xt7ksn010b5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ksn010b5w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1917 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 4, no. 08, 1917 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 4, no. 08, 1917 1917 1917 2012 true xt7ksn010b5w section xt7ksn010b5w  i v01, vm. mi-ch, 1917 NO, ii I
y The  
Kentucky Alumnus  
it Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
Lexington, Kentucky  

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 I Vol. V[lI l\lzu·eh. 1917 Number 4 _
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 I ElII'l`OR1;\l. CO)lXll·ZN'|`— I _  
.  Interesting Resolution ...................... I ........................ 3 I
 . The Probe Committee ..........,.................... , .............. 4 V
  The Suspicious Man ...........................................i..,. 4 _
 ° General Section .......................................................... 5
I"  Early History of Athletics. A. ./ll. ]IIi//or .........................,........ 9 I I
 . What Some are Doing ............ . ....................................... I4 Q
V  University Section ......................................... . ........... I 5  
  Student Section .............,.............,.............................. 22  
. Class Secretary Section ...,..................,..................,......... 23  
 A I
 — Marriages and Deaths .......................,............................ 26 g
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ll  ii ` Alumni Ilepreseutntivcs on Board of Trustees _ Entered
  Gnome G. Bizoerc, London, Ky. _,.
., =. ]011x   BRoxvN, Shelbyville, Ky, THE SU
1, “ Pl-llI.ll’ P. louxsrox, IR. Lexington K n T0
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  ;   I, LYLIC, New X 0rlc City. TI K
jh , Smruiai. B. M.xu1¤ Y1
~   l)l{liSllll£X'l`S ov '|`l·lI£ Curns.  ¢ tlns po
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` L - lf any one can supply the address of any of the “L0st," the Secretary will ._
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1 .   nppiecmte 1t. the m2
»   .
  J   C:1lebS. Perry, "i9. Edwaril Rand, *03. L. D, \\':tll;w0, ‘01)_ mectm;
l     Irlcnry M_ vvpight, *79_ F. D. Hedges, *04. \\'. li. Mosby, ‘10.  _ "Ll
  Q   ‘V ` B_ R Eub,mk_ ·S4_ O. IL Kroel.   Y _ S. YV. Szllyers, *10.  i reason
  M , Mm,gm.€t “.ilS,m’ »U2_ Chas. R. -“l'1gl\lZ, Oo. Dnvid XV, Smi1.h.'11. I
L   ` John (;_ Mnxex ·g2_ L. L. Pztdtlison, ’O5. \\'. B. 1";1yntm‘, ‘]l. - Ca ZEN
L;   ` iz. cx i;€1s€i~,·:>4. E. B. Stiles, *03. xv. ic. Henson, wz. _ A
1 N ’ ~ w. C, Trigg, *01. li. E. Dragon. *06. H. .-x. Kmnlmrst, *12. _ facts Y
  L \ John ];_ ytgsmmi, ·00_ Florence \\'ilkie, *06. S. Kurozuxvn, *13.  ‘ mectin
j g   ` i T_ A, Jones, *00_ T. B. linrle, *08. my 5. penny, ·13_ H
_ .3 U. A. Hatfield, ·02. H. L. Herring, *0s. Fred Ferris, ·iz.  . Y
Q   T. F. Finnerun, *03. B. U. Bell. `ON. J. M. Ligon, 15.  " mittee
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,_ TnE UN1vE11NC. 1>UEs T()·TllE ASS()CIA'l‘ION, $2.00 PER YEAR. ~
  Tho Kentucky Alumnus is the oll'ieial publication of the Alumni Association. It is
7 issued bi-monthly by the Association under the direction of the Executive Committee
I in the interest of the Association and University. lt therefore represents the
* sentiment and policy of the Alumni organization.
_ The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by thc Executive Committee of the Alumni Association .
and the Associate Editors are the (`luss Secretaries of thu various classes and tlio
  Presidents of the Alumni (flubs. l _
 t ··’*·f*+£"””*]T’—_"_— Q
E;   ¤1,\ ,..,g_rv C :
 T · Etel;@=tECo/atnrttraill   i
 C The Portrait Fund Committee for Professor Neville’s portrait, of which l
Tr lohn Craig Shelby is Chairman, reports that there is a considerable amount yet l
if t0_be raised before it can place the painting contract,. lf the alumni desire that  
“ this portrait be ready for presentation at the coming Commencement, those t
 _ who have not already contributed to this fund should do so at once in order that T ;
 , the Committee can make proper arrangements for the painting at the earliest ¥
J date possible.
