xt7kkw57hf52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57hf52/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 2008 2008 2008-04-01 2020 true xt7kkw57hf52 section xt7kkw57hf52 THE OTHER SIDE. Experience could shift football's focus to defense In 2008 Spears, new




APRIL 1,2008



Hillary and Bill Clinton's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, will
stump for mother today in the Cats Den. Clinton, seen
here at the Young Democrats of NC. annual conven—
tion in Raleigh, N C, has been on a tour of colleges.



Chelsea Clinton brings campaign to UK

_31 Laura Chandler


The Clinton campaign trail is leading
former first daughter Chelsea Clinton
straight to UK. where she will focus
strictly on students‘ questions about the
upcoming presidential election.

Chelsea Clinton will host an
open forum at 1 pm. today in the
Cats Den. located on the first floor of
the Student Center, making her the
third in her family to visit Kentucky
in less than a week.

Although the event is open to all
community members. Chelsea Clin-

ton will only field questions from
students. said Nichole Stark. secre—
tary of UK College Democrats.

“She will spend about three to
five minutes on opening remarks.
followed by about an hour of ques-
tion and answer time." Stark said.

The Clinton campaign contacted
the College Democrats two days ago.
and the student political group along
with Student Govemment put the
event together. said Sarah Short. an
events coordinator for the College

“This is extremely last-minute."
she said.

Chelsea Clinton‘s Kentucky ap-
pearance follows those of her par-
ents. former President Bill Clinton.
who visited March 25. and presiden—
tial candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton.
who made two stops in Kentucky on

Chelsea Clinton. 28. has been tour-
ing college campuses nationally". and
Stark and Short said this tactic could
have a great impact on young voters.

“She‘s closer to our age. so stu-
dents may not be as intimidated to
ask questions and get involved."
Short said.

Parts of Hillary Clinton's cam-

paign platfomt would directly impact
students, such as her promise to low-
er interest rates on college loans.
Stark said.

While the College Democrats
helped get Clinton to campus. the orga-
nization‘s work witlt the event does not
signify an endorsement. Short said.

"We‘re pretty eyenly split on
who we support. but we support the
idea of campaigns coming to Ken-
tucky and our students actually hav~
ing a say in elections." she said.
"We‘re really excited because it has
been so long since Kentucky has


BILL Kiai(;iri'i‘i.i«:Y (1926—2008)



BLTrtivis Waldron and _Eric Li_nt_lsgy

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nati Hospital front iii—
ternal bleeding caused
by a previously undi-
agnosed tumoi on his

He was is l.

Doctors bclicvc
the internal bleeding
began yesterday after—
noon iit Cincinnati
where Keightley' and
his longtime friend
’an Florence yvcrc atv
tending the Reds' sea—
son opener. according
to a UK press release.
Keightley' was takctt to


Longtime basketball equipment
manager Bill Kcightlcy died last
night at the L'iiiycrsity of (,‘incin-

"Bill Keightley
was not only the
face of UK
Wildcat basket-
ball, but the
University of
Kentucky itself."

the university hospital. where doc-
tors were unable to stop the bleed-
ing. according to Dr. Pcte Muskat.
Clinical Director of Trauma Ser-


"This is one of the saddest days
of my life." UK head coach Billy
Gillispie said last night from
Cincinnati through a press release.
“I commented earlier today that at

the age of 8]. he's become one of

my very best friends.
and the person I was
talking to said. ‘That‘s
what makes him so
great. because. everyone
feels he‘s their best
friend.. And that‘s be-
cause he was so genuine
and so caring about oth—

known as “Mr. Wild—
cat." Keightley had
been a fixture with the
UK basketball program
since 1962 where he
worked in the equip—
ment room.

In 1997. UK honored Keightley'
by raising a retired jersey bearing
his name to the Rupp Arena rafters.

UK presrdent


Bill Keightlcy right, stands with head coach Billy Gillispie during the playing of the national anthem before UK s first round loss to Marquette in the NCAA
Tournament it was the final game of Keightley' s 48 year UK career

'Greatest Wildcat of them all' dies


Finance senior Pat McMahon, with candle, stands wrth telecommunications
senior David Noble and Andrew Johnson, a business management junior, in
front of Memorial Coliseum to honor Bill Keightley. who died yesterday

Along with legendary radio broad-
caster (,‘awood Ledford. Keightley'
is one of only two non-players and
non—coaches to receive such an

"For many Kentuckians. and.
indeed. for ntiich of the country.

See Keightley on page 3



Former LA. Times editor giving annual Creason

Ethan 99km!)

