xt7m0c4sjq8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m0c4sjq8q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1925-08-nov11-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-08-nov11-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-08-nov11-ec. 1925 1925-08-nov11-ec. 2011 true xt7m0c4sjq8q section xt7m0c4sjq8q 

     Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentuckyfor Wednesday, Ncvember 11,1925.

     The Executive Committee of the Board cf Trustees of the Univor-
sity of Kentucky met in rogular monthly session on Wednesday, Ncvem-
ber 11, 1925 at 12 o'clock, noon, in the office of the President cf
the University. The following members were present: Judge Richard
C. Stoll, Senator H. MA. Frcrman and Superintoifdent MXHanry Rhoads.
Meeting with the Committee were President McVey and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board.

     The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee
were approved as published.

     1. Financial. Reoort ';n the St:'ldium. The following statement from
the Business Agent regarding the stadium was read and ordered incor-
porated in the minutes:

              Report of Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund
                     as of November 11, 1925.

Borrowed from Louis des Cognets Co....... $ 30,000.00
Borrowed from Memorial Building Fund    .      ............. 50,000b00
Collections on pledges received by D.H.Peak      .    .   -  54.472.71
               Total ....................................... $134,472.71


Stadium ....................... $102,265.65
Expense........................   ....         2,454272
Cold checks...............................         9.00
Student Lean Fund.........................        3,135.00
Patterion Memorial Fund ....................     4,391.05
Memorial Building Fund Notes .............       13.000.00
Louis des Cognets Company Nutes ...........        . 8500.00    1332755.42
               Balance in Bark.............                     717.29

Balance due on Louis des Crgrots Notes(due University ofKy.)$21,500.00
Balance due on Memorial Building Fund Notes ...............      37,000.00

D. H. Peak
  Business Agent



     2. The Report of tha Business Igunt. Tho fin.ncial report of the
Business Agen]t was read anci ordered incor1porutad ia tae minutes,  The
report was as follows:

             Statenent of Income ancl Excnditures
                    1M1 nth of October, 1925.

General Fund Ino .me
  Foderal Apprcprijtion
  Special Agricultural ipprc,?riatic.n
  State Tax
  Interest on Endowrant B..nds
  Interest on Liberrty Bonc-s
  Chem.Bl..g.?und (3iniiam Xai: Int.Cor.)
  Chem.Bldg.J'und (3Tir.   x Int .)
  Student Fees
     n    n   T~Vterans' Burtau
     n    "   Summcr Zch :,o1
              University Extension
     "    "   University High Schcol
  Miscallane cus Reoeipts
  Rent als
  InstrLuoti on
  Adrninistrativ:n Expense
  Additicns and Bettorients
  Excess of Income ovur lxpurnc'itures

Girls' Halls Incorie
  Room Rent - Summer School
  Additi;ns and Bettermzents
                          Tot Et1
  Exoess of Income over S ;pr(itur-s

Previ ouslJy  Curront

Rep.'.rtoci  MAnth i

To Date

$ 42,750.O0 $         $ 42,P750.00
   `3,090.59  10,333.04  13,423.63
   29,351.09  16,368.51    45,719.60
   4,322.25              4,322.25
               850.00     850.00
  9 S9,575.08           99,575.08
  2,4;05-53             2,405.53
  ,i2,90,51  1, 65 6. 61  44,563.12
     179dz6       n.64     i89420
  24,46&3.21            24,468.21
  2,6t1193  2,203.52    4,845.45
  1,2J)O.0O   325.J0    1,525.0O
     391.85    964.9l    1,356.76
   4 1.8l .00)  1 52  Jo;  3.313 .O)3
$25v 663   $32,833.23 $289,306.83

$1)1,4L294. $54, sX;S3.1.49 $.....155,730)93
  39,3Ql.i) 23,4 59. - .1 3  62,76u. 43
             8 ,223. J6 .4. 47 25* riu
$176, 232.78 $85,981`98 $262,216.76
$          $           _______

$   ,J89J.'J i$ 5,699.965 $ 14,589.65
   2,222I25    j         2 222.25
$1il a,2   $          s 1-6.81a@90

$ 8,55;).59 $ 7,656.26 $ 16,2)6.85

$%2,;223   + LI~. 26  $=.678.85
   y2 ziq6         $    133.05



Previously  Current

General Fund Inc cae
General Fund Expenditures

  ExCeCss of General Fund Inocne over

  Excess of Receipts over Lxpenditures
      for General Ledger Leounts

  1924-1925 1socounts Payabla liquidatec
      during Current Ycer

 Excess of Reoeipts over Zxpenditures
      for the fiscal year to uate-
      General Fund


