xt7kwh2dc08h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2dc08h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1985 1985 1985-03-12 2020 true xt7kwh2dc08h section xt7kwh2dc08h i

- «YER; ». "a, §Vsflr1sk§f .* u have” ' « ~ ~~-- ~ » ~~ ‘ ,
thwawk$fis s‘nhstzagr 3‘2; m WchW Walnut”! Tuesday. March I2. 1985 .
Doctorates - LexTran chief outlines I
d- d bus plan’s advantages " '

\ , 3 .
‘ senate proposal By MEUSSA BELL duced. Because the UhlVerSl‘)’ side of campus. Lex'l‘ran is planning - ,3 . "
Stafanter W3: be Paylhiéoiagewer EM ll trial runs on March 20 or 21 until ~ . 3’.
' - w save on per our ex- A ril 3. “We‘re oin to see if they ' 3 - . “
could Change rules - 3: The Lexington Transit Authority‘s penseforeachbus. cap” make the cirhfrsf said Her- ' . . -. ‘
proposaltogive students and faculty Advantages to the University man. . 3. 3
gém£:A A'PM’ORMO \ members free and reduced rides in would include more trips between Another advantage Wlll be year- ‘ . ' .' V
I : z 3 mhange for drtipping some of the Comm03i3iwealth Stadium adndbeChem- round service with buses gomg 3 _. .- . '
f - . service’s exc usive campus runs istry P ysics Bui 'ng an tween through campus even when the L'nr 3' 3. . .
3, delildeeduavfisrilti’ersigdey ifimy is being investigated by the Univer- Greg Page Apartments and3Shaw~ versity is not in sessionhe said ’ 3. - 4
‘ ~ . mendation which would allow the Sitytodetermlne how serVice Will be neetown to campus. There will also After making one proposal last 3 -3 »
. M University to award doctoral de- “fed“.- . . . be mm 59m" ‘0' 99°” "Farm year that failed. Herman said. Ikx- . . ; , -
} gr” to faculty members A deciSlon is expected during the such as 3Commonwealth Village. 'l‘ran officials learned that transpor» - 3 >
. The WW was referred back to mld or l3att3erp3artot'Apnl. Herman 3sald3. tation between the stadium and j ' 3
= the Graduate Council for further 3By eliminating 15 0f the 120 e3xclu- “Our Job is to move people. and campus is what is most important to _- .3 . . . ,
consideration in order to define va- Sively UK bus tripst Lex'l‘ran Will be the more people we can get on the the University "When you make - - 3
rious technicalities The major ques~ able to offer free “d5 to anywhere bus, the less traffic there’s gomg to one proposal you find out what s im- . ,3 _
tion cmcerned the definitions of r. in town for anyone getting on the be in bexmgton." said Herman. portant“‘said Herman ' , -.
.ii-uiihme employment” and “pre- 3 . , ' , ' ., 3, .3~_ fiat»: 333 3 bus oncampus Witha UK ID. “The traffic around UK is3horrible." Although LexI‘ran does not intend 3 . '
qualifying residency " «r» _ 3 , 3 ‘ ‘ ' .. “g ' 3 Also, the regular bex'I‘ran 50-cent 3Articulated buses. which are b3a- to benefit financially from the en. . . 3

Under the current rule full-time ~ 2" :33?! . .. . .33 fare. for a ride to campus would be s1cally two buses put together. vnll deavor. Herman said e. money that 3 1 . 3
faculty members cannot receive ' ,3. :3 , t reduced to 25 cents for students and help during prime times by trans- is saved will be passed back to stu- .‘ ‘ ' 3 -_
“mam from the Univmiiy in - * - 3' , faculty who live off campus. making porting more petiole because they dents and faculty in reduced rates .
their or any other disciplines The _ - 33 ' it more attractive for them to ride have an increased capacity. said it will. however. reap the amon- ~
recommendation PW that fa c- 3 3 ‘ 3 in, said Larry Herman, chairman of Wally Sklba, director of human 3re- (ages of having more people get 1,, _ 3g
ulty members be able to mm a -3 33 " -3 ' ' Ilex'l‘ran. They Will then be able to source serVices for the University. the habit of riding buses And “her. . 3
doctorate degree in another disci- ' i 3 ' rldéhomtifmtree- Bl" they are expenSive. F‘Uhhlhg students get out of school the} hill - 3 -
pline here although they could not 3333 ' 3 , Rides in the campus area would 53250000 for one bus, and it is ques- be comfortable riding and mi] pay
be employed full-tim e here while stillbefree. 3 tionable whether they Will be able to their 50cents. he added 3 3 -
doi so 3 ‘ .-:, _. These savings would be made pos- maneuver around corners on cam— “The Transit Authority‘s Job ,5 t0 .

