xt7ksn012x34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn012x34/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1961-11-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 13, 1961 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 13, 1961 1961 1961-11-13 2020 true xt7ksn012x34 section xt7ksn012x34  



























The University Bacultf met in the Assembly Room of Infferty Hall
Monday, November 15, Ft 4:00 p. m In the absence of Plesulont Dickey,
Vice ETesident Lee H, Clemacrlain pres_Lded.

The minutes of the meeting if October 9 had been sent to the Faculty,
and on motion of the necrotE 3[ were approved without being read.
Dr. Chamberlain presented two ViSib rem the University of San
Carlos and welcomed them to the meeting

Dr. Chamberlain also presented the three representatives of the
Student Congress, Miss Anne Evans, Jim Daniel, President OI tlie Student
Congress, and David Graham.

In the absence of Dr. Scher a9o , Chairrnan of the Schedule Committee,
the Secretary presented tie proposed cal

end.ar for 1962 which had been
consideredz it the October meeting and ac tie on postponed to November. He
moved approval of the calendar with 013 correction which would cnan e the

last date for making appl:Lc ation for :Mlmi ss ion to the Summer E§ession from
May 27 to May lb.

A motion to take two and one—half days from the Nastcr Vacation to
make the number of teaching days in the second semester th . sane as in
the first semester, was defeated.

The Faculty approved an amendment to the salendar whi_ch provided for
senior grades to be in the Registrar's Office by Saturday morning at 0:00
o’clock, June 1. Alumni Day Saturday, June I; Baccalaureate Services June
2; and Commencement June 5. [is a1n ended the calendar was approved.




1962 Fall .5011"; 384061”

Aug: 15 J6 dnes day — .agI"5;tc'Eb submit application and transcripts
to Admissions Office for Fe ll Semester 1962—63

Sept. 15 satuida ~ All transfer students and freshmen not pre—
registered report to Coliseum at 7:45 a.m

Sept. 16 Sunday ~ President‘s reception for new students

Sept. 17-19 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ~ Classification, registration,
and orientation

Sept. 20 Thursday - Class work begins

Sept. 25 Tuesday — Last date one may enter an organized class for
the Fall Semester

Oct. 1 Monday ~ last date one may drop a course without a grade

Oct. 2,5 Tuesday and Wednesday — Last days for filing application
for a Ja.r uary degree in College Dean‘s office.

Nov. 14 Wednesday — Mid~term grades due in Registrar's Office by
4:00 p.m.

Nov. 21—25 Wednesday noon through Sunday ~ Thanksgiving holidays.
Class work begins tienday, November 26th,at 8:00 a.m.

Dec. 20 Thursday, 8:00 a.H . — Christmas holidays begin


Jan. 5 Thursday, 8:00 a.m. — Classes resume—~Christmas holiday

Jan. 7 Monday — Last date to submit application and transcripts

to Admissions(3ffice for Spring Semester, 1962—65




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Summary of Teaching DeVs, Tell Semester, l962~60

