xt7kpr7msm7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msm7t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 2001 2001 2001-01-18 2020 true xt7kpr7msm7t section xt7kpr7msm7t LEFT 0F CENTER


‘1 it.) it! »

Life's not



January 18, 2001”


Here are some things
that would prove that
old adage “Who said
life's fair?" Not all
are true, but all
would definitely be
“unfair" in one way
or another. Either
that or something
that seems to bug
me or people I know.

Ninety-nine percent of
us will never get to
date a supermodel or
superstar. male or
female, just for the
sake of saying that
we did. In my book,
that is just not lair
for any of us. Alyssa
Milano, if you happen
to read this, could
you make life fair for
me? Just asking


Traffic. That is not
necessarily unfair,
but still it seems like
it to some. i see the
faces of people in
traffic all the time
with their scowls and
grimaces (By the
way. why is a
character promoting
food a word that
generally has a
connotation? I eat
the food and
Grimace? Ummm
good!) and wonder
why they do not
bring good music
with them in the car.
The cost of a CD
player is well worth
it considering the
loss of agony in
traffic that you can

l have said it before, but
I will say it again.
Older people with the
fear of breaking their
hips get to drive all
the nice cars. for the
most part. Some of
the more affluent
students on campus
seem to drive nice
cars, too. Yeah,
that's not fair either!

Richard Simmons is
famous. 00 I need to
say anything else

Teachers get paid a
teensy little bit
compared to some
occupations that
have less effect on
the future. They also
get all holidays off
and a decent pension
that cannot be
touched by inflation.
Yeah, neither of
those is fair.

A great baseball player,
Kirby Puckett, had to
stop playing because
of glaucoma. That
sucks. Makes it a
little easier to
swallow when he
gets into the Hall of
Fame in his first try.
Congrats to him and
Dave Winfield.

A speed trap. Yeah. That
is not fair either.

Flat tires. Yeah. That

-Ron Norton


Scattered showers
for Friday. Grab an
umbrella before you
head off to your classes

Km“; “uni: *9
“E: if L"t‘$E
VOL. ”l06 ISSUE 3379


Nev-L's tipv’

Call: 257-1915 or write:


Got love?
It’s all you really need l3

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Glenn censured by SGA Senators

At the trial: Senate majority votes 26-1 to censure; Glenn must write
letters of apology to recipients of the Spring 2000 Child Care Grants

FUN" “[599

The Student (iovernment Asso-
ciation voted 26-] to censure Presi:
dent .Iimmy (llenn. with tension
running high during a fivehour tri
al in a room packed with (llenn sup—
porters and littered with pro-(llenn
signs and even a "Save .liiiimy"

The trial ended after midnight
and students stayed to speak well
past I am.

An amendment to the censure
requires (llenii to write letters of
apology to the five recipients ofthe
Spring 2000 SGA (‘hild (‘are Grants.

The Senate found (llenn guilty
of four charges: purchasing and
signing a (Ullll ict for advertising
with tle er ntlbefoie abridget w: is
iir place; failing to award Spring
2000 (‘hild (‘are Grants: trying to re-
place fhe student representative on


the Presidential Search Committee;
and violating the oath ot’ottice,

In December. the same sena:
tors voted for (lleriir‘s removal
based on these charges.

Senate (‘hairman Edwin ()r-
ange and Sen. Zach Webb presented
a resolution for censure. which
would mean the Senate has no con-
tiderice in (llenri as a president.

Sen, .Iackie Russell then pro-
posed an amendment that would re-
move (llenn from office.

The Senate debated the penalty
for more than two hours before

muffled cries of ”bullshit"
the I)l‘()(‘t‘t‘(illl‘,1.‘s.

The shout of one disseritei' set
the entire room ablaze. with .stu
dents demanding to have their say
before the Senate iriade a final

Five students spoke, including
Matthew Johnson. the StlA election
board chairman. who spoke in
support oftllenn

"You all came in here against
.Jimmy arid lcould prove it ifl had
just a moment left to speak." he


Some senators argued in favor
of censure because of the lengthy
appeals process
(lleiiii was reiiioyed

“He is willing to take this to
any limit." ()range said. after play
ing a tape of'(ileiin at the Ilecemlier
Board of Trustees meeting telling
trustees he would appeal iiripeach
merit with them

reaching an agreement to censure.

