xt7kwh2dc34t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2dc34t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 2008 2008 2008-02-07 2020 true xt7kwh2dc34t section xt7kwh2dc34t \VVVH/lst lsLRNl.L.(.()M T}1LJRS[)AY HBRUARY J’, 30023


. . . . .. - CELEBRATING NYE/\RSOI |N[)ll’lNl)tN(l

Phelps apologizes for anti-Muslim e-mail

By Juliann Vachon and Katie Saltz (ieriiian senior Rob (‘olston said he met body should consider removutg him front l ' ' 7' E " '

uestkykernelcom with Phelps earlier iii the day and felt office." i P ' h ' d ' t
Phelps was not genuine in his apology. SG Attorney (ieneral Beau BaUstien ‘ arns res'gns unng mee Ing
Student (ioyeiiiment Piesideiit Nick ('olston asked the Senate to take some said the concerns abotit diyersity on catn-
Phclps opened yesterday ‘s S(} meeting sort of action. ptis were being turned into a personal at»
w iilt a public apology. say iiig he "Removal might be a little ex- tack on Phelps' character.
iieyer intended to olleiid stti treine. btit a censure is my recom- "Punishments are handled in context.
dents w uh an email hc tor iitendation." (‘olston said. “tSena- and we'd like to punish Nick for an insti-
w arded that described liarack ‘ g torsl are bound in duty to tiphold tution of racism that is. by no fault of his
()bama as a Muslim and derided ‘- accountability so tltis road is not ow it. here (on campusl.“ BaUstien said. “I
the ieligioii. ‘* _. taken again." feel like everything tonight has been an at,
"l was wiong llt sending otit ’ ‘ . lit the apology. Phelps said he tack on his character."
and forwarding the e mail.” would be working to improve di- Senators sliottld take Phelps' situation
Phelps said during the lull S(i \ersity at UK. Lauren Biggs. a as a lesson in iudgment. said Sen. Justin
Senate meeting last night. "And classics and history senior. said Stewart.
I was w roiig to not l'L‘ttll/L‘ the Phelps Phelps didn't seem to understand "We need to remember as student
implications of my actions." the isstie ofdiversity on campus. leaders that it is imponant that we all be
About ‘0 HUMAN“ students “It really bothers me that in this cognizant of our actions." Stewart said.
attended the meeting. Many students apology he spoke of two sides to the is- "We need to slow down aitd think twice
who spoke called tor action by the Sen— sue." Biggs said. "In campus diversity
ate to either impeach or censiiic Phelps. there is only one side. I feel (senators) as a



STAFF REPORT take and no longer has the ac

The resolution concerning an countability to lead. they need to
ethics violation by Jesse Parrish step aside." Parrish said.
was withdrawn when Parrish re- Parrish also invited S(i Presr
signed from the Senate duriitg last dent Nick Phelps to loin him in
night's meeting. resigning front S(i. say iiig he w as

Parrish said the Senate had a tired of senators "trying to act like
"(ireek country»club feeling" and leaders but really doitig nothing."
that he was tired of being part of it. "Let’s no longer be a pan ol the

Parrish said he was wrong in hypocrisy. and just be pan of the
his actions concerning the ticket student body he said to Phelps.
controversy in September. when Vice President Brittany Lang-
he and former Sen. Blake Burnett don said Parrish‘s e\it was in
resold tickets for an SU-spon— poor taste. and Phelps and it was
sored concert for profit. and felt important to remember that Par-
‘ the need to resign. rish did “good things" tor the
See Phelps on page 5 “When a leader makes a mis- Senate in his three terms sery ed.

Pit k’l.\(; t l) llll l’ll( 11s


UK Alert’s
first run


By Alicg llaymoml

ahavmond sikykernel com

When a tornado warning was ls-
sued foi' Fayette (‘ounty early yester»
day. l'K tised its new rapid~alert sys
tem to notify about 7.000 members or
the campus community. btit more than
a third ne\cr receiyed the message.
w hile some others ieceised It only af
ter the storm had passed.

