xt7ksn012t90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn012t90/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 11, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 11, 2001 2001 2001-09-11 2020 true xt7ksn012t90 section xt7ksn012t90 LEFT 0F CENTER




I received these
suggestions in an
e-mail on how to
annoy your
roommate and was
rolling on the floor. I
just had to share
them with you.

Kill several people. Store
the corpses
underneath your
roommate's bed. Call
the police.

Burn all your waste
paper while eyeing
your roommate

Hide your underwear and
socks in your
roommate's closet.
Accuse him of
stealing them.

Whenever his parents
call and ask for your
roommate, breathe
into the phone for
five seconds, then
hang up.

Hang stuffed animals
with nooses from
your ceiling.





Whenever you walk l
by them mutter, j
"You shouldn't have
done that to me."

Set your roommate's
bed on fire.
Apologize and explain
that you’ve been
watching too much
“Beavis and
Butthead." Do it
again. Tell him that
you're not sorry
because this time he
deserved it.

Buy some knives.
Sharpen them every
night. While you're
doing so, look at your
roommate and l
mutter, "Soon.


Bring in potential ”new"
roommates from
around campus. Give
them tours of the
room and the
building. Have them
ask about your
roommate in front of
him, and reply, “0h,
him? He won't be
here much longer." l

Collect hundreds of pens
and pile them on one
side of the room.
Keep one pencil on
the other side of the
room. Laugh at the

Collect potatoes. Paint
faces on them and
give them names.
Name one after your
roommate and
separate it from the
others, Wait a few
days, then bake it
and eat it. Explain to
your roommate. “He
just didn't belong."


Paint a tunnel on the
wall like they do in
cartoons. Every day.
hit your head as you
attempt to crawl
through it. Hold your
head and grumble
"Stupid road runner."

For all 222 ways. visit

- Jared Whalen

THE 411 i

7.7 5.7

ll 00W the weather
could be this nice all

31;“? .9 _.§ ; .9

VOL. 33108 ISSUE 3814


#. -._._ ., , . I
News t lips ? ‘
Call ZST-i9t5 or e-mail


Vice President Dick Cheney visited Lexington
Monday for the first time since the Centre

College debate.



of Mark
film i 2

rallies Fletcher supporters

Cheney: ‘i'm here to make sure Ernie comes
back to the us. Congress.’

by Lamin Swarm

set—ti‘iisécnons cotton

Vice President Dick (‘h-
eney visited the Bluegrass for
the first time since the 2000 vice
presidential debate last October
at Danville's (‘entre College.

At a private fundraising
reception for US. Rep. Ernie
Fletcher. R-Ky.. Cheney spoke
to a crowd of about 200 support-
ers of the congressman

"it's nice to be back in Ken-
tucky." said Cheney. also say
ing he was pleased with the
only vice presidential debate
for the Zililll election. "We liked
the way it came out. [in the

election] we carried Kentucky
by a substantial margin."
Fletcher. who is running
for re-election in 2002. received
acclamation from (‘heney for
his involvement in a bi-parti-
san l’atieiits' Bill of Rights.

which passed in the House of

Representative last month.

The bill ensures patients
are provided broad protections
and access to health care while
llMOs are held accountable for
their decisions.

"Ernie did a superb job.

crucial in getting the bill out of

the House." (‘heney said. who
was a congressman in the '80s.

Fletcher spoke highly of
Cheney‘s role in the (ieoi‘ge W
Bush administration.

“He's a vice president more
involved in the president’s
agenda than any other yice
president in history.” Fletcher

(‘heney also spoke on the
top issues on Bush's agenda
since in office including Social
Security. energy and the tax re
fund that .~\niericans are receiv
iiig now “'l‘liis is the first
biggest tax cut in a generation
since Ronald Reagan." he said,

The former seci etary of de
tense also spoke about an up
coming education bill and the
Bush policy on reshaping the
nation's defense to assist troops
in the armed forces

[The armed
\‘(iliiiiteet‘ force

ild't’l‘sl is '1

Yo lll'l‘fl in ‘1ch

them the resources they need."
(‘heney said

While many criticize
Bush‘s energy policy. (‘heney
said it can happen and sees af-
fordable energy as a fundamen-
tal building block to today‘s so-

"We can have a clean envi-
ronnient and increasi- the sup-
ply of affordable resources." he

To assure the Bush agenda
is fulfilled. (‘heney said he sees
Fletcher as a team member to
the current Republican admin

“I'm here to make sure
l‘lrnie comes back to the US.
Congress." (‘heney said. Fletch-
er is running for a third consec-
utive term as Kentucky‘s
congressman for the sixth

UK grads pilot vice president's jet

Cheney's pilot: ‘I’m
just a taxi driver who's
well trained

By Steve Jones
Agility SPMiSDAlfY [DilOP

We don‘t all have a plane. but
the vice president does.