Attendance and emotion set a
year-long. and perhaps all-time.
high for an S(‘.A meeting. Tempers
flared so highly at one point nearly
the entire crowd was thrown out of
the irieeting.

One student proclaimed that
the Senate made him want to puke.
others shouted "witch hunt" arid

Whitmore visits
campus, students

The facts: The Kernel spoke with UK Presidential Candidate Jon
Whitmore about his thoughts on UK and why he wants to be president

By Julie Nelson

Editor's note:

This interview is the first of
a three-part question and answer
series on the presidential

Questions Answers

Q: Students have criticized President Wethington for not
interacting with them. Many students, when asked. are not
even sure what his name is or what he looks like. If you came
to UK. what efforts would you make to have a more interac-
tive relationship with the students?

A: I do think it is important for the president to interact
with students. but it is impossible to interact with 20.000 stu-
dents. There ought to be devices to help. like periodic meet-
ings with elected leadership. I personally as provost have a Q:
student advisory group where we have pizza and soda three
times a semester. I always find if you serve food, students will
come. It has proven very useful in finding out if the advising
system works or if there are registration problems. I also like
to walk around campus and talk to students. although there is

not a lot oftime for that.

Q: Many students expressed concerns at the presidential
search forums about the growth of our University. Many feel
that there are too many buildings and not enough green
space. How would you deal with this issue? Are you support-
ive of campus growth. and if so. how do you propose that we
do have enough green space on campus?

A: Growth in Kentucky means growth in universities.
Growth needs to be planned and carefully managed so that
the quality doesn‘t slip. Most campuses have a space short-
age. but luckily economies in states are pretty good and I
know Kentucky is putting new dollars into building and I
think that‘s positive. We prepared master plans in Texas and
Iowa to look at the campus to see where green Space was still
available. There are ways to try to be sensitive to those needs.
Campuses need to be attractive and have communal

gathering spaces available.

Q: Many students on our campus feel very strongly about
UK‘s involvement with the Fair Labor Association. Sweat-
shop issues are very important to these students and there
has been a committee formed to investigate the FLA and de-
cide on a possible switch to the Workers' Rights Consortium.
What would be your position on sweatshop issues and would
you be supportive of making a switch to another watchdog


A: We have had some students who share those concerns
at Iowa and the position we've taken, which is right for our
campus. is that we belong to both organizations and in a
sense were working with both of them to see that their goals
are successful. I read that both organizations are struggling A
to get going and the issues they are dealing with are large. We
would like to see both succeed and to the best of our ability
we will take part in both of them. If one should emerge. we
might consider choosing one over the other.

The Kernel asked a series of
questions to each candidate fo-
cusing on campus issues.

Jon Whitmore is visiting
campus today. Whitmore is cur-
rently the provost at the Univer-
sity of Iowa. Below are Whit-
more's responses to the ques-

tions. If you have questions you
would like to ask the candidates.
attend the student forum at
3:30 pm. today and Friday in the
Worsham Theater of the Student

UK‘s next president will be
chosen Tuesday.

On a more
personal note

In an effort to
let students get to
know the candi-
dates better. the
Kernel chose
some personal
questions for the

What is



A: In recent movies. Shakespeare-t
In Lore. I am a big Shakespeare fan.
and I thought it was a very funny.
very striking movie. It was well act
ed. well directed and lots of fun. but
it had serious iiiessirges.

Q: What is your favorite theater

A: “The Miratle Worker " I di
rected this play. whic h IS originally
directed by William (iibson. It is the
story of Helen Keller‘s life. I like it
because it is a story of an amazing
struggle and epiphany and it shows
what the powers of education can do.

Q: What theater productions
were you involved in during college‘,’
What was your favorite role'.’

A: ()edipus. in the Greek tragedy
of “Oedipus the King." It was the
most fun bet ause w e wore these
masks. and we were sort of playing
theater on a grand scale. It wasn't re-
alistic. but kind of a symbolic play of
human relations and trust. We got to
poke our eyes out and scream on

Q: What is your favorite break-
fast. lunch and dinner food"

A: For breakfast. my wifes his
cuits. for lunch. pizza and for dinner .
it is hard to beat a good steak

Q: What is voiir favorite type of

: I like classical music. but I
am a product ofthe '60s and '70s. so I
like pop rock like Bob Ilylan and the
Beatles. In Texas I got to appreciate
country music. too,


that could ensue if



Sen. Zach Webb listens to Jimmy Glenn's representative Alan Donohue, a
first-year law student, as he defends Glenn at the trial Wednesday night.