‘El'ilis'change allows members of ’ 3 f «r ' a Sible by usmg the regular LexTran pu5,8ki3ba said. 3 serve the Lexington community. and _ ’ ~ -
the faculty to obtain Ph D ‘sin a dis- ‘ . ; buses that3al3ready go through cam- AntiCipated problems are seen in the University is part of that com- ._
cipline other than their own .. Brad ‘3 _ ‘ pus and eliminating some of the SIX the north campus route at the Rose munity. If -..t- help the l'niversity V 3 .
Canon aSenatemember said f?) _ buses used excluSively for UK. It Street and Euclid Avenue intersec- we're doing on: iob to serxe the ' '-

In other matters the Senate voted i ’ has not been established how many tion, but no problems are expected community." Heizzian said 3
unanimously tochange the Universi- ~ ' . of the actual buses would be re- with the more widely used south _ .
ty Senate Rule that describes proce . . e *
W ‘ Ps cholo 1st to s eak about '
dents. Under the change. tramfer W , , .
students must have a cumulative -.- 3 .
grade point average d 2.0 or better ‘ '3. ..\ "‘3: 3 o e O O O
t" W“ 5...... “ ~ eo le fa l n relat 0 sh s ‘ -
must also have maintained a 2.0 ’ 'i . . p p In I. l l n 1 ~ _
G.P.A. for at least 12 credit hours at \ 3
thelast‘ ' tion t . , v" ' , . , 3

The 52:23 alsothedigursgeghang- -3. " .3 By SCO'I'I‘ WAIiD Busbults lecture, titled "EXit, general findings and 1885 on the 3
ing administrative regulations on y-W‘ i 33 f Semor Staff Writer VOice. Loyalty and Neglect:_ Re- details concerning method and data .
annual evaluations of administra- " ‘1‘“; ”9‘3its . ' .. > -- ” l ‘ spons3es t9 33D3issatlsfaction 3‘“ a analysis.“
tors. Although this matter will not ‘ " ‘ Caryl Rusbult. an assomate pro- RelatPHShlp. IS the second in the She said. "I hope it Will be inter- '
officially bediscussed until the April . ’1‘ lessor of psychology. w11| speak to- 138?"? Forum lecture series. The esting to all levels 7 from under. '

11 meeting, many Senate members - '3‘ morrow at noon in the MI. King Ll- 591' 1% 15 sponsored by the College Of graduate to faculty." and added that
voiced their winning on this topic. .4" ' ., . brary3 North Gallery 0“ PeOPl?'S Arts 8‘ 59'9““5 and was developed she is aiming it at ii level l'wtxiwr‘. '
The matter concerts including fac- *i- “ ' behavior when they find the quality With thff "them Of faCIhtatlhg com- the two. ' 3
ulty members‘ and possibly stu- .-. i "3:" oftheir relationships declining. munication among faculty members
dents' input in the evaluation of de ‘ . T' "t?“ ‘ The way a Person reacts to a do 0mm conege' “I'm presenting it in a wan that
partmentchalrmen. .3 3.3 p « clinihg relationship depends on the Michael Baa dean of “is said should be interesting to a Wide audl- ‘
333 3 _ qualities of the relatiomhip, the se- R b ult h 1 .t ence."
G b h ‘ ' "t; if” 3N"; W333 «3.3;. verity of the problem and the sort of U "S was ihosei‘it a: a ec ure3r 3
01' ac CV ' ‘, ’5 ‘ " j; , individual under consideration. Rus- because we (”1.8 er "5%?“ 3 '
‘3 his 3 :v bult said. would be of broad interest to the lac- Rusbult has been domg research . - . 3
Id '~ 1'5”“: Z 3 ~ In ' 3 3 ulty 1h the 9011989» hm 53_ld she 315 in the area of relationships for the .
CO“ mean , TIMSHAIP’Kerr-eisufl She said the same model that is speaking about a topic which “Will past five years. she said. and has . .3 3 .
TWIn tower used for describing behaViors in de— be of interest to anyone else who at- been published widely m a tariety of ' .
Soviet Chan e climng relationships can also be3ap— tends as well. The lecture is free psychological Journals Her lecture ' ' ‘ » 3
g 9 Damon Edwards. 7, gets a lift on the shoulders of Thawn Phed to relationships m. organiza- and0pentothe public. will last about 45 minutes and mil ' ' 4 33
Johnson 11 The two w r l ' b k tb ll l 1 bn on "°"7°" and She- “3“ ““55 the be followed directly by a discussion .
experts say P k h‘ h" b II t eke‘ paying as e a a o 5 subiectof behaVior in the workplace Rusbult said her speech will be and Question-and-answer period. .3 : . '
ar w ent en a gots uc int enet. during her lecture. presented “with more emphasis on which will lastabout15 minutes « . . "
By KAREN MILLER 3.3 . A o t , v .
Staft'Writer o. , i, »o . 3 : -_ ,
WWW... Downtown to put on the green .3 ~ it .,. . .r ,

