xt7kpr7msj64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msj64/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1982 1982 1982-09-17 2020 true xt7kpr7msj64 section xt7kpr7msj64 \
KENTUCKY -- ...........
- ”Pink Floyd the Wall," an intensely
surrealist work set to the music of
the album. is bound for cult-film irn-
mortality. A review at the movie.
which opens tonight, appears on
m. _________________
Vol. LXXXV, No. 29 Fridoy, September W, in: An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, texlngton, Kentucky
. . . . .
Top administ at '
exchange jobs to -  
;. -' O
'utilize stren ths' '
. ' ' F‘s " ,3" ,
_._._— Because of Ingle’s “extensrve” ' . - . a: . ~' , ' e, is - ,; w- i .
By ANDREWQPPMANN knowledge of the workings of f‘lnan- , a? ' - . ,"’ L a. a! -' ‘ . " '-- . ;
NewsEdItor cial aid and both state and federal .- ‘l - , ’ ‘. . . -‘ a "h , We _-
regulations, he will remain as spe- r l f F: v A)... 1‘" . ,1 ~ 7 1, ‘ N "' ’ ._,
————-—-—————-——-——-——-— duadfimwmeoffice,hesaid. " ‘ I!" ."I , ‘ ,. ” "I" , . t ‘ “i w .- "" . "1‘
The switch was a “combination of R. - a g 1, 3A,, 7}""4. h ’ 2’“ ”I 5 . 4 n, - 'I v? 5- M
TWO University adminslrators things," Zumwinkle said. “We are 4 .L‘ . ' ‘ . " ‘. c - '- *- ,1 , ‘r‘ .' . Y, ‘ -. . “.s I,
were switched yesterthy in an at- attempting to make the best utiliza- e W 1 ' ’ t :,1 . he ' .; ..-_ 9.5! ~‘ ~ ft," ”a; 1 a
tempt to improve the management tion of the strength of the people on ~ .5 ; no t '.‘ - 9 , ,; r 1“ -
of UK's financial aidoffice. ourstaff," . “5 WW?” I”; '1” ,; I1 14% . ~ _. ’ . , ; 1 - s x \
David Stockham, former special Stockham, described by Zum- Le. . f; ‘vtflu ”b. ‘4... L... ‘ II x 1' « | . .I t‘ ‘ I, h"- .I
assistant to the vice Chancellor 0‘ winkleashis department’s “admins- rt . é » ., »~ W l .- - ‘ - - ;. , l .3 ~ - . f ’
academic affairs. has been named trative pinch-hitter,” will remain l” '1 f t’ f ”‘ _ t; ft; {33 ‘ v .. : fl ,3 5.. . Xi . _ . . v ijA .
acting director 0f the University’s fi' acting financial aid director until " j ' " ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ; a; . "w “1.. ‘- A- » lama”: .nf .2...
nancialaidoffice. al d the data processing system is in op- ,_ .. ., . .. . .. . , . , . a“ . ., ' ‘- ,,.W..,-- M. -....,..,..-,2....., 1' .. M...
James Ingle, former financi ai eration and some of the manage- ,. n. ' ‘”’ ' , p ., .. II
director, has been transferred to merit difficuliti.mworkw out. -13 WW= " . -, gm“ *fimyw. “‘
Stockham’soldpost- “Stockham has no desire at the
Robert Zumwinkle, vice chan- present to stay in the financial aid
cellor for academic affairs, said the office," Zumwinkle said. After the
switch will relieve Ingle 0f the man_ new system is installed, Stockham III VANNOOK/Kernetsmti
agement pressures resulting from will "-0“ny “step back.” .
ream WM. 5...... n, ...,.... m... 1 200 reet Clalb me a t SGA I
“The tremendous STOWth 0‘ the fi' he will serve would be two years. I O pep ra y
nancml aid program has put strains “We hope it will be a shorter period
Upon him.” Zumwinkle said- Part of of time . . . it depends upon how long ;
that growth is the introduction of a it will take” to install the new sys- W opener, renaming the Oklahoma ' x .
new data processing system in the tern. Staffwrita- Sooners the “Gooners.” ;. 7-" . ‘2
office. “This is a special time,” Stock- The game at Commonwealth «a. ‘ ' \ ’ ~ ..
However, as special assistant to ham said. “We areworking with the Stadiumwillbeginatlzmpm. “A .I . h
the vice chancellor, Ingle will have old manual system and intgrating . UK’s basketball team appeared ' \‘ s
as many responsibilities as before, the new systgh; We have to move An estimated 1,200 people wel- as “prospective football players” I .' - . LA
Zumwinkle said. Ingle's schedule forwardmtwodifierent track.” corned Jerry-Claiborne, new head to show Claiborne some new , ~ \
will be “more flexible.” thrush. and In addition. Stockham will contin- football coach, to UK at a pep plays. These Included the “field- ' 1 -
he will have more control over his no to be a special assistant to Zum- rally in Memorial Coliseum last Igoal specral," using a basketball . q»: ‘ t“ _;
dailyworkload. winkle on non-financial aid matters. night, instead 0‘ a football that was . , 1 7-"
“lie Iwill . . . manage the bucket, This will take “less than 5 mt of The rally, a project of the Stu- passed by the players until Melvm a $4 III 1 .
