xt7kpr7msp1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msp1d/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986-10 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, September 1986, volume 9 number 7 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, September 1986, volume 9 number 7 1986 1986-10 2020 true xt7kpr7msp1d section xt7kpr7msp1d  








No. 7



by Charlotte L. Levy

Heed ye the sound of the shofar,
The blast that is blown, O my people.

Have you ever wondered to what extent
the haunting and piercing sound of the
shofar compels even the most secular Jew
to wind his or her way to the synagogue or
temple during the High Holidays?


On Rosh Hashanah, the shofar calls us
to a ”spiritual awakening.” It is a
powerful symbol that seems to captivate
the soul, connecting every Jew to his or
her unconscious and primordial past. In
fact, the shofar is one of the oldest
elements of the holiday. The Torah speaks
of Rosh Hashanah as Yom Terurah (the day
of the sounding of the shofar). The
sounding of the shofar is a very ancient
ritual of the Jewish people, and its
origins are shrouded in mystery. There-
fore; it has been a perfect subject for

Sa’adya Gaon (b. 880 8.5.) was one of
the last and most illustrious of the
Gaonim. The Gaonim were the arbiters of
Jewish law in the post-Talmudic era, and
they headed the powerful Babylonian
academies. Sa’adya cited 10 reasons for
the sounding of the shofar on Rosh
Hashanah. His reasons included: the
proclamation of the rule of G—d; a call
for repentance; a reminder of the giving
of the Torah at Sinai; recalling the
destruction of the Temple; and the
ever—awaited sound announcing the
Messianic age. Another explanation
suggests that the sound of the shofar
awakens G-d to our pleas for mercy. Moses
Maimonides (b. 1135 C.E.) understood the
sound of the shofar as a summons to human
beings to become introspective, examine
their deeds and turn to G-d in repentance.

The Rosh Hashanah shofar blowing
consists of combinations of three distinct
sounds: ti:3§e—yah, shi’va-reem_ and
ti’roo-ah. Ti’kee—yah is a sustained
blast with a lift at the end. Shi’va-reem
is three short blasts with a lift at the

continued on page 3 ....... . ..............





Susan Cantor, 1986—87 Forum Chair

The lineup for this year’s CKJF Forum
Series was announced recently by committee
.chair Susan Cantor. It includes two guest
speakers, Debra Dash Moore and Gloria
Goldreich, and the popular Jewish music
group Reguesh. Tickets for this series
are now on sale.


Debra Dash Moore

On Sunday evening, Nov. 2, at Temple
Adath Israel, the noted author, sociolo—
gist and historian Debra Dash Moore opens
this year’s Forum. Chairman of the
Department of Religion and associate
professor of Jewish Studies at Vassar
College, Moore is held in high regard for
her extensive studies and presentations on
the culture of American Jews. Her inter-
ests cover a broad spectrum, ranging from
historical research on Jewish American
institutions, religious and social, to
sociological research on various segments
within the American Jewish community. Her
topic on Nov. 2 will be “Jewish Migration
and Community".

Reguesh, the Jewish musical group from
Buenos Aires, Argentina will perform on
Sunday evening, Feb. 1 at the Recital Hall
at U.K. Center for the Arts. This ensem-
ble has performed at song festivals and
folkdance festivals across South America
and Israel and has developed an enthusias-
tic following along the way. Presented in
conjunction with, U.K.’s Latin American
Studies Program, this spirited evening of
entertainment is sure to catch the fancy
of both the young and young—at—heart.

Prize—winning author of Lgath Journe~,
Gloria Goldreich will conclude this year’s
Forum series with a lecture on Sunday
evening June 7 at Temple Adath Israel.
This presentation, dedicated to the memory
of Elizabeth Rosenberg, will be free and
open to the public.

All Forums begin at 8 p.m. Tickets to
the series can be obtained by mail order,
using the form on the back of this news-


Arrangements for Debra Dash Moore were
made through the B’nai B’rith Internation-
al Lecture Bureau. Arrangements for
Reguesh and Ms. Goldreich were made
through the Jewish Welfare Board Lecture




The CKJF Forum Series is another of the
ongoing projects made possible by your
annual support of the CKJF-UJA Campaign.



Amara q

I n




I 3 1 1 m m m







ciriClF/RR continued ..................

end of each. Ti’roo-ah consists of nine
quick blasts. All three are included
because there is some doubt regarding
which sound is the correct one for the
New Year.