Low turnout at
Getfroy's session

UK Presiden-
tial Candidate
; Gregory
Wednesday at
Fewer than 50
attended the

ow. sun

Time: Interview too short to assess Geoffroy

By Tracy Kershaw


better than 30 students
turned out Wednesday to meet
the first of three candidates
vying for the {K presidency.

The overw helirringly white
audience questioned candidate
(iregory lieolTi‘oy.
the I'niversity of Maryland
since 1907. focusing on how he
would improye the role of stir
dents in administration deci
sion making.

The low turnout is proba-
bly a reflection of the students
feeling that they have no rela
tioriship with the Administrzr
tion. (leoffroy said after the

"This is a little disappoint
ing that there aren‘t more s'tu
dents here." he said.

'l'hs Ke ntutky n itive and
lmyersity of '.ouisville gt idu
ate also met Wednesday with
trustees. faculty. staff and

(leofl‘roy. who sipped a soft
drink from a [K Food Services
I’epsi cup during the forum.
said he thought the president
should be visible to students
and faculty on campus. stig-
gestirig an advisory committee
consisting of both student lead-
ers and students who aren't as
involved with campus life.

.~\s president. he said he
would “pop into the dining
halls and have :i meal with stu
dents or walk through the stu»
dent union to chat.”

He also suggested putting
s'urye\ questions on the I'm-
versity "s web site to solicit s‘tu
dent opinion on decisions the
I'niversity will make. a tool
used at the l'niyers‘ity of

(the student felt the ses
shirt was too short to get an int
pression of the candidate

‘lt was definitely too short

provost of

and .‘l’. :in iiiconyenient time."
said Lindsay ('louse, an
litiglish sophomore

Some students still had
their hands raised when the
meeting ended and others who
approached (ieoffroy after
wards did riot get to finish
asking questions

(ieof‘froy. .34. was sched:
uled to meet with alumni next,

”I just don‘t see how we
could make :r decision based on
this interyiew." (‘IOUse said. “I
have no idea what kind of
president he would be."

()rin lfl students turned in
the yellow response sheets
passed out by the search

One student asked what
fieoflroy would do to eiicour
.ige student congregation on
campus. saying students now
only hay.- thr- wall outside
\Vllllc flfiii Classroom

(h'iililifl slid he had at
ready noticed the lack of green
\l‘fflf‘t‘ Iill f .lllllilh

"i iIJI‘u’ Itilst’l‘Vt‘ti TiTJll IT
does not fiwl like a campus like
Penn State or Maryland divs."
he said. "There is a lack of‘s‘eat-
ing places and groves of trees "

"(‘learly. I would want to
put some effort into making

(ieoffroy did not have deti<
lille answers to some student
questions. including those
about L'K's involvement with
sweatshops. the y isitation poli-
cy and the alcohol policy. say-
ing he did not know all the
“nuances" about the situations.

(kniffrov spoke to the audie
once before taking questions.
He said he thinks [K is poised
for rapid growth. with a good
base and good support from
others in the state.

He said: "I want to trans-
form I'K into an even better
l'niyersity "











The Low-down

I never
so why
should I

- Julia
Roberts, to
People at last
night's National
Board of
Review awards
banquet in New
York, where
the star picked
up her "Best
plaque for Erin

Congolese president lulled during coup

Ix’l.\'SlI.\.\i.\. t‘ongo t‘ongolese otlicials re-
lll.tlllt‘tl silent o\er the late of I’resideitt Laurent
I\'.iliil.i‘s :.:o\ erniiietit \\'ednesd.’t\. nearly a day af-
li'l' the ruler of this troubled nation \\as appar
entlx shot .llltl killed during a coup attempt.
'lles died." said John .\\i-oth. a lobbyist and
public relations consultant who acts as Kabila‘s
spokesman III the l'iiited States .‘\\t'ttlll. speak
“If I'\ telephone from Durham. .\' t‘ . on Tues
tl.i\. slill he had \lltdx-‘ll to top le\e| (‘oiigolese of
tirials Ill Kinshasa \\lltt had coiilii'ined Kabila‘s
death He said the t'oiigolese go\ei‘iiinent would
make .iii .tiinouiiceineiit early \\'ediiesday. but
the tieus conterent‘e did not take place at tlte
ttine llt' pi‘oiiiised