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  • 31 “’ IBCI 53:; El II . . l ”A, ‘ n -.‘ mn‘r » . :‘ r‘vl ‘ n ,‘u C": rlfi‘rl 113’s LIO I .IICI L ‘I ' Ajfllc :11 MCI-1i I) . 1111.13 Ill" ‘ I(_)._;z';), '_-_ —‘ ”—1 F:— 172.“ . J— . N1 I UMJWI’LLM’ w» lhb ooXu 10g on Monday, ”I D J” ‘ v I - I ., r I“ W1 , ., . __1_(,\ 7 nxlafls, Ix . J. LI. usculou, 1:331: 3th,;ul ULIMI, IuroooIIuoo ’ r ' In,» I n 1. -1« n. r ‘ F‘ ~‘ ,1 r\ —~ , - ‘ - fl ~~ r -, P ovllogo o; gru— 3pm Honoqoox oovoKIQg mow cowroos, ~ , n ‘ M. I In- J‘l a ,‘r IV: “I , rm “man: I rm»: :I 8 1:1 u 0L}. 0 :: UJ l,l_,.b 7 ~_l'£» .‘IC' 7. 9 LL um Cb} 1.1 LI £101.]. b . JAIL; I 0(DIDI1'1G M1l only by teachers who are also prC‘d ucti vc res arch orhers, To this end undue :Lll in ‘ : ' “M: J. 3 s. pm bIOChGHISbS Is an biochemistry is .2... n_ c lead to inves can be courses no m1nimised. The principal emphasis of the tra nfillg proliferation of departmental effort will be irnx’m ti r tor a. zibcn1_t :Ci f1 7v greases olxi. fiar II by 'The growth the avail— pomz r1Tul new research he support of research {xiznony IMNH oo113*11n1ties stry, as a dISOlDI‘QJ, is greatly accolera 01d s:i_nco w‘orl d ’ I development of funds Bioche mi of the field has been ability of radioiso topes by techniques, and by th e availability in the field This rap id {3rowth nae .31 , Lil?) whole for biochemists but Le s also made it Hepartusrt o1 ,1110— chemistry have in it1 eI1 of varying training and interests. The manifold developments in bi ocnemisbrr 1ave made it eIl but imoos si‘iile for an in~ O n alout more than a frac bl 11 ex the field. the Iepartment of Biochemistry in the College interests Their interests, however, are not 'miey‘ ceiniot Inuilhlllfi‘ su113p(;r t amni achrLse: other dividua- to be well—informed The personnel selected for of Medicine do have diverse so remote from each other that members of the group. The training and research intocesUc of the pre esent members of the department are summarized in the ApIendix to this proposal. It is projected that at full activation the department will consist of eight faculty members of who no less than six will be of rank and accomplishment which will qualify them for membership in the Grad ate School Faculty. While the department is not wholly activated, lLoTUIb n: of graduate students and application for funds fro m which they may be supported are both lengthy procedures vhich depend upon having an approved graduate program. Too, there are real adve ntaoe infiott n0 all the activities of the department orca nize as soon as po ss1ble. The onthus Lasm for launch— I ing a new department should not be diSSWI)& ed by undue delay .. TACIIITI ”5 The facilities of the department are still being inveloo1r However, theI,* are even now adequate for invest‘oauion in most Iields of biocIemistry. The department has 8,600 square feet of laboratory and OIfICO space. Cold room, animal rooms, a vented chromattgraphy room and preparation room equipped for handling large scale enzyme preparations are available to membmt of the department. The major items of equipement in the department are' Packard Tri—Garb liquid