xt7kwh2d9g2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2d9g2p/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1955 journals 033 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.33 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.33 1955 1955 2014 true xt7kwh2d9g2p section xt7kwh2d9g2p PROGRESS REPORT 53 SEPTEMBER I955
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The smallest gain in population of incorporated towns and cities, among
both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan economic areas, durinn the 50-year
period was made by Economic Area 6 (Outer Bluegrass Area).
According to Table 2, only 9 of the lQ8 incorporated towns and
cities, having a population of 1,000 or more in 1950, gained as much as
10,000 in population during the half-century. Louisville, as is to be
expected, led in this respect with a gain of l6U,000. Lexington was next
with a 29,000 gain, and Ashland, Covington, and Owensboro followed with
gains of more than 20,000. Paducah had a gain of 13,000 and Jowlin; `
Green, Middlesborough, and Fort Thomas gained a little more than 10,000
h during the period. Six of the lhd places had slight losses between 1900
and 1950.
1 There were 15 cities in Kentucky in 1950 with a population of
more than 10,000 (Table 3). Their total population at that time amounted
V to 72U,1M7, which represented 65 percent of the total population of all
I incorporated places of 1,000 or over. Fourteen of these 15 cities, all
except Fort Thomas, were incorporated prior to 1900. In 1900 the lb
cities (excluding Fort Thomas) had a total population of 389,Qd2, which
- was 70 percent of the total population of all incorporated towns and
cities with a population of 1,000 or more. This indicates that a larger
proportion of the population in towns and cities was concentrated in the
major cities in 1900 than in 1950.
Louisville and Lexington are the only two cities for which
census data·are available for l790. It is interesting to note coat
_ Lexington was larger than Louisville until the 1030 census. From ;n;t

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‘ period on Louisville grew much more rapidly than Lexington, gaining
. l 90,000 in the next no years, while Lexington gained 9,000.
Table M shows the incorporated towns and cities arranged
1 according to their size in 1950, and grouped in specified population
el classes, In addition to the 15 cities, previously discussed, with
l" a population of more than 10,000, there were 20 incorporated places
_i with between 5,000 and 10,000 population in 1950, At that time there
s were 33 such places with a population of 2,500 to 5,000 and 80 places
between 1,000 and 2,500 population,
V In 1950, 1,109,233 persons lived in incorporated towns and
» cities having a population of 1,000 or more, In other words, approxi-
» mately no percent of Kentucky's population, in 1950, lived in incor-
porated places of 1,000 or more persons, Sixty-five percent (72M,000
·. persons) of those living in these places in 1950 lived in cities of
more than 10,000 population, Thirteen percent (lhl,000 persons) of
t those living in these towns and cities lived in places of 5,000 to
l 10,000 population, Incorporated towns and cities with a population
between 2,500 and 5,000 had 121,000 inhabitants, in 1950, or ll percent
3 of the population in places of 1,000 or more, while 123,000 persons
_ (also ll percent) lived in places of 1,000 to 2,500,

Town or City - 1950 Population Town or City - 1950 Population ‘
Over 10,000 , 1
Louisville · 369,129 Shelbyville 4,403
Covington 64,452 Franklin 4,343 _
Lexington 55,534 Paintsville 4,309
Owensboro 33,651 Cumberland 4,249
Paducah 32,828 Bardstown 4,154
Ashland 31,131 Central City 4,110 .
Newport 31,044 Providence 3,905
Bowling Green 18,347 Pineville 3,890 »
Henderson 16,837 ` Erlanger 3,694
Middlesborough 14,482 Prestonsburg 3,585
Hopkinsville 12,526 ‘E1smere · 3,483
Frankfort 11,916, Campbellsville 3,477 ' V
Madisonville 11,132 London l 3,426 ~ .
Fort Thomas 10,870 Nicholasville 3,406
Richmond 10,268 ‘Berea` ‘ ‘ 3,372
Williamsburg 3,348 `
Total 724,147 Irvine ` V 3,259
Morganfield 3,257 ·
5,000 - 10,0QQ Carrollton ` 3,226
Fulton 3,224
Hinchester 9,226 South Fort Mitchell3,142
Bellevue 9,040 Morehead _3,l02
Mayfield 8,990 Monticello ’ ‘ 2,934
Dayton 8,977 Barbourville 2,926_ I
Danville 8,686 Versailles 2,760 “»
Maysville 8,632 Earlington 2,753
Corbin 7,744 ‘ Greenville‘ ‘ 2,661
Somerset 7,097 Park Hills 2,577, `
Glasgow 7,025 3
Hazard 6,985 Total 120,527
Jenkins 6,921
Paris 6,912 1,000-2,500
Ludlow 6,374
Murray 6,035 Lancaster 2,402 I
Elizabethtown 5,807 Shively 2,401
Georgetown 5,516 Marion , 2,375
Princeton 5,388 Dawson Springs 2,374
Mount Sterling 5,294 Lawrenceburg 2,369
Harrodsburg 5,262 Wilmore 2,337
Pikeville 5,154 Sturgis 2,222 Q
Falmouth 2,186 Y
Total 141,065 Columbia 2,167
Scottsville 2,060
2,5QQ;§,300 Nheelwright 2,037
Hickman 2,037
Cynthiana 4,847 Springfield 2,032
Harlan 4,786 Louisa 2,015
Catlettsburg 4,750 Benton 1,980
Lebanon 4,640 Jackson 1,978
Russellville 4,529 Evarts 1,937

Town or City - 1950 Population Town or City - 1950 Population
A 1,000-2,500_QContinued) Elkhorn City 1,349
Neeksbury 1,340
5 Albany 1,920 Florence 1,325
F Southgate 1,903 Elkton 1,312
Stanford 1,861 Leitchfield 1,312
` Tompkinsville 1,859 Clay 1,291
, Eddyville 1,840 Liberty 1,291
Wayland 1,807 Cadiz 1,280
‘ Audubon Park 1,790 Burkesville 1,278
_ Manchester 1,706 Greenup 1,276
Hodgenville 1,695 Guthrie 1,253
¤ Russell 1,681 Vine Grove 1,252
_ West Point 1,669 Owenton 1,249
Q Augusta l,599 Jeffersontown 1,246
Clinton l»593 Lebanon Junction 1,243
Highland Heights 1,569 Salyersville 1,174
Hartford 1,564 Martin 1,170
A' La Grange 1,558 Sebree 1,158
Loyall 1,548 Russell Springs 1,125
Horse Cave 1,545 Cave City 1,119
' Vanceburg 1,528 Mount Vernon 1,106
Carlisle 1,524 Drakesboro 1,102
Flemingsburg 1,502 Van Lear 1,096
s `dilliamstown 1,466 Mortons Gap 1,081
g Eminence 1,462 Jamestown 1,064
Livermore 1,441 Neon 1,055
Whitesburg l,393 Uniontown 1,054
at Grayson 1,383 Beattyville 1,042
· Walton 1,358 Parkway Village 1,036
Cloverport 1,357 Bardwell 1,033
Olive Hill 1,351 Greensburg 1,032
Beaver Dam 1,349 Wickliffe 1,019
A Raceland 1,001
_ Total 123,494