Saddam claims Iraq triumphed in Gulf

I! \lilllt \It I'm. I’resident Saddam Ilus
st‘li‘ inniwl Illi taill \\ar’s loth :llllll\'t'l':~£ll'_\'
\\'. tannin let .lw. l n in: the conflict a glorious
llitilll"‘ll .n h i-;. litstorx while ignoring the eco
imam. «In l‘sl.llltil‘i zlit rennin has suffered dut'
i1" l'1s i'tile Sold in“: dest t'itilioti ttt‘llie "iinmor
iii Illiilllt‘l' it til liiiiles' had little in common
\\ ith the i'uiliti, ‘tt lllt wi\ week battle III which
I' S .ittd lllli'tl loti t's pianiitieled [tutti lti relent-
less .lll .iit irlts tollowed In a brief. lopsided
ground war that tll‘tt\i' litioi troops from Kuwait.
In a 'i.» iiittiiite tele\ ised stit‘ta‘ll. Saddam touched
onl\ It;:lit|\ on iliedetails ofthe \\ar. \\litch. coni
illlll‘tl \\Iillilllt‘tdtlt‘itl -s.'lllt'llttll\.ll;1sllll[)1)\'t‘l'
lsllt‘ll eiit'e prosperous Iraq

Clinton to place safeguards on land

\\' \SIIINt i'l‘t t.\' Seeking to leave his mark
on . n\ ll'ttllllle‘lllJl protection. I’i'esident t‘linton
Is . Minn: at least sl‘\ additional national iiioiitt
\t‘lilllt'.‘ i’ttllllllt'l‘i‘IJtl e\ploitation on
inure thin I iiiillieii .trres ol federal land in the
\\i‘sl t'l'nten w 1\ io announce his action
\\. iin~sihtx to establish the new monuments in
\thti‘ n. talitornia. \i‘i/oit.t_ \eu .\Ie\ico and
litiho I‘hu sites lllt‘lllllt‘ I’oiiipeys I’iIIai' near
I'vllilll.\ \l'tttl. .l i.~otoot sandstone column
anti '\I‘Ii'i‘-‘l' \\ illiani (In I\ «unwed his name
an 1m.- iliit'tii: Ills lllsttil'lt' \\esinard trek \\IIII
\lw‘wm’tw: [rats


Rebel twins may be granted asylum
sl' \\' |‘IIl'\'t;. 'I‘hailand 'I‘liailand said
\\'-tint silax it ll‘i.l\ ,.’l\t‘ httiiiaiiit.‘trian asylum to

.lohniix and I.lll|ii'l lltoo~ the l'\\lll box leaders of

.. ~ Irwltel il‘et'w‘lt‘e‘l‘il Ii'oin .\I\aiiiiiai‘ \\Iio

.. siit‘t‘etiilererl \\ tilt some of their followers.
u."=i and llill.L'l". ll nieiiihers of the (iod‘s

\i an ’i'tittl‘ nz‘iv- it them children. Illt‘ltlttlll!
ilit‘llt‘tl tlieiiiselyes over
to ll: 1: llllitt'l'illz'» on 'l'tiesda‘i' after a year on
il‘e‘ l'lli‘ .iloiit; ih» l'hai _\I\:iniii.n' border. I’or

ll‘e t'hai‘isiiiattr ins

liss bassist
Gene Simmons is
set to host a
one- hour
documentary tor
Court TV entitled

Secret History
01 Roch 'n' Roll
regarding how
rock ‘n' roll cul-
ture has been
influenced by
various crimes


Citing personal
and private
Metallica bassist
Jason Newsted
Wednesday that
he was leaving
the band after
14 years.
Newsted joined
the band in
1986 after the
band's original
bassist. Clitt
Burton, died in a
bus crash.

The group said
they will stay
together but
have not decided
on Newsted's

. 4 > s» “-1 §
fig;- gigs-“s g tees-«fit

more than three years. the boys fought to over—
throw Myanmar‘s military government. and
their followers believe Johnny and Luther have
magical powers that make them invincible in
battle. The boys once claimed to have several
hundred followers.

