xt7kpr7mq424 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kpr7mq424/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1932 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 05, 1932 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 05, 1932 1932 1932 2012 true xt7kpr7mq424 section xt7kpr7mq424  *    il 
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I  i  December 1932    
 i vol. V — ~ · N0. 4      

 ·. . _. ‘     * -4 —
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.       _.
      ALUl\INl NOTES ` i
r   ri i . · —
 _. _-    ju.   B.   Young, ,99, I5 general nin. -
~   .3 ;, ager of the New Netherlands Ame, V
 nl     B   p     Null bh-‘I`Yf§?l·g€ Bank Hlld the, New ]n_ `
  gg   ternational i\1ortgage Bank ot Spulmk
’ `  ’l   P Wash. l
. rj;      Official Organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky D1-_ DI-CW Lutcn, ’Ol’ is a physician rl
      i Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the lll SE. L0l1lS, AIO. He llUlClS, also, [ht cul
g ..1   University, at Lexingwu positionhot associate prloiessor of elim. V Le,
V Z     g` Entered as Second Class hlatter at the PostoH·ice at Lexington, Ky., Cul incdiclnc it Clic \ ."?l‘"‘g‘°" Lm' (
  s; versity bchool ot Bledicine. · IIE
Q  i   ‘t hlay 22, 19.29, under the Act of March 3, 1879 D,. J I.I.u.I.y C10, *04, is h\,,,,n in ` cul
 il   ; f v_ M? Baldwin, L.I. He is a physicist and an
 ‘;   T gt '?” ''’'` `"`Y consulting engineer. ° th,
$11 i VOLUMI1 V DELEMBER 1932 Number cl .L·‘“"“ $· Ul’\°·"l‘» me *5 ¤$SI¤¤··¤¤ me
j E  {   .3 director ot publications tor the Bil;
  i `. Betty Hulett, ‘3o .......... Editor _ Guy A; H¤s¤¤I¤¤· ’l4· is ilmmltl P9!
;  3,; _, ; H, KV ,__ _\ __ Ed_ tor the Consolidated Coach Lorpon.  _ wi,
-     V e en mg, -_, ......... ssistant itor tion Of Lexington, Ky. 1. I
`       Parker Hurley, ’36 .... . . . Student Editor Sunlucl J_ Cuudlll, @6, is u consulp I IS
    _;  ——1——————;—~————»————» ing petroleum engineer in 'l`uln, [BY
Qi; :-7 1 . . Okla. He received his BLS. de¤rrr RD]
  .1 ; Ornclmb from Pennsylvania State College: in
  3*: ki I George H. \\`ilson, ,04 .... President 1918.
 ,;_g g V, smith Blending, 23 .... \'ice—President Carl bl. Bettinger, ’16, is owner and  _
- ,.,1 l James Shropshire, 'zg . . Secretary-'l`reasurcr director of the Casper Clinical and `
. . ` l —’ _ -L..-.m Chemical Laboratory, Casper, Wyo. l
,  ,g . ; John H. Atkerson, ,22, is county
i  :.   EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE agricultural agent for·Allen County.
' i   VV. C. \Vilson, ’13 Marguerite McLaughlin, `03 ky' He lives at bc9ttSvlll€` .
. · · Bart N Peak is secretary ot the
 `¤ Q \Vayland Rhoads, llj Blaury Crutcher, ll7 X, \I C A ' , U . _ . b B ,_
 li AQ _ E. C. Elliott, ,02 Dr. G. Davis Buckner, '08 "1' ' ' at hui ,, uulcl-S1t)` . vagthli
  ,   .l Lum Logan, .,3 LEC McCl,,,,,‘ .,9 Ro}; oniger an f ex, tis i%rece1xe _ ir
I  ,l'   { \Valter Hillenmeyer, lll Mrs. 'I`. R. Underwood, ,19 J'n’ agree 1-Gln tw nu Hsu) in ·
i w?} 1 nicr 1.1; G;H t,* “°· , . .
