xt7kkw57hf4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57hf4g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 2007 2007 2007-01-26 2020 true xt7kkw57hf4g section xt7kkw57hf4g WWW.KYKERNEL.(‘OM JANUARY 2.6, 3007



First campus flu case diagnosed

By Shannon Mason

smason®kykernel com



Veteran tells
soldier’s side
of Iraq \r 111‘

Tennessee. Moore said.

Moore said the student. a female in
the College of Health Sciences. did not
recei\e a flu shot this year.

People often confLise cold symptoms
with flu symptoms. Moore said. The most
common flu symptoms are high feser.

medicine probably “out help." he said.
Moore said collegerage students ssill
e\entually get o\er the tlu. but could miss
a signiticant amount of school \\IllIL' ill
"Yoii‘ll be out of commission tor a
“L‘ck or so." he said,
More than 36.000 people die from the

Doctors at l’nnersit) Ilealth Sen‘ices
yesterday diagnosed a student \sith L'K‘s
first official case of influenza this season
and are expecting many more cases on

campus in the coming months.

“There are three states “ith the high.
est Ie\eI of tlu cases right no“. and we
know Kentucky is one of them." said
UHS Director Dr. Greg Moore “tl expect
to) continue to see more cases in the next

tuo months."

The other two states mm high num-
bers of flu cases are South (‘arolina and

headache. muscle ache and fatigue. he


Students experiencing these s)mp~
toms are encouraged to see a doctor as
soon as possible. Moore said there are
medicines that can shorten the duration of
the flu. but only if the medicines “start

fairly early,"

"If they ‘re four or the day s into it. the

flu each year. but those are usually “the
really young or the really old." Iie said.

Students stil! hase time to get flu
shots and Moore said there are other was s
to prexent getting the flu

“Stay away from people." he said,
“The flu is mostly transmitted by hands.
cups and cigarettes , . so don't share And
\\ ash your hands a lot or keep some hand
saniti/er around,“



~:~ a uni . :33, .5“,




UK outmde: titiatd Mirnael Attriiizsii'i. a ma tear seniiir. is writing ti) music a ‘iittin: as a sitar aim “at " si er 5 .a a'ei ' ' 2

ended Aiif‘ltE‘sii"

Football senior’s faith
guides him from the field
to a future in ministry

Travis Waldron

twa'dron@kvkernel com

()ne of the hardest questions to answer in college is \\ hat

to do in lite.

But for l’Is' football player Michael .»\itcheson. the ans\ser

\\ as right under his nose.

()ii a cold night in December ot :IIIISH‘\IICI1C\0I] sat in his
apartment deciding \\ hether or not he should pursue a career
as a minister. He had iil\\a_\s entertained the idea. but on that

night he looked tor contirination.

'ias liIil‘iEIFI it T" M faring"

SIIVYTP/ id is "Ji'dt’Si irrii‘s 7‘s 7‘ ii ”P fills "‘d' 'ilil'


"its "i"."a'1 " "

:\llL‘Ilt‘\Ull said ”I knew ho“ serious ot a task it \UtllItI be ”
Isso Bibles sat in front ot .\itclieson. the tirst opened to
Romans l3. telling him to otter himselt as a hung sacrifice to
the Lord. Inside it sat the other. open to l’salms ”5 B
if you Iiear Ilis \oice. do not harden your heart.” the \erse

" Ioda).

[hat is as. the atis\ser for .‘\Iit heson

In the middle of the that same night. .‘\II\IlC\Ull called Rex
Rick) Armstrong. the pastor at his church in Miami. I'la . to
tell him that he had decided that he \\ oiild pursue a career as a
minister and commit his life to ('hrist

“(Being a ministert is a call trom (iodf' \itcheson said

“(iod has put me in position.”

Throughout high school and college. people told \lIsIts‘

son Ill‘s strong and tirm \Ulkk' commanded attention .iiid people

\sould listen to him \\ hen he spoke about religion. and that be
mg a minister was \\ hat he \\ as meant to do
Lamar .\lil|s. -\itcheson‘s roommate and teammate toi the

last fi\'c years. agreed that .-\itcheson is a man \s ho knosss

"I knew it wasn't any old rob that could be taken lightly.”