Impeachment trial adiourned

MANILA. Philippines With riot police
looking on. an estimated 40.000 protesters gath-
ered Wednesday to demand the ouster of Presi-
dent Joseph Estrada. whose impeachment trial
was adjourned after all 11 prosecutors resigned.
The prosecutors quit after the Senate voted 11-10
late Tuesday to stop them from examining bank
records they say would prove Estrada grew rich
off corruption during 18 months in office. The
Senate vote was seen as virtually ending the cor-
ruption case against Estrada. A Senate tribunal
suspended I'lstrada‘s trial until the House of Rep-
resentatives. which initiated the impeachment
process. decides how to proceed. Noisy demon»
strations erupted in Manilla and at least three
other cities after the initial Senate vote.

Paul Newman gets nod as leading man

I.()NI)()N A top British entertainment
magazine has crowned Patti Newman the great-
est leading man ofall time. Radio Times maga-
Iine asked a panel offilm experts to rate 10 actors
by their power at the box office. ()scars. acting
qualities. marriage appeal and headlinc-grabbing
abilities. Tom Hanks finished second behind
Newman. his costar iii the upcoming film. “The
Road to Perdition." James Stewart was third. the
magazine reported on 'I‘uesday. followed by liar»
rison Ford. Marlon Brando. (Tary Grant. Robert
Redford. 'I‘oin (‘ruise and Sean Connery (tied for
eighth place) and (lary t‘ooper. A readers' poll.
conducted via the magazine‘s Web site. put Sir
Sean (‘onnery at the top ofthe list.

Beware of Super Bowl package scams

WASHINtI'I‘ON Fans buying tour packr
ages to the Stiper Howl be warned: Not all pack»
ages include game tickets. That's the advice from
the ’I‘ransportation Department to those, plan
ning a trip to ’I‘anipa. Fla. for the .Ian. 28 title
game between the New York Giants and Iialti
more Ravens. Ilnder federal rules. if a promoter
markets a tour package as including tickets it
iinist have the tickets in hand or have a written
contract for them. Ifa game ticket is not specifi-
cally mentioned in newspaper ads or other solici-
tation material or listed as a totir feature. the
ticket is probably not included. the department

Women's issues on college campuses

Residence Life is sponsoring a four-part se»
ries dealing with women‘s issues on today's col
Icge campus. The first program. “Body Image."
will be presented tonight by (iwyn Limiter. a
graduate student. The presentation begins at 7
pm. in 211 Student (‘enteii For tnore information
call 333-921 I.

Compiled from wire reports.




Continued from page i


Q: What would your goals
be for our University? What are
some of our problem areas that
you would like to remedy as

A: A major goal would be
to help top.20 efforts that have
been so clearly articulated.
That needs to be done on a
number of fronts. The presi-
dent needs to work with all con-
stituents to make sure that the
best students are brought to UK
and that there are scholarships
and student support programs
so that students can come re-
gardless of their financial situa-
tions. The president's support
staff is absolutely critical. The
president needs to build an in»
frastructure so that what hap-
pens betWeen faculty. students.
staff and industry can happen
on the campus with the kinds
of facilities and equipment that
are needed to do that well. We
need partnerships with alumni.
ag leaders. business leaders.
the governor‘s office and the
legislature to get to the top/.20
goal. A blueprint and academic.
plan is needed.

Q: How do you feel about
UK‘s goal to become a top—20 re,»
search university? How would
you maintain quality ofthe un-
dergraduate studies program
with our mission to become a
top-20 research university?

A: It is in the top»20 class of
universities that there is a bal-
ance thwecn the undergradu-
ate and graduate programs. I
don't think you measure top-20
by the research dollars brought
in. but by the quality of the aca-
demic, programs. the quality of
undergraduate education and
the satisfaction that students
have of the education they are

Q: A former member of our
football staff has just admitted
that he committed tWo NCAA
violations and there are now in—
\‘estigations taking place. Do
the internal investigations of
our football staff make you ap-

prehensive about coming to

A: No. It‘s unfortunate that
the incident has happened. The
important thing is how the Uni-
versity handles it and that the
public trusts the University.
The public trust can be men
gaged by having a thorough in-
vestigation. Once a final report
is made. the issues are revealed
and some decisions have to be
made about how it affects the
athletics program. I think the
appropriate steps are being tak-
en. but those sorts of things
happen periodically on various

Q: What personal qualities
do you feel best qualify you for
the job?

A: I‘ve looked at the job de
scription and my experiences
match up perfectly with the
kinds of experiences they are
looking for. I‘ve been an active
researcher and scholar. I‘ve
spent my entire career in edu-
cation. in every position. I've
increased my responsibilities
to second to the president.