Unless the holiday coincides with
Shabbat, the shofar is blown in the
morning of Rosh Hashanah after the reading
of the Torah and haftorah, and before the
Torah has been put back into the Ark.

The shofar theme continues through the
High Holy Days. On Yom Kippur, the
service concludes with the sounding of the
shofar, emphasizing our hope in ultimate
redemption: ”And in that day, a great
ram’s horn will be sounded; and the
strayed...and the expelled...shall come
and worship the Lord on the holy mount, in
Jerusalem”. [Isaiah 87:13]


”One People, One Destiny”

The 1987 CKJF-UJA Women’s Division
Campaign had their opening board meeting
at the home of Ricki Rosenberg.

women’s Division Chair Nancy Hoffman
introduced the 1987 campaign leadership
and announced upcoming events. Hoffman
will be assisted this year by Co-Chairman
Ellie Goldman and Vice Chairman Cheri

This year’s Pacesetters event, for
women giving $600 and above, will be
chaired by Marilyn Ball and Susan
Goldstein. It is scheduled for Thursday,
November 5.

The Benefactors event, for women
contributing $800 and above, will be
chaired by Nancy Scher, Janice Brock and
Kim Rosenstein, and is tentatively sched-
uled for Saturday, March 7.

Chairing this year’s Guardians of Zion
dinner, for men and women contributing
$1800 and above, are Arlene and Harry
Cohen. The dinner will take place the
first weekend in December.

Nancy introduced a new sub-category of
the 1987 Women’s campaign -- Young Peo-
ple’s Division -- to be coordinated by
Sheila DeKosky.

As in the past, Women’s Division
leadership will rely heavily on the help




Cheri Rose, ’86 women’s Division Chair

Simone Salomon, Nancy Hoffman, Ellie


and support of the Advisory Council made'
up of past women’s Division chairwomen.

Assignment Day and Solicitor Training
which will take place in January will be
coordinated by Charlotte Baer, Judy Levine
and Penny Miller. Ruth Anne Faust is in
Charge of publicity for the 1987 CKJF-UJA

The evening’s speaker was Judy Baumann
who spoke on her recent trip to Israel and
seeing first hand the results of UJA
community campaigns. She talked about the
improved standard of living brought about
by our fundraising efforts, and she
relayed her experiences visiting absorp-
tion centers and agricultural development
centers. The impact on Judy by her visit
to Sela, our Project Renewal neighborhood,
was impressed upon the board.

”We’re not giving to charity...we’re
building a land and helping to preserve a
people,” Judy said.

Evelyn Geller emphasized the work being
done in Central Kentucky with a portion of
the monies raised through the annual

Those women present responded by
pledging $17,090 to the General Campaign
and an additional $1,Q50 to Project
Renewal to launch the 1987 effort. This is
an 8.3 percent card—for-card increase over

i987 CKJF—UJA Campaign Chair Gail Cohen
added, ”In the months ahead, as your
respective Campaign ’87 chairs contact
you, remember all the mitzvot that CKJF
and UJA perform year round, here in the
Central Kentucky Jewish community as well
as in our world Jewish community. All of
these social, educational and welfare
programs are made possible by your indi-
vidual contribution to the campaign.”



Share Your History

Sunday, Nov. 2 will be an historical
day in the Jewish community. In order to
gather materials for our Kentucky Humani—
ties Council grant project "The Jewish
Experience in Kentucky", CKJF Community
Relations Committee co—chairs Marilyn
Moosnick and Charlotte Baer have planned a
”Share Your History" Day at Dhavay Zion
Synagogue between the hours of 10:30 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m.

Bobbi Fried, CKJF researcher for the
grant project, will be available to
receive and record your family’s history
in Central Kentucky. All historical
documents, pictures, civic citations or
awards, old newspaper articles, religious
articles, heirloom clothing and immigra—
tion records are welcome.

All items will be returned to their
owners, and are truly needed to make this
a successful and accurate picture of the
Jewish experience in Central Kentucky.
The documentation will include all those
smaller towns outside Lexington where many
families were originally located.

We are also looking for people who
could give us good oral histories of the
Jewish community.

For further information contact Bobbi
Fried at 269-1295 or CKJF Administrator
Linda Ravvin at 853-7622.