[it its first actiyiition since the .lan
l4 launch. l‘K Aleit sctit thousands ol
te\t messages e-m ids and \oice
recordings in 27 lltlllllllc‘ s. stilti (‘hristy
Giles. tlirettoi ot l K s ()ttite ot
lameigency Management It ital. lied
about 4.500 people. which is ’=l pci
cent of the Users who were iceistcicd

How cyt‘i. dcll\et‘y til the alerts was
slowed by delays in the Widt- \tea
Rapid Notification system. hc.i\y tral
tic on the phone netwoik. downed
power lines and spotty cell phone sei
\ ice. (iiles said.

The notification process started at
I ll am. yesterday. when the National
Weather Service first issued a tornado
w arninU lot [in ette ('ouiity [ls pohcc

dispatchers activated the w arntng sys
tem and sent out the t’iist alert mes


,- t .I‘
EMILY coovsnr l sum
lliittariy Lilla],xll‘i.:’il_.]l=1sllFilltlht)ltt3tf?,CaHS a tow truck for her car which was smashed by a tree h'nh an I witch Walt during a storm 2‘1; 010.4%)[litlJthlll'PU‘QIM"9d? y
yesterday Jaroa sat-'1 stir: ri‘rwetl her tar to Linden Walk from Maxwell Street the night before to avoid getting a tlrkct on streetrleanma tray


sages two minutes latei. (rites said
They restarted the process seyca and

High winds damage Lexington homes, . » 1 g till.

. . _ . .. ., _ “ sage did not Include when the toinado
leave 7 dead elsewhere in Kentucky , _ ~ . ** a *‘t , . ~ _ . -- mt
. -. . ' . — .p L W. ~ A Some retipients weic normed
. ' within a tcw minutes ol the initial
w ariiing. \\ hilc others did not ietc Me a
message until the last halt h o: notzltta
tioiis wcn' oitt about ill titiniites l i'ci
The delays can be attributed to diléet
ences iii how messages arc deliycttd to
diltei'ent t|c\lt‘L‘s. ( itlcs said
When tiscrs sign up tot l ls \icrt.
they choose one oi more ways to be
tontactcd. such as by test message. e
mail. cell phone. landliiic phone. l.:\ oi
pager It the inli'astructtiic lhos.’ tie
\iccs rely on is disrupted stitlI is ’w .-

By Jill Laster "W'e haye several thunderstorms
,lastersbkykernnlcom and tornadoes every month of the
year. liebruary is no exception."
Paula Stiimbo was outside trying Rogers said. “The difficulty with this
to fitid her cat when the worst of the storm is the strength and severity."
storm hit her home early yesterday. Seven people died during the
"It went black. and I could hardv storm in Kentucky: four in Allen
ly breathe." she said. ”.‘\nd then I (‘ounty and three in Muhlenberg
started running.” ('ounty. Rogers said. The number
Stumbo shouted for her husband. of people injured and the amount
a liea\y sleeper. but he did not an- of property damage front the
swcr. With her dog met her shoul- storms may not be known for sev»
der. she began running down the eral day's. ”mm mm” then deliy. rmu m“
staiis to the basement ot her home on About l5500 homes that receive ‘.. ’. . ' _ can be mmmh. MM 1)..” (mm.
Linden Walk. lust a few blocks from electricity from Kentucky Utilities ' ‘ ‘ g 7 I . . “km 0, \\.\R\.
l'K's campus. did not have power as of 5:30 pm. ‘ *
She only made it about six yesterdaydown from 66000 at the
steps beloic a tree branch tell and height ofthe storms. according to the
hit the tool. breaking through the company. About 3.000 additional
storm dooi and landing in her front homes that receive electricity froin
hall. l.(i&li were without power as of
"l thotiglit we were dead." she 5.30 p.m..down from 10.000.
said. “I thought we w crc all dead." l‘K‘s campus had several House also had some roof damage. thom Richey. a [Meteorologist with
Her husband and pets made it downed trees and minor damage on a he said. the National Weather Service
line through the night. few buildings. said Bob Wiseman. "Overall we were lucky." Wise Richey said he counted more than “‘1‘ h. “NI“. everyone I\ mummy
Yesterday's storms passed vice president for facilities manage— man said. 100 storms across Kentucky that during ‘m emergency "because w“ n“
through nearly all of Kentucky. said ment. Damage surveys are still being qualified as severe. with winds or at er know Mmgwfig ,0 pk. disrupted --
Buddy Rogers. public inloriitation The Matthew's Building had taken. .so the exact ntimber of tornar least SS miles per hour ‘ ‘ ‘
officer with the Kentucky Division roofing and shingles blown loose. as does in Kentucky yesterday will not "That's an e\tremely large 5*" UK Alert "‘ L t
of Emergency Management. well as some bricks. The German be known for a few days. said An Spp Damage (Hy {MOP 5

