xt7kwh2dbv51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2dbv51/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1996 text GLSO News, February 1996 1996 1996-02 2019 true xt7kwh2dbv51 section xt7kwh2dbv51 o“ GAY& '
contributed by Joshua J. T. MacFarlane A SUCCESS Peter: p]taleO@ukcc.uky.edu
‘ “I am responsible for my'outlook and contributed by Mary Crone ‘ Elizabeth: be e@mis.net
attitudes and l have the chorce today of . On Friday, December 29, Farmess 0i Tammy: sappho@mis.net
magnifying positive or negative.” Anonymous Iexrngton organized a successful rally to draw #
Due to the snow I have had the pleasure attention to the deaths of Michelle Abdel and stand: there has never been such an addition
of attending school only one day since my last Roxanne Ellis and to the many other hate to a state constitution in the history of the
column. This has allowed me almost four crimes occurring within the last few years. United States.
weeks to do nothing but think, write and Over one hundred people turned out on this Most of the ahhggy measures that have
socialize. In that timeihave come to discover cold winter evening to hear a number of been taken to the voters have been turned
several things about myself and about those speakers including Vice Mayor Teresa 1533C: down. However, the debate of homophobic
around me. Not the least of which is the Michael Folger from the Council for Peace and ballot initiatives always seems to include plenty
revelation that two of mycontemporaries, one Justice, Rex Van Alstine, minister 0f the of bizarre and vitriolic attacks on our
21 close friend and the Other a little more than Metropolitan Community Church, Keith Elston community. And this rhetoric gives pennission
an acquaintance, are both bisexual. One of With the American CiVil Liberties Union, and and encouragement to some individuals to
the two IWOUld never assumed was bisexual, Mary CFOUE from (3130- There were also threaten, assault, or even murder us. We do
let alone a predominately gay bisexual, The statements from the National Conference and not want to see this happen in Kentucky, but it
other I wondered about, and have come to find the Human Rights Commission. Linda West could.
out is a predominately straight bisexual. This did a great job in organizing this event and in In 1994 KY State Legislature, there were
in itself makes me ponder hOW many other speaking to the press and TV interviewers 15 different anti-gay bills or amendments
lesbigayslmay unknowingly know. attending. Thanks to Linda, itwas some of the preposed. This year there may be more.
The path by which Icame to discover this best media coverage we have had. Through the efforts of the Kentucky Fairness
about these tWO and the process of us A main PUIPOSC Of this vigil was to make Alliance and the many of us who made phone
becoming some of each others’ closest and clear the COUhECiiOH anti—gay political activity, calls and wrote letters, we defeated all the
most loyal friends is one full of self-realization anti—gay rhetoric, and the rise in hate crimes efforts in 1994 and are gearing up to do the
and trust, aswell asdeceit and betraval. The against lesbigaytrans people. Keith ElStOh . i
4 . . contmued on page 12
last four weeks have not been easy by any delineated how the amount of anti—gay
means. They have been both emotionally and violence has risen in the particular states in
physically draining, but i shall never forget which anti-gayinitiatives have been debated or GLSO Sponsor of the Month
them, nor shall I ever regret them. [have also pm on the ballot. In Colorado, for example,
come to better understand my own emotions, anti—gay violence rose 129% from 1991 (89 R“ sse ll Be a m
attitudes, and what i do and don’t like in incidents documented) 10 1992 (204 incidents Bookkeeping &
myself, others, and society as a whole. of documented) when Amendment 2was debated . rs .
course, I’m sure many of you are wondering and passed. This amendment states that it is Tax SerVIces
how this applies to you. Well, I‘ll tell you it permissible to discriminate against 404 LataYEtte AVE-v Shite 300
all has to do with perspective and one's homosexuals in Colorado. The U.S. Supreme Lexington. KY 40502'2140
attitudes toward the world around them. Court will be handing down a ruling on the 266-2 903
Iwould not have been able to survive the constitutionality of this amendment soon, see {1,111,th ad inside
continued on page 2 Hopefully they will not let this amendment _

