xt7kpr7msn08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msn08/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-10-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 2003 2003 2003-10-29 2020 true xt7kpr7msn08 section xt7kpr7msn08 GRAYSON OUR CHOICE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE I DIALOGUE, PAGE 4

October 29, 2003

Lee said abortion degrades and devalues human life;
students at meeting address consequences of abortion



Rep. Stan Lee, R45th. dis-
trict Lexington. said he wants
to provide information for
women about the effects of

“It is a very dangerous
thing for young women to go
through an abortion.” Lee

Lee spoke to UK Students
for Life Monday night about
the need to end abortions.

“The lack of morality has
led to horrendous things,"
Lee said. “Human life isn't
worth much anymore."

Lee said there has been
much success in the pro-life
movement in Kentucky Quot-
ing statistics stating a decline
in abortions from 8,696 in 1992


Celebrating 32 years of independence

to 3 502 in 2002 he said suc-
cess is evident.

Lexington had a dozen
abortion providers ten years
ago. he said, and now it is
down to only two providers.

“I believe now it is more
difficult to get one (an abor-
tion)," Lee said.

lee is also a supporter for
many prolife organizations
and movements including the
Baby Drop-Off law that has
gone into effect in Kentucky

The Baby DropOff law
made it legal for a mother to

drop her baby off at a hospi-
tal with no questions asked.

Lee said that this week
President Bush is expected to
pass a federal law making
partial birth abortion illegal.
The House of Representatives
and the Senate have already
passed the bill.

He said it is a step in the
right direction considering
the lack of rules put on abor-

“A young girl under 18

See LEE on 2

(011.11% TU Uh l 6

‘ 1‘1] ‘y 5\t)\

http: wwaileerneLcom

Rep. Stan Lee speaks about abortion



MA 100 any i
11mm 51m


a Messrs:

Finance sophomore
Cannon Hartley and
chemical engineer-
ing sophomore
Whitney Waldner
wrestle in the mud
and remnants of
watermelons. Sev-
eral sorotles and
fraternities particl-
pated in the annual
Watermelon Bust
yesterday at the


Groups petition candidates
for Bucks for Brains funds

State budget woes mean cut in research funds;
groups stress the importance of program

The Council on Postsecondary Education
hopes to squeeze another round of state funding
for the Bucks for Brains program.

Mindful of the state’ s budget woes, the coun-

cil will ask legislators next year for $60 million,
half as much as has been given in each of the
three previous rounds. The bulk of that would go
to the University of Kentucky and the University
of Louisville with the rest divided among the re
gional universities.

Earlier this year, higher education officials
agreed not to ask for any more money for the
program — which seeks to attract top re-
searchers to Kentucky — because of the state’ s
budget shortfall. But the council has decided
that Bucks for Brains is too valuable to drop.

“We think it’ 5 worth at least putting up an-
other request because it’s brought so many peo-
ple into the commonwealth, and the results have
been outstanding," said Tom Layzell, council

By the end of 2004, the universities will have
roughly $700 million devoted to research chal-
lenge trust funds — $350 million contributed by

Goodbarn field.

.Iquan PALMER |
mun smr


UK police officer: women
should know how to fight back



Awareness, self-defense
and caution are qualities
women should focus on in
protecting their safety, a UK
Police officer said Tuesday in
a discussion sponsored by the
UK Women’s Forum.

Sgt. Tiua- Chilton gave
her presentation to a group of
about 30 women at the Stu-
dent Center Small Ballroom.
Topics included how to re-
spond if attacked and how to
use items such as a house key
or umbrella in self defense.

A woman should be vocal
and willing to defend herself
if she feels physically threat-
ened, Chilton said. If a per-

son wants someone to leave
her alone, she must express
that. she said. If someone at-
tempts to use violence,
women should be prepared to
respond in a similar manner.

“Many women are taught
from a very young age that
you're not supposed to defend
yourself... That’s a crock of
crap," she said. “We want you
kicking and screaming and
hollering and using whatever
you can for a weapon."