scintillation spectrometer Nuclear—Chicaoo gas flow sample chanv and scaler Spinco model uipped with schlieren and interference E analytical ultracentrifuge optics, Spinco model H electrophoresis—diffusion apparatus 2 Spinco model L preparative ultracentrifuges High voltag go paper electrophoresis apparatus 2 Car3r recording ul uraviclet and visible spectrophotometers Farrand ultraviolet and visible recording spectrophotofluorimeter fit—‘A~J<_u A. 4‘q-F-l —— v———/"‘—— ,_,._/—. “.A.‘ R ()1 ('xQ ("Lt—Snr—v‘ r‘ 161‘ ml ed m— I‘S ‘4—‘A/1—1 HI -_,.._ “.1“ , 4‘“.-. .__ ___/v _ —\1 — 1—..41—‘U—‘u k, Recorden“ pHL r‘ I , ~ "-3- 9 ZOle ulc ,. V.‘ 1 “,1. 71,1 -L‘, w —' '3 1 5 amp/311,1 1.») 111-1 111.18 1J1t1- Various vd)h““hnr‘ fraction cliocc etc. F17 » "J 1: — 1n '3 1.1. contain “terest bee n express" of the De1r Department of disciplines, it is lciLi ll wish to depomvuntnits xvi a De1iar of DD possible in the College However diverse meit . 1 of tiedice l Centm may intere ests broad e cerned with biocl partment will be ing'U1e resources Duri1g (ii scu chemistry it was to continue to of had begun its t a pointed on as was and 01 biochemist 0f viewpoint and of purpose also preclude the Depar rmacy, crobiol.ogv, courses which wil 400, offered in t 722, offered in t by the School of in Disease 512. antici iiad It is would have biolcg . are COHI‘S (38 Or 220, 223 year of .L7 [III in and C ~ r -'~ 7 \J« r ~~1 T -»‘ ‘1 1 \ ravioiec and VlSlDlJ urces needed ior the developlnent of ‘1' l 0 CJ') 3111; “ that in the future .11 T1112; The minimum requirements c3t r CJKL‘titrator spectre glass? 1L3. I. 1:; ccnqtrfigfu c0311 LEG/.37 in) :L" L n .... - ~ 7‘ , oniomatography ecu n this NEED [1ND 13.131111 ND membe_~ of the Coll of M-,rroLo A 1 , - f. 1312.110 7 0.3 OOJLL‘I'. L118 '0 1 IO? _-_ ,1 LICL'LUCFJ 111.» t}: developmen Mecicine may not me interest of the is unlikely 1 A _. J_ DU, .1. b mistry. Should this pleased they need. RELATIOW TO OTHHH ssions prior to pointed fer Physiological Chemistry 550, 552, after this department ching program There can be no objection to this since, t in the preceding discussion, the orientation of chemists s to the gene al area of inQLfi m1 is quite different. Differences l he offered in he College of Phe Le Department of Home Economics, 1'.‘1"J-(‘ 81:1 01") CURRICUIA pated that, eir undergraduate for ‘MGdTI J. \)L 1).}. G GIJ'CG “’1” ‘~(:‘ 14 (JD 8 _Og1”7 (f 1, 8; 1q 113i 11 O “1" not alreama 4. C‘ L SAL/('34 l I tlieii: nough to meet the needs of all areas in the 19 embers of to assist other the University in develo PROGRJ1MS the activati out that the Department of in general, majors photome‘ers JJJJCJ "VJU; [1‘9 P JJCA/ H31 53 'i 33:1" 153111; S,,":‘G [31‘0ng ”.3 .1. 1" 8-111 ul ram . FOR TH1 PPCG1 1k graduate program (\ ei Friculture 1371115111091" members of they be the case, the units of on of onfliLts o:1' Metabolism of "'\ rs . t1. L1" DUDLLL‘ .. T‘ a J— m n , p.131 £18 L117; “S P’UfllCtefS, .1..- r .L .C‘ " 11106171 'u 01 in and O1 PJ73/l O: 01. 