xt7m0c4sjt2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sjt2v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1974 yearbooks ukyrbk1974 English American Publishing Company, Clarksville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection KYIAN 1974 text KYIAN 1974 1974 1974 2012 true xt7m0c4sjt2v section xt7m0c4sjt2v B+A
43 University Archives Margaret I.   ing l.ib>ary - North University o\ e.'itucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Join the Alumni Association now. ^^^^^
Starting Over Frosh Orientation Moving In Rush
Sigma Chi Derby Homecoming Greek Week International Week LKD
Student Government
Donovan Scholars
Student Feelings
Photo Folio
Co-ed Dorm
How & Why Ed.? .. Healing . Creating .. Constructing .. Probing .. Serving .. Teaching . . With, Without Ed.
Football Rugby
Field Hockey
Gymnastics . Water Polo
Intramurals . Track
Keeneland Patterns Marjoe Student Vices Law & Order Concerts Guignol Buying Power Married Students Fashion
Vets Back To School Putting Through
Streaking National Interest Magazines Publications Library . Escape Windows Lines
Community Colleges UK Vice-Presidents Awards Finals Week Wrap-up ri fricndlyX Shoppes /^little placet like home,where /yoiPfraTi T^xjy^vt) some great coffee, enjoy
the no. 1 bookstore serving u.k. students
405 south lime
The Kentuckian is published for the students at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
Editor-in-Chief..............Beth Ann Jewell
Photography ................. David Dolkart
Business Manager .... Georgeann Rosenberg
Copy Editing ................ Mary Amidon
Curriculum ................. Linda Carroll
Portraits-Organizations ....... Patsy Cook
Index-Secretary ............. Elaine Evans
Sports ...................... Alan Grogan
Special Features ................Keith Muth
Adviser ..................... Nancy Green
Secretariat raced to a great achievement in '73 winning the Triple Crown. Now living at Claiborne Farms, he has become local color. Horses are Lexington's greatest attraction; horse farms, Keeneland, Red Mile, and UK's Agriculture College, stress the status of the horse. The designers, Beth Ann Jewell and Georgeann Rosenberg, chose Secretariat as a symbol for UK, Lexington, and the yearbook struggling to come out on top. The colors were chosen as a change from the past four black and navy blue Kentuckian covers. Magazine design for the logo, flag, and cover stories were considered. The photograph was furnished by the Keeneland Association.
Copyright by the 1974 University of Kentucky Board of Student Publications.c All rights reserved. Volume 80; 1973-74. Printed by American Publishing Co., Clarksville, Tenn. Portrait photography by Root Photographers, Chicago, III. The Kentuckian is published yearly at an annual subscription rate of $7.50. The editors welcome any suggestions for articles or coverage in future editions. Offices are located in rooms 113-A and B in the Journalism Building, UK campus, Lexington, Ky., 40506.
"we appreciate your patronage" 5
STARTING OVER ........................ 5
The Kentuckian becomes a representative of UK.
FROSH ORIENTATION ................... 9
New to college, incoming freshmen get acquainted to UK life.
MOVING IN.............................11
Helios were happy, but moving in was a hassle.
Greeks increased membership during fall and spring rushes.
SIGMA CHI DERBY......................15
Whether zipping into a sleeping bag or dressing up like a banana, SCD was exciting.
UK Wildcats gobbled unbeaten Tulane.
GREEK WEEK............................19
Greek Week was revived through beer parties and jam sessions.
INTERNATIONAL WEEK..................21
Students received cultural experiences without traveling abroad.
LKD .................................... 23
Ugly face, bubble gum blowing and Ollie Burger eating were all a part of a fun filled week.
GRADUATION .......................... 27
Over 5,000 seniors graduated with degrees.
Beth Ann Jewell (Editor-in-Chief) is a journalism freshman.
Mary Kaye Rogers is a journalism sophomore. Valerie Sa/ven is an AG Communications sophomore. Barbara McReynolds is a Textiles, Clothing and Merchandising sophomore. Linda Steier is a liberal arts junior.