Mikhail s. Gorbachev’s appoint- . Y 6° 43 it a , _ . 3 .
merit as the third general secretary f , , \ /. \. ‘ . . . ' .
of the Soviet Communist Party in as or . a rlc S ay para e '1 I U / GK/ Q5 , . .
months ends a leadership transition E \ I’ l r \ \\ , 3- - _

Wu . i'ezlillev ' 3 3 - . .
mmocefinflgrlm. d1 8 By JANETSMITH looking for floats. horses, decorated like to sponsor." she said. “And it > 3 - %/ y\ /T 3 \ 3

Less than five hours after the So- Reporter cars. bands and marching groups, alsoaddsalittle Irish awareness." l ifljflfl /%%’ / S . , . - {
viets announced yesterday that 3 club entries, animal entries and This year, there will be twin grand i M C% \3 . 333 ' ,
Konstantin U. Cherrlenko had died upmhfluhs. Irish setters and other Irish-related ideas. marshals, according to Meegan. / l g “/13” ’w l . ' . 3 .
Sunday, the 54-year-old Gorbachev shamrocks Willbeparadingmdown- last year more than 100 people James O‘Iaughlin, chairman of the / [I ’ ‘ J A ‘3 l . .3 '
was named new party leader. The town Leitington at 1 pm. March 16 and organizations participated in the County Council of County Kildaire in '— ' ' rmonnxflmomm ' . . . 3 _,
swiftness of the transition indicated In the SlXt-h annual St- Patrick's Day parade. according to Janet Pike, as- Ireland will be the official marshal, 3 ' .
that the 10 Politburo members had parade. And there's still a chance to sistant publicity chairwoman. The and Jack Geran. at Lexington resi- year about 700 people turned out to tact Conrue or Roger Kelley at 272- . . ~ I
agreed during Chernenko‘s final ill- jom |h_ Oh the hm because all types entries included antique cars, uni- dent. willbethelocal marshal. watchtheparade. 7243 after 5pm 3 ' 3-
ness that power would be handed to Ofelltnesarebetngaccepted. 3 cycles. and even a float with Irish Ed McMahon hosted the first St. It has been said that everyone is Band entries should contact Pat
Gorbach as a representative of Parade chairman 11'- William setters ridingontop,sbesaid. Patrick‘s Day parade in Lexington, Irish on St. Patrick‘s Day. And those Smith at 2694258 or ChUCk Cunning- ' ’
theyounger generation. Maegan said the Bluegrass Irish So— Pike encouraged anyone to partic- Since then, the event has become who3feel especially Irish and want to ham 3at 269-8116. An entry fee of $35 ' .

