xt7kkw57hc4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57hc4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1989 1989 1989-09-15 2020 true xt7kkw57hc4c section xt7kkw57hc4c  

Vol. XClll, No. 27

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Friday. September 15. 1989


At least 7 dead, 12 hurt in shooting

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A printing-
company employee who had been
talking about guns and Soldier of
Fortune magazine for about a year
stormed the plant yesterday with
an assault rifle, killing at least
seven people and wounding 12 oth-
ers before killing himself, police

“This guy‘s been talking about
this for a year," said Joe White. an
employee at Standard-Gravure Co.
“He’s paranoid and he thought ev~
eryone was after him."

The gunman, Joseph T. Wesbeck-
er, 47, of Louisville, was ap-
proached by fellow employee John
Tingle during the shooting spree.

"I said, ‘Rocky, what are you
doing here?” Tingle said. “He
said, ‘I told them I’d be back. Get
out of my way, John. I told them
I'd be back.‘ "

Tingle said he left the area, sum-
moned some nearby employees
into a rest room and locked the
door. Shortly thereafter, Wesbeck-
er climbed some stairs near the
bathroom and started shooting
again, Tingle said.

Wesbecker entered the building

at 8:30 am. with a duffel bag, an
AK47 rifle and a 9mm semiauto-
matic pistol. He randomly fired at
people with the rifle, which had
ammunition clips of about 25
rounds, said Louisville Police (‘hiet'
Richard Dotson.

”He was loaded for bear," Dot-
son said. “It started on the first
floor. By the time our officers ar~
rived he had gone up to the third
floor . . . and he eventually ended
up in a pressroom in an annex
area, which is where he killed him-

Dotson described Wesbecker as a
disgruntled employee of Standard-

Gravure. which prints newspaper
inserts and Sunday newspaper
supplements. He was on permanent
disability, although the nature of
his disability was not immediately

The chief said an officer who
knew Wesbecker told him the man
had been “argumentative and con,
frontational for a number of

Five of the wounded were in crit-
ical condition with multiple gun-
shot wounds: one person was
treated at a hospital and released,
authorities said. One person who
was not wounded suffered a heart

attack and was taken to lit‘.il‘.'i_.
Jewish Hospital.

“It looks like a battle zone
“1”] the blood and the pet);:le w.
\olved there." Louisville \lmoi'
Jerry Abramson said after touring
the three-story building atllal't‘tll in
The Courier-Journal newspaper iii
t'ices “There were l)lMlli'\ lying
across staircases It at.» 1nd

Police searched every floor iur
victims because of the building ,
many “nooks and crannies ' lliil
~0Il said. Two \‘lCllmS were [Hillel
during the mayor‘s tour

"We also found a fellow sitting l.

,1 corner that was inst shuddering
ll; teai“ ,\tii‘.iiiisuii said ”He
liailnt new. \i-zi‘ m,» hi- was in

"I llll'llLll.' 1' A.» firecrackers
iJ-lllIIJ nit llud (lraser. a
plt‘sxllldl liil‘ \taiiviai'dtira\ure
\Vhen l am what if was. l turned
.iround .imi w.e-:‘;iiod) to get
'iii! of then

lid (iI'I-t‘il .i ~ll})('l'\l>l)l‘ in the
plant‘s vivid: inoii. \(tltl he heard
I seen two vic-

.4! least . i \l til.»

illllS‘ Inn. l ._‘





63—! I

’1 fies


nament appearances.

“It should be a pretty good
match." Richardson said. “We’ve
been playing above our heads late-
] n


3. ._





Nikki Stubbs, a junior college
All—American, leads the EMU team
with 76 kills and 78 digs.

Roxanne Munch is not far behind
with 70 kills.

“She is a middle blocker who re—
minds me a lot of Lisa Bokovoy,"
DeBoer said. ”She can really hit a
lot of shots and really is danger-

UK will counter the Huron of-
fense with threats of their own.
Green and senior Veronica Cobb
have combined for 163 kills on the

Sophomore setter Laura Linder
runs the UK offense and has com~

But DeBoer is not concerned with

“I’m thrilled with this group
right now," DeBoer said. “They
are playing hard and trying really
hard to do the things that we ask.“

Eastern Michigan, however, is
not the only team on the UK coach-
ing staff‘s mind. because the Wild-
cats will play North Carolina 7:30
pm. tomorrow at home.

“When you have three days and
two matches back to back. you
have to at least look at the film on
them and plan a plan of attack,"
DeBoer said. “We will talk to the
team about Eastern Michigan. We
will practice a couple of things that
we‘ll do against North Carolina."

DeBoer, however, thinks her
team is capable of the task ahead
after seeing how UK captured their
first two tournaments.

“The thing that really pleases
me about this group of kids is that
level of play. they have respond-
ed,“DeBoer said.





