xt7m0c4sjs4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sjs4g/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1986 Volume 10 -- Number 19 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1985-1986) coaches Sutton, Eddie players Tsioropoulos, Lou Hagan, Cliff athletic directors Boone, Hilary University of Kentucky Football (1986) Claiborne, Jerry Burbage, Cornell University of Kentucky Tennis (1986) officials statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  "January 18, 1986" text The Cats' Pause,  "January 18, 1986" 1986 1986 2012 true xt7m0c4sjs4g section xt7m0c4sjs4g Sunshine Boys Await Tussle With Wildca
Mrgart I. King L&w$y$#&/W: CENTS PER COPY Ur:lv;r;ty cf Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506
e Cats' Pause
 PUBLICATION NO. USPS 707340 Published By WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY P.O. Box 7297 Lexington. Kentucky 40522 Second Class Postage Paid at Lexington. Kentucky 40511 and additional Mailing offices
Editor and Publisher
OSCAR L. COMBS Staff Writer
TODD HALLUM National Recruiting Columnist
BOB GIBBONS ' Columnist
Columnist STAN TORGERSON Columnist DICKY BEAL Kentucky Basketball Recruiting RICK BOLUS Contributing Columnist
JAMIE VAUGHT Sport Hobby Columnist JACK MAIDEN Business Manager DONNA COMBS Composition Coordinator DON COFFEY Staff Photographer GARY CROMWELL Circulation Coordinator
Published Weekly: Sep! 14 April 12 Monthly: May, June. July. August
Advertising Representative WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY 2625 Regency Road Lexington. Kentucky 40503
Subscription Price 525.00 per year in USA $35.00 per year in Canada Phone:(606)278-3474
Postmaster: Send Address Changes to THE CATS' PAUSE.P.O. Box 7297, Lexington. Kentucky 40522
-H 5ft
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Date: 01-13-1986
UNIVERSITY OK KENTUCKY WILDCATS 0       CS     Mln     Avg       FG   FGA     Pet      FT    FTA     l'ct    Reb Avg WALKER, KENNY
(12-2 overall; (8-0 Home; 3-2 Away;
PF    D    Ast      To BlkStl
3-1 SIX) 1-0 Neutral)
I'ts Avg
14     439   31 .4,     107    179   59.8     79    102'. 77.5
14       14     427   30.5       69    146   47.3     39     50" 78.0
14       14     421    30.1       60    113   53.1     39     48 81.3

14       14     340   24.3       57    124   46.0     22     36 61.1
14        -     240    17. 1       36     60   60.0     16     20 80.0
14        14      383    27.4       32     65    49.2       7       8 87.5
105 8.E
17      31    54.8      12      27 44.4
14 -      167    11.9        17     41    41.5      12      15 80.0
10 -
57 5.7        12      22    54.5       6      10 60.0
79 7.9 7      12    58. 3       8      1 1 72.7
85 7.7
57 5.7
9     24 37.5
2       9 22.2
6 100.0
6 66.7
Opponents 14
2800   200.     425   826   51 .5   250   339 73.7
2800    200.      340    764    44.5    161    230 70.0
96 6.9
39 2.t
94 6.7
60 4.3
46 3.3
29 2.1
26 2.2
31 2.2
16 1.6
10 .9
12 1.2
20 1.4
488 34.9
413 29.5
31 - 12 17 12 19
29 1 48 30 - 30
41 1 19 17 7 14
31 - 29 17 1 20
13     16       1 4
22 -     90 30 - 16
19 -       2 15 6 3
24 -       2 6 1 2
11 -       3 5 1 2
9-11 5 12 8-81-3
9 -       3 13 1 1
255 2    240 172 30 126
177 244
293 20.9
177 12.6
159 11.4
136 9.7
88 6.3
46 3.8
46 3.3
30 3.0
22 2.2
24 2.2
8 .8
1100 78.6
841 60.1
3 p*
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UK 76, Bama 52
(About beating Alabama by 24) points)
Harden: We watched the game against Alabama-LSU. We knew that because they played so well we had to have a great game (to win). I didn't expect us to beat'em that bad. (About facing the zone defenses) Harden: Personally, you've got to recognize what type of zone they're in. We don't want to take the first perimeter shot they give us. We want to be patient and get it to our strengths. But we won't turn that shot down after six or seven passes into our offense. . .after we've gone through all our options. All of the guards have done a good job of hitting the jump shots. Just look at our percentages. (About when he looks for Walker) Harden: We never stop. You always want to look for him. On our zone, most of the time, I'm on the wing, but when I get on the point that's where the opportunity arises to get the ball into Kenny. That's something that the point guard has got to be very conscious of doing.