    ` mn C 00 ul ugue Et I4 Mary Cooper, 25, is head ot the
j   * ·   ` ·——  Math Department at Pikeville C0l·
· . 'Z i . , , lege, Pikeville, Ky. .
`  V , ALUMNI CLLJBS Catherine P. Hanly, ’_24, is director .
 = ` Ashland Alumni Club .,.,.,..............,..,..,........,.... J Snead Yager, President of lltiillth CdUC€l[lOII or ¥lI€ Ccmml
 n . . . . . . Dairy Council of Louisville, Ky.
 y >_ Atlanta Alumni Club .. ........................................ \\ arren Llarc, President \N·aylund Rhoads, :,5, is with [hc ·
` Bell County Club ...........,........................... Mrs. Geo. \\`. McKee, President Kentucky Agl‘1C\1ltl1I‘2ll Lxperlmtili .
· .4 . Station as field arrent in anitnall1us· _
: ' i . ` ...................................., . . 3 . `· · r · · ' b · ·
TT  , Birmingham Alumni (,lub I I bpragut, President lmndry. HC Owns ,1 farm new L€x,,,g_
.  i Bowling Green Club ......................... . ................ Charles Taylor, President ton. d _ '
i  C _ . . . _. Charles Lee hlorgan, ll8, is hell lll ` pe
;   _' Buftalo Alumni Club ........................................ John \V. (yudgel, President the poultry division of Clemson Ag,,,_ ed
{  ‘ . Chicago Alumni Club ................................,......... H. M, Nichols, President cultural College, Clemson College of
_  . · . . . . . s.C. Kt
__, Cincinnati Alumni Club ..................................... John R. Bullock, President Bit. and Bits-   VV. Llurphé, (Joy, P,.
_  t cievenmd Aiumnt ciub ...........,.......,.....,.......,.,...... n. E. crm, President Robinson ig) ure living on IrnnlVn01dS’»24’l,‘,, ` Ia,
' ._  Louisville Alumni Club . ........   .............. .. .....   Ben Gnrr King, President Ingygjd {0   “Ig5[ Short Stftttii, LUV ` 09
·—   · ve
  r’ it » A1 ‘ Cl b ........................................... c. o. Bl k·t , · ·· ‘“$“’“· . - i ·
" Z C anus umm u a L y Imldcm home of the class secretaries 0i I-li Fl
  i · New York Alumni Club ..................................... Samuel A. Smith, President 3 and 8 glasses have already Smlml hc
—» I , · · ' ·, _ ntté EU
,  7 , . · Philadelphia Aiumiii Club .................................... 1.. c. Dritrtusmi, rnesidsm ""““g l"*F"S md Vlgmg dlsllll ,,_ 3
I .  i to return in June. llte answers l
  l' i \V€1Sllingt0n Alumni Club . ...... . ......   .............,.... Elmer D. Hayes, President Ccivcd have been very (—ng(]u]'(lgl,1lgillTl `  
'.   wg believe [hey will have fl good) M
    * ‘ _ gathering" when June rolls around , Sh
t V Mail today your check for §l§g.oo—your dues of loyalty We hope time the me¤¤l¤e*5 0.* t" nt
  ‘ -t‘` · · ‘ ci   ct is wd 1 e the W¤1¤ this was made in 1913_ Contained in gg L
L I"` I motion with the College of Agri- tract WRS obtained through the this building are the Ogices ]ab0m_   i U
is Dying in I ` culture, in 1885 in accordance with DUYCUQSB 0f 60 3¢1`€S i¤ 1925 and 59 tories and library furnishing facili-      
hysicist ni gn Act or Congress and an Act of =¤¤Y<=‘$ m 1930 ties tor the work or the Experiment ¤ i
is mmm ° me Legislature of the Qatc of KBI1- §€Iii°u1tuYaI €X'9§¤Si0¤ work is Station proper, also Agricultural     ·
or me Btu wckyy “`f°’ the Bsmbhshment and d°fm““’1Y allied with the Expcri- teaching and Agricuitumi Exten- 5; I
Drk City » maintenance of Agricultural ’Ex- ment Station and Sub-Stations at sion   ·
is venom,}. pgyiment stations in connection the University of Kentucky, and the An insectory and greenhouse just Q E
ch tarpon- _ with Agneuiturai Colleges estab- 90 County Agents and 29 Home back or the Experiment station is is Ei ‘ t
is it c.,,m,i[. · lished by the Several Sims and D*’m°“S"”“°¤ Agems in the State used by the departments of Agmn- ;  
in ·i·un, rerrit¤¤eS ¤¤¤€¤‘ an Act Of <><>¤er€SS ¤¤¤_ ¤¤1v wry the results ¤f ex- my and Chemistry for experiment- sir
`[_S_ dcgru appygvgd July 2, 1862," perimental evidence to many farm- ai work, Whjlg the Dairy Products   E
@011 U · ers, but in return bring to the Ex- - . . 2 Q .
