xt7ksn012r16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn012r16/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1976 1976 1976-01-15 2020 true xt7ksn012r16 section xt7ksn012r16 Vol. LXVII No. 92
Thursday, January 15, 1976 ‘~

m t

3 residents
will fight

for homes

Kernel Staff Writer


an independent student newspaper m}—

In 1938. Julius and Freida Weinberg
were forced to flee Germany as Adolf
Hitler and his Nazi party began their reign
of terror. They came to America and
eventually settled in Lexington in a modest
brick house on Kilmore Court and opened a
secondhand goods store on old Vine Street.

In 1968. Urban Renewal forced the
W einbergs out of their store to make way
for what is now a parking lot.

In 1975. on Dec. 30. the Urban County
Council gave final approval to an or-
dinance which. if carried through. will
force Mrs. Weinberg (her husband died in
1971) out of her house on Kilmore Court to
make way for a parking lot for the
Lexington Center.

As Mrs. Weinberg. 72. related the
sequence of events it was obvious she was
trying to avoid the inescapable analogy. “I
hate to think this." she said. “but it’s like
the woman said the other day t referring to
a woman who spoke before the Urban
Cotmcil several weeks ago), it's almost
like a Hitler-M ussolini thing.

Kilmore Court is in the middle of a 15.3
acre residential area that is slated to be
cleared for a surface parking lot. 0f the
streets in the area it is easily the best-kept.
A ll the houses on the street are brick and
the small yacds around them are neatly
trimmed. Perhaps because it is not a
through street Kilmore Court has the
appearance of a quiet, middle-class neigh-
borhood far removed from the noise and
bustle of downtown

It is a neighborhood Mrs. Weinberg does
not want to leave. "We’re fighting it." she
said in her thick German accent. “We
lived here 35 years. We worked hard to get
our house paid for. We live in a nice neigh-
borhood and we’ve never had any trouble

knock on wood -;- until now. that is.“

Mrs. Weinberg said she has no idea
\\ here she will move if forced out of her
home. "I can't afford to buy another house
and take a mortgage out because I live on
a fixed income.

“1 don‘t feel like moving. I'm in my
seventies...l don't even know if I can live
through moving. This is what gets me so

61 University of Kentucky

‘Lexington, Kentucky

upset...losing the store, my husband
getting sick and now this. It‘s getting so
bad I almost can‘t stand it.“

Mrs. Weinberg said she plans to attend
tonight's Urban County Council meeting
where a petition opposing the parking plan
isexpected to be presented to the Council.
She said opponents of the plan hope for a
large turnout, but ”1 don‘t know if it does
any good now."


.lim and Gayle Smith live three doors
down from Mrs. Weinberg on Kilmore
Court. Their house is a little larger than
Mrs. Weinberg's but has the same solid
double-brick construction.

The interior of the house is filled with
paintings done by Mr. Smith. who was an
art teacher at Henry Clay High School for
)7 years before retiring several years ago.
It rs a comfortably appointed house and
Mrs. Smith proudly noted its solid con-
struction. explaining that a lone upstairs
air conditionercools the whole house in the
summer. "What do you think this house is

Continued on page 5

Right to the point

Two ll!‘ rres stroll in from the paddock area at

Keeneland and create abstract shadows against

a geometric play of light.

BBB, state agency act as consumer watchdogs

the aid of a distraught consumer.

The Kentucky Attorney General’s Divi-
sion of Consumer Protection, created by
statutory authority in 1972, functions to
protect the consuming public and the
ethical sellers of goods and services

Kernel Staff Writer

Have you -the consumer —ever been
dissatisfied with the quality of the goods
and services you purchase?

Or maybe you’ve felt that on occasion
you’ve fallen prey to false or misleading

If you‘ve found yourself in either of these
situations your next step was probably to
file a complaint with the appropriate
proprietor. And more than likely, you were
able to reach an agreement with that

However, there are other alternatives
available to you, in the event your
consumer complaint wasn’t resolved to
your satisfaction.

The business community itself funds its
own watchdog —the Better Business
Bureau (BBB) —to handle the complaints
of disgruntled consumers.

And in addition to the 888‘s efforts to
protect the buyer from unethical business
practices. a state agency can also come to

according to the agency’s consumer
education specialist. Susan Stopher.

Stopher said Wednesday that the
potection division has four objectives: to
investigate possibly fraudulent business
practices and prosecute offenders; to
represent consumers before public service
commission hearings; to mediate disa-.
mements between consumers and busi-
ness interests; and to educate consumers
about the legal protection available to
them. .