(About if he ever thought he would have a fine performance like he did tonight)
Blackmon: I'm just continuing to play hard. The shot's going to come. I think the key on our team is defense, and if I just continue to play great defense then the shot is going to come.
(About if he feels more comfortable)
Blackmon: Yes, definitely.
(About how he felt prior to the game)
Blackmon: Oh, I felt good. I was pretty fired upabout playing Alabama because I knew they
were going to be an aggressive team. I knew they were going to come and play. So, when you know a team is going to come to play you're going to get yourself mentally ready to play. That is the biggest part of it  getting yourself ready to play.
(About Mississippi State)
Blackmon: We watched Mississippi State and Auburn today. Mississippi State is a good ballclub; they excute their offense pretty good. We've just got to go down there and play hard. (About hitting his first couple of shots) Blackmon: That's important to all the players. If you hit your first couple of shots then you get confident. If you hit your first shots then that's good.
(About having fun tonight)
Blackmon: I just go out and play hard. When we (play a) good team like that and have a lot of specatular plays, that kind of gets you really fired up.
(About winning by 24 points over a good Alabama team)
Blackmon: Playing at home you never can tell. Alabama beat LSU; you've got to win your games at home. It's kind of hard to win on the road. You've just got to go out and play hard.
(About James Blackmon's athletic ability)
Walker: Besides Richard Madison, James is probably the next most-talented guy on the team For a guy his size he's a great leaper, runs the court real well, and has got a great shooting touch from the outside. He can also take it inside with the big guys. He's got a lot individual moves. It's hard to stop a person like that, once he gets himself together and plays the way he's capable of playing. James had a super, super game tonight. I hope that this game will give him a whole lot of confidence and that he will play that way for the rest of the season.
(About what a 24-point win against Alabama means)
Walker: The SEC is still young right now  everybody is still capable of winning it. It feels better to be more on the winning side this year as opposed to losing. Anybody that plays on a basketball team will feel that way. I just think that our team has been playing much better. We're more of a team right now. Everybody's playing hard and everybody's got a good attitude. Losing is not very fun. When you win you get more confidence, you play better, and you play harder. That's what we're doing now.
(About Roger Harden's behind-the-head pass to him in the second half)
Walker: Playing with Roger for four years I've got a good feeling about what I think he's going to do. I just try an anticipate about when he's going to pass it and where's he's going to pass it. Tonight on the dunk he told me on his own "if Winston gets the rebound you go." I took off down the side and I thought he was going to lay it up. I don't know where the pass came from, it just got in my hands. That shows you that he knows what he's doing.
(About comparing this team with the other three UK teams he's played on)
Walker: This team has a good attitude. We had some teams that had some great players like Sam Bowie and Melvin Turpin, and we went to the Final Four. But, if we keep working hard and keep improving there's no reason that we can't go to the NCAA, play well, and possibly be in Dallas. We've got the kind of personnel to do it. But the main thing is for us to play together and play hard.
Wimp Sanderson's Postgame Comments
Following are Alabama coach Wimp Sanderson's postgame comments after his team was defeated by Kentucky last Saturday night at Rupp Arena:
Question: Your comments on the game?