Some of those who at-
tended the presentation said
they already knew much of
the information in Chilton’s
presentation but that they
needed to have the ideas re-
freshed in their minds.

Jennifer Bowman, who

works with the UK Research
Foundation, said she found
Chilton’s presentation useful
in a preventive sense.

“If you wait until you’re
in the rape situation, quite
possibly you won’t be able to
get out of it." Bowman said.

Chilton also discussed ac.
quaintance rape and said that
women should trust their in-
tuitions while dating.

Among the strategies for
leaving middate when things
get uncomfortable is simply
to lie, she said. Women can
arrange to have someone call
their cell phones and then
pretend to leave for an emer-
gency, Chilton said.

For more than 10 years,
UK Police has offered a class

called the Rape Aggression
Defense program, which was
designed by a national com-
pany. They discontinued the
course to implement the Self-
Defense Techniques and Risk
Reduction program, which is
designed by UK officers, said
Capt. Stephanie Bastin.

“We decided that there
were certain criteria that we
needed to teach and they
would not let us deviate from
the program," Bastin said.

The new course will be
about four days of thneehour
sessions each and should be
available beginning in the
spring. Bastin said. Sharon
Hodge, who works in the Col-

See SAFETY on 2



the state, which is matched by public and private

Layzell is presenting the budget to the full
council on Nov. 3 before it goes to the General
Assembly when it meets in January.

UK President Lee Todd and University of
Louisville President Jim Ramsey also hope some
of the money will be used to expand the space
where research takes place, instead of being re-
served solely for professors.

“We desperately need research facilities,”
Todd said. “We’ve been able to create the posi-
tions; now we need competitive facilities."

UK's major project is a $100 million biologi-
cal sciences/ pharmaceutical complex to be built
near the existing biology building.

We desperately need
research facilities.”



Candidates rely on UK athletics

Various UK sports figures hit the campaign trail;
candidates tout loyalty, Big Blue pride and athleticism


tucky, where basketball
reigns. politicians are court-
ing voters by playing on their
passion for the sport.

Both candidates for gov-
ernor have recruited past
players or coaches from the
University of Kentucky,
which has won seven national

And the former Wildcats
have barnstormed the state
for their candidates.

Even former coach Rick
Pitino _ now with the Uni-
versity of Louisville — has
been in on the act, attending
fundraisers for Democratic
gubernatorial candidate Ben
Chandler and Republican
Richie Farmer. a former Wild-
cat running for agriculture


The basketball angle is
most obvious in Farmer’s
race against Democrat Alice
Baesler, whose husband, Scot-
ty, was a Wildcat team captain
for Adolph Rupp in the early
19603 and was later elected
mayor of Lexington. then a

Farmer himself played
on a Kentucky team of
beloved overachievers who
lost in overtime to Duke in a
1992 NCAA tournament game
considered one of the best col-
lege games ever.

connections to lure voters

Steve Robertson. cam-
paign director for the state
GOP. said Farmer has been
approached by many people
on the campaign trail who
thank him for the enjoyment
he gave them while wearing
the Kentucky jersey.

Alice Baesler said
Farmer “is a nice guy and
was a good ballplayer but re-
ally does not know a whole lot
about agriculture."

“As I try to tell a lot of
people. this isn't a basketball
game." she said.

Joe Gershtenson, director

of the Center for Kentucky
History and Politics at East-
ern Kentucky University, said
the basketball connection
could mobilize voters and in-
crease turnout.

“'1b the extent that it gets
people involved that normally
wouldn't be involved, I think
this is something that is bene-
ficial to democracy.“ he said.

In the Nov. 4 governor‘s
race. Chandler has attracted
such basketball figures as Joe
B. Hall. the coach who led the
Wildcats to the 1978 national
championship. In one of his

TV commercials. Chandler:
the state attorney general,
sinks a jump shot to make the
point that he is a ”straight

Chandler's Republican
opponent, Rep. Ernie Fletch-
er, has former Wildcat J.P.
Blevins. a sharpshooting
guard, on his campaign team.