And as llicl-z (‘hi-ney came to
Lexington Monday to speak at a
Republican fundraiser. so did his
let Air Forci- 'i‘wo.

As the blue and white Boeing
7.37 landed in Bluegrass Airport.
UK cadi is from the Air Force
Rl)’l‘(‘ were there to take a glimpse
of the plane that carries the na-
tion‘s second tiiost powerful man.

Two former UK graduates pi-
loted the plane Monday. l,t. (‘ol.
Joseph Bender (class of 1982) and
Major Steve Ward (class of Willi)
arranged a tour of the jet for the

Bender was humble in
defining his role on Air Force Two,

“l'in a just a taxi driver who's
well trained and highly motivat~
ed." he said.

Ward said his training has
helped him to relax into a job that
involves the safety of some of the
nation's most powerful figures.

“You know you‘re doing some-
thing out of the ordinary. but you
do it enough and practice it that it
never feels routine. but you get to
the point where you feel comfort
able doing it."

Bender explained that all of
the plane's flights are non-stop and
that the jet is capable offlying west
all the way to Tokyo or east to
(‘airo without refueling

This is possible by Air Force
Two‘s extra 6i).li(l(l-pound fuel tank
that is not standard in regular
commercial 737s;

DOUG MORGAN l mm Stir:

Lt. Col. Tim Bender, USAF, UK Class of '82, describes his role as a pilot for Air
Force Two to members of UK's AFROTC on Monday morning. Vice President
Dick Cheney was in Lexington to speak at a fundraiser for Rep. Ernie Fletcher.

It is also capable of routing the
entire flight and the pilots are only
left to follow the simple path desig-
nated for the trip.

"it builds a highway in the sky
for you." he said.

The cabin contains ten first
class business seats for the “cus—
tomers." or VIPs on board.

Bender said the plane routine-
ly carries the secretaries of state
and defense. He said there is a
high request rate for use of the
plane by heads of state and that
many requests have to be denied
because of limited space.

"There's definitely a pecking
order for who gets on the air
plane.” Bender said.

There is a special area for the
vice president. who is referred to
as the “Distinguished Visitor" and
his guests and staff. (‘heney has a
small private office with a desk
and a roll-out couch. Bender also
said the vice president is able to
use the telephone system at any
time to reach the White House.

The plane has private fax
lines. phone lines and the lnternet.

"it's very much a flying
business office." Bender said

Administration Building update

An ad hoc committee appointed by UK Presi-
dent Lee Todd met Monday to advise UK on the
renovation of the fire-damaged Administration
Building. The results:

0 A mold problem has begun inside the
building. Senior Vice President for Administra-
tion Jack Blanton said UK is bringing in experts
from Louisville to dispose of the problem.

- Construction crews will build a temporary
roof. consisting of plywood and tar paper, over
the building, and close windows during the next
four to six weeks to dry out the area. The
process will take an indefinite time and require
heaters be placed inside during winter to en-
sure no further damage to the building.

' The committee is debating the addition of a
rear entry to prevent the structure from
appearing closed off to the POT plaza.

0 The second floor of the building will house a
ceremonial room, running the width of the
building. for special meetings, media confer-
ences and other events.

- The committee is considering adding a
classroom to the interior of the building. simi-
iar to that of the University of Kansas, to
increase student traffic inside.



sconsmu l KEMLSTAFT



DOUG MORGAN l ktnnti stw

Maj. Steve Ward, the aircraft commander for Cheney's trip to Lexington,
showed features of Air Force Two to UK AFROTC Cadet Tony Hughes.