cbc In ~_ p€]‘i]‘[]€]_')f, Station the immediate bulldlng IS used   several fi€pa·rt'   _  
s owneraiid l · `- _ needs of Kentucky agricu11;u;·e_ ments cf VQh€ C9U€g€ of Agriculture E E I
Jhnml wd I  *» — The Experiment station Stag is gsm UF EXP€r1me¤t Station, The   _
ner, \\‘y0_ ‘   [ composed of appmximatsly 100 mma Husbandry group occupies , ig _
, is mm,     ri  A members including the Director at     ]I;i?£§%,r Paxggimwlxlle   le
len Comm-.     ( Lexington and the superintendents - ` Y 8 'i
. V   Ye , at princeton and at Quicksand B€_ OTIIGBS and laboratories of the de- i k n
my of ih: I       gjdgs the administrative Stag the Partment of _A¤11`¤HI Pathology. r   I
ity. Ban is   ` — cr depaimmenmi divisions at the EX- _ The Experiment Station at Lex- FH
fcccivtd his ' \ periment Station consist of Agygn- mgmn and th€ Sub-SEBCIOHS at ;   V
riivcrsity in .   cmv_ Animal Husbandry, Chemis- PF1¤G€t0¤ and at Quicksand have i {l V
I » F try; Creamery License Section, En- ¥`¤¤d€ éxfcllent progress each year    
lead of the ‘ l mmeiegy and B0mny_ Farm Econ- 1¤_f¤he development of various ex-    
icvillt C<>l· ‘ omics, Feed Control, Fertilizer Con- l¤€11m€‘¤ta1 Diocesses, and are offer-   ;   F
V A trol, Home Economics Hcmicultm-E mg Ché farmer a seryice which he   J
, is dirccwr . _;   and the Public Ssrvigg LabOya1;0;·y_ 00uld DOE as an individual, afford   » 
the Cwiiil i   The Experiment Station farm in tv CEITY UB- _ .   »
ile, Ky, · _ Lexington is composed of 570 acres In this day_0f increased agricul-   K
is with zh¤ ' .§;f__g offering a productive held for re- tura1c0;npet1t10n and Enf an almogt ».   1
‘ ` " h d d l t, he e cons an succession 0 new pro -   I 
  I DEAN TH0MAS.P‘ COOPER   ma?1Iageme'i;l:??:ggt€gf piyoldug- lems of soi1,_plant and animal life, § l
leur Lcxinz- Director 0f Ex¤¤*·m·=¤* Smmm tion, studies in marketing and the farm_ oriaruzatiogi and lthe eco-   ·
V · . · _ economics of production are work- nomic p ases o _agi·1cu ure, re- ;
is heqdnf ‘ pegxelgngsésilgi (:5a§;?1tu%1;I5;1€€:1¥_ ed out. The Experiment Station search and investigation offer the g
Srnscn Agri ed in 1924-25 by the Bstailishmellt is maintained through federal and Ollly method of €ff€Ct1V€ DI‘0gI'€SS.   K
in Cvlltgt ` of two sub-stations, one in western i QI
* Kentucky near the city limits of , _}` V
iypliv (Join Princeton in Caldwell county and . il i
sn lranklm V One at Quicksand, in eastern Ken- I '   ~
d I iucléy. consisting of 15,000 acres of [ 1
)1 $,*24, me an in Breathitt, Perry and Knott   - _  
Sm:cr,L¤*¤· wiliiiis, a donation to the Uni-     W g I l
_ _ versity by MI`. E. O, Robinson gf       2
QIYICS Ot [:16   TITOUIHS,   These p]_'()p€]'ty "it 1 ¥· {_*»‘i":`L`:`   !         ;
ildy S(?IIl'?d holdlugs Ill eastern Kentucky Wg1·E           .  
