xt7kwh2d8z19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2d8z19/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-06-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 16, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 16, 1944 1944 1944-06-16 2013 true xt7kwh2d8z19 section xt7kwh2d8z19 The Kentucky Kernel





16, 1944


Saunders, Harrison Awarded Donovan Gives Enrollment Is Lowest
Medallions At Commencement 248 Degrees Since World War I
Eisenhower Is
Fortune Receives
Sullivan Plaque

Guest Speaker

Miss Helen Louise Harrison, Lexington, of the College of Arts and
Sciences, and James Henry Saunders, Hopkinsville, awarded the bachelor of science degree, in the June
graduation, were awarded the Sullivan medallions for outstanding
service on the campus.
Established In 1927
The Sullivan awards, established
in 1927 by Algernon Sydney Sullivan, are made annually to two students in recognition of scholarship,
leadership, and citizenship. A bronz
plaque, with their names engraved,
was presented to each.
Miss Harrison was a member of
the Pitkin Club, Outing Club, Stu
aent Union Board, WAA, Mortar
Board, Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta,
Cosmopolitan Club, Dutch
Lunch Club, Phi Beta Kappa,
Y.W.Ci, and was listed to Who's
Who in American Colleges and Universities.
Mr. Saunders, wno was president
of Lances, was
Alpha Chi Sigma,
the Student Affiliate of Chemical
society, and was a member of the
Student Government Association,
Varsity Rifle Team, UK Rifle and
Pistol Club, Y.M.C.A, and Phi Beta
Kappa. He was also listed in Who's
Who in American Colleges and Universities.
Sullivan Plaque
The Re Dr. Alonzo W. Fortune,
years pastor of the
for twenty-thre- e
Central Christian church, Lexing
ton was awarded the Sullivan plaque
at the commencement program in
of his "meritorious
service" as a citizen.

President H. L. Donovan conferred degrees on 217 University
seniors, 27 graduate students, and
awarded four honorary degrees, at Wenner-Gren
commencement Friday evening,
June 3, on Stoll field.
Trustees Undecided

Laboratory Drops

Honorary Degrees
Recipients of the honorary degrees were Gov. Simeon Willis, Dr.
Francis S. Hutchins, president of
Berea College, and Fred M. Vinson,
director of the Office of Economic
who were awarded
doctors of law degrees; and Jesse
Hilton Stuart, poet and author, who
was awarded a doctor of literature
These colleges announce the fol
lowing degrees: Arts and Science,
106; Engineering, 16; Law, 4; Education, 37; Commerce, 16; and
Graduate School, 27.
Eisenhower Speaker
Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, president of Kansas State College and
brother of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, delivered the commencement address. He spoke on the
present war situation and declared
that world democracy "will not be
achieved in our time."
Mutual understanding, Dr. Eisenhower said, "is the cement which
must be used to build the foundations of world democracy. That
cement is a compound of two elements: a physical communications
system, along which accurate information, and ideas flow freely.
It consists of tangible things like
newspapers, radios, airplanes . . .
the other consists of intangible
things such as value, judgments,
and basic mental processes which
yield comprehension and wisdom."
Important in bringing about these







James H. Saunders


M. M. White Is Named
Associate Dean Of UK

Helen Louise, Harrison

Attention Seniors

acitng assistant! Director Appointed
dean of the College of Arts and Of Residence Halls
Sciences since March, 1941, and head For Summer Terms
of the department of psychology, has
Miss Marguerite Arnold, formerly
been named associate dean of the
college by the board of trustees, upon employed by Ahrens Trade
school, Louisville, has been appointthe recommendation of Dr. Paul P. ed acting
director of Jewell hall and
Boyd, dean, and President Herman
all the womens' residence units, acLee Donovan.
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
Dr. White came to the University cording to
Mrs. Gertrude M.
in 1930 as assistant professor of dean of women. S.
C, is dietician.
psychology, was named associate Zemp, Camdeon,
Jewell hall has been filled to
professor in 1931. and head of the
department in April, 1943, following capacity, with two girls in each
the death of Dr. J. B. Miner. He is room instead of the former three,
been the policy since the
also executive secretary of the per- as has
Army began using the dorms. Second
sonnel office.
floor of Boyd hall, which has been


M. White,


Social Calendar...
6:45 p. m, Monday, Armory.
Invitation to Reading Series 3 p.
m. Tuesday, "Beauty In The Com-




completely renovated, is now occupied by women students, according
to Mrs. Holmes.