See Aitcheson on page 3

By Katie Saltz

ksaltzdkykei'iei toiii

Students \\ ere asked to check
their political opinions at the
sItMt and educate IIICIII\L'I\C\
about the situation in Iraq duiing
a speech lll Memorial Hall last

l’aul RIL‘sI'sIlUII \\ as on cam
pus to talk about his espeiiences
in .-\tghanistan and Iraq as a tirst
lieutenant and an lllI.tlll!_\ pla
[out] Icttds‘l

"Iraq is the numbei one issue
facing .»\ineric.i.” Rieckhott said
"'I'he \\ai is a critical thing tac
ing out country .iiid the entiic
\\orId "

Rieckhott is the e\ecuti\e di
rector ot Iraq and \tglianistan
Veterans of America I.\\'»\ is an
ad\ocac_\ group that tocuses on
getting aid tor \eterans and sol
diers currently sei'siiig Some ot
the top issues I \\.\ races are in
adequate bod} armor for soldiers
and assistance toi those suffering
ti'om post traumatic stress disoi
dei a condition that one iii
iIll’c‘L‘ \UItIlL‘ls \\1II litcc. Rs‘ltls
hotl said.

"I.»\\'.»\ tornied \\ hen Iraq \et
eians returned and i'eaIi/cd they
didn‘t ha\e a \oice." Rieikhott
said "I\\.\ led the lust oiga
ni/ed meeting of \cteiaiis \\IIII
t'ongicss We‘re not iiisi making
noise. “etc taking action "

Rieckholt \I.oiked as an in
\estment hankei' on “all Street
\sItc‘tl Ilc touted the National
(iuaid in I“N\ kite! ‘3 II he
\oliinteered to go to -\tghanistan
and Iraq Rieckholt \'.as part of

the initial iii\.ision lll Iraq and
has appeaied on t"\'\~ \ltt
\I‘R and the ( olheit Report

"\\ Ilt'll l‘s‘itl‘Is’ set" .i \t'lt'ldll
the\ stop and listen." Rieckhott
said “»\ \eteian is someone that
I‘CUPIC s ttll ls‘IaIL' In H

Rls‘tIsIlt‘iil said people otten
do not undeistaiid the ioniplesi
ty ot the situation because I‘iesi
dent liiish o\ei siiiiplities it

“Ihe iiiilitaii is adapting to
the type ot \\ai \sc are lit :ng "
Rieckhott said ”\\c \\cic tiamcd
Ill klII t‘i‘i‘l‘Ic‘ .tlttI I‘Iir\\ s tll‘
I'lieii ilie goseiniiieiit \\as asking
Its lit I‘IIIIlIt \tIIiH‘Is dllxI Is‘dsIl
people about «.Icniociact It‘s
\et\ .Iittcicnt

th'skllflii .iIst\ ldIkt'tI .tI‘i‘tll
the possibilm ot reinstating the
diatt the i\\-.‘l esteitsioti ot the
iniIitai_\ and the
“What inns tor the mo Ill Iiaq

"It's not all oi nothing."
Rieckhott said "Iheie are other
ItickIt‘ IItc
iheic .iic ttnalis coiiscisaiions
about .dtcriiatncs "

RIC\I\II\‘II said he texts there

is a maioi di\ide hetueen mil:

slilc'sIlitll HI

\\.a\s to piohlem

tar) and cis iIiaii culture
“It is not really a titlillll) at
eat right riots,” he s.iiii Il :s .t

militais at \sai \sliile peoplc are

al home shopping and piavne
.\ INN “c itls'
tame and apaths
lighting a \sai ..
.\Icgaii Spaldiiig, .iii integiat
ed strategic ct'llllllltltlsitllttl‘. se
\ct \ities
\paliling said she lieiid

lighting igiio

.iIi‘ll}: \I‘liII

iiiot. =s the \IIIL'cit'l of
issucs ioi the \‘Iltit‘lt'.

~ Iraq : 2; 6

Physicist examines


ainstein’s famous

theoiy of relativity

By Jill Laster

as'rv szk\lf " 23‘

I wiiic may he one ot the
most important initheznatn ll
equations tor the eiitiri unixesi-
Ihe iiiipact ot \Ibeit linsteins
taiiious equation “as the szi'triet'
ot a lecture last night in the \\ I
\oung library In PII\\IsI\I Ili
ioslii .\Iuia\ama

I‘Il}\lt\ .it the I niieisi's a: t alt
tornia Berkley
ages and audio clips to desi iihe
\sha' csastly I'.:Ills means and
its anthience on lite on I aim

"I'Iiis 1s \I‘Iltt‘IIlllltY son in a.
tti.ili\ e\peiiencing e\ei\ d.i\f
\Itiia}aiiia said

In I‘Il}~!s\. Irmi
energy »I.- cquaIs mass 'Zttl ll'illIIl

I‘IIL‘tI I‘ iIlt‘ \llt‘c‘iI «‘f I.L'I‘I

liiili\-\\lll iit

used mm as mi

starts the

squaied I\ i ‘sIuia\aiiia es.
plained that the equation shims
ho\\ light ieai hes the card.

