xt7m0c4sjs29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sjs29/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1941 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 11, 1941 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 11, 1941 1941 1941 2012 true xt7m0c4sjs29 section xt7m0c4sjs29 ‘ t
l s 
.   Kentuck Alumnus    
IS l i
l   9 ` • ‘
  H. L. Donovan Class 4 1·es1dent UK
`  · 6/v_— _ `
  Prgmlngnt WWW
_: Educator,   Classes Ending In
  Is K€HtU€kl3H   ‘‘’`   ‘=;=‘=   =.=     1 and 6 To Rssune H
  Dr; Herman Lee Donovan, presi—   ,.,-   June 5 and 6
  r.aenei—s cerrege at nienniena ro-   ,,.,§§§“"§§,eey Wm like °‘Qheeee{’ m'
  the past 13 years and an alumnus   clam Wliseyeeguniggs hgvee 5);; ’
 ji? ol the University of Kentucky in   S . .
    ‘‘‘‘‘ - =’‘   scheduled fer Th“YsdaY· June 5- ¤°· -
  we class .°f lem was electee the   cause lt will be the Privilege of the
  sixth president of the Unlverslty of   former graduates to welcome to the
»"``   Kemueky er the Am meetms °f   campus Dr H. L. Donovan. recently
 Li the Beale ef Trustees to sueeeed   elected president; the comptroller ’
  Acting President Thomas P-   Mr. Frank Peterson; a Dean or the
  Cooper who has been serving in that       University, whose name has not been
  capacity since the retirement of   Q _o_'     elel`' I `’``‘` ‘ "  ’’·    announced.
  Presieeelet Frank L' Mcvey July 1'   el   · U Vl€Wl1'lg UIQ occasion fI`OII1 3. CO1'1-
_.V.—   Thls ls the nrst alunlllus of the   A‘,=   gg     · »_ sideration or its importance to all .
  University of Kentucky to be named ._·"i_.,=·,.,`§€.iQiQ§   »     _ , former students this year’s Com-
  presiclent of the state institution,   ..5;; _ e= ’—_   i , mencenient season should be the ,
  and alumni look with pride to their "      ’ ._} ‘¥‘Q, . _ ' . most interesting in nearly a quar- l
  leader chosen from the ranks of DR. H_ L_ DONOVAN ter of a century. The largest re- l ` 
.   Outstanding gmduateg _ —. .. turn of alumni in the records of
  Doctor Donovan will take office as the institution is expected this year. ‘
sg., soon as arrangements can be com- Message F1’0l'Il Adhering to the custom of the . 
  . · t r tn n - - 1 i ·
my pleted. probably about July 1, At P _E Pas €W Years 9 V6 Y€9·F Dan .; ,
  the sanie meeting or tire Board of resldent lcct of reunions will be followed and ;
*4 stil Trustees Frank D. Peterson Frank- our Secretary, G_ Lee Meoiain, el=}ysses_ of years ending in l" and -i _
  fort, director of accounts and con- has asked for a brief message e` Wm gather for llmches dm' E
  trol in the state finance department to the alumni at this time. I am Eels} tees tend talk fests to the  
rridge  re was named comptroller of the Uni- Very glad to comply with this 1`€- 1i;;;dSic0I;hent' Eleven guesses are   ,
.r· his ;  versity to succeed Business Agent quest. You will understand. of the Seclgtariéi gsi; iege edule gms  
found   D. H. Peak who reaches the retire- C0ul'$€r that ll? Would be Pi`€matU1`€ in phmnm for the gallery ag We ·
anks   mem age July 1 for me to announce any policies or getting in tguch with Clasgmgtis   ; `
` i  fi; i - · ·_ V · [ ·
grad- _ i The new University president was pl?  § eeely gay fm gee Umvel case onc’s mail has been miscarried 5
  born March 17, 1887 in Mason coun- ses _e Oli eu E (En? ep. n ally new or communication for any reason   °
,01.dS, _ i ty. and obtained his early education p1Og1em` mus e e1mm€’ m com- has been interrupted each member E T
  l sultation with the trustees, deans. , . . _ .
les to   ln the Mason county schools. grad- and facult the most .m Ortam im_ of the islmmg ClaSS€s 15 lequested ;
~ ` f   Hating from Minerva High School . y' 1 p . . to write to th'? Alumni Office in the i
ity 0   . mediate needs of the University; U · · - . . _ E
_ _,¥ m 1905 He was the mst Student _ mon building of the University for .
