xt7kpr7msk2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msk2b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1988 1988 1988-02-08 2020 true xt7kpr7msk2b section xt7kpr7msk2b  






Wheelchair basketball shows what is
good about sports. SEE PAGE 3.





Wilkinson reneges on campaign
promises. SEE PAGE 6.



Today: Partly sunny and cold
Tomorrow: Chance of snow




Staff Writer

If everything runs on schedule in
the next week, students can expect
to hear UK’s radio station, Radio
Free Lexington, on the air on Feb.

Most of the equipment has arrived
and been set up in the studio, but
station personnel are still awaiting
the shipment of the antenna some-
time this week.

“We don't forsee any additional
delays, except possibly the anten-
na,” said Program Director Mark

WRFL had been expected to go on
the air in January, but delays in the
shipment of various equipment
items forced the postponement.
Beaty said this could be attributed
to a high number of orders received
by the company supplying boards
for the studio.

Following a phone survey last se-
mester which showed overwhelming
support for RFL among students,
the UK Board of Trustees approved

a $1 increase in activities to help the

Originally, RFL members had set
a target date of Oct. 1 for being on
the air but the UK Physical Plant
Division estimated it would take al-
most $25,000 to renovate a storage
area in the Student Center for
broadcasting a recording needs.

The group had received $40,000 be-
tween the city of Lexington and the
University for start-up costs. The
city and University had also contrib-
uted $15,000 between them for yearly
operating costs.

The increase in student activities
fees, however. was needed to ensure
the station's operating budget.

Now, one piece of equipment is all
that is needed to put the station on
the air.

While awaiting the antenna’s arri-
val, workers plan to put finishing
touches on what has already been
set up.

“We’re working on completing the
studio with cabinets for the equip-
ment to fit into," Beaty said. “The
individual departments are working
on their organizational staffs. Ev-

Unlveralty ot Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Antenna arrival late next week
will put RFL on the air soon

eryone has accomplished that rea-
sonably well.”

In addition, training sessions will
be conducted this week for potential
disc jockeys. Beaty said that 130
people are trying out for DJ spots.

“We‘re going to have everyone
who was interested be trained and
then submit a 30-minute tape,” he
said. He anticipates this taking from
a week to 10 days to complete. Staff
selection will be based on the tape,
training and the amount of work in-
dividuals have put into the station,
Beaty said.

Although Beaty said they have
enough people trying out for posi-
tions right now, “we wouldn't turn
anyone away“ who still wants to try
for a spot. However, they would
most likely have to wait until after
this semester to go on the air.

Beaty said he was pleased with
the station‘s progress despite the
equipment delays. “As soon as we
got the equipment, everything has
gone very smoothly," he said. “Ev-
eryone's ready to crank up."

WRFL’s studio is set up on the
bottom floor of the old Student Cen-


ter, and Beaty said they already
have a ”significant library" of re-
cords and tapes.

Although the Feb. 22 date seems
fairly definite for the station to
make its first broadcast. Beaty said
“once everything is set up and we
finish the transmission, we'll make
a definite announcement." The first
song to be played on the air has not
been decided yet, he said.

WRFL will broadcast from 88.1
FM on the radio and will reach lis-
teners within a 10—mile radius of the




Raisin’ spirits

an WW

Several young girls participated in the half-time program at the
UK Lady Kats basketball game Friday night. They dressed up

like raisins and did a dance in front of a large crowd of about

1 .000 at Memorial Coliseum.


MARK ZEROF'Kernel Staff



Campus program teaches studying skills

Contributing Writer

To Becky Castle, UK’s campus
can be a very big place.

Castle, like many other freshmen,
has discovered that the change from
high school to college can be just a
little intimidating. Trying to deal
with midterm exams, research pa-
pers and fast-paced classes where
the outside readings are measured
in reams instead of pages, can
frighten even the best prepared en-
tering students.

That is where the UK Learning
Skills Program comes in.

“It wasn’t the size of the campus
that overwhelmed me," said Castle,
an early graduate from Henry Clay
High School. “It’s just that there is
a lot more time spent studying than
in high school. The learning center
has really helped me to get orga-
nized and be able to study better."

The learning Skills Program of-
fers classes designed to help stu-
dents study smarter, not necessarily

For $10 a semester, students can
attend up to 20 workshops.
Workshops dealing with motivation,
reading techniques and note-taking


' ' ~ oe Springsteen to perform



can all give students the edge they
need to do better in class.