Gorbachev consolidated W eiety, the sponsor 0‘ the event, Is ipate. “It’s a community event we very popular: Pike said that last partlmpate in the parade should con- is being asked. 3
and cemented bonds with older Po- ":7‘ —T~—'—‘——‘ . 3 .
......... ...m m» New ground -
Cherilenko's 13-month term, Gorbe- 3 .j , \ 3
chevwasopenlycalsideredtheNo. , . 33-5-3? \ 3 3 ' .
mninthexremiin. Ceremony marks beginning of house , ~. " l , » , - .

He made a highly visible trip to 3 3’ V 3 ._(_ 35g, 3
Exam mrgfim aye to ease communications for A OP: 5 PiiA 3 . . 3 . r m M." "gawmmmv

Vincent Devin. director of UK’s . . . . ‘ ‘ ‘1‘"l-F‘X ."i' - ' M m For m .
Patterson School or Dipiomacy and “Emu-“"8"?” ”371‘; “' me ”“1” ‘5 513$? .~~: 'li- _. 5E . . «Fifi; this“. mares. "' .
International Commerce, said the StaffWriter w13 W ouse. ev .. 3:43;; 3800 Y .’ , lift-u; .

British trip attracted a lot of atten- , W‘lms‘P‘W' will be the h .3 ‘i- :W “WM 3 *3

tion partly “became of the highly Eve" W rain was ”In“ the Shes“, the house . ’3' :3 ”53553“ I

unuduel announcement by Garbo vacant lot on Rose Street yesterday, 08‘ 0“ campus; It W111 contain 14.273 ‘ . .3 ' _3 . i .
chevottherecentdeethoftheSovi- AlphaOmicronPiaomrltymembers square feet andhousestiwomen. ’- . 3, e A... “flu-Mom
”wmmm3u guild muggy] bum W “I WWW. 33 J * , ‘WIKMIW

“Anennouncementdthiatypeis clmtmmefutmgmotmm Inaddition.AOPlshousewillbe 3 I ‘5. J 3 3 . 3hmacm-euhfen
usually dale directly {mm the home. 3 the only_one on campus to be com- -.;~ ' ' - 29.35! -M.

Kremlin.“ Devi: aid. "nus was an About 20 ”Witty mm 9th 9m" ”mum“ “d “W. 3.... :t.‘ =-
indication that he (Gorbachev) was end It the site. "W the cam!“ I» N.“ 3"“ "° “M W” °' '1‘” ‘ «(1“ -. .
mm3 lice station and mm from 001- mtyhousewillcomperetoAOPl e. i. .03.. m ‘33; N. z

”He (Gorbachev) wesweering locum PM“ t° celebrate M Humeuldthernsmobomewlll "" .i " ,M.flllu.lmmro-
very elegant clothing. which is un- WMW‘W- b° “mm“ W 5°“ mm” ~ . o. ,3 .,~ ,. J .. ,3 dint-iii it”?

AOleembendecldedlutfellto tic-n1.locabdinNa-hvilh.'l‘enn. - _ ,r \\ rm». “E“"n
uuelforSovietleeden,endeeemed r. 3 ,
verynrtlculeteendfriendlywiththe “WNWWWW miwmmhw ~ ‘I .I' 2'..=.; ‘3 mm
pm... home they had occupied for two hymen-Gammon .. , _ 1% 3

“Vi. I“ ht, “mm d m “mm Am I“ N m m. d W . “a I" 3: 3 Q ' t 3 I) 331339'Al,3*1‘:':3~‘ . .

mammoth-mint- "“‘m- d h are AOPl'I iii-opened hot-e hasn‘t " . j“)? .

MWWW.M Katherlneflunumfllidentm“ bountyflmeeldtbeylooked - ‘- '

nonhuman-mm.» “‘WWWMi ’ ioropouible eltelor neerly‘tl igv ' ,

ltwn’tbecmcleerlorewhilelf nenclelbrenchdUK’echepter.en- molltll.“'mewelthebotevall- '* ,. - -

M (M) will mt. "I ”M M a” W“, W it .m'“.." g 0 ‘ m. , “33333333133333 3" 3 3 _3
Sovieteyetemu'iftheeyetemvlll mumfihmflbm ¢ _ - a, 3 m“