    Emoued in the Western Kentucky ?£;€t?;2d§la;11;€1;g’§l`?;;‘m§; gg? any details, and information will be f
' Q; , . · ` ` · ‘ sent at once, ‘ 1
team Is)-l Steels l`l°1me‘l Seheel ae Bewlmg Sag€ to yOu I C3-T1 Wl`lt€ Oflly ill V€1`y For the convelliell B f 11 A
y are   Gleen in 1906, receiving a diploma _ . . . C 0 e com ‘
t, H   . 1 _ shhelal t€1mS· cerned the list of classes and class ` ‘
I3   lll 908, and attended summer F., t I t kp d t f _ _ _ ,
1; ree.   minors at ine rrnirei-sity or Ken- .“s’ my. e J “ Vim gse ° se°""”"`*€S *5 sim bmi  
,b_ 8__ d o t k f_ · _ this opportunity to thank the many 1886—Dy_ Thomas Hunt Morgan) ;
gg llc y rom 1911 to 1913 completing ., d t t · , - . ·
Eb. 15   his Work for a Bachelor Of Arts de- gla U3 QS of he U.l1V€1Slty \Vl‘1O Pasadena Instltute Of Tecllnologyy  
la1.lBS_   gm? fm th U _r Ut _  914 I have written me so enthusiastically Pasadena, California (only living , l
,j1t_ at _  1909 hem re dl;/Ielsgqylinst it 1; about my appointment to this post. member). l891—William R. Wallis- ‘  
Tech —  PCmb_ kme ue lss e ue"] 0 Your confidence and your whole- Marks, Mississippi; Mrs. Joseph H. · 
Mal',   l0 s· KY- hearted pl-edges of support are a Kastle (Callie B. Warner) Hawi, , 
tL€X‘   Ph- D· 1.925 _ positive inspiration to 1ne. May I Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii. 1896- t
    w§;0t0l' Donovan dld hrs graduate in turn promise you that I shall James W. Carnahan—2500 Prairie ___ _ __  
[Y 29   _ atfreaclrcrs f3ol1ege,Colunlbla devote all my ability and energy Avenue, Chicago, Illinois; J, Irvine Z
;éSO_   gllll’€l`Sl.tY. receiving his masters to the building of a greater Uni- Lyle—Orchard Road, Syracuse, New I
  sglee lll. 1920, and attended the versity for our Commonwealth. York. l90l—Mrs. William S. Webb ,
  (Continued on page three) (Continued on page two) (Continued on page three) 1

  2 KEN l`UCK\ ALUMNUb i .
 ii i Tom  er sch00].`3.diTl1ll1St»F3.tlOH to buiid any I . I
  Kentuck Alumnus _ _ new piogiam on the foundation al-   (Ci
ei  . i Y Alumnl Pl’€Sld€Ilt ready laid by my predecessors. This qi George
s ....-»—.._._»—{——4 . . _ __ ii
 i ‘ .e°€§°‘“t,3$§?;J;*§}‘°e&‘;.‘{32l,A§3£§?$;2E Urges Attendance Wm be my "°“°’ at tm Unlvmy-   chers
"`é ' G  gg; .
 ii   quarterly on the campus of the Univer- Ti Hi Cutler, President Of the Suppgrt of Alumni   hlS Ph.
  i sity, at Lexington. Subscription to non- _ _ _ _ _ _t f i {  in H8 hn
-  . members, $1.00 Membership in the As- Alumni ASSOCIKUOH, U111V€1S1 Y 0 The University needs the active jr Work (
_·    i   .‘“°l“d°S S“bS°“p“°“ m °“° Kentucky, in a recent statement at Support Or ns alumni_ To be (imc.   in 192
L 5 i   the regular monthly meeting of the tive, the alumni must be organized_   Laws (
    Polgntegigcssa$·¢¢f;1x<%¤g:§;S xyteliiiig; tg Executive committee, called upon I have been delighted to hear from '*  by thi
  i   1929, under me set or March 3,,1879. the 1941 reunion committee to make the Secretary that he is now en- i  1933
 »_  Q ~   every effort to contact the members gaged in forming local alumni j i  H8 n
 i   ’   G. Lee McClain ....... i .................. _ .... IQ ciiior of the classes that will returni for g1`0l1DS lll V31'l0l1S communities of   ici, for
  1 li ié;‘l;$.“%21§g“‘_€&€Y?¥TT¥fT_:.i.ii§;22$£`§ {sit?} ¤h€il‘1‘€¤¤i0¤S¤hiS year, thm class- the Sim If the graduates of the   ty te.
·    t it Mrs. Ethel Rix .......... Business Manager BS ending in “]" and “‘6"i and urge Ul11V€l`S1ty Wlll 0l°gBI`llZ€ fOr the pur-   Since
  1 { OFFICERS OF ASSOCIATION everyone to be present on June 5 13058 of D1‘0m0t1¤g the interests of   piincn
 '  V { T. H. Cutler .........................,.... President and 6th· their Alma Matter' and thereby pro-   era]. K
    Miss Luiie linogan ........... Vice-§’1‘e;si€eni Governor Keen Johnson and Mrs. ITIOEQ the g€l1€1`3.l YV€}f8,1`€ of the   Oi the
    géienieeléinéiininniiii.iiii.iiniii.iiié.   Johnson, Dean Thomas Pi Cooper state, they ican contribute greatly  iii he nm
fl ‘ . ‘ *`
M ; Q EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and James perk. an alumni mem- tg U}; ?‘°"“_i}‘ wd d""‘*l°p“““° °‘  _ en or
__  3, ,. . , V _ ber of the Board of Trustees, were L E mversl y· _ _   tm-ned
i \\1ll1am \\. Blanton H.D.Pah1101€ . . Men have certain basic needs `*
  gi BirkettLeeP1*ibble Robert K. Salyers present as guests. A11 Joined Tom ih _ ti_ _ ·   1ggg_
it . T V . · F ' A _ i · _·u
i»   ig ,‘gg;}i=;g<‘S*i$Q;;·;;?S Q}-;-“$;`,§Q‘°‘* cutie- in eeume mr as large an as- Fm ii ‘“iS°m" mg *5, °“"’ °f thm   pest
 ‘;1_~   L. K. Frankel Boland Roberts tendance as possible at this yea1·’S Oya y O a cause IS 2m°th?1‘     or the
gi ii Misnlhlaiigge1‘1te1Ré;:Lan§i;lll!l innnion man’s Alma Mater should merit his   ieges
_; i 1 rs. < war unnlc " ` f ith' it should lim h` 1 lt  
*"   MFS· T- R- U¤d€1`W0°d ‘ The reunion committee with Mrs. a ’ C a ls cya y"   ··
Er it Dr. G. Davis Buckner . . . ’ . To keep the University worthy of   Amen!