Sanderson: We lost the basketball game to a team that played better than we did. They out-executed us. They did all the things that a good basketball team has to do in order to win. We did not play well; Kentucky probably had something to do with it. They shot the ball very well early in the game. Kentucky has a fine basketball team and they should be congratulated for the way they played. They got great performances out of all their people. We got ourselves in foul problems and had to play a little bit more zone than we normally play. I thought they outmanned us on the boards, it was no contest. They're to be congratulated. Road Trip Provides Big Test For Cats
It's back to the road again for the Kentucky Wildcats and this two-game swing to Mississippi State and Florida will be anything but fun in the sun.
After a sterling 76-52 thrashing of a very good Alabama team, fans could be expecting a couple blow-outs over the Bulldogs and Gators. Better think again.
Of all the two-game road trips in the SEC. this is perhaps the best chance of a sweep. It also has the makings of a twin collar, as in two losses.
A double-victory at this time of year would be a great shot of confidence, not to mention the possibility of burying that age-old January slump theory. Two wins this week and UK would be sitting very nicely atop the SEC standings with a 5-1 record and a 12-2 overall record. UK would then host Georgia and Tennessee in its next two games at Rupp Arena.
That's being positive. The flip side of that coin could be a disaster if the Cats are not up to playing on the road. Remember Auburn?
Sure, Kentucky defeated Vanderbilt in Nashville, but Vandy has neither the athletes nor numbers of either State or Florida. State played a couple tough games recently and the lopsided loss to Auburn last week on its home court might lead one to believe State is easy prey. Think again.
This will be State's game of the year. It will be the last time retiring head coach Bob Boyd will have the opportunity of luring the big, bad Wildcats to his woodshed. If possible. State will take no prisoners. State isn't blessed with great talent, but the 'Dogs do have a way of pulling together and playing as as team. The fact that State led the SEC race going into the final two weeks of last season is enough evidence to convince anyone State is not a token opponent.
Florida needs no description. Coach Norm Sloan needs no defense of his ability to coach. The man has proven his skills time and time again.
Perhaps the surprise of the SEC, Florida zipped off by upsetting Tennessee in Knoxville then defeated Auburn in Gainesville a few days later. But the Gators also proved they can take things for granted too.
Like last Saturday when the Gators (undefeated in SEC and primed for an upset) had their shins kicked by little ole Mississippi in Oxford. It really wasn't that big a shocker. After all, Ole Miss stood toe-to-toe with Kentucky in Rupp Arena for some twenty-five minutes. And then there's that little thing about playing at home versus on the road.
So what can we expect from the Wildcats this week? Our crystal ball sees another 1-1 road trip, a narrow victory over State and a narrow loss to Florida.
Kentucky needs to be patient against a team which, at times, exhibits patience-supreme. UK will need another brilliant performance from Kenny Walker. A strong inside game is needed from both Winston Bennett and Richard Madison. Outside scoring must improve. Kentucky by three with the score in the sixties.
Gainesville's O'Connell Center isn't the best place to play, especially when you're trying to get away from the frigid weather of the north. This is a must game for the Gators if they want to have a shot at the league title. Florida is not as low on talent as some would have you to believe.
Andrew Moten is a talented guard and he's complimepted^cry nicely by Vernon Maxwell
and Joe Lawrence. Ronald Montgomery has been a pleasant surprise.
This one will be close and with the CBS-TV cameras looking on, it should be an exciting one. Color it blue . . . and orange. Florida by three in the low seventies.
It's tough playing on the road in this league. Officials seem to get caught up in the home crowd atmosphere. And yes, it happens right here at Rupp Arena.
Make no mistake about it, rarely does a home team get a raw deal overall. During the Cats' first four games of the SEC season, I dare say the calls have gone with the home team. Kentucky had every right to complain about the overall officiating at Vanderbilt and Auburn. Likewise, Lee Hunt and Wimp Sanderson cannot be faulted for their frustration in Lexington.
Officials aren't crooks. Overall, officials do a good job, but it's almost impossible to keep from letting the home court crowd influence your calls, at least subconsciously.
Take for example a certain player who may have a tendancy to shuffle his feet just a tad as he gets the ball. At home, his fans aren't going to point that out to the officials. But when this same kid goes on the road, the crowd will bellow out the infraction every time the kid touches the ball. You can bet the second time he touches the ball, the infraction will be called.