OZS Book Fair

While you’re "sharing your history”,
plan to take advantage of the Ohavay Zion
Synagogue Book Fair taking place Sunday,
Nov. 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Books ordered at this time will be
delivered in time for Chanukah gift

Editor’s Note: Our monthly installment of
Travel in Israel has been postponed until
the next issue due to space limitations.


Jl’mana Tana mxaraiiay!


or enpeea CIIIA
espesm CCCPV

Mbl me He saiibum

From the Jews of the USA.
To the Jews of the U.S.S.R.
Happy New Year!

We have not forgotten you.
And we will not forget you!





If you are interested in making contact
with a Refusenik, names and addresses are
available at the CKJF office.

Plan now to attend the Homen’s Plea for
Soviet Jews, Tuesday, December 9 at B p.m.
at Temple Adath Israel.

Presented by Lexington Hadassah, Dhavay
Zion Sisterhood, Temple Adath Israel
Sisterhood and CKJF Women’s Division, the
program is open to the public


Although the summer of ’87 is but a
daydream to most, the CKJF Camp Shalom
committee has already begun their plans.
The committee is chaired by Joyce
Mischner. A special thank you to Carol
Veal for her hard work and creativity as
chair of last year’s camp committee.

Other committee appointments include
Charles Stern and Ron Fleischman to the
co-chair positions for the CKJF Budget
Committee and Erle Levy to the chair of
the CKJF Nominating Committee.









Turkey’s Jews ~— A General Perspective

Americans know little about Turkish
culture, and American Jews know little
about Turkey’s Jewish communities. Until
the Neve Shalom massacre in Istanbul last
month, this long established diaspora
community had remained tucked away,
unmentioned by the international media.

As we share our sympathies with the
victims of this terrorist attack, it is of
interest to learn more about the history
of the Jewish people in Turkey. The
following is a letter, condensed to fit
our bulletin, from American Jewish Con~
gress President Theodore R. Mann who
recently visited Turkey. His letter,
written to AJC members, is dated August
15, 1986, just prior to the Neve Shalom
killing, and therefore is unbiased by the


Before leaving, I studied the devastat-
ing 1983 Helsinki watch Report on Turkey,

and considered cancelling the trip. If
human rights were so abused in Turkey, and
if our status as guests of the Jewish

community would make it impossible for us
to speak out on behalf of human rights,
perhaps (I thought) it would be better not
to go at all. Fortunately, I then read
the 1986 Helsinki Watch Report, which made
clear that conditions had improved vastly
in the intervening three years. Perfect
they are not, and no one claims otherwise.
But by informing myself of the history of
modern Turkey, it became clear that there
has been a 53-year attempt to modernize,
westernize and democratize that nation,
and in the process there have been many
ups and downs.

Most Americans know very little about
Turkey, either ancient or modern. The
revolution that occurred there 53 years
ago and that in many ways continued
thereafter, produced astonishing results.
Under the leadership of Kemal Ataturk,

Turkey -- whose population is 99% Islamic
-— became a secular state and has remained
such until today. (It is the only secular

state in the Islamic world. Government is
not at all under the control of religion.
Religious groups, on the other hand, are
in certain respects under the control of


government. One should, therefore, not
confuse Turkish secularism with the
American separation principle.)

The Jewish community in Turkey traces
its roots back to 1498, when their ances~
tors were expelled from Spain and Portugal
and given refuge in the Ottoman Empire.
(The Sultan Bayazid II said of the Spanish
King Ferdinand, ”Can you call such a king
wise and intelligent? He is impoverishing
his country and enriching my kingdom.“)
Turkey was a haven of European Jewry in
the second World War, too. Those Jews who
found themselves close to the Turkish
border, or who were carrying Turkish
papers, survived, thanks to the hospitali-
ty of the Turkish government. I don’t
want to overstate it —— the 17th and 18th
centuries were far from pleasant -— but as
one eminent scholar put it: ”If we define
toleration as the absence not of discrimi—
nation, but of persecution, then the
Ottoman record until the late nineteenth
century is excellent.” Certainly, when
compared to the condition of non—Ottoman
European Jewry, Jews have lived relatively
securely in the Ottoman Empire and then in
Turkey for almost 500 years.

