xt7ksn012n0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn012n0z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1993 text GLSO News, April 1993 1993 1993-04 2019 true xt7ksn012n0z section xt7ksn012n0z Iiégwe'uu “-.- ”385m . :.-:3:-" ,.;:£:5155""" III:55;:-:~‘- III:::;3;:>:J‘1'~'-'-~-..._.,.;._ 1.15:5(P'TH . ”5:”
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Take The Walk °f Life It s A Weekend of the Lima Dead
0 O O (9 O
y I The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire will
i . i ’1 ’3- host its 12th Annual Coronation on the weekend of
- April 25 (yes, we know it’s the March on Washington
“The Walk for Life,” sponsored by AIDS Walk of weekend but by—laws demand it be held then). The
Lexington, will be held on Sunday, April 18. The 5K theme of this year’s coronation is Night of the Living
Pledge Walk will begin with registration at noon and Dead: AnImperial Saluteto the B—movieMonsters.
warm—up aerobics at 2pm. The Walk itself begins at The ICBE has been busy for the last year preparing for
2:30pm. Registration is at Commonwealth Stadium. the coronation. The festivities will begin on Friday,

Proceeds from the Walk will benefit individuals April 23, with an annual bar tour beginning at 9pm at
in our community who are living with HIV and AIDS, Joe’s Bar Where welcome packets will be available.
and will help raise awareness of this deadly disease The coronation is expectedto drawalarge out-of-town
throughout the Commonwealth. crowd.

Brochures and pledge sheets are available at At 11am at the Holiday Inn North (New Town
the AVOL office, 214 West Maxwell St. or by calling Pike), the Court Conference Informal will begin and
(606) 254-2865. Pledge sheets and contributions can last until 1pm in preparation for the Out-Of-Town
be returned prior to or during registration for the Show. This show begins at 7pm with a $5 cover and
event. Additional donations are accepted at anytime a cash bar. The first annual Emperor and Empress of
at the AVOL office. Any walker bringing in $50 or Keeneland will be crowned at this event.
more in donations will receive a free t-shirt. The Coronation itself will be held on Sunday

All walkers are invited to a post-walk at the Holiday Inn North beginning at 6pm for
celebration featuring two dynamic local bands to be cocktails. Ceremonies start promptly at 7pm.
held from 3:50pm-Spm at Commonwealth Stadium. The annual coronation is a fun-filled transfer

Rick Pitino, Mayor Pam Miller and other of power from the current reigning monarchs, Emperor
community leaders will join in this effort to raise much 'Ihom Branscum and Empress Michelle Carrington, to
needed funds for direct AIDS care and services. the new leaders of one of Lexington’s oldest charity
Anyone interested in participating in the Walk, or organizations in the gay community. Come out. Share
sponsoringawalkershould call AVOL at (606) 254-2865. in the fun and help benefit area charities.

QUIDe ON pages 21 AND 22:!
DON C ( I )155 Ct )15 ONE!