That's why you normally see more turnovers on the road than you do at home. It's also why a defensive player will rarely get a charge call against his opponent while playing on the road. That's just the way it is.
One of Kentucky's top football recruiting prospects has been named the nation's top offensive lineman by the prestigous Parade Magazine.
The nationally-acclaimed publication announced its selection of Dave Szott of Passaic in Clifton, New Jersey, as its "Lineman of the Year" Sunday in the annual selection of prep All-Americans.
Szott, who has 4.9 speed in the forty, has been wooed by all the big schools and apparently Kentucky, Penn State and Rutgers are the three finalists.
Reportedly, Szott is interested in the thoroughbred industry and UK's new equine program.
Kentucky could be on the verge of landing a real 1-2 punch if the Wildcats could get both Szott and Kentucky's premier running back, Al Baker of Trigg County.
Baker visited the University of Tennessee last weekend, but there are some who believe his decision will come down to either Kentucky or Ohio State with both Florida and Tennessee having an outside chance. Al is schedule to visit Ohio State this weekend. Baker also was named a Parade AA last week.
If UK succeeds in getting both, it might be the first time UK has signed two Parade All-Americans in the same year.
A big tip of the hat to Hilary Boone, a former UK. tennis star who believes in helping those who helped him.
Boone was, hqnqred last Saturday at thejnew
Wildcat indoor tennis facility which was built largely because of his contribution of a quarter-million dollars to the project.
Boone was captain of the 1939 UK tennis team during its glory years and later went on to become an extremely successful businessman in the insurance business and horse industry.
When UK began its drive to raise money for a new tennis facility. Boone stepped forward with a check for $250,000. And Saturday, UK athletics director Cliff Hagan was all smiles as the two opened the new facility off Cooper Drive.
It wasn't the first time Mr. Boone has contributed to the University of Kentucky. Not long ago, he gave SI million toward the construction of the new UK Faculty Club building.
It's generous people like Mr. Boone which enable the University of Kentucky to continue its growth and expand its athletics facilities.
And as Hagan noted during the ceremonies, UK now has some $13 million in construction projects underway by the athletics association, including a new swimming facility and a new football training complex.
HITS AND MISSES ... If Louisville Courier-Journal sports editor Billy Reed is all smiles when he visits Rupp Arena these days, perhaps it's because of his new-found love with the head basketball coach of the Kentucky Wildcats. When Eddie Sutton was introduced to the 14.000 Wildcat fans recently at the public workout in Louisville prior to the VMI game, the new UK boss told the audience "as I was telling my good friend Billy Reed . . " After the public workout. Reed proudly noted Sutton's favorable comments about their friendship. Better watch out Billy, Sir Bobby is not going to like your cuddling up to a man in blue . . . Speaking of The Courier-Journal, for those of you outside the state of Kentucky, publisher and owner Barry Bingham, Sr. announced last week that he is selling his entire empire, including the two Louisville newspapers, WHAS Radio and WHAS-TV. Because of Federal Communication Commission regulations, whoever purchases the newspapers will not be able to own the broadcast outlets. Some media sources have suggested that the two newspapers are worth $220 to $300 million . . . One of the early jokes making the rounds is that University of Louisville fans are already trying to raise enough money to purchase the newspaper because they are afraid that Knight-Ridder (which also owns The Lexington Herald-Leader)'^ interested in buying the newspapers from the Bingham family . . . Kentucky football coach Jerry Claiborne apparently will not sign any junior college players this spring. The Wildcats had brought in defensive back Dwight Sistrunk of Illinois Valley Junior College for a visit but Sistrunk has decided to go with Hayden Fry and the Iowa Hawkeyes . . . UK coach Eddie Sutton's thirty-minute weekly television show will be expanded to one hour starting this Sunday to include a thirty-minute segment with assistants James Dickey and Leonard Hamilton. The two will provide scouting reports on opponents. Sutton believes it's important to involve his assistants in such shows to better prepare them for the time when they will become a head coach . . . Former Indiana guard Delray Brooks reportedly will enroll this week "at Providence and will be