To the casual observer. the news-
paper you are holding is not much
different than the one your grandfa-
ther read. But for those in the busi-
ness. the field of joumalism is chang-
ing dramatically.

“It's very iffy." said John Carroll.
former editor of the Los Angeles
Times. “There‘s a lot happening.
which has a lot of promise. It remains
to be seen."

Carroll. who also served as editor
of the Lexington Herald-Leader and
The Baltimore Sun. is set to talk
about the future of the joumalism in-
dustry at the 3lst annual Joe Creason
Lecture. tonight in Memorial Hall.

With experience dating back to
I963. Carroll understands the profes-

sion and industry. said Beth
Barnes. director of the
School of Journalism and

"He has been at the fore
front on discussions about
where journalism is going
since stepping down at the
LA. Times." Barnes said.

In recent years. revenue
.honfalls have forced many
newspapers to cut back on staff. an
issue very close to Carroll. In 2005.
he left the Los Angeles Times in
protest over staff reductions.

Young journalists should be
mindful of the shaky job security in
the profession today. Carroll said.

“(Students) should be realistic
that journalism is going through a lot
of change." Carroll said. “If you val-
ue job security. it‘s not for you.“


The uncertain nature of
joumalism that students face
combined with ('arroll‘s ex-
pertise in the subject is what
prompted Bantcs to invite
the former editor to give this
year's Creason lecture. she

“Given that many of our
students are looking at the
industry. it seemed like a

good time for him to talk." Bames
said. “He has a good vantage point."

Tim Kelly worked as an execu—
tive editor when Carroll served as ed-
itor in chief at the Herald—Leader
from 1979 to 1991. Carroll believed
in big-picture joumalism and “stories
that made a difference." said Ke'lly.
who is now publisher of the Herald-

That outlook netted Carroll and

lecture tonight

the Los Angeles Times I2 Piilit/cr
Pri7cs during his time as editor.

“He‘s a deep thinker." Kelly said.
“He's been an editor and has the ex
pericnce of beitig a great reporter in
Vietnam. John has lived on the front
line of joumalism since the “360's."

(‘arToll does not see ioumalisnt as
a dying art: instead he sees the field
attracting a new set of people.

“Journalism may appeal to a
different type of person." Carroll
said. “more to students with mis-
sion and adventure and les to stu—
dents who value job security and

And for those looking at entering
the profession. Carroll has simple ad-

“lf journalism grabs you." he
said. “you ought to do it. If not. you
shouldn't. "

Reports of
up in '07


ahaymond@kykernel com

Reports of sexual abuse and of minors
in possession of alcohol in 2007 were the
highest they haye been in at least six years.
according to UK Police Department statis»
tics released in January.

But police and administrators say the
numbers represent more intense patrolling.
not an increase in misbehaving students.

Alcohol intoxication reports jumped
slightly in 2007 to 238. up from the all—time
low of 197 the year before. Both are lower
than the average of 454 reports for the four
years prior to 2000.

lntcrim Police Chief Maj. Joe Monroe
said the increase in alcohol reports this year
did not surprise him because police intensiv
fled their party task force early in the fall
2007 semester.

UK and Lexington police officers in-
crczisc their patrol presence near off—cam»
pUs hoiisrng :it the beginning which school
ycar until the end ol August l‘liis tall. those
teams patrolled longci they were out
two weeks before school bcgan and kept
patrolling until the end ol Septeiiibcr.

"lt‘s itot sit)ln:~' there‘s more occur-
rences ot it." Monroe \Llltl. "but we were
just cracking douii on it."

According to the 3007 statistics. 54 in,
nors iti possession of alcohol \yczc tepoitcd
in the UK police records. That iiumbci is
more than double last year's 13. and in
2003. there were only si\ reports of minors
\s ith alcohol.

UK policc‘s emphasis on tic first
month of school skills from .i history of la-

Statistics iv yeti» 5

Civil rights
I "LIClCl‘ draws
more than 400

By Ross Bogue

news @kyke‘ or" i occ-

:\ diyct'sc crou d of more than 400 srii»
dents. faculty «tlltl members of thc tontmii
nity came to \titiicss .i prominent figure
from the ciyil rights nimcnicnt last night in
thc Student ('ctttct‘ Grand Ballroom

Bobby Scale. .o-l'oiiitdct ol the Blatk
Panther Party. spoke of thc iitipoi'tant
merits in his lilc that led hurt to the day he
and line} l’ Newton began the oigani/ation
In l‘)(i(t

'l'hc Blatk l‘aiithci Party \\.is know it tor
fighting tor black rights. spctikiiig out
against police bititalm .iiid otlici iniiisticcs
“liilc also promoting scll dctcnsc

Scalc. \\ ho originally went to school to
bccomc dll ciigiitcci. was known .I\ the mic
mcnibci vi ho organi/cd 3001! members in
4‘) different chapters and brain lit-s through
out the countiy \yliilc Newton acncd tune
in prison.