 T There arose a condition at the University in 3
 » '¤'¤€*`¤$’¤l¤9 R€$¤>l¤tl¤¤- the fall which attracted wide attention and com- _
till  _i ment. The Alumnus made no comment upon L
Q the matter in its last issue, although the Board of Trustees, at its December j
· meeting, unanimously adopted the following resolution: Q
 ‘ “W/reruns, The Board of Trustees desires to be fully acquainted with the t
i, reasons for and against the proposed consolidation of the Colleges of Mechani-  
, cal and Civil Engineering; l
M “A11d, IV/icrmx, There is not sufiicient time for obtaining knowledge of true l
 j facts relating to the expediency of the proposed consolidation during the present  
` meeting of the Board; l
 _i "Tl1c’rcf0rc Bc It Resolved, That the Chairman of the Board appoint a com- l
 ‘ mittee composed of non—resident trustees and members who are not members of i
 , the Executive Board to investigate the expediency and propriety of the pro- l _
 Q DOS€——
GC   I wonder if it is sunny where you are today, [
{C I I wonder if yon're smiling in just the same old way;  
iw __  I hope you`re happy and never will feel blue,  
lic  ; \\i'l1at better wish could any friend wish for a dear old friend like you.  
 » l
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I .

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l : Fil ·
-   SIN NO MORE. the Carl
.   Tl1e Alumnus has a pretty hard row hnancially. Its existence would not  · niaflilut
  altogether be possible on the annual dues received. It exists because some loyal V pl€1111111¥
  alumni go down into their "jeans" for its support. Nvllilt do you think of the , $01116 hi
  . alumnus or old student who anxiously awaits the appearance of the Journal and · out of 1
  borrows it from his neighbor and refuses his financial support? He is in the Y PTC
    same class with the saintly Christian brother, who attends church in a liundretl — class if
  thousand dollar building and listens to a five thousand dollar preacher and ev.  q MCF?lTl
    pensive music and never contributes a cent, claiming "salvati0n’s free." So is the  V '£ll0$@ 0
  _`·_ road to hell. He is just mistaken as to the direction in which he is headed, , \\`0fl<·
ti   ————--0;--——— T
    ‘ For several weeks, Scovell Chapter of the honorary agricultural fraternity,  p pn
§§ `· Alpha Zeta, has been endeavoring to raise a hundred dollar loan fund to be used _ _ . _
  lto assist deserving students. \Nhen the amount was very nearly raised, Mrs, mltshli
  ‘ Scovell, now in Kansas Citv, learned of the movement and promptly sent one T was T
lil hundred dollars to assist the movement. ` Ml
ill   Nothing that we could say here would add to the feeling of a¤ilmiration_ Z OTH th
_   ‘ respect and even reverence in which the name of Scovell is held in Kentucky.  .
l j’ \Ve trust that the example of Scovell Chapter of Alpha Zeta will be followed  ,
  1 1,; by many organizations and individuals who remember from experience or obser—  if Tl]
  vation the many dithculties confronting a new student with limited cash.  if the UI,
·   The fund already started will be completed, so that Scovell Chapter will i pew r
T   be able to boast of two student loan funds. ‘ Of the
l' i —— ·-;()-——--—;-
. L THE 1917 KENTUCKIAN.  i. Nf
,` ` The IQI7 Kentuckian will be the oilicial publication of this year’s graduating Q -‘l1i¤l1
i, . class. It will be a four-hundred-page leather—bound book, containing more fea-  { Cmltcst
. tures than have ever appeared in any previous issue of the Kentuckian.  `‘ $1¤1¤ H
l,` ' The view section of the book has been made up of a number of pictures y “°lll m
Q   selected from a large number of State and campus views. This section is bein:  , Chilmlll
  lf‘ run in color and should prove an attractive addition to the book.  
si   _ .. This year’s Kentuckian has been dedicated to the Commonwealth of Ken- {
El   I . tucky. In affecting this idea the editors have had a three—colorecl spread of the 5 D]
  ' State Capitol prepared that should prove one of the most elaborate designs that  i mmlml
Q`   _ have ever appeared in the Kentuckian,  i and th
li   Probably the section that should make its strongest appeal to the alumni is V- dwg iw
  `   the 24-page insert ]ubilee Section. In this section have been gathered a latx€  Z_ wérk `
  W number of the clearest pictures taken by the three photographers that wcrc  _ author
l,   photographing every section of the celebration. These pictures, taken with thc ‘ F
    carefully prepared and interesting account of the occasion, make the most com- _ ti  
    A plete history of the Golden Qlubilee yet prepared. . TEEN;
Yi   The Class of 1895 was thc first class to start the custom of planting claFF  , the Bq
..;   trees at the University. This custom has been followed since. No record Oi  , cmine
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the early class-tree planting was kept and only in the last few years were proper ‘
i markings of trees made. It is to be regretted that no records of the various I _
` plantings were kept, as it makes it almost impossible to locate many of them- ` 3
, some have died and the same spot taken by other classes and others have passed I
 i out of memory. _ _
Prof. Frank T. McFarland, of the University, is making a survey of the  
. class trees with the idea of properly marking them. If any one can give Prof. » A
- McFarland any information as to the location of any class trees, particularly ~ Z
 i those of the early class plantings, such information would greatly assist in this .
 i work.