; elnssmniré n iuimiémeiited shortly thereafter by  _        _ K i
answers iF· 3 _d€€d to ten acres of land com-   vie ~~=—:~ =   ··‘_   ?`*"°`?“*°""?°"7*~*2   M"    , ·
umgiugimd · D_I`]$lllg` practically the entire town _ . ` · ( ' i,;_g;§ ; Y
gu "g¤¤dli SW6 GI Quicksand, a gift of M1;  __ U qi   L S
mmund. MIIBS Back of Quicksand, who "de— ·` _i_‘_ _ ,     __ _ _; _ - 2
{bers Oi: tht - Slred to give this land t0 be of b€·11€‘- ` _      »~ » ,_    
the wiidui i EF @9 the people of the mountain ~ i ` —·—»·o·· ____ - X _   , _ ;._ i` j
Chicago on V districts of Kentucky,"   ii“"*· V _  ., · I _ e . Y ‘
lgo alumni m;]i`h€ Western Kentucky Sub-Sta-     ` " `   ;   ;
V - _,_ ‘ V i now consists of 519 acres about { i
-§;h°*£};;;h l tm; mug from Princeton, the l0_ AAGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING BUILDING E _
T . in C? ml having been selected by the _. . — Th th University of Kentucky. ‘  
mskmm imcmr Of the Experiment Station State appro? 1t1&t¥g1ii1aI;g§;€1s2i?w;%g; thrgiigh Its Experiment Station and ; e
*lm`“S“’d[° boo acm§`·Of which were d°m°‘t°d fees andths agieaygeyy License sec- Sub-Stations. USES practical 8DDIi· s i
my Km`; Z NI the cmzens of Caldwell county Sgch az the Public service Lahore- cation to illustrate to its citizens g .
n  · th2chE;l§ the hytigugtural Work Of Egg; an 8 the advantages of new methods · g
‘ A _ erimen S aion has been ` - . . ,· - - t th h earch and i V  
— mwsive experiments in tobacco. Dérimem Station bm mg Y

 .     4 Knnrucxy ALUMNUS
’ _   I . ii  *"'*   , k·
C   4     · · . §iz?£`é°¢
l   oai   r C it0¥`i¢1 s   EEEJSSEC
`   _ y _       _. _ “°“°f
E.] s EDITORS NOTE. Believing Its writings were to be discriminate Pxesident McVey, meeting Mm coach 0
_ gi   — that much ot the Student Cfltl- but impartial. And. at the time, day with student 1·epr·esentstiv€S team
. gi  .; .· _cism of the Athletic Situation at no controversal statements were and members of the press, hsamh, Be it
    V the University may be justified. made. endorsed The Kerne1’s p0licy’d€1=m`_ ._ condemi
I     __ and that much good will result if With the publication of its initial itely assured students that an m_ coach '
gg   _· the student requests are given the discussion, however, _The Kernel vestigation will be conducted, and reSD€CF
    , -· proper consideration, we reprint found its policy misconstrued and proposed the setting up of an im_ memb€1'·
    { rherewith the editorials from The aligned through oblique logic with partial and authorized committoem delifs- 3
  ·; ` Kentucky Kernel, student paper. the sentiments of "W01ves" howling handle the investigation, To the ` And.}
V  ra?   J so that interested Alumni may for the "ki11" of Coach Gamage. end that the student body mightbg we bell
~   2 . follow the developments. Tuesday. therefore, The Kernel made more clearly aways of th day h€i
,  gp . lj found it necessary to clarify the nature of that investigation andth; Dlciiya
_  tj   ATHLETIC INVESTIGATION misinterpretation placed on its ut- athletic situation, the president ha dtttims
.     · In an snort to bring the atnietio Estonia? andé at Ego Sem? tiéne- ca11edr[§hse¤éé1·e1 gingocastion at it - iggteuf
_     ‘ ' 1 g t O W1 YRWV 1`OIT1 E SDBCI C IS- Q,. In, _ urs ay. u Q1'] ° t _ S ·
    . gggnggldzgg Jggy aglaléetgo ig; gui? cussion which it had intended to ed in university athletisslrtsgeslgs Coach