I think I have all the right
administrative experiences.
The University of Iowa is a top
20 university. Texas is in the
top 10 toll! and I bring the per;
spective of having spent the last
11 to 12 years at good universi-

Q: UK is known in Kcnv
tucky as a “best buy“ for a col-
lege education because of our
low tuition rates. Are you a
supporter of annual tuition
hikes? Why or why not?

A: Yes. I think they have to
be calculated relative to the in-
crease in income of the citizens
of the state. If the University is
going to move up. every one of
its resource pools is going to
have to be raised. At Iowa. we
never raise tuition without
having discussions with stu—
dents. This year there was a 9.9
percent hike. Students did not
oppose the hike because we
tumed around the plan to help
them. With raising tuition
comes responsibility to talk
about why. Whenever we raise
tuition. we set aside 16 percent
to increase the money we have
to give to students through fi
nancial aid and scholarships.




MANY KlDf N we Lower‘r


THE HiGHErT rcerr






Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:00 pm.

University of Kentucky
Student Center, Room 111


f—r vre jar

(ECOND APPLicATioN amount if Perm/saw 26, 200i

may“: ygArurtJfl-s‘li" UK"


























Bea the history

The long and
winding road

The bumps, wrong turns
and crossroads that
marked the Beatles
road to greatness.

I957 John Lennon forms
the Ouarrymen; Paul
McCartney and John
first meet


I958 George Harrison
joins the Ouarrymen

I960 The Ouarrymen
change their name to
the Beatles; Pete
Best becomes the

I96I Brian Epstein
becomes the Beatles

I962 Decca records turns
down the Beatles:
Ringo Star joins the
band after Pete Best
is fired

I964 First U.S. album
Meet the Beatles
released; the Beatles
appear on the "Ed
Sullivan Show" and
are watched by 70
million viewers; win
first Grammy award
for Best New Artist
for A Hard Day’s
Night, at one point
the Beatles own all
live of the top
positions on the
Billboard chart

I965 Beatles release
second film. Helpll
perform at Shea
Stadium in front of a
then record 55.600

I966 The Beatles perform
last concert at
Candlestick Park in
San Fransisco; John
meets Yoko Ono at an
exhibition of her art


I967 The band performs
"All You Need is
Love" on the world's
first global satellite
TV link-up; it is their
last live TV
performance and is
watched by 400
million people

I968 Ringo quits while
recording fhe White
Album, but rejoins
two weeks later

I970 Last studio album.
Let It Be, released

I970 Paul McCartney's
album McCartney
released; Ringo
Starr‘s album
Beaucoup of Blues
released; George
Harrison’s album All
Things Must Pass
released; the Beatles
documentary let it Be
premieres in New
York but none of the
four attend

I97l John Lennon's album
Imagine released;
Paul's new band
Wings releases their
first album Wildlife

I980 John Lennon shot
and killed at the age
of 40 outside his

I988 The Beatles
inducted into the
Rock 'n’ Roll Hall of

I994 John is inducted
into the Rock ‘n' Roll
Hall of Fame as a solo

I995 Anthology l
released. the song
“Free As a Bird"
becomes the first
new Beatles single in

I997 Paul is knighted by
the queen.

I998 Paul is inducted into
the Rock ‘n' Roll Hall
of Fame as a solo

2000 Beatles Ireleased.
hits number one on
the Billboard albums


Compiled from:
The Beatles Unseen
Archives. Tim Hill and
Marie Clayton. 2000


‘l/te Ill/tic

By Sarah Zopfi


Meet the Beatles? 'I'his slogan
could be found in homes all over
the I'.S. in the early Iliiitfs, It was
the title ofan‘alluim by a new rock
band meant to introduce their
tiiiique sound.

The Beatles changed the style.
groove. audience and above all. or
the sound of music. Not only did
the Fab Four leave their mark on
music; they also dived into the
production of movies,

They each showed another
side of the flamboyant yalent they
possessed. acting in the starring
roles of several Beatles movies
throughout the mid- to late '60s.

When the group of Liverpool
lads formed. the Beatles embarked
upon something much larger and
more intense than the world. or
themselves. ever anticipated.

The Beatles music was spe-
cial. distinct and refreshing. What
made this sound possible was the
unlikely harmony of John Lennon
and Paul McCartney. a combina-
tion of the soft aeraspy sides of a

no other


l‘\'t'll III

is an example.