The University Board of Trustees
at its last meeting to drop
from the
the name "Wenner-Gren- "
Aeroname of the Wenner-Gre- n
nautical Research Laboratory on
the campus, and directed that the
bronze plaque on the building be
removed. Termination of the lease
agreement with the Mawen Motor
Corporation for operation of the



4- -6

4- -5


thev have driven the enemy from
lands invaded three years ago. The
Allied air forces, dropping death on
the Germans in continuous day and
night raids, are succeeding in destroying German war industries and
air power. With all these things
raining on them at once how can
they last long?"
The majority of persons interviewed expressed this same sort of opinion, and each commenetd that the
bitter air war being waged by Allied
fighter and bomber squadrons over
Germany and western Europe is so
important because "the Air Force Is
stopping enemy war production
while the ground forces are driving

was also passed.

Formal Protest
The action followed a formal pro
test against the name, made to Gov.
Simeon Willis by a group of Lexington women recently, and came
within a few hours after a legal
opinion from Attorney General
S. Dummit that "the name of
the laboratory should be changed
and the bronze plaque be removed
until such time as Mr. Wenner-Gre- n
has been cleared from the
black list" of the United States

Donated In 1940
The laboratory was donated to
the University June 12, 1940, by
the Viking Foundation, an organization controlled by Axel L. Wen
Swedish industrialist,
who was placed on the State De"black list"
early in 1942.
A telegram from J. C. Galvin,
ner-Gre- n,

The summer quarter of the University opened with the lowest enrollment since World War L The
unofficial tabulation is approximately 869 students, with the ratio of
women to men Judged to be 5 to 1.
The enrollment for the spring
quarter was 1,291, which was considered lo wat the time. Compared
with the 1,065 students who signed
up for summer quarter work in 1943,
a steady decline of about 20 per cent
has been tabulated.
Approximately 160 to 180 A.S.TJ.
men remain on the campus. The
teachers who are attending classes
in the Education College increase
the enrollment to 40. The college
heretofore has led the other colleges
during the summer quarter, but this
is not true at the present.
The other colleges are credited
with the following number of stu
dents: Commerce, 60; Law, 65;
Agriculture, 40, and Engineering, 50.
The number of students enrolled in
Arts and Sciences college has not
yet been calculated.
The normal
number of graduate students in the
University is down to a minimum.
Halls Open
Five residence halls are remaining
open. Jewell hall is housing 113
students and the fraternity houses
are filled to capacity, with Sigma
Chi, 21; Sigma Nu, 24; and SAE, 23.
The Lydia Brown house is accom
modating 19.
The regular womens' dormitories,
Patterson and Boyd halls, are being
made ready for the students in the
fall, as the fraternity houses are
being turned back to the men, and
will be closed for the duration.

New York City, secretary-treasurof the Mawen Motor Corporation,
which said that the Mawen corporation has approved "cancellation
of its contract for the operation of Lieutenant Duggan
the laboratory," if the University Receives Promotion
thought it advisable, was presented
The Military Department of the
to the Board by Dr. H. L. Donovan,
University has announced the propresident of the University.
motion of Lieut. James E. Duggan,
to First Lieutenant as of June 8,
Suit Filed
Henry A. Harper and James M. 1944.
Lieut Duggan has been at Fort
Molloy, alumni of the University,
filed a suit in Fayette Circuit Court Benjamin Harrison, Indiana where
May 23, seeking judgment against he took the Officers' Refresher
the Mawen Motor Corporation for Course. He and Captain Preston B.
profits the suit said should have Powell have now been returned to
gone to the University on several duty. Lieut. Duggan has been on
contracts for services and tests duty as Adjutant of the 1548th and
made in the laboratory during the 3518th Service Units. Second Lieut.
Wayne P. Moynihan, is still in atlast three years.
tendance at the Indiana post.
Dr. Donovan said the University
would continue to operate the lab
oratory, but the trustees took no
action in selecting another name to
replace "Wenner-Gren- ."