00510111.. S can have primary m I‘ll Mi biochemis sitiiogv tool in 1:) 1111' LCJ1 L1 ..,,-, L1 ,', . f“gle the ur1ixrersi L U) I ,_ partment ON THE CAMPUS the Department of Chemistry terest CFO-— and various courses iODlS 3110(“307‘3 GS, betw tment of Biochemistry and Biochemistry organisms 720, Jhemistry try has and 01 the seve eral 0 fr on1 oifiicxr tv J.) t _‘ 1A iii c4 research university con- +1 , 1 ufld 0.6-- p... Bio— might wish een the offered Hdv nced Nutrition 511, and Nutrition AND COURSES graduate stu_de full nt 0 in biochemistry in the fields of chemistry or admission to the graduate pro? ram chemistry equivalent to Chemistry 110, llB, Chemistry 225 hem:1stry 430, 452, one year of a biological science, one and mathematics through the calculus. A reading knowledge 01‘ 1:111: . 1'11 .3 1 1 J: program 1 U1 preparetimlf ':.._11 be “.7,:_- ‘ :uJolfln of .11 1:1 U) 1" E 0111uteu —~.- ‘-_3_ [11.31153 .1 (33.1“ '1') _.1.11181)511M‘1 ‘3} S , SULNAB’MDUHH ——~A:. .1 _: . V is researdq 51(30 L1 3 L1111r111.rr113 :1 ~ ' ; .1111‘ 1:?’? ii ”1L;f: 5 ,_11':.:"1 « or 1‘f321? 11?.‘11 ir"“j '21: 21:11:- 3.1. . ~. , : . Utah , CO-1.1..:.1111)I:.L , .«JLL.1.-.b' , c; L; C; . DOC LUCOll of}. 5.1.011 L11. L;.:_L.L r3 QClLL 1; 1/035: :,;- ’ ‘iJ'_ ( ' ‘ -r~ ‘7 \ '- v,: r r~-- ~x \- ~ ""~/‘ 1a~~ J- . m ,'-—n ,1 511“ 1:70; . .L l; .1- S '1 » J-. 1.— ” J. ..." .«w 1f '1 — - .. ‘ on tenon in QAJBIOlbgR, wicm' ole“ HU|FOSbS of the ’iual graduate student, a r31ru~;flbutiVO programl mL ght well include, 1 u re» 1.. . V. e “u. .. . .qP-g . n111-1e eLLc1- };1‘of;I%1 1 1:1LLJ- L>e 1.1 ULMJLL ’tz; tllt: Ilutfitufi 111C . » J. .1.“ . 37‘ ~ _.. row ‘ .17 Lu: -., ., .1 , o r ,- Lion CO LAC bbhrouo oiie1uo In bllb H“D;Ibmuflu, no lOllUWlflg cour see i... .J. .. . m ..,..r_‘, “.4. .0 mt. ,fl, 1 #4.. .,,. offer 06.1 1);}; 1,1113 1)‘_.L?i3Cu_L 131111511 1; OJ. (411611.15 tl‘,;; . Chemistry 510 — Advanced Inorganic Cliemie try. Cle‘ietry 50/ — Quolitetive C‘r“n1c Analysis. Chemistry 512 — Chemical Thermodynamics Chemistry 634 — Inc fileoi“oxlc Theory as Applied t7 Organic ,owclfions, . _ r; r; ’7... ~ ,3 ., .0 1",, ,v‘r ... I. FEM.“ c. . . ‘J. ““77 istrj Coo — 1111o13105 oi @15mnlc ononiet1U L.) r—~‘J 1., \ ; ‘5; . - ,1. [‘4 _‘. ' m.- , 3 .' 73,1 \3 11...]. ' ,5, '1 ' . . : ..‘_. J. Gheniobr; 0mm — slinciileo o1 thSl‘ml Chdhlfiufg. Chemistry 656 — Ctereoieomeriem of CarDOL Compounds. Chemie 1X 0;: — Cnrmicol Kin sic . Microbiology 400 — General Bacteriology. Liorobi ol-ogv 720, 722 ~ Metabolism of Microorganisms. Botany 550 — Introduction to Heredity. e3 Botanv 552 ~ Genee and heir Action. Zoology 515 ~ General Histology. Invsvcl<fiy Sll — Medical thsiology or Ph;swoLocv 502, 505 — Principles of jtysicloc . Physiology 512, 515 ~ Cellular Physiology. Philosophy 560 — Philosophy of Science. APPHNDIX Staff of the Department of Biochemistry, 0011313 f Medicine, University a 1 1’1) Robert'L._Lester t Georgi J. Schwer Born Januar; v 27, 1919. B. A., summa cum laude, Ph. D., UnJv ers:ity of Minnesota, 19 . Agricultucal BLoc1*Htst“*, Univer“',y of Minnemma Assistant, Division of 1941—42; part—time ochenis,, Sharp and Dohme, Inc. Ensigna and Lt. (j.g. ), USNR, 1944—46. As MOOI9LG, Department Research bi Instructor and Resear on Carleton Col1_eee, Instructor, 1942—4/ 0. 