’I's‘i‘l‘Ic‘ Il.tiI .I I-‘I Hi 'lit‘WtIc
understanding sshx die out
\Itiraiaiiia said Iiii
steii: tigured out Illt\\

In his lecture. \Iuia\ania iie
scribed him I-insteiii used
oxsii research along and. \siiit
done to earlier ‘\ icntzsts sils It .is
Isaai \t'sstirii to dewlop his ‘a

iiious I‘“ l‘ theois


- s

t .

"IItL'li‘ \\.is sitt‘tt‘lItlllL‘ taillt ii

going on here." \Itllit}.tlt‘i.t sant

\Iitiifl : ..
Iizs whit.
I Iiti

‘.\g understand _'IItI.'\ .;.ii'

ft iii 'ss

\IIKI‘.\ .iiu. .i.is\

\scii \Iiii_i'.a":.i said ”\ke know
a: ' .i’ioii' tit: i‘ 's'
\t'entists ,lit" llt‘tl'lii
'i\t\I.iI .in link: .' \Iaiasania
ti\,i‘._.3 to understand i‘a
.i sti‘tstani c 'It.:'

or stint

ll‘iitlif than ..

"-ci'\s‘ "‘_1‘



ill (I‘\ lit"

, i. i.
fit" it. i.i‘ s Mitt

.: IIIIIL' itlI‘ltI.|Iirt‘i
\Iiii.i\.ii‘i.i saiii
Ils iiii ti ist
‘sliii.i\a:i;. said s. 'c' its s
3e: understand
[l‘ .
. .,‘.

ir‘i’ t;s ,ip

said IIvs 'rz'wi'i’

or‘ I emit


'p.iitii:eiit.il ., i
ii: .. ~v~
, .
(Iicrriistrs I" \in s It» i ‘ l..'
II‘I- I. .1!’
as - .lii tar? :.i.i‘,i‘rs



Student ambassadors test new online registration program

By Ashley 8. Trosper

news@kykernel corn

[K is experiencing sortie \sebr
based changes designed to simplify
and enhance students. access to their
information online.

Yesterday. I’roiect Integrated Rer
sources Information Systems adminis-
trators created a forum for some stu~
dents to test the nevr Systems Applica
tions Products campus management
program. known to students as MyliK

I‘ourteen student ambassadors
from the (‘ollege of Arts and Sciences
met to go through different trial

processes on Myl'ls’

Administrators felt it \ioiild be
necessary to receive student input on
the neis system.

This is our opportunity to get
feedback trom students.” said Lee Nelr
son. consulting project manager “We
need to make sure this site is able to
operate “llIl little to no instruction "

\lyl'K “III replace Webl‘K and
function as a site for class scheduling
and accessing academic history. grades
and registration. Students can already
use Myl'K to access existing features
like Blackboard and their financial in


(‘aiiipus Management I'eaiii leader to
Michelle Nordiri said the neu s\stem

c ittttl‘It‘lc
st lieduling \ Iasses. dropping


nine tasks. illsilliIlltL' ‘It

a i Iass

nexs hiit \ill‘}I,il 'o \\ehl Is I

think there \sii‘ “\e .iii .iit-iistmcnt pert
i‘s? I‘ll? CH‘tM‘tlt‘ \\.II Js" oss'iI hr ll ..

\sill ser\e as a direct portal for stii
dents to access necessais pages for
registration I‘K students will be able
to do ewrythmg trom adding and
dropping classes to choosing it they
“ant to take a LI.t\\ pass tail. both ot
\shich functions are currently handled
by Webl'ls'

Students “I“ sign in to their ac
counts by using their student II) and
passmrrd instead oi using their social
\(‘tllrll\ number and personal attess

N the forum. students uere asked

and taking a class pass tail

\ttei completing the assignments
the IRIS team asked the studen's tor
suggestions on hit“ to imprm e the es
isting system, \\ hat the\ liked and
“hat they struggled “illt

(herall. students “etc pleased

"It's much easier to na\ig.ite than
“ehI'K,” said political \tlt‘lltt' sopho
more Alildlltld Ilunn 'It is going to
make the registration pros ess easier "

\Iatheinatics senior Rsan \labrs

"It's prett\ intiiiti\e.' \labn said

Zis Iiis'. \It‘\s‘Ittl‘

I‘riiiett IRI\ :s in

are phases but tsii' .m. i:.iTl\ launch

on Ieh 2h
\tarting it: the spring

use the ne“ s\sieiii to regis'er tor sum

stiidents “I”

met and tall s Iasscs

Iloth students and administrators
scented pleased \\ ith the tie“ iixoduie

l'his is .i sIlilIhC to proside better

strident \t‘l\lst‘\ " said lion “in, direc
tor otI ndergradiiatc \dniissions '“e
uant student input to make this .i bet
ter process tor t‘\t‘lkitlls‘ ‘