European W ar Will End In '45

By Mary Jane Dorsey
monplace." Illustrated talk. Dr.
Fighting in the European war
Sallie Pence. Browsing room, li- theatre will terminate by the first
of the year, so say students interp. m. Thursday, viewed this week by The Kernel.
Allied gains in occupied France,
Maxwell Place.
p. m. which followed the invasion, and the
Residence Hall Tea
success of the 5th Army smashing
Thursday, Jewell hall lounge.
through Nazi lines 75 miles northConvocation 10 a. m. Friday, Me- west of Rome, have led persons to
Dr. Willis A. Sutton, believe
morial hall.
that with that recent all-o"Education and the People's
movement, victory will come
much sooner than formerly exSwimming Party and Picnic Sup- pected.
per 5 p. m. Friday. Meet at One University war analyst voiced
this opinion, "Germany is being
Social Dancing and Recreation 8 bombarded on three fronts at once.
p. m. Monday, Wednesday and On the southern front, we have
Friday nights. Instruction by broken the German hold in central
Physical Education teachers, for Italy. Soviet forces on the eastern
summer school students.
front arey initiating crushing blows;

All seniors who expect to
complete their requirements for
graduation at the close of the
summer quarter and who have
not made application for degrees, are requested to do so
Friday, June 23. This applies
also to graduate students who
expect to complete their requirements
for graduate degrees. All applications should
be filed in Room 16 of the Administration building.
As the commencement
are made from these cards, it
it important to file an aplica-tio- n
at this time.

On New Name

180 ASTP Trainees
Remain On Campus






marked, "I had been looking for
that Invasion long before It came.
Myrtle Weathers
That must've been a good one. My
QUESTION: What do yon think
strategy was all wrong, however,
of summer school?
thought the main push would come
Ann Stevenson, A&S, Frosh: It's
from neutral Denmark into northern too hot!
German territory."
Mrs. Bonnie Burris, Special StuThis is a topic that apparently dent: I'm delighted with it. It's a
is discussed quite often, here as else' change from teaching, at least,
where. Actually, we cannot be asBillie West, Educ. Sr.: It's too hot
sured of a quicker victory since the to work.
recent development, yet strategic Nancy Thomas, Graduate student:
and tactical facts of the campaigns Right now I think it's Just too hot.
are promising. The Americans are Roth Boyd, Educ. Sr.: It's fine if
on the offensive everywhere, bringing you can take it.
the attack to our enemies.
Anne Greene, Commerce, Jr.: It's
One optimistic co-e-d
answered, T a helluva way to spend the summer.
think the war will end by SeptemLouise Land, Educ. Jr.: I think
ber." Then as an afterthought, "I summer school Is O.K. At least
Axis positions back rapidly."
get out earlier by going this
When asked about the invasion guess that's Wishful thinlrlng .
and its significance, one soldier re hope It comes true though."



Tage Two

The Kentucky Kernel


It theaeeondOslo at Lexington, Ky.,
elm matter
under the Act ol March X, 17.



Kentucky JntercoUerlAta
Lexington Board of Oommcrot
Kentucky Press Aaaoelatlon
Katlonal Editorial

( JO

One Quarter



Carolyn Hill


Doris Singleton

News Editor

Margaret Julia Wharton


Business Manager



Coeds Beware


Now that the summer months
and the football players are here,
we think a few do's and donts for
would be in order. You've
got to find something to do In your
spare time, so you might as well
make it interesting and fal lin love.
Rule one: Find someone to love.
Although it is not necessary try to


co-e- ds

Acele Denman, Mary Jan Dorsey,
Billie Fischer, Eleanor Keeti,
David Holliday


tl.St One Year


Friday, June 16, 1944




National AdvertistngService, Inc.
CaUn fmeUeien faHwUHw
4ZO MAWaotl AVC.

find someone who could love you.
One-sidlove affairs are usually
very beautiful, but tragic in a painful way. If you do some shrewd
picking, your summer


to at cotuUmd the opinion! of the wrttmn
themeelvet, end do not aecanarfly reflect the opinion o The Kernel.

erticlet ana eciumnt

All eigne

might lengthen out into an

Another Summer Kernel

Rule two: Dont pick someone
else's man. If you're going to get
your material from the football
crew, then Just give up.