Rep orteL   M: nth   T c Date

$267,575.85 $38.542.88 $306,118.73
183,2-5-37  93.64d.24  278.9895.61

$ 82,320.48 $55,097.36 $ 27s223.12

  V04,743.25  4,475b38  14,268.17

  33 0    f  7,990.U0   41,395.00

$ 6#1,L65 L7: $67,562.44 $  9622

Excess of Receipts over Expenditures
    for the fiscal year to date-
    Gencral Fund

$    96.29

Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - General
Cash in Bank October 31,1925 -General Fund

$ 65,199.43

Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fiund
  Student Notes Paid
                Total Reoceipts
  -Student Notes

$  1,265.17 $     75.45 %i 1,340.62
  -23.oo      go6. 62   1.629.62
i 1,5082.17 $    9C2.07 $  2,970.24

       AQj      75.00       79.0G
   1.013.00.    3l0.00    1.323.00
$  1,017,0( $*  325.0 $ l1.402..CO

Exoess of Reoeipts over Exponditures 4           $          $  

Excess of Receipts over Expenditures
    for the fiscal year to date-
    Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1925-Trust Fund
Cash in Bank October 31, 1925 -
    Trust Fund

$ 1,568.24
   _ 68. 26

$_ 2.136.50



Prcvi ously  Carront

Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Foceral ApI.ropriaticn
  Milk and Butter-Cash Receipts
  Beef Cattle Sales
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Swine Salus
  2oultry S~zles
  Far.i -'rcduce Sales
  Hcrtioultural Sales
  Seed Tnst
  Fertilizer - Fc..s
  Publio Service -Stute .ropriition
  Public Service - Mincei.laneous
  Feeding Stuffs - Foes
  Adams - Federal Ap-_,prcLriaticn
  Serum - Sales
    - _ Virus Sales
       - Supply Sales
 State Appropriation
 CGmcnry L'Liuse  .es
          - Testers Licenses
          - Glassware Tested
 Robinson - State Appropriation
 Western Ky. - State Appropriation
 Purnell - Federal Appropriaticn
  E Cfense
  Additions and Betterments


Excess of Expzenditures ever Incme

Rop crtad   l..nth

To Datc

  3,750.00 $ 3,750.0o $ 7,500.-0
  3,13.18  1,227.97   5,041.15
    429.32                429.32
      25-.JO                25.03)
    359.30                359.C0
    167.o2     O7 S.7   1,045.72
  1, 4)4.20    238.5%)  1,282.73
    973.14     17o.93    1,144.37
    7E'."5     191.70      978.55
      39.a jj   14.Q3       53.3u
      14.o9     13)7.67     521.76
      15,25                  15.25
  5,761.25   2,753.75   S,515.oO
  1,5J;u.0.  4,5u).Q0   6,u.sOQo
                22070      71.7U
 1S, 438s.28  3, 714.335  14,152.63
 3,750.0O  3,75 003    7,500.-,o
   1,579.11   1,072.02    2,651.13
     71.55      53.90      125.45
     411.30      7.50       4S.8  
   3,053.53 23,238.77    26,292.30
   1,454.3.o    121.50    1,575.50
     69fe.o.~ 0 72.oo      770.33
     194.o       17.31      211.y9
              5,273.76   5,273.76
              S,873. '3  8,873.-F3
   5, 0c2.O  5, Q 0     -10 3000:3
$,45,403.75 $65,o53Es6 sli,457.6i  

$ 72,902.26 $23,744.57 $ 96,646.E. 3
  12.746.23     548.06  13,294.2;

$j 5,6i.49 *24.292.63 $109941.12

$ 40,244.74 $40.u,761.23 4


Petty Cash - Returncd                     30_.    ___ _)__'_
Excess of Receipts over  Lxier.ditures  394-7j1 $40.761.23       816 .4

Excess of Receipts ovir Expenditures
    for the fiseal yo..r '.o date-
    Ex-eriment Statiom
Cash in Bank July 1,1925-Experiment
    Stati on

Cash in Bank Qot ob6ar 31, 1925 -
   Lx-oeriment Station

$ s 16.49

  26.6,)7 .34

$ 27-.423.pl



Extension Division income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Supplarnentary
  State Smith-Leve,
  County and Other
Exp enditures
  Expe nse
  Excess of Income over E;;ponditurcs
  Excess of Income over E;pond~iturcs
    for the fiscal year to dci.te -
    Extension Divisi*on
  Cash in Bank July 1, 192t -
    ixtension Division
  Cash in Bank October 31, 1925 -
    Extensi on *ivisi on
  Gonoral Fund Income
  Trust Fund income
  Experiment Station Income
  Extension Division Income