Newsroom: 2571.915, Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGE 2| llltltll

suveku Go to \'\"\NVV.kYkelnel.C0ln for the solution
I — _

iiiiiiait kt .‘iiii/























1tiiiz i‘ilin


your dailgyfldose0tfientertainmentpop culture’andflfun [Smel‘ Ql


Bun in the Oven

'I’Ile Di$l~l

Keri Riisxell. 30. and her [1‘
.lllL‘t‘. Shane Dear). 30, a eon-
lttteltit‘. ttt't‘ t‘\PL‘CllItf.’ [llL'lt' l‘llNl
ehild thix \llltllllt‘l‘

.lenna liltiiian. R5. and her
hiixband til I l )earx. aetor Bod—
hi liltinan, .47. \\lll \\ClL‘t)lIlC a
Chlld l‘ttlct lltlx }L‘.tl’

It's a Boy!

an Feet l'i‘idei alum Lauren
Ambrose. 23. and her husband.
photoeraphei Sain Handel. 3
had their tii‘xt ehild. ()t'xttll, .lan»
Lian In in §\'('.

Wedding Bells

loll \\ here parts ol llgl) Hett)\
pilot new \hot l5 l'or \ale for
$8.95 million. per the Next York


Weight War

Keira Knightle). 31. is suing
l.ondon‘s Daily Mail l'or imply-
ing that \he sought to Illthdtl
the public about “hether \he
had an eating: dixorder.

Recent .~\nierieait ldol eon-

textant Thoniax Daniels. 31. of

Oregon. pleaded guilty to [)lil

reer. ()iie daneei' had attended
elaxso by acting eoaeh Ro)
London. Pitt recalled. so he
“checked it out. and it reall) set
me on the path to \\ here I am

Divorce Court

Marilyn Manson. RX. eouni
tei't'iled di\oree paperx January
l2. inking that e\ Dita Von
'l‘eexe. 34. not get \pttlh‘dl sup
port and that \he pa) her 0““
attoine) lee»

('51: Miami\ l)a\id (‘ai'iixtL
5|. and wile ol' 1“ )earx Mari
garet tinali/ed their \Plll.


\tai’ ha in lell—l and was arrested in
2005 tor a hit and l'llll. per
'l‘.\l/..eoni. He atti'ihiited l1l\ heA
ha\ior to being; "_\oiing and

l§.\ Sixlct'. Shlet
Mont). 333'. is engaged to actor
(or) llai'driet. 3
Sagittarius (NOV. 22 — Dec. 21) Pi'oieet Riinua) Seamn 3 li-

~ ml ll.
\HQrQSCQP987 . ' -. » w y v , ii i .. 1 il l\. i\ ii: ll" Voii .ii liii irii that Iltllhl Kara I.lan\. {it y\\\'tl real
( ' ' \ ~ ' : is i‘i wliii iiist tiikitx ti littiii extate hiokei Shaione 5oha)egh.
W ‘ . ~ ._. . .~ . ' '-i 'ii..‘ 'tl‘i\ {ti iiii‘iiiiiii 27. .laniiai') H in her name
. . - , :‘. I; » .iu' [Sit iliiiiil iiiil South .\li'iea
"i i, l i \‘ill'ltilnxllll‘ .i til‘ilh
vi Ka-ching!
Capricornt’Dec. 22— Jan 19) ”K.
. . iii"- ‘lii'
'v‘i- “'il‘l l llHY‘lltll‘llll' i lllll
V ‘ “ llx llt'l

Kate Frank


Paul & Heather:
Still at War!

the bitter battle
Paul McCartney and Heather
.\llll\ l\ lar trout in er. All“ The
Neitx ol the World linxetl re—
ported lanii ii} .1 th it \llll\. «9,
had \ettled \\ith her e\. ()4
\\ ho |\ north an C\l|ltl.llcd $1.6
billion for Sn} inillion_ her
lii\\}.er l\\UL‘tl a denial. “There
ha\ been no otter inade \\l1;ll\t)»
e\ei at an) time.” the tirin \‘dltl
Seeinx their fill” may haxe tak
en a war} turn: .\ xouree tellx l \
\Iillx ll;t\ heen reeening death
threatx lb} a Beatlex tanatie. no
lev. .ltltl\ the Milll'ccl and “ants
.'\1e('artne) to loot the hill lot a
hod_\giiaid. But Mefai'tne)
“doex not we \\h_\ he \hoiild
prmide \eeiii'it}." \llll)t_‘\ the
\oiii‘te. .\1e(‘ai'tne_\\ rep had no