 —-———————————— last four weeks without an emotional
6‘6 GAYS‘ breakdown, had it not been for the fact that
‘ , LESBIAN throughout all of it, I was thinking that it truly t
was for the best and 0f the good rather than the
» SERVICES bad. Until recently in my life, I had never had
ORG that perspective. I had always had a defeatist :EFZZ::-i=
’ ' and fatalistic attitude. I assumed I was going 9'Q\;III I...- '-
to die regardless, that my existence wasn‘t {‘Oftfilfll'IIIIE ::
going to greatly affect those around me, and 3%)”? _i:I-i-. II
, that whatever situation I was in, it wasn’t ‘4" I 3 1 EH}:
going to end well for me. Those may be ‘uJL '_; I'll!
somewhat exaggerated, but they are feelings ‘99‘xj/T :f' l !::r 1
A A ,, .. . L
GLSO News which I am aware are held by many youth. -. “ ‘“ W 1:
Published Monthly by the In today‘s WOrld Of disease and crime, ___'__!I
_ _ namely AIDS and drugs (both legal and 't'
Lexrngton Cray/Lesbian illegal), the outlook is often not a positive one.
Services Organization That Is even more so the case for lesbigay teens e A A A A ‘ A A
PO, Box 1 1471 who often feel that there is no place for them in m
Lexington, KY 4057 5 a society that is unwilling to accept one of their FURNISH
most basic emotions: love. ‘
Editor: So what is the solution? First and
foremost, we must provide support services to
Peter Taylor lesbigay youth, whether it’s a support group, a YflUfl “0MB l
hotline, or a youth hostel. Only after a network
layout Editors/Co-Editors: of support services has been created may we WIT" FLAIR
Tammy D, Strong/ move on and branch out. Hopefully through 0
Elizabeth A. Gilliam these efforts, we can create an atmosphere
which is all-inclusive and also conducive to .
G] so Annual Dues and building lasting attitudes and views of self-
acceptance and cultural tolerance.
Newsletter: $1 5 In order for this to ever occur, the youth
Dues and Newsletter for must seek out support and have the courage by AnSnooty Seconds, we “"7?
Couples: $20 which to at least identify with the good in Qualzty Used. Fur mture, Orzgm-a/
society, as well as in the gay culture. We must A"? andflnlzquex at [Iath/Je przre .
strive to help not only ourselves become of new junk.

Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO optimists and active members in society, butwe
News are those of the authors and don’t necessarily must strive to help those that lack the courage Open Monday t/Jru Saturday 1
Fepmsenlthose Oflhe G150 Board OfDimCIOIS- by which to see that this atmosphere of 377 Vi 'nia A 1

Submissions are W91C°me~ A” “WWW acceptance is not out of reach, but simply out . rgt ‘ve. '
mofinileagéofigymg ($13: artfhfdkum'fhflsctiff of sight. If we cannot provide an atmosphere Lexmgz‘on, ”40508 f
“germ the right to edit submissions and ads to of acceptance and tolerance for youth, then we
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right cafnimlt assume thagthere ‘5 reason not to how 606/ 225-1036 1
to re'ectan submissions. a a 3151C approac '

JPlacerhent of advertising in GLSO News SNoflTY SECflNDS V
denotes neither a person’s sexual orientation nor a “The responsibility of tolerance lies with those |
business’ customer preference. who have the wider vision." -Ge0rge Eliot v ‘
GLSO News Page 2 '

 @1111 U1 ‘1 HYNEW§
. a.
INTERWEAVE OUTINGS beside the building, between the two streets, WOMEN’S CHORUS TO START
contributed by Davina Warner with best access from Short Street. The Lexington Women‘s Chorus is