Keith Muth (Special Features Editor) is an architecture
freshman. Paul Burris is a journalism junior.
 S tar ling over al eight/
r'UTTING together the final spread for a yearbook makes me realize it takes more time to put a book together. Long hours are spent taking photographs, writing copy and putting it all together.
In other years time was not used wisely.  Rush jobs provided many good photos, but little copy. In the push to meet deadlines, the Ken-' tuckian fell short of depicting the
(continued from pg. 6) , 40 percent wanted their yearbook to contain local and national news. I This was counter to what they had received  in  previous  books and would receive in some future books.
The university decided to continue the yearbook, but sales sagged to an all time low of 350 after sen- 1 ior fees were dropped in 1971. Jhe  book  struggled ,on selling j;
 Students have a beautiful campus to run around on. The tower of Dickey Hall is seldom looked at when Memorial Hall is the central steeple on campus. The fountain gives students a place to meet, talk, and study near cool rushing water. Administration Drive, a circle road running in front of the  Administration Building, is beautifully lined with trees. At Christmas time, some trees are decorated, like the one behind the old Model-T Ford. At night, besides {.he golden lights of the Office Tower, the sign signifying the university lights up to show a campus warm and alive.
only 680 1973 copies compared to 1500 copies purchased by underclassmen in 1965. Total sales that year including senior books were 3500.
Because of past problems we wanted to produce a book you will read and enjoy.
"The only way a yearbook can survive today," Dr. Ashley said, is by "good hard reporting like a mag-
"Indepth reporting is the strength of American magazines." he continued.
Because of this, yearbooks are turning to magazine formats in layout and copy.
You wanted the yearbook to cover student life, academics, greeks, honors, faculty and sports, so we are attempting to give you an over-
all view of the academic year from the hassle of drop add to the unbearable heat of graduation.
This is your yearbook. If we have failed to cover any events or departments you would like to see in the Kentuckian, we would appreciate your suggestions. We want future Kentuckians to reflect you and your activities : . . Panic stricken, j queasy freshmen will never forget
Every student, freshman or senior, agriculture or nursing major, recalled one similar experience that none would forget.
It was the panic stricken, queasy feeling common to upcoming freshmen on their initial introduction to UK  freshmen orientation.
Advising conferences have been a tradition at UK since 1962, when a summer program was initiated to include both students and their parents. As the program progressed, it took on a more social approach in the mid '6fJ's.
"We try to maintain an honest approach with students and parents," says George Dexter, coordinator of the conference.
Dexter directed a full-time staff to prepare for orientation of new students who numbered over 3,000 last summer. To assist the staff, ten upperclassmen were hired. An attempt was made to get a diversified group of student assistants, Dexter said, so there would be a wide "sharing of experiences" with the incoming students.
A typical advising conference day went something like this: after greeting nearly 250 students and their parents, the conference was broken up into modular units, each concerned with some phase of university life. After attending the modular units, students pre-regis-tered for classes
Parents reaction to the program were generally favorable. The students main complaint was the actual process of pre-registration. These and other problems have continually been studied in the hopes of improving the program,
Parent's seem to be as confused and lost as students during freshmen orientation. However, upperclassmen (Background) take everything in stride, and enjoy the cool of the shade.
C^UICK, grab that cart!"
"Hey look, I left my I.D. in the car, but if you'll just take my word for it ..."
"Your mailbox number is 346, you're in room 316, and here are your keys and the combination to your mailbox."
"Please sign here ..."
"What's your name?"
"Where is the Grand Ballroom?"
"I can't remember my roommate's name ..."
"I hope you remembered to pack everything . . . I just know I forgot something!"
Sound familiar? These are just a few expressions you hear on "moving in day." Fortunately, the ritual known as "moving in," whether it involves moving into a dorm, an apartment, or "the house," occurs only twice a year.
Nearly all students have experienced the frustrations of moving into a dorm at some time while attending UK, unless they commute to classes. On "moving in day" you must sign in, obtain a room key, get a mailbox number, locate your room, and greet your roommate.