Prev i ous13y  Current  Fiscal
 Reportetd    Month     To Datc

4 76,i2o.065            $ 76,120.65
  22S,5 ;546              22:550.46
  1CU28'.94 4 36.672.85   49,701.79
       q~~1.t 36         1. 285.41
$1'      I   _3'7^769. o $149,658.31

7s 4L!i85 $J.1,72-81 $110,247.66
.'.l:     6,.2 $ 39,410.65

                        $ 39,410.65

                            1, 321.99

                         $ 40.732.64

$267,5'/5.S5 $ 38,542.88
   1,265.17       75.45
   45,403,Z.75  65,0o5ss6
 11' .d88.41  376.7 o
 $426,j .733.3 L8 $141,4:12,09

$306, 118 .73
 149,65L ._3l

General Fund Exponditures
Trust Fund Expenditures
Experimer.t Station E;;ponditurcs
Extension Division Expendil.urcs
Excess of Income over Cxrenditures
Excess of Receipts over E;;pondi-
  tures for Goner.l Ledeer hcoounts

Student Loan Fund - Notf .

1924-1925 Accounts Payab3e
  liquidated during Curre nt Yoar

$18r, 255 .37  93,640 .24 $2780895.61
       4.0O       75.00       79.00
  85,, 64&E 49  24,292,63  109,941.12
      1  , 9?   u 3Lu'8 S1  11 0 247 .66
      ; oL4 , '7:. F , %.C)^ o 2049 1 63.-39
i 7ct,550 .-7  8 C,138.59 Q 6 ,4ll.q8

18,743a.5 4  4,47 5.08 $ 14,268.17




'3      )00  7 7 ,9)0,0041, 395.00

Excess of Receipts ovt.r E;;pondi-
  tures for tho fiscul ye ar to
  date - Combined Fund
Excess of Receipts over E;;pondi-

$6_    2   $ 20,92 .3 ;_ 41,591.67

tures for.,the fiscal year to date-
Combined Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 19225-Combined
  Fun d
Cash in Bank Ootober 31, 1925 "
  Combined Fund

$ 41,591.67



          abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and
          Expenditures as Excess nf Receipts over Lxpendi-
          turcs for General Ledger .ccounts $14,268.17"

                                          Debit      Credit
IOcounts R..................                        7,421,1O
Insurance Paid in "dvance ............ 3,664.96
Sundry jocounts       .         .10,611.87
Surplus         ............                        -S  ;
                                       $3,764.80  $13,032.97

                                                  }14, 26e3.17

     3. Acceptance. itf tho Wci V cn's LDormitory. The following correependence
regarding the aoGentance *rf the wcaen's u';rruit ry was ruad and ordered
incorporated in thf. minutcs.

                                                  Lexingt on, Kentucky
                                                  Ootober 28, 1925

     Judge R. C, Stoll
         Chairman tof ';xecutivc Committee
             Bo&rd of Trastoes
                 University of Kentuoky
                      Lexir.gt in, Kentucky

     Doar Sir:

         The new dormitory for girls has been sLtisfaeto,^ily com-
     pleted by the C(mbs Lumber Ccmpany, .,nd is now ready for
     acceptance by the University. They h;-ve assured us that this
     accentance will in no way interfere with their obligation to
     make good any defects or minor alterations tnizt may be neces-.
     sary to the proper functioning of th. builLing as a dormitory.

         Mr. Sewoll Combs anre his associlatos have been consistantly
     zealous in their Pfforts to :omplcto this job in time for the
     first semester.  Tboy succeeded in ;;oing this vory reAuily
     and have prociucea an excellent building in etcry catail.

          le will thank you very much if ycu will kinaly notify
      the Combs Lumber CobpaLny t.o this effect.

                                            Very truly ycurs

                                     (Signed) il. J. Crutcher
                               Superintendont Builcings ine Grcunas



                                            Loxingt on,  untuoky
                                            Novembe r 2, 1925

     Honorable Richarru C. Stoll
         1st and City NAticn4l Bank Builcing
             Loxingt on, Kentucky

     l)er Juogo St oll:

         I an in receipt of ytur letter of Ootcber 29th enclosing
    Mr. Crutchor's latter, wherein he advisus that the: acrmitt.ry
    for girls has been satisfactcrily ac.apluted by Combs Lumber
    Company, except, howover, for "sefaots and rainor alterations
    which may be necessary to the proper functioning of the
    building as a dormitory.