g   _, . versity itself, The Kernel after a l?>1`¤m0@€— Hi”f01‘d€·d an QDD01‘¥5¤¤i¤y of hearing [ his gixtl
  " ` careful investigation of the situ&— Today. however. the situation is th'? matte? discussed has anot
5 . i i tion, has determined to publish El diiierent. The turmoil centering Whether discussion of the pai-- year tor
`  ·¤ ` Y series of constructive editorials. Dis- about the head of Coach Harry ticular case ol Coach Harry Gamage to the 0
  i satisfied with the aloofness and the Gamage cannot and must not be will be offered at this time is de- season.
, 2 g alien attitude of those who mould overlooked. The Kernel feels that. batable. Unquestionably there is Universi
E   t the athletic destiny of the School- at this time an avoidance of its campus sentiment against the re- Deoembe
  . The Kernel desires to clarify the particular, and previously outlined tention of Coarh Gamage in his -
{ " _ ` ` situation and place it on a Studéht- editorial campaign is most wise. On present capacity. Nevertheless. just BROWD
i “· i;·, ¤ owned basis. the other hand, silence concerning how stronv is this sentiment ~gainsr
1         It is with malice toward no CBT- the present issue would be less wise. Coach Gahiage is questionable. Stu- FARM I
;   j W tain individual 01‘ g1`011D that this With this in mind The Kernel dents attending the convocation not John
~   ‘i ’ action and investigation IS bégfig has determined to redirect the only may be able to learn of the farmer
  . ` conducted. However, the impé US course of its previously planned presidents plan but also may be kr F.
l   ; behind the inquiry may bring forth campaign, seek out the causes and able to determine the course of the igcmigd
A   _ . · startling facts concerning U18 dis- motives behind the much bruited University in its future dealing with umm (
  I 3SSOCiS.tiOI`1 3,Hd lack of personal charges Qf inefficiency, il](}O]']‘1p€- ML G3_]y]3_g3_ Of the]
C ,·  C mich between athletics and the t=¤¤¤e. ami iS¤1eti<>¤ of the present coach damage has s isgsi cou- snusil
 - student body. system of athletic management, de- . V th ·· · h· ·t· ith [io V »e
  In perfect candidness The Kernel termine the truthfulness, the Sound- %?;$§€?gty?11'?S§ K§r§§1S1vJ§?l?e on; » Wghih
`;  wishes its position Clsifly ¤¤d€I`£ ness of the basis of these charges, Of the last agencies to ask that ‘ Ml; E
‘   · St°°d· .As "h€.°*ga“.°? me mens and ¤r¤m<>¤<-= mcesserr reorganize- the University break its iaith with . no Kel
 .: body, it ha; the priviiezetof Gorlé tion of the athletic system. And M12 Gamag€_ At the Sams time, ir theme
 »· ..» ducting suc an inves isa ion 3U this investigation will be pushed to . -_ · d_ ·{ t d nts ` ii o
Y   ` bringing; to liHhiJ 3HV HU€¤€d ¤li€¤&· its end.—Fr0m Kernel December 9.   Ixgggédwtglsggigg trier; uviiws, ogesagi
.  ` tion of athletics from the school. s . . conclusions concerning Coach Gam. vided t
··  The Kernel will Play fsifbf ?¤d PRESIDENT’S PLAN “ ages pa,-moist- ease may be more the ton
i   ‘ ;?;;?;€§éx1’&t°gEf§;£§§:€2°d‘t°“a1S· An noitonai justry dr-own. Whether Mr. Gam- associai
 .1 `» J s ° Reiiecting the present prime fo- aggys parmggalz fits? gi vggsdtlgg  
.  `t- IN THE BALANCE cus of student interest, The Kernel, Bggiderglgi pl§;“{S misé C0mm€ud_ i of me
  ‘ . I ., I H t_ Fmday, in an editorial titled "In ~ d. f. .