V j‘ i Dr. George H. Wilson Ed Sh1Ill'11Ck (Willy King) 2.5 the faith Of its raduaiiies Sh ii gi; Cguggi
· Qf ¤ -T¤h¤ S*€V€¤S°“» J*`· Chairman, Mrs. Tom Underwood, b U f the grdhi b_ 3 eve;   Of COI
· '°   . , . . <’>¤.
_  ir ‘l V _ i ( , Dr. G. Davis Buckner, Bernie Shive- e O 8 0 Fa, 1 Q'. 0 Jec wes O eg? and by
 ii ;g \()L_ xl ,»\l RIL. LMI NO. 3 iy Ed Wuiieie and Miss Mai_gu€i_ii€ the new administration. Will the   F i_
ieg P1   · . d t n · i ·   €S 1Vl
· gi} :5 McLaughlin are planning a very gm u.a ES Covemm mth me mm   ·
  ’ n P MAN devotion and 1oyalty'>   he tw
‘   R STATEMENT OF THE OWNERS I · ' elaborate program a part of which ` ` _ yi;. tries a
'·‘ `   AGEMENT, CIRCULATION. ETC-. RE· will not be announced at present. One Of me gleamst Sewtces an KEY}? Eddyi
; i UI ED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS There Should be an eiemeiii of Sur alumnus can render the University   Wai
_ _. — Q R - . . i _ . ii _ i iiii ·
y 1 UGUST zi igiz prise of course to a part of it. is to m ?rpl€t It O Om mop €` G0   Greenl
, OFA · · .. tell youi neighbor, who may not ge-;
i Dr. H. L. Donovan, president- . . pit`; Taylor
_ Eiecii J W C h know as much about the University  
* ,i or Kentucky Alumnus. published quarterly. ’ ` ’ mma an and J‘ I‘ as you do, what this institution is , E i
’;~ at Lexington, Ky., for April 1. 1941, State L!/19. both Of the class of 1896, are doinu to enrich the iives Oi the   Havi
ig of Ke¤¤¤¤kv» ¤<>¤¤¤Y °f F¤Y°“°· among those who have been invited peopie Of Oui, State ll ` on th·
i xi Before me, a Notary Public, in and for · ‘ i_ 4
t pg the State and County aforesaid. personally E; Spéaitatfuge Ahgmpl ;°ii‘“q;‘€;’i on Future Hopes F · mid ig]
-‘ dR¤tK.s1 ,¢G,1.. Mc- em 0 une.111 e t . ·.·~_ ‘ 1* m
V   ggggie who? iiraving hte?}-iiuly swoiim ac- union gb id. Th ’ . S u El? Now may W6 outline 3 few h0D€5 sig State.:
  ii cording to law, deposes and says that he ul 1ng* 6 ¢¤mm1tt¤¤= will and ambitions which We may have 3*;; _ `
_ in 1S the editor of the Kentucky Alumnus make its announcement of the com- Y Q mg PY
i il and cnet the following is, to me best or pieiii program ai 8 i ie d t Y · for the future: =; imvisi
ig his knowledge and belief, a true state- 21 1* 8. e. Ou . . . .  
  ment of the oxygiersniip, management, stri., may be assured that you will have FT1I`St,ilt 1S Our desire to make tile   i and ni
_ of the nroressi pu ication or _e a e _ _ _ _ University more and more a servlcv   than ,
i y shown tm ith; abogezfangigi, regugerg by 34 V€1‘Y lntelestlng evenmg_ agency Of the Commonwealth Let en, - ·
. the Ac 0 ugus , . em 0 1e_ in __  · gin Pres
  igqtiiinin 411, Postal Laws and Regulations. I i us take the University to the pe0pl€   incnidi
I? ' PI'€S!d€l1tS Message as well as bring the people to thi?   V of t.
