xt7kwh2d8h39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kwh2d8h39/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-02-feb25-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-02-feb25-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-02-feb25-ec. 1944 1944-02-feb25-ec. 2011 true xt7kwh2d8h39 section xt7kwh2d8h39 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, February 25, 1944.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m. Fri-
day, February 25, 1944. The following members were present: Judge
Richard C. Stoll, James Park, H. S. Cleveland and H. E. Palmore.
President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterscn were also

     A. Approval of kinutes.
                        * ** * ** * ** *

           1. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes
              of January 21, 1944, were approved as published.

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller made the usual monthly financial report concerzi-
ing income and expenditures for the various funds of the University
of Nentucky.   He discussed the report in detail with the members
of the Executive Committees after which the Committee took the fol-
lowing action:
                        * * * * * * * * * *

           2. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the report
              of the Comptroller is ordered received, accept-
              ed and filed with the records of the Secretary
              of the Board.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     Co Budget of _tab Student Union Building.

     President Donovan explained that a budget for the Union Build-
ing had not been formerly submitted to the Board of Trustees or to
the Executive Committee because it was not possible to determine the
type of program that would be operated in the Union prior to the
beginning of the current fiscal year.   He read a letter received
from the Comptroller which recommended approval of the budget as
submitted, in which it was stated that it was impossible to estimate
the receipts of income from the Union Building, and that, since the
Army Specialized Training Program had been in operation on the
c ampus of the University of Kentucky for some few months and that
a program for the soldiers had been carried on in the Union Building,
he felt that it was now possible to actually project a budget for
the Union.    President Donovan read the proposed budget to the Exec-
utive Committee and recommended its approval, after which the Commit-
tee took the following action:



                        * * * * * * it1 v v *

           3. It was moved and seconded that the budget for
              the Student Union Building as submitted for
              the year 1943-44 be accepted as a basis of
              maximum expenditures and the Board of Trustees
              or the Executive Committee shall be authorized
              to make such changes in the budget as may from
              time to time be deemed necessary or advisable.
              A copy of the budget adopted was ordered filed
              with the Secretary of the Board.

     D. L    2f the Beauty Salon.

     President Donovan read a letter regarding lease of the Beauty
Salon and asked the Comptroller to explain its provisions.   The
Comptroller explained the lease to the satisfaction of the Executive
Committee, after which the Committee took the following action:

                        ** *Sl * * * * * * *

           4. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the lease
              agreement between the Univcrsity of Kentucky and
              Lillian Hodge for the operation of the beauty
              salon owned by the University of Kentucky is ap-
              proved, and the action of the Comptroller in
              signing said lease is approved and the lease is
              ordered filed with the records of the Secretary
              of the Board of Trustees.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     E, he~gEof the Wenner-Gren Laboratory.

     President Donovan presented to the Executive Committee a report
on the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory operated in con-
nection with the College of Engineering which summarizes the activ-
ities of the Laboratory since the start of operations to March,
1944.   He further stated that the report was written by A. J. Meyer,
head'. of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, and approved by James
H. Graham, dean of the College of Engineering, unider date of Febru-
ary 12, 1944.   The report was also read to the Executive Committee,
after which, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was ordered
that each project be approved and the report be received and incor-
porated into the minutes of this meeting,

          Construction of the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research
    Laboratory was started in August, 1940.    The building was
    completed in December of that year, but it was not until
    March of 1941 thvt all major equipm nt was received. Two
    months later the installation was completed and operations
    were started.



    The activities of the Laboratory may be classified

    A. Instruction and training.
    B. Research and development.
    C. Consulting services.

    A summary of these activities is listed below.


   1. At the request of the Materiel Division of the Air
Corps, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, a special training
course was organized for 10 young graduate engineers in
their employ.   This course was of 12 weeks duration and
included 24 hours of lecture and 20 hours of laboratory
work each week.   It was sponsored by the Office of Educa-
tion, Washington, D. C.