, -——-—-o————-
‘  = President Emeritus ]ames   Patterson addressed the \\'oman’s College Club
I i at its regular monthly meeting held Tuesday afternoon at his home. His subject V
` : was "The Evolution of \\’oman.’ I .
i   Miss Mabel Pollitt, ’13, acted has hostess, and Miss Frances jewell presided I .
. over the meeting.  
  , -—--0-—-— I
"  { The local oratorical contest on the peace question will be held April 6 in  
  the University chapel, and all Kentucky University students are eligible to com-  
Il  y pete, The only restriction on the speeches is that they must deal with some phase A  
i of the peace movement. E
 . No prize is offered in the first contest, but the winner of the State contest, ‘
Q   which will also be held here, will receive $75 in cash and a trip to the sectional n
1,  ‘ contest. Last year ]. ]. McBrayer, Kentucky’s representative, won both the ;
 e State and sectional competitions. The winners in the six sections of the country _
cs T will meet in ]une at Lake Chautauqua, X. Y., to decide the national oratorical  
M ‘ championship.  
`  f #—¤·· ` 2
Iic ( Dr, ]. \\". Pryor, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, attended the  
M  I annual meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science  
_ ~, and the American Association of Anatomists which were held during the holi— I
15 f days in New York. At the latter meeting, Dr. Pryor read a paper of researcl1  
gc   work on the “OssiFication of Bones," on which subject he is recognized as an I
ii;  , authority.
m_  V For fifteen years Dr. Pryor has been doing research work on bone ossifica- g
 A tion and during this period has published four bulletins which have shown the i
{ results of the various stages of his efforts. I
  As a result of the publication of the fourth bulletin on the “OssiFication of  
W  I U18 Bones of the Hand," he is the recipient of a number of comnnmications from I
OI  A €ml1l€l1t physicians from all parts of the country praising his work. I
  I 4
 ‘ 1

 i is C »· ;= . . F
`   A _    
  The amiual convention of the International Prohibition Association, whip],  j
  was held in Lexington during the Christmas holidays, was epoch-making in that  f Clafky Ol
  it entered the enemy’s country and “fought the devil on his own ground" l€$$Ol F-
  More than 650 delegates registered, including students from colleges amt  V Dl`·l
l;i_i_i¤ universities from all over the country. The people of the city cooperated amt  = Pmsfell {
    entertained delegates who were attending the meeting. Prominent speakers who  ‘ llll¤$l5 Ol
  delivered addresses at the sessions, were: \Villiam ]ennings Bryan, Dr, Ira Slllc Ol ll
  Landreth, and Dr. Caroline Geisel, of the Battle Creek Sanitorium. . llllll lll€ S
li} · Kentucky has the honor of having the largest prohibition club in the assi). I llllOl¥€lll€·
  ‘i`_   ciation—that of Berea College, which has a membership of 350. The Univei·sit;,— A Ol lllallkli
    _ of Kentucky has the largest club of any state university in the o1·ganizatinit_ `  Dr-l
  ` ‘ One-third of the total membership attended the convention.  · of Sclellll
tg - i ’1`he local club pledged $50 a year for four years to be used in the nation;tl lol llle b'
  work, more than half that amount being guaranteed by those present.  — te llillll ll
  ~ 0 ` of skill ai
  i DR. WILEY ON PArRroT1s1vr. ' l""“‘“g ""
  Dr. Harvey VV. \\Iiley, former head of the Federal Pure Food Department, _ _ _The l
  was the principal speaker at the \lVashington birthday celebration at the L`ni-  N “h1Ch_tOU
  i` versity on February 22, and with Governor Stanley was guest of honor at the M imtlmef
i-_   _ annual faculty luncheon at the Phoenix Hotel. "l°{‘l 'BM
  .—.` In his address on patriotism given at the University, Dr. \l\t`iley paid tribute iu} img  
’ `ll   to \lVashington and to the spirit that has won wars in the past for Aineritxi,   Joined thi
i   and he said that the nation should respond, to a man, to the call of the l’resi— i
‘ l. ` dent in the present crisis. He remarked the absolute union in Congress today:  Y
{-i when it is a question of acting with the President on phases of war conditions, 2
t He said that the fundamentals of patriotism lie in love for one’s home, state  Y
li and country; in its ideals and institutions and in answer to his own question-  ·
l U; · How can we best aid our country ?—-Dr. V\liley said, “we can best aid our country _'
l` :—   by service in times of war and of peace, by personal devotion and unselfish livinz. ` Fam]
1   I believe in America because of the principles of government; because of iter ‘ H, E_ Cm
i   efforts toward human betterment and uplift, which made a great nation. There _, Studc
I   l _ should be no division of opinion, no factionalism, especially at times like these. f dent;   Q
  and I believe that support of the President in any act or opinion which he up- i Mgmt
    g. proves should be unanimous." Although past 70 years old Dr. \N’iley said he is { \\'_ L_ (jc
l`   ` ready and anxious to offer his services to his country at its first need, adding _ Mmm
    ` that while he might not be able to go as far as some of the younger men, as int - )len`s Ba
1   as he went he would go as fast as they did. I·Iis address was interspersed with _ Capm
`ii   wholesome humor and many witty remarks and was highly patriotic in tone anti _ lien`; BHS
i   inspiring in its admonitions and was heard by an audience that crowded the ,
    chapel.  _ V I.