And according to students, the
workshops are beneficial. Castle
said that although she had been
taught study techniques in high
school, she was still not comfortable
with her study habits.

“Usually I could get what I
needed out of the readings, but I
would get more out of the lectures,“
she said. The study reading
workshop “helped me learn what to
study fromthebook."

Sharon Laumas, acting director of
the learning Skills Proyam, says
that even graduate students can find
theworkshops helpful.

“Most people think that graduate
students would know how to study,"
Laumas said, “but some very bright
students can learn how to work the
system or procrastinate and then
cram for a test and still make good

But in graduate school, where stu-
dents are expected to be more inde-
pendent and self-motivated. she said
theyoftennminto trouble.

Services offered by the Learning
Skills Program are not just limited
to wwkahope on study habits. The
computer leanflm lab, located in
Fraaee Hall, has mm- to help

students with math, reading skills,
English usage and vocabulary en-

Programs are also available to
students who may be thinking of
graduate school, including pre-tests
for the CI‘BS, the GRE and the

Melanie Lybarger, a learning
skills counselor who teaches some of
the workshops, thinks that although
students may not have enough time
to use all of the techniques pre-
sented in the workshops, at least
they can know which of their study
techniques are the most effective,
and which ones don‘t work.

Laumas agrees that it is not easy
to form new study habits, but that at
least the student can feel more pre-
pared after attending the


“The whole idea behind all of
these courses is to help the student
feel more in control,“ Laumas said.
“Many times, the student gets this
feeling of being overwhelmed and
becomes frustrated, and just begins
a downward spiral. We hope to
make students realize that there is
somethmg they can do if things are
notgoing well."

lndependentslnce 1971


Monday, February 8. 1 988


taxing tickets
to help library

Staff Writer

UK President David Roselle said
last night that placing a 50-cent sur-
charge on athletic tickets to help the
UK library's budget situation is not
a good idea.

“It‘s a mistake to raise money by
doing something with tickets and
designating it for one area . . . so
other than that I don’t see anything
wrong with raising additional reve-
nue," Roselle said.

Members from the Arts & Sci-
ences Library Advisory Committee
sent a letter Friday to Roselle sug-
gesting a 50cent surcharge on UK
football and basketball tickets to
help the ailing library. Roselle said
he hasn’t yet received the letter.

Nancy Dye, chairwoman of the ad-
visory committee, said the letter is
a suggestion because the library
needs support.

Paul Willis, director of libraries at
UK, said the problem is that the
book budget is the same this year as
it was last year — $1.6 million, while
the cost of periodicals rose 17 per-
cent this year. With that increase
and the current budget standing. the
library is unable to buy the periodi-
cals needed.

“This means taking 17 percent of
$1.6 million which will make us have
to reduce the number of periodicals
we subscribe for in order to keep in
line with this budget," Willis said.

He said if this were to happen the
periodicals would be reduced by 34
percent. a $500000 reduction.

The library is currently under-
going a journal review and has had
to stop buying journals, which are

Bush offers

too expenSivc tor the library to al-

Ncarly one-third oi the journals
the library subscribes. to are foreign.
Willis told the Kernel two weeks
ago. and the declining value of the
American dollar makes many jour-
nals too expensive to purchase

L'K Board ol Trustee \iember
Larry Porgy fll‘Sl presented the idea
of taking money lrom athletic funds
to help the needy areas of l'K

Two weeks ago. Forgy suggested
dipping into money planned for an
addition to (‘ommonueallh Stadium
to help raise faculty and stall sala-
ries at UK.

Forgy said last night that he has
not seen the letter concerning the li-
brary yet. He declined to make any
further comment,

Willis and the library would not
receive any help from (iov Wallace
Wilkinson‘s proposed budget

The budget proposal recommends
virtually no increase in lunding tor
higher education in the 1058789 fiscal
year and only a .‘i-porccnl increase
lllt‘ following ycar

L'nder the budget proposal. lb;
would receive only azimuth .n uddr
tional state row-nuns lll lhv mull-RH
fiscal year

The University. hoiwvcr needs (ll-

most $19 million in the next fiscal
yearjust to stay cvcii.

apology as

candidates cool rhetoric

Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa —' Vice Presi~
dent George Bush distanced himself
yesteday from charges his cam-
paign has been leveling at chief
GOP presidential rival Bob Dole as
candidates of both parties began
cooling their rhetoric on the eve of
Iowa’s crucial precinct caucuses.