asISlst in personnel matters and wrll histime," Zumwinkle said. dent Govemment Association, 'I‘tIlrpln received ltIand came down a IQ .: ‘ II ~
‘blIrd-dog’ some cases," Zumwmkle Ingle could not be reached for lasted an hour. A pep band, Withacrowd-pleasmg dunkII . t -_ .. ' e '
sald- comment. cheerleaders and the Wildcat When crowd partlmpatlon .. . . "x "
- mascot aided in rousing crowd 5338‘? “now the basketball "~- .
Presrdent requests masseuse. amine: r - =
"W" “I think the enthusiasm was , . ~' .
there." said son president Jim WHIP lead elem-35 the band »
' Dinkle. “I think coach Claiborne Played 0,“,0nU0tK- _
seSSIOH o ongress was pleased, and the football I" a m“ Wh- Claiborne en-
teamwaspleased.” com-aged the crowd to show its
___ sions of Congress “an extraordinary Joe 3. Han, the head basketball sumort at the same as loudly as
By MICHAEL rum-:1. occasions." coach, served as emcee, receiving possrble. The cheerleaders then
AssociatedPr-esswi-ita- Ressan wrote the congressional mixed laughter and applause as threw smallIfootballs autographed "
leaders that if a stopgap spending he thanked students for giving up by the°°a°h into the "OWd- _
m“ bill is m” fa. me am] year their Friday night. m elm the rally by ”M “VAN mKarnolSla"
. beginning Oct 1., it Should cover Hall recovered quickly from his the fans to be m_ front Of a“? K' In the top photo, UK cheerleaders lead a Memorial Coliseum
WASHINGTON — Prestdent Rea- “theshortestpossibletime. mistake in days and led the crowd Mens home behind the stadlum crowd at last night's pep rally. This was the students' official wel-
gan asked congressman] leaders “The duration should be the mini- in a mock Cheer for the Wildcats' at 113:” a.m. tomorrow to cheer come to football coach Jerry Claiborne. (Above) Claiborne urges
yesterday for a post-election session mum necessary to allow this Con- opponents in Saturday’s home the; players as they walk from the audience to cheer loudly at tomorrow's home opener against
this fall so the Home and Senate can gress to resume and complete its thelrbustothelocker rooms. Oklahoma.
complete work on spending legis- work following the elections,” he
"atllnbel WI“ ha wrote. U K I I I -
“ ieve we ' ve to come Baker and other officials as that I t t d k b ll d
an. me, mm mm, as a mum, mm; my; m "1‘“ S S a Ium par mg on a game ays
rInoIstt "111‘s: d2" 1:101:21, Sgkate M;- be unable to complete work on all 13
Jorly r ow er, - regularmon billsbefore Oct 1., _—
Tenn.,I told the Senate shortly after requiring enaeztment of the stopgap By STAgggzglmRE According to Harrison, students He also said campus parking buses to football m5 fa- five
recelvmg Reagan's written request. billtowhich Reagan referred. are expected to move their cars lots would not be patrolled tomor- years, has announced that it will
Home Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Acknowleding that fact. the Home from the stadium parking lot be- row. not sosothis year.
Jr. D-Mass.. conceded, “I don’t see Appropriatiorn Committee passed +——- fore7a.m. tomorrow. Nicholasville Road will he on no“, the last We of years
how you can avoid it." Before O’N- by voice vote last night a stopgap UK police say they d0 not ex- “We have left notices 0“ the the reverse lane system tomor- we have lOSt money on it ” said
ell] spoke, Home Majority Leader measure that would finance govern- Peel many traffic problems dur- cars in the stadium parking lot." POW. he said. Starting around 9 Larry Harmon, chairman,“ the
Jim Wright, D~T I had said he merit operationsuntilFeb. ”I 183. ingItomorrowsfootball game. . hesaid. a.m., there will be three north- Lexmgton‘ 'l‘ransitAuthor-ity.
would consult with other Democratic However, Rep. Jamie L. Whitten, We d9" t ,,°"P°°t 3mm Students can park their 031's 0'1 bound lanes. After the game, it “We have a very tight met
leaders to see what could be done to D-Mlss., the committee chairman, ”any *"9‘3- “58"! 1’0"“ Chief campus the day of the same as will have three south-bomd lanes this year and we couldn‘t subsi-
blockthespecial session. said an earlier mafia, date may Paul Hamson. WeIItry to be tol- long as they move them by Mon- until most of the trafficisgone. dize it. We gave priority to get-
The Constitution gives the presi- beattached later. erantmsemedeys day morning, Harrison said. lexrran, which has run shuttle tingpeopletowork."
dent the power to call special ses-
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has no" I