Interweave '3 an organization 0f the This committee is open to representatives forming again under the direction of Nancy
Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 Clays Mill of any lesbigay group in Lexington and to any Ward. The chorus seeks to reflect the diversity
Road, that provides 3 supportive climate for individuals wishing to volunteer some time. ofwomen in Lexington, and is seeking straight
gay, lesbian and bisexual and straight P630919 The committee will be making decisions and lesbian members. We are interested in
to socialize and explore lesbigay issues. concerning events to be held, the best ways to singing a variety of music. You do not have to
Everyone is invited to attend any Of these spend the advertising budget, and so forth. be able to read music or have prior choral
upcoming events: The committee will also have the responsi— BXperience, just love of singing. At this timer
0 Sat-i FBb- 31 LESbigay Video Night at 7300 bility for planning and executing the yearly we are rehearsing on Sunday evenings. All

P-m- at Davina’s house. We’ll view a Pride Picnic for which we can use many women interested in joining can contact

recent lesbian video release (probably Go volunteers. Connie McNeely at 276-2554. 7

ml] or Bar Girls). C3“ Davina’s number For more information call committee ACTORS' GUILD PLAY SURE TO

below for directions. chair Mike at 225—1828. V HIT HOME
0 Sun, Feb 112 Interweave Luncheon at TRANSY STUDENTS SOUGHT contributed by Jon Shelton.

2:30 pm. at Don Pablo’s Mexican Attention Transylvania lesbigays! Do you Broadway has always delivered plays that

Restaurant, 3737 Nicholasville Road. have a campus group and perhaps a contact address gay themes and issues. From classic
0 Wed, Feb. 14: lonely Hearts Video Night person we can list? Even if you do not want to dramas like Tennessee Williams Cat 077 a Hot

at 7:00 pm. at Davina’s house. Don‘t be listed, please call Mary (266—5904) and let Tin Roof t0 modern musicals like March Of

spend Valentine's Day alone —— bring a us know of your existence. 7 [be Falsellos, Broadway always has a pulse on

Valentine treat (no more than $3.00) to EBONY MALE EVENT the lesbigay community Because of thi5, it

exchange. Ebony Male and Natashia Colby present isn’t so surprising that as soon as the AIDS

0 1:er Feb. 25; Lesbigay publications at 8:00 “Images of Blackness 11: Another night to epidemic hit, playwrights wasted no time in

pm. at Davina's house. Bring recent remember..." Ms Colby will be joined by the writing plays that dealwith that disease and its

copies or information about any lesbigay BaCall Sisters (LaToya, Vanessa, and Tia effects on the lesbigay community. Three of

publications you are familiar with to Fontaine), Renee Ross and others to raise the best plays to do this includeAdam and the

‘ share and discuss with others. funds for Ebony Male and the HIV/AIDS Care Etperts, jeflrejt and Faheflos. A common
For more information about any of these Coordinator program at the Lexington—Fayette factor that links all these plays is that each of

events, please can Davina at 271.6174, v County Health Depart ment. them has been performed locally by Actors’

PRIDE MONTH COMMITTEE Admission is $3. This event, held at Guild of Lexington. This month, the company

The dates for lexington’s Pride Month the Bar Complex, promises an evening of is all set to produce the excellent AIDS drama
are set forjune 7—25. This gives us two weeks spectacular performances Lexington will Before It Hits Home by award—winning
and three weekends in which to plan events. not soon forget. Mark your calendars for African—American playwright Cheryl L. West.
The 1996 Pride Month Committee has Wednesday, February 28 at 9:00 PM. See It is the first local play in recent memory to
scheduled its first meeting for Thursday, Feb. you there! 7 reflect on how AIDS can and does affect black
18 at 7:00 pm. INDIAN SUPPORT GROUP families and their communities.