LA. minister visits University
to discuss faith-based funding

stir; pth'

A prominent bio k minis
ter will visit campus today to
discuss the is
sue of faith
based funding
and charitable

R e \'

Leonard .lack-

son is theasso

ciate pastor of

First African
Methodist Jackson

(‘hiirch in Los‘ Angeles

Jackson helped planning
and implementing relief eti‘orn
following I. A is it'll? riots

Lance Brunner. an aswci
ate professor of music at l'K
and a member the interfaith

Alliance of the Bluegrass.
which is presenting the event.
said he expects Jackson to ad
dress the issue in general and
talk about the dangers and pos-
sibilities surrounding the is-

it‘s a matter that needs
broad discussion and that in a
vital democracy we need to
have inclusive discussions
about the ways social problems
can be addressed and solved.

Discuss it
Leonard Jackson speaks at noon
today in Student Center Room 230
and at 7:30 pm. tonight at
Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist
Church, 540 W. Maxwell St.


 am Sarah Zopfi
a“? Assrstant Scene Editor
""5”," Wiring» 3‘)! l915 l E-marl kernelart ‘ydDUUlUiTl



Every rose has its thorn

row-1W \

By Patrick Avery

" E b Just when you thought

"v~ . the '80s metal scene could
‘ finally be nothing but a
paragraph in the back of a
history of rock textbook.
Hollywood goes out and
makes a feature length
film about the dreadful
time period.
in Rock Star, Mark
Wahlberg stars as Steel
Dragon tribute band lead
singer Chris Coles. He
takes his tribute band sta-
tus a little too far by imi-
tating the hand up to the
last nipple ring. His hand-



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The Ken Freedman Outstanding AdVlSOY Award is designed to recog-
nize outstanding sFEH/ltr" in the field of academic advising. The two
recipients will receive 8500 travel grants and will he recognized at a


mates accuse him of being
unoriginal and fire him.
They hire another Steel
Dragon tribute bands lead
singer (Third Eye lilind‘s
Stephen Jenkins).

Steel Dragon‘s guitarist
Kirk Cuddy (Dominic West)
gets a hold of Chris and audi-
tions him for the band. Chris
makes it, and soon finds him-
self at the top of the world
playing to packed arenas.
But he soon falls into the
stereotypical rock star
lifestyle: drugs, sex and alco-

Jennifer Aniston shows
up as Chris's girlfriend and
manager. Emily.

Stephen H rek does a
pretty good directing job. At
least better than Don't Tell
Mom the Babysitters “earl.
The Three llrlusketeers and
Holy Man. all his movies

Wahlberg is laughable at
first but we grow accustomed
to his presence as a long»
haired musician. The trans-
formation he makes from
giddy rock star to a drunken
one is an impressive journey.

The movie is clever
when it inserts references to
modern rap songs and cer-
tain album covers with no
band name on them (a la

The. concert scenes are
extraordinary, The minute
Wahlberg steps on the stage,
the audience feels his adula-
tion and adrenaline rush as
15,000 fans scream and cheer
for him.

The documentary-style
interviews at the beginning
and the end of the movie
should have been left for a
This is Spinal Tap sequel. in-
stead of this satire.

Aniston is overrated as
an actress. but was moving
in this performance; her
teary-eyed scene at the end
was incredible.

Rock Star is a movie that
musicians will appreciate be-
cause they can identify with
the yearning for attention on
stage. It even has a decent
message: Strive to be cre-

Grade: B

Walk this way

Vlahlhorg plays rocker Chris
Colesand teaches his fans a few
lessons on '805 rock.


pour some


On a magic carpet ride

Joy Ride starring Steve Zahn, Jini Beaver, and Leelee Sohieshi will
be showing at 9 p.m., tonight at the Worsham Theater. It is a free
showing and seating is limited.


She don’t lie, cocaine

Based on a true story portraying the life of coke dealer George
Jung, Blow, starring Jonny Depp, is realeased on video today.


reception during Advising Week, October 15-19. Faculty and regular,
full or part»time Lexrngtmr Campus staff with significant undergradu-
ate advising responsibilities are eligible for this award.


on that fire in your belly.

if you would like to nominate your current academic advisor or
someone who diIVl‘rPd you in the past follow these steps.