The Democrats, with a tightly
bunched group of front-runners, fo-
cused on attacking US. policy in
Central America, with Massachu-
setts Gov. Michael Dukakis suggest-
ing he'd be willing to tolerate a Sovi-
et client state in the region as long
as it wasn't “a platform for offen-
sive military operations or the sub-
version of neighboring govern

Bush, appearing on ABC‘s “This
Week with David Brinkley,“ offered
to “totally apologize” to Dole's wife.
Elizabeth, if a Bush campaign state»
ment offended her, but declined to
extend an apology to Dole.

“I don‘t think he's mean-spirited,"
Bush said. “But I don’t think the
charges that that campaign has lev~
eled against me over and over are
true at all."

Bush was questioned about a
statement issued by Iowa campaign
manager George Wittgraf which at-
tacked Dole for “mean-spiritedness“
and raised questions about manage-
ment of his wife‘s finances.

“I looked at that and saw nothing
that I felt was a criticism of Eliza-
beth, but if so, I would totally apol-
ogize to her,“ Bush said. “She‘s a

Dole, interviewed on NBC‘s “Meet
the Press," said of the feud with
Bush “as far as I'm concerned it's

Dole couldn‘t resist, however. a
shot at Bush on the Iran-contra
arms deal.

“I do think there’s a feeling out
there that somehow. obviously. Bush
is more closely tied to that than any
of the restof us.“ Dole said.

The campaign flurry came as it
of the 13 Republican and Democrat-
ic presidential candidates stumped
across Iowa. with only Tennessee
Sen. Albert Gore Jr. and and former


Secretary of State Alexander Haig
staying away.

It comes on the heels of a survey
showing Dole with a doubledigii
lead over Bush in a poll published
by the Des Moines Register. while
indicating Missouri Rep. Richard
Gephardl led Illinois Sen. Paul
Simon and Dukakis among Demo

The candidates planned an ex-
hausting series of speeches as they
tried to fire up backers to turn out in
each of Iowa‘s 2.487 precincts today.
It's the first test for Democrats. and
an important early battle for the

Appearing at a (‘edar Rapids
breakfast, Gephardl bragged about
Wednesday‘s House vote rejecting
aid to the Nicaraguan contra rebels.

“For six long years. we‘ve had
this senseless policy of sending our
tax dollars to soldiers in Nicara-

Sec IOWA. Page 4



Due to a reporter‘s error, a
story about UK‘s new substance
abuse advisers that appeared on
Feb. 1 incorrectly stated what
graduate program Lisa Stofer is

Stofer is a graduate student in
the College of Social Services.





 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday. February 8. 1m


the Student CenterActlvitiea Otlice.203/204 Student Center. Unlvenlty of Ken-

ltarlalprtvllegealowedtortheadteotclarltyctexpreadon. Forstudintorganlaa-

Deadline: FormewilbeacceptednoiaterttnntheMondaypreceedlngthe

publication date.



'Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free. Alumni
Gun L011 8 30;) m Ca0266-0102

aRelrgioUs Cornerstone Drama Practice no auditions, rust bring anthu
sram’ Free 508 Columbus Ave 6 30-80 m Call254-3714

OReIIglOus Worship Servrce warm a casual gathering time or singing.
prayers (1 messages Free 508 Columbia Ave 89 30 p "1. Call 254-

~Rt-irgious Monday Evening Fellowship trrehdshlp group drscussron,
parties .5 out 1.01 3111719,! Free K-House 412 Rose St 6 o m , Call 254-

oRelrguus r'ee Meditation Group Free Newman Center, 6 p m , Call
2ft) 4.41»:

Obouris ind: Club — Beginners welcome Wrestling experience valu-
abli- Fret- Quinn-Gym mu 5 6 30;) m Calla-4156

OSnor's Campus Aerobics Free K-House 412 Rose St 3 30 pm,
(71.11” “91)

.Sh‘m"ri'\ Learnrr‘i Skills Program — Improvrng Concentration $10 se-
w, ~our 1r age semester 301 Frazee Hall 3 3 50:: m Call 7 8673

“ii-lic- ms Creative Prayer Group — Time to relax share 5 relate with
gnawing t'iw Nev/marl Center 89m Cail255-8566

0891141 is Strident Meeting - drscussron ol upcoming events — all stu-
1HT1Y51V1y tr-d‘ Free- Newman Center 90 m .Call255-8566

'G'hw College :11 Education Advisrng Seminar — English Education —
hurrurinar. 'l-111‘3h‘l in advance. Dickey Hall 135 1 3 3 5 pm Call 7.
.4 V. .