_? 1. That the names and addresses of the (C in d f University . ‘ lu
_ Li publisher, editor, managing editor and OH 1I1u€ rom page one) ·   ments
‘ ‘ b“““°ss ‘““‘ag°'S *“°‘ Our Alma Mater is alre d S d th Universit should cx- V ~
U c Publisher, Alumni Association, U. K., _ _ ` a Y a econ · € y ;_ii bershij
· i Lexirii-igton,   Editorii ii?.obertKK.i Sayers gI`€3·i7 11'1StltL1tiOX`l. It has had a splen- perience a great gl‘OWth ill tht! Hum'  `f Phi B,
. _ (G. ee Mc ain, Bar s own, y. ; an- · · _ _ _ · gi
is . aging ndiicii Miss Miiigiiiiiiiii Mcnaiigiiiiiii did leadership for nearly e quarter ber of students it serves as soon as   ij Kappa
, Lexington; Business Managern Mrs. Ethel of a century under Dr. Frank L, the present GY1S1S D¤$S€S· The at'   lean
‘ .1 Eziin %2¥‘;2?‘£2is.§%;, &&`§?f’°‘“°‘*’ E"‘“”· M°V€Y· It will be my policy to ¤~>¤¤¤¤¤<= durmg me mt dmdij   State
. . · ' san asl
_ 2, That the owner is Alumni Association, take up Whele DL Mcvey and DL Should leach five Or SIX thou ,   d€f€¤S
*— .i liniiersity oft_KziutuS§y, Lexing%onH (réorii- Cooper have left QH and move S]OW_ Studellts during the 8.C8.d€l`HlC yew-   i nducat
j S OC CO1'p0I'8. 10ll . 1C€1'S BFE . . ll - · , _ · _ §:__
i ier-, President; Lulie Logan, yice-p,esidem; IY _bu@ steadily f01W31d from that Third, the Graduate School should   Confei
K l E‘i‘§$$“.¥§i..€2‘§¥f0;§%lZ?e°°T¥ii‘§LiL‘? Féilig "°“‘t* Step by mpi “‘ me a“*“¤· be °¤ the Verge °f a gmt °"’“°‘°p‘ {Til Macy
V 1 King, Acting Tnensnneig mént of the goals which are the ment, An ambitious program should   Kentui
Q 3. That thé k¤0Wl'\ bOl’1dhClld€1'S, n‘l0I't- deslyable ObJBctlv€S Of a' great Uni- be planned and d€v€1Op€d' Thele   ecutivn
gagees and other security holders owning V€I'S1tY. I $99110 need for any great are thousands in Kentllfbky ready  jg Couric
or holding 1 per cent or more of total chan ES in the 1· · d _ · , .3,*
{ amount of bonds, mortagages, or other se- ‘ g D0 1CleS an D10- for this WO1k. _   j bOaI`d
A curities are: None. §.{l`HHl of the University. Changes Fourth, the excellent pl`0f€S$10nal is hOdv(
°i G. LEE MGCLAIN. Editor- will come about, but they will be Schools Of the University ml1S@ be fit ph-St
i Sworn to and subscribed before me this m3d€ Sraduauy Th€Y will I`€DI`€·· €IlCOl1I'21g€d and adequately Sup- —T , mond_
_ 15th day or october. sent the normal changes that would ported. ji · Inte
_ ANITA GARDNER take place under any administration, Fifthi the general educati0¤ Pi'°'   breedi
 T My commission expires Sept. 13, 1943. It has always b€€U my pl`9.CtiCe ill. (Continued on pagé ’ChT€€)   yan ji
= ,3 {Zi]
--   · · it
AJ nga

  { '
 1 ?°
if V 
any H Prominent Educator T H Morgan E¤1‘lyC¤F¢¢¤‘   C
al' ‘ (Continued f1‘<>m page One) · • _ Doctor M0fg2jH'S earlyeareer be-   ·
  , V; G80I`g€f P€3.b]%¢;}:;   fO1' TER-     gan at Bryn Mawr where hg Served   r
·   cners rom 0 , receiving , . to  
1 Q_; his Ph. D. degree from there in 1925, Class of   as professor °f_b1O10gy from Him 2:, ‘
_   He had one summer or graduate 1904, later going fcc Columbia as 5.
ztive A work at the University of Chicago  ri E5;;;EE:E:w::mA professor of experimental zoology.  
@*3*   in 1924. The honorary Doctor of   _.'. He has been director of the William it
TSI;   Laws dem? Wa? ¤°¤fm€d 0** me ..--     ¤» Kmkhofr r¤¤¤m¤<>¤¤s in im r
en-   ‘fg’.,3“"’ U“‘“’““" °f Kenmky m   Bi°1°gi°a1S°i€”°°S at the Caummia ii
imm   H6 has been == teacher mi educa-   eei.   I“S“‘“*" °‘ T‘*°*‘“°1°gY ““°° “’28‘ .
5 °f   w1·f¤1 36 y¤¤1Si¤¤ei¤¤i¤e as ¤<>¤¤-   He is listcd i¤ "W¤¤’S WM i¤ i
the   iv wacher at L€wiS*>¤*‘g in 1905-   e‘eie~ 2;:%  Amencaw and american mm of  
im- *12 since mai time he has served as   .e;— 1 »‘‘‘‘‘   Sci€m,€»· and is a nephew or me »
s I Tri-? .· · -· _   .i ’ 1
prg-   plmclpal and Supmmtendem of sev   famous Confederate leader General x;.
  em Kemucky s°h°°1S· Ch°S€“ dem   h H t M Of 1 r0m_ ;
th`? K.  of the faculty at EaSie1‘n in 1923,   J° “ ““ °rg‘m· mm p ,
will   he1¤i•¤1‘W€¤i ¤¤ P€¤b°dY as i>1·¤f·=S-   ““"“°" “`° his ’““°°'“a‘ f°“"‘°°""’”· i
‘° °‘   wr of ¤1€m¤¤¤==¤v ¤¤¤¤=-¤¤¤» but re-   having descended ¤¤ mat Side- mm
d   turned no Eastern as president in   Francis scott Key, author of the
ec s.   1928   . V
.   '  _ ;.£;.;§E;€;E;E;Eg§g; _';i;§;§;§gi;;;&;§;§:5;5;3:;;;:;:3;;·;:3:;:;;;:5:·;;._  national anthem. ._
$$2   Past "°““““ i“°‘“?"’.*°"°S“"’“°"   (continued on page sm .
rm   of the Southern Association of Col— =é;&;%;2;2;2;2;2;2=&% *‘2i2i2§2§2i2i2§2§2§zi2§2§.,¤;:;¤?$;2i" :;%z%·  ei;  ______, —~·.