Fill out this fo'ni and attach a letter of nomination. Your letter
should explain Nhy you believe your nominee deserves this award.
Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. Remember to
address all areas you think are noteworthy, such as communication
skills, dedication. knowledge, student advocacy, attitude, activities.
etc. Limit your remarks to two pages.

i: feel rt lll your gut. A burning desire to push yourself to the limit. then go
Take your completed form and nomination letter to a department
chair or other faculty member who knows your nominee, and ask by
that person to write a letter of support for this advisor. Letters of
support are limited to four letters with at least one letter from a
student and one letter from a department chair/supervisor. A com-
mittee selected from faculty, staff, and students will determine the

ml WM. Army ROTC. you'll get .1 chance to fuel that (lf“)|i(?_ In the process.

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Submit your packet of nomination letters to: ill/1V. It's tune to stoke that frre

Office of Undergraduate Studies
217 Funkhouser Building

AR MY ROTC Unlike any other college course you can take.


Name of nominee:
Department and/or campus address:
Your name:

Local address/phone:

l()l Barker Hall. 257—6864




Iravis Hubbard
SportsDain Editor

Phone: 2571915 | Email: kernelsportsovahootom




How tloop‘.’

Smith‘s host Ion-post scoi'or and tormor Iiigh school all-Ameri-
can .Iason l’ui‘kor. a sophonioro. had surgery on his knoo this sum

mor and \inI miss at Ioast throo months ot

action. and niayho tho t‘I‘llll‘t‘ soason

Yot I'K is rankorl in tho top IIVt‘ by
most coaches and prosouson prognosticu-
tors. dropping no nioro than throo spots.

()no has to iyondor \yhoro all tho niin
utos will ho (lisporsod unrl ythothor soino
one \in1 ho t‘oi‘oorl to sit out tho soason

Tho (‘ats will go throo playors doop at
oyory position. I'nl’ortunutoly for tho
playors. or I'ortunato tor 'I'ubhy. tlioro is

no nood to go that (loop.

In tho past l'l\' has I'ounrl itsoltshort
of players. but Smith inudo sure not to ropout tho saino strugglos.

Bocauso Smith oy'orloudorl. soinoono has to sit. .Iunior guard
'l‘orld ’l'ackott inurlo it ousior on Smith by louying tho toani to play
husohall. but tho (‘uts' rostor still consists of to playors.

Smith is loaying tho option upon to play l’arkor and not rod
shirt tho ii-t'oritfl Ioryyui'd. hut l’ai'koi' and his Ianiily hayo indicatotl


that his Iong-torni hoalth is most iinponunt.

With I’arkor out tho post is balanced. but not packorl. 'I‘Iio
wing positions uro hookotl. though.

L'K roturns prosoason (lily-\IIII‘I'ICHIIS 'l‘ayshaun I’rinco and
Keith Hogans. and sophonioros tloi‘ulrl Fitch and Erik llaniols at
shooting guard and small It)l‘\\'£tl‘tl 'I‘ho (‘ats also n‘olconio I‘rosh-
mon .Iosh (‘arrior. Rushuurl t‘urruth unrl (‘huek Ilayos.

I’rinco can play somo post. but Itogans WI“ log major minutes

at both tying positions.

Fitch is a Smith I'ayorito hoeuuso of his hustlo and i‘ohounding.
(‘urruth is a Iiigh school all-.~\inoricun and (‘urrior and Iluyos \yoi‘o
rankorl in tho top 3.") at thoir positions out of. high school

The logical choico to rorlshirt is l)aniols. who ayoi‘ugorl 3.3
points and 12.9 niinutos por game last your. Ilo is still rloyoloping
his ganio at‘tor onioi‘ging Ironi obscurity as a high school i'ocruit.

Rodshirting playors is something Smith has noyor done at l'l\'
by choice. He has onjoyod tho bent-tits ol'rodshirt stars in tho past.
though .lulos t‘uinura sat out last your uI‘tor u DH and still has two

yours ol‘oligihility.

.loti‘ShoppurrI sat out his sonior your (lilo?) undor Rick l’itino
hocauso oi‘rlopth at tho tying. A your lator Shopparrl holporl Smith

“in his first national titlo.

’I‘ho focus should ho on what is host for tho playoi'.

lI .Ias'on l’ui‘kor must iniss tho ontiro your to rocm'or thon so
ho it. 'I‘uko your tinio (lot houlthy. (lot your poinpoins.