lulu-Mon Amman medul- MWJQW emu-dee- J.D.V¢nflooee MCIW‘
Edna! m-Chl-l New! Editor Am Editor Sports Editor Special 'rolocte Editol Photo (diva: Graphic. Educ:
Joules “lulu Monte (Indy Dede! W I. “Ibo Mldey m [COMO Mullen Ion Von Nook Chile Adi
Monefl'hfl 5“"0' Editotiolidilm Allil:.fl.ldonorAm“|:¢. AuiuontSponsEditov SpecielProiectuAuletont Chidfhotogrephet Icon Agni:
we on on opy OI
Local cultural entertainment IS outsta d-

Contrary to what some University profes- ter for the Arts. ’1'
sors think, life. does not begin With an 8 am. The University Artist Series will have its
class and end lh_the library at mldhlght. The most successful season ever, and a look at \ . . \ I, :j‘"
purpose 0‘ a'unlversity Is to prov1de peOPle its roster of luminaries in the music world g “A \\\\ '
With enough information to perform tasks in shows why. Highlights of the nine-concert \ _ ‘ ,/ / ,,
soc1e_ty ——. there 5 no doubt about that —- but season include the November appearance of S T’s \\ //
a univerSity is also designed to educate peo- popular singer Mel Torme and violin virtuo- YE , l \x \ I '
ple socially and culturally. _ . so Isaac Stern’s visit next March. DEF’ N | Tm “

Unfortunately, social and cultural act1v1ty And the tremendously successful Student ’
on this campus is measured by how many Activities Board/Minority Student Affairs BR/GW
basketball games one attends, or how many Spotlight Jazz series returns with a fall se- NOW / W
people one can stand with nose-to-collar at mester lineup including the Pat Metheny . 7
area taverns or fraternity parties. _ Group and Dizzy Gillespie. /// "

The City itself doesn’t pmVide mUCh m the In all, there’s a performance a wwk Start- ;/ .
world of culture. Rupp Arena, the biggest ing Sept. 27. Now that’s no reason for stu- / ._._
arena in the Midwest, is dark most of the dents, faculty members and everyone else in W“ /' - ‘ , _
time, except when wrestling or one of the B- the UK community to say, “There’s nothing f/ \ p. ‘ ,
variety rock groups visit. The Opera House going on around here.” , , ,2
brings national touring companies to Lexllng- . 1/;
ton to perform Broadway luts, but tti‘cfet Along that line, Oklahoma comes to cam- /
prices for the shows are quite a reac dior pus this Saturday for a three-hour run. Not / /