"liyei‘y network in the area p-oba
bly within a l0“ mile radius nitl .lls
had some type o! power or convattni

sasama Houusnzu star: cations problems.” (irittts \aid
Chris Williams, an Integrated strategic thmmiihvrahzms llll‘o' ldkt * as: fares w it a ' Where networks wcic opca and
camera phone of a tree that fell near Memorial Hall to“ ”El yesterdays .sltlt"‘ .oailalyle. we were getting :t-od a‘etzx
cry" he said
(irttlis said signing tip to get ll‘.‘lls.‘\
through more than one dcy ice is tlic l‘csl


UK Alert sign-ups
If you have Signed up for UK Alert

We have several thunderstorms and tornadoes eveiy month “31‘1":ijfigufiggfv'ggjyffiggfggy
The difficulty with this storm is the strength and severity.”
- stt" ip‘r'tlkhe".

or call 2511915
—- Buddy Rogers, public information officer with Kentucky Division of Emergency Management W Wm“ W m 5,.

NEW MOON NEW YEAR Chinese celebration ‘ Blue stre ak: Cats beat Tgers for 4th straight
comes to Lexington this weekend See page 3 . conference Win See page It ~

First issue It». Subsequent issues 25 com. Newsroom: 2574915, Advertising: 257-2872





 PAGE 2] lhursdayl

ettruary / '008

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Illltll-r are in y‘(l,ll lthlll now Write It
all drmn and I;atr:o int! Irioriient


(\ Cancer (June 22 - July 22) lI,Il.i.I
s a 4 rllont rosli llllll a new III:

liuivor lrn sh rill rinsinrss lEF’sl

This may not! it) as In (ll (on out ts
ti 'l‘r’“? prart rat lr.I.r;rI

to yet to. titllti'llrltlt‘ their f 2‘ Leo (.luly 23 — Aug. 22) MW "8 d

‘ , y ., : _ ' 7 no orthosrastmr oat; ttli tan net

I} r’Iti' 1-: It'l‘ '7'!!lly'1 'lti- ll”’I‘i’t‘ilt-t litl'h’i ii" . " m "t .' "r s '1 'i', ' [Nit .' iii.
nory' five hours of homework without falling asleep. i
It's taken me years to realize that l have to ‘
change my whole approach to food if I truly By l(elly Wiley cle. The year beginning in Zoos ls end \\ itli a (‘liine~.e opera. an all
want to succeed. I have to take each day one at featiires'wkykernel com the ycai ol the rat. If you go eii'ls' drum giotip and a mile \aii
()iitside ol (‘liiiia. the holiday ety ol daiiies. 'l'lie pcrloi'ntaiices
See come" on page 4 It may be February. btit billions is traditionally celebrated in eouii I “arw -. WW J (1,”,qumym_ _ lllLlUtlL dancers and at t'tilmls \\ ho
of pcoplc are eelebrating a he“ tries “till a sigiitlis‘dl” “WV“ lir‘llt‘ijt'lttl/ilunel‘llisl'tlll lt‘iillld‘llhlllfilhtl lia\c Moon in troni Harbin. ('hina.
‘ . ‘ year today. poptilation. like lliailaiid. m :1 VB '1'”, fly. 7,16 H m 78.1.”, said Deanna McDaniel, iiiai’keting.’
lst )l l lt‘il l’. l )l' l l ll‘ \\« l l‘ is Celebrations ol’ the (‘liinese Malaysia. the Philippines and ln : j ~l.,l..(,.k.lrr', " Q‘fjl tlll't‘slt‘l' tor the l.\ploiium 'lhc
Ncyy Ycar are taking place across doncsia. llo\\c‘\t‘l. people ot all 1’ ‘1 .15., “ HlT'WH '1‘: , perloiniaiites are at the Lexington
the world today. and l.e\iiigtoii is backgrounds telebiate the (‘hiiiese 1‘” ‘ "ll” "‘ m T‘ f , m J W ('hiltlien's llieatre isee "lt you go"
no cyception. Ney. You. “an: said snort M lll'K'Jlfl/Sll‘/ 'O’V'llr‘ww Wm boy tor detailst
"The ('litiicsc \eyy \car is the ”llie ( liiiiese .\e\\ \eai |ias H‘” Ml ‘V ~. “"er W :71, llls' l»1\”‘.‘s' \ll‘ ‘\ \W‘W
biggest holiday olthc year tor peo truly lit-mine a t'elebiaiion tor the W” ”l" [i ”‘l "" l" “l‘ “l 2"” 2““ (enter at It») .\ \lai'tin l uther
plc ol ('hincsc ancestry said \yhole toniiiiunity rather than iiist I Hilton‘s; blari=ttltt,(itit1tl‘-t' kin}; lilxtl \i. ill also be holding: a
(r‘l‘imis'll‘c'lil WU”! secretary Ul ('liiiicsc .\l‘.lL'l'lC;lll\.H “an: said lill'drot‘ l F‘i‘v‘ Y'l‘r‘il it I“ it Uri-ll“ ('liiiit sc \eyy \eai \c'lt‘l‘l'dlltlll .it o
the Kentucky (‘hincsc .'\Iilcl'lcitll l’eople customarily spend ( hi. li‘u’t'lt; r‘trts Ft .‘s‘t -:l‘:l »: lir'ite', Rb.” tonight
Association. "Basically. iii tei'iiis ol iiese \cyy \eai"s l‘ye \\itli tamily N Martin lii‘ll‘l‘l King Blvd The llic eycnt \‘.lll teatuie syyoid
importance. it is paramount to members and eclcbrate the neu writer requests a (to-Halal! ‘3? daiiteis lantern :iiakin; and a
Christmas." year with a big least. Wane said Mr ruirirriprgvtg ‘3'.” 5 to H dial ‘3? SI \Rl .\li planetarium slimy.
Because it is based on tlic lunar Meals can \ai‘y among: laiiiilies. for [lirrsr‘ l7 and ih‘rhh’ \yhitli \\ ill tot us on ('liiztese as
calctidar. the (‘hinesc New Year is- btit one ol the traditional dishes is ti‘oiioiiiy, said Katherine liiilloclx.
5' \ ti‘t always on Feb. (1: it takes place l'isli. yyliiclt syiiiboIi/es abundance “lllt \5 HI lltcttt bcmllw y'lfiltl b education otitieatli eooidinaioi toi
«0 sometime in the last tyyo \vccks ol ()iic ot' the more \yell hllii\\ll witsidered a lucky numbei. \\litlc the tentei \ny pcisoii \ylio tiialscs
January or the lii‘st tyyo \yecks of traditions is toi married couples or four is unlucky a lantern will be able to take place
February. older ptoplc to giye red packets to Ihc l \ploiiuin. a sliilxltcti's in llie latiteitt parade \‘.l|lsll \\lll
Iiacli year is associated “fill an uiiyycd people. Wang said lllL ttittsctiiii dountooii. is telcbtalttt): take plate later on ill the exerting
animal. i'cvolying on a llLyear cyr packets are passed dour] usually the ('hincse .\e\\ \ear tliis \yeele llk'l‘k'llillll‘.‘ on the \ieailiei
.. l he ( Iliincsc .\c\\' \ car has truly bccr me a celebration tr ir the \\ lll ilc
cummumou's’;m community rathcr than‘iust( .hincsc .\lilCl‘lCLlllS.
Bella Rose, located between campus and down- , , _ .
town, Offers dresses fora variety of occaSions Changzheng Wang, secretary of the Kentucky Chinese American Assomation
Name: Bella Rose
Location: 126 W Maxwell St
Hours: Open Monday through Wednesday and Friday
10 a m to 6 p in, Thursday 10 a m to 8 p m, Saturday
10 a m. to 5 pm
Accolades: Recognized as "Best Boutique” by Ken
" tucky Monthly and won "Best Women's Clothing" in the
Lexmgton Herald-Leader
Why it's cool: The owner, Betty Spain, has been in
busmess for 28 years, and Bella Rose has dresses that
cater to three generations of women
These clothes have staying power in a woman's
closet. If you haven't picked out a spring dress for
Keeneland, you can find labels like Milly, French Con
nection, ABS, Laundry, Free People and Davrd Kahn
Jeanswear Also, Bella Rose features clothing by top de-
5igners like Vera Wang and Nicole Miller, and the hou-
tique offers a 10 percent discount on bridesmaid dress-
es if you are looking for more elegant attire
So you've got the perfect outfit 7 what's next7 Acr
CBSSOTIBS, Bella Rose has tewelry by Sorrelli and Robin
Haley, and purses for the finishing touches of your outfit
Shipments come in daily, so they've got you covered for
almost any occasron
"We can dress you from the first date to your hon
eymoon," Spain said