Taking a your oil is in tho host iiiiorost of any playor who will
not soo an inoroaso in play iiig tinio.

Tho tiuostion I‘or 'l‘uhby is. who? And. \y'hon‘,’

It's a prohloni many couchos \Vtitlltl loVo to huyo.
’l‘ho key I'or this toain git‘torl with a (Iourth ol‘tulont is to koop a

positiyo attitudo rogarrlloss of playing tiino.

Sportsdaily Editor Travis Hubbard is a journalism senior. His views do
not necessarily represent those of the Kernel.


Iryis Hubbard


Crowded roster gives Tubby
multiple redshirt options

Tubby Smith has to ho tho most optimistic collogo huskothull
coach in tho nation. it‘that is possihlo fora I'K coach.

The fifth-year IIK coach and ownor ot‘ one national champi-
onship has his rloopost toani oy'or,

repairer-in; l maltreatment?



Sophomores Erik
Daniels (above) and
Jason Parker would be
leading candidates to
redshirt this season if
UK coach Tubby Smith
opted to reserve one
of the Cats. Parlter is
injured and could miss
the entire season and
Daniels faces a qujam
at shooting guard and
small forward.







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(INNS 'Alllllllll

Week of September 70. 76, 2007

The Camp-us Calendar is proliit . it n, t" it” t o I‘ .3 not w ' y to-
Registered Student Digs and UK l)opts tun ‘ulllllli'. with: . . r
FREE onluio ONE WEEK PRIOF’ to Hit MtWIIAY "but" at w". s in .i: new
at http:l/www.uky.edu/Campus Calendar. Cu" 257—8867 ‘u "triri‘



“UK Dairy Club Mtg, 7 30pm Ag SC‘It‘I‘it‘t‘

'Young Life First Year Fellowship, 7 8.30pm
Student Center, Rm Ill

“Bounce, 4-5100pm, Haggin Study Rm.
“Alpha Phi Ornoga Meeting, 7'300m Old
Student Center Rm. 359

'Gneon Thumb Environmental Club, 7pm, Student Comer Rm 106
'Leftist Student Union Mtg., 8pm. Student Contor Rm 228

'Gokhn Key Mtg.,6pi11, Student Cantor Rm 206

“Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, Spm
Chem-Phys Butlding

’Next Stage Committee, 5 7pm Student Cor tot Rm 203


'Choooe a Major, I2-00pm Career Center

“Master Your Time, 2 2 50pm ?OI Fraxoo Hal? (ail ll) enroll 257 6959
“LEAP, IO» IO‘SOam, 203 Frazer: Hall. Call to enroll 257 6959

"Public“ for Religious Charity? Bush's FaitfrBased Funding,Good?
Bad? or (are youlDifferent7". l2Nmn Stork-l“? Canter Rm 230

“The Many Lives of the Kentucky River, 4 30 5 30pm Mlll‘llg 8: M'nerels




“UK Shaolin-Do Karate classes, 5 6 30pm Alumm Gym Lott

“UK Tae Kwon Do practice, 6 30 8.30pm, Altll'i’ii Gym Loft

'AKPSI Co-Ed Business Fraternity, 7‘30pn‘. Student Center, Rm 230
’Black Student Union Week, 4 30pm. Martin Luther King Jr Culture! Center


‘Bounce, A 5 OOpn- Como no»

‘Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Eliw (‘Si

Budding ()l‘. the FOIHPI til woodland and


“What have we done for us lately? A M incatrorul Leudorsiop
Presentation LIV Stow- B 'tilrno, 3 3O Si’nr Slutlt'“? Conto' PM 230
“Syd Mead, Visual Futurist, "The Lady in the Chartreuse
Dress", 5 30pm \‘co's'ni’r insane”


“Amnesty International Human Rights Film Series-The Killing
Fields, 7pm Classroom Bouillon Rn: lid

'Black Student Union Week, 4 30;)o- Matt"! Littl‘o' K on Jr
Cultural Contnr


'lnternship Information Sessions,

il OOdttt Silltkt"? ( it'v‘i‘r '\ “"lt“ lti' rum.»
inlt) call 257 363?