:twefisom‘cg‘ld utshe theater ’5 quite a s- “Oklahoma” the musical, of course, but Ok- “$- 1
ance p ‘ . . lahoma the Sooners. ’ . l ~
5° It comes .35 a pleasant surprise that In This Saturday also marks the six-perfor- i \
1932‘33 the UhlveFSIty 15 hosting a program mance Lexington premiere of Jerry Clai- , , ,/ / i, x ‘ y l .
of events that IS, in a word, outstanding. For borne and the Wildcats. The Wildcats have ‘ f , / // ifl/l,‘ / i \ l \
muSic lovers and those who apprec1ate a su- been around a long time, performing to ‘3‘ ' i’ /,7 / ; \“\ t \ \
perb speech, the dreary mghts 0f studying packed audiences around the country, but is"; t' , / / .' , xi \\ \ \\
can be interrupted 23 times —f and the inter- this will be their first appearance with their .: E y// f/ ,l ‘l , ‘ \ \
ruptions Will be greatly apprec1ated. new prima coach Claiborne. . ’, ——- “ ’ ' ./ I , \_\ \
The Central Kentucky Concert &_ Lecture The weather forecast for their Saturday ”TH!“ ‘21:? a / ' t \
Series has the largest schedule, With eight date is excellent, and Claiborne and his W 2%— , j x. \ \ ..
performances andntwo speeches over a five- group have been tuning their instruments 3- .ga , i ,
month period. SeiJi Ozawa, the conductor of daily, preparing to blow 58,000 people out of ‘5.— F : , _, \
the BOStOh Symmony Orchestra, and their Commonwealth Stadium seats. ‘ :3 "
Charles Osgood, CBS_ News anchorperson Let’s hope that on 5 p.m. Saturday, Clai- ‘
and one Of the electromc media 5 most 81ft0d borne shows UK his group is a bunch of su- --_ “ L ©I‘i81 «KERNEG WW
writers, are among the classmal, folk and perstars — and that Oklahoma is only a
contemporary muSlCians who Will light up back-up band. That’ll be a cultural event we
Memorial Coliseum and the stage at the Cen- all can be proud of.
U I I %
r ~' A ch es ass as U S h sto
,- .. g h, r IV r rv . . I r
'— i . ~- ._ Ti lg/ “! Friends of the National Archives staged areasdireasthe archivistsim . rious problems. A 1978 Archives survey .
a! v . / . l g ply .
‘ “at“ ' Wynn , WEE {‘3 | ’ some first-rate hearing room drama last At first glance, complaints about staff found more than 1 million cubic feet of re- ._
“w W; l , i':~.—. ', l I 9., 9 3, ~ 5! , March. Testifying before several subcom- losses or the cancellation of the interlibrary cords in need of $1 billion worth of preserva- .1
LA Li; fa" ‘ i i _- g! i ’ 1 ' I- mittees, an impressive array of popular his- loan program hardly seem as compelling as tion to keep them from crumbling to, dust. 1
. ‘ ‘ -'- -' ., l W torians took turns lamenting the 16 percent the protests of those who have been de- But, since lab staff has been cut, NARS is g
, _ w A - — , ~ 0 a, . / budget cut for fiscal um and prophesying prived of CETA jobs, federally-funded legal less equipped than ever to save its own doc- -. L