7 1* Urrrver‘siiry $301100]. of‘ ini c110, i1941_—uc); 1948— 52; Associate Professor 19 52— W; Professor and Chairman, D~5artn >nt 0:? University of IC entucky, 1959— . Mei kle Soho Consultant, Member: Am (Great Britain), AmeriCan Scienc Sigma lar in Mec1j_ USPHS, 1959 erican Soo:1e e (Fellow), (i, Phi Beta cal Science, 1949— 54 TY F! CU Ll‘l’ Ami/35111133511 (] “ll: :5 '— 15 44. 7 1961 of Bi och emi 81137.1“ 7 DUKG {“4 S\Jif) PT01165SOF, wt of Biological Chemists, Association for America1 Association of t11e Kappa, Phi Lambda Ups ilon. J. 45 publications in the fields of specifici action, Richard S. Schwe et r 6, 1918. Born Octobe 7;: M. 3., Iowa FITSJQ LIGHT; Ph D, , Iowa PostdOGtOre Mj_SCOD 393 oarch F9 Techno Chief, Caro r Hope Me State CollOb enant, Army 1 Fe lloa'v, Th 110w, Department of Biolog , The CelH Fel logy, 1951—5 iac Chemistr e o 5, 3.,College of City of New York, 1931 ~ 1941. Air Force, 1941—45. State College, are J.U W 05111 i; Bioche Advancement 01 p51 ., (1.110, 17.113 physical biochemistry of proteins. Univer sity Professor, 1957—59. E3iochomistry, College of Medicine CELl Society Professors, chanism of enzyme e Institute for unsvmc Research, University of sin, 1950—51. r1 5; Senior Research 1 on Career A‘.1af‘d, UDPI’ID, 1961." o 10w, Member: American Society of Biological Chemists, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Societ 26 publicat metabo Born August B. 8., Yale Ph D. Cali. Re search F flisccn y , Sigma Xi , ions in the lism, protein 21, 1929. University, fornia Insti H1filo‘J flflie In sin, 1955—58 fields of electron synthesis. 1951. tute of Technology, sti tute for Enzyme ; Assistant Profess J. 195 394 S 01, bra“ 6. earch, _Or‘fll{l 1955—57. y Section, Department of Biochemistry, City of J Americ Institute of cine, University Estaolish ed Investigator of the American Heart Association, r ainirio 19 5(J"60¢. 1956—60. nChemical acid University of .—-.p—_A,s—__,——J ———. _ . ,. . a \_ ._._. A _: _.__. __.__...__.—L‘ _ —..A,———~—~—a./—\_ IF‘rfl, _, 45—. 1 .LWV Il,v L 111’j" .fC7L enzyme U. U" duced m .. J.. .5. L' ‘1 1, 1’1 1 Themical / “a i 1 L1 w—a‘ 1'] r (/4 In) “(I ii.L¥‘ _‘ .fl \ / ,L k.) “In ni\ :J( :1: L.‘ .sm and e U ,_ .:.. Ln [Al LN; OE; L.‘ ”XLL C ’7 ul i c "abol \ t L1 1: .x-.‘ .V vast 1’1 ‘ 1 "TIM ' I q117 I... J. I f 1118' ‘13." L . x ., T‘.‘ J o r . JL, v.7 '-,;-x ,"i “‘J [Li J0 Stat .. , T 'T‘ . C;Gtg, ulgma , w m I pm i); O , .I .1 .1- (‘1 L) O T" ‘ a ii ”1 9' a . .V ,'_ ,l U 15'}, 1'18; 111 63111 Oz“ V. ~A_, .01. u L'.‘ U 11,- A ~~r*:nr~.' ‘x‘ 1)]; \ ‘. [7.1 I'— L} _ g \ ..._.‘.__ \l -JLSK trofessor .»€LI‘C§1 “loan ons ign. v! .L 1 ".(71- ‘- 11‘ .JV -,~Af~}‘ ' \1‘ . ,-~ {A L) ~. 7 , A. ,’\ Y r A. 1.51" ‘1 L {I - ,. m . L) "i K IIU .— -,‘ J. (in b "v’ 63 1" S" ., n . (,1, L l iicat. OTILJ airarrt J? J. So‘l SI; 0 .. a 'V .7 ixlt) ., r’ , J. .1 4: l84l MINUTES OF i~fl ULT7nn3“T‘ FAGUREY NOVJHDJR lo, lfdl 1 I John 9- :11-.. 1 do 1 march 27, 19”“ E 23. S. , Unjfl/ersiigf of (Til LChcmna,, lf-.,"E1rf?..~ P"11.D., Univor s:1t3r of 'fias11i11ggto11, 19:113.“ ( .LoLth Assistant, Deoartment of biocncni 3ry, Uni