xt7ksn012n5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn012n5w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1975 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Alumni Newsletter, Summer 1975 text Alumni Newsletter, Summer 1975 1975 1975 2019 true xt7ksn012n5w section xt7ksn012n5w cl f h °
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Nobel Laureate Gerald M. Edelman lecturing at the First Annual Anna S. Naff
Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology, March 28, 1975.
A NOTE FROM THE CHAIRMAN our department. The incoming class of graduate students for fall,
It has been several years since we last circulated a newsletter to 1975’- should number approXimately .twenty, the llargest Since 1998'
the alumni of the Department of Chemistry. In this period the de- The lOb opportunity bulletin board 18 again getting crowded as m-
partment has continued to change and we hope to improve The dustrial recovery proceeds, but new academic posrtions in some,
early 1970’s brought many problems to universities throughout the areas Of chemistry are Still scarce. The handwriting on the wall
nation. Inflation has eroded real salaries and buying ower on our suggests even larger numbers Of our advanced degree graduates Will
. p . .. . be entering industrial and government positions than in the past.
campus, as on most others. In contrast to public unrversrties in . . u . . . ”
many states however the student enrollment on both the Lexin tori Specral top 105 courses SUCh as Industrial Inorganic Chemistry and
’ ’ . . . g the “Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules” are now being offered
campus and at the Community Colleges has continued to rise. The . . . d -
faculty at the Department of Chemistry has also grown to twenty- in our department and have drawn Significant stu ent interest.
four. One emeritus faculty member, Dr. E. V. Brown, is also still In summary, the Department Of Chemistry has shown a modest
active in research in the department. There are now approximately grOWth m faculty. and undergraduate major and serVice student
21,000 students on the Lexington campus and an additional 14,000 enrollment and, “{lth a stress on effluent procedures, has managed
students at the Community Colleges. The growth is apparently con- to maintain a baSic level 0f supplies and equipment to SUPP“ our
tinuing with up to 3,000 new first-year students expected on the instructional and research programs. Graduate enrollment is_down,
Lexington campus for the fall term 1975’ as compared to 2,785 new but.is improvmg. Unfortunately, little discretionary funding is now
first-year students entering last fall. In addition many students available to the Chairman to increase the level. of support for audio-
transfer in each year at the junior level from the Community College Visual aids, summer research support to all qualified graduate students
system. For the academic year starting in the fall of 1975 we expect and some undergraduates, preparation .Of newsletters, and many other
to have eighty undergraduates and forty—five graduate students en- items 9f program enrichment. The receipt 0f the .Anna SfiNal} Endow-
rolled in degree programs in the Department of Chemistry. While merit 15 an example Of a glft that has had a ma]or DOSll’ve impact on
our undergraduate major enrollment is satisfactory, our graduate 0"" graduate profgram. Thfe symposmm supported by th“ Endowment
student enrollment is well below the optimum number for a faculty W111 be a year y eature-o- our program. . . .
of our size. The decrease in graduate student enrollment in chemistry L3“ year alumni glVlng t0 the Umversrty PIVOVId'Bd only $188
at the University of Kentucky parallels the national trend, which in to the Department of Chemistry to be used at the dlscretion of the
turn is the result of the decreased job opportunities for graduates Chairman for the various purposes outlined above. This was, of
at the Ph.D. level. course, in addition to the Nail endowment. If you contribute to
Fortunately, it appears the trend has bottomed out, at least for the alumni giving rogram and wish your gift to be used specifically