   2. This course was repeated twice thereafter for grad-
uate engineers previously employed in non-essential indus-
tries.  Through our efforts all these students, 10 in
each class, were placed with aircraft engine manufacturing
organizations throughout the country..

   3. At the request of the Lexington Signal Depot, a
course was organized for training their Civil Service per-
sonnel in the maintenance and operation of gasoline and
Diesel engines. This course was of 6 weeks duration and
included 16 hours lecture and 24 hours laboratory work each
week.   It was also sponsored by the Office of Education.

   The course was repeatd eight times and each class con-
sisted in the average of twenty students.   These men have
been transferred to various Army bases, Many have become
foremen, some instructors.

   4. Under the Army Specialized Training Program all stu-
dents in Mechanical Engineering are scheduled for 4 hours
and those in Civil Engineering for 3 hours per week in the
Engine Laboratory.   A special group of soldiers known as
the BE group spends also 4 hours per week in the Laboratory.
All these courses are of 12 weeks duration.

   Thus far four sections averaging twenty-four students
have completed their term.   At present five sections av-
eraging eighteen students are taking this course.

   5. Twenty-four of the regular undergraduate students do-
sirous to join either the Air Forces or the aircraft indus'ry
after graduation have been given special laboratory training
during the last quarter of the Senior year at the rate of
sixteen hours per week.



    In tabular form the instruction and training program
appears as follows:

                       NO. OF    W.KS.PER  HRS. PER  STU. HRS.

1. Graduates Air Corps    10       12        20       2400
2. Graduates Civilians     20       12        20       4800
3. Signal Corps          160         6       24      15360
4. ASTP-Rechanical         50       12         4       2400
5, ASTP-Civil              42       12         3       1512
5. Undergraduates          24       12        16       4608

        Total             306                         31080


   1. Cooperative Lubricating Oil Research Program.

   At the request of the Power Plant Branch of the Materiel
Division of the Army Air Forces we are conducting the full
scale engine test part of this program.

   The object is to improve aircraft power plant lubricating
oils in general and thus increase our resources.   A particu-
lar object at the moment is to improve oil, made from other
than Pennsylvania crude, by means of additives to the point
where such oils can be approved for general use in airplane

   The work consists of running an engine under severe load
conditions for 100 hours, making chemical and physical
tests of the oil during the run, measuring the quantity and
composition of carbon and sludge deposits at the end of the
run and evaluating the amount of wear in the various engine
parts.   Thus far eight samples of 5 barrels each have been
tested.   Contracts for work on 12 additional ,sailples are

   29 uxJ~iLSrZ Type Test.

   At the request of the Equipment Laboratory of the Materiel
Division of the Army Air Forces we have assisted them in
type testing small auxiliary gasoline electric power plants
for use in large aircraft.

   After a type test is satisfactorily concluded the unit
 stands approved for production.   One such test was completed
 in our laboratory and this power plant is now being produced
 in quantity.



   3. Fuel Research Pro Wt for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft,

   One object of this work is to determine the engine re-
sponse and combustion characteristics of a full scale 1200
HP engine, when supplied with various commercial and ex-
perimental fuels.

   Further objects are to correlate the results with single
cylinder work being done at the same time in Hartford, Con-
necticut, and finally to improve and develop laboratory
procedure for this purpose.

   This project has been in operation for one year during
which time 75,000 gallons of various fuels have been tested.
A number of improvements in the technique of testing have
been made, notably:

   a. A novel method for ventilating the testroom was
developed in which the energy of the engine exhaust is
utilized to induce an air circulation of 15,000 CFS in the
room. As a result test room temperatures have been lower-
ed from the usual 3500F to a temperature only 10OF above
that of the outside atmosphere.

   b. Control systems have been developed and installed
to permit the automatic control of engine speed, carburetor
air, oil and cylinder head temperatures.

   4. High Altitude Coolant Pump.

   A coolant pump impeller was designed and made to reduce cav-
itation encountered at high altitude with liauid cooled engines,
The principles of this impeller have been incorporated in mod-
ified form in an experimental high power aircraft engine be-
ing developed by Continental Aviation & Engineering Corpora-
tion, Detroit, Michigan.