Scale spent most of the night telling the
energetic crowd about the people. plttccs
and merits that helped him along the \\.iy
to becoming a civil rights leader focused on
giytng power back to the people

After Malcolm X was killed. Scale said
he knew he had to do something to unify
the people around him.

“When I began thinking about starting
the Black Panther Party. I did not want to
propagate mythical misreprescntation." he
said. “I wanted have a more profound revo—
lution disregarding color."

Although the Black Panther Party is his

See Scale on page 3

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 PAGE 2| Tuesday, April 1, 2008

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QWrecli viiiir io‘oriiflot vourrar.

Cancer (June 22 ~ July 22)



By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
days rating 70 rs the easrest day,
0 the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19)
Today lS an 8 » Accept the
applause you've earned it Sure,
it’s good to be humble but it’s also
good to tell the truth You've come
through for others in a pinch
Taurus (April 20 — May 20)
Today is a 6 If you want to pre
vent a Sllly mistake. prov/roe data
Others are motivated by idealism
Bring in a muchaneeded reminder
of the practical considerations
Gemini (May 21 — June 21)
Today IS an 8 PTOJECIS begun
today turn out better than expect

ed This is esoecrally true of aCllVI'

ties you're sharing With your
friends There's your excuse to do




Today is a 5 ~ Before you head
not on a therapeutic shopping trip,
better recount your pennies, You
might find enough to get yourself a

Leo (July 23 —— Aug. 22) Today rs
an 8 , , Listen attentively to a per-
son with lots of great Ideas Hunt
for the substance beneath the
symbolism before lending your

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today
rs a 5 Make sure you under,
stand what's required before you
do the tub The directions are
rather vague, and you don't want
to do it over Get absolute clarity
Libra (Sept. 23 ~ Oct. 22) Today
is an 8 follow a romantic
thought wrth action The person
you're dreaming about Will be
delighted to know ll the semi»
ment Is returned If not, it's good
to know that, too.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21)
Today IS a 7 ., Although the (db is

‘ II
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ting all insurance claims.

ennia Drive (2 miles from

rain not) 277- l972

demanding, you have a great attie
tude. The fact that you're sure
rounded by love may have some-
thing to do with it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 k You're fascinated

with finding the truth As you prob

ably know, this isn't always easy
to do. Don't believe all you hear,
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Today is a 5 — A nice new house-

hold gadget is just what you need
to improve a soggy disposition
Even a new CD or video should
work wonders

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18)
Today is an 8 w~ You've got so
many hopes and dreams, how will
you do it all? Don‘t worry. What
you don't already know, you can

learn. You're especially smart now.

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20)
Today is a 6 fl. Do you remember
your dreams" Indications are
strong that there's a moneymaking
idea in there somewhere. See if
you can find it.



Today’ 5


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As the two bask in
finding true love at last,
friends say Gyllenhaal and
Witherspoon are
discussing l do's
(and Ryan Phillippe

By Kevin O'Leary

As the sun set over her new
$5.8 million ranch in Ventura
County. California. on March
22. Reese Wither-spoon and
friends enjoyed a festive dinner
to celebrate her 32nd birthday.
Among the IS guests was
boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal. who
had spent the moming helping
her kids. Ava. 8. and Deacon. 4.
get the home ready for Mom's
first party in the new place. (In-
fluenced by her “green" beau,
Witherspoon hired an “eco-
limo" to chauffeur the couple
and her kids to her new week—
end house the night before.)
Thrilled with the rustic digs. the
kids. proud new owners of a
pair of pet pigs. explored the
historic ranch's stables and
checked out some nearby goats.
“It’s the perfect retreat for
them." a source close to Wither-
spoon tclls Us of the couple.
who houschuntcd together in
January. "where they can have
family time but also host their
friends on the weekends.”

