xt7kwh2dc00t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2dc00t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1979 1979 1979-03-08 2020 true xt7kwh2dc00t section xt7kwh2dc00t ‘ 3
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Kentucky loses NIT first-round game to Clemson 68-67 In overt/me
By JAM”: VAl‘GHT wriitiei oi last night's Old Dominion» nlleIIse." Hall said “ l heir bnaidwork \bottt Ilie nllrcIIIIIIIg. lnstcr sIrId. “”“d "W”‘Ml “WW lttsI wasn't ant sense rti plum.
l sporisiditoi Wagner garlic I\1onday night iii the and deietisc beat us It \\.is_ "llieoliicIIils lloiIIct atId.chhIo "I ”WW-"‘1 lllt‘ hll” “i" ”L“ “3|” lor' awhile." ' ll L
second round oi ili‘L‘ \ll lhc results undoubtedly. the iitost cnIIIIIsirig chopped Its to death We bitched .i ‘ill‘l- ‘m'l'nll- “Hf"- lleiot‘e ('lemsoit tised Its dela\
Kentucky's bid “"5 third National :ylmthat game \stictrt.I\.Iilab|c.II press game | eIcI coached In |rItle. but we got out without a | "‘Ctrlm.”“I‘llhl‘tlll'lltlllb Gill‘lls'l'lll ollciisc iii the opening period. the
Intitational lournamertt champion- " "MN”hm””Kilimmme planar: ”"h'l'ml 1“ in“; b- 'i‘" "'“l‘l‘l” ( lillll’l‘ game had been tied eigltt times. llte
“hill went l“ “ll“ lil-‘l night 3” RUPP \\ rlliams. II 0—] tumor guard. well. our season had In cnd too soon Kentucky. which shot «to percent “c Thur): '"I‘l‘ ‘I‘. “l l” snot tlte “WNW” lead Changed hands lt\c times.
‘ I\rena when the tall (‘lemson ligers disappmnlcd the 2.1.532 onlookers We‘re \ers pleased with or” Imam “ compared to (‘lcmson's Sit. almost m l u npu'llmg pcthod.‘( lemsort Mac\ said hethoughtIhe(‘lemson‘s
' edged the thin Wildcats 68-67 In when he sank crucial lice Ihrnwswtth Hill Hall was upset “till the didn‘t make II min the nIeIIime. llie “It'll! ”fl" ”f ml‘llumn loin-corner tall lronIIitic (two Is-lil st'irIet's) \\’i\
oIerIime in their iirst-round game on |3 seconds in go In nIertime to gne oiiiciiiiiiig. (‘ats lell six points behind III 55-49 :L 3:73:53? “H ta 0m llminutcs Ml Ihe drilererice In the bIIIIinme. ‘
Billy Williams two lree throws. (‘icmsnn Ii ilii-ee»pnint lead at (its-(15. _ \\|lll l 3K to go iii the regulation l ‘ “We didn‘t do some I‘L‘hnlllldlll v “ he
lhc Wildcats dubbed by at‘least Kyle Macy oi Kentucky connected on “()lllc'illml-K “'“llll'hlll~ “Ul'mt‘ll period Ilic liget's Ito/e the ball until It said. "We had trouble with lltL‘II‘lsl/c “ I
- oncywriter “th5 lhin len“ irnIshcd a ill-iontcr to make the linal tally. the ball game.“ I” “”d' "(mg “l" w , . Iump ball was called with L“) to go.
I their surprising season with a bad he ought to seriously think‘IIbnuI But I ls oIIIscoied( lcmsnrt (i—ll rest But neither team could score another Kentucky lorwai'd l.a\’ort Williams .
respectable mark oi i9-l2. lhe loss Kentucky (‘oaeh .loe it. ”all going In another sport. I talked with 0| Ills" “1H lU \s‘lld lllk‘ game ”WWW" basket 210mg m“, the locker room. agreed. “llieir si/e made It pretty big
was only l'K‘s him in the last l8 thought (‘lemsnn‘s stinging deieiise IlilllosteiIIlIe(‘|emsnn coachiiind he period. (iItIIthay Slitdlei nearly gate drl‘lerencc." ‘
games. Had the Wildcats won the and strong rebounding perioimance iclI Ihesame way. it \tIIsII |iIisti.ItIng lhc (m‘ It miracle when his almost "i had people In loIrl trouble." ('lemson blocked l‘K‘s shots sr\
game. they would ha\c recorded the were Important 1mm“ m Ihe (my game ior Ihe bItllplIiycis and coaches pctlcct shot itortt Iltc iiIId—eottrt l'ostei e\plaincd. "I know itIIhc delay times and had It) steals. lltc Wildcats.
school‘s liith straight Ill-win season. lose “I‘m iioi saImg II was niie way. I‘m started through the basket. But tlte nitcnsc) is not popular ltere. But it’s meanwltile. weren‘t Inn impressitc. '
('lcmson. meanwhile. will play the "lheir den-rise took its out or our itot saying anyone cheated us." ball bounced out oi the run as the damn popular iii South (’Iii'oltna. Continued on page 6
Vol. LXXI, No. I2I Ker 2] University of Kentucky .