Finding a parking space is next to impossible, so you park by a yellow-striped curb and hope the Campus Police don't really hand out parking tickets at such a confusing time. Then you have to wait half an hour for an elevator in the towers or walk up three flights of stairs to take suitcases, boxes, and trunks to your room.
Moving in is followed by such delightful activities as buying books (which usually requires more than one) "... that will be $68.40 and would you
 Headaches, mass confusion and goodbye tears before finally moving in
like a free calendar?"; standing in line for 45 minutes to get your meal book ". . . I'm sorry, your I.D. must be validated first; would you go to the end of the other line please?"; and the endless lines of drop-add" . . . I'm sorry, we are out of class cards for that one but we can put you on the waiting list of 30 if you want to try . . ."
Indoctrination to cafeteria dinner is followed by rush parties (for some freshmen), getting together with friends to talk about the good times last summer, or just getting to know some new friends. Of course, don't forget about the corridor meetings held the first night at some ridiculous hour like midnight to top off your first day on campus.
But no matter what the tribulations of the first few days of "movin in," most students realize it could be worse . . . the exodus known as "moving out" is yet to come,
(Above Left,) A student moving into a room at the complex. (Above Right) A trip to the bookstore is a must the first day on campus to get a free calendar. (Left,) The smell of roasting vjeiners draws two students to the freshman picnic (Opp. Pg., Above) Two co-eds find the first day of the semester to be very exciting. (Left) A parent lends a helping hand to his daughter moving into Donovan Hall. (Right) Drop-Add is a frustrating experience for new students.
12 \
Brown, New Dean
Darlene Brown, Dean of Women and Panhellenic advisor, was quite excited with her new post and first job.
"The university has created a whole new dimension to my life; it's really funny because I've found myself as being content."
She was a 1973 graduate of the University of Vermont where she received a Masters in Education majoring in student personnel in higher education. Previously Brown attended Ohio University where she received a BS in journalism.
Darlene remarked her education became much more real to her because she used it in her job "whether it be expressing myself on paper or dealing with people."
"Yet I've learned more in four months as Dean of Women than I learned in two years of graduate school."
Libra, the sign of balance and optimism, under which she was born, characterized Brown's attitude. "It takes me a long time to make a decision because I weigh the alternatives and consequences against one another", she explained, "but when I reach a decision I'm confident it was the right thing to do."
Mary is a journalism sophomore.
Greek numbers increase by 15%
Fraternity membership
rose taking a 15 percent jump nationally over 72's membership. UK's fraternities followed this trend in pledging more men this school year than they had in number of years. Approximately 550 Greek men were added to the roster, 325 pledging in the fall, and 225 in the spring.
Danny Bullock, vice-president of Intrafraternity Council, was instrumental in increasing the fraternity numbers. Following the theme, "Forget everything you already think you know about UK's 21 fraternities. See them as they really are," Bullock organized the '74 Spring Rush Kick-Off Dance. To the music of APOCRYPHA, fraternity men met several hundred interested rush-ees.
The results were quite satisfying. The Kick-Off Dance took the edge off of introductions at individual fraternity houses and made rush more personalized.
Through rush, Greek men were getting together again. Bullock said it very well in a brief speech at the Kick-Off Dance, "Meet old
friends and make some new ones."
Sorority membership also enjoyed an increase during the past few years and this year was no exception.
Four hundred fifty women moved into their dorms for rush a week before the fall term began. Members of all 14 sororities assisted the rushees in moving in. Later in the day, an open house for the rushee's parents and an introduction to the Panhellenic Council was held.
The next day rushees attended a Jersey Swap where each Greek girl swapped Jerseys with a girl in another sorority. Entertaining skits were presented in the Alumni Gymnasium by a representative from each sorority. Open houses, parties, preference night and pledging filled the rest of the week.