l I . ea ,' ( the devastation that would follow passage of servicesorfood stamps. uments, which decay irreversibly if they 1;?
i i , ~ _@ , theaopercent cut proposed for 19%. Yet the archivists are right. There is evi- are not treated. The papers of the oontinen- a;
)ré ‘ — K .r i E in!” seemingly mild 16 percent cut may deal the disrepair.
. . F ‘ ""' ‘ . fie) ' .2"! 9“ NEW mortal blow to an agency that provides cru- The staff cuts also [revent the Archives
i in it Q @1291- !a!fl‘ cialservicestothe nation. from keeping an accurate inventory. Re-
. . l , *‘ mum, m.” ‘ “ " REPUBLIC The Archives were created by Congress in cords of the FBI, the Department of Justice,
__ ' ' l ,. ' ‘ “0“” _.; wizrzgdwm;mh~iadi 1934 to collect and organize federal mow the Immigration and Naturalization Serv-
a 'd' k ' , — ments deemed to be of permanent historic ice, and owthhei‘ fedefual agencies remaking-
” - - value. The Archives’ collection is vast and collected ‘e are 'vists — any wit -
-- - E l l 032]“: fif;fi§$fi?flfi?§£§ a varied, containing films produced under torate degrees in archival science — spend
us . . .
—— - - . , records changed the course of his life FDR. topromotethe New Deal, census re- their days pushing carts filled With docu-
I // "fi s~\.~ 1-,. inspiring him to begin the 12 years of work cords dating from 1790, captured home mov- merits back and forth between the stacks
' r. ‘ "’:'~;..\_I ‘ fly that produced Roots ies of Eva Braun frolicking on Hitler’s lawn, andthereading room.
w. zoom-55.2"; 2* / When compared to recent assaults on and the papers of the Continental Congress. They are forced to neglect what they call
‘ ’ other federally-funded institutions though The agency’s budget, however, far from “project work” — the organization and de-
" final the Archives’ 16 percent budget reduction _’ keeping pace with the size of its task, has scription of. documents — including tasks
.J. R'JCJZRAN NF‘L 87PM. Mme Vow. ”hilt lb sPEND MONDAY avenues wml led? from ‘89 .milhm ‘0 ‘75 mm" - '00“ “as ifitual'y d833,? m '31?” herniated“ get]: “1»:ng Slims oismzfsegfhgi'g
HUSBANJ..-BUT THAT’S NC". SUFYYCIEN’. SWJND‘? {OR A LiWSUl’, , MR3 GEEK...” than tragic. The Archives’ cuts haven’t re- an gar d S “g: ha: “:22“; me 0:: Nixon vy pape
sulted m changes that would indicate things puter system, it lacks the staff to use it, and There is no standard guide to the records
archivists today must still frequently rely collected since 1974, because the archivists
' ' ' ' ' h on the same antiquated catalogs and re- have not had time to complete one. In the
ea se ectlve a mISSIOI‘S o lo HeadEd trieval systems that were used when the Ar- coming years archivists will find them-
chives headquarterswereconstnlcted. selves charged with more and more materi-
The Archives’ troubles, however, have a al that can be read only with the aid of com—