To those of you who attended summer school last year, this
tabloid form of the Kentucky Kernel is not a new feature. To
those of you who have not seen our tabloid issue, we present
the first edition of the summer Kernel.
Although the staff is limited and our offices are over 200
degrees, there will be no change in thfj news coverage. The
same wide variety of news, sports, and features are to be issued
weekly as in previous quarters.
An appeal is made to all amateurs and professionals interested
in working on The Kernel. It is an invaluable experience for an
aspiring journalist, in addition to being just "lots of fun." There
are still many vacancies to be filled on the staff.
From you who only read The Kernel,, we would appreciate
any suggestions or criticisms. It is your paper, written for you,
and issued for you; therefore we want to publish it the way you
like it best,

The Economics Of It All, Or
Woman, The Frozen Asset
By Adde Denman
be said that this article
did not take much research, and
you who have been students of the
great science of economics will corroborate my statement that anything concerning it takes a great
amount of delving Into many mys-teriwhich, if you are not careful,
etill remain at that same status.
Many bachelors, hermits, and
woman haters In general were consulted, which caused much effort
on the part of my grade ten tires,
for they took me to caves, desolate
islands, bars, and other places
where these individuals could be
They an said, quote, "Just trace
the history of any great woman and
you will find that she always costs
men something!" Borne said "Have


It cannot

She was a good conversationalist, but she succeeded in talking their heads off.
Last, but not least, we go to
Alaska, or maybe the South Seas,
in search of the greatest woman,
the one who makes the women
haters look foolish. Let's try the
White House. Maybe Eleanor Is
home now. She dated Franklin and
got her man and left him for a few
million army camps all over the
world. They may talk about her.
but Eleanor isnt so dumb.
Some of these women won, and
some lost, but we could not help
but agree with the men, they cost
plenty. On the other band, let a
woman pass and their
aspirations to be millionaires go out
a drink," but that is not Important the window. Men arent so dumb;
or are they?




WlUi Eve
begin at
the beginning which Is synonymous with Eve. Adam was quite
limited in his selection but be was
quite satisfied until Eve acquired
her big appetite for apples and literally ate him out of bouse and
The origin of the first late date
was brought about by Paris and
Helen of Troy. They took a little

In our research, let us

Regardless Of The Heat

The Fischer Utowl

By Billie Fischer
Well . . . here we are again. Back
to the old grind . . . after a week
filled with the thrills, chills, and
bills of New York. Somehow, the
Big City "ain't what it usta be."
Never before did we go into a
Swedish restaurant and hear an
Hawaiian band play Irish melodies.
Nor did we go into a typically
American night club and listen to
a Russian orchestra play rhumbasl
After being away from the bright
lights for awhile, the idea of seemingly sane human beings packing
themselves into a tiny artificial
paradise, for the sole purpose of
"having a good time," seems rather
In one famous nltery, the people
were crowded so close together that
it was not unusual to find that you
had mixed your ginger ale with

the bourbon belonging to a poor Sr.
soul sitting three tables away. And
when the floor show begins, you find
yourself plunged into utter darkness. And it never fp"s to happen
that you are Just beginning your
if today's reality!
first course when the lights go out.
You decide to let the food wait,
and you watch the show until you
STEEL lAILS connecting coast
are seized with pangs of hunger. So
with coast ! That was Abraham
you start your meal, only to disLincoln's vision, realized by
cover, when the lights go on, that
you have been chewing on your
the Driving of the Golden
napkin . . . not your pate de fois
historic event, in
So, you taste your soup, and you
are once more enveloped in blackness. You watch the gorgeous
show girls and you comfort yourself with the thought that
beauty is only skin deep. Besides,
you have a beautiful soul !
Luckily, the llgnts are on when
(Continued on Page Three)


Live, Learn

By Adele Denman
"One is never too old to be a coed 1" is the motto of the teachers
who are now occupying the residence halls with the girls.
Now the line outside the shower
door is not only composed of girls
boat trip and forgot to return:
consequently, Ulysses was forced to with hair rolled up and cream on
give her the Trojan horse laugh, their faces, but older women are
and after mangling a few good men included in the group, and are clad
like Hector, she was brought back.
in the same attire and with much
the same accessories.
Joan mt Alt
Just Wait
we could point out Joan of
are Just waiting to
Arc She put on the first pair of
slacks and had ten thousand see if they cram for exams too, and
although they cant lend them
Frenchmen fighting over her.
The first female wolf was Eliza- clothes, they are glad to let them
beth of England, She couldnt say borrow ink, paper, and other esno, so she tried poison. Her activ- sentials.
They really can take it, say the
ities, which involved the eliminaand are right handy to help
tion of a few English wolves, started
the first man shortage in the one brush up on that big quiz as
some have large and conspicuous
Marie Antoinette was the female AB's In the very subject you are
siren type, and where did it get her slaving over.