Spring rush was less structured and more relaxed. Rushing was more personalized with fewer girls participating. The schedule of events was basically the same, though on a smaller scale. f^P 1 ^4
i i
(Top Left) Chi Omega decorates during rush. (Top Right) Sigma Alpha Epsilon rush party at the Governor's Mansion. (Center Left) Dean Palm presents Kappa Alpha president, )im Harralson, with an award during a rush party. (Center Right) . Roger Baird, Jr.; Rachel Fathergill, Soph.; Scott Newmayer, Soph.; Margie Manyik, Frosh.; Julie Wat-kins, Frosh; and Tom McLaughlin, Sr. pose during a Kappa Sigma rush party. (Left) Phi Sigma Kappa's Mark Tate, Soph, and Benny Clark, Frosh. in true form for rush. 22nd Annual Derby
KA's score top points I in Egg-a-Pledge
^^MID screaming and cheering Kappa Delta sorority walked away with the Sigma Chi trophy in the 22nd annual Derby Day sponsored by the fraternity. The Derby, held at the Rugby Field, proved to be an afternoon of fun and games for UK sororities, and Keeneland and Donovan halls.
Derby Day permits the new pledges of each sorority to compete for the  title  of  Derby  Champ. The
winning sorority is selected by the total number of points earned in a series of competitive events.
Kappa Delta captured the title again this year under the coaching of Sigma Chi's Jerry Gieuseffi and Mike Wagner.
Representing Delta Delta Delta, Michelle McLaughlin was selected Derby Queen while Eric Schuerman, chairman of Derby Day, was chosen Derby Daddy.
Alpha Delta Pi won the first event, Deck-A-Pledge. Dressed in a banana costume, September Smith paraded before the judges and delivered a skit to the theme "ADPi's go bananas over Sigma Chi's."
The Derby Chase followed with six girls from each team competing to retrieve hats arranged on the field. Kappa Delta, Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega and Alpha Chi Omega gained the most number of points.
The third contest, Mount and Mackerel, was won by Chi Omega.
Kappa Alpha Theta won the mystery event. It consisted of a relay of three girls from each team putting on overalls while zipped in sleeping bags.
Kappa Delta placed first in the Flour Fling with Delta Gamma and
Kappa Alpha Theta following. In this event, a girl from each team searched in a tub of flour for tags that spelled the name of their team.
Kappa Delta also scored the most number of points in the last event in which they attempted to hit a Sigma Chi pledge in the face with an egg, while the pledge stood behind a cut-out bulls' eye target,
(Above) Diane Williamson waits to escort two friends into the parade. (Left) Sorority pledges rush to zip in the mystery event. (Below) Cirls from Kappa Kappa Gamma sit in their parade exhibit watching the games. (Opp. Pg., Background) Delta Delia Delta sorority cheer after their representative, Michelle McLaughlin, was chosen Derby Queen. (Sequence) Cheering the Kappa Delta's on to victory is Pam Voor-hees; Delta Zeta coach Earl Brown and Kem Harp take time out between events; Edith Ann Rogers performs a skit in front of the judges.
16 he year^yas 1915; the opponent, Tennessee. It was the first annual Homecoming J$Xff*& evolving from what had originally been called ffie Turkey Day game. The large number of graduates whs attended the gameinljidhfeed the name change.
As* in 1915 an effort was made in 73, to include aiumnirlexi ^p^^^lents and non-gre
$ jif:'~
Greek s
toJi^flHMB^rii that,'' explai ejS^PIedford, Student Gent BoarMsCB) publicity director f Homecoming, g j
"We wanted to have afi outl for.^^l^Grcck studerits,/parti larly freshman, who wante
if^'bur dida^fca."''
icjaj* and ry coopera-
financing, some of the ' m&t- Ledford
plffatie   on- Thufsday^ eight units participate were five floats andi UK Marching Band ROTC escorts.