Listen In

.laniie lion. 3‘). Will host a
\xeekl) eonied)’ \llt)“ on lllx
l1L’\\ Sll'llh Satellite Radio ehanr
nel. 'l‘he l‘o\.\ho|e. \tarting lllh

Leo (July,l 23‘ ~ AugZZ) “

(.ltwt'l'vx K)l'.l St‘tlE"
\\ ltlx. 4| . l'L'pUl‘lUill} lllhk'd :1 deal
L‘\lllll;tlt‘tl at $10 iiiillioii iii \l‘dl
in and produce the l‘.\ I' hit loi
l'oiii‘ iiioie \eaxonx

('\.\\ ‘\lltlL'l'\Ull (litiipt‘l'.
I“), lt‘pttt‘lt‘ill} tlkluhlk'd lll\ \.tl.tl"\
to at leaxt \J iiiillion a

\l 'tl‘i M
Arres (Mar-cl .. . A?" ~ 9,) Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) :l I, ., 112A:
' ‘ . .,. ,. _ “‘i» u\ l‘ii'l ‘

Aguarius (Jan 20— Feb 138‘) Oh, Baby!

Sarah LoiTaine (‘ohl‘i til fol»
oi'ad.» and .loii l)a\id Heihai‘ling
“in. h «it \'oi‘th Carolina. both [5
iiiuiitlix. \xon the :(MN) Baby
(iaii'x (\ixting (‘all (‘ontext and
\\ill .ippear in tll\[lltl}\ in local


l’ai‘i~ Hilton. 35.
\l 4‘“ and f’l\\’ll ll‘iiee

Taurus (April 20 May ZOl , .
, , , . Libra lSept 23 Oct 22)

H \\.i\ lined
)t'.il\ xtui'cx
l‘t‘oliatioii lioiii a t‘t‘tlxlexx ilt‘i-
\ii‘i;i ehaige \teiiiiiiine li'oni .i .
Mm m , Stripper Secret

Brad l’itt.—1>‘.uiid in .laniiai'}
jih \eumeek one ot' ll|\ l'iixt
dining \ll‘lpPCt\ to glgx Kati: ti ink

helped launch hl\ .ieting ea; . i‘ i .‘.Er~.-


Gentini (May 21 June 2n Scorpio (Oct 23 NOV» 21’ '

Ugly Sale

llie “ llllll xiiiiaie loot \\('




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Jan. 26, 2007

Chris Miles
Asst. Sports Editor

cmrlesOkykernel com

Be happy: the Score
has returned.




came out and

started dent ing us the hall. We

weren‘t hungry enough to get

open. It's mt fault.”

— Junior guard Joe Crawford after scoring a
career-high 29 points in the 78-69 overtime loss

to Georgia on Wednesday.



MISS. ST. 83, UK 75 (ZOT)
Cats held scoreless in
second overtime

By Matthew George

mgeorge©kykeirne1 com

After a stretch “here the [K
Hoops team played four of their
last five games on the road. the
Cats thought they could find some
comfort in their return home.

But the Cats let an ll~point see
0nd half lead C\"dpttt‘;ttL‘ and failed
to score in the game‘s second o\ei=
time. losing to Mississippi State S‘s
75 in front of (will fans at Riipp
Arena last night,

UK was led h} senior center
Jennifer Huniphre). “ho timshed
the game Viith 22 points and to re
bounds for her 13th career douhler

Despite Hiiiiiphres‘s strong
presence in the waning moments of
the game. UK failed to get the hall
inside the paint and settled instead
for shooting from the perimeter.

“We weren't working hard for
the ball." said head coach Mickie
DeMoss. “We kept trsiiig to run
things to go inside. hut sou‘\e got
to want it."

Disappointed in her teams lack
of effort in the second o\ertime.
DeMoss cleared her hench \\llll ‘sii
seconds left to plat) and her team
down by si.\.

“Some of them knett that l \\ as
not pleased viith the “as \\ e closed
things out in the second o\ eniiiie."
[)eMoss said. ”It's not a matter ot
missing shots and things like that.