We will meet at the MCC Chapel, which There 1135 been interest expressed in The story concerns Wendal Bailey —a
is located in the Actor‘s Guild building at 159 forming a SUPPOrt group for gays and lesbians black bisexual jazz musician who learns that
W. Short, but for this meeting, access is from Wit?» IfYOU might be interested in SUCh he has the AIDS virus, Wendal is a complex
through the door on Market Street at the back a EFOUPi write [0 the 0150 3‘ P-O- BOX 1147b and fascinating character for he lives with a
of the building. There is a parking lot right Lexington 40575» or call Mary 06659001 double—edged irony. On one hand, keeping his

_ continued on page 4
GLSO News Page 3

frompageg \NLV ! \ML \ L L,
sexuality and condition a secret creates more .
problems than the effort is worth: his fiancee GLAAD COMMENDS CBS FOR that gays and lesbians have a fight to be full
who is unaware of his health status or his BEN WRIGHT'S DISMISSAL participating members in the faith community
sexual preference is also pregnant with his The Gay & lesbian Alliance Against like anybody else,”said Kay Wellington, pastor
child, and Wendal’s bi-sexual lover, Douglas, Defamation (GLAAD) said today that CBS’ at San Leandro Community Church.
(a family man) is hurt by Wendal’s infidelitv. decision to drop Ben Wright from their golf There are 1.5 million American Baptists
On the other hand, when Wendal tells his coverage due to the controversy surrounding in the United States, including 55,000 members
family of the condition, he is met with his “alleged” comments about lesbians and at 220churches in theWestem region. Officials
hostility, selfless compassion, abandonment women was a blow against prejudice and said there are about 20 American Baptist
and disownership. bigotry. “His comments, as well as his beliefs, churches in the Sacramento area . V
From this reaction, one could serrnonize that were inappropriate and CBS did the right thing ALABAMA SENATOR TRIES T0
it is keeping secrets that hurts people and yet by 16"ng him g0,” said Tamra ng’ GLAAD'S HALT LESBIG‘AY CONFERENCE
the old adage tithe truth hurts" is still true. Media Director. Montgomery — Fresh from a failed effort
These are the contradictions that all lesbigay GLAAD continued to publicly advocate to halt the Universrty of Alabama at
people must weigh and deal with in making a for Wright’s dismissal and call attention to the Birmingham from showing the controversial
decision to come out. Cheryl West is brilliant controversy after an article in the December film “Showgirls", state senator Bl“ Annistead
for recognizing this. As she states in her 4th Sports Illustrated rekindled debate over is aiming to stop the University of Alabama
dedication, “This play is dedicated to those comments he made last May. The more from hosting a major gay and bisexual
who have to hide and thosewho refuse to.” recent article made public additional facts conference, claiming it is being illegally
While the play deals with the chilling which demonstrated that Wright had, in fact, subsidized by taxpayers. -
realities of living with AIDS, it still possess an made the statements in question and then lied He and other opponents of the Fifth
underlying warmth. The dialog is humorous about it, blaming the (female) reporter. 7 Annual Southeastern Lesbian, Gay and
and raw. The coll oquialis ms used will HOMOPHOBIA ROUNDUP Biseitual College Conference'are looking at the
undoubtedly be familiar to Kentucky ears. BAPTIST CHURCHES EXPELLED possrbrlrty of filing suit against the universrty
They give weight and believability to the FOR "AFFIRMING GAY to stop the event, he said. Amirstead sard hers
characters’ actions and reactions. Thus LIFESTYLE" worried that the event IS designed to recrurt
families will be able to see themselves in the wfitem region American Baptists voted to students and others to what he believes is
characters whether they must deal with loved expel four member churches for joining the immoral behavior. He said he also fears the
ones with AIDS or not. Hopefully, the families Association Of Welcoming and Affirming spread 0f sexually transmitted diseases, llke
of lesbigay people and the families of those Baptists, a church association that accepts acquired immune deficrency syndrome, or
who have AIDS will turn out toseeit. This is a lesbigays. The Bay Area churches have been the AlDS.Armrstead said he wants state lawmakers
disease that affects us all and the play is target of acampaign by other Baptist preachers to probe similar events takingplace at other
recommended for everyone. for two years. The vote, which actually asked Alabama COHEBCS and unrversrtres as P?” 0f
Before It Hits Home opens February 22. whether or not [0 “include” the churches in the their overall revrew of the states higher
For information about times and dates, denomination,was 457 against and 127 for and education system
consult the advertisement elsewhere in this came after spirited debate. Bryan Fair, an associate professor at the
newspaper. It will be directed by AGL’s artistic “Jesus did “0t affirm every ”50491" 531d U Of A law school who plans to speak {it the
director Vic Chaney, who also directed jeflrey, the Rev. Rod Layman of Sacramento’s First event, sard, It rsaconference to drscussrssues
and it promises to be worth seeing. V Baptist Church. “It’s not the welcoming part 1 0f importance. to ”115 country, not lusl a
have a problem with. It is the affirming part. segment 0f WWW," adding that the WWW"
We need a parting of the ways." tional right to free speech and free assembly
“My stance, the stance of this church, is “applies to all, “OI lUSt heterosexual males."
continued on page 11
GLSO News Page 4

