larger exhibits so that visitors ls eeuslllg qulle ll few gl.e“.el.e lo llllnk me
can see where they were produced. lu terms ef Selllllg more peeellee tu
——-——· There are a number of one, two and 111
· THE KENTUCKY PEACH SEASON three year peach plantings. now, and  
IY 1938 several growers are planning to set _
L _ considerable additional trees this fall. 111‘
, I The 1111111111 g1`11“`e1`$ 1111S Year 11*1*1 11 Most acreage is being set to the lil- 111
; Q slow start. After the freeze of April berm vm.lel,._ l**~
ei 9-10-11 most growers gave up hope. _ ` **1
- _ ` When it was discovered that all the }`41·*?" "*`**1N 1X 0*****-***'*$ _
l fruit was not killed i11 some orchards, This season was another test year 5**
i = 1 they came to life in a hurry and as far as peach tree locations are con- UU
‘ 7* i; started taking care of the crop. Many cerned, Entire orchards and whole ***’
  growers dehorned their peach trees to sections lost their crop from the late ***
‘, - renew the tops after it was found freeze—an example. the Princeton sec- 1**
.   Q their crop of fruit had been destroyed. tion, Here orchards on high and low 0*
. E i  One grower had started dehorning his land lost their fruit alike. In other FV
E j trees to renew the top, but close ex- sections near Bowling Green, Mayfield. ¢‘·
·   amination by several fruit men re- Paducah, Henderson, and Louisville SU
·{ 5 vealed many live peaches. A confer- the orchards on the higher elevations ill
. · E ‘ ence was held and the dehorning was came through with the best crop. In 1**
  yl called off. Some 4,000 field crates of orchards that had hills and dips, the **`
.j jg fruit were harvested from this orchard frost line could often be determined il
1 l i as a result. A crop worth saving! on the hillside, below which the trees ll
1     RIPENING SEASON EAM", hadlno fruit and above which they Gl
·   l .- _ __ _ carried a nice crop. ll
" 5   Segggel 1::;e1g11;1(§m;e1;i;1g1 \$1g;1k;1g§?l1i1;f t;I`hose who hawle seen thls llZll)l;0ll lin  
· · 3 5 _ _ _ o ter years an ave earne tie
  i l 1111111 **‘?1`ma1· Tn1S e111`1y 1`1pen111g On value of location are putting their new **
  Q l 1111111`1111 eengm many n1111Se“'1VeS 1111 trees on the higher levels and leaving **`
. E *ne11` gne1`n· In many Cases 1111 *1*e the bottoms and low places for general Y
y l local fruit was gone before the women cl.0llS_ 1;
;» l' began calling for it. This was all {1
Q rl_ wrong, for as they said,—"I have al- *N$*‘?U'*`** =\N** D*“*‘¥=\*‘**€S 3
_ ‘ QQ ways canned my peaches in August This was also a year when most s·
_° g and here they are already gone." peach insects and diseases gave a il
_ 4
§`.fLlé  r_  A .

 great deal of trouble. Probably the feeding. The secretions from its body
greatest loss of fl'\lH. wma cuused by ulung with the molted skins which are
Brown Rot. Scrimm dci'olluti011 uml cast off as it grows form its shell-like
marking of fruit was also caused by covering. Here the females remain
lute utuwks of Hu¤·Lurh1n1 Pruni. Sun for the remainder ot their lives. The
Jose xecnle is nn Lhu innmrrcmsu in thc young become adult in a little over a
state- again, wu nrc sorry tu I`(‘])()I`[. monlln and then themselves begin Lo
'1`huru is utlwr space in this isamc dc· pmelnxvu young, und in the northern
vmvml to Sun Jusv scale dix·s<:m—ssi¤m. stntvs there nrc usually at least three
lwuuln Loaf curl, the Plum Curculiu generations in :1 season while in the
mul the Urie-ntul Fruit Moth were all South there are four or even more. The J
troublesome in some quarters. generations overlap, the earliest young .·
It. is przuzthzully impossible to pre- prudurcd by the second generations for
dh-!. what the insect or disease dum- example sometimes appear before the
age will be in il given year. The best lust born of the preceding one, which
policy is tu always be prepared in uu results in uu almost constant presence
mr us possible. ot crawling young on an infested tree.
