xt7ksn012p61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn012p61/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1941 1 folded sheet (6 unnumbered pages): illustrations; 21 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 3.2:H 81/8/941 booklets English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, United States Housing Authority Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority Working class -- Housing -- United States What and Why is the USHA/Federal Works Agency, United States Housing Authority, 1941 text What and Why is the USHA/Federal Works Agency, United States Housing Authority, 1941 1941 1941 2019 true xt7ksn012p61 section xt7ksn012p61 N “"7"- - A
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‘ ' ~ ‘ .33“; homes F ‘“ 2 252 122722279222
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areas, y ORKS AGENCY . U

 Q. What is public housing? Q. Does the USHA clear slums? fair market prices. Private architects and engineers are
A. Public housing is housing planned, owned, built, and managed A. Yes. The United States Housing ACt requires that f0? every empioyed. {£11316 buildiings areyerected by pigivate. contractors
by a public agency, usually a local housing authority. There new dwelling provided under the slum-clearance program, one :11? 1t oyibnlg 1a 01f pail pgevai mg wages. . xpeiience ShQWb
are today more than 600 local housing authorities, composed substandard dwelling MUSt be eliminated. This provision ?1 11?: .11: igusmg a S: eneiiits private busmess by increasmg
of citizens appointed by the mayor or similar official and guarantees that, whether local authorities build their projects 11:6de 01 00 proper y va ues and encouraging private
serving without pay. The United States Government through directly in the slums 01‘ 0h vacant land, slums are cleared. u ng.
the USHA lends part of the capital funds, supervises con— Q Wh ti 1 dt t1 1 . . t Q. What about rural housing?
. - - . . are ie new 101118” rou e .oge ier as iousm ' r0 ec s , . .
SU llCthh, and prov1des annual grants to keep rents 10W- ra “if er than scattered ahdgsepfirated? g p J A. The USHA recognizes that, contrary to popular belief, housmg
_ . . . _ _ 9 . ‘ _ . _ . conditions in rural areas are generally worse than in the cities.
Q. Why is them a need for public housmg . A. Because public housmg proiects reclaim and reestablish entire One—half of all farm families have incomes of less than $1,000
A. Because private enterprise does not clear slums or provide nelghborhohds, as lhdlYldhal scattered houses cannot. a year. By close cooperation between the Department of
homes Within the means of people who live in the slums. One- Because neighborhood fac1ht1essuch 3S playgrounds and COIh- Agriculture and the USI—IA, the public housing program is
half of the families in this country have incomes of less than munity rooms can best be prov1ded when the houses are hhht being extended to provide decent homes for farm families and
$1,400 a year and, except for a few shacks put up in communi— 1h groups. Because electric1ty, gas, and water COSt less when agricultural workers.
ties without adequate building codes, practically no new bought and delivered at one place in wholesale quantities. -
. . ‘ . Q. How much does the USHA program cost?
homes that they can afford are being built by private 9
enterprise. Q' What do the homes COSt ' A. The USHA program costs the Federal Government the amount
A, Homes built under the USHA program show an average net of the annual contributions made to reduce rents. This net
Q. Who lives in public housing? construction cost of $2,720. This figure does not include 0051? today is about $75 a year for each family, 01" a total Of
A The families are carefull selected b the local authorit equipment, land, or overhead charges. All of the construction about $15,000,000 a year for the 193,000 families who Will be
' . . . y . .y y. ' d b 1 b r id ~ rilino‘ wage nd the t 39 of n- rehoused under the present USHA program. The cost to the
Only fainiiies hung in slums or insanitary houses and unable is one y a 0 pa WWW :3 as a . Y1 CO . . . . . , 7 . ,
to afford the rent (311.11.de for decent housing, are eligible as struction is such that the bu1ld1ngs Wlll have a life of at least 10%th 1: the lamount Wthh 1t contributes oy exempting the
c .. ".C. .° . ' t altaat'.
tenants. The average income of families liVing in public 60 years. proiec s rom 00 X ion
gglésgnagdggmects erected under the USHA program is about Q. How much rent is charged? Q. What IS the difference between the FHA and the USHA?
I I l A. Rents average $14.73 per month in the North and $10.48 per A' The tUFideril Housm g f Agmléllstl‘atIQI: (IF-HA) gufii‘anctees
Q. How is the USHA helping in national defense? month in the South. The average for the country is $12.7 9. 1:10; gagest (1) proxluce “131,18 figfirga ek 1011116 cons (11 11:30?
: .- - - . . - _ . These are bare shelter rents. There is an added charge for oes no 0.8m S ums. . 1e 1 ma es oans an g1 n S
A- In addxtIOH 1:0 Its slum—clearance 13108313111, the USHA, 1n 001- heat lidht cooking fuel and other utilities to local housmg authorities solely for the purpose of clearing
laboration With local authorities, is providing homes for the ’ ° ’ ° ’ l ' slums and providing nevi] homes within the means of families
familiesdof workelrs, Whose labgrs 111,811“??? mill, mg factfig'y Q. How much income have families living in homes built under from the slums.
are pro ucmg 1e smews 0 na iona e ense. ince ie the USH A slum- clearance 1,0 ram? .
incomes of two out of three defense workers are too low for . p g _ - Q. What must a community do to start a program of slum
them to be able to pay the rents which must be charged for A. The average annual income of tenants is $929 in the North, clearance?
new housing built by private enterprise, public housing for $700 m the SOUth: and $824 for the entire country. A. A local housing authority must be appointed in accordance
. defense workers is an essential part of the National Defense D .- t b . “l 't' bl' h . a? with State law. This local authority, aided by interested
program. At present, the USHA is assisting more than 110 Q' oes piiva e usmeSs iaveapai m p 11 1c ousmg. citizens, then makes a preliminary survey of local housing
defense housintJr )rojects in 28 States which will provide homes A. Public housing is carried out almost entirely through the chan— conditions and formulates a general slum—clearance plan. The
c l '
for about 31,000 defense workers and their families. nels of private business. Land is purchased from owners at USHA will provide technical assistance and adv1ce.