Deve M. a teaching nels- “’9 W 0‘ m M e calm-ileum prdll-n tor the ‘ ' "‘3'. “’"W .
mtmmummunux home will begin next wet. Ill-no cavity to ovum. Noe aid. ~$11§E ~33
pelltleel Mew-peed, Nd- ltfiuuwww. ”We've lied to echethile out meet- 333- ""‘""”’,"" iii-sir {33 i;
am that M was my a lfl-Mhflmhtflln—h Ine- ln the said-it Met. We’ve Jr . is? j. "Thigh
“M" will e new. m Pill? Nee. AOPI Mend e M taped. w M whele _ w I"’&",‘"' . 3m - .w i.
wweuldtehehplece. W m eeld W” AOPI'ewleldehovelstobreekgroundforthelrnewhouee. W‘ffi“%

‘ . I

 I-KMYKM. My,“ 11 1‘
Professor emeritus Israeli army
of music dies at 71 - Storms City
. o
By LINDA HENDRICKS a national conference member of the ,. ‘ 1“ Lebanon
Staff Writer Music Educators Association and an s»- flit :
honorary member and past presi- By SAM!!! F.6HA‘I'I‘AS
Gordon A. Nash. a pmfessor eme dent at the North Carolina Music As- ‘ AssociatedPr-ess
ritus with the school of musi0. died sociation.
. Sunday at his home in Lexington He He was a commander in the US. ARZAY. Lebanon -— Israeli troops
was 71. Navy during World War II and and armor stunned a southern Leb-
Nash, who specialized in music ed- served as secretary of the Lexington anon Village outside the occupation
ucation, retired from UK in 1978. He Council of the Navy League of “6% zone yesterday, overpowered _ the
came to the University in 1958 after America. V3“ ‘~ Lebanese army garrison and killed
working for the music department He also was an active volunteer in . at least 24 people said to be guernl-
at Appalachian State University in the hospital auxiliaries at St. Joseph -. lasbythemilitary command. ..
_ Boone, N.C..for 21 years. and Central Baptist Hospitals. * ‘5 The dawn assault on the Shiite
“He was a valuable member of Nash received bachelor’s degrees ’ Moslem town of Zrariye followed a
the faculty." said Donald W. Ivey, in music and math from Eastern .. night-long artillery bombardment.
directoroftheschool. Kentucky University and did grad- . Residents who fled the village said
“Gordon Nash was a dedicated uate work at UK and Vanderbilt the shelling began a few hours after
‘ music faculty member who brought University. ., f a suicide bomber in a pickup truck
the knowledge of music's spirit as He is survived by his wife, Lu- 3; ‘ filled with exploswes killed 12 Israe-
well as its technical elements into cille; a daughter. Lenore J. Nash of if,“ , ‘3 li soldiers and wounded 14 near the
the lives of hundreds of the Com- Lexington; three sisters, Gladys " _ Israeli border. ' .
monwealth‘s public school teach— Boyd of Corapolis, Pa.; Dorothy * Israel’s military command said its
eis.“ said Richard C. Domek, dean Hinson of Lexington; and Hazel Hol- forces took 10 Lebanese soldiers
~ g of the College of Fine Arts. “He tonofLexington. prisoner when they ignored a warn-
' equipped these teachers very effect Services will be held at 11 am. to- - mg not to restst.“Many (guerrilla)
ively to transmit the spirit of music morrow at Centenary United Meth- suspects and weapors in great quan-
. totheir students." odist Church. Visitation will be from '3 - tities" also were captured, the com-
Nash was a member of the Cente- 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today at 7 1 mandsaid. .
~ nary United Methodist Church and WK. Milward Mortuary-Southland. , The Lebanese army gave no infor-
~ > Pi Delta Kappa, the Kentucky Music Contributions may be made to Com- motion on its casualties, but a Shiite
. Educators Association. He also was munity Hospice of Lexington. mfllmmsgm 883311 2v; soldiers
. ' w: .. y . y ' State and private Lebanese radio ,,
. ew committee to s u y > - - . at... mm... m... .. a...