BET SAtllflEiJ!



Open till 3am Thurs - Sat

Uk Campus - 544 5 Upper St


 PAGE 4 | ltiuisday, letiruary /, 2008










M us] i m students to fi Uht stereo es; * MAKE YOUR
\ L x b x p e .
o g \ o 9 a
4 \ N 4 N N i

in fii st P ai thbustei s install mcnt ‘ 1. its to. cheap
'l'here‘s soiiietliiitg tor L‘\l.r_\tlllL Saturda\ and Sunda\ at the fourth
By Wesleyjolfi kinds ot dialogues. \\ e reall} ha“, or pilgrimage. to the liol_\ "l’eople ha\ e this \IC“ that ”\IIIIIIII‘II ‘\II‘IISIIII“I“N “I“I‘IIIIIII l( ”II“ I‘III‘IC p.gt ”I e\ents ”"III‘II'II'
teaitimswkymriieitom emphasize the point that there eit) ot Meeea. somehots terroiisni oi \iolenee IIII‘IIIIIII‘TI‘IIII‘III “IIIIIII‘ “IIIII‘I‘IPI‘ ‘III‘ “I“ ‘ II” ‘III ‘I‘IIIIIIu I”
are no eontro\ ersial questions." “As a Muslim. exer) ques is inherentl} eonneetetl to ls- l I II IN". _ICI ‘. ”\“I‘II‘I‘ 1222‘ ‘Im “III ht IIIIII ‘II Arts} I‘ICC' IN

Despite its name. the l‘.ttlll said Ahmed. a biolog} and Is tioii is like. ‘Where did _\oti lain. and that reall) isn't the IIIIIIU IIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIII‘ “III " ‘ "ISI III \I‘II III“ I'CXAn‘ Web “I"
busters disettssion series isn't lamie studies senior. "'l‘here‘s hear that." lispeeiall) it it's ease." Loiigaere said. I“““‘ICI‘III‘MIIIII‘
about disprm ing religion nothing that‘s ot'tllimits or olt- like. ‘l)o )(lll gins worship the The Faithbusters series. ‘ 1 Tune from the heart

Instead. organi/ers ot the target. The more questions _\oti tiiooii god‘." " Ahmed said. “lllL‘lt is sponsored h} Student l7'K‘s n'“ “I ., l()>- 'tt‘ () u. ‘t h H t h' h
seiies hope to dispel stereot)pes ha\ e. the better understanding “'l‘heie's .so much nonsense and .-\eti\ities Board. \Hll eontinue “l _ I T If." ‘IIIIII. “l II.“ ..‘II EIIIIIII‘IIIlIIICIHH (.1? III I LII ‘ I)“
and miseoneeptions surround _\ou ean eoine to.” so the reaetion ot'. "That‘s an throughout the semester “till a I‘IIIIIII ”III I‘ ”III III II II‘” ‘II “LP“ ‘ “I“; h“ "roup ”k“
ing religions that .-\merieans Alter the disetission. the unusual qtiestioii.' that kind oi leeture on .\eientolog) later this :II‘IgL l"! p In ‘I IIIIII‘II IIII‘LP ‘IIICZISISCZI‘IIII‘I I" ‘IIIII‘IIIIIIIIII‘II‘IILI
l_\lll\'.tll} knou little about, Is traditional lslainie dessert lett me long ago." month. lolloued b) disetissions “I“ b "I IIIIII“: III IIIIII‘IIIIIII “I or II‘” I L e “R
lam is the topit ot the lust ashure.orNoah‘spudding.\sill Islam is the second—largest of Judaism and etolutioii in “WI“ “II“ '“IIIII'
luiitlibtistei's installment.tonight be ser\ed in the galler) ne\t religion in the \Hll'ltl toda}. in April. ' ,
at (s to in the \\'.l'. \oung li door. addition to being the tastest- "The goal is to enlighten 3.S|ippery search . I _ _ . .
brai') \tiditornim Although the etent “Ill growing one. which makes and edueate sttideiits. and lzxplorethe ng‘T‘II IIUII‘IIIIII‘ ‘III‘IIIIIII‘ IIIII “In“: ”CUP-I ”IIIIIIIC‘ “IIII