S   18 . ._ ; ;;;z;2§2§a· ·=:.Z2%i%2if5§i%%%€€if5?¤Q’Efi§%§%€§3§i§5§5§%§€¥>’ E   ‘Kl'‘·  
  gas and S€¤¤¤d¤¤v Sch0O]S· the z;:;:¤:¤;¤:¤:=;¤:¤;¢;r;¤. ..¤.s§1E·EE:;:i:—·i;:-:¤·ii:;é:i:E:i.i:§:§:*·‘ -:   • 1 ·
mmf 1  Am<·>1·i¤¤¤ A5S<><=i¤*¤i<>¤ Of Teachers   President S M°SSag° 1
`Lgr  i  ¤¤¤¤g€S· the Kmiucky ASS<>¤i¤¤¤¤   “’°““““°d ‘?°m_*”g€_ “W°’
es of   Of ¤<>11€g¤s and S€¤¤¤¤¤1v Schools,   r...     wm °f “‘€·U“*“’S"‘y Wm be ‘”" r°‘K
the   ami the K€¤i¤¢ky M<>¤¤¤¤i¤ Laurel   ..._     P**“d°d and imp’°"€d· The me arts  
fhcir   Festival. During the summer of 1936   will be emphasized. in V
  he traveled in 10 European coun- DQ.7r~JOMAs` Hu/JT MORGAN Sixth, we shall continue to en- ’
  tries as a member of the Sherwood courage research and experimen- l A
gig;]   Eddy Seminar and during the World Leading Orr the University Or tation. It is the funcitioig ofta un; g ·
iiési · ‘ _ ‘ ‘ n 1ers
2_ Go ez; Wm was *°Sy°“°“’g‘S“ at Camp Kemucrye list or all-time famous Vemty “° advance " ‘° i
  Greenleaf, Ga., and Camp Zachary _ k¤0Wi€dS€-   ·
V     Taylor. L0¤iSViU€. men IS the name of Dr' Thomas Seventh, the fine athletic program { A
Em.)   Author Hunt: Morgan, illustrious member of Wm continue to have the support   i 
snug;   Having written numerous articles a well-known Kentucky family, Will- and cooperation of the administra- i ·
  Om the United States C0¤$muU0¤ ner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine tion. We believe in athletics, espec—   ` 
  and on educational. problems, Doc- in 1933, and the only living m€m_ ially when there is also an ade-    V
  tor Donovan also 1S author of "A _ f 1 1 f 1886 which is quate program of health and phy-   V
EODES   States Elementary Teacher-Tra1n- bm ° D8 Tm ° 1 _ _ sioal education geared in with the ,
mw   iilg P1‘0blem" and co-author- Of MSU- celebrating its 55th reunion this athletic program. r i
V me   pervision and Teaching of Reading? June. Finally, D0 college or university   .
`€ jc iii and HL°‘“`“i“g t° Spell" and mm Doctor Morgan iwids three de- can attain distinction without me 3
image   than Sixty magazine am°1°S· grees from the University of Ken- active, aggressive, intelligent sup- l
·   Present activities and aifiliations . . d f, ld port Of its alumni. The new presi-    
?°°$€   include chairmanship of the board tucky' ms B'? Obtame 1;;.0 d dent will be calling on you for C0- i
·° B   of trustees of the Teacher Retire; State COHEEE m 1886· MS- 0 ame Operation He is me of you Hg is   z
  ment System of Kentucky and mem- in 1888, mid D0Cl?0I` of Laws con' confident that you will lend a hand. 2 ‘
ld EX' $3:; bership in the following groups; ferred in 1916. ..j;-; ;
num'   Phi Beta Kappa Phi Delta Kappa Thomas Hunt Morgan is a native - P
nav · · la es Endm -
mn as   Kappa Delta Pi, Sons of the Amer- of Lexington, Ky., the son of Charl- C SS g `
ici;   ican Revolution, Masons. Rotary, ton H_ and Ellen Key (Howard) (Continued from page one) ;
·   state committee on education and Morgan. He holds various deg1`€€S .  
