xt7kpr7msd4r_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msd4r/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msd4r/data/2013ms0469.dao.xml Luten, Lambert, 1837-1916 0.02 Cubic Feet 14 items The Lambert Luten letters (1861-1865; 0.02 cubic feet, 14 items) comprise correspondence written by Lambert Luten, a Civil War Union solider, to his brother, Hiram, and his parents, Berteld and Gezinna Luten. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Lambert Luten letters Slavery, abolition, and emancipation Soldiers -- Correspondence. United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence. Racism -- United States -- Public opinion Military history. United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. To Barteld and Gezinna Luten text To Barteld and Gezinna Luten 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7msd4r/data/2013ms0469/2013ms0469_ms_27/2013ms0469_ms_27_1/2013ms0469_ms_27_1_14/5465/5465.pdf 1865 August 15 1865 1865 August 15 section false xt7kpr7msd4r_14 xt7kpr7msd4r      ~//.1/»»  pg/'jiy,/5*f;*
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 Nashville Den l4‘l° Aug. l865 Nashville, August l4‘“
Zeergeliefde vader en moeder Dearly beloved father and mother,
I Uw brief van den \ 9*l°" heb ik in welstand ontfangen. l Your letter ofthe 9"‘ I have received in good order. I
het doer my leed dat Harm | ziek is, en zal steeds hoopende | zyn op am sorry to hear Harm is sick and will always be hoping for his
zyne beterschap. volgens | Uw wensch heb de pen ge-lnoomen om recovery. According to your wish I have taken up the pen in order to
spoedig te antwoorlden, hoewel ik geen byzonders | te melden heb. answer soon, although I have nothing special to tell, because it is
Want het is \ altyd by het oude, ons fort ] Gazesche, zullen wy always the same. Our fort Gazesche we will perhaps complete
misschien ] morgen voltooien. sommige der | andere co.s hebben ab homorrow. Some ofthe other companies have left, but whether we
gedaan, | maar of wy naar huis zullen | gaan volgens het schryven  will go home, as some write, remains uncertain, it is still a matter of
van ] sommige, schynt nog in het | onzeker te zyn, het is nog | hoopen hope and fear.
kn vreezen. |\
[2] het weder is hier nog rede-llyk warm, weinig regen; de tyd | van The weather here is still fairly warm, little rain; the blackberry
h blackberries is over, water and | musk melons zyn hier veel en | zeer season is over, water and musk melons there are many and very
groot, veel grooter als in | Grand Rapids. in het eerts was | de prys large, much larger than in Grand Rapids. At first the price was one to
van een tot twee dollars | maar nu kan men een goede | koopen voor two dollars but now one can buy a good one for 25 cts. Potatoes are
,25 ct. aardappelen | zyn 200 per bush. | 200 per bush[el?].
In betrekking tot het schieten | van dien neger, kan ik niet | About the the shooting of that negro, I cannot say whether the
zeggen of de moordenaar gearres—|teerd is of niet. de guards gingen | murderer has been arrested or not. The guards went after him but are
 achter hem, maar haasten | zich niet om hem te vangen. ]   not in a hurry to catch him. There is much hatred against de negros,
er openbaart zich veel haat \ tegen de negers, en weinige zyn | and there are few who defend the case of justice; yet if there are who
er die de zaake van recht ver—|deedi gen, doch zyn er die het | doen dare to do so, then ‘the sails are always soon taken down again’
durven, dan worden de | zeilen geduurig spoedig in getroklken. || [doublessly a Dutch expression].

 [3] E. Elgersma heelt zeer ziek | geweest, ja aan de poorten des [ E. Elgersma has been very ill, even been at the gates ofdeath;
doods; maar hy is door Gods | zeegen weer goed aan de beterlhand. but through God’s blessing he is getting better again, it will perhaps
het zal missehien niet | lang duurcn eer dat hy te huis | kompt, het zy not be long before he returns home, be it with the reg[iment] or
met het reg. ol`[ alleen. onze verlofmannen [ zyn weer terug op drie alone. Our men on leave have returned except for three: Granger and
na Granger [ en l\/lc Cullock van de Rapids [ en een van den Flint, Mc Cullock of the Rapids and one ofthe Flint, although the time has
hoewel de | tyd verstreeken is. als Weller | die is er ook nog niet passed. Waller has not returned yet either and will perhaps not come
weer, en | zal missehien niet koomen daar[ hy nog ziek is. daar niet [ because he is ill. Since [I] have nothing else to write I of course have
meer heb te schryven moet ik [ natuurlyk eindigen hoopende | dat to finish hoping that this [letter] may find you together in good
deze Uw te saamen in [ gezondheid mooge vinden. health.
Uw altyd lielhebbende [ Your always loving
zoon. son,
Lambert Lambert