         In aocordance with yirur suggestion, I have seen Mr. Man-
     ning and he says that all the Seaurity Trust Company wishes
     is a statement frrrm the University tco the effect that the
     building has b;on ocrspl.ted to its satisfaction, and that
     they are willing fcr the Trust Company to make a final set-
     tlement with Coribs Lumber Company, I havej acc.rdingly,
     outlined the form CI lettet which wsill unswer his purposes.
     Mr. Manning saic that if the ixecutive Conriittee was to
     meet in a short time he viiula prefer to h.ve a resolution
     of tho exeoutive Commaitteo t. that effect, or that the
     ixocutive dcrxaittee subsequently ratify anG apprcve the
     aotion of you or Dr. MAoVey in n.tifying tht Trust Company
     ihat th* tailding has been completcu and that settlement
     therefo(r can be maec.

         I take it that Combs Lumber Company has written to Mr.
     Ctutoher that they will correct any defects or make any
     necessary minor 6lterati ns altheugh the building has been
     accepted and paid fcD in aocoruaktca with the contract.

         I am returning t( you Mr. Crutoher's letter.

                                     Very truly yours

                            (iignod) J1. . Johnston

     iWharoupc-n a mnotiotn was maue, seoondou and unanim usly adopted
authorizing Judge Stoll as Chairman of tho Lxecoutivo Committee to send
the frllowing letter tc the Security Trust Company.


                                          Ltuxiztcn, fenticky
                                          N ovcrabr 11, 1925

     Seoutity Trust Cormpany

         Lexir.gt c.n, Kentucky

     G entlonmon:

         I wish hereby to auvise you that the new durnhitLry for
     girls erected by Cc.mbs Lumber Company on the property leased
     by the Univtrsity of Kentucky from you has been completed to
     the satisfacticn of the University of Kentucky, subj ct,
     hcwever, to their agreement to make gooa any defects or minor
     alterations that may be neoessery to the proper functioning
     of the building as a dormitory, fcr the fulfillment of which
     the University of Kentucky is willing to lck solely to
     Combs Lumber Company.

         The University of Kentucky is therefore willing for you
     t.o make a final settlement with Combs Lumber Company for
     the cost of erecting this building.

                                      Yours very truly

                                      Univcrsity of Kentacky
                                        By Richurd C. St oil
                                      Chairman, 3 xecutive Committee.

     4:, jurchase of Puga2zi Property.  President MoVey reported to the
Exeoutive Committee that the Fugazzi property on which the new wcnen's
dormitory is erected, had been acquired and the deeds thereto made to
the University. The deeds to the property were received ars properly
executed Lnd were ordered filed in the Business Office.     The bills
for attcrney's fee and OondeLination proceedings submitted by Mr. T.
P. Johnston were ordered paiu.

     5. Insurance kRead.?ustcents. A comraunication from the Kentucky
Jkctuary Bureau was presented to the Board. This oommunicatic-n
suggested certain changes in buildings which would result in the
modification of the present rate of insurance. The ccmaunication
was referred to the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds with the
request that he prepare a report showing the cost of making alter-
ations and the saving that would result tberefrcm and which particular
alterati;n would be practicable to carry out, so that the Hoard might
be in a position to determine the wisdom of making changes in any
or all buildings.  Mr. Crutohei was requested to report the matter
at the December meeting of the Boird of Trustees for action.


     6. LiLbiiity Ensurance on Jmployaus. Prosicent lcVey reported
to the Ccnittee on liability insuranco carried cn enpicYees of the
University. Hc reported thait thc cost of insurance was running at
a rate of about $1200 per year ar. during the past two years the
University had received benefits therofroi., amcuntir:g to abcut .516.

     7- Retirement Plan. President McVey read to the Ccramnittee a
memorandum in which he submitted a retirement plun for members of
the University stuff.   The matter was discussed at su-nc length
and President McVey was asked by the members cf the Committee to
submit a copy of the men.orundum to the mezi.bers .of the Bcard for
study with the view to taLking the matter under advisement at the
next meeting of the Bc-urd of Trustees.

     8. Iesignati~ns. I'hc fcllowing resi;rnat~i. ns were repo.rtced by
the President and on motion uuly seo~nded an-' accepted b, the

     Miss Elizabeth Gallowi.y, Assistant H.e Demrinstration .gent in
McCracken County, effecti ;c Ootober 1, l)2,  

     Mrs. Rheda Oury, HIome Demonstratir on  goert in Calullow'.y County,
effective October 1. 1325.

     Mr. P. H. Senn, Microscopist in the acpartiecnt of feed oLntrol,
effective September 30, 1)25.

