xt7kwh2dbv6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2dbv6m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1987 text GLSO News, December 1987 1987 1987-12 2019 true xt7kwh2dbv6m section xt7kwh2dbv6m N EWS I E ; Free at Selected Businas Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
A Christmas Party! Fayette Circuit Judge Charles M.
Local Talent Intertwined with Your Tackett has dismissed the county's appeal of a
Choice of Dance Music decision holding unconstitutional Kentucky's
consensual sodomy law.

Friday Earlier this year, District Judge Lewis
December 18, 1987 Paisley declared the sodomy statue
8:30 pm - 1 am unconstitutional, holding that it violated the
right to privacy under the Kentucky
at the Constitution. In so doing, Judge Paisley
Unitarian Universalist Church agreed with arguments submitted by ACLU/KY
3561! Clays Mill Road Cooperating Attorney Ernesto Scorsone that
the Kentucky Constitution offers broader
BYOB/Refreshments Provided privacy protection than the U.S. Constitution.
(The U.S. Supreme Court had earlier rejected,
by a 5-14 vote, the argument that the right of

On Friday, December 18, we'll be privacy under the U.S. Constitution rendered
celebrating the holiday season in our own way unconstitutional Georgia's sodomy statute.)
at the GLSO Coffeehouse 8 Dance. The doors The circuit court did not rule on the
will open at 8:30 pm to our own version of a merits of Fayette County's appeal. Rather it
piano bar, featuring a local pianist. Requests held that any appeal had to be brought by the
should be welcome, and we'll surely sing a attorney general, not the county attorney.
carol or two. It will be a great time to visit Fayette County has asked Judge Tackett to
and revel in the holiday spirit. For your reconsider his decision. Further appeal is
further enjoyment, there will be "his" and considered likely.

"hers" Santas, and if you like, you can have ————————

your picture taken with the Santa of your by three to four hours of great dance music,

choice. This will be the GLSO Christmas beginning at 10:00 pm. Admission will be

Party, so come on out and make merry! As $3.00 per person, and it's BYOB. Hope to

always, the live entertainment will be followed see you there!


Quick, pull your Newsletter mailing If the date on your label is past, please
envelop out of the trash. Following your name complete the form on page 2 and return it to
you will see a date. As you know, we don't us with a check. We promise to revise your
keep a membership list so that makes it pretty label to move the magic date one year into the
tough to keep track of dues or subscription future, and if you become a member, we'll
expirations. We've solved that problem by send a membership card. The card you
encoding each mailing label with a date. The receive is the only record of your membership.
date doesn't tell us or anyone else if you're a We hope you appreciate the monthly
member or simply a subscriber, but it does Newsletter, but if your time is up, we'll
help us keep track of when to ask for money! assume you expired.

@ Please send me a free introductory
lggugLostthe m and mformatlon CONTENTS
[:1 NuketobecomeavofingMemberof AIDS..................... 2,10
GLSO entitling me to free home delivery Aunt Mary................ 11
0f the GLSO News and discounts at Esmerelda.... .. . 5, 6, 7
GLSO functions. My annual Member- Calendars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, I“
ship fee of $10 is enclosed. Dignity.................. 11
Directory................ 13 1
, I don't wish to become a votin Member Letters... -~~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - 19 ‘
but please send me the GLSO gews News Briefs.............. 12 i
each month_ The annual charge of $5 Poetry................... 7, I3
is enclosed. Local 8 State............ 1, 114 .
When most of us think of AIDS/ARC we ;
ddress: tend to focus on those who are obviously ill, ‘
——_‘——"—— friends who suffer from the various diseases a
which arise when the immune system has ,
City, St, Zip: broken down. In addition to these cases, |
‘—’——‘_—‘ many more in our community have tested
I ail to: Newsletter, p_0. Box 11471 positive to the HIV-antibody. Their future is
m KY 40575 uncertain, and their need equally great. If
you or a friend are HIV positive there is a
GLSO News is published monthly by the ,SupporE group meeting every Tuesday evening
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. '" Lexmgton. Call Ed‘T’m during busmess
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services hours at 233—014“; for details.
Organization), Box 11471, Lexington, KY 110575
Steve Savage, Editor
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar LOUISVILLE MAYOR
Edwin Hackney, Asst Editor, AIDS Information ASSAILS GAY RIGHTS BILL
Laura Joans, Asst Editor for the By: D, Williams
Esmerelda Collective (Women's News)
Daniel Stinnett, ASSt Editor, News Items On a recent television news broadcast,
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist Mayor Jerry Abramson of Louisville, 1H and an
Additional Contributors: Dave, Barry, Debbie, avowed bachelor, intimated that the gay rights
Keith. Lucy, Dennis; AVOL, AGRA, LLDEF. amendments which have been endorsed by the
ACLU/KY. The Advocate; Typists: Dave. Louisville Human Rights Commission were
Craig, Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesening: nothing more than a piece of paper and would
Matt; Layout: Gerry, Dave, Craig, Daniel: not stop discrimination against gays in
Mailing: Dave; Courier: Barry; Folding 8 Louisville.
Stuffing: Gerry, Barry, Dave, Jonathan. Speaking the day after the March on
Washington, Mayor Abramson said "you can
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are put anything you want down on paper, and if
those of the authors and do not necessarily people are the way people are, then people are
represent those of the GLSO Board Of going to be unfortunately discriminated
Directors. Submissions are welcome. All against.“
submissions become the property of GLSO and Mayor Abramson had no comment on the
must indicate the full name and address of the Civil Rights Act of 196“, another piece of
author. Anonymous submissions are not paper which resulted in massive changes in
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the people's attitudes towards other minorities.
right to alter submissions (including ads) to
meet publishing requirements. ~—__—_——