'E-h-nits Whvoug'i 2 201 Photographs 01 Ksentucky - James Archam-
Hum Free Rdsdall Gallery 10 5 p m Call 78867

'MCVlBS Attrori Jackson — FREE SCREENING Worsham Theatre 8

Call ’ 8‘35 '

ISporta UK Fencing Club, Free, Alarm- Gym, 730-930 pm. Out

OSoorte Japan Karate Club — SHOTOKAN. Free. Buel Armory. 7:30-
9 30 D m

OReiigrous Lunch a Last Lecture guest speakers share ab0ut topics
iron-i their careers 81rvea;$2 OD. 508 Colunlbia Ave , 7 30 p m , Call 254-

~Reilgroua “Tuesday Night Together" — TNT — a time tor worahip a
tellowshrp. Free. 429 Columbia Ave ‘, 7 30 p m .Call 7-3989

oReiigious Campus Crusade lor Chrrsl — WEEKLY MEETING", Free;
Student Center 245, 7 309 in :Call 7-3989

-Semrnars Learning Skills Program — Orgmrzrng Exam Review. Sic/se-
master or $25 semester. 301 Frazee Hall. 2-2 50 p rrl :CUI 7-8873

.RBIIQIOUS RCIA — Program tor people studying to enter the Catholic
Church Free, Newman Center: 7 309159 in ;Cell 255-8566

~Sporta; Aerobics, Free: Newman Center: 5.50-7 p m ; 681255-8586

OReirgIous Prayer 01 the Rosary tor increase in Vocations. Free; New-
man Center. 7 p m ,Call 255-8566

'Corlcerts Phyllis Jenness. Song Recrtal A Lucren Stark. Piano; Free:
SCFA —- Recrtal Hall. 8 p m :Cdl 7-4900

comer Tickets Available tor Fawn Hall Speech 12/25/88), $3. $5, SC
TrcketOtllce, IO 5 p m :Call 7-8887

uomer "ll " by Lindsay Anderson. Free; Worsham Theatre. 8 p m ;
Call 71 489

OOther Film "Controlling interest" on Multinationals. Free, Student Cen-
ter 23l 7 p m Ca||278~0776

'Seminars Brochem "Topological Transvestrtos Titrllate Torsional Ten-
smn in DNA ‘ Free, MN 363, 4 p in .Call 35549








oxrrorts Arkrdo Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free Alumni
(”1' L ‘1 8 300 1“ Call266 0102

oSnrNts Wildcat BaSketball vs. Auburn — Away Auburn 8 30 D m Call
' 'F‘U

'Movres No Way Out 51 95 Worsham Theatre 89m Call 78867

IMOues Dr Strangelove $1 95 Worsham Theatre 10 00 pm Call 7

'RDligiuub Dinner Casual dinner 5 good company $3 00 508 Colum-
rm Ave- 5 1‘ o "1 Call 254-3714

ORE-IIQlDUS Bibli- Discussion Group Free Student Center 231 7 30
l' "“ 0111254 399 ’

OSoorts Judo Club — Beginners welcome. Wrestling experience valu-
able Free Alumni Gym L011 5-6 30 Cane 4156

oneirgrous Student Faith Sharing — Upcoming Sunday 5 Gospel read &
discussed Free- Newman Center 9 10pm Call255-8566

oReligrous Communion Service Free Newman Center 8-8 45 pm
Cal! 355 8566

'Othrzr College 0' Education Advising Seminar - Foreign Language Ed-
u(:Aer" — Secondary; :register in advance; Free Dickey Hall 135 1-3 3-5
: " Call 7 7971

-Semrnar Food tor Th0ugnt Women il" Poverty in Kentucky 'lBring
$800me Free StudentCenter 231 Noon Call7-3295

-§.ooits ‘through 2 141 wildcat Golt Gator lnvrtatronal Gainesvrile FL
Call 7 3838