Across the universe: It's been three decades since
their breakup, but the Beatles' legacy lives on

IlIvt' li’i'l'tI/l'i’l
I/lll/lll. these vocal liar
iiiiinii-s ga\e way to a sound like
strange indeed. often copied but
never duplicated or surpassed.
turn touch something in us. Their
songs have the ability to make a
person feel melancholy. reflective.
thoughts. understood

The Beatles movies also fol
lowed a relatively iiiuisual path. .I
llart/ [lays .\'ig/i/ (which will be
playing at the Kentucky Theatre
this week). a romp through a fie
tional day in the life of the group.



The Fab Four are holed up in

a hotel room. eventually let otit
into a crowd of insane fans. family

, members and a violent press un~
leasliiiig the by products of fame
that make the Beatles such a

At a time in history when
everything under the sun was
changing. the Beatles made their
mark permanently. They are a
true and rare compilation of what
it means to he an original.

Scene Editor

Phone 257'I9I5
Email: kernelartsiyahoocom




llllINlt' l5

chords that in

most lii/arre

Path of musical revolution

By Tim Staley

Please Please Me. 1963

The album that started it all. This was the
world‘s introduction» to the Beatles. While half the
album is cover songs. the soontribe-famous song-
writing duo of Lennon McCartney are already in
prime form with such tracks as "I Saw Her Standing
There" and "Please Please Me."

With the Beatles. 1969

Mitch like their previous album. this disc is a
mix of originals and covers. It is also George llarri-
son‘s songwriting debut. Their covers reflect their
love of American soul music and their own material
established them as a creative force to be reckoned

Beatles For Sale. I961

This album is in the same vein of their other
two releases. They are still in their sugary pop
mode. but glimpses of their later brilliance can be
seen in tracks like “I'll Follow the Sun."

Hard Day 29 Night. I964

All the Beatles. all the time. This is the first al»
burn that contains nothing but original songs. (‘oin-
cidentally. this is the soundtrack to their first mo-
tion picture.

Help.’. 196’)
Iffor no other reason. IIc/p."s place in music his

tory is secure due to the fact that it contains one of

the greatest pop songs ever written. "Yesterday."
Fortunately. “Yesterday" is not the outing's only
great track. The album is packed full of songs that.
while not as perfect. are equally well crafted.

Rubber Soul. I965

There is absolutely no reason not to love this ale
bum. It is one of those rare albums where every
song is as great as the one before it. "Girl." "In My
Life" and “I‘m Looking Through You" are lost a few
of the tasty morsels to be found.

Itcirolt‘er. I966

Follow the white rabbit? Iv’ci-oit'er marks the
Beatles entry into the world of psychedelia. (‘on
trary to popular belief. Reroli'er. not Sgt. Pepper's is
the greatest single Beatles album ever
made. Every song could stand on its
own as a tribute to why the l’ab
I’our are so Fabulous. but every
track works together to create a
sum greater than the parts.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
(‘lab [tam]. I967

Arguably one of the
first concept albums. Sgt.
Pepper's was a daring
concept. The Beatles
coiitiiitie the psyche
delic undertones of lie
roli'er. while blending
ma wide ranging lIll\
of other genres. The
standout oftht- album is
the epic iiiastei‘piece ".\
Day In the Life."


,IIl/L’Iill/ \Ii'steri‘ 'l'oi/I'.
ftrigmally recorded
during the sessions for .811!
I’i'lI/lel's 'I‘eiiiiy l.aiie'
.iiirl \tiawbei'iw l-‘ielils

l~‘orever" actually ended up on this album. While
.Ilagical illysterr Tour the movie is less than impres-
sive. the soundtrack is full of the clever gems that
the world had come to expect from the group.

Beatles (ll'lu'te Album I. I968

This album is an example of when too nitich can
be a bad thing. While this is a good double album. it
could have been a magnificent single album. Beside
such brilliant songs as "While My Guitar Gently
Weeps.” "Blackbird" and "Revolution I" are dismal
efforts such as "Wild llonev l’ie." "l’iggies" and
“Revolution 9."

Abbey Road. I969

Though this is the last Beatles album that was
recorded. it was released prior to the "final" Beatles
albums. The stripped down feel that the group began
with this album's true lit‘t'tlet'essrii‘, "Let It Be." is

Q‘oii'tTi—iued here. John. Paul. George and Ringo get

back to the basics. making everv note count and the
lyrics equally purposeful