The current debate over the institution of It might seem that the academic ceiling is ive recruiting seems to work much bet- deeper source than the administration’s cru- puters. Yet if the Archives receives no new
a selective admissions policy at UK could the primary determinantof overall quality, was exemplified by the top state schools Fede- Ever Since 1949. when dicedAmhives momait andtno new shaft to [1:3QO 1:33:
not, in any way, be described as a "raging’ and to a large extent, it is. But the floor is inVirginia and California. “’19” “Frisian? the he‘VlY‘el'ezit _ Gilafl- ha mfimdfii’cmrise‘flihcdim the docufnents
one. . . Just as important, because it is so crucial to These two schools, and others, recruit by a se' ”.1” uustration, 3.". “3‘3 ye ve 5:: y :18 be bl t

But, anyone. who is seriously caicemed the academic enVironment that each and not having to recruit. They maintain high complained that the GSAB mm" (“0“? they n ’ they may no even a e o a-
about the quality of education at this school every student base certain minimum level admissions standards, and students — par- @3113}:ng and “mod“! servwes to the c" reagthem. ted N ABS 't had 5
should 'be enraged. The lack of a credible of interest and ability. ticularly profit-generating out-of-state stu- V‘ d N “genes ofthe W81 government) :3“ W creed tha ff, 1 f To???" ‘
admissmns policy — that is, the lack of any Why? For one, it drastically decreases the dents, including a few Kentuckians —— fight an I da 5 “"33”“ (WW history) a?“ meénflva :3: mtggd (t):
bedrock standards - seriously'undermines spread between the most and least capable tooth and toe-nail to get in, because admis- ”fin“ mmbec: incompatl e. . besm ' that bee 't ll ted ' '
the worth of an average UK diploma. The students, winch allows professors to be sion to the University of Virginia or the Uni- to affair, b0 tuse NARSt :Ft give back gfargemge federal 3:39 ‘ cotecmadenit -.
bathroom graffiti, Take one - UK diplo- morespeCiflc and more efficient in their versity of California at Berkeley means the f :d u ‘0 hers; 1:30“!!! to cor “bl if; at togii‘ielesmtl‘lent' th 3 _
mas, is not so funny at a school where it teachingstrategies: _ _ something and their degrees mean even 19:3“ fro niht coststo ”the 16m 1: m o: mvernmentvln fi’e a: ;
nughtbetakenseriously. Secondly, the elimination of that spread more. Being “admitted” to UK, by itself, be] s paren agency, . percen f t' NARSEO 1 ' mum h
———————— m m. to «em «nu-yo» means nofliins Aid. never wu mm stemmed.“ imam" ammo... {orientation is:

igifltxhtsugfltgcém by com the regaifdmsslogo !:cy1§els1mbllsc:ed' disproportionately heavy stirff cut' NARS 2 actions. We lose as :5" the agency that as '

GUEST son to a vastly superior "ceiling." Rodupnge it Virgqluiilllaaand Ilidizlnla masslfla'tlhse $3013? “W'ht‘h‘h’e 889“” that can “1 “With the °°“°°t°' °f Pemmm m'dsv has ’

- . ' - , lose staff has had to dismiss Z) t of beenthekeeper of our national memory. ’ ':
therdistancedecreabetwgle: the school 3 floor and all do I" too, so why cant Kentucky? It re- its personn' elsince September 1981 percen It is the business of a democratic govern ‘
w 36 ' ‘ ' . ' i‘
OPINION neonatesdmawmmf m was; amassing? mmmmmmm m... to keep own records. me .
It is important that su 'or perform: t t the, de - - GSA and its own civic-minded conscience most austere of representative governments ~
——“" be t 'th pen ' nce .ucky o prove - t see me excellence ‘5 has set aside essential eservation and cat: cannot rationalize doing what this one has .
_———' me wi 100 percent social approval in fact a high [l'lOflty at UK. Only one way i . tasks d has gvoted ‘tself to effectivel done _ treat' the National Ar- a:

This statedeserves to have at least one from ones peer $909, so that no the must eitists for them to successfully meet that 9°31“ an . . ' serv- chi tho the "'8 art f '11

”tarts“ "trends: with; Swansea" W tram °' a" 0.... Wm an. m m. ”canisters the... W. a, Astana my “3,128.0: 3a... a...
' ' '. ace mi . ,;
grandma: pres lge by a mm 1 Finauy, the beset mtg should live with “$955, a real _ not nominal _ admissions censuses .m microfiche viewers insearch of one way to save NARS is to free it from the

UK is not, by any means, intellectually the constant fear of being outdone by any policy will be established, or it will not be 3)? Waltz”- ”m“? Waits “m “0‘3 "’9“? mmurhth as: "if :33:
lacking. The best students at Kentucky are given student in any given class at any established, and therein will lie the [roof of t‘ "'3'“ l mugged m, .md "hm” “$0331 vgnmem and ‘ ‘
as talented “the best students at Universi- given time. A situation that allows the top priorities at UK. It’s that simple. 3:" ’ eretion m" Wilmeuarim bl' lt’ gmggo 1-“ i
ty of Califorma at Berkeley, University of students toautomatlcally wnte off a third of ace, the WWW“ “d the Bi" °f © $96. “N ‘ ebl' '16" »» ,
Virginia, 11: any other showcase state aligns 1:“! mncomgeegtivetwill itisotwclrleate Roy N. Cowherd, business administration $$t3;md 9"” i" all the" yellow l . e ewRepu ”v “c' .
IChOOL academic “ceiling" is high 981‘. time 6‘ 8 uden ' not junior, is a visiting student from the Univer- ‘ . 1~
«tough. And thefaculty, a second crucial el- bepromptedtoglve it theirall. eftyofCalifornia at Berkeley. Yet behind the *mv "l the Archive! m“? 5M" " ° WW"? ”WW“ 7—“
ement, is also jmt as competait as that to me {3513: W, or part of it, express- stacks, the staff shortage has caused ee- columnist. 1,; W
betomdinuiebest universities. es 8 r t armed standards could . . is .3