5 [am E. Kaplan W“—
’ Licensed Clinical Social Worker AI;
‘ HIV/AIDS I Personal Growth

imty _ .
m Helallonslnps I Women's Issues SPECU'BCBI'E

’ ‘ Pioneers in Alternate-Site Health Care

‘ - 1510N Pike,S 't H Ph (606) 253-0300
bells 606'254'1690 I Pager' 232'0873 Lexingfgrttolzvelittucky 4315611 12:: (606) 231-1214
3121 S
ptist . n
HO; ' P I. A N , l The @xington M'en’s Chorus presents...
:33 P RID E l V. .' ‘-
ma MONTH . -mefi«
:ual " Q
my call Mary
at 266-5904 . _, .
:53 .___._._. ‘ §sengovn ‘i it Wile
the " fl ' " | -A- Cabaret Style Concert at Soiree
2': 3 Saturday, March 9, I996
ruit ; ‘ ' Concert at 8:00 pm. followed by an After Party. D.].,
S is f Refreshments, Cash Bar and lots of good company.
the The Kentucky Horse Center ( Paris Pike)
like l “C Reserved seating :$25 Proceeds provide funds for our
0F l l performance at GALA V in Tampa, Florida and The Pride

kers ‘ t {on i Center of the Bluegrass. Tickets may be purchased by calling
her ' , l the Singletary Center for the Arts at (606) 257-4929 or by
‘1‘“ g, contacting a chorus member. '
‘IEI‘ ‘ , ,

. D h . D. l The first 300 ticket sales will receive free, a cassette of the
the E licensed psychologist ! i chorus's first professional recording ”FACETS”. CD’S and
the r ‘ ' ’ Cassettes may be purchased at the concert or by calling (606)
1195 555 W. Second St, Suite 207 3 i I 231.0090.
1 a ' Lexington, KY 40508 ? I '-———————-—~—-—————-———-—-—--—-—————-——~
itu— ; Office: (606) 255-4864 ‘ " '"“"‘_“‘ " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ "Tm _-_. m T" ' ”
1ny Fax: (606) 255-5385 l
— GLSO News Page 5

 1‘ February 1996 % AI 1E A'L FA
' . . ' ‘ '
0 Happy Valentine s Day \ . g ‘ .
. ' ”IN/z;
un ay ona uesa enesa ursa y a ra ~ .- -
wa dy Th dy Study ., '15)“?
January \dar h 1 2 3 I . - I .
. c . . '
S M T w T F s s M T w T F S 3.2%ZXAfiMflfljmfi’g“ Groundhg Dgz 9:00 AM F rontnmners
7 213 3 1(3) ll 1: I: 3 4 5 6 7 515 3 smmtcu') 2 . " .ay. A ”mm
1‘: 3: 1: i: A: i: 32 :9] 12‘; i; fig g: g g 8.00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. G113: 8:3?ngnxuggle Youth Group R E s T A U R A N T
Sséegoéi' ‘ “ 3‘”- “9” I . ‘.-.Ga SkiWeek .
557 5- leeStOne
_ .
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lexmgton, KY
311373354 Mar 1. C 700 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM texMen's Chorus 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Louisville Gender Society 253-0014
inunity chum?" “a" °m‘ 7:30 pM Pride Ctr. 7:00 PM MSU Student Grp. 6:00 PM Fromrunners Rehearsal AA Mtg.
2:00 PM "Marisol" (Actors‘ Taskforce 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- (Woodland Park) 7230 PM UK Lambda 9.00 AM Frontrunners
Guild) 3 $1231 R _ b0 BO 1‘ $288 PM abggy Male Mtg. (Rm. 231 Student Ctr.)
4:00 PM TSGRAMtg, (Fishnet) 2 ~ am W W mg i . A 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS S t.
mm (tannins emeayesmn Gm PP Renowned Weekend Brunch:
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ‘