It is things that our can control.
like ettort pl;i_\s. that l \\ as \llsttps
pointed in and that tthe team)
should be disappointed in,"

l'nahle to get the hall inside.
l'ls' forced tump shots do\sn the
stretch. The (‘ats contei‘ted on iust
2—for—2” three point shots for the

"We got open looks on the
pe‘i'iiiii.'tt‘i." l)el\loss said "lhm
knocked theirs do\\n and we did
n't ”

his and Mississippi State tin
islied the tits! halt locked in a V»
Vi tlc‘

l‘llc‘ (ails opened lllt‘ st‘tttlltl
halt \\llll an ES ‘ rim and t‘\e'llltlttlr
l_\ stretched lllL'll lead to ll

Btit Mississippi State hattled
hack. taking the lead ttith .i ld}tt[‘
made h_\ lmesia .lackson \sitli a
minute and a halt remaining It \s as
the Bulldogs first lead since the}
one tip lh’vlh Itlld\\.t_\ through the
tirst halt.

Samantha Mahone} .ttts\\et'L‘tl.
scoring on (tiltscetltnt‘ PUSSK'SSIOHS
to gi\e the ('ats a his Ni edge \\ith
1‘3 \Ct'ttttds to go

"l thought \\ e plated well
enough dotsn the stretth to \\ iii the
game iii regulation." l)e.\loss said

l'ls' made a dcteiisi\c stop on
\iississippi State‘s nest trip dotsn
the llooi. hut the Bulldogs managed
to tie tip the loose hall and regain
the possession \titli l.” seconds re

()ii the ensuing inhounds pla_\.

the (‘ats nearl_\ torced a titersecond
call. hut the Bulldogs found for
“aid Bethan) Washington under
neath for a lamp that sent the
squads to o\ et’tlttte

“A couple of things here or
there gi\e )ou momentum,” said
Mississippi State head coach
Sharon l'aiiiiing "I think getting Us
into otertime and scoring the first
hucket iii those situations \\ as
something that helped us lotus a
little more."

l'he teams traded haskets
through the tiist e\tra session \\ith
the game tied V "5. each team had
a chance to take the lead u itli tinder
ill setoiids to play hut neither
\HlllLl comeit. forcing a second

B} clogging the paint. \lissis
sippi State outscored the ('ats .S H
iii the second otcrtiiiie to pick up
the uni

“'l‘he} got the momentum at
that time. and \se iie\ei' put a stop
to it." .\lahones said "'l‘he} here
on a run and \\ e pretty iiiuth didn‘t
aiistsei' ii "

\lahoiie\ hit a three \sith 13 Ill
left to goe her llNNI points tot liei
\\ildtat careci l‘his eiiahled her to
hecoiiie the 15th l" i\ei‘ in l'ls
Hoops histoi) to reach that plateau
.\lahone_\ timshed the game \sith 13

Sarah l1lliot scored nine points.
leasing her iiist nine points sh) ot
ioiiiing the llifllivpttlltl eluh

Cats deserted loss after poor cam

Some nights the team that desei'tes to uni a game

doesn't Win.

her post plasers

Some nights the team \sith more talent 'i\ll‘.\ the "\M' \scieii't

game. even when it gets oiitplased

last night “as not one ot

those nights



After taking a doiihle digit
second half lead against South game
eastern (‘ontcieiice also iaii \lis

After huildiiig an ll point

l)e.\loss hlaiiied the tollapsc oii a Ltd of ettoit hs

\ll«.' \ llt.

isoiking tor the hall

\ou’xe got to tsaiit tlte hall

l\\ ll‘tt' ( .ils' §t\t=

Hi‘ \ou tould ha\c hlamed it oii S loi

“ stioot.ti:'

l‘e‘sl \ht \tilk'l's

\\li.ite\et' the reason. l'ls' couldn't stoic late iii tli.

l’eihaps more egiti'iousl}. the ieteiai: (Kits got out

sissippi State, the l K \soiiicii‘s llll\lic'il ht the halt} Bulldogs. \sho stait thice titslitiieii
haskethall team hlets it. and the
(‘ats ha\e no one to hlanie hut

oiie sophoiiioie and a iuiiioi. ssho t\.is a tollege tiatis
tci \Khilc l K '.\as missing. pei‘itiictei sltols \lSl ts.“

l‘llllltlllL‘ dotsii e\er\ loose hall and tiiiiiiiig hustle ‘tlaxs
. . . i .