And what if the gover-
nor‘s race came down to a
game of oneonone?

Chandler boasted that he
could beat Fletcher with ease:
“I've got several inches on
him. I can take him inside.“


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Firstlssueftee. Missal!

Panties riding high with trendy "boyshort" style Inez 3

SAB delivers more Halloween fun I me



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington







Continued from page I

can have an abortion without
adult consent but they can't
get their ears pierced?" Lee

This viewpoint is incon~
sistent. he said.

“If you disturb an egg of
a bald eagle you go to federal
prison. but if you have an
abortion you get no punish-
ment," Lee said.

Lee said people should
make decisions about abor~
tion with one thing in mind.

“You need to decide when
life begins. If that is at con-
ception. than we have violated
that baby‘s constitutional
right," said Lee.

UK Students for Life Pres-
idents Jessica Burke and
Christina Maas said they
agreed with Lee‘s statements.

“We are here to say that
it’s the women‘s right to have
the information about the
consequences of the stressful
situation of an abortion."
said Maas. an integrated
strategic communications se-

Burke said she hoped the
speech would educate stu-
dents about abortion.

“A lot of people don‘t
know what‘s going on." said
Burke, a political science and
sociology junior. “We want to
get the information out to

Email kernel u ukyedu




Oct. zrx Harassing communication investigated at 758 Woodland
Avenue at 2:17 am.

Oct 20: Criminal mischief to a vehicle reported at SIG 4 at 8:47

Oct. 20: Warrant/Summons service to WT. Young Library, where an
arrest was made at 6:47 pm.

Oct. 20: Disorder in progress investigated at South Limestone
Street and Gazette Avenue at 10:40 pm.

Oct. 21: Disorder in progress investigated at 160 Funkhouser Drive
at 4:06 pm

Oct. 21: Theft of bicycle reported at 12:39 pm

Oct. 22: Welfare check on a man laying down in front of 450 Rose
Street at 9:26 am.

Oct. 22: Book stolen from WT. Young Library found at Kennedy's
Book Store at 2:04 pm.

Oct. 22: Arrest made for alcohol intoxication at Maxwell and Rose
Streets at 6:43 pm.

Oct. 22: Citation issued for alcohol intoxication at Keeneland Drive
at 7:11 pm.

Oct. 22: A person kicking cans outside of 121 Keeneland Drive inves-
tigated at 7:35 pm.

Oct. 22: Fourth-degree assault in progress at Two Keys Tavern on
South Limestone Street. report made at 7:44 pm.

Oct. 23: Alarm fire from burnt fire reported at 319 Columbia Terrace
at 12:54 pm

Oct. 23: Someone who attempted to get into a house at 220
Transcript Avenue caused damage to it at 2:17 pm

Oct. 23: CD player stolen from a blue 1993 Ford Probe at 845 Red
Mile Road at 5:42 pm.

Oct. 24: Arrest made for alcohol intoxication at Lexington and Euclid
Avenues at 12:43 am.

Oct. 24: Arrest made for alcohol intoxication at Holmes Hall at 1:20

Oct. 24: Theft reported from 800 Rose Street at 6:54 am.

Oct. 24: Medical run to an agricultural engineering building at 8:27
am. where a man was complaining of chest pain. He was taken to
the UK Chandler Medical Center emergency room.




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Oct. 24: An abandoned vehicle in the turning lane at University and for me was t0 become a DOCK” 0f Ch'mpracnc 50 I COUId truly help 9909"? -

Cooper Drives investigated at 8:41 am.
Oct. 24: An egg thrown on a vehicle at Greg Page Apartments
reported at 5:28 pm.

SAFE“ 3 Oct. 25: Theft from the Press Avenue Parking Lot reported at 1125
‘ am.

Continued from page 1



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( oileut-‘ail °( liirripmclic

Source: UK Police Web site at www.uky.edu/Police and police

Compiled by Staff Writer Ben Fain.