After officially dating for
one year and spending time as a
family. Gyllenhaal. says a
source close to Witherspoon, is
“a big part of their lives." Now
friends say the pair have talked
about the m—word. “Reese thinks


Hid Mir I\\_Vili\\1)\ .



about it a lot.“ says one confi—
dante of the actress. who filed
for divorce in 2006 amid reports
of ex—husband Ryan Phillippe's
infidelity. “Their closest friends
think they will eventually many.
Reese just wants to make sure
their lives make sense together
before they do." Says a pal of
the Rendition costars: “They
keep saying 'one day . . .‘ and
smiling. When the time is right.
he will propose." The sooner the
better. according to a Gyllenhaal
family source. “They know she
would be the perfect wife to set-
tle down with," the friend says
of the close—knit clan. adding.
“They all want Jake to get mar-
ried soon and have kids with
her.“ (Their reps had no com-

A Change of Heart

Until recently. Witherspoon
was in no hurry to get serious.
And no wonder: The actress has
been candid about the pain of
her divorce. “Right around
Christmas—time. I was sitting in
a parking lot and I felt like Ijust
couldn't get out of the car." she
told Elle about the first holiday
season -after the split. “It was
like. I can't get out of the car."
Just a few months ago. a source
told Us. “Jake wants all of
Reese; she's slowly starting to
give it to him." So what
changed? For one thing. the
couple. despite joking to pals
that the only thing they‘ve got in
common is “each other." have,
in fact. bonded over a love of
watching movies, talking about
books and acting. “They discuss

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The romance heats up


lV/u e [um you I)” n this yul ’

acting all the time." says a mu-
tual pal. "They run lines togeth-
er. read scripts and discuss the
craft." Their shared -interests
contrast to her first marriage. in
which Phillippe preferred nights
out with the boys to -cvenings in
with her.

Indeed. a source says that
part of the draw has been that
“Jake is everything —Ryan isn‘t:
sensitive, caring and understand-
ing.“ And unlike her ex, whose
approval she once craved so
much that she remarked. “Ryan
thinks it's mortifying his wife
was a cheerleader.“ her new guy
seems to find her endlessly fas-
cinating. “They can talk for
hours." says the mutual pal of
the two homebodies. “They
have talked marriage -becausc
they both have strong family

And Gyllenhaal's family is
thrilled. “Maggie and the family
love Reese." says a family
source of Gyllenhaal's actress
sister (who introduced him to
his ex Kirsten Dunst. with
whom he clashed over her par-
tying and split in 2005). director
dad Stephen and - screenwriter
mom —- Naomi Foner. “Reese is
—exactly what they want him to
be with. They love that she has
her own thing going on. She is-
n't about being with Jake for any
reason except she loves him."

Even Phillippe has given his
blessing. “He's a good dude." he
said when asked about his ex's
new love — and his onetime
workout buddy — in a March
20 interview (see box, page 61).
“I love her and I want her to be
happy. and it seems like she is."



fl. ... v- ..,. .. saw-w...

















Continued from page 1

Bill Keightley was not only the face
of UK Wildcat basketball. but the
University of Kentucky itself." UK
President Lee Todd said in a state-
ment. “In his five decades with the
university, Mr. Keightley represented
UK and the Big Blue Nation with
class. with devotion and with an abid-
ing love for our players and fans. He
was as much a pan of the basketball
program as any player or coach. He
was ‘Mr. Wildcat.‘ "

“It's my belief." Todd said. “that in
heaven he‘s already helping organize a
game or two and telling
stories of Wildcat lore to
anyone who will listen."

Keightley fell off a bus
yesterday before entering
Great American Ballpark
with Van Florence, said
Lois Florence. Van‘s wife.
Van Florence told his wife
that he did not believe the
injuries were serious at

Former UK head coach
Joe B. Hall said that he re-
ceived a call from Van Flo-
rence at the hospital shortly
after Keightley arrived.
Hall. who worked with
Keightley for 20 years as
an assistant and head coach at UK. said
Keightley had a “50-50“ chance of sur-
viving the fall.

Hall received another call a couple
hours later saying that Keightley had
passed away. Keightley died at 7:45
p.m.. with his family and friends with
him at the hospital.

“I was totally shocked because the
news came so sudden," Hall said. "I
couldn't talk to anyone at first because
I couldn‘t believe it."

Bobby Seale, co-
founder of the
Black Panther
Party, spoke last
night in the Stu—
dent Center Grand


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"He always had
a smile on his
face and he was
always upbeat.
He always made
everyone feel like
they were his
best friend."


basketball coach

Keightley served as the equipment
manager at UK under the last six UK
head coaches — Adolph Rupp. Hall.
Eddie Sutton. Rick Pitino. Orlando
"Tubby" Smith and (iillispie. He was
on the bench for UK‘s 1976 National
Invitation Tournament title, three na-
tional championships (1978, ‘96 and
'98) and eight of UK's 13 Final Four

During those 48 seasons. UK com-
piled a 2.013-351 record with Keight-
ley on the sideline.