 " LESBIANS 8 GAYS WELCOMED IN THE UUA The UUA supports "a fierce belief in the
way of freedom and reverence for the sacred
Can you name the only religious dignity of each individual."

I denomination in the country (besides the MCC) Though originally the denomination comes
which performs union services as a matter of from a Judeo-Christian background, various
church policy for lesbian and gay couples? influences have molded a unique Unitarian
This same denomination also ordains openly Universalist perspective on religion.
lesbian and gay clergy and employs them in Give Unitarian Universalism a try! You
their churches. Give up? The answer is the might be delighted to find yourself feeling
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA.) comfortable in a church, to find a place where

The local UU church is located at 3561: it is possible to be yourself and be religious
Clays Mill Road (the site of the Coffeehouse 8 at the same time. Imagine that!
Dances.) Services are held at 10:”5 am on
Sundays. Within the local church, Interweave
provides social activities for lesbians, gay
men, and supportive non-gays. FLEUR-DE-LYS REOPENS

On a denomination-wide level, the Office
of Lesbian and Gay Concerns operates out of Barely a month after being destroyed by
Boston, providing support to member fire, the popular restaurant Fleur-de-lys has
congregations. The Unitarian Universalists for reopened at a new location, 127 South Upper
Lesbian and Gay Concerns (UULCC) meets (252-79146).
twice yearly to help plan the denomination's The restaurant is open for dinner only,

* agenda regarding lesbian and gay issues. Mondays through Saturdays, and remains open
Two of the UULGC's Coordinating Committee into the late night. Entrees include six items
are members of the Lexington church. In from their former menu, and consist of Cajun,
1989 the National Convocation for UULGC is French and continental entrees, with new
planning to meet in Lexington. sandwiches and desserts.

= . . ‘3’ i
“a r‘ ' I) y
. ,, > And the Band
' ~ ' = " 5 Politics, People, and the
- Aids Epidemic. A newly
‘ -' published book by Randy

‘ I . ‘ 4-? V : Shilts, the nations premier

’ i “ ” " ' "“ " f f Aids reporter.

1 . 1.. ..; ..i . $24-95

: fix I l) H 'lbe/llullu!Luring/on(from
I ‘ r | n ‘ u ‘ Y A'I'L‘IJU/(Ls‘l'i/IL’Rd. tll:\'r*ll'(,7'l'c‘l¢’
. a ’ ' (K 2719/]
, .lllllllllll ll. W 3