mans   defense mm°¤¤l Sub‘COmmiUi€€ 011 from other institutions, including a ;J*?1g;;?Ou5Bt1£€x?;ggn 17§€n§§§§3 _‘ i
‘yEa'   education and defense, White House ph_D_ from Johns Hopkins, LLD. 1906_H€H;1an C Robinson Routé l rj
Shwld   Conference on Children in a Dem- from Johns Hopkins, and from MC- No 3 Lexmgtoxr K€mucky’ 19u_  
V°l°p'   ocracy, board of directors of the Gill University, the University of Erhesk L Becker Route N0; 6 BOX g
Should   K€¤t¤¤kY Ed¤<>¤ii011 ASSOciati0n.ex— Edinburgh, and the University of ‘ . ’. . , ‘ . l
There §r5 _ _ 63, Lockland, Cincinnati, Oh1o. 1916 ,
d are ecutive committee of the American California; and the Doctor of Elsie B- Heuer 815 Kansas City  
Yea Y   Council on Education since 1939 and science degree from Elie University Stn Rapid City, S_ D_ 1g21_Lime i
_ I   b031‘d of trustees of George Pea- of Michigan. He also has a Ph.D. Victor C1.0mWBH_Y_W_C_A__ Cincin_ ,
mon;   h0dV College. He is an elder in the degree from Heidelburg U11iV€1‘Sity· nan OhiO_ 1g26_MrS_ Alan McLean E
ust 6   First Christian Church, at Riel]- Doctor Morgan‘s wife was the (Frances Lee) 350 Aylesfolrd place, r
sup`   1110nd. former Miss Lillian V. Sampson 01 Lexington, Ky. 1931 —- Mrs. B. G. ,_.- W 7
  I¤i91‘€Sted in pure-bred stock Germaht0wn,Pa., and they have f0l.11` Moore (Mildred Little) Calvert City, L i
H pw-   bféeding and raising, Doctor Dono- children: Howard Key, Edith S., Ky. 1936 —— Mrs A. E. Barnes, Jr. "
E)   VR11 is owner oil "Batt1ene1d stock (Mrs. Douglas Whitaker,) Isabel, S., (Frances Kerr) 511% Bolivar Street, · I
  (Continued on page six) Lillian U., (Mrs. Harry Schenp.) Owensboro, Kentucky. {

   ~ 3 4 in `A 4 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS
  i j · CH,1`l`i€1`. From there she went to
  it James Shropshire   ‘?»` fe W    .. `  , p  ‘· h· ``   the 1-esemh laboratories of the _ C ·
 "   Oigflcer In Army ·   T         American Socieby of Heating and  ·j_ ‘
 .·   · James S_ Shropshire, agectiom _1  { _»».»       ` l Ventilatmg Enemeere at the U, s_ ; T
  ¤ .  ¤_;>;§.··;;¤$ -,:. ‘     Bureau of Mmes m Pittsburgh, ·’ ‘> 0
¤ · : ately known to the alumm and :~    ~ss~—    w e      _ r
g 1 _ _ _, .  ,       `   —~__     where she stayed until 1926, going 5 In
at · l Students as “~’““"“€ » has ‘*“""*`°° 4 —»·        ;i°   with thé New York commission on  
' 2   · · - - r- ,  ` i t   »`*i`     _  
g 1 “‘“ m‘“““’ S“"‘°‘* as a ‘°S“_“ °   ~ e p       Ventilation at um me He- study  
  ` · €°""· Wim me ““" °T $’?"“*"“’ aS‘ - o       ,   1    ite was to com-eme héalth and mend-  
 {   §   tsngggsiiggq Dw1S10n’ Camp °   ~ §  Qzaililm   :_;   ance or school children to various  
  ’ - ’ `   11* e U i   · r mv · u _  
 ’; i ‘ Jimmie was the treasurer of the L   ii q   ~ ~» types 0 Vé¤1‘··§¤g Sys BPS  
  j Alumni Association until he received `V ,__~ i mw ‘·   · . Edlmr with C¤“"°¤`  _‘‘    
  1 his orders to report for duty on · -   ` _ Since 1929 she has been with  
e g i April 19. After graduating in 1929. K  ""W  » _ ` o com-iex. At present she is engineer-   1
i t- Q ` he befmme W? S€°1`€’m¥`Y Of the       ,____ _»  ing editor, and has written ixmu-  
? ; ? Alumm Assoclamm Wlthm a Short     `   ````’i°       merable articles for such magazines  
. ¥ ‘ time and continued in the dual   `  _ . .  
· _: 3 . . _ _ r and technical publications as Heat-  
 t; ` { capac1ty as alumni sec1eta1y and V _ 4 _ t_ _ M _ _ I  
_ §` { i research assistant for several years. mg and Venma mg agazmfh n`  
V  {   Q. He resigned from this Work to be_ dustrial and Engineering Chemistry;  5
  ` E come Director of Publications on Refrigerating Engineering; Commer-  
I   . E   the campus. While a student at the ical American; Manufactu1·er’s Rec-  
  ‘ EG University, Jimmie was very active MARGARET INGELS ord; Real Estate; Good Housekeep-  
  1   in student activities, particularly   ing; Showmarks Trade, and many  
    those dealing with the publications 0th€1`S·  V 
?   i it on the campus. Much of the ci-egit Ong     Leaders Her lectures on air conditioning  iz, 
  f`   for the successful business manage- _ _ v t I 1 h W S have been attended by more than  
~ $‘ ; lt ment 0f the student publications MISS Malgale nge 5* W °_ a 10,000 people all over the country. 5;;
 ·  3 · i . . . graduated in 1916 from the Univer- , , _ A  
Q . t
_ rg ; ig goes 0 Jimmie Shropshire, When sity of Kentucky was honored at In adidcion to these a1t1c1es and  
  ?   the Student Union Building was 1 4 E. ’ f th W , lectures, Miss Ingc1s’ Work on air  ll
  j   opened, Jimn-lie woe appointed di- g:);tig€gt;;€€$§§g1;Ss Qllenomglgi conditioning is cited in th€·Cl11'l`€·1'1t   Jam
_;, ; I`€Ct01', and 11'1 this capacity met Group assembled in New York City edition of the Encyclopedua. Brit-   Cago
,. ‘ ii · . . O . A _ *·i 1
1;}   wxth a similar success, and included this Wen known Kelp tajn1ce.·She 1S the only gvomangné _» pmmi]
l Y fi Thé Stl1d€Hi7 b0dy and the alumni tuoky woman engineer in the 100 gmeel H? the Wmld to Q gqcol C   ChH1`it=
yi ¤‘ . . ~ . this distinction, Her activities are _;:!