;—— This condition goes on from the time ·
som: lN'l`|·1I{l·]S'l`lN(} l·`A(T'1`S mx. the first young appear in the Spring
(·[.:RN[g(; SAx JUS].; S(·ALE until I`¢:])l`(J(ll1CIi(JIl is stopped by cold
v_ _ _ _ weather.
Ilw urngxnnul home` gf Lhv sun Jose Busvd on fum. full generations and I
svulv was probably (·4lllll1{. It uppeufs assuming that me young are equally ¤
tn 1mYe l`('iH‘llt*(] (.uhfu1·n1u ulmuL·1S»U divided between sexes and that an Of
and *‘*"*'*' fh"! MS *I*¤`*‘¥[*l 1"`}“*U"Q*H!·' me inweuzse should live, it is estimated
ull O\'¢·l‘ this Cllllllfl`}'. 1]*.lll0l`lll;; Ixftll- that (wc]. three billion (3’000'000’004)) V
Ulcky *‘h"‘“ ]i"’*·* IL ]'“"* “ ‘“d‘{ svulo insects would be produced from :1
murgu lnf {gud plmyg, on llllilly ni single Wm., in one SQHSOIL Fortunately  
\\'·]\lt']l ll tlnrxvvs SllfflCl\‘ll[l}’ to quurkly mum. num. muph nmmrilyv UI. an iu_ ‘
M11 ¤¤·¤¤¤· _’1`¤¤¤ v¤¤¤¤¤S -‘¤¤¤<·¥· Suffer levied tree “-mud often be sucked dry ‘
nms! front 1ts attacks ure the fruit before wmmn .
trees and <·urr;u1ts, the dogwoods, _ H '_ _[ _ __ _ ._ __ . L
. . »~ nn funn Iulerxlxla Applud _;
mums. puplurs, ornamental Ch€l'I`l€S, ],·,,y,,,,,,,;,,,,y·- ;
T¥·¤“'¤¥`i¤1K h¤¤¤**· h¤¤¥`dY roses- }·`mm the above statement the reader  
willows, limos, uml liudcns; and even mm understand what a problem it is .
xuuplvs uml elms ure sometimes ut- U, Cnmrol Scale where food plums me
tacked. IL feeds on all parts nf the as plemiful and climatic conditions _
plum ulmvc the ground even including us Nmgeuml as they appear to be  <
the fruit. over this and adjoining states. K;
The full-;:mw11 S(`il]O is about the V 
size nf il pin head, nearly circular in _ _ _ _ _ ·*
outline and rather ilut, sloping grad- $0*1*4 SC·\Lh DISCL $$10:*  
uully upward from its edge to nczxr The i¤1D01`U11H‘€ of $2111 Jose scale  
tho center where :1 slight Ci1'Clll(lI` de- ¢‘<>11\1`0l <‘¤¤111\0l be 0\'€!` €H1Dh11SiZ<-Pd I0 {
prus:5¤$ii l eee ere? henry uelnie
" try to help the grower who has gotten neilied e I me ’(“““e· °' ue S
h mm trouble and ends the Scale spl-eede (ePl3)ll is ·x white material which
ing and damaging his trees at present` looks much like coarse salt and smells ,
  PEACH TREE BORER AND ITS $tJ§?$n`E`§°tlZ'é°L’$EZi}$’ nl"}S£`..t€liEt.}§ im
. CONTROL heavier than air, satnrate the soil and me
-. - P.O.R1Tc1u»;n. slowly poison the peach tree borers. bm
l · Department of Entomology and Botany Treatment should be made as late  
  lNTnnntic.l.n,N__.·l·he peach tree hnrer in the season as possible but lt must les
_ ,   is n nntlye Kentucky insect \`·hich hee be done while the ground temperature in
  . been a pest in nur State ger mnny yeayst is ti0°F tor above to free t the fumes mt
_ . ‘ It nttncke trees Ot every nee nun is su which kill the borers. Injury to the _
V A ` l thick in many nench Orchards that trees may result from application dur- ·
` ~`   ·   most of the trees are attacked within a mg hot \‘~`€2‘·¤l}<‘¤‘. In addition, PDB n__‘
    t   year or eu utter nlunting_ Since the should be applied when the soil is dry. 3**
. T ? 2 best time an getting nm of uns insect Peet: er¤~§¤r$l_Sl¤<>¤¤ll1] use this tlvtiw- li
. ° i » is almost here, I have been asked to me U lll ecllmg “' €¤ 0 Veil ¥ l"
;t. * fc.; i l V write ehcut the hnhits ct the peach ply PDB from the middle to late Sep- °{‘
        in A borer and how to kill it_ tember, in eastern Kentucky; late e ‘
*1.   _t_t ~.   lN_rUnr__The iniuricue stage Ot this Sreptemher to early October, in central m