 ,. f y ,.
c 4-\ \ / "—— o . .
9%) 91230 evasive? «£9 Kentucky’s Representatives m DC
Published Monthly by the Doing Badly l
L’sxbzgton gay/[eagicm sewage
019 anizafion, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has
P O Box 11471 Lexington KY 40575 just issued their Report Cards for the 102nd Congress,
E' d' t . ff ’ d K ‘. ti 8 'th the last completed sessions of Congress prior to the
l ors. J6 Jones an ”S n m1 last election (1991-1992). Kentucky’s Senators and
Ron SRWCF, Ad Manager Representatives largely did very poorly based on 11
GLSO Annual Dues - $10.00 separate issues on AIDS/HIV, freedom of expression, [hf
Dues for Couples _ $15.00 $232525; partners, the Boy Scouts and c1v1l rights for :{d
Newsletter Only — $5.00 Percentages reflectvotes in favor of positions endorsed dc
m. bY the NGLTF- b“
authors and don't necessarily represent those of the GLSO Board Here are how our Senators rated: rel
3faitiiiti’ieifi?2331;313:1112“;31233332333533? 2? El: W.Ford (D): 9% (F) sh:
author. The staff reserves the right to edit submission and ads M.McConnell (R). 0% (F) m(
Eiymjiimfsuffiiffni12:23:31?Zeviieliiiqafntfis’21::2:33:33 Here are how our Representatives rated: Pa
not denot: afperson's sexual orientation nor a business' C.Hubba_rd (D): g1% (F) flig
' customer 1'8 orence. ‘ W.Natcher (D): 9% (D) Pr(
- «3‘49“ ’t‘» - jfi- R.Mazzoli (D): 77% (C) a r
' J.Bunning (R): 0% (F) ge:
' H.Rogers (R): 23% (F) wil
GLSO News Seeks New Editor moms (R): 33% 0,) 3w
C.Perkins (D): 69% (D) of i
Owing to increasing school/work responsibilities, ' ‘ ’ 13?
co-editor Jeff Jones is seeking a replacement editor. RCP- MaZZOh, the highCSt rated Congressmember, 15 N11
The volunteer position of GLSO News co-editor the representative from LOUISVIHC-
involves several responsibilities: at) writing a large , , (ha
part ofeachissue,b)workingwith desktop publishing International Gay &' LeSblan Home 1353
software, c) contacting various information sources, - ant
d) coordinating ads, layout, writers, etc. Typically, the EXChange CIUD opens US Hotllne ant
position requires anywhere from 3—15 hours per 1101
WCEk- If interested, ___PLEASE callJeff Jones at 2765585 The London-based Club EX Network has established Wh
for more mfor matron. a toll free number to recruit interested travelers. The :3}
cost is about “equal to one night at a downtown hotel” .
“IDS I 0] To Be Held at U°K° according to the brochure. This service aims to [ms
connect travelers wishing to experience home sec
The first course atthe University ofKentucky dedicated exchanges WithOUt hiding their sexual orientation. :1:
[0 covering the subject of the AIDS epidemic is being The number for more information is: 1-800-787—0010. but
offered for the Fall 1993 semester. Arts & Sciences 300
(A&S 300-002) IS the course number for AIDS: The Have you been discriminated against the
Global Challenge and W111 be taught by Dr. Gary .
Shannon, author of The Geography of AIDS. Dr. In the commonwealth 0f Kentucky 3::
Shannon is an internationally known medical for your sexual orientation? con
geographer in the UK Dept. of Geography. The . - .
course will deal with the multiple aspects of the THEN REPORT (T! 322
epidemic: diffusion, economics, demographics, 231_0335 fool
reporting, etc. This course is the result of an informal hei
SUWCY Of Students in intrOdUCEOI-Y geography Classes .-:»:-:>:':»:v:-' '~:'.':~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-' :-:-:-:-:‘:»' :-.~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-': '-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:v"':-:~:v:v:»:o:~: :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-'»:-:-:-:-:»:-r fellé
who reported that the vast majority of them had no GL5¥$€Flm§flafi$H3€Cf in“;
prior instruction on HIV/AIDS and its impact on the u _
world. fiattvweflhammwsm ff