_ ‘ killed in Zrariye, which has a pop-
e .. g - - ulation of 8.000 to 10,000, were civil-
chewmg tobacco effects . r
' y f f, ; ;. Villagers, militiamen and soldiers
(AP) —— The Kentucky Tobacco Layton Davis, director of UK‘s To- ' :1] , , .. ”f; in Array said. Israeli forces began
. , Research Board decided yesterday bacco and Health Research lnsti- , .:: ;, .~ , . §;;ss.~g i. I... . ._ . g y .. 4.,“ M. M mi. pounding Zrariye wrth field artillery
to have a special committee look at tute. agreed that research is needed m. suflmflmm, and tank cannors at 11 p.m. Sunday
questions about the safety of chew- in light of recent increases in . and pushed into the town from three
ing tobacco. snuff and other smokeless tobacco, .evidence that Grld walk directions at6a.m. yesterday.
“smokeless"tobacco products. some products contain carcinogemc >
thisTihsgulefiig-ecpy fliadbezigfigiesoi: giggfgigfig 352‘; reports 0‘ oral Like a preview of spring flowers, a mass of multi-colored umbrellas open up around the Patterson sonmsm 19%;“? Egg]: 33': :1
‘ ' . Office Tower. Showery gusts swept the Bluegrass in the early morning and late afternoon. Today‘s ' , .. . .
’ the place to start to make a real ef— State Sen. Pat McCuston, chair- . Amal, Lebanon 5 largest Shiite mili-
fort," said board member Will man of the board, said he would ap— weather ShOUId be mild and partly cloudy. ti a. tried to halt the thrust but were
Clark. general manager of the West- point a committee “within the next overcome quickly by the superior ls-
ern Kentucky Dark-Fired Tobacco few days" to decide what kind of re raeli strength. Amal‘s area com-
Association. search the institute should do. mander said.
‘ i o wh n]
lehgfemuclky Kernel. .. will The College of Arts and Sciences presents ne teSt ere 0 v
ouma 15m ‘ CENIEI LID
.. you know the score.
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KWVKM mm 12, 1'-1
Am Editor
sags-a. II II II .-, ..,....‘._. III III I -W.;-:§-;g-:»::»r.3;:.-;.;:I,:5:-v IIIIIIIIIIIII . 'i.::=:':i»’§s\é:'i; .» I ,. 51¢:»E:=:I:z::35.:.~'..-z,;-'I."<".‘.. a” 3‘92; We'féé‘fiii': 5‘3"“ /~,."‘ 2“" III ‘IT;"I ‘;’°’°t‘*‘ff‘“ 55:" ‘9»: ’6‘
is ‘e . r a $3 a ' ‘3 «‘%*§»~av§?§§ gas fiflvgigdkgmwgwfi‘ -
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‘ Par ot rives on unique vmce
0 By NANCY SIIULINS After graduation. he moved to Proxiedence. nllglit , .
,. AssociatedPreu where he sandwiched amateur acting tween '
. ‘ . schoolandadayjobtakingticketsinatheater
-“ 4‘ NEWYORK-lnasmall.midproofboothburied ltwaatherethatPardogothisbigbreak.“'l‘hediroc- I -
-. . / deep in anondlees corridor, a tall. distinguished-looking tor of ‘aoth Century Players.“ a onehour show on ‘ I ‘
s. ' man in a natty blue blazer and red socks is tuning up WJAR. heard me. ‘Have you ever considered radio'." he .
'r --- -‘. _ beforeapairofindustrial-strength microphones. asked. ‘Radio?’ I said. ‘That unseen thing'." At the time.
‘i if? : “lnihhmmmm,”hesays. “.NEhhliemmlflihmmmm lthoughtitbeneath me." . -. ‘.
‘5 I .. ' * He cups his left hand around a headset pressed Curiosity brought Pal-do to the WJAR studio. where ' . .
3 - against his left ear. stabs his right index finger into the he was mesmerized by the equipment and the bustle. . ' '
i I I . : air and says, right on cue: ”This program brought to He spent two years with 20th Century Players. then au- , '
III, 1:" ‘ ,_~ ‘W'W f youby'l‘ropicana." . ditionedforoneofthestation‘s fourannouncingjobs. . . . .
KI. _ I I II Tlus, the work of four seconds. accounts for one-third in 1944. Pardo signed on with NBC in New York. join- I . I . .
i . 9’ ', ~ thetotal allotmentoftimeDonPardo Wlll spend onthe , . . , . .. .