E mail: bfaimdkykerne/rom

lege of Social Work. said that
she had taken the self-defense
course twice and thought
Chilton‘s speech was also

The same presentation
will be held Nov. 13 in the
Chandler Medical (‘enter‘s
sixth floor auditorium.



An article in Tuesday‘s Kernel incorrectly listed the
price of University Health Services flu shots. Shots are $5
for PR and LCC students with ID and $15 for non-students.

To report an error (all T he Kentucky Kernel at 25 7-1915.



loganadm@1093n-edu Jason Kucma

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Brittany Clark
Assistant Scene Editor

Phone: 251-1915 | Email: bclarktflltyiiernelrom



KENTUCKY am | WEDNESDAY. ocrom 29. 20031 a


Panties riding high with
trendy ‘boy-short’ style

Boy-short underwear fad brings new styles and statements,
not to mention fuller coverage, to ladies' skivvies‘

By Erin Gray and Jenny Wells

Since first appearing in
female-targeted Siiili‘s like
Wet Seal and Gadzooks. the
increasing fad of more cov-
erage underWear has taken
the younger female genei :1-
tion by storm.

Fashion magazines
such as Cosmo and (ii/INIUI/l‘
answer the cry of fashion
followers with previews and
current trends 111 clothing.
shoes and accessories. How-
ever. the trend of under—
wear has gone unanswered.

Today's underwear
fashion forecast is riding
high with a boy-short craze.

They can now be found
in almost any clothing store
and are impossible to miss.

These revolutionized
panties have become anoth-
er feature in personal ex-

pression. The trendy
skivvies bear a striking re-
semblance to shorts. but are
smaller. tighter and coni-
plete with all the girly frills.

They are glittery. silky.
lacy. plain. polk-a-dot and
any other style or pattern
an expressive young woman
could possibly ask for on
her underwear.

Roy shorts also offer an
added bonus of an invisible
parity line.

Brand names such as
Hello Kitty and Playboy In-
timates have taken stock in
the intimate apparel indus-
try with such styles as lace.
see-through. cartoon anima~
tion. graffiti and even saucy
sayings like "Bad Girl"
leave an imprint on the der-

Jennie Davis. comanag-
er of Wet Seal. says initials
are the style of choice. with

New woman's under-
wear styles are bor-
rowing features like
wider waist bands
and fuller coverage
from traditional
men's options.

| mm snrr



the Playboy Intimates col-
lection not far behind.
Davis said girls and women
ages 13-25 are scooping up
these boy-shorts by the

The underwear trend is
sexy. comfortable and cozy
for Sarah Jones an inte-
giated strategic communi-
cations junior.

But not everyone finds
this underwear to be so
wonderful. Kate Edmonson.
a political science sopho-
more. said the “granny—
panties“ are not comfort-
able whatsoever.

“They may be cute. but
I can‘t stand wearing
them!" she said.

“I thought they looked
comfortable and bought
like three pairs of them
just to find that all they do
is bunch up and stick out
above your jeans."

This hot trend may not
have staying power. though.

“We're swamped now
they're a trend that could

easily keep going." Davis
said of Wet Seals' sales.
Davis also said he believes
the low-rise jean brought
rise to the popularity of the

Some retailers are a bit
more skeptical.

“Boy-shorts are trendy.
but for daily wear. the
thong and bikini style are
the most popular.” said
Melanie Scamp. store man-
ager of Gadzooks.

Fashion isn‘t the only
critic underwear rubs up
against. Men are tough crit-
ics. too.

“Medium coverage“ is a
preference of financing se-
nior Harold Ikard. “It
leaves more to the imagina-
tion. The boy-shorts may
cover more. but they still
give a preview."

However. some still pre-
fer the skimpiness.

“You can't go wrong
with less coverage,“ said ge-
ology senior Brad Luckett.