1869, united the first trans-

continental tracks, and initiated
delivery by Exthe nation-wid- e
press of commercial goods and
personal packages at passenger
train speed.
Today, Railway Express
operates on 230,000 miles of
track. Over them- daily, 10,000
trains speed shipments of every
kind to and from 23,000 offices.
Included in this nation-wid- e
network is almost every college
town in America. Generations
of students first learned about
Express Service when they left
home for college, then grew to
depend upon it during their
years on the campus.
When you do have packages
to send, you can help us do our
war job better by aiding in
three ways: Pack your shipments securely address them
clearly start them early. Our
century of experience proves
that "a shipment started right
is half-wa- y
there 1"

extends to all
new students a

co-e- ds


miseisis vision

good-looki- ng


all-ye- ar









� Best uopy Available

Friday, June 16, 1944


Williams-Warre- n

The wedding of Miss Oersddine
Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Squire N. Williams of Lexington,
and Officer Candidate Franklin
Everett Warren, Fort Benning,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Warren,
Louisville, will be solemnized at 4:30
o'clock Saturday, June 17, at the
Maxwell Street Presbyterian church.
Miss Williams formerly attended
the University, where she was a
member of Alpha Gamma Delta
social sorority.




(Continued From Page Two.)

Phi Beta Initiates

Donovans To Give
Tea For Members
Of A&S College

Page Three

Three Patrons Into
Music Organization

Phi Beta, honorary music fraternity, held Initiation services Saturday, June 3, at the Music building
on the campus.
Ratchford, sophomore
from Lexington, and Evelyn Ken-yo- n,
junior from Anchorage, were
initiates. Mrs. Marjorie Hall was
initiated as an associate member of
the organization.
A banquet was held in the Red
room of the Lafayette hotel, at
which time Induction services for
three patrons were held. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Harlowe Dean,
and Mrs. Rose Urbach.
Students, Faculty
After the banquet, a program was
given by the new initiates and senFeted At Reception
ior members.
By Union Board
Ruth Pace, president of the organization, presided.
The Student Union Board will Russell was hi charge Bette Harris
hold a reception for summer school
students and members of the faculty and staff this evening from
"Don't part with your Illusions.
7:30 to 9:30 p. m. in the great hall
When they are gone, you may still
of the Union.
In the receiving line will be Dr. exist, but you have ceased to live."
and Mrs. H. L. Donovan, Dean and Mark Twain.
Mrs. Leo M. Chamberlain,
and Mrs. T. T. Jones, Dean Sarah
B. Holmes, Marian Yates,
of the Student Union Board,
and Bill Embry. president of SGA.
Assisting at the punch bowl will
be Mrs. W. S. Taylor, Mrs. Edward
Wiest, Mrs. D. V. Terrell, and Mrs'.
A group of stuL. J. Horlacher.
dents will act as hostesses.
Marian Yates is in charge of ar

President and Mrs. Herman L.
Donovan will entertain with a tea
from 4 to 6 p. m. Thursday, June
22, at Maxwell Place, for the students and faculty of the Arts and
Science college.
This is the first of a series of teas
to be given for the faculty and students of the various colleges of the
The social calendar lists the tea
for Wednesday afternoon June 21,
so note this change. The other teas
will be given each Wednesday
throughout the summer term, as

is served, and you
get a chance to look at your plate
before they go off again. When
you have finished, the lights go on
and you discover that you have
eaten the plate and a salad fork,
too. After standing on your table,
screaming, pulling your hair out,
and throwing the dishes that you
haven't eaten on the floor for half



Mrs. Charles L. Walton, Franklin,
Term, announces the engagement of
her daughter, Barbara Leachman, to
Pfc. Benjamin W. Owen, Camp
Livingston. I , son of Mrs. Louis
Alexander and the late Mr. Benjamin Owen of Lexington.
Miss Walton attended Centre Col
lege and is a graduate of
Junior College at Nashville
and the University of Kentucky,
where she was a member of Delta
Delta Delta.
Private Owen attended the Uni
versity of Kentucky, where he was
a member of Sigma Chi. The wed
ding is planned for early summer. rangements.