The  15 Homecoi d ate sc G r a ndS4ars| and his wife, Dr. anc Singiltary, Coach his wife, and the lege representatives those invthe;parade. ^ch%vbu,l sororities^frat
$?p^^rpj0P Homecoming " theme, American Mv]&f?
e winning float, "Curciland and the Argonauts", representing the movie, "Poseidon Adventure", consisted of a huge ship, the USS Wildcat, driven by moving cars across a sea of green waves.
j ,ing Queen.
ommyoity- College Princesses, IcdVled by SCB members, were riv^n around the fiejWinjjntique ca/s. '  Up
eeBTTa1 Generation" and Buffet" was held Friday nigr the Student    Center Ballroc Homecoming events conclu^ Saturday  night  with  a "Davir! Crosby-Graham Nash" concert in Memorial Coliseum.
  Greek Week revived
Skits kick-off week long events
FTER a number of years of inactivity Greek Week was revived on campus. Sponsored by the Greek Activities Steering Committees, the week's events ranged from bike races to jam sessions.
Kick-off activities began Thursday with representatives from each sorority and fraternity participating in skits presented to the Greeks. Outstanding Greek man and woman candidates were also introduced that evening.
A jam session featuring two bands  Snap and Apocrypha  was held in the Fraternity Quadrangle Friday. Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity sponsored a beer blast in conjunction with the jam session.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon revived old memories with a '50's Party Saturday afternoon. A disc jockey, rock and roll music and beer, this was one of the most successful events.
The Sigma Pi bike race and Greek Sing were held on Sunday. Brad Swope placed first in the bike race and Ann McManus captured the women's title. House parents were honored at the Greek Sing Sunday
evening where sororities and fraternities sang chapter songs and modern tunes.
An Apple Polishing Dessert honored UK faculty members and staff on Monday night. Members from each Greek organization hosted the evening and each house contributed an apple dessert for the event.
Tuesday was a free day, leaving the climax of Greek Week, the Greek Banquet, to take place Wednesday night at the Student Center Ballroom.
Outstanding Greek man  Alan Stein  and woman  Lynsey Snow  were announced at the dinner in which Mayor Foster Pettit and Dr. and Mrs. Otis Singletary attended.
As guest speaker Bob Valentine, Kappa Alpha order house director, concluded his address the electrical power in the SC and Lexington was cut  and the community remained powerless until early the next morning  the result of a violent tornado searing through the midwest.
Charlie Phillips, Intrafraternity Council president, and Becky Shaw, Panhellenic president, organized relief teams to help tornado victims in surrounding areas of the state, 'fif*
(Top) Racers await starting signal of the bike race. (Above) Crowd enthusiastically participates in Greek Sing. (Right) "Snap" plays for Greek Week jam session. (Opp. pg., Top) Two coeds enjoy drink and conversation at the jam session. (Bottom Left) Tim Cunningham entertains students at skit night. (Bottom Right) Alpha Tau Omega's harmonize for the audience at the Greek Sing.
Michael Palm new Dean of Students
His resume said he was "sensitive to people and their problems" and has a "sincere desire to help." With these qualifications it was no wonder why Michael Palm was the new Dean of Students.
The 30 year old, unmarried Dean worked in various student personnel services, served in the Army, and was a graduate assistant in the Housing Office at Eastern Illinois University before coming to UK.
The once president of Beta Sigma Psi fraternity was Who's Who Among Colleges and Universities in 1971 and both Who's Who Among Greeks and American Student Leaders in 1972.
Now Dean of Students, Palm's special interests were people, Napoleonic and Swedish history, Ice hockey, and golf.
20 jBBiii8fB1fiTBflll5filg^
I F you wanted to travel abroad but lacked the finances, International Week at UK provided the free ticket to a world of cultural experiences.
Sponsored annually by the International Student Office of Human Relations Center, International Week was scheduled the first week in April. The objective was to promote discussion of current international issues in today's world.
Lectures, films, discussions, luncheons, entertainment, and workshops highlighted the week's activities.
Handcrafted items such as pipes from Turkey, Chinese paintings by two famous oriental artists, an African mask, and Peruvian East Indian items were on display at an International Bazaar.
International deserts were served at a "Street Cafe" in the Student Center and a Mexican luncheon was held in the Alumni Gym.
Travel films and a CBS film special, "Misunderstanding China", were shown during the week. Dr. Denis Goulet, director of developmental change, Harvard University, spoke on "Technology and the Struggle for World Development".