eligible to play the middle of next season. He left IU after being dissatisfied with his playing time. He started over ten games last season, but had been relegated to a reserve role this season . . . How will the next chapter of the "Tito Horford Story" began now that the NCAA has turned down his bid for eligibility at Houston? Houston officials said after the NCAA hearing that they hope Tito can enroll at another school and become eligible to play. . . Is Kentucky still interested in Tito? According to our sources, Kentucky has had not contact with Tito and UK officials have said they know only what they have read in the paper about the Horford case. It's our opinion that it's very unlikely Horford will play for any NCAA school, let alone UK . . . Speaking of UK, recruiting on the basketball front is gearing up again as the staff is trying to construct a list of potential recruits, and reevaluate them. It's no secret UK is looking for big men, the 6-8 range or bigger. The
J. R. Reid Did
Not Attend UK - U of L Game
Wildcats would love to lure J. R. Reid to Big Blue Country but that is a long, long longshot. Several rumors have been circulating that Reid attended the Kentucky-Louisville game at Rupp Arena. No, that isn't true, according to the UK coaching staff. Reid has not visited UK, but Sutton's staff certainly would welcome a request to make a visit. Reports out of ACC Country say Reid will stay near home, either at' North Carolina, Virginia or Maryland. He has already visited North Carolina, Iowa, and Maryland. He is suppose to visit UCLA and Virginia. Those are the five finalists he has listed. . . Don't expect Sutton to sign prepsters just to fill out the roster. Kentucky is already scouting juniors for next season. The Cats should have a head start on guard Sean Sutton (son of coach Eddie) who has been tearing up Central Kentucky and has made a believer out of most. In fact, one national recruiting expert has already indicated he will list Sutton among the nation's top ten seniors next season. With Rex Chapman coming on board, the emphasis next season will also be placed on the big man. It's a shame the Wildcats weren't able to keep Greenup County's Mike Scott at home. And the Cats also missed out on a dandy when Knoxville's Doug Roth opted for Tennessee. Those two failed to show up at UK for different reasons. UK turned its back on Scott and made only a token effort for Roth because the staff thought it could land Tito Horford. Of course, the Vols did a great job of luring Roth to stay home with its new 25,000-seat arena which may or may not be completed by the time Roth finishes his career. . . There were some bad news and good news for former UK AI1-American Sam Bowie last week. Bowie went down in an NBA game last Friday with what appeared to be a broken left leg, the same one he injured while at UK. Less than 24 hours later, the news turned to good when a second set of x-rays revealed that there was no broken bone and Sam is expected back in action within a week. Whew!! &2$& 4
c77/ (oats'&a//xe'
After 76-52 Win Over Alabama
Sutton Praises Cats But "It's Just One Victory"
Following are Coach Eddie Sutton's postgame comments after Kentucky raised its SEC record to 3-1 by defeating Alabama, 76-52:
Question: Your comments on the game?
Sutton: We probably played as well as we have in quite some time. By quite some time I mean the Louisville game. The only thing 1 can criticize is that we didn't shoot free throws very well. We maybe didn't do as good as job on the defensive boards as we need to. Alabama is a good basketball team. Our defense was outstanding. Of course they got hurt when (Buck) Johnson got in foul trouble; that hurt their ballclub. Overall, I thought our team played very well tonight.
What was the key to stopping Buck Johnson?
Sutton: The best way to stop someone like Buck Johnson, just like teams try to do to us when they try to stop Kenny, is deny the basketball. Don't let him catch the basketball. Once you let a player of his ability catch it then you're asking for problems. Winston (Bennett) did a good job on him. When Winston got in foul trouble then we put Cedric (Jenkins) on him. I thought he did a nice job.
Question: Did you think going into the game that you could hold Johnson to 10 points?
Sutton: I don't know. That's the first time I've seen him play except on film. He's an outstanding player.