"\\e hope to edtieate peo— ser\e to highlight eommon ”its? merits like this pamettlarl)’ ini» \\ e're not tr)ing to eonvert the ‘I‘III III If‘IHIIRUIII \‘IIIIFL S‘Infmdr'y AII'IIIIK,‘ “I." huntlor “III"
ple on Islam and oursehes.” eoneeptions surrounding lslam, portant. said Matt Longaere. a them to a eertain religion III‘IIIIIIII‘” at: IIIIIIII ‘IIlII‘IIIL “I‘I‘IIIIIQ III the \‘IIILIIIgIr)7\ ”CEI‘ lrom I
said \.ili).i .\hmed. president it is also ititeiided to edtieate management sophomore and us Just to bring light to myths " IPI'II‘I-II-I “MI “.‘I- “If '"I‘WLI IlllIUfIlllIsllIItitt.ILaIll -7-»oltl3 or LhCLk
ot the .\ltisliin Student i\ssoe:ar students on man) ol. the basie MSA member \\ ho “ill be on or questions )ou ma} haVe ”III II“ I I ‘IIL I“ “II'IIIIIg‘UIm’lI‘IrI“ I‘II‘II‘API'
tioii. \\ hose members “ill be beliels and tenants ot the I'L‘ll‘ the paiiel tonight. The less peo- about religion." said Meghan
diseussing their laith at the gum. siieh as the the dail) ple km)“. the less the) are able Bostie. the direetor ol‘ engaging 7
e\ent pra)ers. lasting duriitg the to interact with the world issues for the Student Aethities . I“

"When \\ e eondttet these month ot Ramadan and the around them. he said. Board. ti}? il‘ét’: ‘e’aj’

a p .
I l i ,

D tn Game entrants seek true love in a bar mm

a I 9 Lotus w/ Telepath Newport Tickets cost $12 to $15

9 Hit , The Danie, Tirkets rust Sill
By Kelli Long them troni seeing eaeh other. He \HII ask to pla) the game through Tops on (‘aiiipus. F MONDAY; l:(‘l). l l

marinesakykumei com the “omen questions to help make his de~ alter applyng online and ansuering ques’ FRIDAY, Fol). 8 Sundown SerVIce W/ Macon

eision. i\ l‘eiiiale contestant \xill also have tioiis abotit themsel\es. said lirin Hurst. in- . Caldera w/ Sonic Epitaph Greyson . .

l)a\ id Barr} might lind the lti\ e ol the same opporttinit) to ask questions to tern and marketing eoordinator at Tops in 7 i5 p m, Headliners, ”MSW”; 9 l) m . The Dame. TIC-“315 C051$3
his me tonight “Illltlllt e\er seeing her three luek) guys. The linalist pieked tor a Les. and a eoordinator ol‘ The Dating Tlijkntg mgr Sit) ,