A workshop on Cross-Cultural Understanding was held featuring John Heise, director of international student Affairs, University of Michigan.
(Top Left; Dr. John Heise leads a small workshop on cross-cultural understanding. (Top Right) Internaitonal Bazaar displays Peruvian East Indian items. (Bottom Left) Luncheons held in the Alumni Gym featured food from around the world. (Opp. pg., Top Left.) An unidentified student serves herself at the Mexican luncheon. (Top Right; Many Chinese paintings are displayed at the International Bazaar. (Bottom Left; Oriental displays included chess sets, pipes, and urns. (Bottom Right; The International Cafe feeds packed crowds.
22   \
King contest and faculty-basketball game add to
T he 18th annual bike race, won by Sigma Nu fraternity, highlighted the week long events for the Little Kentucky Derby (LKD).
The race, held at Shively Sports Center track consisted of five preliminary heats of 10 laps each, and the finals in which seven teams each rode 15 laps around the track  the equivalent of three and three-fourths miles.
The Debutante Stakes in which sororities competed against one another on scooters was won by Chi Omega. Delta Zeta placed second.
Between the preliminary heats
and finals, Doug Gabbert was announced winner of the LKD king contest. He was presented with an engraved drinking mug.
The King was chosen on the basis of "just the guy whom you would most like to drink beer with." Charm and good looks had no influence on the selection of the winner.
In previous years a Queen contest had been held. This event was a first for LKD.
Five noon day activities were held at the Student Center Patio the week preceding the bike race.   Activities   included   a rat
race, ugly face, Ollie burger eating, bubble gum blowing and Frisbee throwing contests.
A Bluegrass Arts and Crafts Festival, held in the Botanical Gardens, and an entertaining lecture by Ralph Nadar were among other LKD events sponsored by the Student Center Board.
Musical entertainment during the week was provided by The Blues Caravan in an outdoor concert at Stoll field, while the Dean Scott Show performed in a mini-concert and Cove played at a coffee house in the Student Center Grille.
i H
 student LKD
The faculty-staff vs. student basketball game proved to be a successful addition to LKD. Such administrative heads as Dr. Otis Singletary, president of the university, and Dean jack Hall put in a fine effort against the student team which included Alan Stein and Danny Bullock. Needless to say the students won.
LKD was organized in 1956 by a group of students. Their purpose was two-fold. They wanted to provide a week of activities geared to student interests and provide money for student loans and scholarships, '^f
(Top) Ugly face contestant. (Center Left) Ugly face contest. (Center Right) Frisbee throwing contest. (Center) Winning ugly face. (Bottom) Ugly face winner. (Background) Bike race contestant.
(Tip Left) President Otis Singletary presents the Sydney Sullivan Award to Tracy Bruce. (Top Right) Kris Kinnel receives the graduating male Sullivan medallion. (Center) A very interested garduate listens to President Singletary's address. (Above) Thinking someday of himself, he watches his brother graduate. (Right) After more than 75 years of school, graduation is a final performance. (Opp. pg., Top) Not only student graduate, but some receive doctorates of letters. (Center) These graduates flip through their program to find the traditional Alma Mater. (Bottom) Filing into the Coleseum on their way to graduation brings feelings of happiness, saddness, anticipation or just thoughts of the night's coming celebration.
 Only 30-35% go to general ceremony
The 107th annual commencement exercises held on May 11th at four pm in Memorial Coliseum, had 3,035 candidates up for degrees. Only an estimated 30 to 35 per cent participated in the general ceremony.
The invocation was delivered by the Reverend Law-rance Hehman of the Catholic Newman Center. Preceding the conferring of degrees by the Deans of the various colleges, President Otis Singletary gave a brief address.
The Sullivan Awards, which was made to one man and woman of the graduating class, and one other citizen who is not a student of UK but has some interest or association with the university, were presented. The 1974 recipients of the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Medallions were Tracy Bruce (graduating woman), Kris Kimel (graduating man) and Alberta Coleman (citizen). They are the highest award the university can give.