“Through our education function, we
provide speakers for consumer workshops
and mail consumer protection~oriented
brochures to the public," Stopher said.

TWO such publications now available are
“Kentucky Consumer Protection Laws”
and “Ten Danger, Signals in Buying,"
Stopher said. These brochures can be
obtained by writing the Office of the

Attorney General, Division of Consumer
Protection, Capitol Building, Room 34,
Frankfort, Ky. 40601.

’ The agency has received an increasing
number of consumer complaints —from a
total of 1,500 in 1973 to more than 2,000 in
the first six months of 1975 —Stopher said.’

“We‘ve established a toll-free hotline
(imam-2960) in order to deal with these
complaints,” Stopher said. “Since our
office is under the auspices of the attorney
general, we have an attorney who deals
with our cases if fraud is evident.”

However, of the complaints the agency
receives, “90 per cent are the result of a
misunderstanding between the buyer and
the seller,” Stopher said.

“As the public becomes more aware of
wlat our office does, we expect the
number of complaints to increase,” Sto-

pher said.

In addition to providing speakers for
wa-kshops and printed information and
the telephone hotline for the public,
Stopher said the agency. in conjunction
with the BBB of Central Kentucky,

produces a half-hour television program
aired monthly on WLEX-TV, Lexington.
According to Dorothy Byers. managing
director of the Central Kentucky BBB, the
majority of Lexington area consumer
complaints concern automobile repair
service and mail-order businesses.

But unlike the state consumer agency,
the BBB does not get involved with liti-
gation. “If the complaint is justified we
might suggest that someone consult an
attorney, but we avoid legal questions,”
Byers said.

“Before we take a complaint, we insist
that the individual talk to the owner or the
manager of the business in question, and if
it’s not resolved we mediate between the
parties,” Byers said.

“In a given month we might receive 300
telephoned complaints,” Byers said. After
learning of the complaint the BBB then
requires that the complainant fill out a
four-page carbon form in order to get the
complaint in writing." Byers said.

“Only about one-third of the callers fill
out the form,” Byers said. “There are
times when the consumer is at fault."









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Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Wings

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor



The Lexington Center without a
hotel to house future convention-
goers would be an albatross large
enough to hang Lexington.

The developer of the hotel and
shopping mall, Hunt-Landmark
Ltd., is very aware of its hold over
the city and is pulling endugh
strings to make Lexington Mayor
Foster Pettit and a majority of the
Urban-County Council jump.

As a result, the Council has
approved a Lexington Center
Corporation (LCC) —endorsed,
Pettit-backed plan to construct a
15.3-acre parking extravaganza on
South Hill (see map). The plan
requires the demolition of I30
homes and provides 2,200 parking
spaces at a cost of about $5.5

Many of the area’s residents are
elderly and would incur great
hardship if they were moved.

But the adopted plan effectively
insulates Lexington Center
developers from any possible
future competition. That’s one of
the reasons the developers did not
favor an alternative plan proposed
by Councilwoman Pam Miller.

Miller proposed a 2,]50-space
parking structure to be constructed
on land already acquired by LCC.
The estimated cost of the proposed
parking structure is $8.5 million.


Council serves
LCC developers

Although in an after thought the
Council announced intentions to
provide $275,000 in relocation
payments for South Hill residents,
it seemed to forget that Lexington
has very little suitable vacant
housing. So the next move was a
proposal for government con.
struction of low-income housing,
brought up at Tuesday’s Council
work session.

All in all, the whole mess reeks of
too little concern for South Hill's
residents and a preoccupation with
making money on the part of
Lexington Center developers and
elected officials.

It’s apparent that recon-
sideration of the adopted plan is in
order. Even Council support
wavered between a large 12-2
margin in favor of the plan from
the outgoing council and a mere 8-6
margin in favor of the plan from
the present Council. It's significant
that five of the six newly elected
members voted against the plan.

At tonight's Council meeting
petitions will be presented to the
Council asking it to reverse its
decision and approve Miller’s plan.
Students also should be concerned
over the lack of housing in
Lexington and should therefore
support a decision reversal by
attending the meeting.


— .Ul‘l up Stru-t



W. Maxwell greet








Shaded area of map shows property to be used for parking
under a plan adopted by the Urban County Council.







Upon reconsideration I have decided
that he rise of the word "facist" in
describing some of the local racist
individuals was imprOper (Kernel,
”Facists,“ Dec. ll).

Facism is a distinct historical system
and ideology that goes far beyond
racism and the doctrine of supremacy
of one race over another. It is not wise



to use such a strong and precise term
loosely, especially in a time when
tacism is a growing possibility.