Iaee. date \Hns a grand pure or a limo ride and Game TUESDAY; FPl)’ 12 S

The l)ating (iame. sponsored b} Buds dinner for t\\o at deSha‘s Restaurant and “li\'er_\one in Saddle Ridge leels en- The Phat Mavericks Goodnight Forrest W/ Cold HOlI- A
\seisei: l'ops on ('ampus. ('rit ket Wireless Bar gaged as pait oi this e\ent.” lltirst said. 9 p rn , The Damp Timers cost 35 day arid Dustin Milan [3'
and Saddle Ridge is go iiig eight eontesv 'I his isn't Barr) 's first shot at finding During the game. the audienee uill also 8 t) m, The Dame Tickets cost 35 R
tains the ehanee to \\lll pri/es. ineltiding lote as part ot The Dating (lame, lle \\ as ha\ e the ehanee to “in tiekets to the up- Ghost MonsteIrI , A
tree T slill'ls‘ tanning nuts and Kl'lsp) one ot three male eontestants the last time eoniing (ieorge Strait eoneert. g p m Thp Sm gaff} House, New WEDNESDAY, Feb. l3
Kreme doughnuts. the e\ent \\ as held at Saddle Ridge btit The Dating (lame staits at 0:30 pm. at port Tcket'J (39in S5 A P0m0n FOF RUEben

.\nd then there is that elianee that eon» “asn‘t ehosen for a date. Saddle Ridge. loe'ated on South Broadvxa}. 9 t) m , lhe Dame Tickets cost $3
testants tould tind "the one." "It \\as a ttin experienee." said Barr). a Barr} isn‘t expecting to tind true lme SATURDAY, TN). 9

“illll a similar set up as the tele\ision lilo} l'K alumnus. “I had ne\er done any tonight btit still hopes to ha\ e a good Psychofest featuring Corpse Ryan Malott
shim. "The Dating (iame." three ladies thing like that betore. and it “as \er_\ en? time. Show Creeps, Al and the Black 9 l1 m. The Southgate House, New
\\ill be on stage \\llll Barr}. but \\lll he tertaining." “You ne\ei kin)“ \xbat might happen." Cats and Rumble Club ill)” lickets are free.
stpaiaitd liom Iiim b} a \\a|l. pitunting lhitt gins and thttt giils \strt ehoseii Bait} said. ‘thPlllh Bi usSl HA SilliiilltV‘v HllNiYWAllh‘S
'Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins, COOVERT L‘tltllslll}! tlll Slllltlil)\. ll )tlll Cilll Recipe lol the Week

take the time otit to bake a ehiek'» . - .
_ . . ,s . , en pot pie or make a big pot of Ugh! Chicken Put me
By Colin Covert t). l.ee \\ as nitieh ltiiiiiiei “till his taintiiiaetl from [)dtlt? .i ehili um um ‘l\t)lkl "oinu out in . . .
Stav Tlilltl’tf tt/itwwaaiiaiis» ‘l‘.‘ shoot "I 'nderem er Brother" and ‘7 _‘ > ‘ b ‘7 I PIIISbUW 9'9 LIUSI t
.. . . . _ . .1 the llllthllL ot the “eek. \Mtli l Chicken breast hig
moit likable \\llll tht skateedanting a time. and not gne m I, l ha\e a II t t l' .. I l' l . ‘d

What \\ ill be the \\tii’sl .\lartin ltissititl “Roll Botinee”: here he tlail- bad da\ or a bad \seek. or I“ l “I“; I‘TI-I Illfllii” I IIII‘IIIII ‘ . I IO 02' tan OI cream OI.ChICken W/ herbs t,
laurenee moxie oi the )ear’ The ingi) attempts to grapple “Illl ques~ gain a pound despite \sorking VIII“ If} I L -\ I‘LPII“ ”I I‘IIIII‘ 2 bags 0f SteamFresh mixed vegetables “II
tonipetition is .il\\a\s fierce and it‘s lions oi raeial identit}. Roscoe has hard to lose. ‘ III/LI III . MIMI?“ I ”III VII” A dash Of rosemarv II
still earl}. but \\ e ma} ha\e a \\ inner abandoned the tamil_\ name tor a But him do \‘ou piek \ourselt IIIIIIKIIIIII::IL]\.,‘II.I,(;IIi w “h. r. A dash [II thyme XII
in ”“eleoiiie llonie Roseoe .lenk- pi'estiinabl) more media—triendl) up and brush )ttttt‘selt 0“"er a )‘ired I\ ides: riil otillotidstth