' 1 ~' «s ‘i . ~ - - i - - ~ ing the ranks of the greats. those announcers whose i.
.. . . ,.- ..‘ .., l. as” . airwaves during today s 2»:th stint in the announcmg . ’th _ F nk G ll . , _ I
, , I, _. _. III I ’_ booth of the National Broadcasting Company. names he still utters WI reverence, ra a up, .I . ,
' ' i3 >- a ’ r ' ' l - . - - Huthames EdHurlihy.Ben Grauer. .
. . a,» { . I»; But it is enough, this seven-word sentence, to bring The P . do ”me ed some of the last soa on . I , . i
"f . W? "” , homethepoint: This is noordinary set of pipes. di T'et‘he 3" d the transition to mm. ion p5 , z _
’ _ (fight _ ‘ . i What is, perhaps. the most distinctive disembodied ra °' “ma 9 ‘5 ' I' . -
»‘ “ WT ._ " - voice in America belongs to a man whose Sucrets are I ' . I, . I
. . .- l . ,. _ never more than an arm's length away. a man who " GENERAL ClNEMA - ‘ I I .
‘. _ . ' ; avoids coltktheway most people avoid leprosy. L0! as “mm awaits-wine? . . II _
. . a" . I“ _ § “My voice." Pardo says. “isIImy Achilles’ heel. When Help YOU!! 6W.” .- I .‘ 1 _ I~
; =.., ‘ . 3 [get Sick.itsalways my vulce. Adv."'u ~——————.—.~ I - . , -
;~ A -» In his 40 years as a staff announcer for NBC. Don tuarl‘"n M‘ll I . - ~ .
, I I“ ~; ' . “ Pardo's booming baritone has reassured generations of “m” m. m. no-uu ' . I
.. . « , ‘. . I ., I video addicts that the problem was not with their sets; Chevy Chase vumuu..,..omom I I I I .
‘h ‘ , ' ' . 3%» T” s A, it has interrupted myriad hours of regularly schIeduled Clnomo , , . ~ . . I
‘1“ ' ‘ “ ll ' ' ltd A . é .
\ ... I I , I[:rutlilgrtiiinriiIlIriing to bring us the fo owmg specia news Its2 339341" - I I . II I
a ' . e . use J'JOI:301~JOO:JO . .
. .7: I II ’ ~ ‘ He‘s spent his mornings inciting game show audi- “£373.!” ., . '. , .1 -‘
roux ntuvmwunuuoanc. “35 and comesmls to new heights 0‘ avarice, re~ wm I . I I - I
'"° “watchman-mammmem sentinel... - ;-
John Lynch and Helen Mirren portray the terrorism-torn. almost coincidental lovers in "Cal." and mountains 0’ RICH-ROI“- Mldtov 8 MIN. ('0) W...“ M u, . ' . _ ' ,' ,
‘ ’ . . These days, Pardo is hotter than ever. N7:po::n.I.I m, , ., u, ,.., H, I I ; 2, . I
The voice of the popular variety show “Saturday me n ' . .
Cal treats Ireland 0b ectlvely summary 413$": . .
Tab to Federal Express. one a 9.".15 . I .
. He‘s recently recorded commercials for General Elec- "'3; “W' I - ‘ '
In his first feature-length film. white argument is made for either scenes between the two tentative uric, ConEdison and the Yellow Pages. and he's pushing mmwlfli u.i ' ‘ , ' 1
“Cal." Irish director Pat O’Connor side. lovers are touchingly well-acted. al- fried chicken in Louisiana. fillets of fish in Washington. _ . . _
may have created the Irish Realist though their love's corsummation is and hamburgersinTexas. \.\ x ‘ ‘ ‘
film. The opening scenes introduce film interrupted by Cal's guilty flash- For a fee, he’ll even answer your phone, under a new \.I_ . - , ‘
Although the love affair between newcomer John Lynch as Cal, who. backs. contract to record personalized tapes for telephone an- . I , x' '
the hero, Cal, and the recently wid- as an unemployed IrishCatholic swering machines. ' / I .
owed Marcella, is almost overly co- teenager. indeed smokes a lot of cig- Al the lot is convoluted “I have worked three-hour shifts in which I‘ve sat I/ I , . .
incidental, “Cal" moves Walsh the arena. picks a little suits“. and oc- ..Calu.s‘°“8’.. co'mcu Pug] urban “85' here and said nothing. nothing at all." he says. a trifle \\ ,
graffitoed alleys of Ulster and the casionally drives getaway for some bea t'ful b t y y 't' . ed ' sadly. A6 I -.