E—mail kernelteukyedu




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 4 l WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2003


Editorial Board

Andrea Ulide. Editor in chief
Josh Sullivan. Dialogue editor

Sara Cunningham. Managing editor
Paul teidittv. Asst. Dialogue editor





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andgivernor We'vedebamdmrwedwmwrtavmimNawflweigiit-manbabmmnmwmshamimvbwsmm

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Grayson connects through ideas

At 31, Trey Grayson is the youngster of
this year‘s candidates for Secretary of State.

Grayson‘s platform regarding education
and getting young people involved in voting is
a good plan. He wants to institute a mandato-
ry civics class for high school students to
take. By learning about the government.
Grayson believes students will become more
involved in the government. and thus the vot-
er turnout will become better.

“No one has civics as their No. 1 priority"
Grayson said. “It‘s something I could do."

He also said he believes his age will be
beneficial in helping to get young people en-
gaged ~ whether they are Republicans or De-
mocrats 7 in government.

UK can find a good higher education advo-
cate in Grayson.

“I care about higher education issues 7 and
UK is my school.“ he said.

Grayson grew up in Northern Kentucky.
He got his undergraduate degree at Harvard
and then completed a joint law and business
masters at UK. His father once served on the
UK Board of Trustees and his brother-in-law
is a freshman at UK this year. He and his wife
were part of a group that started a young
alumni association in Northern Kentucky. His
UK ties run deep ~ and Grayson says he is
proud of the education and experiences he
had while attending UK.

In terms of elections. Grayson would like
to clean up the corruption in Frankfort by get-
ting rid of voter fraud. Although this issue is
one primarily for the Attorney General‘s of-
fice. Grayson said he would like to create a di-
alogue about how none of the branches of


government were going to tolerate the corrup-
tion. He said he would like the Secretary of
State‘s office to make it easier for the Attor-
ney General‘s office to work with him and be
a pulpit for discussion and getting the word
out. Dialogue will be key in helping eradicate
corruption A and the Secretary of State
should be involved in this process.

He would like to make campaign contribu-
tions more accessible as public records by
making it required for them to be more fre-
quently recorded — a policy which would help
to keep elections more honest. He also wants
to push for harsher penalties for those guilty
of election fraud.

Grayson wants to help small businesses by
making it easier for them to file state docu-
ments online. rather than mailing them or
bringing them directly to Frankfort.

“I want people to come back to this state,
or if they didn’t grow up here, I’d want them
to stay." he said.

Grayson‘s opponent, Democratic candidate
Russ Maple. states on his Web site, “I'm get-
ting out to every region of the state to person-
ally meet as many voters as possible.” Maple
was offered the chance to personally meet UK
voters by speaking to the Kernel editorial
board, but declined.

Grayson says his experience working in
business, law and as an intern in Secretary of
State office will help him have more specific
plans for a position as Secretary of State.

We think Grayson‘s specific goals, experi-
ence and ability and plan to connect with the
younger voters of the state make him an ideal
candidate for Secretary of State.


John Warmer. Moorw
Stacie Meihaus. KEG editor

lies Blevins. Staff columnist

Anne Bomschein. Copy desk chief



Advising sessions
need improvement
for students' sakes

It's that time of year again, when all students
must race to their advisers and get their holds lifted in
order to register. Unfortunately, I've found by my sev-
enth semester that it is consistently a process that
needs major revamping. -

This is not just because this process has been. in
my opinion, a waste of mine and the university’s time,
but because this is one area where UK needs to start
improving if administrators are serious about stu-
dents graduating on time.

Not only are there not enough spots to sign up
for an advising appointment as compared to the num-
ber of students per advisor, but if you are lucky
enough to find a date and time open, it is impossible
due to your class schedule.

Also, the actual advising appointment has never
been anything more than the advisor electronically
lifting my hold and saying good-
bye. This is fine with me. since I
am a mature and motivated stu-
dent, but let‘s face it: Some col-
lege students are just not this way.
Therefore, they get lost in the sys-
tem. have to register late and
thus, don't get into the classes
they need to.