 by the Department of Chemistry, please indicate on your submittal now required of most entering graduate students. As has been the
that the funds are for unrestricted use by the Department of case for the past ten years the progress of the student is measured
Chemistry. Gifts should be directed to: Director of Development, 204 by a series of cumulative examinations that are given seven times
Administration Building. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. each year. Students may now examine cumulative examinations in
I hope you enjoy browsing through this newsletter and that you all the specialized areas when they enter the examination room and
will use the form to let us know of any address changes and news elect to take any one offered. The student must, however, still pass
of your career. We hope that if you are passing through the Lexing— at least five exams in his major area of Chemistry.
ton area you will stop in for a visit. The weekly seminar program has presented a variety of stim-
On behalf of our faculty, I send you our warmest regards. ulating speakers. Guests from Northwestern, M.I.T., Cornell, Minne-
William D. Ehmann sota, Illinois, Indiana, Stanford, Florida and Florida State, Brandeis,
Chairman North Carolina, I.I.T., Schenley Distillers, Ashland Oil, Bell Labora-
tories, Oak Ridge, Australia, and Japan have given seminars in the
department this year.
REVIEW OF ACADEMIC YEAR 197445 The newest addition to the department’s instrumental facilities is
the CF T-20 Fourier Transform magnetic resonance spectometer.
Undergraduate education remains a high priority of the depart- The computing facilities of the University were enhanced by the
ment. The Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry has been reinstated starting recent installation or the lBM 370- Grant support to the department
in the fall of 1975 after having been dropped in 1967, It requires from external agencies totalled about $300,000 in 1974. Publications
the basic general, organic, analytical and physical chemistry courses, by faculty and students numbered sixty-two in 1974- There were
independent work and seminar courses, two semesters of physics seventeen Postdoctoral Associates in the department during 1974-75.
and two of calculus, in addition to fifteen credits of science and Six Of them had some teaching duties. '
science-related courses and the University general studies require- The department committee system for internal government remains
ments. The BS. curriculum remains close to its form of recent years. substantially as it has been for some time. Undergraduate and grad-
Thc basic course in analytical chemistry was reinstated in the ' uate students are members of some of the committees. Four new
curriculum several years ago after being optional for some time. faculty. members Will join the department in the fall, 1975 (see
Four semesters of seminar are now required. Some flexibility has been . facultymews section). The financial pinch in which universities find
added in the selection of advanced C0urses. Students choose fifteen themselves these days has meant for us an increased emphasis on
credits from among the advanced chemistry courses offered in the improving the efficiency Of our operations, hilt direct funds for
department and two advanced biochemistry courses. At this time faculty, staff, instruction and research have remained relatively stable.
there are 80 chemistry majors associated with the department: 36 For the P‘dSt several years, for example, stockroom operation has
freshmen, l4 sophomores, 12 juniors and 18 seniors. Six of the been monitored by computer, permitting hulk purchases With ac-
seniors graduated this May. Many of them plan to attend graduate companying volume discounts. Our new Laboratory Manager, Mr.
or professional schools. Larry Scheurich (AB. 1968), joined the department in 1974 after
Katherine M. Steinmetz received the American Institute of Chem- LOUiS Bauer moved to a similar position at Michigan State University.
iStS medal honoring her as the outstanding graduating senior in Other departmental staff members include: seven secretaries; two
Chemistry. She is also president of the A.C.S. Student Affiliate. electronics technicians (for repair, maintenance and design or in—
Michael Trover, a senior, recently won an Oswald Award for creative struments); a glassblower; two technician—analysts in mass spec-
research in the physical sciences. Oswald Awards are presented trometry, NMR, and computer Programming; and five stockroom
annually by the University to acknowledge creative undergraduate personnel. Departmental personnel also use the shop and drafting
research accomplishments. Mr. Trover’s research project, conducted facilities maintained in the PhYSiCS Department.
under the direction of Dr. Corio, was entitled “Polar Decomposition By the end or the 1974-75 academic year, the Department Of
of Angular Momentum Operators.” The Meredith Award to the out— Chemistry had granted 581 Bachelor’s degrees (B-3- and A-B-l, 260
standing junior went to Thomas M. Barbara. The Merck Index award M-S- degrees and 132 PhD- degrees. A curriculum leading to a 135-
(outstanding Sophomore) went to Jeffrey H. Frank. A subscription degree in Chemistry W218 firSt offered in 1894 and the AB- program
to Analytical Chemistry was awarded to James Steele Swan and the was available from 1949-1969. The A-B- program Will be reinstated
Freshman Chemistry Award went to Keith Clark. in the Fall term, 1975, and is likely to be a popular major for
In the fall semester there were 3,053 students registered in lower Students interested in medical careers. The first M~S- degree in
division courses in the department. Of these, 2,148 were enrolled in chemistry was awarded to Mr. P3111 1‘ Murrill in 1896' The first
general chemistry courses and 845 were enrolled in organic chemistry PhD-’5 in chemistry were granted to D1" Michael Golben and Dr.
courses (including laboratory courses). The departmental “Resource William M' Kelly in 1949'
Room,” opened in January, 1974, is being actively used by about 250 The number of degree recipients for 1974-75 i5: B-S' 6, M-S- 6:
undergraduate students per week. Located in the basement of the Ph-D- 5-
Chemistry-Physics Building, the room is supervised by the teaching In 1970 Professor Emeritus Lyle R- Dawson Prepared a brief
. . stafi, whoare available for individual assistance. It is filled with study history of the early development of the Department of Chemistry.
desks, alternate text books and other references, some popular journals, A limited number of copies of this interesting document are available
electronic calculators and audio-visual materials (tapes, film strips, to alumni on request.
slides, etc). Old exams and solutions to assigned problems are kept
in a file maintained by the faculty. Several faculty members are
involved in computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Dr. Sands has as- THE ANNA S. NAFF SYMPOSIUM
sembled several programs on topics of interest to students in General
Chemistry. Dr. Kiser has prepared a CAI course on mass spectrometry Professors Gerald M. Edelman, Nobel laureate, and Bruce A.
for advanced students. Dr. Ehmann initiated a CAI program on radio- Cunningham, both 0t Rockefeller University were the honored guests
chemistry counting statistics. An audio-visual program of instruction or the Department Of Chemistry on March 28 35 Speakers in the
for use of the T-60 NMR spectrometer was prepared by Dr. S. L, first symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology. The Symposium
Smith. will be held annually, the result of a generous gift to the University
Graduate education and research also continue to occupy the from the Anna S. Naif Endowment Fund. The late MI‘S- Naff (Anna
energies of the department. An attractive new departmental brochure L. Schoulties Naif) received 135- (1944) and M~S- (1947) degrees
describing the graduate program was published during the summer from thiS Department. Her husband, Dr. M- Benton Naif (3-3» ’41
of 1974. An active program to encourage qualified students to pursue and M-S-, ’46) and her longtime friend MrS- Betty Barnes Risen
their graduate education in the department is maintained. Faculty (B.S. ’46) attended the symposium.
members present lectures on their research programs throughout The title of the 1975 symposium was “The Chemistry and Molec—
Kentucky and in neighboring states. For the start of the fall term, ular Biology of Immunoglobulins.” Dr. Edleman received the 1972
1975, we estimate that there will be about 45-50 graduate students Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his research in determin-
in the department. Approximately 35 of these are usually employed as ing the molecular structure of antibodies. The lectures were attended
teaching assistants. Though the formal structure of the graduate by about 250, faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students
program has not changed in any major way in the past five years, and other interested scientists. They came from about twenty de-
it has undergone some minor alteration. The recently instituted core partments on this campus, from locations across the state of Kentucky,
curriculum consisting of five advanced courses (one course in organic, and from several neighboring states. Following the lectures on
analytical, and inorganic, plus two courses in physical chemistry) is Friday morning, a luncheon was held in the Alumni House.