lllltt [\(tllllS





CHRIS lead iiiid\\a_\ through the setoiid “l was not pleased aim the “at tte tlosed the
DELOTELI. halt h} thrmtiiig the hall into the game." l)e\loss said "It‘s things too tan cttlllltil et
Kernel post. the (‘ats iiiesplitahh tort plats that I isas disappointed in. and that ioiii

columnist stopped throtsmg the hall into the

post. lnstead. the} started iatkiiig

p|a\ersi should he disappointed in "
.-\nd e\eii \\llll all that \\llll getting oiittsoiked
up perimeter shots \iid in the and missing shot attei shot atter had shot. the (ats led
process. the) shot the Bulldogs right hatk into the ht t\\o \\itli less than tiso setoiids to plat lo \\|ll the
game. game. all the} had to do \sas pretent \lSl‘ iioin stoi
On a night \\ hen toward .leiimter lluiiiphi'es onls mg on an iindeineatli inhounds plat
missed one shot en route to a career high 13 points. llie Bulldogs got .i hide open lat up
guards Jenn) Pfeifter and Samantha \lahoiie) tired lhis \\as the kind of game that expeiieiited. \etei
bucks at the Rupprimsdoun the stretch Mahones \\..is an teams should \\ltt lt i.\as the kind of game that
4-for—l4 and l’teifter “as an almost unhelietahle 1 tor \( ‘ \ \ tournament teams ha\e to \t in
13. )et throughout the final si\ minutes of regulation hid it \\.is .i game the (‘ats didn‘t desei\c to \\lll
and both otertinies. his continued to settle for outside (fitfl In [at]! H /\ ill) with iii/mi iiiiiioi /' mil/.9

shots and kept on missing them ttiltlt'f/ft/HL\AI"H1iItl'N}



zaixeis sink a: 't
lk‘i" \WJ v

\itt'iesoiifl l k s - ~i i

the to sax espctiaih \slteti iitt‘
tile \scie tioiihled. aii-l he would


help them sort out their t‘l‘tl‘lt'ttts



_ \tith religion on a high ll. s'a'xi: ..
COfltlnued ffOlTl page l \itthesoii s liist te\\ \eais .it .‘aiites as .2 s. i. wt .' v \ ~s 'i 9'
\ lsetitiitk\ \seie hard ‘\ttci tied \Ll Slt '*‘ . 'fe'. 't s


altotit t‘t‘ltL‘iolt and knows hots to sltili 'st‘al lit 3”“: 'Alit’ti l l\ toat hes llit l ls tft f .' shill

teatlt it shin scxcn games l‘lll tat


‘ ll ' ' M

"l \e learned so :iiiitli lioni \M‘tu‘ kept tioni .t hots: lB"'llfl l \\1itst l.ts,‘.l.i
llllllf \ltlls said \llht‘ llas .t l‘t‘t iiitst‘ til \( \ \ Ito ii iii l' . ‘ "t

t‘etsoiialits out of this “wilt! littoi‘s head i h t'iilttSlt?“ S d H -" "-‘ "ht” lit‘

lie's outspoken. and he i in get (iii'i \loiiiss \slio lt‘ , 'ill “Fill {:(V‘ | is tli'i't » «Her

dlt‘llL' “llll St‘ liltlll\ [‘t't‘l‘lt' \tV titillt‘rl \llillt \i‘ll .e?‘ '(‘ H ‘ \‘ ”‘ fti\?f‘i;1 Nut 5”. l‘.l\


iiiaii\ cultures and hackgioiitids hit “Mitt!
It makes him eittmal‘le "

\lills \tas not the onls l ls
foothill platci \ii‘tliesoii has at

fetted lans and the media


God has not rise "1"” ‘

(her the nest tliicc li's'eao. he xstll

i O r
siasotisl ls had a tom Ill DfiS Him lieat‘, "oak home to
l‘lllkll 'k" ”hi it? " 3; l lt‘l‘ila " .lllt‘ltil

MICHAEL sc'ttit‘.i.'\ stiioo‘. t'i‘



liiiiioi liiichai kct \M'sict stilts :/cd the knot AITCHESON it . it s 'n istei s
\Mioiharil “.Is a regular \ illllt h l \cti with of \i't lie ‘. gt. s it d:\ init\
Litter at home in (ieoigii litit son’s i.tl‘illl\ titt"tll‘t‘ls and ttcgiit h s iitc as


uhen he tame to l K. he sting \scre tiitital ot his dc .: ziniizstei
gled to find a church that tit him i isioii to go to l'ls'
Anthesim came to him one do luniot tpiarterhatk \ndre
after practice and told \‘voothard “oodsoti said .\ittheson leaned
he uould take him to thiirth the on his taith throughout his tning
next Sunda‘. seats at [K
"Mike‘s al\sass hecii there “C's «Il\\.i\s a gut \\ ho
lot me.” “oodsaid said ’It l ”M s I‘t‘SIHH" “oodsoit said
had .H]\ tllli‘slltilts ! Loiild ioaiit ‘llos heen tighting through all
on hiiii' the tittit isnt and .tl\‘.l\s support
\\ood\aid said that \ittht Cd Us“ U” i‘“ ”W Stilltiil lle
talis hatk on (rod and a lot of


loothall is not the onl\ cle
ment ot ms lite \itt heson said
'.\l_\ iealits Is to go hatk home.
get mt toh and get reads tor mt
iie\t phase ot st hooling ”