     Mr. 0, -R. Carrithers, County .igent in Harlan County, effective
October 31, 1925,

     Miss Thelma -dams, Clerk in the Lxtensi n D)ivicicon, effective
November 21, ly25.

     Miss ICathryne MoIntire, Clerk in the Depertment of Veterinary
Science, effective October 31, 1925.

     9. Appointments. The following list of appointE.ents were
recommended by President iicVeoy .nd on motion, ciujy seocneed and
appr oved.

     Mr. W. A, Anderso;}, Jr. :s Mlicroso;pist in the department of
feed 6crntrol at a salary of $l1600 a yaar, effective at such time
as he reports for duty.

     Miss i4argaret McClure, clerk in the diep .r'riett ef entomology
and botany, at a salary of $75 a mconth, effective Octeber 1, 1925.

     Miss Elizabeth Wyatt, cletrk in the departiert of farm acnnomics
at a salary of $75 per incuth, effective Ncve;:aber 1, 1925.



      Dr. J ohn F. Bullard as assistant Vctc.:nuriLn in the Dxicerimeat
Staticn t _ saSIry  f ,2400 por year to bcoCmele offeotivc at suoh
time as he repcrts f:.;r dttt-.

     - Miss Lucille Graves, caerk in the :epart~ment of Veterinary
Science at a sal~ry of -$-5 a rncntheffecoti-ve N1wvcramber 1, 1925.

     1.,. C. L. Ga-zaru, Ciantyr Agent Rockoastle an~J Madis.r Ccunties,
effective Augast 24, 152X t u Decemb ir 31 1925.

     Ccntinu;ati *n of erol crrent of Mr. I.. P. Tichenor, Ci.unty ..gent
Mc4lean C unty, at a sal;y of v166-2/3 a mnt:h frnM October 7 to
Ncvember 1, 1925,.

     Ctntinu.tion of emolcyrrent of Mr. A. 4. LGruere, County '-,ent,
Mas8ln County, at  salary of *$233_1/3 a Lmonth fxo:L. Septembur 1,1925
to August 31,    6

     Cuntinaaticn ef eraployc.ent of John C. Brow~n, County =-gent,
No n County, at a salary of *1l&3-1/3 a aonnih froLi October 1,1925
to September 30, 1926.

     CLntinuati-n of employment of G. C. R;Utt, CWunty -.geint GIraves
Ccunty, at a salary of ..233-1/3 a month frora September 16, 1925 to
September 15, 1926.

     Continuation of emlcyment of F. D. nharton (colored) county
agent f4 r colcred farmers Shelby Ccunty, Kentucky at a salary of
$lOe-1/3 a Month frcra Sapter.ber 1 to G  oumber 31: 1925.

     Continuatien of eOMADloyent of J. V. Coleman, County i.gnt,
L.rue County, Kentucky at a salary of $191-2/1   a month frorm Ootober
1, 1925 to Septerabor 30, 1926.,

     Cvntinuation of eraployraent of Stuart Brahnat, Cfunty ivsent,
Mareer County, Yentickky at a salary of 3.66-2/3 a - onth from
Septerlbor 15, 1925  o TabruLy 15, 1926.

     Continuatin of empi.;m-aent' of P. R. fiatlirgtcn, County agent,
B~urbcn County, Kntiukro at a salary of i'2U0 a raonth frun Ootober
12, 1925 to Novcrabor 15. 1) 6.

     Centinuation of emilevyent of C. B. hEistvn, Cc{anty  gont,
Lincoln County, Kentucky at a salary of .')200 a rmunth frcm Ootober
1, 1925 to Suptem')ar 30, 1526.

     10* Transior of Mr. J. W. J ones   On reoomtaen.-atioin of President
MoVey the  oXecutive Ccmmittee approvou of the tr ansfwr i;f Mr. J. WV
Jones from the Lxtension oivision to the Q:perimunt Station, the
transfcir to be temporary ano effective ilcvunbor 1, 1925; the



txpcrirlent Stati.n trv pay hire a salary of $75 a month and the rem3indier
of thc -sa'ar to be paid by the tJnited States Department of kgri ulture.

     11. Lea- e of *.1'sence fa- Profersor J.. JO iojv. Sabbatical leave
-of absence f: r odre y3-er un 1i;J t pay grzn'.t- to Professor J. J. Hooper,
-efffctive Jane 15, 192o (fcr~.oti Ln of inintes OI the Board of Trustees
for tSepteribcr 23, 1925.)

                                     Respeotfully submitted

                                       Viel lingt o;n Patriok
                                     Soorctary cf the Board