 Plans for the 1976 Symposium are now underway. Suggestions Chairman of the Graduate Admissions Committee, Dr. Guthrie spends .
for speakers and topics are especially welcome from Chemistry De- many hours in the recruiting of new graduate students. Douglas G. E
partment alumni. Please send suggestions and comments to Dr. John Naae (Ph.D., Iowa, 1972) has just joined our staff this past Septem- ‘
M. Patterson at the Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, her; his research is concerned primarily with organic fluorine chem— E
Lexington, KY 40506. If you wish to be kept informed of the plans istry, particularly in the solid state, and with crystal structure
for the symposium, to be held in the Spring, 1976, please also write determinations. John M. Patterson (Ph.D., Northwestern, 1953), I
Dr. Patterson and you will be added to the mailing list for the another familiar face to many alumni, is interested in the chemistry .
symposium. of heterocyclic compounds, and high-temperature and photochemical I
reactions of organic compounds. Stanford L. Smith (Ph.D., Iowa ‘
State, 1961) is continuing his work in nuclear magnetic resonance
THIS AND THAT ABOUT THE FACULTY spectroscopy and biochemical structure studies. He has recently E
completed a one-year term as President of the University Senate
Since it has been some time since the last Alumni Newsletter, we Council, and was instrumental in procuring and setting up the Univer-
think it appropriate to list our present departmental faculty and sity’s first carbon-13 Fourier transform NMR spectrometer. Dr. Smith
some information about each of them. is spending a month in Pakistan this summer as a UN. Consultant.
Our present Chairman is William D. Ehmann, (Ph.D., Carnegie Walter T. Smith’s (Ph.D., Indiana, 1946) research work is concerned
Institute of Technology, 1957); his research interests are in the area Primarily With biOIOEiCEll organic chemistry—enzyme reactions and the .
of radiochemistry and neutron activation analysis. In recent years, synthesis 0f medicinals, antimetabolites, and model enzyme systems. , 1
Dr. Ehmann has been involved heavily in the NASA space program, HlS Physiological Chemistry course is as popular as ever among i
through analyses of returned Apollo lunar samples. With the excep— StUdBHtS~ Joseph W. Wilson’s (Ph'D’: Indiana, 1961) research interests E
tion of the Houston Space Center, we probably have as large a are in the mechanisms of photochemical reactions. He will be Chair- E
(temporary) collection of Apollo samples in the department as man 0f the Lexington Section of the A.C.S. this year. .
anywhere else in the world. Our Assistant Chairman is Ellwood M. The department’s physical chemistry division contains many new
Hammaker (Ph.D., Rutgers, 1940), whom many of our graduates faces. Besides Dr. Sands, our physical chemists include Rodney E. ,
may remember. Dr. Hammaker is still heavily involved in teaching Black (Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1942), who teaches in the freshman chem- .
freshman and analytical chemistry and in taking care of the details istry program. Carolyn Pratt Brock (Ph.D., Northwestern, 1972), at
of the day-to-day administrative work of the department. Some of UK. since 1972, does research in both the theoretical and the l
the faculty wonder if the department will survive his retirement, experimental aspects of x—ray crystallography. Professor Paul L. Corio .
planned for two years from now. The last member of our administra- (Ph.D., Columbia, 1957) has research interests in various aspects 1
tive trio for 1974-75 is Donald E. Sands (Ph.D., Cornell, 1955), of quantum chemistry and magnetic resonance; he is also an ac- :
who has for several years been Director of General Chemistry. The complished composer of music. Merle D. Pattengill (Ph.D., California, E
Director is ultimately responsible for the 2000 students per year Irvine, 1969) is in his second year at Kentucky, and his research is
who take our various general chemistry courses. In addition, Dr. concerned primarily with the fundamental theory of gas-phase rate E
Sands has been instrumental in setting up a new, very popular processes. Prior to coming to Kentucky, Dr. Pattengill held post- E
Chemistry Resource Room, is actively involved in various aspects doctoral appointments at the University of Wisconsin and at the .
of computer-assisted instruction, and still manages to spend some University of Toronto. William K. Plucknett (Ph.D., Iowa State, E
time in the X-Ray Laboratory. In July Dr. Sands will be leaving the 1942), another faculty member who will be familiar to many alumni, 1
General Chemistry office to become Associate Dean for Advanced conducts research in various aspects of experimental physical chem-
Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences. istry; he also finds the time to grow several acres of tobacco each ; -