Large numbers of Jews emigrated from
Turkey to South and North America and
elsewhre during the turbulent years after
the first world war and before the modern
state of Turkey was created in 1923.
Then, when the state of Israel was created
in 1998, about 98,000 lower— and
lower-middle-class Turkish Jews emigrated
to Israel. Those who remained behind
were, for the most part,
upper—middle-class and well—to-do Jews who
chose to continue to live in Turkey,
mostly in Istanbul. There are today
perhaps €8,000 Jews in Istanbul, 1,500 in
Izmir, and a scattering of Jews in Ankara
and elsewhere in Turkey.

The Istanbul Jewish community is led by
a thief Rabbi and a council of 30 communal
leaders. Apart from the several delight—
ful occasions when we met with them
socially (their hospitality was simply
unforgettable), we spent some hours with
more than a dozen of the 30 members of the
council, and l was truly impressed with
the quality of leadership in a Jewish
community that is so small. These are

continued on page B .......................


   ' ZloshH

As we begin the Jewish Year 5747, we
rededicate ourselves to striving to meet
the needs of the Jewish community both
here in Central Kentucky and throughout
the world.

Un behalf of the officers and board of
CKJF, I wish you a year of good health,
peace and contentment, as you and those
you love are inscribed in the Book of
Life. L’Shana Tova.


President, CKJF

May the approaching year be one of
growth, joy and good health for everyone
in our community. Let freedom and peace
be increased throughout the world, and
Judaism strengthened as the days go by.

L’Shanah Tovah.

Administrator, CKJF

My first year as the rabbi of Uhavay
Zion Congregation has repeatedly given
practical demonstrations of how exciting
our central Kentucky Jewish community can
be. lt is good seeing so many families
working, learning, striving to make this a
good Jewish community to live in. Basing
ourselves on our ancient traditions, may
we continue growing in numbers, in spirit,
and in good deeds. May we be all in-
scribed for a good year; L’-shanah tovah
Mata/Ll- _

H, p (Lt/1'06 (V a/hgz

Rabbi, Ohavay Zion Synagogue




To the Central Kentucky Jewish Communi—
ty —- best wishes for the New Year from

the Ohavay Zion family.

j 7’7 4) Mile?

President, Uhavay Zion Synagoq

On behalf of the Dhavay Zion
Sisterhood, 1 want to wish you and your
families a year of good health, prosperity
and happiness. L’Shana Tova.


President, Dhavay Zion Sisterhood

Best wishes for another exciting and
growthful year for the Central Kentucky
Jewish community!


Administrator, Temple Adath Israel

The congregation of Temple Adath Israel
sends their best wishes to you and yours
for a good year filled with health,
happiness, peace and the fulfillment of
your hopes and expectations.

(4:5: @ £553”;

President, Temple Adath Israel

 As we approach this Rosh Hashanah let
us consider the glowing future and possi-
bilities in store for the Lexington Jewish
community. Temple Adath Israel has a new
facility and a renewed sense of activity.
Ohavay Zion Synagogue is constructing a
new building. With the commitment to a
new structure, one always sees heightened

i” activity.

3m lhe only problem Lexington’s Jewish
community faces is multiple opportunities
of choice at any given time. what a
wonderful problem, like standing room only
on Shabbat.

1 look forward to my coming years in
Lexington. I hope to meet, study and
worship with as many Jews as possible.
Judaism holds many values, truths, and

on positive outlooks toward life and humani-
Jr ty. At this Rosh Hashanah, let us reflect
ty on our bounty and look to the future.

Rabbi, Temple Adath Israel

nd May the coming year be one of good
ky health and joyous occasions.


President, TAl Sisterhood

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and
peaceful New Year.

President, TAI Brotherhood

On behalf of the Temple Adath lsrael
Mitzvah Corps, let me wish all members and
friends a Shanah Tova: a healthy and happy
new year.

’11:, '7 i 7/"11. /'

, A. V/ : 7
,c» /./ ”a HI" { , :- r _
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_ ‘,A'_“-7l-"I~

President, TAI Sisterhood Mitivah Corps


On behalf of the entire Lexington
Havurah, 1 want to wish the Central
Kentucky Jewish community a very healthy,
happy, peaceful New Year.

CW Em“

President, Lexington Havurah

Wishing you and your family the bless-
ings of peace, health and happiness
throughout the year.