-C0nrerts The Empire Brass Public — $18 UK student-senior Citizen
-- 59 UK Center tor the Arts 8 p m Call 7-4900

-Coneerts Unrversrly Artist Series The Empire Brass $13 $8 SCFA
A Concert Hall 8 0 "1 Call 7 4900

~Sports Lady Kat Basketball vs Dayton Away 70 rn Call 7 1818

OSemrnars Brochem Peptide Sequences that Signal Proterns lor En-
nanced Degradation Free. MN 363 4 p m (23113-5549

-Other Summer Camp Jop Fair Free Student Center Ballroom 9 a m
d r, n- Call 7 3843


IMovres No Way Out. $1 95, Worshmr Theatre, 8 p m , Call 7-8867

~Movres Dr Strangelove, $1 95, Worsham Theatre: 1000 p m . Call 7-

OSemrnars Learning Skills Prong Study Skills tor Forergn Languages,
$10-semester or $25 semester. 301 Frazee Hall. 1-1 45 pm. Call 7-

~Relrgrous Cornerstone" Mus-c Practice — enthusiasm is the only re-
quirement Free 508 Columbra Ave . 6.308;) to .Call 254-3714

ORelrgiOus Decrsron Pornt Bible Studies tocussrng on Human Sexuality.
Living in Amerrca. ETC, Free. 508 Columbus Ave : 8-930 p m , Call 254-
3 7 1 4

'Rellglous D 8 L Grill (Devotion 8 Lunch). $1 00. 429 Columbia Ave .
1215;; m 03117-3989

oReligrous Fellowship at Christian Athletes — FCA. Free. 502 Columbus
Ave 9p m Call 233-0315

-Sports Japan Karate Club — Free Introductory Class, Free. Alumni
Gym Balcony 5 30-6 30 p m Cali 7-6832

ISports UK Fencing Club Free, Alumni Gym: 7 30-9 30 pm; Call

'Sports Japan Karate Club ~ SHOTOKAN. Free. Alumni Gym Balcony.
5 30 7 30 p m

-Sports UK Ping Pong Club, Free Seaton Center Squash Court. 7 30-
10;: m Calls-8161

rReIigious Thursday Brbte Study — Chrrstran Student Fellowship. Free:
502 Columbia Ave , 7 p m . Cal1233-0313

oReIlgious Spiritual Reading Group — Discussion 01 Various Spiritual
Writers Free Newman Center. 10 30-Noon. 03112558566

OSpOrtS Aerobics, Free. Newman Center, 5 50-7 p m , Call 255-8566

.RetlgiOUS "The Gospel According to St Adolph and St Harry" — Rev
Beck Free Center tor the Arts, 8 p m .Call 255-8566

~Academrcs last day tor tiling applications In college dean's ottrce tor a
May degree

0Concerts Newman Center Distinguished Speaker Program The Rever-
end Ed Beck Free SCFA -— Concert Hall, 8 p m ,Cali 7-4900

oOtner The Ghost 01 the Prague Spring“ by Prolessor Robrn Reming-
ton Free Student Center 228 Born Cali7-1415

0Movies - 2/8: Action Jackson — FREE SCREEN-
ING: Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 2/10: No Way Out; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 2/10: Dr. Strangelove; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10:00 p.m.; Call 78867

~Movies — 2/11: No Way Out; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; a pm: Call 7-8867

°Movies — 2/11: Dr. Strangelove; $195; Worsham
Theatre; 10:00 pm; Call 7-8867

UMovies — 2/12: No Way Out; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovies — 2/12: Dr. Strangelove; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10:00 p.m.; Call 7-8867

-Mov1es — 2/13: No Way Out; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p m; Call 7-8867

°Movies —— 213: Dr. Strangelove; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre: 10:00 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 2/14: No Way Out; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867




meetings/ lectures


'Concerts — 2192 Phyllis Jenness. Song Recth 8 Lu-
cien Stark. Piano: Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 p.m.;
Call 7-4900

0Concerts — 2/10: The Empire Brass; Public — $18,
UK student-senior citizen — $9; UK Center for the Arts;
8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

-Concerts — 2/10: University Artist Series: The Em-
pire Brass; $13. $8; SCFA — Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call

°Concerts — 2/11: Newman Center Distinguished
Speaker Program: The Reverend Ed Beck; Free; SCFA
— Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

-Concerts — 2/12: Darwin Lecture; Free; SCFA —
Recital Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