But the M major component °f ac" dramatically reduce the “in of altering ' - - W/ILTELSJS Efiim 15535 astth-é €536 2/ :5"
demlc excellence is missing entirely. That freshman clueee. So what? is Kentucky at TAB TREK . - - - TO SttJRRENDER COMPL/IAE-Nfe IF WEE YOU/V6 LADY"
is the academic “floor,” determined by the profit-generating corporation of a universi- . _ HER WEAPON, COULD ASSURE
lowat level of students admitteed. UK has ty? UK needs to cut admissions to take the a T “6‘5 ”ER SAFE” ~ .
no floor; one can go all the way to China heat off lowerdlvision core coin-see anyway. A mm," o, a}. A .
tryingtotlndit,accordlngtothestatlsticalMammtiphcimthemmtmquo e . , t/- ‘1"
abstractsofenta'lngfralumncleeses. above, the matter would of acadenuc ucel- Gene manure » T ‘ 4/

Kentucky has plenty of Easterns and lenceisreprehensible. ' | 3 5 ,
wig-tom. to handle these students who .Constmce What has asked Mr~ Altar By ,- ,, ». Li ll ‘6 » 4W .
wouldbccncludedbyacloctivcodmiaiom,hrcMSept-amehhowhewfllkeepdn " _ ‘f if , - r
so not one is going to be left out in the cold me of the freshman class “mac-Ne" Padralc Shigetani ' , , A - ( ‘_ i .
by the unblishment (in minimum “floor." (reed ”lnflltd"), to which he repi’u that a as , ..k a. M " 1"?"7‘7'];
Sowhydoan'tuxhavcmc? UK might do mac active recalling. But _ A .,, __, a. _ .