The analytical division faculty members actively engaged in re- year. Dr. Plucknett will be assuming the remainder of Dr. Sands’
search include Professor Henry H. Bauer (Ph.D., University of term as Director Of General Chemistry starting in lUlY. ""37
Sydney, 1956), whose research is in the various aspects of electro- The department will add fOur new staff members this coming 5'":
chemistry including electroorganic synthesis and high-energy batteries. September. Dr. D. Allan Butterfield (Ph.D., Duke, 1974) is a '
Dr. Bauer holds a half-time assignment in the Institute for Mining physical chemist whose research interests include electron spin
and Minerals Research on campus. Dr. Bauer has achieved a certain resonance spectroscopy and its applications to biological systems; he .
notoriety of late as our local expert on the Loch Ness monster. is currently completing a postdoctoral appointment at the Duke
James E. O’Reilly (Ph.D., Michigan, 1971) is another electrochemist, University School of Medicine. Previously, Dr. Butterfield spent two
whose research concentrates on the biological aspects of electro- and years in Africa. Our second new faculty member is Dr. Steven W.
analytical chemistry; he did postdoctoral work at the University of Yates (Ph.D., Purdue, 1973), whose research involves radionuclear
Illinois prior to coming to Kentucky. William F. Wagner (Ph.D., chemistry; most recently, he has held a postdoctoral appointment at
Illinois, 1947), one of our former Chairmen, conducts research in the the Argonne National Laboratories in Chicago. August will also see
areas of solvent extraction and thermal methods of analysis; he is the arrival of Dr. Thomas G. Attig (Ph.D., Ohio State, 1973) Whose '
also very active in the local AAUP Chapter and in the University research interests are in the area of organo-metallic chemistry; present-
Credit Union. ly he has a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Western .
The department’s inorganic staff includes Robert W. Kiser (Ph.D., Ontario. Finally, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Audrey L.
Purdue University, 1958), also a former Chairman, whose research Companion, formerly of Illinois Institute of Technology, will join our
interests are primarily in the area of mass spectrometry. Dr. Kiser faculty as Associate Professor. Dr. Companion has published extensive- E
has become involved in computer—assisted instruction, having recently ly on the topic of diatomics-in-molecules theory and is very active in E
programmed a major portion of his mass spectroscopy course into a the field of chemical education.
computer-compatible format, so that each student can learn at his Two emeritus faculty have changed their addresses recently. Dr. E
own pace and on his own time. Kurt Niedenzu (Ph.D., University of Lyle Dawson recently sold his house on Barberry Lane and moved E
Heidelberg, 1956) conducts research involving the synthesis, struc- to 3420 Milam Lane in Merrick Place, Lexington, Kentucky 40502.
ture, and reactions of various boron compounds; he has been on Dr. Jacob Meadow has moved from Lexington to 347 Robin Road, .
sabbatical this year at the Gmelin Institute for Inorganic Chemistry Waverly, Ohio 45690. i
in Frankfurt, Germany. Paul G. Sears (Ph.D., Kentucky, 1953) is
continuing his research involving dielectric constant and conductance
studies, and nonaqueous solution chemistry. Dr. Sears, a well-known RECENT NEWS FROM AND ABOUT ALUMNI
figure on campus, has just been reelected to his third three-year
term as the faculty representative on the University Board of Trustees News about Department of Chemistry alumni falls into our hands
and is a Special Assistant to the President of the University. from several sources—from the alumni themselves, from their friends
Our organic division includes Ellis V. Brown (Ph.D., Iowa State, currently on campus and from friends of friends. For the most part
1936) who, despite his recent retirement after fifteen years service all We have are addresses. For this issue of the Newsletter we are
to the University, is still as active as ever in his research work. Dr. including a short list of news. items that were volunteered by current
Brown is still one of the first to arrive in the morning and spends faculty and students and information derived from recent alumni
many weekends in his laboratory. Robert D. Guthrie’s (Ph.D., correspondence. We would especially like more information of this
Rochester, 1963) research work is concerned with mechanistic studies kind. We urge you to return the enclosed sheet with information about '
in organic chemistry, mainly in the area of carbanion chemistry and yourself and your friends for inclusion in future Newsletters. If
electron-transfer]. reactions. His National Science Foundation grant sufficient interest is shown we would hope to prepare Newsletters each
has just been renewed for a third consecutive two-year period. As year in the future:

 Henry Phillip Orem (B.S., ’32, M.S., ’34) has just retired after Research Reactor Facility of the University of Missouri.

1 twenty-five years in the Chemical Research Department of Coal, Iron Teofila Rehagay (Ph.D., ’69) is a chemist with the Department

i and Chemicals Division of United States Pipe and Foundry Company. of Pharmacy at the University of Kentucky.

1 Prior to that, he worked for American Cyanamide for thirteen years. Kurt L. Huhianen (Ph.D., ’70) has just begun a new job as Chief
During his industrial career, Mr. Orem has been the holder or co- Chemist in radiology in the Department of Human Resources for the
holder of eighteen US. and seven Canadian patents. As recently as Commonwealth of Kentucky. After his return from Peace Corps
last August he made application for two additional US. patents. service in the South Pacific, Kurt worked as a postdoctoral research

3 Throughout these years, Mr. Orem has been active in the American associate in the Toxicology Laboratory at UK. Their second son

. Chemical Society, The American Institute of Chemists, and Sigma Xi. was born to Kurt and Charlotte in March, 1975.

‘ Richard McConnell (B.S., ’48) has several excuses to visit Lex— Donald L. Showalter (Ph.D., ’70) is on the faculty of Iowa
ington frequently. He is on the Board of Directors of the UK. Alumni Western Community College, Clarinda, Iowa.