Question: You gave your team a quiz following the LSU-Alabama game the other night on television. Did you think the quiz paid off?
Sutton: 1 don't know (Sutton smiles). The other night I had our ballclub watch the LSU-Alabama ballgame, then the next day I gave them a quiz. All of 'em past in flying colors.
What was the toughest question on the quiz?
Sutton: We had two: l)Who was the color and play-by-play announcers?; and 2)(Kenny Walker said the other hard question was Where was Tito Horford?). We were talking about Tito Horford and they (the players) said he was somewhere between Baton Rouge and Houston. Some of the guys answered it that way. The toughest qustion was probably to sing the words to My Old Kentucky Home. Some of them didn't know that. That's our next project  is to make sure everybody does know My Old Kentucky Home.
Question: Do you think the Wildcats were 'extra' ready for the Crimson Tide of their easy win over No. 8 LSU?
Sutton: Our ballclub has great respect for Alabama. Against LSU they played as well as anybody I've seen in our league this year. I think they're a fine basketball team.
Question: How big a role was the outside shooting tonight against Alabama's zone?
Sutton: Everybody has been playing a zone against us, and just packin' it in there. If you can't hit that perimeter shot then everybody is going to continue to pack it in against us. So it was very important; we did a nice job. I thought our shot selection was better tonight.
Question: Could you comment on James Blackmon's play?
Sutton: I thought Blackmon played a super ballgame. He's been playing better in practice; Richard (Madison) has been playing better in practice.
Question: What were Blackmon and Madison doing better in practice?
Sutton: In Richard's case he's become a much better defensive player. James's shot selection is a lot better. How much a player plays in a ballgame is by the way he plays in practice.
Question: Was there anything you were displeased with?
Sutton: We really dug a hole for ourselves by missing free throws in the first half  we missed three bonus situations. We went into halftime with a seven point lead, I felt we should have been in (leading) double figures.
Question: In relation to the SEC race, what does this win do for your squad?
Sutton: It's just one victory. The only team that I haven't seen on film is Florida. But everyone else is capable of beating anyone else on a given night, especially where they're playing them.
Question: Could you comment on the improvement this season of Blackmon?
Sutton: He's become a complete player. I agree with what Kenny (Walker)said: he's a great athlete. He's become a much more in-tellegent basketball players. Early in the season I don't think his shot selections were very good.
I felt like he was a little careless  he missed some easy shots that he probably should have hit. But since the (winter) vacation I think he really has matured as a player, and maybe he better understands what we're trying to do as a basketball team.
Question: Was there one thing that pointed to a 24-point win?
Sutton: The final margin of victory is a little misleading. We're certainly not that many points better than the University of Alabama: we just happened to be tonight. But, we're not that much better. I think our defense was solid. We didn't turn the ball over very many times. Our shot
selection was good; we had a great shooting night.
(About when Sutton asked the media what they thought of Leroy Byrd's nifty move) I thought that was about as good a move as you'll see all year. Or (what about) the play of lrv (Thomas)? I don't know whether you all recognized that or not but lrv was going to dunk that ball. It slipped out of his hands and into the basket. And that's the truth. That's the kind of night we had, and that's why I say we're not much better than the University of Alabama.