l _., regret very much that they will be outstanding women of the Namon. . .   an 01
vw t . . , _ _ _ _ _ _ legion, and her club memberships »»a Umvm
E lg €mD01`3I`1ly domed the association The distinction of being ·m·St· is ,d d _. d  
. ul . _ _ _ , _ W1 E 3.1] V3.11€‘ . — i Of 189
A I;. ii 3Hd guldahcc 0f Jimmie Shropshire, not new to MISS Ingels who was the   f E
· if but all who know him want; to com- first woman to graduate from the · ézgj O .r€
_   3   Dliment him on his new assignment, College of Engineering in the Uni- ur S'umm€r 9581011   umon
jg   and to wish him the best of luck versity of Kentucky and she is the Alumni of the University of Kew   MV
\   { while performing the duties of‘ an °¤€_ and QUIY Womfmg ustjed aét an tucky may well be proud of the Sum-    
1 V yl OHICBF m thc army of the United €¤€1¤€€Y in the hlg IY 1mI>01 rmt mm. Session Of their Alma Matele   ur in
  L; States. gigieof ggncgggcgsgonlgimwlth tb; Th€ €¤1`0Um€¤i1 has grown from M mimi
Q    ·  Syraclfse N Y Diving giinylggo 1463 in 1932 to 2,884111 1940, a 97 per   Mr
· I Q • , ’ .' I ,_ cent increase. During this period    
Q   Helen Klng 3/1gr1i;m€i;r’  F§O}n§€1;€$?s;gI;i)?_ the university summer sessions in   zilggz
` I ii '     Tr€{],Su1°€]' cooling feet which had become hot g1I;1;;gci“)fh;Y;yS§1'?gNI;€i" Ig;;$;m¤B(§1;   did hj
  i   H°1°“ K‘“g» cms °‘ 1925, asf ggglmmgamgd mm `”u‘“Q§· Thi graduates and u¤derg1·a.duaeS at-   the 01
FQ   El Sistam in the Publicity Bureau of o ulai gnetsecinii O1;} -0f G mos tend 0111 $1111161* Session from nearly   @116%
V . 1 the University of Kentucky, has D p D a B am €V€1‘Y state 111 11116 UI110¤·   ag;
i   been designated by the Executive . 1916 Gmduafc _ A large number of visiting faculty   did L
-, Committee of the Alumni Assom- MISS Ingels was b<>r¤ m Pam, Ky-, members are brought no the Sum-  g; my O.
` ; rԤi @1011 85 the acting treasurer, during and_WaS graduated from the Um' mer School from many 0f= thi? 18%%*   `
*5 the absence of Jimmie smopshim VEYSIW °f Kemucky 1¤ 1916, the ing universities of me country. Thxs Z; 
·   Miss King has also been ddgd to mw Woman m the World tO m` summer we shall have on our staiT * 1 He
l 1 the mmm me of the émcky   *“‘*K""gr"" °f m"°“*‘“2°*‘1§’“‘ S“°“ “°“°‘ ""’“°“°°   D" GMFE   gm
  . . , gmcen mwn as UOM 0 gan D. Strayer of Columbia Universi yy  _ _
2 Atumnus as aSS°°m° €d1t01‘· It IS A¤ders¤n’s b<>ys" at the University, Di; Harold F. Clark of Columbia F  p"‘*S‘F1
· wlth 3 SITFBJJ d€3.1 Qf pleasure that she later obtained a ma,ste1·’s de- University, Di; Hamden L. F01‘kH€i`   Pubhs
 :_ 1 ber of the staff and look forward of practical experience. Gregory gf the U, 5, Office 0f Ed11· $*1 H6
  tv $01116 1Hf€1‘€St1¤g alumm public- Her mst Job was with the tyogio cation, Dig Hebei- Richards Of Tw-   Kmm
Q ity W0I`k 111 both thé Alumnus and engineering department of the Chi- ohers College of C0m1€Cti0U19» and   as an
 J, the 21111mm I1€Ws column Of the eago Tglgphgne Company which Coach Frank Leahy of Notre Dam€   01`g`&I`1
 qi, K€l'¤G1, position she left in 1917 to go with University '   (1

 · l l e l e  
ll ·
i .
to Q   »
  Carnahan, Lyle Class Of 96  
and l 9  
.s. e___ __4_,, E r
eh, _ To Return V _ l · Leaders In ,
line . lll .ll1l1€ W allts, Class 91 _ Their Fields, _
OH •
ud, * _ Sends Greetmgs ,
i .»   . i·‘f,»¤na, _
lld· 44  An interesting letter has been re- _ r .,
lous _‘      ZH  {ef  ceived from W. R. Wallis, Marks, 4 ,  
      wléqlllwith Mrs.e Joielgi Hr V 4   1
- U   ·— , l;l  ifi as 6, ( a ie B. Warner, ono 4 . [    V,·Ia
_  ._‘ V.`* .e jj sg   l  lulu, Hawii, is one of the two sur- [ . · 7,  ,4 
vith V 4 ‘ { . 4 * atel l-  l viving members of the class of 1891   /  ·`
Bol`-     » ·· ·’   ~l   which is scheduled for its reunion       Q
;““‘  lis Q 22      ial l     ` th; "$§‘€r. . . . . _ ~ccl‘l afala      ,;    lsavv   Q
ings _ -       . I`. 3 IS, who 1S 3 ClV1l €I1g1I1€€1     , _,  »   .