October 30th through November ist,
. I Dignity/Region V (including KY, OH. Ml, IN)
met in Indianapolis. Three of us attended
from Lexington. There would have been more
had Heather Bishop not been in town.
Saturday's business meeting presented
us with new regional officers. Jack Dezek
DIGNITY/LEXINGTON from Grand Rapids is the new regional
P.O.Box19840 Lexington, KY 40593 director. Ben Boerkel is regional secretary
(also from Grand Rapids). And Mike Frye is
269-8417 our new treasurer from Bloomington, IN.
The meeting was highlighted by time set
FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT aside for discussion of individual chapters.
Our best discussion, which I brought up,
Yes, it's me again. Having just been concerned participation by women. Dignity -
re-elected. I am now serving my second and Lexington has the highest percentage
last term as president. I say "last" because I participation by women of any chapter in the
feel strongly that after 2 terms of being in a nation! My concern in particular was
job it's time for new leadership. I enjoy being finances. There seems to be a lack of
president a great deal, but it will be time for understanding about the finances of most
someone else to do the job. women. There were some good suggestions -
So much for business. a sliding scale and monthly payments. I hope
lt's holiday time. It's a time of giving that other chapters work like ours has to
parties, of shopping, of lights, and of family. increase participation by women.
I hope it's a time of happiness for you. | After the meeting. there was a liturgy
worry about so many of us when the holidays and then the highlight - dinner and a
are not a good time. Whether it be a Halloween party. The dinner was wonderful
separation from loved ones or returning to an and the costumes were great - ranging from
unpleasant situation, the holidays can be very some wonderful drag, to Raggedy Ann and
difficult. I hope whatever your situation that Andy, to Cardinal Rattsinger. We danced and
you take the time to be around those who are yours truly restarted a Dignity/Region V
important to you and to tell them so. I'm sure tradition - "The Hokey Pokey“ and "The
it will make the holiday season brighter. Bunny Hop." It was truly a sight to behold.
Oh, by the way, the Rap Session on the Sunday found us meeting all too early
10th is about Holidays. Come share your (9:30) as we met in committees and set
experiences with us at our Dignity Rap regional and convention dates. (Winter in
Session/Christmas Party! Wishing you a Lafayette, Spring in Flint or Saginaw, MI,
Happy Holiday season, I hope to see you at Summer Convention in Grand Rapids, Summer
Dignity soon. Meeting in September, maybe here in
In peace, Keith Lexington). We adjourned and said good bye
to a wonderful weekend.
Tuesday lst 7:30 Liturgy at Don's, ‘
Thursday 10th 7:00 Rap Session - ”i
Christmas Party at , .\ ‘5 o ‘
Keith's, 269-81417 yogao’gfi.
- 3"°”"1'3'1':v:‘2°2~2°1'2" .
NEW OFFICERS “MW-5°? ~a€§ygf¢fi
becomes-a-frunt- 45:: aw)?!“ i p :.:‘.'{-:.'.,':‘:'.::‘:"
. for-you...tell me ‘-',=g
Congratulatlons and good thoughts to about y0urse|f_
Dignity's new officers: Keith - Pres.: Larry ‘l—
_ Vice Pres.; Jim - Sec.; Gerry - Treas.; In» 4“ -’\~-
and John - Board Member at Large. _ ,4 :{F'g— ’ .—
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“ meecemm 18
UYY om‘om ' e ‘
>kufi’3000chmiSSion \Jr Edam Maher
>1? Doors open 0+ 930 pm. 32594 ClaqS Mi” ROM
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This article is being reprinted from _Th_e 1
Dear Aunt Mary, San Francisco Bay Guardian, July 29 - August
lam a nineteen year old lesbian. lfeel 5. 1987 issue (v.21 #4, page 5 where it ‘
that l have accepted my sexuality, and really appeared as a letter to the editor: it
would like to meet other lesbians, but addresses the issue of sex education in the
everytime i think about going to a meeting at schools.
GLSO, somehow I manage to talk myself out of Paul Anderson's letter to the editor in ‘
it. the July 15th issue of the Bay Guardian
Furthermore only my mother knows I am questioned my use of cucumbers as appropriate
gay, and ever since she found out, she has tools for teaching high school students the
been trying to convert me. protocol of successful condom use.
I really am lonely, and would very muck Mr. Anderson expressed concern about
like to meet someone special. Any the relationship of "normal" sized adolescent
suggestions? boys and cucumbers. He suggested zucchinis ‘
Lonely in Lexington as more realistic. (Perhaps this is a .
discussion better suited to the likes of Joe
Dear Lonely: Carcione, the legendary Greengrocer.)
Your problem is typical of many gays l have investigated the varieties of
and lesbians. However, you can't expect produce available for the condom lesson I
"someone special” to simply knock on your teach in my Family Life classes. l have found
door and say, "here I am!" Wouldn't it be that pickling cucumbers tend to be regarded
nice if someone would! Seriously though, you as demeaning - both the name and the
must take the initiative to meet someone or shriveled appearance. Bananas, of course,
expect to remain lonely. I highly recommend have appeal, but they are a bit fragile and
the GLSO Coffeehouse 8 Dance and the provide an unfair challenge to the classes
Lesbian Potluck as excellent opportunities to which come later in the day. Zucchinis are
meet other women. pleasantly exotic. evoking reveries about the
As far as your mother is concerned, this early Marcello Mastroianni, but they are not a
woman needs some education. Encourage her vegetable made to a standard. Zucchinis
to read A Family Matter and Now That You range from the delightfully elongated (but
Know, available at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, rather narrow) types to the monstrous
Sqecial Media, at the Lexington Public specimens (grown by my husband's familyl
Library. If she still has trouble dealing with which need at least four hands to properly
your orientation, remember that the problem is handle.
hers, not yours. Contact the Cayline at 231- Cucumbers have been wholly
0335 for counseling referrals is she is willing satisfactory. The size has not been
to seek help. challenged (many of my male students have
Now, get out there and socialize and judged them to be "just about right“ - claims
good luck! - Aunt Mary we have never sought to investigate). The
If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, use of cucumbers greatly reduces teen-agers'
send your letters to: Aunt Mary, c/o GLSO, boasts that "I'm too big for a teeny-weeny
PO Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky 140575. condom." The cucumber's color neither favors
For a personal reply, include a stamped, self nor demeans any racial or ethnic group. They
addressed envelope. All names are strictly withstand day-long handling without losing
confidential. their integrity, and they can be recycled to
___.—_____ the homemaking classes for salads, soups, and
other uses.
Even if their size is a bit on the heroic
side, cucumbers help to capture the
imagination and hold the interest of both male
and female students. They also serve as an
inspiration to some. Several girls have found
new and verdant reasons for saying "no" to
Hene KeHy
San Francisco

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