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 serwng b/ueberry buckwheaf
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. ”am 12:00 PM GLAA Valentin evs D 7100 PM Bluegrass NOW (at Integrity (St. Augustine's) GLSO News Deadline /( b a] ' f /d
11:30 AM Metropolitan Lincoln '3 Birthday 7:00 PM MSU Student Grp. AID—“W Sppt Grp Toggdmfggfjfg‘hfl 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 900 AM Frontrunners panCU e5, 8995 3/79 I C 0/770 ,

Community Church 700 PM GUESS (EKU) 71mg“ Gay/”Sb“ A1" 500 FM mem'm ' Rehearsal AA 1000 AM Men‘s Network .
12:30 PM Interweave 8.45 W R - - (Woodland Park) 7330 PM “FLAG 3330 PM LOUiSVine 5p0nI5/7 ome/GhlEf
~ - ~ ambOW BOWImg . 7:30 PM UK Lambda (Rm 231 ' /
Dmer . (Joyland Lanes) 700 PM MCC snide“. Cm) Youth Group (Fairness
7:00 PM Gay/ltsblan AA 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 300 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Gin. Ofc) and m U06 m 0 re
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 l 230 AM Metropolltan . PreSIdent S Da 7:00 PM MSU Student G‘P- ASh Wednesda n - v x-Jenl om: afar AA WCdflCSday is
Commumty Church 3‘28 EMA SUESS (EAKU) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- gig aim-Gm 7z3g£glfigmbda (Rm ~31 .
2:00 PM Lesbian Potluck 3 almess 66F Anon 3 F0“ "“613 . ' °
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA (Joy an mes) 8:00 PM G fly /Lesbi an AA 8:00 PM "Before It Hits Home“ Actors Guild)
2 5 26 2 7 28 2 9 Breads and desserts
$10“ w. 1 C SC M 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM LeXMen'S Chorus baked dally In our kltChen
pena t- (RI ) . tg~ 7:00 PM MSU Student th. Ebony Male presents Images Rehearsal
1 1:30 AM Metropolitan 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- - of 31m 11 (m Bu) 7:30 PM UK Lambda
commuty Church Anon . ._I'I ' V ron er: " ”clan. (Rm. 231 Student Ctr.)
200 PM GLSO News Folding 8:45 PM Rambow Bowling 753‘?“ Mcc 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Grp. FREE EVEN|NG PARK|NG ,
7:00 PM Gaymesbim AA (Wand PM) W PM ‘Gayhsbim AA ,_ :00 PM "Before it Hi.

 Ofisovs The GLSO Board decided
S? that in order to achieve true
‘ 9 6 financial stability, it would seek a sponsor for
T“€ the costs of the newsletter for one month, and use its
other advertising income for a number of other ongoing projects.
Thus far, we have nine sponsors for this year. Will you fill the remaining months?
For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.
The GLSO News is proud to announce our
supporters so far for I996:
Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist .......................255-4964
Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law .......................255-5766
Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity
Tri——State Gay Rodeo Association
Paul ...............278—8023
Russell Beam Bookkeeping 81 Tax Services .....................266—2903
Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road ......223—l448
seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 10:45 «
Metropolitan Community Church....................................271~1407
Elizabeth 81 Tammy Gilliam—Strong
Pegasus Travel................................................................268—4337
Pegasus Travel donates 1% of your ticket costs to GLSO