'Concerts — 2/ 13: Alecia Potter/Senior Voice Reci-
tal; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

0Concerts — 2/14: UK Jazz Ensemble/Jazz for Val-
entine's Day: \fince DiMartino. Director; Free; SCFA —
Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900

0Exhibits — 2/8-2/20: Photographs 01 Ksentucky —
James Archambeaull; Free; Rasdali Gallery; 10-5 p.m.;
Call 78867






“Vt/mes No Way Out 8' 95 Worsham Theatre 89 m Call 7 8867
'M').1w-, Dr strangelovr- $1 95 Worsham Theatre ‘0 00 pm Call 7

'Sprrrls itiruuQ" L13 UK Indoor Track George Mason lnvrtatronal
Farrier «A Call, 7 5111.151

'C’mrwts Da'wm Levine Free SCFA — Recnal Hall 8 p 111 Call 7

"WM“ L-nr om 5, Bi'l'iddv

I'Dlnw G 8 Dallirrrnp Caribbean L:terature and the United States
r”... pLaiGdIIr-v. Noon Call 7 5895

'MOVIES No Way Out $1 95. Worsham Theatre, 8 p m .Cali 7-8867

'MOVIGS Dr Strangelove $1 95, Worsham Theatre. 10 00 p m . Call 7-

-Reiigious The Hub Coileehouse — Christian bands. drama groups,
leilowshrp8 lun' Free K-House 412 Rose 81 ,7 309 in Call 277-5190

oRelrgrous Catholic Celebration or Mass, Free, Newman Center. 6 o m .
Call 255 8566

oSports Wildcat Basketball vs Alabama — Home, Free with lull-time
UKiD Rupp Arena in m Call 71818

'Concerts Alecra Potter Senior Vorce Recrtal. Free, SCFA -— Recrtal
Hall, 89 m Call 7-4900

OSports Kentucky Gymnastics vs West Virginia. Free with lull-time
UKID Memorial Coliseum. Call 73838

Osborts UK Women 5 Tennis vs Vanderbilt. Free. Hillary J Boone Ten-
nis Center 10 a m Call 7-7707


OSeminars — 2/8: Learning Skills Program -— Improv-
ing Concentration; $10/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hall: 3-3250 p.m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminars —— 2/9: Learning Skills Program — Organiz-
ing Exam Review: $10/semester or $25/semester: 301
Frazee Hall; 2-2t50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

~Seminars — 2/9: Biochem: “Topological Transves-
tites Titiilate Torsional Tension in DNA . . Free; MN
363; 4 p.m.; Call 3-5549

OSeminar — 2310: Food for Thought: "Women in
Poverty in Kentucky"(Bring sandwich); Free; Student
Center 231; Noon: Cali 7-3295

OSeminars —— 2/10: Biochem: "Peptide Sequences
that Signal Proteins for Enhanced Degradation
Free; MN 363: 4 pm; Call 35549

ISeminars — 2/11: Learning Skills Program: Study
Skills for Foreign Languages; $10/semester or $25/se-
mester; 301 Frazee Hall; 1-1 :45 pm; Call 78673

OSeminars — 2/15: Learning Skills Program -— Essay
Test Taking; $10/semester or $25/semester; 301 Fra-
zee Hall: 2-2:50p.m.; Call 7-8673








special events







“ignite Arkido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes, Free Alumni
(2W cm to in Call 261: 0102

oMrmen Nr- Way Ou' 5‘ 95 Worsham Theatre 7 p m Call 78867

nReirqvous Celebration 01 Worship Free 502 Columbra Ave 7 D "'1
$311233 0313

nSports Japan Karate Club ' SHOTOKAN Free Alumni Gym Balcony
3 5 30 D rn

'RBIIQYJUS Catholic Celebration at Mass. Free. Newman Center. 8, 10.
‘1 Ma" 5 9 300'“ (2311255 8566

-Soorts Lady Kai Basketball vs Auburn Away 1 300 in Call 7 1818

'Lonrens UK Jazz Ensemble Jazz lor Valentines Day Vince DrMartino
Director Free SCFA - Concert Hall 3 p m Call 7 4900

IOther Valentine 5 Day

'Sporis UK Women 5 Tennis vs Seventh Ranked University oi Georgra
Fren Hlnany Boone indoor Tennrs Center to: m Call 7 7707