Some don‘t even take the
classes they need to graduate be-
cause they (like some advisors
I‘ve met with) don‘t know the

This semester I just happened
to sign up for advising because I
knew it was that time of year. I
never got my reminder in the
mail as I had for the past three
years. I was told reminders were
now electronic after I went in to
sign up.

Well, I checked my UK e-mail
account and found nothing. Also.
since so many students needed to
be advised, I now have to do a
group advising where 10 students
will be crammed in some room
and advised by one person.

I’ve had four advisors and
three faculty advisors assigned to me over my three-
and-a-half year career at UK. Now, this may be reason-
able for a student who often changes majors. but I have
always had the same major.

Many other negative experiences composite my
UK advising ordeals. I‘ve not heard positive things
from many other students about the process. I suggest
that UK really make “advising" time a time of gen-
uine, quality advising or drop the whole process.

Perhaps we could just let those that truly want to
be informed about their UK career be advised if they
wish. Because of the poor quality of the process. stu-
dents should not be made to schedule advising ses-
sions so that they can register.

In order for UK to provide better advising, I be-
lieve that UK could better publicize advising time, be
sure advisors really know the requirements (even the
changes from year to year) and care about students
graduating. Also, lengthen advising times and offer
more slots.

UK could also allow more instructors to act as ad-
visors in order to facilitate longer sessions and a more
opportunities to be advised.

I’ve had
and a
at UK’




" l would like to see alcohol taxed. It’s more dangerous to drink
and drive or get drunk and kill brain cells than it is to smoke."

— Renee Currier, psychology junior
" I think taxing cigarettes is a good idea, but they should spend
the money on both health care and education."

— Neil Moore. computer science graduate student


governor's race poll not insurmountable for Chandler

Although the
latest polls show
Ernie Fletcher as

having a lead
over opponent
Ben Chandler go-
ing into the up-
coming guberna-
torial elections.
all may not be
well for Fletcher.

Having out-
fundraised Chan-
dler by a sizable margin. Rep.
Fletcher also enjoys an endorse-
ment from President Bush. who has
already visited this state on his be-
half and will do so one more time
in early November. just before
the election.

Being that the president re-
ceived more than sixty percent of
the vote in this state during the
2000 presidential election. this en-
dorsement is huge. In fact. the lat-
est poll conducted in part by the
Lexington Herald-Leader shows


that the only voting bloc where
Chandler holds an advantage over
Fletcher is among voters 65 years
old and over. Fletcher even appears
to be luring Democrats away from
Chandler. as evidenced by the
spread of “Another Democrat for
Fletcher" bumper stickers and the
endorsement by former Democratic
gubernatorial candidate Bruce

More troubling for Chandler is
the notion that he was a part of the
scandal-ridden administration of
Paul Patton. Although Chandler
openly investigated and prosecuted
fellow Democrats as attorney gen-
eral of the state. the Fletcher cam-
paign has taken advantage of the
dark Patton era of Kentucky poli-
tics to indirectly implicate Chan-
dler in the disorder and scandal
created during this time.

Indeed. 40 percent of voters
have indicated that they hold a
“negative" impression of Ben
Chandler. as opposed to 32 percent

who say the same about Ernie
Fletcher. Using phrases such as
”restoring hope" and promising to
clean up “the mess in Frankfort.“
the Fletcher campaign has quite
successfully tied in Chandler to the
troubled Patton regime.

If all of this political banter
sounds familiar. one has to look no
further back than the 2000 presi-
dential election. where George
Bush heat Al Gore using a very
similar strategy of connecting then
Vice President Gore to the Clinton-
era White House scandals. That
very strategy proved to be a success
in 2000. and Fletcher is betting that
history will repeat itself on a small-
er scale in November 2003.

Yet in spite of all this, Fletcher
is still having problems holding his
lead. The proponents of Chandler
are quick to point out any piece of
evidence which may prove to be
damning of Fletcher. For instance.
the latest bit of information being
pushed by Chandler supporters in-