 l | O ’ ’ l
by Cheryl L. West
Contemporary drama at its very best!
lntredibly powerlul and emotional, this play is the story ol a son who
moves home with his parents to die. Written by Cheryl L. West, this
award-winning drama is among the lirst to show how the AIDS epidemk
(an rip apart an Alrkan-Amerkan lamily; the ma(ho lather, (hur(h~goin8
mother, happyAgo-ludey brother, and bewildered son deal in ways heart-
warming and heartigwremhing, but all humanly (omprehensible.
Diretted by Artors' Guild artisti( manager Vi( Chaney.
8 pm Februar 22—24, 29 G flarth 1-2, 7-9, V440
ACTORS WU) ’ 2 pm Ami 5,10, 17
DC) West Short Street Thursday 6 Sunday tickets: $12
Frida {7 Saturda ti(Lets: $14
' (606) 233—0663 $4 discourlilt for studerlilts 8 seniors

 214 E. Main 5:. lexinglonflfl - 231-6997 - $3.75 ea. film
Starts Friday, February 16!
Check your current Kentucky calendar for show times.
- g; .
”a 1‘ I . ,1 8:
GLSO News Page 10

 CALIF. GOP MOVES To BAN No DIGNITY EOR STUDENTS: CALIF. negative language on this issue. The bill is
SAME-SEX MARRIAGES LAWMAKERS ”SAw No NEED" currently in Conference Committee where the
Assembly member Pete Knight unveiled The Dignity for All Students Act,AB 1001, House and Senate are reconciling the bills.
amendments to his bill, AB 1982, to prevent which would have prohibited discrimination The adoption language is one of the few issues
California from recognizing same-sex based on sexual orientation in California's still outstanding. Representativejames Walsh
marriages legally performed in other states. public schools, colleges, and universities. was (R—NY) is the Chair of the House DC
Knight’s billisin reaction to the expected legal— defeated last month in the Education Appropriations committee and is insisting on
ization of same—sex marriages in Hawaii in the Committee of the State Assembly. The bill was the House passed language. V
next two years. Knight‘s bill has the backing of targeted for defeat by the Republican Assembly YOUR HELP NEEDED WITH AIDS
the Assembly Republican caucus, and already Caucus, which now controls the State PROJECT
has 29 Republican co—sponsors. According to Assembly. In fact, one Assembly member David Oliver of Norfolk, Virginia is
Knight same-sex couples can’t “produce admitted that he had been assigned to the seeking help fora”very unique project"which
offspring together, [so] they must view marriage Assembly Education Committee for that day to he detailed to us in a letter recently: “I am
asjustareservoirofeconomicperks.”. Current vote against AB 1001. The final vote went collecting recipes for a cookbook being
California law recognizes all marriages down on party lines, 7 Democrat votes for, and published to remember loved ones who have
performed throughout the United States. v 8 Republican votes against. v died from AIDS. Similar to the NAMES’ Quilt
DENEUVE MAGAZINE CHANGES SOUTH DAKOTA ANTI-GAY Meet, the cookbook will allow parents,
NAME T0 CURVE AFTER LAWSUIT MARRIAGE BILL RE-INTRonUCED children siblings, Spouses, friends, lovers.
Deneuve Magazine has been in In response to the possibility of legalized neighbors and co-workers to remember those
publication for five years and has never lesbigay marriages, South Dakota legislators whom they have lost to AIDS. Each recipe will
claimed or in any way suggested a connection have reintroduced an anti—gay marriage bill. v also be accompanied with a first-person essay
to the French actress, but Ms. Deneuve sued to WYOMING SUPREME COURT about their loved one. T his will allow so many
stop them from using the word Deneuve. UPHOLDS RESTRICTIONS ON wonderful memories, and recipes, to be
Rather than slide down the slippery slope, the LESBIAN MOTHER remembered and shared with others.
staff of Deneuve Magazine instead chose to The highest court in Wyoming upheld “As we all know, there are limited
rename their magazine Carrie. For the restrictions on the right of a lesbian mother to resources and facilities for people living with
record, Catherine Deneuve’s given name is visit her two children. In adivided 3—2 ruling, this disease who are not able to support
Catherine Dorleac. She took the name the Wyoming Supreme Court affirmed restric- themselves financially. Also, many donations
Deneuve as her stage name. Carrie (formerly tions on a lesbian mother‘s visitation right5, for AIDS' fundraisers go to finding a cure.
Deneuve Magazine) is the nation’s best- based in part on the fact that the mother had Thisprojectwillbedifferent. All proceeds from
selling lesbian magazine. v not tried to hide her sexual orientation, which the sale of this very special cookbook will be
GAY-RIGHTS LAW DISPUTE the court described as a “conspicuously donated to the care of people livingwith AIDS.
BLAMED FOR CONVENTION LOSSES divergent lifestyle." “Each contributor is asked to include
According to a report by the Greater Despite that ruling, the unanimous court their name, their loved one's name and a
Cincinnati Convention &Visitors Bureau, the did reject the lower court‘s conclusion that favorite recipe, and a brief essay or special
city has lost $55 million in convention “homosexuality is inherently inconsistentwith memory about their loved one. A late 1996
business since voters revoked an Ordinance families," which is at least a step in the right publication is planned. Correspondence
that prohibited discrimination against direction according to the ACLU. 7 should be forwarded to: David R. Oliver, 205
homosexuals. The report said Cincinnati LESBIGAY PARENTAL RIGHTS W 38th Street, Norfolk, VA 23504." v
1081 $24.5 million when seven groups UNDER ATTACK IN CONGRESS
canceled their conventions, including the The House version of the 1996 District of
American Library Association and the Columbia budget bill contains an
American Musicological Association. Three amendment, offered by Representative Jay
others ruled out Cincinnati for their Dickey (R—AR),that would prohibit unmarried
conventions, taking $10.5 million elsewhere. couples from jointly adopting children in DC.
All 10 cited the amendment. 7 The Senate version of the bill contains no
_ 0180 News Page 11