eau _. __‘_ »   · in Marks, Miss., specializing as a ' ce. K   =·~  
lm .· ’ V    “ r_ .,  _A% consultant in drainage, hopes to   in  4 ¥l
 I-L lr l _ ·r__ . lji  _ return foi· the reunion, but will pro- ;_;, 4  
lily?   `\.     bably be the lone representative of  ig l ·i·ee~‘·      ,_. 
ner-  jg '   his class, as Mrs. Kastle’s residence     ·
;€c_ _f% , ee, . is so far from home it seems im-   3 ie   _
rep-  Qi probable at this time that she will     ». ,_ - ·- ··f’’ ‘°
iany f.; llc clllc ic fcllifn. .   .:,,    l l » “
 er, ; el Mr. wauisl Letter Q     .44__  r 45 
ning   ll Mr. Wal1is’ letter, follows:   ‘     A. »
ghgm   Mr. G. Lee McClain, Secretary   °
;y_   University of Kentucky Alumni    
uml . -_ Association. YLE _
·.   J. W. CARNAHAN D . · . J. I. L
all   Cal SI1`. ,
fell?   James Wlulam Caluullulll Chl_ I have your kind. letter suggesting J. llvllle Lylel pleelelerlr or the
Brit-   eeee_ lll, euueerrellel pulllleller.4 that r be wltn you in Junel It would Cal_l_lel_ Celllelelllelll elle er elle ; _
"“‘   pilcmincnl cfficisl in many civic and °€"°a‘“ll’ gm llll g“"‘l‘F D ff‘Sl“" l° nation’s leaders in the field of neat- _
med  ·—  charitable organizations in Chicago, bc llicic cnc I am gomg O YY O lllg and Velltllatlllg ellgllleel.mg4 and ¤
em   an Outstanding alumnus cf the S0 arrange' TOO earlyés yeetolggg standard-bred horse owner and en-  
nps   Univcilsiiy cf Kcniiicky in inc clcss d‘l·‘n“"€1y· .My last lllll was m · inneinsi, is one of the prominent . l
  cf 1899 has Slgllllllld his lllllillllllll Much Wlll depend en Wheeher lll members of the class or 1896 at the Q 4
  cf iclllinine fc his 45th clcss fc- “°t_ my S°“ ml gel away “°lfl llll University of Kentucky wnien holds l _
ll     lllll           lis      
{ n   Ml`. C3l`l`l8h3.ITl has IlOl]lI’l€Cl the gave long planned to malk€’th€ llrlp Mr_ Lyle has Written that he   .
6 '   alumni office that he has also writ- win return for the reunion or his i
i .9 . l
’“l;`*‘ Q  ten letters to members of his class, toiiehele d l f M_ Stale ci&SS_ 3
a n   ur in them to attend the class re- 9 IS a gm ua € ° xssl . · tl { F tte f
llllm   nneoni June 5_ goes or 1931. He is lynn all Ulllil c0l;l’llleyLl’lll; ina Olgalllllzll lllvmgygml l _
p€!` fl _ _ . . _ llglIl€€l`S 011 311`pO1` COIIS `UC I . H. .f .   4
llleu   Mi.lCa1nahan is a native of Bar and may me be able to gee leave. Cornelia l3ai1ey ·Lyle. l is wg e IS  
. is bourville, Ky., the son of Robert . also a native Lex1ngton1an,an was , 4
s in -  Ch l d N . C _ l ml 1 think 1 may be able to nnd a snap M. Ellzabelll Ma Blgeeleeerr He Q
1 ill- ?  _ ar es an acml mlm mm a shot of myself, which I will send. lss . _ y l I . `IH   5
ip;  did his preparatory school work at , . _ has two childien, Joe rvine, , l
Both el: lh _ _ l l ll St ll I dont have pictures taken as a nd Comella Ellzabeell (Mrs Mel,_ l 4
el_   e old Pieparato1lylSc ioo o a e usual elllllgl al le , . l
early   College, later obtaining his A.B. de- h I ll h d l_ ll k W tin E. Snyder} l
‘   llll llllll llll llllllllllll ll   dellniiiy abil? .§,.n;“‘$ylii°ee‘3?ee llllly ll e*e¤i Y i
why   lil§kyi·;ei13;? ` wlollklegg     ciflicil direct Ol`th1`0USh’S0m€ of my Mr- Lyle bcean his career in the ( l
ium-   . g . family Pullman shops at Ludlow, Ky., pro- 4
lead-   my Of Chlnagn Verl; truly yeurs gressing from there to the office of • i
This   Kentucky Teacher W. R.   Sup€1`lnt€nd€Ht of motive power; 4 
staff [ii; H6 taught at B€l`€¤ Gclleee and Hopes to Return Southern R,.R.Co., at Ludlow. then ~ _
, .   th l K ' t't t` b f l . . . . l ` `, lt€` b€¤0¤llYl€ }
*256   Soni; roeeniléeolninelellii iee£»$   Wlllllsi llll elel l lll llll lllllll  Zfii-k°%ii’§eEE-loin lnanaser of ;
lib;   president of Lyons and Carnahan, Mcllll and llls nOpe_e0ll.be Illreserll the Buffalo Forge Co., at Buffalo, ~  
lrllel.   Publishers of school and college iheuld be Cglulgllipllilgon ea? rele N. Y. In 1899 he Was llladli g€ll€l`¤l l
l W  E2  l€Xtb00ks. nomeeonlmg 1 y ` manager of the Ca1‘1‘i€