Thursday. March 8. I979 an independent student newspaper ‘ Lexington. Kentucky
. - I;
Cu rci puts . '
. s e 0 n l latO ry pa “3 ISCUSSBS
52-=-;.:-;;;:;;;$;25 u :
on pro bation § , ‘ _» a V3 n ages 0 |l'll ' la GS HS 3| BS _
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('Ombim‘d 5" Ind “l"“POfl‘ 5.525;; "1 5;. . __ .- B) .i \\ k055i"! 1‘ hate access In courts. lid (ialbraith. public deicndcr ior 5
Q‘ I” . ’0‘ 5.1; 5 If. ‘. (om IiIii.ii He said his ollice has worked with Kentucky state I‘eioi‘matories and a i . ’
l he eight l'K “ll“hil” players .. ' tltc state Bureau ol ('orrections In set member ol the panel. said that ol the l
charged with rape and sodomy “5ch i all: llill Butts. .iii Inmatetinml ii(iiange tip a legal aide training program Littlll inmates III I II (irange. lour are -'
placed on disciplinary Pr"h"‘““” . State Reinrmatntt. told a medium- teaching selected inmates the legal aides.
. yesterday b." head COW" l’ran (‘urcr V i .N si/ed audience ill-lllL‘ law llIIildirIg ltiitdamentals oi criminal law. He said the rclormators ollcrs II .
‘ In a statement released b} Spot“ '_ V" courtroom that "mnst men wlioaieiit procedure and ethics. choicetntheinmateswhow-ishtoseek
information ””09“” RU-‘WH RM“ l .. s |II(ii.IIIge are ordinary men. with He added that these trainees. who legal help. He said they can;
_ . (‘urci ”it'd "Being consistent “”h 0“" y ' ’ “wit: 5...; homes Iiiid Iamilies5 who Iiisi made it become “legal aides" when the cottrse use the relormatory's legal library '
- policy. the eight i'ootball [ml-“l“ v ‘7 ‘ {if mistake and got caught “ is completed. help other inmates with ior their own purposes.
' intolsed “l“ b? placed “”d“ - '. lg ltirtts. .Is It member oi Ii tour-man their legal decisions and scrIc as legal consult the legal aides.
discrplrnary probation. “h“‘h means \55 * - 5 i it ‘1“? panel III the Student liar \ssociatinti‘s counselors to those inmates. or consult Galbraith himscli.
' they “I“ ”0‘ be “HO“Cd l9 P's‘rl'C'PlllC X l )th‘t \\ L‘Illlk‘\klil\ l‘ttl'llill.tll\L‘ll\\CLl[lit state “Since Kentucky does not base Butts said that when an inmate .1 .
.' in any team iunctton “m” lhc” um“ *3“. i'clni'mainit‘s legal .Iide program. suiliciertt lundsto buy allIheattorneys coni'ides in legal aides. he is oiten -' i
are ”50““? 'n the courts. _ l “ ' - t'& I" l‘ 5 \on Butts. II legal aide at l II(iIangc. said needed ior each resident ol Kentucky “coniuscd. uncertain and angry." -
"Th" ““9" m ”0 “ill ”mull“ “l K I i I ‘ b those men who “tirade a mistake and t'clortttatorres." said Noi‘ick. “it was “You hate to understand the 3
~ reflect my i’P'nlO” l“ to lhc” Wm M . . \ got caught“ now has e access In the thought the legal needs were best met psychology ol II prisoner." said Butts. .' l ‘ 5
innocence. 5 5 ~22» i \ courts aprnrlegetnntateshatebeen by training relormatory residents." "Here is a man that has been taken '
lhe drs‘crpltnary “WU” means the . ' .xs- 3" y s denied In tlte past. he said. \Oi‘lt'ls said the inmates go through away i’rom his home and lamily. irom .i
players will not participate In spring ' '1’ " 5 _ fl, \noihei member oi the panel. Date screening procedure belnre they are his cnsironment. and thrust into a 2
Pr'dClle‘. “hls‘h begins mmOlTO“ and l 3 \Imcp head oi the l’nst-cniniction selected lor the training program. He strange harsh world. .»
endswithanintrasquad Eilmc‘\l’ll'll3l ’» . «- W _ .8113 3‘ Seisiccs‘ oiiice oi public Iidtncaet. said he sees the trained inmates as “He may hate spent weeks or
m commonwealth Stadium. 4 . f 5 5 .. 5 5 2‘5 said that .isti result oi a l97-t Supreme “resource centers" lor the other months in county jails. uncertain oil A
lhey' also will be barred irorn .-- a:.5»--- .-,. court decIsInII.| aiiraiigernniates now inmates iii the yard. (‘ontinued on page 4
today’s proicssional scouts day. when 5_ . .- l. .. .. I ‘ -
scouts from the National Football -> so. 5' i l l _
league will clock players ior speed. - ' --- W. Generic fOOd less ex enSIve .