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it Super Scout/Max Emfinger
The Southeast Blue-Chips
Southeast Top 200
Name	Ht.	wt.	40	
1.    Billy Ray	6-4,	200,	4.	6
2.    Jeff Dunn	6-2,	204 ,	4.	6
3.    Greg Jones	6-3,	190,	4.	6
4.    vince Robinson	6-3,	246,	4.	7
5.    Tony Rice	6-1,	190,	4.	7
6.    Browning Nagle	6-4,	218,	4.	8
7.    Charles Seoane	6-1,	190,	4.	9
8.    David Burke	6-0,	180,	4.	7
9.    John Wagoner	6-3,	195,	4.	7
10. Mario Evans*	6-1,	185,	4.	8
11. Rodney Fletcher	6-2,	180,	4.	6
12.  Chris Correro	6-3,	200,	4.	7
13. Frank Mcintosh	6-1,	165,	4 .	5
14. Pat Madden	5-9,	165,	4.	6
Wt. 40  Hometown (Schools In Race)
Recruiting Index
1.	Dennis Wallace	6-	3,	190,	4	6
2.	Vincent Moore	5-	10,185,		4	5
3.	Reggie Slack	6-	1,	185,	4	6
4.	Randy Bonier	6-	0,	180,	4	55
5.	Dale Dawkins	6-	2,	190,	4	6
6.	Walter Wise	6-	0,	175,	4	5
7.	Don Jenkins*	6-	0,	190,	4	6
8.	Mike Brinkley*	6-	2,	205,	4	5
9.	Lamont Russell	6-	1,	185,	4	5
lu.	Snawn Gregory*	6-	2,	185,	4	6
11.	Sean Pennington	6-	3,	185,	4	6
12.	Todd Sandroni	6-	1,	185,	4	6
13.	Kevin Williams	6-	3,	185,	4	5
Dunwoody, GA {ALA,STAN) 9.50
Greensboro Page,  NC 9.50
Miami Edison, FLA (MICH,KAN,OH ST) 9.00
JAX Raines, FLA (CLEM,ALA,OU) 9.00
Woodruff, SC 9.00
Pinellas Park, FLA
Tampa Jesuit, FLA
Ft Laud Dillard, FLA
HP Andrews, NC (VA T could lead!
Barnsville Lamar Co, GA
Starkville, MS
Camden, ALA (AUBURN Commitment) Albertville, ALA
Carrollton Central,GA (AUB,TENN,GA T) 9.50
MEMP Hillcrest,  TN  (TENN,ARK,MEMP) 9.25
Milton, FLA
Miami Killian, FLA
Vero Beach, FLA
Ft Laud Aquinas, FLA
LEX Bryan Station, KY
Decatur Druid Hills, GA
Oneonta, ALA (ALA,AUB)
Albany New Hope, MS
Manchester Clay Co, KY
Indianola Academy, MS
Wallace-Rose Hill, NC
l.	Al Baker	6-	1,	225,	4.	5
2.	David Fair*	6-	3,	222,	4.	5
3.	James Joseph	6-	2,	195,	4 .	5
4.	Randy Baldwin	6-	0,	198,	4.	4
5.	Reggie Demps*	6-	0,	190,	4.	5
6.	Alfred Rawls	5-	10,185,		4.	5
7.	Patrick Lennon	6-	3,	205,	4.	6
8.	Tracy Williams*	5-	10,200,		4	5
9 .	Dominko Anderson	6-	1,	185,	4	5
10.	Michael Pierce	5-	9,	185,	4	.5
11.	Morris Turral*	5-	11,185,		4	. 5
12.	Stanley Hall	5-	11	, 205,	4	5
13.	William Kemp*	5-	11	,185,	4	5
14.	Bernard Timmons	6-	2,	220,	4	6
15.	Preston Warren	6-	1,	165,	4	5
16.	George Moore	5-	11	200,	4	5
17.	Darrell Middleton*;		-11,185		,4	5
18.	Harold Green	6-	2,	200,	4	6
19.	Jerrod Young	6-	0,	190,	4	45
20.	Mine Hudson	5-	9,	200,	4	5
21.	Jonnny Powell	5-	11	, 190,	4	6
l.	George Dowe*	6-	2,	220,	4	.7
2.	Robert Stewart	6-	1,	242,	4	65
3.	Andy McCarroll	6-	3,	220,	4	.6