Also presented were the Alumni Association Great Teacher Awards of 1974. They were: Professor James Richardson, College of Law; Professor John Walker, Department of Agricultural Engineering; Professor Elizabeth Ann Walthall, Ashland Community College; and Professor Ralph Wiseman, College of Arts and Sciences.
The Benediction was given by Reverend William Ray Jenning of the First United Methodist Church. The program ended with the recessional.
In addition to the general commencement, many colleges held individual ceremonies, receptions, and banquets during the week. An estimated 5,000 graduated, ^f*
28 Groqcn'd
machinists welders boiler makers
complete line of equipment and supplies for hospitals and physicians
Italian Spaghetti Homemade Lasagne
Italian Sausages Meatball Sandwiches Thick Sicilian Pizza
Carry Out: 116 W. Maxwell or Call 253-0211
Lexington Surgical Supply
327-329   E.  VINE STREET LEXINGTON, KY. 4D507
103 Maxwell 252-2823
'' j ' ..." yODEMIC K& FUTURES
HOW & WHY EDUCATION .............. 31
Should the system be called education or induction? What is the real function of the university?
HEALING ............................... 33
Healing is taught by Allied Health, Dentistry, Nursing and Medicine colleges.
CREATING ..............................39
Creative means are instigated by the colleges of Architecture and the Arts.
CONSTRUCTING ........................45
The Architecture and Engineering Colleges teach students to construct necessities.
Probing science and problems are promoted by Medicine, Law and Sciences Colleges.
SERVING ............................... 57
Almost all the colleges serve the community directly or indirectly in some way.
The end mean of education is taught by teaching teachers.
Education seems to be an induced demand.
Linda Carroll (Curriculum Editor) is a journalism sophomore.
Tom Kaiser is a pre-law freshman.
30 07 ;hu th@ fe, today's iru:n, who if @0 [life ftgXQik great OlVi IplJi: toward? the
rder M teg remembered to (uture by til 46 story buildings,
 ' '
grid engineering, ted t m@nutme f@r lifestyle fr (:he AiTicru g,t?i people
uture generations hew t ornate
ly through medical research in areas- such as dreaded disease, This scientific 1'iobinn in the past quarter of a century, Yet which we lived contort was found through the law and
i O Id,
in the same way the* teacher, bus-fan, farmer and all the ether fields found her-e at the unU Carving one another-, If we learn nothing bered for- that because we {feed
neatest contributions could be found in hlng the man or woman who had been of college found the things the educational institutions whatever way to improve them, change them, or to them,
these so-called institutions mand would become the; island become and he would be unable to survive, learn, to take classes which don't appeal to us yet areas of study are what make us better (people and the ductive, well-rounded place, p^r
 makes strong academic demands on students
"The concept of Healing was taught at the university through medicine, nursing, dentistry and the allied health fields.
"The Albert Chandler medical Center of the University of Kentucky was an educational institution devoted to educating and training students in the health professions, developing new knowledge, and serving the citizens of the Commonwealth," stated the College of Medicine bulletin.
The curriculum at the Med school strove to achieve these goals along with the demands the college made upon the students in terms of grades and absolute devotion to medicine.
The curriculum was similar to the college of nursing. The first two years were the lecture courses, the inside training came in the "clinical" years, (continued on page 35)
(Top Left) Student works with lab equipment. (Bottom Left) Emergency box found in emergency room of Med Center. (Right) Computer which operates equipment which can keep patient alive. (Opp. pg., Top) One of the many operating rooms at the Medical Center. (Bottom) Heart stimulators found in the emergency box.  Colleges provide training in and out of class
(Top Left) Student does research in medical laboratory. (Top Right) Dental students clean childs teeth. (Bottom) Physical therapy student stretches neck muscles of fellow student. (Opp. pg., Top Left) Help needed in research lab. (Top Right) Nursing students practice helping patients walk on rails. (Bottom) Med student gives shot.
(continued from page 33)
The clinical years were the on the job training in the hospitals, or other plac