    tstgftlé ghiiegglgv-th(i;sti12`g0 gigon gas the l?»e1¤¤t<2<=,’}.d·¤¤€rr¤;1¤g1»  \ _ __
, _. ’ ‘\· · J l . Q
· l   rl ; —
5 if
Kentucky, féélihg that We are • _ _ § ii f ` 
‘ · - n b u ‘ be · Q ° ’ · Q A ‘
l ?§l...gn§,;1_SlEytllgueslggtggiizogr B1q amc P0ss1b1l1hc-as gl; _ a
, in behalf of _t we stu ent body, gl-, g A
_ ?l;i;lyOl¤¤h;g$y1r¤2;¤;Ig;¤;;g¤ ggslgggé In EdStGI‘Il Kcniuckq   E t
Moll coach of the University football   Q l 1
tatives . team 5 ” Y
leamly V Be it furthe? ¥€§°lV€d that WB EDITORS NOTE; The { 1] · _ , t '
d€l¤m_ _ condemn the p0l1§:1€S followed by is reprinted from the Dgcglslggng \;§01'?g·lB!£vi$]li1l€u1é1‘§1nt€1 to Spend mls   ·
3** *1- l °.ii,i%t °E§“’§i€ Jétditi tiiiréi §i§§S;‘ 1$EX’G§§%§‘$““KY PR°· F“’°'***;l¢ Climate l it “
, F ’ E, d ‘ * l
gn   memb€1‘S of the _T»€¤m» W9 Stu- Gf a group of articles asvlritgguogg P€¤¤Sv1v¤¤i¤ is Confronted with   * l
{P3`? deiiia iii?i€‘§1’§£?§€?2§§`0ivi%“2EL.l EQ; “§‘".£l a,Ep°*g*€°‘ members of ¥E?€5??$€§§?§1§§“S-that §“““°ky   L i l
_ e ‘ n , . 6 — UG Y ame and F‘ h . _ mmés. entuck QT ¤; ,
tw c §§y‘£§2‘§§.‘;£22%¤‘*%$§,‘p?&°é1§i°§§1 S°m"?ii“°“·   P mm$S¤» Lii£Z§2‘°“22§$’ f°3““m mm ag   E
_ _ _ ' IDGV1 e, wa d i; d f y all cove - ‘
md lh: pggity at the Umvers1ty w11l react University si gggeigglugky rg? 3:; °€m€d* and mcse thI`€€rU;§g$c(;I;€ n it
mg has detrimcntally to the Welfare of class of 1923 and is the youngest €$§?¤'¤i¤1 if{ the life of any living » `Y _ ‘
ltal ll glgézte university throughout the member Of the Commission. ;lg§¤£icb§f€1t man, beast, bird oy Q  
€I`€S - · ‘ . z l;
will be Coach Gamage has just finished By G. M. PATTERSON 1a('§`{h€_tr0ub1e ion Kentucky is the     :
nearing · · ·. ., . 01 G0-Gpcra ion amo - 5 - %. ; ?
‘ l Rf.?QE?h5F?2a$St$`i%?¤§1%?Eha $$2 vviaE:2gv;1?;§u§n1y€1a;§§;§llgjiglgutilny $5 “‘1§’¥“‘g “’ *°‘**p““a?§ gg; gig-   2 l
¤ · . , · · . . ' * . 6 ¤ · g —
aiiéi ¥§“ihz°§$;%€Lg”%%%£§ i;§§€?0.,*;;§$ Fgmdwf me W¤¤¤·»·f¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- com $$53 ‘éJ§2’a3$?t2’.;z§g¥   l .