(/0le fie/7&2 (”Mg/

President, Lexington Chapter of Hadassah


May ancient~ customs remind us of our
strength and renew our faith. And may you
and your family be blessed with a year
filled with every happiness.


President, B’nai B’rith

The U.K. Faculty Association on Jewish
Affairs extends its warmest welcome to all
new members of the Central Kentucky Jewish
Community and best wishes for the New Year
to the entire Jewish community for the
coming year.

,4 fl/Z/figy;\

President, FAJA




'1' uriiey’e Jews, continued ................

highly educated, very successful business
and professional people who, in terms of
intelligence and other leadership quali-
ties, compare favorably to leadership
groups in the United States and in other

Turkey has had relations with Israel
since 1949. It downgraded that relation-
ship in 1980, allegedly as a result of the
steps taken by the Israeli government
under Menachem Begin to annex the Golan
Heights and to apply Israeli law to all of
Jerusalem. while Turkey has been looking
to become deeply imbedded in the western
economies, the fact remains that close to
half of its trade is with middle eastern
countries because Turkey must import most
of its oil. In recent months, the rela-
tionship with Israel at the diplomatic
level has improved. Since both Turkey and
Israel are staunch and militarily strong
allies of the United States in that region
of the world, one may assume that at
other, non—diplomatic, levels, the
relationship between Israel and Turkey is
even stronger.

Turkey’s leadership is deeply concerned
that its reputation in the human rights
field has been wrongly tarnished, and that
this impacts negatively on European and
American political figures, diminishing
its chances of acceptance in the European
Economic Community and of increased
American aid. (Turkey is now the third
largest recipient of foreign aid, behind
Israel and Egypt.) That is probably why
the Turkish Minister of State with whom we
met committed to us, in the presence of
the leadership of the Jewish community and
of the American Ambassador to Turkey, that
Turkey would undertake a major celebration
in 1992 of the 500th anniversary of the
humane reception accorded by the Ottoman
Empire to the Jews expelled from Spain and
Portugal at the height of the Inquisition.
This is regarded as a matter of consider-
able importance to the Turkish Jewish
community and, indeed, could become an
event of considerable importance in the
JeWish world generally. we advised the
Minister of State that the American Jewish
Congress tour program would henceforth
include Turkey. we told him, too, that we
would certainly advise the Jewish

community throughout the United States
and, to the extent possible, the general
community of the substantial improvement
in human rights within Turkey over the
past few years, of the secure life that
Turkish Jews continue to live, of the
improving relationships between Turkey and
Israel, and of the importance that we
place I“ a strong and durable relationship
between the United States and Turkey.



The Role of Israel Bonds

In Israel’s Developmen

Since its founding in 1931, the Israel
Bond Urganization has been an important
source of development capital for Israel,
providing more than $8 billion to help
build every aspect of the nation’s econo-
my. In IVES a record $505 million was
channeled towards Israel’s economic
development by State of Israel Bonds.

Bond proceeds were used to help con—
struct Israel’s National Water Carrier, to
build oil pipelines, and to construct
highways and harbors. Among the many
projects which Bonds have helped complete
in recent years was Maor David, the giant
coal-burning electric power plant at

Every dollar of lsrael Bond money is
channeled to the Development Budget of
Israel’s Finance Ministry. Because the
Finance Ministry is the source of research
and development monies for Israel’s high
technology industries, the Bond Organiza-
tion can be credited with providing
start-up funds for many of the products of
these promising industries of the future.

To help Israel continue its economic
recovery, and provide jobs for Israelis,
its friends are urged to increase their
purchases of Israel Bonds.

For more information on Israel Bonds,
contact CKJF Israel Bonds Campaign Chair
Charles Stern at 877~0350.








. of


Dr. Sol Gordon Initiates

Family Life Education Program

”lell your children the truth,” direct—
ed Dr. Gordon, ”and your’ll keep the lines
of communication open.“ lhis was the
underlying theme of guest speaker Dr. Sol
Gordon in the first annual Sue Friedman
Jewish Family Life Education Program held
on Sept. 80.