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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, September 15, 1989


Michael L. Jones
Editorial Editor

C.A. Duene Bonlter
Editor in Chief

Brien Jent

Executive Editor

Eiizebeth Wede
Associate Editor

Tonle Wilt
Campus Editor

Julie Eeselmen
Special Projects Writer

Americans should stick together, not splinter into factions

Michael Jones‘ editorial in the
Sept. 6 Kentucky Kernel did what I
imagine a major function of the ed-
itorial section of a paper is r fa»
cilitate discussion, so here goes.

Michael began his column with a
quote from Malcolm X in which the
prominent social activist advocated
a measured. violent response to
racist acts —~ specifically, physical-
ly violent ones. Following that. Mi-
chael stated, “Those words by Mal-
colm X are just as relevant today
as they were 20years ago “

I would tend to disagree. I do not
deny anyone their right to defend
themselves, but I do question the
argument that states that violence
is a viable solution to any conflict.
Malcolm X was a man with a par~
ticularly conflictoriented approach
to the solution of mast tensions.

Also, Malcolm X’s words came
during what was undoubtedly one
of our nation's most socially violent
eras. If I were to grant even a
shred of validity to Malcolm X‘s
reasoning which I'm not prepared



to do), the comparison still
wouldn’t apply to the present day.

Some of the most severe inci-
dents of racial violence in recent
times Michael mentioned lsuch as
the Yusef Hawkins tragedy in Ben-
sonhurst. N.Y.i shouldn’t be con-
strued to mean that racism of that
severity is widespread or indica-
tive of the course of an entire na-

The most recent event to consid-
er when talking about racism
would have to be the developments
in Virginia Beach, Va. Michael's
account simply stated outright that
blacks were harassed and that they
retaliated. I’ve found things a bit
more complicated.

The Louisville Courier-Journal
ran an Associated Press article on
Sept. 5 that stated: “Eyewitnesses


Nina Lelchuk. Piano

Sept. 15

Oct. 20 Paul Neubauer, Viola

Nov. 10 Daniel Mason, \fiolin

Jan. 19


Schuyler Robinson, Organ

A limited number of tickets are available to UK Students upon
presentation of a validated, full-time lD card.

Tickets will be distributed on Thursday and Friday (while
supply lasts) prior to each performance. Distribution of tickets for
the next performance will take place on Thursday, September
14 and Friday, September 15, 1989.

STUDENT CENTER 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Box Office
COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS, 204 Dean‘s Office
8 a.m.-12 p.m.

Feb. 2 Stephen Gunzenhauser
Guest Conductor

Peter Segai, guitar

Feb. 24 Leon Bates, Piano

Mar. 16 All Orchestra Concert


Missa Solemnis



said the violence began after thou-
sands of dancing and mingling stu-
dents clogged Atlantic Avenue
early Sunday morning, blocking an
ambulance trying to retrieve a 20
year-old man who had been injured
in a fall from the fourth floor of the
Kona Kai Hotel.

“Police tried to clear a path,
triggering pent-up anger, several
students said, at the city‘s luke-
warm welcome for the black fra~
ternities and alleged petty ha-
rassment by police,"

Responding in such a reactionary
manner is anything but mature,
and a black man will never earn
the respect of a racist as long as he
continues to react in the manner
the racist thinks he will. There was
a truly great civil rights leader
named Martin Luther King Jr. who
taught that very lesson, and it
should be noted that Michael Jones
believes that “Martin Luther King
Jr.‘s dream is just that.“

Michael tells us that Jack Grave-
ly. president of the Virginia Nation-

al Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, said that the po-
lice’s “response was to confront
the students from a position of
power" and that the students “felt
squeezed" and “felt a need to show
discontent." I think Mr. Gravely is
unduly fueling fires here by over»
playing the situation.

How else would a group of po~
licemen confront any crowd, black
or white, but from a position of
power? Officers are given a certain
amount of power to uphold laws.
Moreover, feeling “squeezed" is
hardly a reason to touch off two
days of rioting and looting.

Michael goes on to say: “I am
not blaming white Americans for
the state of African-Americans
today, but I am not absolving them
of blame, either. The whole Ameri-
can system of government is de-
signed to take advantage of the
poor. Every minority group from
the Chinese to the Africans has
been exploited upon arriving on
these shores."



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in search of a killer.
he found someone
w lio‘s either the low

of his life...

or lllt‘ curl of it.

From these words it seems to me
that Michael Jones is prone to ex-
hibit racist-like views toward
whites as he groups them all to
place or not to place "blame” and
implies that whites exclusively
sought to exploit people of other
nationalities as they immigrated.

I think I had the most trouble
with Michael's statement that.
" African-Americans should
owe allegiance to no group except
themselves.“ N0 allegiance, Mi-
chael? If all blacks hold‘that belief.

then there will never be the chance
for various peoples to resolve their
differences and become simply the
race of man. a goal I'm sure we all
would consider desirable.

I do agree with Michael that rac-
ism exists in the US. and that
steps must be taken to eliminate it.
But a solution will involve all
races, even the ones being discrim-
inated against.

Contributing Writer Christopher
Hunt is a journalism and political
science Junior.

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