1’5 ‘

ORellgious Cornerstone" Drama Practice no attentions. rust bring enthu-
sram' Free 508 Columbia Ave .6 30-8 9 m .001 254-3714

onelrgious Worship Servrce warm a casual gathering trrne or singing,
prayers a message: Free 508 Columbia Ave. 8-9 30 p in, Cell 254-

UReIigious Monday Evenrng Fellowship irlendehrp group discussion.
parties. a potluck dinner. Free. K-House 412 Rose St, 8 p m . Cdl 254-

"3911ng Free Medrtation Ooup. Free, Nauru-1 Ctr . 8 p m , Cdi

Osborts Judo Club — Beginners welcome. wrestling experience valu-
able Free, Aiumni Gym Lott, 5-8 30 p rn ,Cdl 8-4156

tSports Arkido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Clams. Free. Alumni
Gym L011. 8 30p in .Call 280-0102

-Semmara Learning Skills Progmn — Eaaay Tear Taking. 31oreerneeter
or $25 serheeter 301 Frazee Hal, 2-2 5013 m.Cd1 7-8873

IOther Colege 01 Education Aavreirig Seminar - Erty Element-y Edu-
cation (regret. rn advance). Dickey M1351-3/3-5 p m ,Cd 7-7971

'Acedemrca Recommended date ior treehmen to amt 1988 Fi Se-
mester valuation

'Other Weehlngton'lalrthday




OAcademics - 2/11: Last day for tiling applications in
college dean's ottice tor a May degree

tAcademics — 2/ 15: Recommended date for fresh-
men to submit 1988 Fall Semester application

-Other — 2/8: College 01 Education Advising Seminar
— English Education — Secondary (register in advance);
Dickey Hall 135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Call 7-7971

'Other — 2/9: Tickets Available for Fawn Hall Speech
12/25/88); $3. $5; SC Ticket Office; 10~5 p.m.; Call 7-

-Other -— 2/9: “it . . by Lindsay Anderson: Free:
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Cdl 7-1489

00ther — 2/9: Film: "Controlling interest" on Multina-
tionals; Free; Student Center 231; 7 p.m.; C81 278-

'Other - 2/ 10: College of Education Advising Semi-
nar — Foreign Language Education — Seconday (regis-
ter in advance); Free; Dickey Hal 135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.;
Call 7-7971

OOther — 2/10; Summer Curio Job Fir; Free; Stu-
dent Center Ballroom; 9 a,m,-4 p.m.; Cdi 7-3843

OOther — 2/11: "The Ghost 01 the Prague Spring" by
Protessor Robin Remington: Free; Student Center 228;
8p_m.;Cail 7-1415


OOther — 2/12: 0. R. Dathorne: "Caribbean Utera-
ture and the United States"; Free; Peal Gdlery; Noon;
Call 7-5895 .

OOther - 2/14: Valentine's Day

OOther - 2/15: College 01 Education Advielng Semi-
nar - Euly Elementuy Education (regiett in mm);
Dickey M135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Cd 7-7971

OOther — 2/15: Weehington'e Emmy

OSports — 2/8: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose St; 3:30 p.m.; Call 277-5190

OSports — 2/9: UK Fencing Club: Free; Alumni Gym;

OSports —— 2/9: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center:
5250-7 p.m.; Call 255-8566

OSports — 2/10: Vlfildcat Basketball vs. Auburn —
Away: Auburn; 8:30 p.m.; Call 7-1818

-Sports — 2/10-2/14: Vlfildcat Golf Gator Invitational;
Gainesville, FL; Call 7-3838

OSports —- 2/10: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Dayton;
Away; 7 p.m.; Call 7-1818

oSports — 2/11: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 2/11: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton
Center Squash Court; 7:30-10 p.m.;Cal18-8161

~Sports — 2/11: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50-7 p.m.; 061255-8566

oSports — 2/12-2/13: UK indoor Track George
Mason invitational; Fairfax, VA Call 7-3838

OSports —— 2/13: VWldcat Basketball vs. Alabama —
Home; Free with lull-time UKiD; Rupp Arena; 1 p.m.;
Call 7-1818

OSports -— 2/ 13: Kentucky Gymnastics vs. West Vir-
ginia; Free with lull-time UKiD; Memorial Coliseum; Call

oSporls — 2/13: UK Women's Tennis vs. Vanderbilt;
Free; Hillary J. Boone Tennis Center; 10 a.m.; Call 7-