His lecture, ”Raising Children Conser-
vatively in a Sexually Permissive Socie-
ty”, drew an exceptionally large audience
and was followed the next day by three
workshops, one for adults and two for

Dr. Gordon, a clinical psychologist,
currently serves as the director of the
lnstitute for Family Research and Educa—
tion at Syracuse University. He is the
recipient of several prestigious profes-
sional awards, has written books on family
topics, and has appeared on network talk

A soft spoken man with a direct, common
sense approach, Dr. Gordon kept his
audience at ease with his relaxed sense of
humor as he discussed sensitive topics.
He covered all aspects of sex education as
well as other issues of import to the
family unit.

His lecture focused on sex education,
what it should and should not encompass.
Sex education should be about socializa-
tion, he maintained, not biology. He
stressed the need to impart a perspective,
a distinction between love and sex, a
sense of what is most important in a
relationship -- love and caring, a sense
of humor, trust and communication. A
parent’s role is to dispel rumors about
sex, answer teenager’s questions, and let
them know about normal urges and phenome-
na, he said. ”We play so many games, we
say such dumb things, it’s no wonder kids
aren’t listening to us.“

He maintained throughout that the
current solutions, public solutions which

use slick, slogan campaigns or the
non-solution favored by many parents, are
not working. ”We don’t have solutions
that make sense,” he said. ”One of the

solutions that makes sense is to communi-
cate. Parents that talk to their kids

about sex, [their kidsl are the ones that
are more responsible."


Sunday morning he put his theories to
practice in several workshops. An adult
discussion session, ”How Can 1 Promote
Self Esteem”, revolved around the general
topic of helping young people gain self
esteem through actiVities and friendships.
His common sense approach dictated the two
”treatments“ he introduced.

Une was the idea of changing course, in
a classroom, and teaching bored students
something which they can excell at,
promoting a feeling of accomplishment.
the other he called ”mitzvah therapy“.
lhis approach has students developing
buddies, getting their minds off their own
problems by doing good deeds for others.

lwo sesSions for teenagers, divided up
by age, were titled ”How Can l lell Hhen
l’m Heally in Love?” lhe only adult in
the room, Dr. Gordon led a discussion
which was relatively uninhibited and
focused in on several topics important to
teens. immature love versus mature love,
interfaith dating and intrafaith dating,
sex, lines guys use -- all were of
interest to the more than 30 teens in

lhe Sue Friedman Jewish Family Life
Education Program is dedicated to the
memory of Sue Friedman. A leader in the
Jewish community, Sue Friedman was instru-
mental in establishing the Jewish Communi—
ty Association (later CKJA(F)) and worked
on building many early educational pro-

lhis program is supported by a CKJF
allocation, made possible by your continu-
ing support of the CKJF—UJA annual cam—
paign, and supplemented by income from a
Tund generously established by Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wolf of Corinth, Kentucky.


If you are interested in purchasing one
of the following books by Dr. Sol Gordon,
please call the CKJF office at 252-7628.

libenfivimfiucts — $9; Ba.i§ing___t.h___ildren
ggnseryatively in a_w§exually Permissive
saggy. — $8; 111A._t_h_e_89n_5;h_12e_13§f_ore You
Hege.§9rni — $7; Girls_are Girls, Boys are
figys - $7; better Safe lhan Sorry - $7;
and we“!eeoaaeégtiyafleet - $10-







High 1 olidav Schedule Revisions


Mgn., 12113; 9 am preliminary; 9:30 am
morning services; 10 am, children’s (ages
3-8) and junior (ages 8-18) services,
sitters available; 18:30 pm Yizkor; 4:45
pm Minha; 7 pm N’eilah; 8 pm Havdalah.
Fri., 10(11, 8 pm Sukkot evening services.
Sat., lO/lg, 9:30 am preliminary; 10 am
morning services; 10 am children’s &
junior services (sitters available 11 am ~
1 pm); 11:45 am Hashanot; 6:45 pm Minha &

Sun., 19113, 9:30 am preliminary; 10 am
morning services; 11:45 am Hashanot.

Fri., iglgg,‘8 pm Sh’mini Atzeret service.
Sat., 10/32, 9:30 am preliminary; 10 am
morning services; 11:30 am Yizkok; 6:30 pm
Sinhat lorah Minhah; 7:30 pm Ma’ariv.
Sgngwlglggi _9:30 am preliminary; 10 am
morning, children’s and junior services;
11 am Consecration & Hakkafot.