weigh them and e\aluate their .3 ' I
l abilities. Rice said. "* ,5 . ‘ . ‘
Defense attorney 'lom Miller l ,
, - quality lower than brand name *
’, and entered not guilty pleas tor the '
t eight players in Fayette (‘ircuit Court. Br TOM MORAN/Kernel Staff '
- W, I I I, I .~
. .errcerltnzténgr‘yIliucétlrzrcngvficahsu:ch§d:lcc\tl Flnger-IICkIn breadstICk? By (‘HRIS BLAIR manager. loin lyit/ler. saysthcchain‘s “People are coming (to. (iroeery 5 5 7
' . . . . \ s .t . s s I . . -
i - lhe players hm?“ "T required m (‘an it be? The baron offried poultry at an ltalian restaurant? Well. yes. (‘0l. m“ “In“ LEE; diplfiedfl “mm products Is :2; ”(”233 2:; olriiumrlciiiillrlrilrrls ‘ ‘
ii:ililil‘rihl'tilline'ddtthirt fink“ aitcra Harlan Sanders. after taking “"9 0' some busmess inl'rankiort. h.a_d lunch \Vtth mllation a part ol eseryday l it/ler said the Randall company are firm the south end ol town." he '
C ntinued on a e 6 yesterday at Joe 80'0”“ 5. MM.“ to compare the latin fare wrth h“ world- lilc. shoppers can otten be Iound researched the generic i‘ood market said.
0 p g famous product. lh? Colonel said. I “I“ Italian {00¢ but you cant beat scrutini/irtg grocery sheltcs stacked two months ago and corteluded that Noe said he doesn’t hesitate to buy _
Kentucky “led (hicken. with elaborately decorated cans and the low prices were rising and would generic products. although he was i ‘
. ‘~t d ho\cs oi national and house brand no longer l’uli'ill their initial cosI- initially skeptical oithem because oi 5
o a ionds Ior that elusise creature a saying purposes. the plain packaging. . i 5
' world bargain. “(‘ustomers should be gettingal'ise “i have tried the jellies and 5-
Bciorc inllation Increased the to it) cent price dil'l‘erence between preserses. macaroni and cheese. and r 5
' State IRAN‘S PRO-VISION“. (:(H’ilRVMl-ZVI appealed number ol penny-pinchers in the generic products and house brands." cake mixes. lhcy'rc good‘products.“ . . '
/ headed tor II crisis yesterday alter the Matulluh Rultnllult tnarketplacc. national brand-name lit/ler said. “Prices hasc gone up. so Mic said. “Once people grtc It a try.
‘ TAXPAYl-JRS “I”. HAVE A (‘ll.\.\‘(‘[ [0 ”mum“. Khomeini.theIirchiieet oi the resolution.callcdthenation‘s labels meant estra l'lator. high grade there is little dil‘lierence between house they continue to ‘buy them. One I -
mum“. budget mls summer“, hearingsplaniied h} mum“. "1"”"m". ”l9“. “"fl ‘lcr'dycs‘lllc'll "” hCl'C‘mF ““"l‘l""s“ restore and appcII/ing lood cnlnr. items and generic products." woman. this morning. had l2 cake . .
‘-‘. Fmancc Depmmcm ‘l‘m‘l :l “‘ll'w I'M“ lhfi “I" ‘ l' ‘ \ . But with increasing lood prices. l.tI/|er also said customers are mixes in her shopping cart." '5 5 ‘ .
' . j Money will be tight iii the nest biennium. and director or \1 5, ‘- 5m5'm5'm-dP5pm5n5m giltkrflnk‘m ‘1‘ _mm_ 51mm“ lower priced house brands hase reluctant to buy generic l‘oods because Noe said his only problem with 7-5
5 . . c idr Ba/Itrgan. primarily Vlcstcrn-cducattd liberals. h.is . “ . ‘ . . . . . y. , . . .
. the “8160'le lor Policy Duke (iordnn “Nd “flu-d”) he mpr’cssed anger o\ er the wase ot secret trials. csecutrons become an alternatitetotheespensisc people want “"1“"an m mudfihc} generic '(mds '5 keeping them m hltlc‘ls. .. ‘ .
‘— - wants to heighten the public's role in the budget process. and “mm wmcd out by Khmmml.‘ WWW“ ,\ national brands. esen though lower buy. “I‘m out oi most oi the generic ;- . -
oi want to do a better Iob to explain adequately and in a mmlumnun “rm“ \qmd “mum m mm lump“ mg,“ prices may mean lesser iood quality. "A lack oi consistency ol a product products now. I hate to order them i;
lasmonnm hmmg ho“ ”.1“: bud“: mm“ “”1“ ml“ Iiltcrtlies steretoundguiiti oi kidnapping hatcuna pink-mg ’\s I‘ood prices continue to rise. reduces repeat sales. Since generic iour Weeksin advanceand by‘thetime 7'! .