. ’ ~ ~ . 1 y we ave in this section of our are he will b · I * l
ls dl, _ _ H . d t _ _ _ _ _e dead before m~ht. l. .·
lem is _ iiaiéagsity €Of1SU?m§l;_l1§y€ Igmiillgi atgtleé for the production of B1g W11d·l1ie m Kentucky is Bygurg V   "
me l€_ » December 13. · I grind igmns. _Let’s all do our best ’ %» K
m his 4-.-.,... _ Tlgc t<—>rra1n of this ideal Jmmory l° P1~$€YV€ it- E   -
ess_ jllgl ‘ 1$ Ei mirab y suited for the produc-   . E
against §§gll}’1`{;l§l§D{}rE*};§’{ gg mon pr the virginia vmtam deer, U. K. STATION FLOCK V. gl A
le. ¤tu. the little Black Bear, and the Wild WINS HONORS ; li
Lion not Joh E· B ,03 Sh 1 · TU1`k€Y: The native deer has been .;- Vi   `
of {ll; mm; and l;;`;;2l‘2nt bf tfebsgég? extexlrgxlnkiated, za? has the bear, but University of Kentucky sheep,   $2
may e , . . Q , - WS S 1 HV9 21 SW scattered droves 1'HiS€d on th E ' · ;*i =
’°f the ;gcn1i;dF?;n t1;;u€1;ge§;{g;iLit;$;   Of Wm ““`k€¥ in the f¤¤¤Wi¤a f"“`m» “’°¤ tv;) ¤1);g$1§g;>i;]S1i1i1§,;?ig$vIg  
ngwitli name COl,pm,atlOn to be manager Counties: Lcshe, Clay, Owsley. flrsts, and several lesser awards at ? 1 l
Of the Louisville branch Of the re- B!‘€ath1tt,. Knott, Letcher, Perry, as QM? iHt€fm}ti0nal livestock exposi- E 2.  
al coll- glomll Agricultural Credit CO1.pm.a_ well as IU $€V€l`Hl Oth€1` COl1I`1tl€S UOI`l_3t Ch1C3gO, 2.CCOI'di11g to word fl; I
ls;   alllllvhgccgdlllg to 3 dispatch from where they have been transplanted. 1§0Fg;’§ddgga§1;§;htjE}.0?.agggcgi linlead l   1
·· m cm. - · us- _;_ .
Sk that   grown, 3 former member Of W°°d Lmvmg Gamc bandry of the College of Agricul- E §  
th with ‘ the Kamulky Legislature is one of _ A11 Qf the above species of game-_ ture. A .r t V
`time, ar l me mgm gem-ai mmeie in Shel- §§‘“§{l“g thi) Rumid G’°“S"’ ‘N"" The °h?‘m¤i°“Shi¤S we W¤¤ ¤¤ t i
>mq€¤?$ by wqnty. He introduced the (30- Q 2. €a§;n___ are 1°V€l`S_9f W°0d€d fhé Yearlmg entries in the Chgvinf Y ’  
  Ol,§l·§llV§ Marketing Act which p1,O_   ;)0(;;iig’~n •g;~t;¤1}g§Y fi§)<§1I;nlg7€ Illia- and liampshire classes, Other Um- . i. ‘
· V1 e t h‘ · ¤· · ~ — ` · W GPG versi a ·d · fl - 1 {
JB mm-E me tobagcomg;O1§§;;,tl;1é1?£;1_;;g;;; they find shelter from their natural th pgizegv 2211 SH“;·n;sh§;; agrregrfsrtgs . t `
'·. Gam' aS$OCiHuOl'lS and gthgy ]·¤al·k@t]il·lg~ €n€m1?S' Th1·OughOut   Vast first and thiI`d pI`iZ€S OH ChEViOl;, l   ‘
?£§€dt£E 23155 1°,§”"`“i,1 “’h“€ ln the 192** €E`$$$§¥dZ°§IF’££c1?§S§‘2E€a§LZi §’§.§’§ ¥"’*i§i“gS “‘°‘d““*‘Sp*`“; °“ Ch€“°*   I
'21 ssgm y_ He ‘ _ · Cl t ·_ ' A . Hm S; S€COl°1 OH Out dOW1'1 3 -   l} `
Uimgugé Offhe University gf rggliuillgy gig ?i*;§b;Pn‘*?1‘€Yab¥% DaVh€$ Of Ylfgm lings. fourth on Southdowrl 1g§;l§¤_ A   l
n 0. fcnmeyly was 3 membm. Of the _ ~l W 616 6 W00dSm¤1}S BX third on Southdown pen of lambs, ·‘ ·
1rges_ all Board gf Trustees Of the Umvsrslty h?<> ¤0’f m¤1‘1‘€d fhé magnificent and fourth on crossbred year1ings_ V F .