'SAB MOVIE, "Joy Ride", 9pm s'ltusllii'” T‘W‘u'o' “:issos tixze litiri?
to Rm 203 Storioo.’ Comm 1'“? 2 r. 'o out.)

.UK Judo Club, 5 t3 30L ”I Allurir‘. Gyro

“UK Aikido Club, 6 EU I~f 30pm Ann 3' Lo‘f

“UK Medieval and Renaissance European Dancing ‘i'a‘ 9pm
BIB/(ti Hall


“CRU, 7:30pm, Worshum Theater

'Devotionsm-Lunch, 1200er BSLI SI on Thurs


“Freshmen Focus, 8'00pm, BSU

'Cinema Committee, 5.00pm, Student

Center, Rm 231

'Religion Studies/Institute. I2 00pm Studmit Center, Rm 119

'lnterviowing Workshop, 5 00pm. Career Center

'Intemship Information Sessions, 3 300m Stutken Career Center,
for more info, call 257 3632


“Shaolin-Do Karate classes, 5 6'300m Alumm va Loft

‘AKPSI, Co—Ed Business Fraternity, 7 30pm, Student Center, Rm

'Kirwan One/HG Athletics Pool Party, 9pms12mn. Lancaster
Aquatic Centerr’SeatOn Center, FEE: One tanned good forSI before

“Black Student Union Weak, 4.3t‘lpm. M L King Jr Cultural Center


“Lambda Chi Watermelon Bust, 4 (loom,

Gnodharn Field Fri

“Bowl Party 4 6pm Rriso Bowl lies do Vl. 7

Young Library questions < .i‘ 35‘ :s‘Sti'

'WRFL Lawn Concert, 1'2 Tom St “ion: i‘r .

West Lawn Froo

'Anthropology Graduate Student Bake Sale, _ Wm” 3 00va
Student Contor Bongo Halmuy

'lnternational Night, 7 IO 3U: Iii o1 o» “a ‘\-~"yl1'll
“Tae Kwon Do practice?» so ‘ t'lt‘ii it .


' Mlltor Student. 9.003rn to A'OODm 201
Frazee Hall. early registration Is recommended
for more details call (8591 257 6959


“UK at Indiana Football Game

“Tao Kwon Do practice, 11 1000!“ Alumni
Gym Loft

“UK Women‘s Rugby Game vs. WKUJDm Rugby Pitchisoccer. soft
ball complex)


“SAD AND AASA JAZZ presents Bela Fleck and tho Flocktono:
Concert, 80m, SCFA For more info call 257 8427

'H6 Athletics Dance, 9pm 1am. Student Center Grand Ballroom


“Master Student, i 00pm to H nor-m 20‘

Frame Hall Sun

“UK Symphony Orchestra, thin ~ fist in


'Contemporary Art Quilts, The John M.

Walsh Ill Collection 72 Row .9 no of a", «’on ‘ v ”‘0 Arts

'UK Aikido Club, l3 00PM Alan .. G."‘l ~"
'UK Judo Club, 5 7pm Alonm (Evo I ~"

0; rug
'1‘]5 5K

Saturday 0 8 p.m.






 Editorial Board

Jenny Robertson, dialogue editor
Clay McDaniel, asst. dialogue editor
Ashley York, editor in chief

lracy Kershaw, managing editor

John Wampler, assocrate editor
Amanda fhompson, senior staff writer
Tim Staley, senior staff writer
Jennifer Kasten, at-large member

Tfii: Christin;
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Pop star
finds faith

Matthews, a former
sidekick to the pop
artist Prince.
recalled an abusive
childhood and years
of cocaine abuse in
an hour-long sermon
that enlivened an
Owensboro church
crowd Sunday.

Matthews. 42, was
known as Vanity
while in Prince's
band in the 1980s
She cut four solo
albums and
appeared in 17
movies, but said she
wasn‘t happy until
she recently
found God.

"I have learned now
how to be abased,
to suffer need,"
Matthews told the
packed crowd at
Owensboro's Church
Alive. "I've learned
these things
through Christ."

Matthews said her
struggles began
when her white
mother left her as a
child. She said her
father beat her with
wooden blocks and
his fists.

"I had a horrible
childhood," she said.
"l didn't know what
it was to be happy. I
loathed myself."