-_ mopey '* ‘Ps‘m and “ht-W '“ \P““- h“ ‘t‘l'd' v them at the scriice oi liotiiosesiials 7 many people are searching ior esen loods aren‘t backed by a company. they get here. they‘re already sold." 1;
”MW Md?" hwnng" ”‘an '" m“ m” ”l '9' "m“ Kiisnicini‘s criticisms came as i‘lliilUH persisted that lower priced Iood. Some nutrition there‘s no guarantee that the product Noe explaincdthat he is ableto keep tr:
1 been held [90 late m the past to base any real Impact “n“. B'Irtrg'tn is consideringresigningtn lIIIsII‘IItonmet hislick s ~- - l I ' ti . ' ‘ ‘il -l ' ‘ hr I'Ih‘ " ‘ 'Iii ' " h l'OOd riC‘s below Y l' ‘ k ‘i 5 ' .
i, stateagencres hadalready submittedtheirbudgetrequeststo ‘ ‘ ‘55 5 . 5 . . ‘, .. 5 l mu" ls \ M“ u “”5“” to “I. ‘1“d)s.to . twmt qu 'M C . P L 5 . rob" dr mdr ’5 a: '
5 (ios. .lulian ””0”. “l PWLI H" Ms“ dcnlul MW“ ”Ml ht 's‘lymd continuous prtee boosts ts “no-brand- said. “Our Intentions now are to stop prices because (irocery Box operates is"
y ”1“ year the hearings “I“ be held during ”“5 \ummu m VIETNAM A“ I‘SEI) ( lilNiLSii TROOPS ”I name.“ or generic loods. (Randall‘s §hoppers (‘hoice'sigeneric with a low budget. For instance. the g . -
j the public will haseachancctoinlluence program priorities "plundering. burning people's ironies arid shelling“ .is they (iencrtc loods. ll sharp contrast l" lood sales. SlOl'L‘ do“ not carry perishable :3 t
‘ “.ihdw“ [mm ymnum yesterday. hm it“. (hm-w. the brand name ioods becItuscol their l.iI/|er said that when the store products. enabling II to cut out g? ' "
\ ieimimese war appeared to be drawing to .i close plain w lttte labels. are set apart lrom introduced generic foods in its market refrigerating costs. Grocery Box also ;
nation 'll was the lirst conIit-inaiinn by the Vietnamese that the the colorittl array ol brand name seseral years ago. the products sold cuts wage cosIs by using signs to ‘é’ . . '
- (hinese.whoiinnouneed MondIinhIittiieI were pullingoiii products tound on supermarket rapidly without promotion. but he display prices Instead ol basing stock I . t . 5
' . ‘ 0' \Is’lmlm- hiHl “CPU" "WWII hark sheltcs said the "no-name" products are no boys price the merchandise item-by-
. . PRESIDENT CARTER ”a“ T0 ('MR" l“ "'21” H“ (“mm “”l‘dr‘m‘” ""1”" ”l" ‘““ “M“ ‘” "W“ lhese generic products. because oi longer being requested. item.
. ior what lzgypttan oliicials are calling "the irnal sprint Ici because "pulling 01” " "WK“ (l'llls‘llll mllllillth than the plain package. 1““ ad\crti.slng in December. a low budget 100d Jerry Kaiser. a 53k” promoter ior . , ~
- peace. 5 adsancemcnt. according to (hmese sources in Peking costs and standard qualih. arc store. (iroccn Box. opened on New Lexington Kroger stores. which -
. '] And barely concealingtheiroptimism.l S niticialssard quoted h.‘ the Japanese "V“‘W'W‘V M“““‘*“‘l in‘ 5 . 5| "‘d N . '. . (v .|‘ R 'd' l k. 20 eneric . s r i‘ Eyansyillc lnd.. said ' V .
. .u thatwhtle too many details remainior(‘arterIoeompletely upcnsrtcy "7'“ ‘ .omt. experts Int 0“ ' 5 0C mg g operate 0“ 0,. d i. . 5. , "cm. . I ..
5 5 ‘ wrapupatreaty.tlicy are not rulingnutInitialingoncnnthe weather ‘3‘} ll“: '0“ W'W‘ characteristic 0' Prl‘du‘l5- . . ' . . . I the KTOKc'rChd'" oesni‘Cdrryng I .
_ .1 trip. generic ioods hate made Ihcnt lhc stores manager. Danny Noe. foods because the storespolicy Isto y .
' i lhc president. Iiiter flying across the MlIIniIs‘ last night. appealing to budget watchers. said customers hate rcspondCd match generic food prices with house . .