OSports — 2/14: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Auburn;
Away; 1:30 p.m.; Call 7-1818

OSports — 2/14: UK Women's Tennis vs. Seventh-
Ranked University of Georgia; Free; Hillary J. Boone In-
door Tennis Center; 10 am; Call 7-7707


looking ahead



02/18 — Other: Coretta Scott King (Spoiler tor
Black History Month); Free; Memorial Hut; 8 p.m.; Cdl

02/17—Other: AehWedneedly

02/17 — Spam: UK M ve. Tenneeeee -

02/18 — Sparta: Lady Kat Beeketbd ve. Tenneeeee;
Free; Memorid Ooileeurn; 7:309.m.; Cd 7-1818

02/25 — Other: Fawn Md Speech "The Freedom to
Get it fight": $5. 83; Student Center ”can; 8 p.m.;





 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, February a, 1988 — 3






Wheelchair players
provide perspective

Steve Stobaugh was cruising along
on his motorcycle when he decided
to pass the pesky truck. The truck
cut him off. Stobaugh and his bike
crashed to the pavement. That was
Labor Day, was.

Yesterday, Stobaugh played bas-
ketball for the University of Ken-
tucky. And in some ways he played
it better than Rex Chapman or Ed
Davender could ever dream.

Stobaugh plays basketball without
running. He plays it without jump-
ing. He has to. The motorcycle acci-
dent claimed the lower third of his
right leg. It took a limb. It didn’t
take him.

“1 look life in the eye and spit,"
Stobaugh said. “Life’s no bed of

There were 175 other basketball
players just like Steve Stobaugh at
theUKSeaton Oenterthisweekend.

Sixteen teams from 12 states, Can-
ada and Holland converged for the
ninth annual Bluegrass Invitational
Wheelchair Basketball Tournament.
The only losers were on the

“Playing basketball gives us an
opportunity to show people what our
ability is instead of what our disabil-
ity is.” Wheel Kat captain Doug
McLaughlin said.

It’s a shame more people can’t see
that. They should.

“The public is not aware of what
we have to offer," Wheel Kat coach
Mike Woodard said.

What these guys have to offer is
the true essence of sport. It's not il-
legal recruiting. It’s not Proposition
48. It's not drug testing. It’s not
gambling. It’s none of the evils that
sportissaturated with.

The zealots who worship the able
basketball players at UK should see





the Wheel Kats. A half-time exhibi-
tion at Rupp Arena would seem to
be fitting. Perhaps it could scale
down the ridiculous hoopla that sur-
rounds the other Kentucky basket-
ball players.

See Doug McLaughn lead a fast
break in a chair and suddenly what
Ed Davender actually said to Eddie
Sutton doesn’t seem so damn impor-
tant. The Wheel Kats can put colle-
giate athletics in perspective. They
can put yourself in perspective.

Watch a wheelchair basketball
game and you'll see all the fire of a
Final Four. You see a good shot. A
great pass. Soon, the chairs begin to
fade into just an extension of the
player. Until one tips and a guy
spills to the floor.

“The biggest beneficiary is these.
guys are able to be competitive,"
Woodard said. “That’s a desire
these guys still have. "

The fierce competition stays be-
tween the lines on the court. The
friendship doesn’t.

“I’m glad I came out," Wheel Kat
Rod Bobblitt said. “1 like it a lot bet-
ter than regular basketball."

“It’s a lot of fun," McLaughlin
said. “We work with each other and
we learn from each other."

One lesson the players learn from
each other is they need each other.
The danger of a physical disability
is the isolation it can cause. It
shouldn’t. A team assures that it


UK Wheel Kat Steve Stobaugh struggles to get back in his chair
during a game against Texas yesterday. Sixteen teams competed

“If you're just mainstreaming and
not with people with disabilities. you
miss a lot of having something in
common,“ McLaughlin said. “So
much of what we get from basket-
ball helps in everyday life."

Perhaps the biggest help is physi-
cally. Basketball gives these guys
an opportunity to be active. There

isn‘t many chances to do so when
everyday is spent in a chair.

“It's good to get out there and
sweat and have some fun.“ Sto—
baugh said, "it‘s good to get that
tired feeling. I think a person should
stay in shape and not become an old
fart. This just fits the hill.”

Sports have always prouded me


Jim Whit