Association, his daughter is a student in the College Of Nursing David E. Gillum (Ph.D., ’71) is now on the faculty of Ashland

‘ here and his wife Carolyn (B.S., ’48) is a native of Lexington. Dr. Community College, Ashland, Kentucky,

McConnell iS employed at the Tennessee Eastman Co., in Kingsport, David L. Greene (Ph.D., ’71) is a faculty member at Rhode Island

. Tennessee. John F. Bauer, currently a graduate student under the College in Providence,
direction of Dr. W. T. Smith and the holder of a Tennessee Eastman Patricia M. Santoliquido (Ph_D., ’71) recently accepted a position
Fellowship, recently visited Kingsport as the guest of the Company with Trace Elements, Inc., Park Ridge, Illinois. _

' and was the dinner guest Of Dr. and Mrs- McConnell. Ainslie T. Young (Ph.D., ’71) has recently taken a position with

1 Achmad Amiruddin (Ph-D-, ’61) is now PieSident 0t Hasanuddin Mead Chemical Company in Chillicothe, Ohio. After leaving Lexing-

. University, Celebes, Indonesia. ton he spent one year as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Andrew

i F. Marshall can Meter (B.S., ’65) is completing his final year in Streitweiser at the University of California-Berkeley, and two years

the UK. Medical School. As a captain in the Air Force he will with Rrofessor William A. Pryor at Louisiana State University in

" begin his residency at Wilfred Hall at Lackland AFB in Texas. Baton Rouge.

Marshall spent two years at Edwards AFB in California at the Rocket Gary Weismnn (33.) ’71) has just received the Ph.D. in chemistry
Lab after completing his Ph~D- in inorganic chemistry at Georgia from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He has taken a post-

} Institute Of Technology. ‘ doctoral position under Professor D. J. Cram at the University of

’ Philip A. Baedecker (Ph.D., ’66) recently accepted a position as California-L05 Angeles and plans a career in college teaching.

‘ Research Chemist with the US. Geological Survey, Reston, Va. Robert D, F raas (Ph.D., ’72) now a faculty member at Eastern

James M- Huey (3-5» ’66) completed the PhD at Carnegie Kentucky will be a guest speaker on “Forensic Sciences” at the 27th

' Mellon University and is new doing research at the L-S-U. Medical Southeast-Slst Southwest Combined Regional A.C.S. Meeting in
Center. Memphis, Tennessee, in October, 1975.

James L. Setser (M.S., ’66) manager, Measurement Services Di- Russell Isbrandt (Ph.D., ’72) has worked for Polacoat of Cin-
vision, Environment/ One Corporation, Schenectady, NY, has been cinnati. When Polacoat recently sold out to Minnesota Mining and

1 elected the first president of the Association of Environmental Labora— Manufacturing Co.’ he moved to Minneapolis where he is involved

1 tories. A feature article on Mr. Setser appeared in the October, 1974, in research on liquid crystals.

3 issue of Environmental Science and Technology. Presently residing in James A. Kuhlenschmidt (Mg, ’72) was recently promoted to

. Schenectady, Mr. Setser was born and raised in Van Lear, Kentucky, International Manufacturing Liason Manager with Ames Manufactur-

i and received his 135. degree from Morehead State College. ing Co. (a division of Miles Laboratories) in Elkhart, Indiana.

J James T Tanner (Pth ’66) is a Research Chemist at the U-S~ Michael D. Miller (Ph.D., ’74) joined the faculty of Classboro

3 Food and Drug Administration in Washington, DC. State College, Classboro, New Jersey, in the fall, 1974.

James R- Vogt (PhDu ’66) was recently named Associate Director Samuel C. Hsu (Ph.D., ’74) has completed a postdoctoral ap-

f 0f the Environmental Trace Substances Research Center at the pointment with Professor Malcolm Dole at Baylor University and is

1 University Of Missouri. currently a postdoctoral fellow with Professors Beynon and Cook at

. Lewis E. Nunnelley (BS, ’68) completed the Ph.D. at Oregon Purdue University.

State University in 1974 and iS now at the Lawrence Radiation Recent graduates at Abbot Laboratories in Waukegan, Illinois,
Laboratory, Livermore, California. include Andrew Plasz (Ph.D., ’70), John Motlow (Ph.D., ’74) and

, William Kipp (Ph.D., ’69) was a recent visitor in the Depart- Richard Granneman (Ph.D., ’73).
ment 0f Chemistry. He iS Manager 0f Quality Assurance in Central Recent graduates at the Dow Chemical Company in Midland,
Analytical Services of Schenley Distillers, Inc., of Cincinnati. Michigan, include Gilbert Downs (13.5., ’74), Paul Cranley (M.S.,

David M. McKown (Ph.D., ’69) is senior radiochemist at the ’74) and Martin Langhorst (M.S., ’73).