   5. Piston Studies.

   For the same company studies were made of thermal flow
in pistons and distortions of cylinder bore and pistons under
operating conditions.   These studies have contributed to
substantial improvements in Piston design permitting a decid-
ed increase in power output over conventional practice.

   6. fawen Slide Valve..

   The Mawen slide valve was developed to a point where long
continued operation urder severe load was accomplished with
negligible wear, This valve permits construction of an en-.
gine with higher specific output and lower fuel consumption.

   7. Mawn 100 a Airgrgft Engine.

   An engine intended for use in small private airplanes was de-
signed, built, tested and developed utilizing the Mawen slide



      valve,  Nearly all of the many difficulties encountered in
      work of this sort have been overcome.

         8& iawen Auxiliary.

         A gasoline-electric power unit of large size has been de-
      signed on the Rawen valve principle to meet Air Corps speci-
      fications,  The engineering work for two units has been

         9. Supercharger.

         A novel type supercharger has been designed.


         1. Lexington Signl Depot,

         The Lexington Signal Depot in taking acceptance of a series
      of 1000 large Diesel electric power units discovered that after
      a brief run the engine main bearings were in bad shape.   Upon
      being consulted in this matter we succeeded in determining
      the cause of the trouble and recommended a small change in de-

          After a meeting with the manufacturer these changes were
       adopted and put through at the expense of the purveyor.

          Subsequent tests have given complete satisfaction.

          2. Continental Aviation & Research Cgrpgratione

          For a period of 2J years we have been engaged by this com-
       pany as a consultant on the development of a large aircraft
       engine of extremely high output.   Details of this work cannot
       be divulged.
                         - - - - - - - - - -

     F. Prop~osg  gf the Wa Production Board o  Act Ferritic Steel

     President Donovan presented the following correspondence of James
H. Graham, dean of the College of Engineering, and certain other mem-
bers of the College of Engineering concerning a proposal for contract
between the University of Kentucky and the War Production Board for
another Ferritic Steel Project.   The following correspondence was



                                 January 26, 1944

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

My dear President Donovan:

     I invite your attention to the attached correspondence
and proposal of the Consunw Products Branch, War Production
Board.   The form of proposal and contract is under the same
terms and conditions as the contract between the University
and War Production Board on the Ferritic Steel Project, ex-
cept that it is for a larger sum.

     You will note from the correspondence that (a)the ceil-
ing salary which we can pay for technical service on this
contract is $6,000 per year* that (b)technical assistance
is estimated at $27,000; (cinon-teohnial employment at
420,400, and (d) that the contract allows 50% of the sum
total of the payroll to be paid to the University as over-
head, or $27,300.

     I think the $10,000 estimated for new equipment is
sufficient as we also have available the Coal Laboratory
the Civil Engineering Laboratory, and the Highway Materials
Laboratory.   You will note the sum total is estimated at
4100,000 and the time for completion is set at one year.

     There are many thousands of materials that are now
broadly termed plastics.   This particular work involves
using phenols, which may be derived from Professor Crouses
Coal Laboratory, with various materials and aggregates
thereof, which may be tested in many prescribed ways in
Professor Terrell' s laboratory.  There is no chemistry
involved in this particular piece of research.

     I recommend that this contract receive your approval.

                                    Yours truly,

                                    (Signed) James H. Graham



                     WAR PRODUCTION BOARD
                       Washington,D .C.

                       January 12, 1943

Mr. C. S. Crouse
School of Engineering
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Crouse:

     I was interested to learn that the School of Engineering of
the University of Kentucky and its associates has in mind develop-
ing a building plastic of low cost that might be applied to a wide
variety of war-time construction. As I understand it, the plas-
tic which you have in mind will be one which can be molded, ex-
truded, milled, or sawed so that it will be adapted for applica-
tion to almost any structural purpose.