. .’e. ·   ` ‘ * Ei insect is the worm or grub which in- Itentuckyi wld October. in W€Si€¤j11 gn
-     { lures neuch trees nenr the ground hy kentucky. Btorers lean be treated in el
_··.   rt tunnelling under the bark and more er the spring with tatr success but fall mj
    ti Q 3 · less girdling the tree. Young trees are le the best tune- _ m`
    more subject to girdling while older Penen U;eee· SIX Yenre OY 0ld€¥`·
V       trees ure SO injured thut they hecurne should receive one ounce of PDB. For
  —   t.   etuntetl and sickly untl their crepe ere lour and flve year trees and unusually
    {_ greatly reuucetl An inteetecl tree sturdy three year old trees, 3/4 ounces
ly,     l usually has roughelled hnrk nenr the of PDB ls correct. Younger trees may
  ;;'ft;     hese and n mixture nt ielly_llke gum not need treatment but if found in-
i   ; flctl t and brown nellets of hnrer excrement festetl they. should be wormed with a
    will he found ever the wcunue in the knife or wire rather than treated.
..  base of the tree. For successful treatment, the earth
  Lira Cror.r:.—The peach tree borer for fifteen to eighteen inches around
5;; _.gjr,.i;-é·;:jl`;' goes thru four stages in the course each trunk should he cleaned of grass
  '-A..   { of one year. The first is the egg which and debris and leveled off. lf borers
  E? is a small, oblong, reddish-brown ob- are present above the ground level,
the-,2j}.s  · ject. Eggs are laid from July 1 until dirt should he packed around the
Q.     2 . late in September on the bark or limbs trunks so the earth is level with the
Z'. _Q  ; of peach trees, on nearby weeds and highest horer, excessihe gum and grass
 -.;iQQ ·->’ gv trash, or on the ground. These eggs should he removed.
    l I hatch in about 10 dys. One parent The PDB is placed around the tree
<é`?Z··;¥, I. —

ln a ring about one or tivo Inches front fungus to enter the peach. At least, '
the trutik and no nearer because of lu many Og the Orchards, there were
dfliisgii of hiJUli¥;Krth¤ U00-H 'ri¤<>l1’i>B suftlclnt cracked seeds on most every
can ie mcasuiet n a sma 1ott e or tree to mart the injury from the brown
tin box holding the right amount, mt
After the PDB has been applied, slx '
or seven shovelsful of dirt should be   iiumbsr ur our growers who have
place,] hmhhd the uhhh hm] hacked U, variety orchards more especially suf-
torm a cone. fcred from brown rot this year, prob-
With average fall t:ontlItIons_ most iibly because, from the time May-
ot' the PDB will evaporate in four to ii**“'€¥`B imgull W rlllmi rm lhrmlgh me J
six weeks, killing {I0 to 100% of the season for Redbird, Alton, Carman, I
borers. Cooler weather and too frequent Belle of Georgia and Champion, the
rains hinder evaporation. lti any almost continuous rains, at least at
case, It ls best to remove the mounds week lntwynls, together with the
tl\'0 to six “'€0k$ iiftti<»>~< >> this ¤¤¤i—¤>~ ],]·t,xlm;naly four inches rain in th¤`€€ ’
****“ *“"*"*` *"“* “`**’ **"‘ ****9 *" *"'*`°‘ tins ·nn1 nights baring this time  
lessness on the part ot the grower, for the humidhr was SU high that the  
*** r***‘*¥** _"‘*‘*‘* ;*‘*;****l’** ****"°‘ *’*‘*‘** roitage of the peaait trees would not  
lll'l(•J lUl' IIS will l't» ·. . 1
‘ ‘ tlry off before noon. and this was fol- .
I’rat·tit·;illy t·vcry orchzirtl carrying lower] by rain in the afternoon. In _
a crop. or ¢‘\'t’ll in p:ii‘\i:il crop. this year fact, the weather record for the entire E
was ‘"<"`>` *`*··><‘ In ll1<‘ iiiiiiiiiii of twin: month of July showed we had more  ig