J0cat10¤. l 0f Kemucky glallgs of Our forests. Leslle Coun- ·r·W€nty-flve S0uthdOWnS_ Hamp_ A   .
. 0LD _________ aiérgscngf calnlgllgasloggqélal/lalgg more shlre ghivig? and cygssbygds were   I
- — DOCUMENTS L _ · l . n any en ere y he University in the ··
Y0 T0 UNIVERSITY Llgéggg fgllntylén thc U¤;t€d States. Wxth international Exposmou   e
;}{ ~ 15 20 611 0DD01`~UUitY at Our d001‘ Last year the Universitv flock °  
the ath· 1 Announpemmt was made l.Ec&nt_ ;§;§tS‘?;i?¤*_F*l*Stt§0: git biifk and carried off 21 priges with 2Q ghggp l
my ml » ]*(;ath‘§IQ’I1$SK¤thl€€n Mulligan had m€dl;;,1g‘;’g?I$i,u.*glatiS "*’“   °%‘€§;$"· "‘Y"°S" ‘“3“d‘*" 3§"“a¥" l
dC0ac H8 0 the U · · - v · ~ H ~9 major awar s on evio 5_ .
lDec€m· ’ b¤¤kS and miscgllallg/jggglocliillzglalllxg When We glance over the rec0rd< alld Pr Humber Of high places in the ‘ · 
Student ‘ from the collection Of Judge James and see the progress that has been $0¤Uld0W¤~ H¤1'¤D$hi1`€ HUG C1`0S$· ·  
galled DY Hilary Mu]]jgan_ made in Planlnsvlvania inl such a ;>;‘€d 5h9ws._ III the past 10 years.   ;
lg gioup ' Many Old and valuable books are .hdlt tlmé. 1t IS hard to believe that 6 mverslty h35 WGH 2 gland l _:
>1‘€S€“*€d mcluded in the collection I d dullllq a thirteen day open season champlcnslup, two reserve grand l { A
dim to books and docunlemlg ih; in 1931 '€h€1‘€ was a }= bu
; L  Kercheval’s beautiful 45-yardy plzive MrS· Paul M°Bm"€’· Mm Carey University Student pe? prgamzamn UI
 g _ kick put Kgntucky in front of the Epicgrh Mrs. J.  $2/ites, Mrs, Clif- II;T1<;f;c;1r0;;t5;pc;1 dfritgigigl awagzgeié dg
`   I Green Wave by a 3 to 0 count. But On Ompson rv yS· Rh E· Proc' - J , · ··
_ f  their hopes were crushed within a tm? M*`S· Elmer Gilb and MTS- its d€cO`at1Ons' i QV
I jg.  few moments, for Zimmerman, Birkett Lee Pribble presided at the The Kappa house was transform- -  
{ Q; who received Kerehevars puny candle-lighted tables, which held ed into the little red schoolhouse .  
   j made a touchdown on the next few bouquets of pompom chrysanthe- of the "school daze" era, with ii Ki
‘  . plays. That was the best game the mums. wide board fence fronting the striw » N;
j   Wildcats played all year. Assisting in entertaining were Mr. ture. Eccentric drawings, including
{  -· Immediately after thg game, and Mrs. James Morris and their animated cartoon characters, crm- Er
·   President and M