Varin-Bok- er

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Varin, Indianapolis, Ind., anounce the engage-



an hour, you manage to catch your
waiter's eye. But you don't want
your waiter's eye . . . you want your
When the waiter coyly
tucks the check into your ear, you
find that you were charged for the
napkin, plate, and salad fork that
you accidentally devoured. You argue for awhile, and the waiter says,
"Come on, cough up!" So, you cough

up the linen and tableware and,
with everybody happy, you exit.

Have you been long
ing for a sure enough
southern dinner? If so

make a date and come
to the CANARY
EAT in a clean, cool atmosphere,
enjoy the very best in meals.


Carnegie Music Hour
Announces Schedule


E. Main


The Carnegie music room, on the
ment of their daughter, Carolyn first floor of the Student Union
Ann. to Lt. Col. Bazil Lee Baker, son building, will be open for the
Mrs. Baza Lee Baker, and the quarter according to the following
late Mr. Baker.
Monday : 12:30-- 4 p.m.
The wedding will take place at Tuesday: 12 :30-- 4 pjn.; 7 pjri.
8:30 o'clock Tuesday night, July 18,
Wednesday: 12:30-- 4 p.m.
at the Tabernacle Presbyterian Thursday: 12:30-- 4 pjn; 7 pjn.
church in Indianapolis.
Friday: 12:30-- 4 p.m.
Colonel Baker is a graduate of the
The music room will not be open
University, where he was a member on Saturdays and Sundays.
Kappa Alpha fraternity.
of Phi
All students and faculty members
While at the University, he edited are invited to visit the room at any
the Kentuckian and was a member time during the scheduled hours, and
of R.O.T.C. He has been stationed to make requests of the selections
in Puerto Rico and the
they wish to hear.
theatre of operations for 19
The music library consists of
months. He returned to the states symphonies, concertos, operatic seOctober and is now with the lections, some complete operas, quarlast
first bomber command at Mitchel tets, solos, numerous scores and
Field, Long Island.
other types of compositions.

is still in McVey full


of all the books you
need. We continue to
buy and sell used




We have just
received a new
shipment of


fancy stationery.