Todd and his wife. Patsy. honored
Keightley at the 2005 CATSPY awards.
presenting him with the Lifetime
Achievement Award.

After receiving the award. Keight-
Icy told a crowd of UK ath-
Ietcs and students what his
time at UK meant to his

"Years ago I thought I
was here to mold young

people." Keightley said.
"But now you have molded
mc "

But few people molded
lives like Keightley. Hall

"He always had a smile
on his face and he was a]—
ways upbeat." Hall said.
"He always made everyone
feel like they were his best

day. He was with the Wildcats for 48 seasons
IOrmer UK head

Bill Keightley hugs eXOWiIdcat and Arkansas head coach John


Tuesday, April 1,2008 | PAGE3




Pelphrey after UK defeated Arkansas on Feb 23 Keightley died yester»



Kenny “Sky" Walker.
who played at UK from 1983—86. said
Keightley always took a great interest
in people no matter who they were.

“It was no secret why he was so
well liked. because he liked every-
one." Walker said. "He wasn‘t just
like that with me. He was like that for
everyone at the University of Ken-

Integrated strategic communica-
tions senior Logan Mayer. public ser-
vice and leadership senior Matt Gan-

dolfo and finance senior Pat McMahon
organized a candlelight vigil at about
It) p.m. yesterday to honor Keightley.
Mayer, who had a chance meeting with
Keightley on Sunday during the UK
women‘s basketball game. echoed
Walker‘s sentiments about Keiglitlcy's

All three students said UK needs to
honor Keightley next season by leaving
his trademark chair on llK‘s bench
empty for the year.

“It's just going to be very hard to

see that seat at the end of the bench
filled by somebody else." Mayer said.
"We were actually Just talking about
Iiow there should be a petition going
around to have that one seat empty
from here on out as a token to him."

No matter Iiow UK chooses to hon~
or Keightley. the UK bench will always
be without a man Walker said "brought
together generations" of UK fans and

“He was probably. in my mind. the
greatest Wildcat of them all." Walker


Before his time at UK. Keightley
served as a Marine in World War II and
worked for the US. Postal Service.

Keightley is survived by his wife.
the former Ila/cl Robinson of
Lawrenccburg. Ky: his daughter.
Karen. a UK employee in the veteri-
nary sciences dcpartmcnt: and son-in-
law Alden Marlowe.

Information about memorial ser-
\ ices for Keightley were not ayailable
at press time.



Continued from page I

most notable accomplishment. Scale is also known for his
public service. something he made sure to emphasi/e in his

Scale created many programs designed to help people iii
his community. such as the Free Breakfast for Children Pro-
gram. frcc clinics and free grocery giycaways.

Most of the members in the audience found it hard to
believe that Scale and Ncwton made such a huge difference.

"I couldn‘t belicyc that an engineer from Oakland start
ed such a revolutionary change said Polly Radford. a your
nalism junior.

The event. titled “An evening with Bobby Scale." was
sponsored by the Martin Luther King Jr. (’ultural (‘cnteii

Scale is currently helping with an HBO scrics about the
Black Panther Party. Director Sit-\cn Spielberg is also work»
ing on a movie about the Trial of the Chicago 8. in which
actor Will Smith may play Scale.

Scale left the audience last night with his \ision of what
needs to be done in helping humanity.

“We must give power back to the peoplc and make the
future cooperation of humanism." he said. “All pow cr to the

.\' I£\\'S

Budget nears completion

By today. the Kentucky
House and Senate will most
likely ha\c finished negotiating
a state budget. taking elements
from the two different budgets
proposed by each body.

The House and Senate set
a deadline of midnight last
night to finish budget prepara-
tions to send to the governor.
said Brian Wilkerson. House
Speaker .lody Richard‘s com~
iiiunications director.

A group of top Icgislators
has been in a conference coin
niittcc since Wednesday trying
to find middle ground bctwcen
the 81‘) billion budgets pro»
poscd by each body. Iltc‘ |cgis~
laturc suspended regular bust»
ncss yesterday to work on the



With a decision reached
last night. the House and Sen-
ate would vote to either pass or
yotc down the budget Wednes—
day afternoon. Wilkerson said.
Legislators would not be per—
mitted to add amendments.

This year's legislative ses—
sion is slated to end April 15.
In that time. the conference
committee must agree to a
budget to send to the governor.
The goycriior must then ap-
proyc it. and both the House
and the Senate must separately
:ipproy e the final budget.

In cycn-iiumbcred years.
sessions may not be more than
(ill legislatiye days nor c\tciid
beyond April 15, according to
Kentucky I.iw.


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