I do believe that there is a growing
racist offensive on this campus and in
this country. I will continue to work
with the Student Coalition Against
Racism (SCAR) to counter that attack,
butfrom now on I will choose my words

more carefully.
David Ferguson

SCAR member


,5- _.__-





Shah, businesses
supress Iranians


Iranian Student

On Dec. 31, the press reported that the
fascist regime of the Shah sentenced nine
patriots to death. Another patriot, a
woman, has been sentenced to 15 years of
solitary confinement. This news is
specially important because the charge of
all to revolutionaries was assasination of
an Iranian General and two high-ranking
U.S. officers who were in Iran to train the
Shah’s army -~instrument of repression at
home and abroad.

The presence of a large number of U.S.
military advisers should be seen in the
light of US. economic interests in Iran.
After a CIA coup reinstated the unpopular
Shah, economic penetration of Iran by big
US. corporations began. These cor~
pora tions have investments in almost
every aspectof Iran‘s economy from oil to
banking. Exxon and Shell reap super-
profits by plundering oil while General
Motors and Ford Motor Company exploit
the cheap labor of Iranian workers. US
corporations benefit in other ways from
having a loyal puppet like the Shah. Oil
revenue is squandered in buying arms,
nuclear power generators and luxury
goods for the elite from the US

The arms are used against striking
workers and students, as well as people of
Dhcfar who want to liberate themselves
from the yoke of neo-colonialism. The war
in Dhcfar is an extension of Nixon doc-
trine, ”Vietnamization“ which requires
local puppets «in this case the Shah -—act
as gendarme of U.S. interests. Shah has no
qualms about his new role. In an interview
with Arnaud Borchgrave, editor of
Newsweek, the Shah stated: ”Western
Europe, the US. and Japan see the gulf as
an integral part of their security, yet they
are not in a position to ensure that
security. That is why we are doing it for

lmpoverished to the extreme by foreign
and domestic exploitation Iranians have
risen to struggle against the government.
The Shah’s response has been twofold.
Firstly, he suppresses brutally anyone
opposing his rule and policies. He has
executed 260 patriots in the last three
years alone. Eacy year hundreds of
students and workers are killed by the
Shah’s troops. Amnesty international in a
May, I975 report on Iran wrote that ”the
Shah’s record is clear for all to see...his
regime has imprisoned by the thousands

_. .anycoe who. dare . to. speak against. his .

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policies.” Amnesty International also

mentions that at present there are 40,000
political prisoners. They are under con-
stant torture.

Secondly, the Shah has turned to US. for
arms, thousands of military advisers and
the notorious former CIA director Richard
Helms to supervise U.S. activities in Iran.
Only in the first eight months of 1975, $3
billion in arms was bought from the US.
This xincIuded laser bombsr helic0pter
gunships, F-5Esupersonic interceptors. E-
A lighter bombers, etc. The number of US.
military advisers is about 20,000 —the
largest in the world. The US. personnel in
effectcommand the Shah’s army and have
turned it into a virtual appendage of
Pentagon. (To see extentof their authority
see page 124 of International Treaties in
force, I973, US. state department.

Despite the massive support of US,
Iran's internal situation is one of great
instability for the regime of the Iran.
Motivated by protecting the US. economic
interests in Iran and the Persian Gulf, and
failure of Nixon doctrine, possibility of a
direct U.S.—Vietnam type involvement is
not a remote one. American people stand
to gain nothing from the US. support of a
dictatorship in Iran. They have basic
common interests with the people of Iran.
The same corporations which extract huge'
profits from American people exploit
Iranian people. The CIA and the FBI, who
blackmail, poison and assasinah peOple
here, are active in Iran to help the hated
regime of the Shah. A concrete step can be
taken to support the iust struggle of the
Iranian people by the supporting of
Iranian Student Association’s activities in
the case of .10 patriots. In Iran political
prisoners are tried in .secret military
tribunals where neither public in-
ternational observers nor the press are
allowed. Such trials are prearranged and
verdict handed out by- secret police long
before trials begin.

To support Iranians struggle write or
send a telegram to Kurt Waldheim,
Secretary General of United Nations and
demand: I. Withdrawal of death sen.
tences; 2. A public iury trial for the to
patriots, with the presence of international
observers; and 3. Opening Iran’s prisons
to international observers. Or sign lSA’s
petitions at Student Center Jan. 20-2i.


The Iranian Student Association

represents the views of a portion of the
Iranian students at the University.






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Opinions from inside and outside the University.







Gag orders illustrate

fair trial dilemna


By Marlin Shapiro

New York Times News Service
SAN DIEGO —Justice Harry A.