\1lllS Mltsl llt‘ \ J“ Y “All [1‘ \(‘C
\tttliesoii tind ‘\l\\ ess and
preat h at .i than it

‘ \\ hen he gets things tip and
iuiining‘ \1ilis said lot going
to he the tirst man in er there "




BRAD tur‘mm s'Ar:
UK outSIde guard Michael Attrhnsoii, 'itiht hint ks as itfa'l 'l‘wllt‘ Hti'df“ i iiit‘ 'lll‘S the hai' against S n?"
Carolina Football is not in Aitmeson‘s titans now that "t s t} ,dthittv has ended


son .il\\a\s had sotiiclhine post













Student (ioyernittent is again
making rumblings about altering its

It's about time.

Currently. the SO constitution
doesn't function as a constitution. a
structural basis for how 50 per—
forms. Right now. the constitution
serves as the go—to rulebook for
eyerything 50 does and considers.
front election rules to scholarship

For instance. the current consti-
tution tat'ailable online at
tion.pdf‘i contains a description of
almost the entire procedure for
dealittg with election violations (Ar-
ticle \'1. Section 9). Although this is
undoubtedly an improvement ot er
past constitutions. wlttch dictated
rules down to the number of signs
each candidate could ptit tip. it still
reaches a let'el of specificity that a
constitution shotild ay‘oid.

This is incredibly incony'enient
on multiple ley'els. including wlten
it comes to making a change to
sortie facet of S(i's regulations.
such as election procedures. lnstead
of amending normal legislation. the
seitate instead has to obtain the ap
protal of tile senate tttice. Because
of this fact. it‘s itot tititistial tor S(i
to hate to amend its constitution on
a yearly basis.

Tlte foundation of a democrativ
cally rtiit student organi/ation
should itot rest on sticlt a sltaky
foundation. Instead of constantly
amending the constitution. S(}
shottld trim it down to the bare net





















































Rules. regulations. election pro
cedtires and the like sliotild be
placed in legislation and treated as
such. Such legislation sliottld be
amendable by a maiority \ote of the
S(i Senate. without tlte conundrum
of a ye.tily reyision ot the SU con
stittition to ll\ only a few details
otit of the w ltole arrangement.

Tlte constitution of the l’nited
States is a concrete document.

its nice to know that the there
are those out there who are looking
to better the image ot the state of

The long time subiect of red
ltc’tls tokes. Kc‘lllllclsy lids lt'c'c‘ll It\t'l
and met again portrayed as a back
ward state. wheie politics hate tun
amok and soc tely is a shoelcss.
toothless group that niaiites with
one anotltei .\ totistns This Pt‘l'lla’s
.tl. t‘l cttlll’St‘. ls Ittlally ‘»\ltlll}l

llistory protessoi Ron l'll'.‘l has
takeit it upon ltintselt to help
change that tmage He doesn't like
the way this state has been tepi‘e
sented nationally atid has. ttttlt the
help of faculty tioitt l K. begun
work oit a documentary entitled
"Kentucky ;\n American Stoiy"
lltal looks lU [Witt'lttty llte slalt‘ .ts the
heart of .\nierica and a mii‘iot ol
:‘ymcrican ltistory

"Kentucky is known for nus
conceptions like ignorance. hillbil
lies and inbreeding ” l'K history
chair Dan Smith. who is working
with lzller on the docttinentaiy said
in the Kernel on Monday ‘léiit you
can't understand \met'ica it you
cant understand Kentucky ”

The doc umentaiy ~s obiet tite is
to show parallels between the land.
people and politit s ot the state to

SG constitution
should be cut
down to basics .

KERNEt toittoRiAL

amended oitly a handful of times iii
the more than 200 years since it
was enacted Likewise. SG's consti—
tution should not contain the day—
to—day rules and business that 80
deals with. The constitution itself
shotild be the basis for S(l‘s mis—
sion to represent student interests.
Nothing more. nothing less.

Since S(‘t is a purportedly de-
mocratic student organimtion. its
constitution should not be some—
thing that is so easy to chattge.
Once the constitution ltas been es—
tablished as a stable got ernmg
guideline. the ability to change it
shotild be restricted.

l'iinecessary and fi‘iyolous mod~
ilications are different front gett—
uinely necessary amendments. To
that end. because S(} is an Ul‘g‘dl‘lli
lation witlt its roots in the student
body. it should be tip to the student
body whether or not arty modifica-
tion to the S(i constitutio