Irish countryside in a way which bloodthirsty Irish Republican Army ‘“ “ ”mm.” ”‘2 CW“ ’5 4’ A, .I
- - - condemns try scenes and selectively employed , . . _
neither 8.1“” nor Ire- types. soundtrack music by Dire Straights' “Years ago. you spent eight hours talkingI You didn t PC at 1 i - .
land and“) "'0“le Pew]?- guitarist Mark Knopler, make this a think about your voice. Now,” he says. popping another 0 .3 , \ .
0 Connor We“ the m as they Coincidentally. he drives the ter- 1- ~ 1 - Sucret. “you getsodamn paranmd." \ ~. I
. ok I of _ , . . , po itica love story worth seeing. I . 9 \ .
are. People who sm e 8 0‘ C188 ronsts to "hit" a police inspector KERNEL RATING: 3 He was born in Westfleld. Mass. then moved to Nor- DICK S \:. , I
rettIes and have learned to take ter- who lives in the country with his wich, Conn, where he discovered. as a sophomore in \x ,
ronsmmsmde. wife Marcella — played by Helen high school.t.hathewantedtoact. DLACE \ I
Mirren. who won the Cannes Film ‘
His Irish pe0ple are people first. Festival Award for Best Actress in "Cal" is rated “a" and is playing He made his debut as Bob Cratchit In a school produc- '
Irish, Catholic or Protestant second. this role — with whom Cal later be- at the Kentucky Theater. tion of “A Christmas Carol." He also won a public Tonlghf: ADP and Slgmo Kappa .
The “ambles” affect all the charac- comes romantically involved, even speaking contest. the first public acknowledgement of “Picture 1m," print. Premier ~
ters in the film, but no black and asheistryingtoseverhiisAties. KAKIE URCH hisgift. ,
Comical ‘Sure Thing’ ' th th rock trip ’° '
Some of the most unlikely pairs have meshed success- But the film shifts from teenybop humor to more dry when they sneer with disgust, we can‘t help but laugh. E L: .__—__._"2_ -
fully on the big screen. Bogart and Hepburn in “The Af— and often zany situational comedy. At the height of their frustrations, after they lose their — _:_: _: :- :_ I
rican Queen." Matthau and Lemmon in “The Odd Cou- After several attempts to hook up with the non-inter- ride and money. it rains and the two frantically seek "— — — — , ',
ple." MacLaine and Nicholson in “Terms of ested bookworm named Alison. Gib journeys to Califor- shelter. Alison whips out a credit card and says. “Dad ANNOUNCES ‘ .
Endearment.” nia to shack up with a sure thing. Surprise. surprise: said to only use this in emergencies." Drenched and ,
Similarly, it’s a pleasant mixture when a spontaneous Alison shares the same ride with Gib. Now the fun real- hysterical, Gib softly replies, “Maybe one will come N Ew PRICE -' .
college boy looking to get laid and a brainy girl more ly begins. “9-" . . . , ' ' I
concerned with studying than loving come together in Alison and Gib quibble like any two children in the You'll have to see for yourself if this unsure combina~ - .

“The Sure Thing." back seat on any long car ride. Anything one does both- tion is a sure thing for you. But if you've ever done any- D I sco U NTS I , . .
At first, this film by Rob Reiner (who played Mike erstheoItIlIier. endedthins with Islgioeonef whegeyou thongfIiItIIyouIIIcouIlIdrIiI'It ang _ ‘ - .,
Stivic on “All in the Family") picks up where all the Gib c mps into pork rinds (with one percent of the up Ving un. n you' I e t is lg an O . . ,.
other sexploitation movies of high school and college recommended daily nutrition. no less) and those pink funny film for sure. DEPARTMENTS 32 /0 . I ;
love left off . The humoris sexual in content. and chocolate delights crafted by Dolly Madison. Alison KERNEL RATING: 7 2 9 O . , ,

For example. the main character. Walter “Gib