';   " The faculty of the University, with Dr. \2Viley and Governor Stanley H9 I (0],,%; 1
    honored guests, assembled at the Phoenix Hotel at 12;3o o’clock for the secotttl ’ I itil I
7   a annual luncheon in honor of the birthday of \Nashingtou and short talks weft  L ,m,mbC“_m
lg   made by Dr. VViley, Governor Stanley, Dr. W. A. Ganfield, of Danville; Dr. I. l·· C body WIS`:
  _   ` i   {l]ll}CYll`(`(l l
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E Clark, of Kentucky VVesleyan; judge Charles Kerr, Desha Breckinridge, Pro-
fessor F. Patil Anderson, Dr. Glanville Terrell and Dr. \/Vilkinson. 1
I  . Dr. \\’iley’s talk briefly handled the question of education today and he ex-
Zl pressed a regret that the large colleges and universities are placing such em- L l
A r phasis on technique and leaving such little stress on the human and altruistic
2 ° side of the youthful training. He lamented the fact that the aim of the educator
l . and the student seems to be to make a living, to amass wealth or to acquire fame,
)_ _ altogether forgetting the bigger and broader side of the work for the benefit
__ i Of mankind, of the state and nation and for future generations,
Qi  » Dig \/Viley, who has been for many years a brilliant light in the stellar world y ‘ A
C · of scientists, has offered his time and labor and the accomplishments of his brain ·
al  N {Oi- the betterment of the American people. He is better prepared to advise and   -
_ to warn the American people of the dangers of training young people in the lines Z
— of skill and efficiency alone, than any other one man. His observations are com— l
° pelling and his word an authority on any subject. {
  The other speakers for the luncheon were happy in their remarks, many of  
lk  ( which touched lightly on education in the State. Dr. Terrell alone made a formal l
ll` 1 but brief talk on George \\’ashington and the American idea of patriotism. Pres-  
lc   ident Barker presided at the luncheon, which was attended by about 100 guests  
Q and was one of the most enjoyable in which the faculty of the University have . l
if  T joined tl1is year. i
,;_ : Br Puor. A. M. BTILLICR. ‘
ite 2 ARTICLE VIII, (Axim Lasr.) . {
_ “ Stcixsox or IQOQ-IQIO. {
N  - orrlctiks or rut; .\ssoc1.vr10N; j
1:.  V Faculty Committee; A. M. Miller, Chairman; P. \\’. Corbnsier, Secretary; >
ter L- H. E. Curtis, Treasurer; A. M. \\’ilson, A. C. Zembrod, \\”. li. Rowe. i
zre Q Student Organization: Ben Logan, President; B. D. \\’illiams, \'ice—Presi-  
se.   dent; E. B. \’\’ebb, Secretary.  
tp- f Members of Student Committee: E. B. \Vebb, _T. T. Gower, F. T. Miles, g
is  f W. L. Getton.   `
ug V Managers: R. A. Lowry, Football; _l. H. Hall, Baseball; L. C. Bridges, 3
THF  l Nlctfs Basketball; Alice Cary \\iilIi;uns, Girl`s Basketball; _l. S. Garvin, Track.
itlt i Captains: R. C. Barbee, Football; QI. B. Giltner, Baseball; \\`. \\’. Rodes,
nid  . Heirs Basketball; Bessie Hayden, Girl`s Basketball; P. L. Threlkcld, Track. l
me  L FOi)'l`Ii;\].I., Fart, or tooo. ‘  
qi  , M1'. E. R. Sweetland, of Cornell, and during the previous year coach at  
nid C0l¥?ll0, had been secured as coach of the football tcélm. l ·  
ere  a it was with considerable reluctance that I yielded to lllC·\\'lSll(‘S`Ol the other i
I  q mCmh€FS Of the C0mmittee_ and what appeared t0 be the wishes Ol the Fl\1