     Your proposed product might be used for low cost war housing
and it might have particular application to prefabrication. A
number of prefabricators have told me that mass production of high
standard housing depended not so much on new manufacturing pro-
cesses as on the availability of a new plastic material which
could be used throughout a building.

     Enclosed are copies of our standard contract form. You will
note that the University is at the liberty to sub-contract or
hire outside consultants.   The only limitation in this connec-
tion is a ceiling salary of $6000 per year for technical service
of any kind. While this is not a rigid rule, it would be rather
difficult to increase this and most of our projects are carried
out by personnel receiving considerable less than this.

     It is the policy of this office to write its contracts in
rather general terms because we know from experience that the
most valuable results from research are often due to discoveries
or developmnts which are rather different from the original ob-
jective of the study.   What we try to do is find men of high
technical ability and give them a maximum amount of freedom.

      After you have had time to look over this contract, I should
 be glad to hear from you more details regarding your building
 plastic program at thib time.   Please let me have an estimate of
 costs and a general description of your proposal.

      In conclusion, I should add that all of our projects are
undertaken for the wfar effort. We do no post-war work whatever.
Most of our contracts run from four months to a year and we have
no long range studies.

      I am particularly happy that there's a prospective of having
 a project at your University particularly because we do not have
 any research sponsored by this office going on in your area.
                                  (Signed) Philip N. Youtz Chief
                                           Consumer Producrs branch.



                116th Street and Burley Avel
                   Chicago, Illinois

                                       January 18, 1944

Mr. Clyde Williams, Chairman,
War Metallurgy Committee
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington 25, D.C.

Dear Mr. Williams:

As you know, I left the University of Kentucky on completion
of the work on Project NRC-526 to take a position with Repub-
lic Steel. Your letter of December 20 regarding patent pos-
sibilities was sent to me here and I had an addendum added
to the stencils of the final report to the effect that in
my opinion none of the discoveries warrant patent eplication.

Mr, Strickland write regarding a meeting to talk over this
phase of the work! and I answered his letter and told him of
my present location.   Unfortunately the metallurgists working
with me on the program nave left the University;   Professor
Crouse would prefer that lMr. Strickland see me on the matter
if details must be discussed, since he was unable because
of other duties to keep informed on more than the general
trend of the work.

Please advise me if more than the addendum to the final re-
port is necessary in order to have final settlement of the

                                        Yours truly,

                                        (Signed) Francis T.McGuli

                                        January 27, 1944
 Dean James H. Graham
 University of Kentucky
 My dear Dean Graharn:
      This letter is to confirm my approval, which I gave you
 in conference yesterday, regarding the proposal of the Gonsum-
 ers Products Branch, War Production Board.  I shall gladly
 recommend that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with
 the Government for this research.
                                       Cordially yours,

                                    (Signed) H. L. Donovan


* * * * * if * * * *

            5. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the pro-
               posal for the contract with the War Production
               Board for a study regarding ferritic steel, as
               outlined, is authorized accepted, and the
               Chairman of the Executive Committee authorized
               to sign such a contract when presented in proper
                         * ** * * * * ** *

     G. Supplemental Agreement for Extension Work in Farm Labor Sun-
q1 and Distribution in Kentucky.

     President Donovan submitted the supplemental agreement for ex-
tension work in farm labor supply and distribution of farm labor in
Kentucky.   He stated that thils was an extension of contract dated
April 29, 1943, regarding farm labor program, and recommended its ap-
proval for the coming year,   Upon recommendation of President Dono-
van, the Executive Committee took the following action:

                         *4s * * * * * * * *

            6, Upon motion duly made and seconded, the supple-
               mental agreement for extension work in farm
               labor is approved, and the proper administra-
               tive officer is authorized to sign contract in
               behalf of the University of Kentuczty.
                         * * * it * * * * * *

     H. Gifts to Experiment Station:
           a. For carrying on dairy fieldmen's short course;
           b. For forwarding the work of Experiment Station in the
                   welfare of farm crops.