Once her musical
career took flight,
she said she started
using cocaine.

She said she's been
clean for nine years
and has learned to
overcome her
bitterness for her
father. She now
travels to churches
across the country
preaching and
urging others to
turn to religion to
their problems.

Stage coach
draws crowd

White has seen it
happen dozens of
times. A car or truck
pulls up, a stranger
gets out and makes a
beeline for
his work shop.

Somewhere, somehow
they've found out
what White does in
the long, narrow
building, and they
have to see
for themselves.

"Half the people who
come here we've
never met before."
White said.

While welcomes them
all. As they stare at
the incredible
workmanship and
ingenuity that is on
display. White labors
on. When one man Is
building a full-Size.
l8605‘era stagecoach
Virtually from
scratch, there's little

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Plea bargaining
away the truth

No contest plea of middle school teacher
unlikely to yield beneficial results for anyone

Innocent or not. Terry Squires will forfeit his innocence
and freedom in order to avoid harsh punishments stemming
from four students at Jessie (‘lark Middle School.

Pleading guilty to accusations that he inappropriately
touched four female students. Squires now faces 12 months in
jail that will be suspended for two years if he attends a treat»
ment program for sex offenders. He also must register as a life.
time sex offender in the state registry.

Opting to avoid felony charges. Squires entered an Alford
plea. which basically states that while the defendant denies
any wrongdoing. the evidence may be enough to convict.

The question is. if Squires truly believes in his innocence.
why did he take the plea in the first place? Why would he want
to sacrifice his reputation arguably the tnost vital asset a
teacher possesses so that he could barter his was into a
lesser punishment?

"In the 20 years I've been in education. I‘ve never touched a
child for sexual gratification." Squires said in the courtroom
before the sentence was handed down.

Squires will be sent to jail immediately if he does not com-
plete the treatment program. How can any rehabilitation pro—
gram be successful if Squires refuses to admit fault? Isn‘t the
most important step in any recovery overcoming denial?

Supporters stand at both sides of this proverbial fence. De—
scribed as having an “exemplary life and career" by Fayette
Circuit Judge Mary Noble. Squires has no public record and
was at very low risk as a possible sex offender. The incidents
that occurred in late 1999 and early 2000 do little to improve
the record of work Squires may have achieved thus far.

Squires now works in a teacher resource center. an obvious
demotion frotn his former teachii g position.

But pleading guilty. even while maintaining one’s inno-
cence. is still pleading guilty.

It may be a sign of the times and perhaps even a condemna-
tion of the system. though. when the fear of going to jail mat-
ters more than clinging to one‘s innocence.

Send us your letters
and comments by
e-mail. Hey, we love the
net and we know you do
too. So send your
thoughts to

Length &

Letters to the editor
are to address
previously printed
editorials and columns.
They should be
approximately 250
words long.

Guest opinions should
start new dialogue and
not address other
editorials or columns.
Guest opinions should
be no longer than
700 words.

this info

include your name and
major classification
for publication.

We cannot print any
material without verbal
confirmation of
the material.




Some things
never change
with trustees

Out with the old. in with the new — or so we are
led to think.

Unless you live under a rock, you know that UK
has a new president. And with a new president gen-
erally comes a new administrative structure. new
appointments, new positions and new staff-changes,
to put it generally.

Evidently. some people are slightly afraid
of change.

The UK Board of Trustees is a powerful policy-
making body that consists of appointees by the gov-
ernor of Kentucky. faculty and staff representatives
and the president of Student Government. The cur-
rent chairman is one Billy Joe Miles, a Kentucky
businessman who has been chair of the board for
two years — the length of his contract. This past Sat-
urday the trustee nominating committee unani-
mously decided that the contract of Miles and of his
vice chairman, Steve Reed. be extended
another year.

Why, might you ask. should Miles be granted this
exception? The committee stated that there is a need

._ for “continuity” on the BOT. given that “UK Presi-

dent Lee Todd has been on the job only nine weeks.”

One need only look at the national or state gov-
ernment to realize that this argument is slightly in-
valid. When Bush was elected in January, America
got an entirely new cabinet, new federal judges and
new political appointees along with a new party in
power. We can’t exactly say that the country is run-
ning perfectly because of that transition, but there
hasn’t been a complete int