 from thefront page

same In 96. You can help. Keep yourself $3213; reg, ’53., age?” .. . III§%%§%E
Informed about the anti—gay bills that are fi$§§§§§g§§e§s§§a * i . gaggle»: we) #2
introduced. Send some money to KY Fairness xfigfifgsggggsfiaikfl , -, . ., _ figgfifig
for their lobbying work (note on the check gg§§$(%§§ 21%: aéggé 5:; g, 3, g. y -, gigffigfggggg
that it is for the PAC, ie lobbying). Call the igfiggfifi 553$ £3" * figfigfig
Fairness Info line (275-7812) and leave a afififiifiefifig €21, -; 1;_..;.,.;_:;;:§-;w,f "WWI;

- e s» .'( ‘m “trim? . “she”: 2.1.I ' - "I '
message asking for your name and number to e gala it a - gggaargg
be put on their call list so that they can let you tee? Egfifigfi giggiggg “II I, 8a,; figflg ;
know when a phone call or a letter to your , Zg‘thamwegpgg ; . ’ a
representative would be helpful. They Will ,3 :32?“ Eegmwgétgfigx , . 1g» M§
alsobe glad toputyou on the mailing list. ale-”eels? .. -. it

Direct political act1vrty 15 not all you can i a , fiéhlggg §§\§{3 5, 9“? 4W
-, ' "figw ., ,. -' Niki"! '_ >(e 373:2“). .‘3 ‘2'_ diam};
out of the closet, the better. And your next step ‘ 3.6 ‘3; £3} ‘Y‘fifiar’,-3 “triage“ ti . ; -«NW
need not be the same as mine. Telling your
“WWW WWW gamer Calling Plans for Every Part of Your Life
be your step. Studies show that knowing '
someone gay is the greatest deterrent to We understand that long distance is being able to call home when you're away
homophobia there is. Loving and accepting ' on business. It’s being able to keep in close touch Willi neighbors that moved
yourself is also an important step. Creating away. It‘s being able to call relatives overseas. It‘s being able to run your
and sharing NY is our lives as gay, lesbian, business. And with Excel, it’s being able to do all these while saving up to 30%,
and bisexual people may be the most revolu— 50% and even 65% 0? you