" g _ _ i will ride in a motorcade into the capital today to open u A H)“ LINGERIVISHIN Hts HID-n isiIItIiiinsiii lloweser. until recently. only one “extremely well“ to the generic brands. , '
c- i three-day you that igyptians hope will boost President the upper 40‘s l’IIrtly cloiidls lttnlillll “illi Iotss Ill the mid lestngton store has carried generic products. He said the store bought “We‘re using priyate label products 5 i. - ; .5
_ i Anwar Sadat's image. lens oi thousands oi spectators are tIt‘s Increasing cloudiness with It chance ul showtts products. Shoppers (home. recently iwo-and-a-hali pages of newspaper to replace generic lOOdS. Second-and » . ,
5, -. _ y‘ l CXPCClCd ‘0 “he ”"3 fouls “WWW” ”all“ I" lhc l0“ 5““ purchased by Randall Foods. has ads and lot) radio spots in early third-line (graded) products are ' I
stocked generic Ioods lor seseral December. but hate not “done a similar to generic." Kaiser said. “For 5 )'
I - i years. but the stores‘ new general dime‘s worth oi advertising since." Continued on page 4 ' .' ' 5‘
l‘ ““WM*’:‘?’T"I"’J ~ , “‘ "'“’W~'*" . ‘ ‘M “we-*W ' l i
. . . .' ~ 5‘ , 5" . :. ~~ fl" ’54; . . 1- .- - I 4’ s5 , . - ‘ 5
"~ = - ' ‘ l BEST capv AVAILABLE l ' . ‘ '
. i l i . x .l v ‘7‘} . _ I \‘I I

 . ‘ ' 3
his; ,
X i
3’ t
. I? ernel Steve Bailing" Lisa Doussard Thomas (‘lark Walter Tunis Jamie Vaught Tom Moran :
r [fr/rim in (‘hlr/ Iiillloriu/ L'iliior Jay Vomit 4&E lit/II“! Sporli Editor Director of Photograph 1 1"
Debbie McDaniel
, . Steve Massey 51':
Richard McDonald (iron Fields Ruth Mattingly ('ary Willis John (1.) Linda Campbell it;
Managing lit/Ill" Jeanne Wchnes h J"!!! TI" >1\\I.\Iunl 4i“. lit/Ht" Brian Rickud Pholo Manager J;
I O O & C 4““"0'1‘ Fi/Holy (ll/u Milton Ann/uni S/lom hkliion
Orwell, where are YOU? ;
l l l l l . I . .
Sacral Security numbers too easily identify UK students, shou/dn t be used for posting grades .
’ Conseryatiyc futurists who warned that Social Sccurity numbers or other “personal identifiers" an ltlc‘llllllt‘dlltlll card. '\tltl it can happcn without ()nc cxccllcnt solution that l5 now used h." some
Security numbers would create a l984-style Big yiolatcs the Buckley x'\nicndnicnt‘s guarantees of being Illlt‘lllltlllill at all. schools is to assign a number to individual exams.
Brotherism may haye been right. lhose nine-digit priyacy for personal information. llic Yicc l’rcsidcnt of \crtdcmic Affairs office is time students rcmcliibcr it. and then post scores
codes are yirtually names now. used foralmost all (iiyingaSocialSccurity numberistrrntamouiitto planning to notify all dcnns that it is illegal to according 1“ lht‘ numbers. h W‘lUld PWW'W
identification purposes. Although not too much giying a name. if soniconc else has made thc continue posting grudcs by Social Security anonymity and keep the efficiency that‘s now
Orwellian repression has come along with them. connection between the two. Right now. tlicrc are numbers. In the past. tlic policy has bccn to honor present. Whatcy‘cr system is Uscd. a replacement is
there are some problems. plcnty ofchanccs to make such connections: sccing rcqucsts from iridiyidturl students not to list their needed for lht‘ Social “Chill." hl'mht‘W hL‘CilUSC
For instance. UK academic officials hriye been who gets perfect scores on tests. noticing w lint gradcs. thcy‘ycjust become too familiar.
adyised that posting test scores according to Social number somcoric points to. noticing the number" on
wit it
‘ Forums benefrcral to students r Which” my it? in ANDHlssiiir‘W
’ 152 CENT no Wm ‘N ”'3 / ' .
I I I I q %\SE *l f SHOWS] - ’7 )Mrlflrfl‘iwfi ‘
W 380' » ~ x m ......
> SG did good 10b of organrzrng w «g. «z / ans .. .
‘ ' / ‘. Him K?” l —' t
l’ T i i " If ‘- J a" .. ‘ ’
. ~ _ .. .. . . , -y , \§‘ 313-5“ fl" “7
Those who say college students arcnt interested l l\ a chance to personally meet tlic candidates for ' /\ f t. - in. u; «{\\‘ -;‘z;“ «9%. f x
‘in politicswould havebeensurpriscdatthcrcsponsc thcstatc‘s highest officcs.ttndtoasktlicmqucstioris. /, ' \ \ -fi. J \‘ éa’fi rhwakififiphl‘ , \ ’
the recent Student Goycrnment candidate forums ,. ‘ . _ _ _ \ lfl’ 3‘ X :1?» l’,§’:ff_"\t_ t we- ',
receiycd. And hopefuls for governor and lieutenant lhc gubernatorial forum “m mull“ h) .th 3'? l ' ‘ Séfifirl ~“i‘5‘mfix'é‘... . i ”k“ ’
. . , f . appearance of candidates who. running limitcd x. ~ 1 ‘9» .0 "” “ so .\ ‘3...