”Shalom Lexington”

Shalom Lexington, our community’s way
of greeting newcomers to the Central
Kentucky area, was held on Sunday, Sept. 7
at Carnahan House. Representatives were
there from all Jewish organizations in
Lexington. He thank B’nai B’rith, FAJA,
Lexington Chapter of Hadassah, the
Havurah, Dhavay Zion Synagogue and Temple
Adath lsrael for their participation and
for the success of the event.

lhere were approximately thirty newcom—
ers who attended, and although the weather
was brisk that day, the warmth of the
welcome overcame it.

Musical entertainment was provided
beautifully by Larry, Harold and Marianne
Sherman and Naomi Baer. Refreshments were
served and each organization introduced
themselves to those assembled.

Our thanks to the community for partic-
ipating and sponsoring the event with us
and to Bail Cohen and Leon Ravvin for
coordinating the event.

[0 our community newcomers...Shalom!
and Welcome!


If anyone knows of newcomers...or
old—comers...we may have missed, please
call the CKJF office. We would like to
add them to our mailing list.


Watch your mail for the biennial update
of the community booklet, ”Shalom Lexing-


Adult Education Offered

Beginning this month a new series of
Adult Education classes is being offered
at lemple Adath lsrael and taught by Rabbi

figgignigg_fieggew, a course teaching the
Alef-Bet, beginning reading and introduc-
ing prayerbook/Hebrew, will be from 7 to 8
pm on Monday evenings beginning Nov. 3 and
running through Feb. 8, at a cost of $20.

Introduction to Judaism, introducing
Jewish concepts, ethics, values, holidays,
worship, God, celebration, life-cycle, and
history, will be from 8 to 9 pm on Monday
evenings at a cost of $85.

Two courses will be offered on Wednes—
day evenings. Searching the Prophets for
yalges will run for four Wednesdays
beginning Oct. 89 from 7:30 to 9 pm.
ngtgmpggary Jewish issues will be
offered at the same hour:

Genetic Disorders Among Jews, led by

Janet Tamaren: Nov. 5 )
Jews in America, led by Shelly Steiner:
Nov. 18
Women in Judaism, led by Charlotte
Baer: Nov. 19
Communal Aspects of the Lebanese Crises
and Implications for the Arab—Israeli
Conflict - Chung'in Moon: Dec. 10
Comparisons between Mosaic/Talmudic Law
and American Law - Joseph Miller,
Alvin Goldman, Rabbi Smith & Rabbi
Adland: Dec. 17
Registration deadline for these courses is
October 80. For more information, contact
the lemple office at 869-2979.



Shalom Lexzngton: Michael Havvin and
Lauren UeKosky.


 :1— UI



CUHICS UN HtVth, a display of comic books
by Roy Haber and Dwayne Hill at the
Lexington Public Library, Lansdowne Lmrath
Branch, all day Sat., Uct. 11

FAST, featuring guest speakers: Ben
Kaufman, Kenneth L. Mayer and Tomas Milch,
Uctober 18th at 9:30 a.m. at Temple Adath
lsrael. Sponsored by Lexington Lodge #889
B’nai B’rith in cooperation with Brother—

hood of Temple Adath lsrael. Minimum
admission: $8 donation. Upen to the

ISHAhLl FULKDANCING, presented by (Al
Sisterhood, Uhavay zion Sisterhood and
Hadassah. Learn about folkdanCing, see
the dances demonstrated and try some
dances yourself. wednesday, Uctober lb at
S p.m. at Temple Adath Israel.

YUUNB CUUFLES, calendar of events for

1986-87 is as follows:

Uct. ab, potluck tailgate party at b p.m.
and on to UK football game (RSVP by

Nov. lb, theatre night, time and place to
be announced;

Dec. 7, pizza and movie night, b-S p.m.,
free of charge, bring the kids;

Uec. d4, Chanukah party - to be announced;

Jan. l8, cook ’n eat — traditional Jewish
dishes to be prepared and served by all

Feb. 87, potluck and serVices presented by
young couples group.

***Heservations are required for all

events. kor further information and

reservations contact Shirley Bryan at

873-1398 or Steve Bram at 869-8979.***

You re a ”young couple“ if the sum of
your and your spouse’s age is less than


025 BUUK FAIR, Sunday, Nov. a from 9:30
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Uhavay Zion Syna-

the Univ. of LinCinnati Hillel from now
through Uctober 31; open Monday through
Thursday from 9 to 5 and Fridays 9 to 3;
at the