xt7ksn01115f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn01115f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-04-16 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 16, 1976, no. 124 text The Green Bean, April 16, 1976, no. 124 1976 1976-04-16 2014 true xt7ksn01115f section xt7ksn01115f hmmm T H E   gr.
19 April - Bluegrass Librarians G R E E N if
Association, 7:30 p.m.
Gallery. B E A N
ay - er o rec ex 1- -
,,1,:10,, .. South Lobby Nswsuzrran N0. 124 14/16/76
(see note).
21 April - Administrative Council g;;id8§;ggi11' Editor
Meeting, 8:30 a.m., °
April - 29th Annual Kentucky
Foreign Language Conference.
27 April - AAUP UK Chapter business meeting, 4:00 p.m., Student
Center President's Room.
April - Kentucky Chapter Special Libraries Association spring
workshop at Berea. Topic: "Computer-based Library Net-
works and Bibliographic Data Base Search Services."
Architecture Faculty Honors Hunter Adams
Mr. Willis announced at a recent faculty meeting that the Faculty
of the College of Architecture had proposed the Architecture Li-
brary be named in honor of Hunter Adams who recently retired.
The Library Faculty concurred and the recommendation will be
forwarded to the President's Office for approval.
Senate Nominees
The following librarians have been nominated for the three library
seats in the University Senate: Ellen Baxter, Rhoda Channing,
Adelle Dailey, Sandy Gilchrist, Sara Leech, Claire McCann, Ed
O'Hara, and Janet Stith. The names have been forwarded to the
office of Dean Ockerman who will conduct the balloting.
Bertolt Brecht Exhibition ‘
A documentary exhibition of the life and 17 plays of the German
dramatist Bertolt Brecht is due to open 20 April in the lobby
of King Library South. The display is sponsored jointly by the
libraries and the German Department and will be exhibited through
20 May. _
In 1955, Congress delegated the U.S. Copyright Office to begin ·
studies on the possibility of revising the Copyright Law of 1909
T (17 U.S.C.).
V For librarians, the most meaningful and controversial aspect of this
f revision was the issue of library reprography and photocopying which
included microphotography.

The library photocopying issue was fought bitterly by both users
and owners of copyrighted materials. Both sides believed it to be
gnl§heir=best interest not to press for a provision in the copyright
1 . .
With the introduction of new bills in the l960's, Congress acted and
two new sections were added to the Copyright Law. Section 107 added
the "fair—use" doctrine;·Section 108 allowed single photocopying by
libraries and archives of copyrighted materials. This was totally
unacceptable to the library community because of its many limitations
Finally Senate Bill 1361, which was to supersede the present copy—
right statute and to modernize the copyright system was introduced
and approved by the Senate. Senate Bill 1361, similar to the House
Bill approved by the House of Representatives in 1967 (H.R. Doc. No.
2512, 90th Congress, lst Session, 1967) was not approved by the
House of the 93rd Congress, 2d Session. Because the Senate failed to
approve the House bill, the House rejected the Senate bill. The
Senate, realizing that Senate Bill 1361 as approved by them would not
get favorable results in the House, created a new bill, Senate Bill
3976. The new bill that passed both houses and was approved on
December 31, 1974 by President Ford (P.L. 93-573, 88 Stat. 1873, 17
U.S.C. 201 note), in essence established a commission that would
study and compile data on the use of copyrighted material and would
submit a report in three years.
During the 94th Congress, two new bills have been introduced: Senate
Bill 22 (lst Session) and House Bill 2223 (7th Session). These
bills are identical to Senate Bill 1361 passed by the Senate in the
93rd Congress, 2d Session; librarians will still have to contend with
Section 108.
On February 19, 1976, Senate Bill 22 was approved by the Senate and _
is now under scrutiny by the House of Representatives Judiciary
Replication of copyright works is daily taking place in libraries
as part of the research and educational process. It is an .. . .
established and recognized practice in library administration,
teaching and research.
Publishers claim that although libraries are not in the business of
photocopying for profit, they are depriving publishers of an
opportunity to sell additional copies. This is not a completely
valid conclusion.‘
In order to revise the bill to satisfy both parties, Congress will
have to order a more thorough study of the situation. The bill as
it is presently worded would not provid a c1ear—cut solution to the
The National Agricultural Library (NAL) recently announced that
contracts have been signed for commercial filming of most agri-
cultural research p blications of land gcann colleges in Kentucky,
Califernia and Florida. This is the second step in the proposed .
microfilming of all land grant college research documents over the

 . "\
.. 3-   l
next several years. The first step was completed last month with
the filming of agricultural research publications of six New England»
states' land grant colleges. Each participating institution received
a 35mm set of its publications which were filmed by Graphic Micro-
films, Inc. A
The Library of Congress has agreed to absorb the functions of CONSER
(Conversion of Serials Project) by November 1977. Begun as a co-
operative effort to build a centralized machine-readable data base of
records representing serial publications, the CONSER project is
currently managed by the Council on Library Resources. A biblio- V
graphy of articles on the progress of CONSER appears in CLR's "Recent
Devel0pments" vol. 4, no. l (April 1976).
The University Senate held its regular monthly meeting on April 12th.
The first item of business was the University budget. President
Singeltary noted that, at $28,000,00q it is about half of the
requested amount and the 10% sought for salary adjustments has been
cut to 5%. Fixed costs, the retirement program, Journalism, medical
residencies, student aid and some improvements in the college and
community college programs will have first priority. The capital
construction program has not been restricted, however, and several
new projects will be completed, including additions to the hospital,
the law school library, and new construction at several community
There was a good deal of discussion regarding the recommended
creation of a College of Fine Arts. Art, Music and Theater Arts
(including Theater Dance) will be combined; Dance Education will
remain under the Department of Health, Physical Education, and
Bess Clotfelter
Charles Hay has left the Library to become Archivist at Eastern.
Assistant Dean for Public Services. Univ. Alabama. $20,000+
University Bibliographer. Univ. Alabama. $16,000
Coordinator of Library Instructional Programs. Univ. Alabama.
Science cataloger. Univ. California at Riverside. l July 76.
$11,472 - $14,964
Head cataloger. Center for Research Libraries. $15,000+
Cataloger. Cornell Univ. 1 June 76.
Business/Economics Bibliographer. Syracuse Univ. 9-1-76. $11,265+