     President Donovan presented the following letters from Dean Coop-
er concerning gifts which have been received:

                                      February 12, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:
     I thought you would bc interested to know of the receipt
     of a check for $147 from the dairy industry to aid us in
     carrying on the Dairy Fieldmen's Short Course held Feb.
     ruary 2 and 3 at Lexington.   Th-is has been turned over to
     the Comptroller,
             the Comptroller.          Sincerely yours,

                                        (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                 Dean & Director.



                                          January 21, 1944
    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

      I am transmitting herewith check for $500 from the Kentucky
      Seed Stocks, Incorporated.   This is contributed for the
      purpose of forwarding the work of the Kentucky Agricultural
      Experiment Station in promoting the welfare of farm crops
      in Kentucky in such a manner as the Director may determine.
      I am sending the check to you since These funds are con-
      tributed to the Experiment Station subject to the under-
      standing that they are to be available upon order of the
      Director, for the purpose stated, and without restriction
      upon the part of the University of Kentucky or the State
      of Kentucky,   It is further specified  that this fund
      shallbe treated as a trust fund, the money or unexpended
      balance thereof to be returned to Kentucky Seed Stocks,
      Incorporated, in t he event expenditures cannot be made for
      the general purpose indicated or that the contribution is
      not acceptable as a trust fund.   If you approve of the
      conditions which, it seems to me, are wholly acceptable,
      will you please pass the check to Mr. Peterson.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                    Dean and Director,

The Executive Committee took the following action:

            7. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the gifts
               as outlined are ordered received and the Pres-
               ident is directed to write letters to the
               donors expressing the appreciation of the Execu.
               tive Committee on behalf of the Board of Trustees
               of the University of Kentucky for these gifts.
                          * ** * ** **     *



     I. Restoration of the Department of Social Work.

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that the
Board of Trustees, at a meeting on January 12, 1943, ordered that the
Department of Social Work be discontinued after June 30, 1943.   He
outlined to the Committee the desirability of the University of Ken-
tucky re-establishing the Department of Social Work and called at-
tention to the great demand for social workers that now exists
through the United States.   He stated that he and Dean Boyd had col-
laborated on the question of re-establishing the Department, and
both agree that the Department should be re-established, and that
they had also been able to secure, subject to the approval of the
Board of Trustees, the services of Dr. narold E. Wetzel of Ohio
State University to head the department.   The President also read
the following correspondence:

     1 9 4 4

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear president Donovan:

     Sr. Harold  . Wetzel of Ohio State University has written,
     accepting our offer of the position of Professor and Head
     of the Department of Social Work for the year 1944-45,
     beginning September 1, 1944, on a twelve months' basis.
     I recommend this appointment.

     Mr. Wetzel has been an instructor in sociology at Ohio
     State University for several years while working on his
     Ph.D. degree.   This,he expects to receive in June, 1944.
     he received the B. S. in Social Administration from Ohio
     State University School of Social Work and his M.A. in
     Sociology,   His dissertation is in the field of public
     housing.   He was employed for over a year as case worker
     and supervisor in the Federal Transient Service and was
     assistant city supervisor on the U.S. Department of Labor
     study of consumers' purchases in 1936-6 in charge of from
     fifty to one hundred and twenty-five field agents.    In
     connection with his teaching, he has conducted field trips
     to local welfare institutions and has made studies of Work-
     man's Compensation and the cz~re of the insane.  He has been
     consultant with the Board of Classification at Ohio
     Penitentiary and with the local housing project. He has
     worked with the local Division of Social Statistics.

     sir. Wetzel is forty-three years of age, is married, and
     has two children.

     Sincerely yours,

     (Signed) aul. P. Boyd



                   THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY


                                           February 18, 1944

    Dean Paul P. Boyd
    College of Arts and Sciences
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Ky.

    Decor Dean Boyd:

                          As I intimated in my last letter to
    you I greatly appreciate the opportunity you offer me in
    your letters of Jan. 31 and Feb. 14th to participate in
    the development of social work preparation at your school.
    You may be interested in knowing that the reaction of my
    friends and colleagues has been uniformly favorable and
    that their general opinion is that Lexington Is a friendly
    and pleasant place to live and work.