goyernor of Kentucky probably wontwantto pass .. . . , ‘II _‘ f >_ y ;. ‘ ,1 'r f ' mg‘d W ‘28} ‘ 73‘
_ upthe opportunitytomakc personalappearancesat campaigns. “ L“ not l.” ~p' LP.“ id 0" - ‘ 1 V ‘Q!/f’(“§§gtg.\,¢_a‘-§' \ \ <‘/~ l / ’I ._='
the next forums. kno‘wledgcziblc on minor issues. Still. lllills / I H § ,'\..: - »- ‘ s. ,//
. The programs. held on consecutiyc nights. preferable to holding uiyittition-only forums that (‘5 , h . . y \ Y '
attracted a total audience ofabout 50“ people. 'l he biitig in a few candidates who liriyc wide support. '7‘ U . ' . l ‘ :s (mm; ;
forums were well—coycred by the news media. with A nonpartisan forum at at public institution ‘ ; I - . .\ ‘\\‘ ) "WWW 3.
first-day stories appearing iii the state's major should liayc its many cundidatcs as possible. Q lyrjfi‘ ’ ,y ' l' r ', i 3W“ ,
neysiytspapcrs. ‘ .. , _. ‘ . . g . especially at rtunrycisuy whtrc lirngccarididntcs “TE—3' 21:. .3. x \ . _'." §_‘ ' - ...J I, fl -.
. udent (Journmcnt dcscrycs credit for may haycsubstantralsupport. :\ democracy should \ (\(2 .Q‘w“- » ’ fig !_'}‘Q"\~3_- , _ . 4 '.
sponsoringthisty‘pe ofactiy'ity.and for being ablcto be strong criough to endure not only tllllc‘t‘clll ideas. \\~ \ wafik'f‘lsfi L, 7'- AM-x‘. ““ \\‘v—'W’ "' 5'6 I ‘
. organize it successfully The forums gayc people at but poorly prepared ones as well. 7 '
FrenChman conne says wcrc millcs. lliis choice was totally l‘suully. these groups hiiyc sonic _
I I I I I thrit of tlic‘rournalist. and in fact there male and lL‘mulc students st‘zlttcrcd
LI bldlnal t ran n WI II brln Chan es wclc fcnialcs in the classroom ill the among them. By chuncc. Miss Blair‘s
y y g 9 time of tlic lntcryicw, articlc concerned itself with a class of
\thn Ms. Brcwcr begins to wonder till mnlcs.
Roaming through a bookstore the office. ncycr understanding why they by potential scyual pnrtncrs. you parlncr c\picsscs about the riziturc of thc class. hcr Uthcr classes. howcycr. do hayc .
other day. I came across this ama/ing always confuse “genital“for "gentile". immcdiatcly calculate the male fc- 7n. You wrikc up tlic riiorriing-irftcr statement of “sriiall—timc oglingand “female \llldt‘nl‘" I" ”mm at \omc
little book called A Study of the One of the more intriguing findings male ratio.thctrttrirctiyc uririttriictryc In your clollics with l;l\L‘l brciltli rind cycn liitcnt \oyeurism might crccpiri." 1|th during Iht‘ ,WEII'. Many of thcsc .
Effects of Libidinal Tyranny on the of (‘onnc‘s fiyc-year study is a ratio. the couples .siuglcs intro and :Illcmpty \\.rllci Your pod-«.‘tszrrclull approaches slander and is assuredly Chm“ (ll-’1“ both male and female ‘
American Male College Student by measurable relationship between llic then you drink accordingly. of crumpled cocktail napkius_ torn absent from any drawwing session. models. Slht‘k‘ l‘m illht‘hll lht‘ "MN. '
the sociologist Adolph Connc. The Other Person's Looks and Yotir 4, When drinking in 1er from drunicn pcii slrokcs. Ilicy arc \Yc feel that Ms. Brcwcr hits millt“. l thought I would loly a few
author wanted to include female Drinking. llastudcntisaskcdtorutca rrfoicniciitioncd situation. you forcgo coycicd with ururitcllrgiblc names. oycrstcppcdhcrrighttocritici/c.whcri "ly‘muly‘ \llldL‘uts" thcil reactions to
students in his study but he could not prospectiyc sexual partner on a l-to— your usual nitig of l ippschit/ bccriind numbcis ill‘rtl rucssiigcs likt-“Y'our with she slaughtcrs the real facts in an 51‘» BMW“ ill’lis‘lc- Architecturc
find many who admitted to touching lllscalc. this appraisalwill improycon order chic and cypcrisiyc drinks. llL‘Ill"lY"". attempt to cxprcssanopinion.She has "lcmalc ‘llldk‘hV SW1" (it‘ll-l0) ‘iild- y
knowing lllll well this courscof action b. Yoti yyrtkc tip in a stiliiigc raisedscriousdoubtsustothcintegrity "“0 (lt‘méllt‘ \tllds‘hN hayc more '5
“Kw—— guarantees a cotilcssion session at the apartment bcsidc it strange wornrin. or the faculty and students in l'cspcct for thc malc student in "
' porcelain altar within the hours. .lcstis. it‘sncnl‘ly datwiiundyou linycitn architecture, architecture than to think that they .