 _ RR
., ' . they switch roles and become those fellated by
a The Gunfire conneCtlon° . younger boys. The basis for this practice lies in the
Male Homosexualfl’y Among the Sambia understanding of gender development in Sambia
' socrety.
Of New Gurnea Boys are not considered to have any gender
by Barry James, Department Of (just as infants are in our own society) and must
as Aner 010 therefore be inseminated in order to become male
33, p gy according to Sambia tradition. The Sambia believe
he that boys are not “male ” because they have no semen.
1C; We wake up on the third day of our trek into In orderr1 for the bofysléo blecomehmale, they must first
. . . ' have alread . one
n, the jaggedly mountainous area of the New Gumea mgestt esemeno .0 er. oys W. 0. Y8
or Highlands and stretch, inhaling the thick fog that $$§xjgelafltl§ aimerg‘gegggrginittlilaéuolrlihiinifgdis go:
covers the wet, tropical jungle. “What the hell are we passed on generpati on by gel; eratio n It is only by
-d 3353:3533: hletgffljgg 12::ng [b figfiptjiifijggegégaf “storing up " semen that male Sambia are thought to be
remember the view of the decrepit, corrugated tin able to ejaculate and produce children. Even when
shacks huddled together amidst the somewhat more in a of: aret 31:321-6de and no llonger are allowed
modern buildings of Port Moresby, the capital of flip :1: 10%? 61 IS omosexua EiClll’Y 1ty,t eyingesta
Papua New Guinea. From there we took the short [ C ’ W lte tree sap to rep lenish the” supply Of
flight to Goroka, the provincial capital of EastHighland semen. Next Month- The S ambia continues
Province before the final air hop to a grass airstrip at ‘
a mountain patrol post. Gathering all our packs and
gear, we started the hike into the forbidding jungle
with its high mountain ranges (some as high as the
Swiss Alps) and swiftly running rivers. After two days
of trudging through thick marshes and soggy riverine
land, we are still about a day’s torturous walk from W1”
is Nilangu, the nearest Sambia village.
We gather up all our essential e ui ment
(hairspray, Noxema and Depeche Mode [3333?) and APR-III 25, 1993
e psyche ourselves up for the day’s walk. I look around - ,
and see one person shoving a hairdryer in their pack ‘ ' GoBfia’Yl KNOW 'J‘ A
i and laugh (I’m glad I forgot mine!) After about six , But’ fflf‘zfimjw 87 ‘
hours of walking, we reach the outer edge of Nilangu 1 ABOUT ‘93! i\
D d where the elders of the village are gathering the young ‘ ’ " ‘
E e boys together for their initiation. We don our “little red ' '9'.
31,, riding hoods” and become invisible (for the sake of a g
”to this storyline) so as to follow the initiation. This is a . . ‘ 'l" ,
n e secret ritual (not even the village women know what "' ‘ .‘i‘fi‘ 4
’ n is really happening). The entire cycle of initiation
0‘ takes 10 to 15 years, so I’ll be hitting my Fast Forward 2 'r' z.
’ ’ button a few times. , 4 l ”m
The elders lead the boys out of the village to 7., ' B
7 the jungle where they will build a cult house to be ‘ / to OR \ g
used for the entire cycle. After its completion, all the v ' , ‘
rites will take place here in six stages. We will ' 7 ‘
concentrate on the lower stage initiations where the
initiates build their own home called a “rat house” DON’T MISS
because they hunt forest rats to present to elders as '
food gifts. It is here that homosexual ritual is at its ms ONE
height. The younger boys are forced to perform .
:.. fellatio on the older boys. First and Second Stage
initiates are fellators until they reach the Third Stage
(a process taking about 5 to 8 years). At this point,

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4 - GLSO NEWS/ APRIL 1993 Ame 25 - mAllCh 0N WASWNGCON