3 Shades of Blue

Drive In Service

use uVM can



De Boor
Opposite Stadium





� Best Copy Available

Page Four

Friday, June 16, 1944

Answering the Call to Prayer

Need For Draftsmen
Announced By

Summer Reading Series
Will Feature Sallie Pence


Civil Service

The summer session of the "InRadio Schedule
vitation to reading" series will be
opened at 3 p. m, Tuesday, June
The University radio studio will
talk on garden and wild present programs over station
20, by
flowers which will be given by Miss WHAS, Louisville, according to the
following schedule
Sallie Pence.
mSaturday, June 17: 1 to 1:15
Miss Pence has chosen as her
subject. Beauty in the CommonYour Land and My Land Virginia;
place, and she will endeavor to 1:15 to 1:30 p.m. Danger Ahead-Con- trol
of Fires, by Mr. J. M.
give her listeners a greater appreciation of the garden spots of Ken- Gregory, sanitary inspector.
Sunday, June 18: 12 to 12:30 p.m.
tucky. For some time Miss Pence
has been Interested in making
UK Roundtable, by Dr. A. M. Lyon
Kentuckians take an even greater and Dr. W. E. Watson, State Deinterest in the beauties of the state. partment of Welfare; Dr. R. E. Jag- Mons trins have been made to gers, State Department of Educa- -,
showplaces, gardens, and parks to tion, and Dr. Margaret Ratliff, psycollect the material for her talk.
chology department of the UniverOne of her chief hobbies Is sity.
photography and she will use her
Monday, June 19: 12:50 to 1 pjn.
pictures to illustrate the talk. PicDairying Problems, by Dr. H. B.
tures from Cumberland Falls, state Morrison, professor of dairying.
points of Interest
parks, and other
Tuesday, June 20: 12:50 to 1 pjn.
as far as Henderson, Kentucky, Wartime Landscaping, by Mr. N. R.
complete Elliot, professor
will be Included, to give a
of landscape archicomposite view.
The other meetings of the series
Wednesday, June 21: 12:50 to 1
will consist of three talks and two p.m. Doings of Kentucky Farm
be given Folks, by Mr. C. A. Lewis, Agriculbook reviews, which will
by Sarah B. Holmes, dean of women tural Extension Editor.
at the University; Rabbi Julian P.
Thursday, June 22: 12:50 to 1 p.m.
Fleg; Mrs. Frank L. McVey, wife
Kentucky Fruit Crop, by Mr. W.
president emeritus McVey. of W. Ma gill, field agent in
TiniTOTsitv: and Dr. Thomas D.
Clark, professor of Kentucky his
The series has again been planned
to bring together persons interested
in books and reading, and the public is invited to attend. All talks
with the exception of the first which
will be held in Room 314 of the li-brary, will be held in the Browsing
room of the library.
The complete schedule of the
series is as follows:
Black Birds on the Lawn, by Jane
Morton, to be reviewed by Mrs.
Holmes, at 3 p. m- - Tuesday. June 27.
and reminds you that
Palestine, Land of Promise, by
for the best in sporting
reWalter Clay Lowdermilk, to be
viewed by Rabbi Fleg, at 3 p. m,
Tuesday, July 11.
their store is the place
G astronomically Speaking, a talk
to shop.
by Mrs. McVey, at 3 p. m, Tuesday,


The Civil Service Commission
has announced a continuing need
for engineering draftsmen to work
on the construction of maps, stra
tegic posters and graphs, and technical plans in various Government
agencies in Washington, D. C, and
in other parts of the country.
Women are particularly urged to

Salaries range from $1,752 to
a year, including the amount
for required overtime.
For the
lower grade, applicants must have
completed a drafting course, or
have had three months of practl
cal experience. Training or practi'
cal experience in commercial art,
interior designing, or similar fields
is considered qualifying. There will
be no written test and there are no

age limits.
The proper form for applying
may be secured at first and second
class post offices, from the Com'
mission's regional offices, or direct
from the central office of the Civil
Service Commission in Washing
ton, 25, D. C.

American soldiers at a South Pacific base worship at the Chapel or
Our Lady of Loreto. They built it themselves for Catholic
Protestant services. (Passed by censor.)




Extends a Hearty

July 25.
The Country Store, a talk by Dr.

at 3


m, Tuesday,






In answer to a query as to the
location and time of the first practical oil well, a newspaper know-it-1- 1

column answers: "Titusville, Pa,
in 1959." That'll be nice, wont It?


... and the results

Sporting Goods

236 E. Malm



in bath cases are aerfectly delightful

225,000 homes

that take the


GRECG, the home-makegay guide to gastronomic adventures,
has endeared herself to every woman of the Courier-Journa- l
family of
readers. Into each home-teste- d
recipe goes a dash of her sprightly
personality seasoned with good sense gleaned from careful study of current
marketing conditions. Cissy's articles adorn the pages of favorite recipe
books and are passed on to friends.

There's A Dixie Dealer


Of good old Kentucky stock, blue-eye- d
Cissy grew np in Cynthiana amid
scores of cousins
and came to us by way of the University of Kentucky
wearing a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics and Agriculture.


Full of neighborly chattiness, she moves, with hoyden grace among her
array of culinary equipment
has always been the prima donna of her '
own kitchen, and says that no amount of theory ran take the place of
practical knowledge of short cuts in cooking routines. Women readers
, having a first fling at cooking, due to scarcity of domestic help, find Ctssy
an oracle of wisdom.
Cissy's husband, Lt. Colonel Edd Gregg, now in active service overseas, was
a peace-timarchitect. He designed their charming hilltop house where
Cissy and the dog, Pat, an Irish terrier, wait for letters and Edd's ultimate
return. For
interest in the problems of her readers, whoso
letters fill the mail pouches and keep The
hamming with calls, Gs