IOhn 000ke 5. When talking with prospectiyc b o'clock class. Yoli iiioyc slowly off We wrote this letter only to clarify would lower thcmsclycs to ”small-time
sexual partncrs in said itrctt. your the bed. trying not to wake Snoring otir statements. goals. and intentions ogling and cycn latent yoycurism.‘ " ’
' conyctsation has an abnormally high Beauty. You bring your knee on the against an ill-inlortiicd opinion She went ontosay."WC'rClh01h malc
, incidcncc of no less than two of the dresser. You step on licrclcctrrc curlcr written totally out of context. We and fcmalc studcntsl aboyc making
themselves below the waist and those the ayerage by H potnls for each following phrases: sci. You rcplaccthc nccdlc stuckat the suggcst that thc next time she has am such a big MUG on male and female
Who did charged by the hour. This ounce of alcohol they consume (that a. ()h. I can rcally r'clrrtc to that cnd of tlic .lrinis lrrri .rlbtuii. You shirt opinion shcciircfullyinycstigatcallthc distinction." Susan was too irate to
book was certainly informatiyc and l works out to .792 points for eyery I] lustutlly followed by a sigh.) down licr poitzrblc (il stcrco with the facts before she maliciously attracts commcnt further.
would like to pass along some of the 0/. of beer). The author stresses that b. .\'o. seriously. you sccm \cry I" spcakcrs. \cgotuitirig the dark innocent statements. Wc also hope we Another female student. (‘indy
revelations smeared within to the this is a mean calculation but it scrycs scnsitiyc. Do you pairit'.‘ rooms. you find tlic door. Sorry. it‘s ri liayc cxprcsscd oursclycs without the Reynolds. “115 ‘00 hysterical Whh
other unWitting Victims of this most‘ as an excellent rule of thumb for c. Wow. what a coincidence! Bcci' closct. You find the icnl door. You mud-slinging commcntsthaturgcdthc laughter (“CF lht‘ article to make
unique form of genetic despotism. computing how much alcohol is makcs mc uppy—cliuck. too. shut ll cycr so gcntly behind you. writing of this letter in the first place. comments.
Conne claimsthat libidinalty'ranny necessarytorcndcrhc shc ittolcrablc d. (M. SllhtithN Iuéllyt‘ mt‘ (ll/IN lm'l‘mtl it‘ll" PM“ imd RV.“ ”Nd“- , Sh”“”“ll‘”licnlillH‘Udcmiya-“C
is as difficult toexplain as grayity' and or how low you will stoop by closing also. Accoldlng to (omit. If you Timothy A. Murphy do him‘ mil") h‘millt‘ fill‘dt‘msl- Mill."
perhaps more preyalent. He defines it time, c. Yes. | agrcc. Rcspcct islliccl'uciul tinswcrcd oric or morc of these Architecture freshman RiCC said. "Shy"s 10111”! insane
loosely as "That enigmatic force (‘onne includes a simple test for point. questions in thciiffiriiiritiyc.youarcu ,(rclerring to Ms. Brewer)"
forcing you With distressing frequency those who doubt that they are l, Well. I‘m personally bcyorid \icluii of libidinzil tyranny. ll you did Michael l.. Smith These comments are from “female 1
to commit concupisccnt acts that influenced in any way by l..’l . Answer confusing lust with low. not. you arc citlicr lying or Architecture freshman htlldt‘hlfi" who “ch hi“ offended h.‘
embarrass )ou in the morning and or )‘cs or no for the following tlucstions: 2!. Hey. liiost womcli say they don‘t. Plt‘r‘llht‘wt‘m- the “N "tut-‘1" 5h”) h) the .1
costs a lot ofmoney' and time latcron." I. You splash on ridiculous amounts but c‘mon. do you bclicyc those things llic author stritcs that in a u ‘ "androgynous" (‘hris Blair. but by the '
The author points out that it is more of cologne. carry a short ton of breath iH‘C llN for facial niassaigc. \Uhlk‘t‘IIWl) oblt‘ctiyc suncy he ---and seXISt absurd opinion submitted by Celia l
important to be able to identify the mints and rcmovethe pictures of past (it “lu'mll \itid Ctuucrsutlons. you Ct’htlllt‘h‘d- H full 7* PL‘I‘Ccut of his BTWCT- 8) the “it"- lh“ (0“ch ”l
symptoms of this uniyersal affliction loycrs from your wallet w‘hcneycryou lic. ()utright. without llt‘slstzllitm, subrcctt mid that marriage was Who's “‘a”) being wxisti’ Architecture isan Equal Opportunity
as opposed ‘0 spending your lilt‘ prepare to encounter prospectiyc You hc about you licight. \ycrghr.;rrirl unnatural, \riolhcr 4? percent ('oiiccrning (‘hris Blair‘s article of Employer; both male and female
attempting to explain or rationali/c sexual partners. Sit-’0 Y0“ ‘4') Wu can‘t dnncc bccausc confused lcmmists \\Illtl-cen-A~Mirits. h‘h- 27- l h‘l‘ ‘hc WPOFW‘J “hi" “"5 modcls makcthc same $4.50 per hour.