 . iifiii 5%,?
gig? {35’
figfi HOMO fog? Hate State Update:
Information on the Boycott of
_ M“ W) Colorado
j _l .
cooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ltlsnOW calculatedthatColoradohaslost
' Spring is here, and the Hollywood Homos are coming over $39 million in lost tourist dollars from canceled
out of hibernation for some escapades out on the conferences alone. Although some Coloradans are
' town. What I am wondering is which of them will asking for an end to the boycott by pointing to certain
torch the closets and come out for the fabulous March areas that did not carry the vote for Amendment 2,
- on Washington this month? Perhaps Madonna and other groups in Colorado have contacted GLSO News
- Sandra Bernhard will kiss and make up for the March. asking for continued support from Kentuckians by
Maybe EltonJohn and the Indigo Girls will redeem the boycotting Colorado. The boycott alone is the only
rest of their musical queer peers and record a new thing pushing news coverage and action on this issue
theme for the March to take the place of the corny little by a broad base of opponents in the gay, HIV and
- ditty featuring Romanovsky & Phillips, Holly Near, business communities. Otherwise, action is limited to
and company: “Together, Strong and Proud.” This slow movement in the court system.
official anthem for the MOW crucifies the talents Hate crimes againstlesBigays andAmendment
involved and certainly does break those stereotypes of 2 opponents wearing “Undo 2" stickers/buttons
. homosexuals as creative people. Some celebs to look continues far above average reports of harassment,
out for will be Liz Taylor and Diana Ross wanna-be, vandalism and physical attack. Outside of large
‘ RuPaul. Liz is throwing a disco party to benefit her gatherings of lesBigays such as at Aspen’s Gay Ski
group, the American Foundation for AIDS Research Week, gay travelers are staying away from many gay
' (AmFAR). Meanwhile, Miss Ru will be sashaying at a resorts. GLSO News received a desperate note from
concert whose details were unannounced at press The Bunk House, Box 6, Breckenridge, CO 80424
time. (503) 453—6475, a gay male-only lodge saying that the
Early 80’s flashback! Boy George is back boycottwas threatening to close theirbusiness after 20
with a vengeance singing the theme song from the years. Perhaps due to politically and safety conscious
critically—acclaimed movie, “The Crying Game.” tourists staying away from reports of rising Hate
George was the appropriate choice for a movie which Crimes, this gay business is experiencing troubling
features more queens than a deck of cards. By the times. As they and boycott supporters point out, 75%
way, the Pet Shop Boys produced the single for of Colorado’s tourism is from out—of—state.
George. It doesn’t get any queerer than this, boys and There is also increasing evidence of the large
girls. The song and movie have already hit big in help given anti—gay Coloradans for Family Values
Europe and have a huge buzz here at home. (CFV) by Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition and their
Give the Strayt But Not Narrow Award to systematic deception during the campaign. Attorneys
Miss Jay Leno. After dancehall reggae star Shabba with the Coalition counseled CFV to not: include the
Ranks supported another rap star who stated that fags words “special rights” in Amendment 2 because of the
should be crucified, his upcoming performance on legal challenges possible by opponents pointing out
“The Tonight Show” was canceled by none other than that being free from discrimination is not a special
honorary homo Jay himself. right. Instead, Amendment 2 denies all civil rights to
How about someone who we don’t need to homo/bisexuals but was promoted to Coloradans by
make an honorary homo? Believe it or not, it’s none CFV as a campaign against “special rights.” Numerous
other than Playboy mogul Huthefner, who recently surveys have found that most Americans believe that
said in an interview that during the seventies, he flirted it is illegal for gays to be fired or thrown out of their
with bisexuality but didn’t findit particularly satisfying. homes because of their sexual orientation. Clearly, it
Of course, anyone who would date Barbi Benton is not the case in most of America.
would have questionable taste. So, as we are all learning to say before it
That’s all for now kids. See you in happens here: Undo 2! Also, maybe we should drop
Washington!...or €V€fl better, maybe YOU’11 see ME! 1 a friendly note to Adam and staff at The Bunk House.
just hope I won’t have to fight off advances from
J— Morissey yet again...(wink)

 1 9/ _ é / Lexington 's Newest : <

' 5' 5 C-...;/ ; .,-,-.’"-"’." Show Bar and Kentucky's Only '

O 'x/,« “/7; , ,2 53 f ’f‘ '9 .1 _ O

' “é/===‘ alternate Lifestyles B.Y.0.B. Bar .

. or”; I-éég ’ "~ Friday and Saturday -

: 4/?m r,” .. to 45—7. ya. ' 9 P-"'- t° " “-m- 3

. ‘ "4’4 '«W /’ Show time: ll p.m. .
: Sunday : '1
. 6 pm. to 12 am. . t
- Show time: 8 pm. - c
: 53 Cover Nightly : f
: I I : f
. Startin 6 HI 1. . s
9 t
: 5‘ Every Thursday RHVE NIGHT 2 s
: 12:31; 55:1: :1 (18 and older no liquor 9-1) $3 cover : r
0 255‘}? 0 c
- #45]; lt/1 Begins the 8 week Hmatuer Contest - t
: i” ’ $20 cash prise I $2 cover : i
: in"? Final June 9 $50 cash prise : c
2 “a? 4/9 Celebrity auction with ICBE 3 r
: i“ \ . to benefit HVOL & GLSD : £
: s" \ 4/14 Hot Rods Male Review ; i
o gag-w ”21.5% $5 cover I doors open at 9pm c s
o , ”’6,’ -..'--5 lt/‘l6 811 Special prearence by 0 f
: ‘ffi‘ 7* 2333 Hmanda Winters : f
0 1,: if ‘7 --../' I o t
: “{- Kg ‘- = li/18 Club (lndergrounds return of the : c
: Show Director: flshley O'Hara-Moore S cigllkqws 32:; b _ : I
: Hsst. Show Director: Michelle Carrington EfflSHLIEvKRdlZ "y. : E
; Show Cast: Briana Carey -- BRHNDY MICHHELS -- 2 s
- Stacey Bryant - I;
: Ceasha 4/“ Club Underground welcomes the : E
. ggtilrgoout of town show with . a

: entertainers rom the :