4.	Clarence Cheaves	6-	0,	200,	4	.6
5.	Kerry Brinson	6-	0,	212,	4	. 6
6.	Hans Gloetzner	6-	0,	210,	4	. 55
7.	Leo Jefferson*	6-	3,	200,	4	. 6
8.	Andra Williams*	6-	1,	210,	4	. 6
9.	Elliott Ditto	6-	2,	198,	4	.7
10.	Eddie Thigpen	6-	1,	212,	4	. 6
Cadiz Trigg Co,  KY  (FLA,KY) Starkville, MS
Phenix Central, ALA (AUB,ALA,PSU, Griffin, GA (GA T,CLEM) Orlando Oak Ridge, FLA Wilcox Co, GA (GA,GA T,AUB) Whiteville, NC (CLEM,SC)
Sarasota, FLA
Warner - Robins, GA
Mobile Murphy, ALA (AUB.ALA^gWgi TALL Godby, FLA
West Rome, GA (AUB)
FAY Smith, NC  (UNC may be  in lead)
KNOX Catholic, TN (ND,TENN)
Melbourne Palm Bay, FLA
Summerville, SC (SCCLEM)
Stratford, SC
Courtland, ALA (AUB)
WIL New Hanover, NC
Greenville, ALA (AUB)
Myrtle Beach, SC
Houston Co, ALA (ALA Verbal Commit) MEMP Univ Sch, TN (VANDY,GA T,MEMP) Sarasota Riverview, FLA Miami Killian, FLA
10. 00 9. 50 ENN)9.50
9. 50 9. 25
Pierre Goode Stacy Simmons Slip Watkins*
5-11,175, 4.4 5-10,175, 4.4 5-9,  180, 4.4
MacClenny Baker Co, FLA Vicksburg Central, MS BRAN Meade Co, KY Drew, MS
TC Hazlewood, ALA (ALA,TENN,UCLA) Dunnellon, FLA
Ft Laud Aquinas, FLA {LSU,BO
10. 00 9. 50 9.00
1.	Alvin Harper	6-4,	185,	4.	5	Frostproof,  FLA (NEB)	9	50
2.	Terry Anthony	6-1,	185,	4.	55	DAY Mainland, FLA (TENN,GA,LSU,FLA)	9	00
3.	Ron Lewis	6-1,	175,	4.	45	JAX Raines,  FLA (TENN)	9.	00
4.	Felton Cook	6-1,	185,	4.	45	Palmentto, GA (FSU,AUB,ALA)	9	00
5.	Derrick Boyd	5-11	185,	4.	4	Henderson Vance, NC (MD,l'NC,C,A,0U)	9.	00
6.	Randy Fisher	5-9,	175,	4	4	Brunswick Acad, GA (GA Commitment)	9.	00
7.	Stanley Daniel	6-3,	185,	4.	6	Bandys Catawba,  NC {PITT,CLEM,UNC)	9.	00
8.	Pat Terrell	6-1,	180,	4	5	St Pete Lakewood, FLA		
9.	Bruce Lasane	6-4,	198,	4	65	Wildwood,  FLA (FSU or MIA)		
10.	David Davis	6-1,	175,	4	45	Ft Lauderdale, FLA		
11.	Chandler White	5-11	175,	4.	5	Lauderdale Aquinas, FLA		
12.	Alfred Johnson	5-10	180,	4.	5	Miami Edison, FLA		
13.	Bobby Martin	6-4,	175,	4.	55	Taylorsville NE, MS  (MISS Commitment)		
14.	Milton Cuyler	5-11	175,	4.	45	Southwest Macon, GA (AUB)		
15.	Keith Holmes	6-0,	175,	4.	5	Birmingham Huffman, ALA (ALA)		
16.	Chuck Treece	6-2,	195,	4.	6	MURP Oakland, TN (MISS,TENN)		
17.	Lawrence Dawsey	6-1,	195,	4.	6	Dothan Northview, ALA  FSU,AUB,ALA)		
18.	France Green	6-0,	175,	4	6	Tallahassee Lincoln, FLA		
19.	Tim Barnett*	6-3,	190,	4	5	Rosedale, MS f		
20.	Bill Morrill	6-1,	180,	4	6	Clearwater Catholic, FLA		
21.	John Judge*	6-1,	180,	4	6	Ft Lauderdale Stranahan, FLA		
TIGHT END								
T.	Kod Mitchell	6-9,	235,	4.	7	Cheraw, SC	9.	25
2.	Tr