mfflmnm my, septa-roe: 17, rear-s
F . erninatheRobimonFu‘eeti-ue‘llowcan lithere ' '
- are an tl ~ - -
orest resolution gem“, dam), ”to“ mega“, for meeting, I can beymegedtltsmresmige to’e‘gvuilr‘iig,mait";lei—lrgi‘ttivefi methods ti: Ml: Col , f bl d'
Bettie being elected as Student Govern- While the text was by no mbittc it 120Student Center, 57-3191. who choose not to pay the health service fee Umn um e
_ ment Alociation President last spring, I registered a quiet note at dupair why . . ismttheanswer. o“, . .
W to vote W any measure m Wendell 381'! m from Port Jdlns.t:am,Chairrnan AccordingtotheKernel,studenta would cl .."i",118almed attheso-called arti-
which would further the possibility of min- Royal tosrgue principles that any responsi- “mm“mcmm‘" "°* W m °° 99‘ ' Vi"- °r m ne'l (53" mm "m: mm “mm“ "'
in any portion of Robinson Forest. This ble group of people (specially the“ ma- SGA feet treated, if not for the Student Health t‘lax gm'gfl'min theKerneI. 'mee-
wuakeypart of my platform. more the state’s center 0! education) H I Service. Y0” 1°C“ Nth-“re [rote-lend lynnd I .onpemgefls. .
The nustee Committee tor the Future of shouldqdcklydiacoverandadvocate" ea th fee defended is the “"3“”: Every me)! ha- I new cle mmmcfnm‘ ”5 m for ”.mi'
>«-~ Robinam Forest has recommended the fol- Berry’s ’alk was much mire than a re- The Stude t Go . - tel-ed phaflnacist. (One can ask to speak to "m" M attempt to write a
Wu... maintain! mm We .. 1 m- is... . .. ..... ... We . ism. mm 3:: “and: 2 .. who. u... .. s m...- mm‘rtr we":
t University of his view of the controversy His W ntem oyeesorpharmacy technician) the t y weren'
‘ Kentucky should not, under present circum- validated 'dea ' ' health fee for two weeks so that the mic These pharmacists are tr ' ' , a“ "in“ “mi, 3‘3 passing yards, 115
stances. execute mineral leases or mine its our “systgi’ oil mtgzmgmyuth: may"? more mam heme dec‘ding als who recognize mmfimfigfi «Imus W 9nd Jenkins' completion of 19
‘ , flaw) fimmm «m of morality must be the starting point of any I wg‘i’itlgtlnidents to make that decision 1%inwmgeml part 0‘ their mwm' utitltii’tilllo‘gth no mta'ceptlons mentioned
n 688 Agri- attempt to solve the pbians we face in our ' ' ' - - ' if advice is f"?! A pharmacist .
culture make an annual report to the Board com ex . 13mg factual information. I am willing to would be he to 've Our football team has had a complete
of Mt” evaluating the agricultural up Deng] meg alreedreammuablewangim gigglsyégoup that asks me. My num- mation on m notewesycfipmflniedifi season 0‘ We 3““ [receeding this
_ perimental work and teaching done at the whatisworth pl‘eservinsandtbfending l bel' th. H l Servi are available for colds, athlete's feet etc the .Except for m obvwle mistake in
into? the practical “mmtmion or re- But even this is not suiticient Somehow tinue :12 this thousantsea m «Chaim 53$; mmm’ at a m“ °‘ ”5° i’“ tit” “can": fiwstifingyay’ 0‘ Wm illim :5”
tree on; ' ’ ' , , monthtermf th Studen ' . now, ay a
___g young men and women must build within come through doors th ' or e tHealtli 35“” good
(3) ’lhat this policy be transmitted to the themselves the coura e and humil't - w w' “m’ "" one could purchase quite a hit of over the’ mumwtm‘ State
University’s administration for communica- essa for that en? t' l y nec- jury andoaemamnety. They need the resources counter We“- . schoo m the optomistic attitude and
got? to inta‘ested parties and for inlplemen- perszny. and thra hiaslm flow Eight? 1 hasgmflail‘nivershiag 33: M83 students prefer to purchase their ball ‘13:”; $1:ng wgfimtgeéfin
“‘3 Mr.Berryisanimportantexampleofsudi third 't hea servi own “commmcewmm‘yb‘ homa " ' a-
I’m mm“ that m Wage “mm Mu“ “Pu.“ MW“ th _ n 'n e 1th ex and have read comuetely cavem on their , pme‘ sum that m of the main
., _ . y vanity. he im- the letters of complaints that appeared ' ”mm m‘ m our footballt '
present circumstances is a loophole plores with Ezra Pound “Learn of the their m ance. Why mu” the” students 9‘ ‘50 ‘ cam would wm mm”-
through which the Board of Trustees can re: greenworld what ml‘glitbeih n campts newspapers from students academic ear for 1 ' y per row “ became the W Md fumble t5
. and parents. i think Kentucky' “fl - y ongwalts and short ten- aweakattem at '
outsider the whole matter in the near future To be within book- e 03:91:29 ‘ ' " ‘ ' s as pers at the Student Health W00” pt sparking encouragement.
Whencppositionhas faded. a rivil e- to be rang a as _man is ship umvermtydeserves better than that. Furthermore, what would k ' . It the football team could receive half the
StudeConsequent Axistly,bll am convening a General anpilnpof-gap’n eventwithin earshot is, indeed, “Llano; b3; 6:1? Hg: :12: 333:3 :rsity from doubling the 1.80“? fig_ amt mhngethat tthgmhlassgtoau “9‘“
n em y at 1:15 pm. Tuesday, tured 't - ' tory imposition was made" Forman stu- ’ - g - some un-
Sept. 2! on the Administration Building _ l since 1971. We have made every dentS, an additional