. Club Underground us and Canada . s
I . 0 a
3 933 W'P‘he‘t'" Road 4/25 ICBE coronation I g
: Lexmgton. KY held at the Holiday inn North ; F
: (606) 255-9881 Doors open at 6pm : E
6 - GLSO NEWS/ fiPRlL 1993 APRIL 25 - mARCb ON WAShINQ‘CON i

 O I
O —__________*___—__——__
‘ ' more information, contact the current Reigning
: M COW M Monarchs: Empress Michelle Carrington and Emperor
. lm‘ll'mlll" S a “Ill““llfll Thom Branscum at 255—2299. The Imperial Court
a -T_ M T serves you and our community. So, take this month
0 —__——___ out to thank the Court for their continuing good works
: The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass and congratulate them on another successful
. Empire Coronation. -
; Honesty Prowdes Outlet for
. The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire (ICBE) is ' '
o the local chapter of an international service LgSBlgay scathern BaptISts
C organization. The goals of all Imperial Courts are to Honesty 15_ the name 0f the “CtWOTk 0f support groups
' provide enjoyment through quality entertainment for DOW forming m the 5011316”? Baptist denomination,
: local communities and to raise money via shows and the dominant ChU{Ch here. In the SOUth- A local
. fundraisers for charities. Originating 25 years ago in chapter has formedin Loursvrlle. For more information
. San Francisco, the Court system is based on “camp" on meeting times and places, please C311 DOFOEhY at
0 humor, that uniquely gay perspective on life’s joys, (502) 45815592 or Eddie at (502) 637-7609 A150, there
0 sorrows and absurdities. This campiness still leaves its has been interest shown 1“ starting a chapter here in
' mark on the Court system as in the titles of a local Lexrngton. If you have information onalocalSouthern
: chapter’s leaders: Emperor and Empress. Along this Baptist Church that might be willing. to sponsor such
to theme, each chapter holds ayearly coronation where 3 group or are interested 1“ travehng [0 Loursv1lle
0 new officers are elected. The ICBE’s Coronation is this together, please contact 31- at 259—1490-
' month here in Lexington and as always, looks to be - -
: quite the festive event! NOT RecelVlng Your GLSO News at
. The Court System has been instrumental in Home)
0 raising thousands of dollars for charitable, social and '
0 political causes. In the late 1970’s, the Court System IfV011 have a paid SUbSCYiPUQD t0 the GLSO NEWS and
. was a major source of money for [he defeat of anti—gay have not received a recent Issue, please contact Jeff
: campaigns by Anita Bryant and California’s Briggs Jones at 276-5583. Recently we have had some
. Initiative. In the 1980’s the focus of fundraising has problems Wlth the mailing “St and need to update
a switched to dealing with the AIDS epidemic. addresses, etc.
' Loca y, our ICBE continues to sponsor “drag - -
: shows”, musical entertainment and comedy to raise MCC coming to LeXlngton
. money for such worthy causes as AVQL, GLSO, TOYS Rev. Rex Van Alstine of the Metropolitan Community
0 for TOES and GOd’S Pantry. These monies are collected Church of Louisville has been placed in charge of a
‘ thronshout the year and then presented [0 the chosen potential church feasibility study here in Lexington.
: charities. ' _ _ For the next several months, Rev. Van Alstine will
. ICBE has a long hIStOFY here 1“ Lex1ngton. conduct services in Lexington with a look towards
. Except for GLSO and the on again/Off again student forming a permanent MCC here. The first services of
' organizations at UK, ICBE provided the only other Christ Is Risen MCC will be held Easter Sunday, April
' organized pro-gay group in Lexington up into the 11, at 6:30pm in the Glenhaven Room of the Greenleaf
: 1980’s. Until last year, many of the ICBE’s charity Inn, 2280 Nicholasville Rd. The MCC is a Christian
0 shows revolved around the “CW closed bar, The Church with an outreach to the LesBiGay community.
0 Metro. Recently, the ICBE has found more Of a new Another service will follow at the same location on
' home at the new Club Underground on Winchester April 25. For more information, please contact Rev.
’ Road under the Phoenix Bookstore. Be sure to keep Van Alstine at 2714401
: an eye out for future charity shows there.
. The ICBE’s members represent all facets of
- society with all ranges of gender, race, age, lifestyle, Added Bonus to marCh Renewals
' and sexual orientation represented. Over the years, Some people renewing their GLSO memberships and
: many vibrant leaders of our community have emerged GLSO News subscriptions in March have sent in
, through the training, leadership and self-esteem money at the new rates going into effect in this month
. promoted by ICBE activities and membership, (April). For those people that have renewed in March,
I Everyone is welcome at the ICBE’s meetings (held on you will be listed as having paid for not 1 but 2 years.
’L the first and third Sundays of each month at 5pm). For Thank you for your support.