them. We are all affected by l .l. and 2. In preparation for these of it tlicatrc iriiury. You allude to an llis solution lor the problem? A actually going “h in the architecture A5 MCthClUTC Width“ WC “lid.“
there will always be l..'l.. he says. encounters. you dress against your incxhaustablc cociiinc caclic. You nuclear holocaust. drawing “Udlhs With nude models; human t'ormand hUlld arounditflhis
,The crucial Problem. in (‘onne‘s Personal preferences becauscmu hayc hayc sl’i‘ly't'h “ilh MM JiltlthF To“ llmllk (“mic W.“ W“ W” iI-‘k "1““er bCh“‘l"r and appreciation 0' l“ “h." we ”Nd-V both male and female
View. is that many people cannot heard women are uncontrollably pm“... a liking for “mm W“ (MN WNW“ on. simple qucslioll w hcn you the human form. models. But the study is not limitcdto
recognile or admit this. l he) spend aroused by the “Hawaiian undertaker" beyond expression. while following if MY Ctlllk‘k‘lut‘d about lht‘ ‘Hls‘k‘l'lli "l A“ ll ony ROCCOM’W stated. architecture students. Alloy‘crcampus‘
their time collecting stamps. reading look. general rule to dcbutc cycry sixth your fcciings for that drunk woman drawing nudes is “to dcyclop u thc human body is being studicdin an
the Bible or running for political 3. Upon entering an area occupicd opinion your Prospcciiic sexual bcsrtlcyou lsIt ltl\t‘tll Isll\lcn‘lorc.\',' conccntrutcd awareness of lines. effort to understand its complexities. :i
_. ._ __ __ shapes and proportions of thc human In gross anatomy labs. both male and i
g . body." Professor Roccanoya refers to female cadavers are analy/cd. The art
L eners to the Editor the human body as both male and department uses both maleand female
‘ femaleNowhcrc does Miss Blair statc models for drawing. as does the
MW in her article that “only female nudes architecture college.
Brewer wrong". simply as an object to be drawn. l hat you something else. Ms. Brewer. .l BI-‘cwcr‘s opinion crititlcd. Ifrc are “Std for SUCh (modeling) 'l'hose Ol “5 in architecture ““9
:‘_ '2 nude does not become a sex object! happen to think the males in this (II't/Illcrlurul tfll.\\('\ on liimiim form PUFP‘NS- ()h‘lhl‘bly- MS‘ Brewer has continue ‘0 SlUd)’ the human hhd)
y}; I would like to state that the article As for onlyfemale nudes beingused college are great. I haye hardly any WV" ', been carried 3W“) by h" emotions. With/C the importance 0““ form and
it; by Ms. Brewer on “Are Architectural in these classes. Ms. Brewer. you had trouble from them at iillduetoscxism. MN “NWT has Ulllfiltlwml.‘ reading many things in!" Ml“ Blair‘s admire "5 beauty and complexity. We
' Classes on Human Form Sexist“ is a better check on your information. In fact. I get more trouble. prciudrcc. 1““th u it“ facts into a monster that imit‘lt‘ that are Slmply false. attempt to deal With these issues of
, ‘64.; completely false and unfounded There have been males used as well. and sexism for being in this college \Uilt‘d hs'r Wm Opinion. MS- Brewer ”lured ‘0 “l” ”‘6 human form in architecture.
, ~ ' ‘ ‘ criticism. I don‘t feel that these classes hon. You had also better checkonthat from persons outside the school than th "HICIC “in written about the people inyoly'ed l" the articlc“as being lt.‘ a damn shame 'h‘“ M“ Brewer
3;. are sexist at all. and I've been in one. supposed almost non-existence of in it. The maiorlt) of which comes model of thcclrisstl :iuric Waitclitnd "1W" professors and three students. dldh‘l '00" into the COHCBC °l
' The only “sexist" attitude is in Ms. females in our college. There are from Irina/«UV not about rill drawing classes at the (all) are mcn.“She fails to realilcthat Architecture‘s t*Ul'dmfihdl)’ "“Xh‘
.' Brewer. Unlike how she apparently plenty of females I‘m oncoftheml School of yrchnccmm on“- in every freshman architecture student. modeling policy“ Perhaps the only
.‘ ‘ ‘ - - thinks, people in our drawing classes There are female professors. and rm, Amy Thio beginning. male and female. must have the revealing issues would have been Ms.
. ' I really are studying “the complexities even tenured.