                           Accordinglyt I accept your proposal
    and look forward with anticipation to joining your staff
    next fall.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                            (Signed) H. E. Wetzel.

The Executive Committee took the following action:

           8. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, it is ordered that the Department of
              Social Work be established as of September 1,
              1944, and that Dr. Harold E. Wetzel of Ohio
              State Universi.ty; be employed to hetad the De-
                        * * * * * * * * * *



    J. Letter of Aapregiatjon from Former Governor Keen Johnson.

    President Donovan called attention of the Executive Committee
to the fact that at a meeting in December, a resolution of apprecia-
tion for the loyal support and generous service rendered by Former
Governor Keen Johnson to the Uhiversity of Kentucky while a member
of the Board of Trustees was properly enscrolled and presented to
Former Governor Keen Johnson, and that he had received a letter
ac'.;nowledgig. same, whereupon the Executive Committee authorized
the letter spread upon the minutes of the Executive Committee:

                        WASHINGTON, D. C.

                                           Feb. 7, 1944

     Dear Dr, Donovan:

          I appreciate immensely the generous expression
     contained in the resolution of the Board of Trustees.
     I derived much personal satisfaction from that which I
     was able to do for the University while Governor.

          I was bitterly disappointed because we were frus-
     trated in other plans for the University because of the
     War. I had wanted so much to get the Field House well
     on the way to completion.

          I enjoyed my association with members of the Board
     very much and have an exalted esteem for them.

          I am finding my new job as assistant to the Pres-
     ident of Reynolds ketals Cot very interesting.   I've
     gotten completely relaxed.   I am again sleeping soundly.
     My nerves are again steady and I feel extremely well.

          The parchment containing the resolution will always
     be a treasured possession.   I am deeply touched by this
     gracious action of men whose friendship I cherish.

          Be assured again of my affectionate regard for you.

                                           Cordially yours,

                                           (Signed) Keen Johnson.



    K. Gifts:
        aeFrom Mrc Bonnyman for the ourchase of bookE for the Uni-
                          versitv Library.
        b.From Srs. George Edwin Smith, mgnuscript of her novel,
                          "She Came to the Valleytl

     President Donovan read the following letter concerning the gift
of Xr. Bonnyman. and also his letter to Mrs. George Edwin Smith con-
cerning her gift of the original manuscript of the novel, "She Came
to the Valley."

                                           Knoxville, Tennessee
                                              January 27th, 1944.
     Doctor H. L. Donovan
     President, University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky.

     Dear Doctor Donovan:

            I told you the other day when I had the pleasure of
     meeting you and charming kirs. Donovan, of whom I know you
     are proud, that when somebody said some nice things about
     my giving books to your library this would cost me a hundred
     dollars, and here it is.

            I shall appreciate it if you will endorse it over to
     the proper person or committee you have in charge of the
     purchase of books.   I never got rid of a hundred dollars
     with more pleasure.

            When Mrs. McVey said we would stop and see President
     and Mrs. Donovan I did not know what a great treat she was
     giving me.

            When I left Kentuclkzy, after having worked in the moun-
     tains of Kentucky on different engineering projects for
     about two years, I was twenty-two years old and went to be
     Resident Engineer on what is now the Seaboard Air Line be-
     tween Savannali and Columbia,   I did not get back to Ken-
     tucky, except for a few hours visit on professional matters,
     for over twenty years, and at that time I called on President
     James K. Patterson, then!r President Emeritus of the University
     of Kentucky.   I asked him if he remembered me and he sur-
     prised me by saying he remembered me with affectionate re-

            I asked some one later how a President of a Universi-
     ty could remember a student twenty-five years with affection-
     ate remembrance, and he stated - 'You must have been an
     outstanding student."   The only way I was an outstanding
     student was that I never went unprepared for any lesson.
     Therefore, if that is the basis of being a good student I
     can claim th