is: - g
:7], I i at: ,0 %S Postcards From the FamIly.
5 it 01 -/ 045 (file‘s. A Political Action Column for Our Readers
gfio dea [heady D/fL‘lL a [UL 25 maul announcement 11/ #09 runions and 1 . 100 calls against lifting the ban On homosexuals in
Masaigmayoumfamnrng‘goavw490 yawn”, 1mg“ the military continue to flood the White House opinion
1940575,” day-[2766353, line for every 1 call in support of lifting the ban.
Senator Wendell Ford has stated that he is “firm in my
Lsz aommunif‘y joiner in M’s/05 ofCawffitxon am! stance against lifting the ban.” Call and express your
(3 : , . support for President Clinton’s lift of this ban:
Heat/25’; J 05 a cafsgaatton 0/ fills”. 4 55am White House Comment Line: 1-202-456-1111
. t gill 04 If Senator Ford: 202-224-4343/606-233-2484
”man”? 09 51 0” P1 7' Representative Baesler: 202-225-4706
or if lines are busy, write:
President Clinton Sen. Wendell Ford
04 (Jerry albscdgizt/lday wig/i 9051 out to g '
1 :;.:§.§';;:§: 21.12%: 5i:- -. - ' ;'- - .
:1” w
h: “v
ur $5Chfidren‘2endunder
if: (smiwavs)
1g ..
3r ___——__——_____—__

 . n 1 n .
Never 623")! homosexuals in the Nazrs and in the general public
b ff began in 1933. Laws were soon passed calling for the
YJC Jones sterilization of “deviants" and making it a felony for
one man to give another a “1er glance” or even for
Sunday, April 18, is Holocaust Remembrance having a homosexual fantasy! By 1936, the annihilation
Day and commemorates the six million (1/3 again of homosexuals was being demanded by the Nazis to
more than the entire population of Kentucky) children, r etain the purity 0f the “Aryan” people. Thousands of
women and men who died in Nazi concentration gay_men and a largely undocumented number of
camps. The majority of these people were Jews but lesbians were sent to concentration camps. Exact
there were also many other groups including political numbers are difficult to Obtain because many gays
prisoners, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Gypsies, anarchists were 'sent to early camps Where records were not as
and homosexuals. Thus, April 18 is also a day for fQSUdIOUSlY kept. Many gay People also died of
every gay man and lesbian to remember that many starvation, beatings and torture in jails and nevermade
people died under Nazi Germany for their sexual It to the camps. Approximately 41,000 men were
orientation, convicted of homosexuality between 1936-1941 alone
Berlin in the 1930’s was one of the leading With few surviving. . ' .
centers of gay culture. Indeed, the Hirschfeld Institute, At hberation In 1945, the survtvrng gay male
sort of the Kinsey Institute of its time, was the leading and also Gypsy prisoners were listed as “criminals’flby
center of research on homoseXuality, and Berlin in the _Alll_e3 and Were the only two groups [0 not r eceive
1932 had over 300 gay bars and cafes with a tenth of restitutionfrorn the German-andAustrian governments.
them targeted at a lesbian clientele. This record of The Austrian government JUSt [hie year conceded [0
bars has never been matched by any other city in the 1333’ r estitution for homosexual pr1soners.
world. Out of this nightmare came several important
At that time, Germany outlawed homosex between elements of our culture. First of all are some of our
males but not women: women’s sexuality was SymbOlS- In the CemPSi gay male Prisoners were
considered to be defined by men and thus lesbianism forced to wear a pink triangle while there Is some
was ignored. evidence thatsome known lesbians were identified by
But, With Hrtlersrise to power, purges against CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
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5»? @. @EKEllN CiCIYI 1 '2-- .9... i. semi-Precmus stones,
' ' ' long. . l i .4 {C trade beads, bells and
. The Foodbar/Bukery at - {Ill I -..~ "s '. findings.
. ‘5 °.° Good Food: Co—Op . ‘ ' 5 \ ‘ i" 1
439 Southlund Dawns-5109 “1 g 5. 9::
' ,..-°M.n. 10.7 FISat. 10-6 ' 'lll‘lflllWl g1}; ,.
. . . . a»:~_;~.ag:x, . . . 3* 4 ll 5- l ' 224 Walton Avenue
MW 7 7 W "”WAim “MA—“AW" "AR“ 7 7 '7 7' 7””“JVA’A'_V‘7HW'171AA ...,.._.:

_ O O
C 91, ”(A
; J4},
3 / Country Western Night
f 1'” Come Learn the Two Step and Line Dances
f a
t y? .09
f $6 0‘ (39
E va \36‘ «5
59$, (s 5. _
3 0° \\ @f‘ Saturday. April 10th
3 V95", “a? 3:39 - 12:30
‘ $°é° Umtarlan Church
: as“ (7}
. o &
Grab a patina and get ready for some hand-dappin,
[ toe-lappln lunl Join Cathy as she teaches Country-Western
F Dancing at the Unilatlan Church on Salutdag, March 27th
2 £ April 3rd from 8 - l0 pm for only 53.00 each night.
Ya’ll be two-stepping 8: Do-si-doing in no time!
Refreshments available
3406 4465“ 65- for all events
(5W. a, 405/ 7
iris even/s, inc.
‘ Gerda/[y thuz'lesyou lo allezlmflfie
J‘Eam 50w J3 d/f
$12.00 (Ba/urofay: [Ag/1775 o/yune 762 %IIMIMMQ£EZ;:%%€%Z:§
75a evening Ihcfimfes: m’ne/een gum/reafan (fame/y [free '
@ancz‘ny [0 Me my “-0 6/ a/m'ne o’cflwfz’n Me euenz'ny Benny/on, W
K]? '[a fieacfl Tuncfl 0120f coofz'es £11sz 59 serueo/
gar reserua/z'onsp/ease caf/z'rzls even/s, inc. 61/2724 [6’2

r1 214 E. MAIN ST. 231-6997
‘ ' v " A cheenu/ 00711110013111 or tank/mess where genders
LOOk For Kenkay and GIASO In DC ThlS Month Q o ’1 I and sexual preferences aren ’I simply bent» they‘re
. twisted info corkscrews."
1 2 3 My Father 1§ commg
7:00 PM Gay Men's Spirit. 9:00 AM Frontnmmrs Coming on 01g 3;)“ calendaral
G .Potluck 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS sy. . .. "Macho Dancer" an " on are not one"
1323;311:3231: ‘1
8:00 PM HIV/AIDS swam. 8:00 PM Gay/Rabi“ M 11:00 AM Womynweave
8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 'Picnic v . »
PAW/MW” mmcwvow 11011111111031- m > - , , ,. 9100mm: .Bar
7.00 PM NMCH Mt 730 I, 7 b. _ 6:30 pm momma “PP“ B‘m'dh“ ‘ B Good Fnda 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS 3.1.6 ..
- ~ - M Gay L“ “m N Am" 7:00 PM GLOBAL—U of L. 750 PM Men’s Chorus - 12-00 PM KY Farm 5 M C D M F- L E X
730 pM Phonelinc 7:30 PM Parmers of my+ 7:30 PM woman Chorus 8:00 pM HIV/AIDS 51,116,? 8:00 PM Gay/Lesblan
5:00 PM Imperial Cour! Mt_. , 8:45 PM Rmmw “Wm-8'” 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8100 PM GUESS‘EKU AA
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 3‘00 PM POE-M50
AVOL M s. 4-lm/Sz3 -m 5: P P 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:00 PM Gay Men’s Spirit. 1-
(11;;ng 7:30 PM Partners of mv+ 6:30 PM MCC—L’ville gab/:46“ Chm Grp. Wm 52"”
. . . . SppLGrp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. ' 8:00 PM Ga lLesbiau AA 1 rontrunmrs r m and 1111113113 _ I- won-In:
4.00PMD1ver31 Busunss... , . . . _ . 7:30PMUKLamlthtg. , , 10:00AMHIV/AIDSS "”5” Q
8.45 . . . - . .
7-00 PM Gay/les